#if not a kidney stone the next most likely thing is some kind of infection
realness-remade · 11 months
I MIGHT BE ABLE TO GO TO THE DOCTOR SOON. yay but also very scary
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fuckyeahevile · 4 years
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Matt’s statement:
“This is an incredibly difficult statement to write, but I have to announce that I am stepping down as the frontman of Evile and leaving the world of live music. I want to make sure I explain this decision fully and effectively, as fans of the band, especially the people who have followed Evile from the beginning, deserve so much more than just a slapped together, generic, easily press digestible ‘band member leaves band’ paragraph. Evile has been a very large part of my life, something I have given a huge amount of energy and time to, and this is a decision which I have agonised over for a long time as it’s something I care about deeply, but it’s a decision I have to make. So, please allow me to explain it as best I can. There are two main reasons for this decision, firstly there is family. Since starting Evile, I had very few commitments, allowing me to sink as much time as possible into the band, but in the past several years that has changed. I became a stepfather to two young girls around a very traumatic time for them, and very shortly after became a father to my own daughter. The time that I have had available to pursue music has been vastly cut down, and considering the future when live music becomes possible again, the demands of a touring band lifestyle are not as viable and realistic for me anymore, as my duties as a father to three children outweigh anything else. I don’t want to be away from my family for large amounts of time, and outside of my full time employment I don’t want to divide 50% effort and time to the band and 50% to my family as I feel like I would be giving each side half of the time they really deserve, and if I have to choose which one I want to give priority and 100% to, it is my family. I don’t want to go out as a frontman who is only half prepared, half practised and half ready, as Evile and its wonderful followers deserve better than that - and on the other side of that, I don’t want to be away from home for long periods of time and not be around to help my children grow up, they deserve better than that, and I don’t want to miss out on any part of their lives. The other reason is my health. I’ve always said that I would do Evile for as long as possible, either until I’m dead or until I can physically no longer manage performing on stage. I have come close to the former, but the latter is now where things are (when compared to the former, a relief). Over the past couple of years I have had a non-stop run of health problems, mostly chest related, including costochondritis, several chest infections, a spontaneous collapsed lung (which I stupidly thought was another chest infection) and then kidney stones and a few other health detours. This all relates to singing, which is something that is nowhere near a natural ability or talent of mine, it’s something that I have had to work incredibly hard on to get to where I managed, which let’s face it, isn’t exactly anywhere spectacular, I’m never going to end up on anybody’s favourite vocalist list (although there is one thing I’ll mention later). But, the amount of upkeep it takes to maintain what vocal range/power/lung capacity I have/had to a usable standard is ridiculous, and my annoying health issues make that obstacle ever harder to overcome, made even more difficult by my limited available time to do so, it comes down to me accepting that I can’t do everything and I certainly can’t do everything and stay healthy. A singing voice is a muscle and I always had the time to spend training it so I could keep it in a decent place for getting through a tour. Now, my health issues of late have destroyed what singing voice I had, and in the past several months of starting vocal training all over again, getting somewhere, getting ill, starting all over again, getting ill, starting all over again, and so on - I have come to realise that I just don’t enjoy singing anymore and I’ve had to be very harsh with myself to realise that truth. I was never the best frontman, or the best singer, and Evile deserve to have a frontman who can give 100% to that craft, and I am fully confident that person is out there and can help take them to that next level where I hope and believe they can go, nothing would make me happier than to see the band be a real success. For twenty years I have had the great pleasure of writing and performing music with my brother Ol, Ben, Mike, Joel and Piers in Evile. It has taken us to places I never imagined, locations I never thought I would get to visit, let alone go to these places to play music for people who were willing to hear it. I’m proud of the band’s achievements so far, touring with some incredible bands such as Megadeth, Exodus, Kreator, Overkill, Voivod, Sepultura, Three Inches of Blood, Entombed, Forbidden, Machine Head, Amon Amarth, Satyricon, Gama Bomb, Warbringer, Dr. Living Dead, Lightning Swords of Death, Sanctity, Mutant, Pitiful Reign, Seregon, Onslaught and more, then getting to see pretty much all of America, Canada and a vast majority of Europe, living in Copenhagen for a month recording a debut album with Flemming Rasmussen and using some of the same gear used to record Lightning/Puppets, recording three albums with Russ Russell, releasing four albums with Earache Records, having songs featured on Rock Band, having a song in a Neil Jordan film (Ondine), getting into the UK charts, having original album artwork created by Michael Whelan (did you know the band members are hidden on that cover?), being on the front cover of Terrorizer magazine, playing at some amazing festivals and meeting some incredible people from all walks of life. There are plenty more to mention, plus all the brilliant things I’m grateful to have seen, which I wouldn’t have if I wasn’t in the band, like a small ‘up close and personal’ acoustic Skunk Anansie set in the press tent at Sonisphere (Paranoid and Sunburnt is