#if rosie's gonna sort of side with charlie even because of alastor then for me they're gonna have a sort of godparents vibe to them
roz-ani · 10 months
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You think there's any chance they'll adopt her at some point?
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xshybutdeadlyx · 8 months
What I wanna see next season is if the hotel gang CAN get Alastor to see them as friends. Personally, I think when he was talking with Nifty, there's is a spark of fondness as he watched them, but also I 100 percent believe he would/is using them for his personal gain. To get out of whatever deal he's in I'm sure he would resort to any underhanded tricks or use anyone to get out of it which makes him a very interesting character to me especially if he holds any ounce of fondness for anyone regardless of who. Because you can still seek power and even have that power and be fond of certain people. I'm just curious to see what the gang is gonna do. Like Charlie, would she be the one to show Alastor " Hey you didn't have to be so underhanded about this, even if you don't see me as a friend you're still a friend to me and I would have done it for you and all you had to do was ask." Like, could that sway Alastor? Would that be enough to? It seems like Rosie and him are tight, but they also mutually benefit from each other . There is exploitation on both their ends, but there is still that fondness. Enough for them to be drinking tea and gossiping about the old hag Susan. I think all and all I'm really curious about is the WHAT IF and I'm spirling from it. I think it would be a GRULING and PAINSTAKING road to get the Radio demon of all people to, in any sort of sense, care about you. But dammit I think it means something when he let Charlie sing into his microphone because that's his damn power he shouldn't let ANYONE near that shit! But here he is, letting the princess of hell sing a magical Disney number to a bunch of cannibals. Sure, you can say it was for her to use her charm and to get all the cnnibals on their side and for them to you know, hear her. But like she had a perfectly good microphone to use, she didn't need to use HIS, and he didn't need to give it to her. Hell, he could have just held it out for her to sing into or speak whatever, but he physically gave it to her. In my eyes, that means something.
But I also believe that his fight with Adam set him back. He was getting too comfortable he was growing soft. And becoming soft gets, you killed, and Alastor can't die before he accomplishes what he wants to accomplish. And what does he want to accomplish when he actually gets out of this deal? Does he want to be the overlord of overlords? Does he want to overthrow lucifer? It would explain the animosity when he met him. Whatever the power grab is for I do believe that any ounce of fondness he did hold for them is now pushed back into the recesses of his mind and he's now back to pilot Alastor that's there for one reason only. But I don't think that means that that fondness can't be pulled back out, especially if the gang ends up helping him get out of his deal of their own free will. But depending on how he would need to get out of the deal, I guess the question would be, would they? As long as it ain't killing someone, I feel like Charlie's bleeding heart would do anything to help Alastor.
Of course, all this is hypothetical, and it's from the context of how I read the scenes as well as him as a character. Personally all this word vomit is because the thought of the gang having to physically fight Alastor literally makes me anxious as hell because I fucking love everyone and I just want to be mad delusional and everyone still be demons have flaws but be besties at the end of the day! Is that too much to ask!? If you stayed and actually read all my word vomit I thank you, you're a trooper and I respect the hell out of you because this was essentially just a rant post to get my anxiety out of me as well as to just kinda dive into the mind of Alastor from my point of view.
Hopfully season 2 wont take another 4 years and hopfully it's gentle with my poor little fragile heart because the fucking season finale of season 1 fucked me straight up brother, in good and back ways :D.
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angelfire115 · 5 years
Such a surprise
It was an important day, a day to remember. It was Charlie's birthday, her 50th century one as well. It was pretty unbelievable for her that she's lived so long. Her parents promised to throw an amazing ball every century to celebrate the life she's lived and today was that day. Everyone was coming, her friends and family were all gonna be there. And all sorts of important people from all across hell. Other nobles and even a few overlords were going to go.
She was a little nervous, she had always been excited for her grand birthday ball but since her Happy Hotel announcement, she wondered if anyone outside her circle was even going to show up. Even if the king and queen invited them, would they want to see the disappointing princess of hell? She didn't even want to think about her seeing her father again. She was looking forward to a great time and seeing her mother but still, she couldn't help but be on edge.
During the drive there, Charlie sat with a nervous look on her features. Tapping her feet on the floor and playing with a ribbon attached to her golden dress, she fiddled and twitched, imagining all kinds of events that could all lead to disaster. Vaggie, her best friend, noticed her behavior and moved to her side. Placing her hands on both her shoulders, massaged them a bit to get her to relax. Vaggie: "Come on Charlie, it will be fine, you'll be okay, I promise".
Charlie looked up to her friend and smiled sweetly, Vaggie was always there to help and was glad she was always by her side. They've been friends for years and its been fun. Angel dust sat on the other side of the limousine, all dolled up himself. With that large poofy wig that sat snuggly on him and his long shiny dark pink dress with a slit on his right leg, plus all the make up, his poofy chest and wonderfully made nails. No one that's ever heard or met him could even guess he was a male.
With one last look on his small mirror he brang, he turned his attention back to the other two. He may have looked like he wasn't paying attention but somehow he was. Angel Dust: "Come one Char, you freak out too much, this is your birthday party you only have once a century, you gotta enjoy it". He was somehow being supportive, at least in a good enough mood to be helpful.
