#if one of you mongrels come at me with that I'm eating yall kneecaps
sunofthestar · 1 year
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With it being his birthday event and all, it really made me think more about Leviathan and now that I did... I noticed just how little he values or factors MC's comfort or consent in anything. Sure, MC's consent is iffy with everyone since everyone drags MC everywhere, but USUALLY they're pretty apologetic like "sorry you gotta deal with this" or back off sort of when prompted to, but Leviathan is by far the largest culprit in forcing his interests, problems, and etc on MC. He does it with everyone honestly, probably the largest problem causer near. Even more than Mammon. He never really apologizes either, just sort of makes the excuse (most out of every character mind yall) that he's a demon or whines/sulks until he gets his way.
I thought about it more when I consider how he was 3rd most popular in the last popularity poll and being pretty surprised. Like, I guess he's kinda relatable? And he definitely is up there with the funniest commentary, but... when you really look at him, he's pretty suffocating and childish without considering how MC feels much. Man I wish I had picture examples on hand imma just have to surf for em, there were some in his old bday events that I CAN'T GET TO ANYMORE so imma just name some stuff by memory:
*Designates MC as the heroine in Doji without asking
*Ignores MC saying no when asked to talk the Belphegor about not wanting to game (literally goes "lalala I can't hear you"
*Tries to steal Bephegor's signature in his sleep to force his consent in a game tournament
*Repeatedly drags everyone into his fantasies and throws tantrums when he can't
*One of the main perpetrators other than Mammon to intervene in MC having fun
*Throws a bratty fit in one of his bday events and literally goes "its MY bday and I choose what we do!!!" (Mammon kinda do that too but way less annoying)
There's way more lol but ya boi can't remember but anyway ye just an observation I had that I needed to get out my head by making this burn book for me reason
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