#if sb ever picks them all back up again and undoes willys time travel plot im gonna cry 100 days
borrelia · 1 year
sometimes au versions of characters are just so.... so divorced from the original context that they become so different from the original character that its not even compelling anymore. what do you find interesting here? what remains of the original character? but sometimes those au characters are divorced from their original context in a way that makes both the au and canon REALLY interesting from the character perspective. you get to pick apart the nature v nurture of Why a character is like this, how might htey have handled conflicts differently, how would the story change, what new conflicts would be introduced?
^ i just remembered how fucking Insane i used to go over sb's ocs willy and eille bc oughghgh what if dr w DIDNT grow up miserable and isolated by x-1? what if he got friends--real friends early on, who didn't leave him or die or anything. what if he saw what he would become, what x-1 really was? what kind of person would he be? what kind of person was he, as a teen? who would ellie become without her friends? what if her apathy was never really challenged? what if she was a robot. sorry eille youre not quite as complicated as willy and also i know i messed up your character a lot. can we still be friends.
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