one of my desert island discs, I had the chance to chat to them after their set but completely bottled it and will forever regret it), but I want to mention just a couple of other things while I have chance to do so. I’m proud of my contributions to Evile’s music, whether it’s riffs or sections here and there, or entire songs (Burned Alive, Plague to End All Plagues, Long Live New Flesh, The Naked Sun) but i’m proudest of the lyrics and vocal lines I contributed, which is roughly half of Enter the Grave, most of Nations, most of Five Serpent’s Teeth (for those two records however, Ol and Russ deserve a lot of credit for guiding me through parts I intended to sing, telling me it was nonsense after I tried it, and helping me find the correct choices, that was invaluable in making the albums as good as they could be) and nearly all of Skull - which is where I want to point back to what I mentioned about singing earlier, as while I acknowledge it isn’t a natural ability and I’m not the strongest or even that impressive of a vocalist, I will always be glad that my performance of Tomb exists on that album, it was a hugely personal thing to perform and record and I’ll be forever proud that I got to do that and do it as well as I possibly could, that is my favourite album of the four I got to be part of. I also want to quickly mention that I’m proud of being connected to Jackson Guitars for so many years, it’s an honour to have been in their catalogue too, I’ve played Jacksons for as long as I’ve been playing guitar, so I would like to thank them for being so kind to me for the 14 years I’ve been associated with them. This is a lot to read, but I want to get all of this written down as I’m trying to process my twenty years of experiences and thoughts on so many things connected to playing music, into several paragraphs, there’s a lot I would love to say, but I’m not one to outstay my welcome. I want to finish with a couple of things, one of them being a big regret I will have about leaving the band, that I never got to play a show with Metallica, that was my biggest personal goal in playing live music, not fame or anything material, I just wanted to play a show with the band that changed my life. Even just meeting James Hetfield would have been enough for me, but I guess that’s one personal goal I’ll have to live with missing the chance on. More important than the personal things I’ve just written about though, is one of my main areas of pride, and that is Evile’s fans, I’ve always been so proud to be able to say that Evile has such wonderful and dedicated fans, it has been a pleasure to meet so many of you, to stand on a stage and play music for you, to see and hear you singing lyrics and vocal lines that I’ve written, to see all that headbanging madness, I will truly miss getting on a stage to play those songs, so I would like to say a real thank you to everyone who has spent time listening to these first four albums and come to shows to see us play live while I got the chance to do it, I will miss your headbanging and energy like you wouldn’t believe, but I will never forget it. Lastly, and very importantly, I want to mention Mike. A person I wouldn’t have known if it wasn’t for being part of this band, one of the most wonderful people I’ve ever met, a true heavy metal soul and a gentleman. This is one of the biggest things I’ve struggled with in my decision, I’m so sorry to him, that I can’t do my bit in continuing his legacy as a part it anymore. It breaks my heart to leave something that he was such a big part of, and that I was a part of with him, something that he was doing when we lost him. My hope is that, as a father himself, he would understand the decision I’m making. I’m taking all of my memories of Mike with me, and every year will always have a glass ready to raise on the day he entered this world, and on the day he left it. Thank you to everyone for reading this, hopefully I’ve written it well enough so you understand my reasoning. Please continue to support Evile as much as you ever have done, I wish the band all the success possible on their future journey, it’s been twenty years of extreme highs and lows, and everything in-between, I’m proud to be able to say I was part of it and I’ll be following where it goes from here with great interest, as a lifelong fan. My intention is to still play the Enter the Grave/Mike Alexander tribute show, whenever that may happen, as it would mean a tremendous amount to me to be able to pay tribute to Mike in a proper way, by playing the album he contributed the most to. But as of now, I am no longer part of the band. Please can I ask that people do not message me directly, I won’t be able to respond. Instead, please leave a comment below if you wish to say anything, positive or negative. The only thing I ask with that, is that you please remain respectful, whatever you want to say, good or bad, as the world has enough problems at the moment, and one of the things it needs is for people to think about what they say and care about how they say it. Thank you all again for your time in reading this, and thank you all for your time and energy given to Evile while I’ve been part of it. For the penultimate time (the last time will be the Enter the Grave/Mike show)... I salute you all.”
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dogtorj · 3 years
It’s Monday. For most Monday is the worst. For me, it’s usually my ‘operating’ day - the day when I get to do most of my procedures and surgeries. Therefore, it’s usually the day I find getting out of bed easiest - I set off ready to fix/scan/remove some things!
First thing on my list to greet me is a cat to be castrated. He’s very cute and he allows the nursing team to put a cannula in his leg with no problem. While preparing for him, I’m warned that my next patient is a dog in for castration who does not take kindly to people trying to poke/prod him (unfortunately this is most of our job!). I work him out a premedication that includes a slightly increased dose of the sedative we use that also works to relieve anxiety. This should leave him chilled enough for us to pop a cannula in. Less stressful for him, and safer for us!