Angel dust: "Anyway, this might be a good opportunity to score yourself a man, someone that can even help you boost your hotel with their money, its how I get by". Charlie rolled her eyes and went back to pouting as Vaggie glared down Angel. Charlie: "I'm not using someone for their money Angel, anyway, I'm not really interested in relationships right now, I'll just have fun and get through the day". Vaggie smiled and gave her friend a side hug. Vaggie: "That's the spirit".
She may have calmed down on the ride thanks mainly Vaggie with some help from Angel but when she reached the building with the ball, her nerves started to build once more. There were a lot of people at the front, so many it was hard to see the front door. It was a surprise too, why would anyone want to be here? Was it because of free food or was it Charlie's parents? Could be any of those reasons but at least there were people to make the place complete. Not that, that was any more reassuring.
The place did look amazing especially on the inside. Chandeliers, large white and clean tables, decorations and lights filled the ceilings and a large beautiful sign saying "Charlotte Magne Birthday Ball" hanged up under a porch area where her parents were to make the announcements and speeches. The food especially was amazing, all her favorites on every one of them.
When she walked down the stairs is when everyone looked up, quieting the room. She looked around, now more nervous as she saw all the eyes eyeing her, judging her. She smiled to everyone brightly, a sort of greeting she was able to give on the spot. But everyone just went back to talking. Making it back down the stairs with a nervous sigh, she immediately ran into Niffty and Husk.
Niffty: "Oh Ms Charlie so glad you're here you look wonderful love the bow do you want me to get you a drink? Or food? Whichever one oh Alastor is over there with Lady Rose if you want to find him me and Husk are just gonna get a drink see ya later". And just like that, Niffty took off with Husk following behind. She always did that, speaking without taking a breath and not letting anyone say a word.
But it was noted where Alastor was. It wouldn't be hard to notice him since he's red and tall and she spotted him immediately. She felt a jolt of excitement, the more she coild stick around her friends, the more comfortable she could be. Followed by Vaggie and Angel dust, they were able to traverse the crowd of demons to reach the other two which were Lady Rosie and Alastor.
Charlie: "Al! Hey, glad you could make it". Alastor turned his attention to the call of his nickname and was able to catch the girl before she almost fell. Alastor: "Hello Charlie, glad to be here, thank you for inviting ma and dear Rosie here". Charlie turned and smiled to Rosie, Alastors friend and companion. She smiled her own toothy smile. Rosie: "You are such a sweetheart Charlie, I was surprised you invited me". Charlie: "Well, Al speaks about you often so I thought it would be nice to meet you and besides, any friend of Als' or any of the others are always welcome".
Rosie smiled a face of interest. Rosie: "Al hmm, how adorable, she gave you a nickname". Alastor smiled more as well, amused by it. Alastor: "Yes, she is a sweetheart". Charlie giggled herself, she always found it amusing of the nicknames people have her so she always tried her own nicknames as well.
The sudden sound of a microphone tuning, silenced the room. Up on a small stage under the balcony stood a tall slim insect demon wearing a long black dress. Announcer: "Hello everyone, I would like to announce the arrival of the king and queen of hell, who have a few words to say, please give a hand to the grand rulers of hell". Loud applause filled the room as both rulers of hell parted the curtains and walked forward on the balcony. As they arrived, everyone, except Charlie, bowed in respect to their majesties.
Lilith: "Thank you all for attending my beautiful daughters birthday, today is her 50th century birthday, a day I always can't wait to celebrate". Lilith's seductive voice sent shivers down nearly every males spine who were too weak to resist. Charlie looked up to Alastor who stood with a wide smile, seemingly unfazed. Charlie: *Typical*. Charlie couldn't help but silently giggle on how hardy Al is in ladies beauty.
Lilith backed away to allow her husband to speak next. Seeing her father sent her own shivers. Their last conversation didn't really end well, even thinking about it made her boil with anger and great sadness. Lucifer: "It is quite an exciting time, my daughter growing more great every day, well, without further adieu, let the event begin".
With that, grand music Charlie enjoyed sometimes, played through the hidden speakers. A floorr was cleared for those to dance. During that time, Vaggie and Angel mysteriously disappeared. Rosie also took off, from what Charlie heard, she went to go use the ladies room or something. Now Charlie and Alastor stood together, kind of alone. Charlie so badly wanted to talk, but something was stopping her and she didn't know what.
As for Al, he also stayed silent, not really moving at all or blinking. Charlie thought she may as well break through whatever kind of hesitation she was feeling. ??: "Well well well, its been a while Charlotte, how have you been?". A voice Charlie recognized spoke behind her. Absolute dread fueled her heart and soul as she slowly turned to face the one person she hoped to never see in her eternal life.
A grueling smile she always dread greeted her as she met face to face with Harold Von Eldritch, her ex. Charlie: "I've been great, Harold, how about you?". Harold smiled crudely as he met her eyes. Harold: "Likewise, wow, its been so long, you're still beautiful as ever". With an elongated finger, he slowly and gently stroked her cheek. The sensation made her sick as she tried not to cringe or flinch. Harold: "How about this, since we haven't spoken in so long, why don't we have a dance?".
