#if nothing else i need some background noise to knit to. lol
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
My stupid brain will be like “I can’t listen to the audio version of this media because it’s incomplete :( so I guess I won’t be reading/experiencing it at all :(“ like girl only the last few parts are missing and it’s fucking hundreds of hours long. It doesn’t matter if it’s complete or not, you’re not making it to the end either way
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Seventy-Nine: Community ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
It’s been quite some time since Sasuke’s felt any sense of community. The last he can truly remember was when his clan was still alive. Even if they had been a bit...ostracized, despite his lack of knowing, he at least had felt like he belonged among them. As both an Uchiha, and a son of the clan head, Sasuke was recognized and treated well. Their clan was close-knit, and though he’d often been easily jealous of Shisui, and his father had been standoffish, Sasuke was rarely left feeling a want for attention.
And then...well, that had been taken from him over the course of a single night.
From then on, Konoha had felt like a barren, lonely place. His classmates all looked to him with with a mixture of superstitious fear, and a kind of pity...which he never wanted. Suddenly he wasn’t just a person...he was a spectacle. The famed last Uchiha...besides his murderous brother.
...a commodity. 
His Academy years were spent in a painful loneliness. Of course, it was, in part, orchestrated himself. He didn’t need anyone, didn’t want anyone. He had one goal...one purpose. Anything else was merely a distraction. A waste of time. He shunned the others as they shunned him. The boys all thought he was trying too hard, a stick in the mud. And the girls - most, at any rate - thought he was alluring with his darkened mood and want for solitude.
And all that did was annoy him further.
There was so little left in Konoha to consider worthwhile. His goal now stood at the horizon, far beyond the village’s walls. His only vision was that of Itachi slain, vengeance assured for his clan.
And when Konoha didn’t give him what he needed...he left, no longer tied to the place of his birth. Without his family...it was no longer home. No...he carried home within his heart: all those he’d lost. And until they were given justice, that home was a turbulent, darkened place.
Oto no Kuni - Orochimaru’s various lairs - were hardly a place he’d call home. It was just a place to be. To live, to train, to await the day he would come into his own and defeat Itachi.
Then, and only then...could he rest.
Once Orochimaru was slain, he gathered his useful pieces, and headed out to find his brother. He could almost feel it: the peace at the end of the battle, once all was said and done. Once Itachi lay dead, cryptic words spoken...Sasuke collapsed.
Is this...the end? Did I come so far just to fall? But maybe...it’s better this way. I can see them all again...I won’t have to know life without them any longer. Maybe…
...but that was not to be. It would be many more months of torment, lies, manipulation, and struggle before Sasuke could ever begin to find peace. Again and again his plans were foiled, forced to change...and then...he ended up right back where he started.
It was...odd. The village looked completely different. But then again, he’d heard of the destruction wrought by Pein of the Akatsuki. Though he’d not seen it for himself, the aftermath - the scale of the change - was telling enough.
...and the village itself wasn’t all that had changed.
Even after the war - even after stopping the entirety of humanity from being turned into mindless plant monstrosities - Sasuke was looked upon with mistrust, hate, and disdain. In a way, he couldn’t blame them. He’d gone to whatever lengths necessary to do what he thought was right. But nor could he bring himself to regret any part of it. It all led him to this moment.
...but what was left? His brother was dead, his clan still unavenged as Konoha was left to continue on untried for genocide. He still wanted to fix things...but how…?
His answer, as it turned out...was risen from the dead.
With Itachi’s return, they had all the evidence they needed. Speaking to the other clan members in his year, he managed to create a truce: for the clans to come together, to confront the council of Hiruzen’s era...and bring light to the massacre at last.
Among their first allies in the confrontation were the Hyūga, Hinata agreeing to help talk to the other clans and keep them calm. Revealing a village-ordered massacre, after all, was sure to be a...tender subject. And afterward, it was they who approached with an official alliance. After all, the Uchiha were so few...to have numbers behind them would surely only benefit them...right?
