#if she were my president i'd be trying to fucking assassinate her tho
lerios · 2 months
also wow Romana is COMICALLY corrupt lmao. like queen i love you but holy shit
"i dont have friends, just allies" yes bitch, because you keep elevating your only friends to political positions and destroying laws so that you can force your point on your pet causes 😭
2 episodes ago she was making dodgy backroom deals with known criminals because She Wanted To and anything is permissible to her if She Wants To. she knows Brax is committing 24/7 crime and its fine because her besties can do whatever they want. no shit she's a good candidate to become imperiatrix, she fundamentally sees no real issue with herself having ultimate power, that's practically what she's already doing lmao 🙃
like bestie WHAT is wrong with you. i went into this series expecting the main personal problem to be Narvin being a wet pathetic neurotic babyman but god Romana is a legitimate fucking car crash already (politically and otherwise)
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