Propping himself all gentlemen like, he hwld out his hand for her to take. Before she could refuse his offer and make up and excuse, a hand with very long nails grabbed her shoulder. Alastor: "Sorry dear fellow but me and Charlie here were about to go to the dance floor ourselves, so if you'll excuse us, shall we dear?". Her savior appeared in the form of red. Alastor finally speaking up, held out his own hand for her to take. Charlie smiled thankfully and took it, waving goodbye to Harold as she continued to the dance floor with Alastor.
Charlie: "Thanks for that Al, I didn't know how much I could take talking to him". Making it to the dance floor, they both swayed and danced with the music. Alastor: "Tis no problem my dear, I can't handle that pompous talker either". Charlie rolled her eyes, slightly laughing at his way of saying that. Charlie: "This coming from the king of pompous talking".
Alastor: "Hahaha, oh no my dear, my talking is way more defined then his". Charlie: "So you admit it then, that you are a pompous talker". Alastor: "I didn't say that". Charlie laughed and so did Alastor. They're laughter caught the attention of Angel and Vaggie who were gettimg drinks. Angel dust: "Well well, not what I expected, I did tell her to get a man but I didn't think that one. Kinda fits though if ya think about it". Vaggie became more tense, she never have and never will trust him, ever. And seeing him with Charlie made her blood boil. She just wished Charlie could see the danger.
Vaggie: "There is no way they are becoming a thing". Angel Dust: "You sure? Cause I think she's smiling her face off with all the laughing she's doing". Vaggie: "Uugh!". Too annoyed to deal with anything else, Vaggie moved away to somewhere she could relax. Meanwhile, both Charlie and Alastor continued their dance. Charlie: "Hey Al? How are you a good dancer?". Alastor: "Lots of practice dear". Charlie: "Really?". Alastor stayed quiet for a while, only following the song with a sway. But after that moment he stopped and placed his hands on Charlies shoulders.
Alastor: "My dear, how about we move to the balcony? There I will tell you my secret". Charlie: "Oh?". Guided by his hand, he lead her to the balcony area, alone. While they traversed the crowd, Angel spotted them leaving while drinking a martini. Angel dust: "And where are you two going?". When they made out, the warm air fueled by the burning lava from below was a sort of refreshing feeling compared to the air con filled ball room.
Charlie stretched her limbs, satisfied by the chamge of air. Charlie: "So what are we doing out here?". Alastor, walked to the balcony, leaning against it with Charlie following his lead. Alastor: "Well, you wanted to know hiw I can dance, right?". Charlie looked surprised, he was willing to tell her? Charlie: "Uh okay, how?". Alastor: "Well, my mother, she taught me. When I was young I wanted to go to a dance at my school, but I didn't know how to dance, my lovely mother taught me how to, it was simple at first, but after a while she taught me more. More of the difficult kind of dances, it was enjoyable, ever since then, I've loved dancing".
Charlie listened to his story carefully, she found it amazing and beautiful his story was. Charlie: "Your mother must have been amazing". Alastor stared off, in the blur of the moment of thinking of his mother, he changed to a gentle look Charlie thought she'd never see, from him especially. Seeing that sent something down her spine and shot her heart, nothing she would ever expect to feel in so long or so strong. Charlie: "Alastor". Alastor turned to Charlie, his gentleman expression gone in an instamce but Charlies' deep feeling still stayed.
Alastor leaning in his palm now, stared at Charlie with lowered eyes. Charlie coudnt help but stare back. Alastor: "Yes my dear?". Without thinking, Charlie leaned up and kissed him, right on his lips. The action of it, making his eyes shoot wide open, more open then he probably ever has done in his life. Charlie retracted slowly, her eyes low as she savoured the feeling. She didn't realize what she'd done till she looked back up at Al. Charlie: "I-I, Oh my god I, uh, um, Al,I I". She stammered on her words but it was clear she had no way of getting out of it so easily.
Her only choice was to abort so she left the situation, running back inside, leaving Al to contemplate on his own. Her face turning red, she stopped at the door to the balcony trying to hide her embarrassment. Angel dust, appeared from nowhere, mixing around a glass of wine. Angel dust: "Well, that went well how ya doin princess?". Charlie couldn't speak, only squeal in embarrassment which was a clear message to Angel.
Angel dust: "Alright alright, no need to get your panty in a twist, its ya birthday, come on lets get that red face sorted before you attract a crowd". Both started heading their way to the bathroom. Alastor however, calmly watched over the lava pools that swirled in the area. Alastor: "Hehe". Covering his own face, Alastor built up a red of his own. He was glad no one was on the balcony, he wouldnt want anyone to see it or at least get blood all over his nice suit. Wouldn't suit the eyes for the lovely princess Charlie. Alastor: "Oh Charlie, you are simply a mystery, having caused such reactions from me is unheard of but, still, I look forward to what you can surprise me with next."
Charlastor week: last day (I think)
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