Though his pride was stung for it, Sasuke eventually agreed...if, for nothing else, his brother’s sake. Itachi was still recovering from his revival...and they had other weaknesses to account for. As powerful as they both were...they were only two.
...until Shisui revealed his falsified suicide, but...that was an entire other tale.
To Sasuke...it was a gift he’d never expected. A living brother, cousin...and his brother’s children. Four Uchiha beyond himself he hardly dared to pray for. Even if only a fraction...his community was back.
...and it was expanding.
Reparations with those of his year were...slow. But among the first to truly welcome him back had been Hinata. And the more he ended up spending time with her - through clan business, mutual acquaintances, and just...bumping into her - the more Sasuke realized...he actually enjoyed her company. Unlike most other young women he knew, she didn’t feel the need to fill every moment with noise or words. She, like him, seemed to value peace and quiet. She, like him, was content to linger in the background, more a listener than a speaker. They could, when left mostly to themselves, just sit in a companionable silence and feel perfectly content.
...she was, in all reality, his first friend coming back to Konoha. She helped him feel like he...belonged. His sense of community had been broken long ago, but...she, alongside his family, helped it begin to heal.
“...thank you.”
Startling from what was certainly a daydream, Hinata looks up to him, blinking. “...w...what?” She glances around, a bit confused. The pair are walking from a gathering of their peers: a night out for barbeque that only just ended. Living in the same general direction, they’ve just...ended up on the same path. “...um...what for, Sasuke-kun?”
For a moment, he doesn’t answer, eyes trained ahead. But by now, she’s grown accustomed to his thoughtful silences before speaking. “...for...stuff like this.”
“Just...normal things.”
Considering him for a moment, Hinata can’t help a small wilt of her brows. “I’m...not sure I know what you mean…”
“How you treat me. Like...a regular person. Everyone else is still...not. I get it - I know why. But...I appreciate what you do. For me. So...thanks.”
Understanding then brightens her expression. “...oh! Well...you’re certainly welcome, Sasuke-kun. I know, um...I know we didn’t really k-know each other before you...left. But...I’d like to think we’ve become...really good friends since you came back!” She gives a beaming smile. “...I guess I’m sorry we didn’t really...have a chance to do this...before.”
“...not sure it would have worked before,” he replies quietly.
“...maybe you’re right. But...I appreciate it now.”
“...yeah? Me too. It’s...helped me settle back in. Slowly, but...I’m getting there. There’s still a lot to...adjust to.”
“Oh, I’m sure...but...I’m glad I can help.” A soft pink graces her cheeks. “...that makes me very...h-happy to hear that. I think...you’re a very good person, Sasuke-kun. You, um...you made some mistakes. But you were trying to reach a good goal, I think.”
“...good person, huh…”
“Mhm. And...it’s good to have you back. I know it can’t be easy to just...f-fall back into a community like that. But I’m glad you’re trying. And...I’m glad I’m making that a little e-easier.”
Sasuke gives her a glance. “...you are.”
Another smile, and with a turn they reach the street of her clan’s gate. “...well, I guess I’ll see you...later.”
“Yeah...have a good night.”
“You too, Sasuke-kun.” Waving, she turns into her family’s land, soon disappearing from view.
For a long moment, he considers her words, lingering just outside. Friends, huh? Good friends...that should make him happy. And yet...there’s an underlying...frustration.
Unable to puzzle it out, he instead heaves a small sigh...and keeps on his way back home.
     Guh, this is...very late, and honestly not what I wanted, but I had a VERY long day, so I only barely managed to eek this out, I'm sorry @~@ I really tried, but I fear a tired brain is a little lackluster. Tomorrow, I hope, I won't be so rushed. Not everything you do for a daily challenge, sadly, can be a winner lol      ANYWAY! This is, actually, a prompt I like. Sasuke's sense of community is a complicated, many-times-broken thing. And in ALAS, rebuilding that for what will HOPEFULLY the last time isn't easy. But Hinata is one of the few who help make that process a bit less painful n_n      But on that note, I REALLY need to get to bed, aha~ Thanks for reading!
