#if she is who i thinknshe is
codemonki · 6 months
Johnathan Simms gives strong miles edgeworth energy in season one.
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theood · 2 years
Lots kf dreans
One was back in school. Going to lunch? John was there, and refused to let me be behind him in line. Then, I left the line and John was gone but a guy who didn't look like him but I called him Hardwon was at a table. People were sitting at MY table so wenhad to slide down
Then, at some point Sam and Dean were in my dreams
Then, I had Bev's dog Jinx. She did her own thing in this dream. But, in this dream I let her out to pee and she wandered off, so I was calling her and picked her up.
I was then walking around and people were calling her cute and stuff and wanting to pet her. Then, some taller guy grabbed my, and I had a reaction. In dream I knew him? Or hesrd of him bc then a slightly older man was talkiny to me asking if I was eating anf stuff. He told me he was waiting for me. I then founf a Tumblr that was like about whatever anf also a rp group and haf some good audio
In omendream i remember asking my mom if she saw Jinx bc I hadnt anf then Jinx showed up but I thinknshe turnes into a cat eventually wheneber that happened
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hoghtastic · 7 months
I agree with the anon who said ..."Some even just there because they want to see this relationship go down".
I still would like to see everyone who only following her for Alex to stop for 24 to 48 hours just to see what the numbers look like. I bet that would get her attention. I hate that his numbers go down as her's rise for just that reason and not forever her talent. I don't want her to reach 10k, she doesn't deserve it!!
Alex has changed so much and just looks so broken and i thinknshe relishes it, she gets off on it, all the control she has. If her numbers dropped I would assume she would do a major Alex post to get them.back!! It's so obvious and Alex is so blinded to it or he has just convinced himself.other wise. I still would love to see that happen!! Just to prove that point!!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this, anon. 😊 If that happened, my guess is that her number of followers would greatly decrease. She'd still have more followers than she had before Alex, simply because she's been in some more projects after that, so probably some co-workers she met along the way and musical/theatre fans would have started following her since then. But it would in no way compare to the followers she has now.
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