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olivenight17 · 5 years
No, this isn’t me saying goodbye to my blog. I just had this scene in my head and I couldn’t get rid of it so here we are. These are oc’s I made a while back for BNHA, so it’s understandable that I don’t think anybody cares lol. I was in an angsty mood and I had been toying around with how I wanted this to go anyways. So, if anyone bothers to read this cry your hearts out I guess? Is it even really that angsty or sad? I don’t know, this is my first time writing heavy angst. Also, because my oc’s are originally from America they usually speak English so any dialogue in italics is in English. Also, the bolded words are text messages.
TW: character death(it’s my oc though so don’t worry), mild gore, panic attack, light cursing, angst without a happy ending (unless anyone even wants a part 2?)
Mara let out a happy sigh as she sat down in a seat in the library. For once, she had gotten a good amount of sleep, felt confident about the test she would be taking later in math and had gotten to school a whole half hour early. Thus, a whole half hour to herself where she didn’t have to be tied to a conversation or hear students yelling down the hall.
Just as the girl was about to pull out a book, her phone buzzed. Confused, she took it out to find a text from Cole.
Hey, Mar! Remember Natalie? She finally got the main lead in the school play, I’m about to head in to see it.
Mara smiled at the words. Natalie had been a good friend to her and Cole up until Mara moved from America to Japan. The girl was shy but from what Mara had seen, was a killer actress. Eagerly, the navy haired girl started typing.
That’s great! Tell her how proud I am after the show, she really deserves this.
She laughed at the gif of a salute he sent her and put her phone down, getting started on her book. It had been a while since she had actively read and, after hearing the reviews on this book in particular, thought it was a perfect start to get her out of her reading slump. However, just as she was about to finish the first chapter, her phone started ringing. Jumping up, she rushed her phone out into the hallway, wincing as she noticed the librarian giving her an evil eye. “Hey, you nearly gave me a heart attack-”
“Mara, thank god.”
She paused at the urgency in Cole’s voice. “Cole, what’s wrong? I thought you were going to see the school play… and what’s that noise in the background?” She asked, her brows knitting together as she heard him take a steadying breath.
“The school got attacked by some of the students just as the play started. They’ve got lava and metal quirks and I…” He paused to hiss in pain. “I tried to escape and get help, but they stabbed me. I only got away because one of them came close enough for me to numb their body. Fuck, never knew being stabbed would hurt so badly.”
Mara felt her stomach drop. “Where did you get stabbed? Did you call 911? Is anyone else hurt?” She couldn’t stop the flurry of questions from leaving her mouth as she gripped her shirt hard enough to tear it.
Cole sucked in a breath. “In the ribs, nothing too fatal, but it is slowing me down. I called 911 as soon as I could. And from what I could see, yes… a lot of people got hurt.”
Mara’s head was swimming in confusion. Her old school may not have had the best security, but no attacks had ever occurred before this point. She shook her head, blinking rapidly. “How can you say being stabbed in the ribs isn’t fatal? You’re going to bleed out if you don’t get out of there! Get out of the school now!” She shouted at him, her voice high and shrill.
“I can’t, they sealed the doors shut with their quirks. And I can’t just turn tail like that. I’m the only one with an advantage over them, I have to help buy everyone time,” Cole wheezed
Mara wanted to scream at the futility of the situation. “Cole, this isn’t the time to play hero, you’re in danger. You’re going to die if you do this.” She warned him, trying to push down the lump in her throat that was steadily growing.
She could hear the rustle of his clothing, he was getting up. “And a lot of people are going to die if I don’t. I’m sorry Mara, I didn’t want to upset you. I just… I just wanted to hear your voice one more time. This is going to be on the news at some point and I thought you deserved a proper goodbye rather than just my picture on the list of the dead.”
Mara covered her mouth with her hand, muffling the whimper from her mouth. “Cole, please don’t do this…” She begged, her knees shaking as they struggled to support her body.
“I love you, Mara. You’re one of my closest friends and I don’t know what I would have done without you.”
“Cole stop.”
“You’ve had it rough, but you’re going to be okay, no matter what. You’re so strong.”
“Cole.” Her voice was barely a whisper now as she gripped her phone like it was her lifeline.
“Tell Aaliyah I love her too. I tried calling her but her phone was off. You’ll both find a way to be happy doing what you love.” He told her, pausing as shouts and footsteps were heard in the background. “Well, looks like my time is up. And Mara, I promise, it really will be-” A slicing sound reverberated through the phone, followed by a harsh thud.
Mara held her breath. “Cole?” She managed to whisper.
Cole did not respond.
Instead, she heard the voices of two men.
“Finally, the little bastard really gave us a run.”
“I’d say, god what the hell even was that quirk?”
“Hell if I know, but at least he’s dead. Wait a second... shit I thought you said you melted all their phones!”
“Huh? But I did! He must have run out before I could get his!”
“Damn it, Aaron. He probably already called the cops.”
“Whatever, what’s done is done. Let’s just finish this before they get here.”
There was a bubbling noise. Then the line went dead.
Her phone clattered to the floor as she took in a ragged breath. She pressed her hand to the cold wall to steady herself. Slowly, her chest rose and fell.
She needed to get help.
Steadying herself, Mara began making her way out of the hallway. Maybe Mr. Aizawa could do something. If she was lucky enough, maybe she would run into All Might and ask him to contact a hero in America. Her concentration was broken as she bumped into Aaliyah.
Excited, the brunette hugged her friend. “Mar-Mar, you got here early! Why didn’t you tell me-”
“Get off me, Aaliyah!” Mara thundered, desperately trying to get free of the hug. That’s when it clicked. She turned to face the brunette and latched onto her jacket before her friend could even blink as she muttered to herself.
Aaliyah tilted her head. “Mar, what are you saying-”
“Turn off your damn quirk!” The navy haired girl began shaking her relentlessly. “Please, please just turn it off! This isn’t funny! And don’t you dare tell me you wouldn’t make something like this up, I know how sadistic you can be!”
Her friend stared up at her with a confused expression. “I don’t understand. What do you think I did?” She asked Mara.
“Stop playing dumb! You know what you did, you made me think Cole’s dead from some attack on the school, but he’s not! He’s fine, he’s watching the play. Now end this already, don’t make me get Mr. Aizawa!” She glared fiercely down at Aaliyah, until she saw the pale expression on the girl’s face. There was no trace of mockery or laughter and Mara felt her body run cold.
Slowly, she let Aaliyah go and sunk down on her knees. This wasn’t a trick, or a quirk or a hallucination. This was real.
Cole was dead.
Her body convulsed, rippling like a leaf caught in a violent hurricane. She could hear screaming, shrill and pained and loud. It was so loud. The sound was piercing through her ears.
All she saw were distorted figures clambering around her. They needed to go away. She tried to scream at them to leave her alone but she couldn’t speak. Her lungs felt like they were on fire, threatening to burn her from the inside out.
Then the figures disappeared, and all she could see was red. She could feel liquid everywhere, on her face, her arms, her legs. She was drowning in scarlet. 
Hands shot out and grabbed her wrists, but she fought them off, wrenching herself from their grasp and throwing herself on a cold surface. However, the cold did nothing to ease the flame inside her that was only growing stronger.
Where were parents?
Mara needed them.
She needed them so badly she could scream again.
But somewhere, someone else was beating her to it. Shouting filled her ears as she burned in her own hatred and sadness. But where were the voices coming from? They were so far away, like they were in a different world from hers.
“Mara, can you hear me?”
“Someone go get Mr. Aizawa, or Recovery Girl!”
“Hey, hey snap out of it! You’re going to be okay, focus on me.”
Mara’s body began shifting and she looked up, enough to see a blob of red and white before everything went dark.
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