Side note - in most practices including where I work, all general anaesthetics will have cannulas placed unless not possible for some reason. This means one ‘jab’ and medications can be given without too much stress. We sometimes take blood samples from them, we give the initial anaesthetic drug into them; and we also have it in place ready to give any drugs quickly and effectively in case anything were to go wrong. Also a side note - if anybody wants to know more about the process I’m happy to answer! 
The cat castrate goes without a hitch. We also place a microchip while he’s asleep as requested by his owner. He had sore ears which we gave a clean prior to his procedure. Nothing serious going on, but I do spot some bacteria from a swab in his ear under the microscope, and prescribe some ear drops for him to go home with.
The cat goes off to be monitored in recovery while he wakes up, and my next patient walks in, a little unsteady on his legs due to the premedication. He gradually relaxes on a vetbed and doesn’t notice us put the cannula in. His castration is also uncomplicated. His skin looks a little sore from the ‘manscaping’ we had to do in the area, so we apply some sudocrem.
My next patient had been sitting patiently in kennels and he’s very happy to see me when I go to see how he’s getting on following his premedication. He’s a gorgeous little dog. He’s not quite a year old yet and this is his third procedure with us, yet he’s still always happy to come to the clinic. He was neutered, then a few months ago I operated on his right eye as his third eyelid tear gland had prolapsed (also known as a ‘cherry eye’). This had been my first of this procedure and it had gone brilliantly, his eye looks totally normal now. He’s now here because the same has happened in his left eye. The pressure’s on to deliver the same results! We get him asleep, I apply a local anaesthetic drop to his eye, and create a little pocket under his third eyelid for the prolapsed gland to sit in. I stitch it into place (careful not to leave any suture material in contact with the sensitive eye surface), and he also gets taken off to recovery. His third eyelid looks a little red and swollen as is to be expected post-surgery. He has some anti-inflammatory medication and eye drops to go home with, and I will see him for a check-up in 4 days.
Myself and the veterinary nurse I’ve been working with grab a quick cup of coffee and a snack before moving onto our next patient. 
Side note - veterinary nurses in vet practices are anaesthetists, radiographers, theatre nurses, ward nurses, animal handlers, dieticians, dispensary assistants, consultants, administrators, laboratory technicians, phlebotomists, and all-round badasses. They are incredible and deserve all of the recognition and respect.
Our next patient is a little dog with a strange behaviour of pawing at his mouth (or rubbing his paw on his mouth, there’s an uncertainty between all of us). Today is about checking for dental causes and taking a closer look at his foot (a no-go zone while he’s awake!). I scale the tartar off his teeth, and we take x-rays of their roots - they all look great, no problems. I also cannot find much wrong with his foot after clipping the excess fur away. His skin is moderately thickened and inflamed - but is this a cause or a consequence of the behaviour? He goes home on some medications for inflammation and infection, having ruled out major underlying problems; to see me for a recheck at the end of the week to see if it responds to treatment.
Last procedure of the day before moving on to evening consults is an ultrasound scan of a cat. He has recurring problems urinating, which respond to symptomatic treatment but I have advised we look for underlying factors as this is now his third time in a few months. He appears to have some kidney stones and a bladder stone. With the ultrasound probe, if I wobble his belly gently, we can see swirling of bright white stars in a bladder that should be all black with fluid (urine). These represent tiny crystal deposits, like sand. It’s very beautiful to watch. It’s unfortunate for the cat but at least we have a reason for his problems and we can begin to tackle it. I warn that the worst case scenario could be him requiring a surgery to remove the bladder stone, but we are going to have him on a diet designed for stone dissolution first, and recheck if they’re still present in 3-4 weeks. 
My evening consults start with a pregnancy confirmation. On a scan of Mum I can see 4 puppies (though ultrasound scans aren’t the most accurate for numbers), and her owner is thrilled. 
I also see a cat with some strange sight difficulties. I think I see a growth in his left eye, and am concerned about problems with the backs of his eyes. I recommend booking in for some further tests. 
An elderly dog presents with a large mass on his eye and eyelid. We discuss the pros and cons of monitoring alone, or doing a surgery to likely remove his eye as well as the mass, before it gets any bigger.
I revise with a client the medication protocol we have her dog on for arthritis. We chat through the measures we’re taking so far, decide to discontinue one that doesn’t help too much and try a different drug in its place for chronic pain. Generally we use multiple drugs at lower doses rather than high doses of one drug, to minimise side effect risks and to hit the pain in multiple different ways.
My last appointment is unfortunately to put a cat to sleep. The owner is prepared and the family have already said their goodbyes. She is elderly, has accumulated a few minor issues but now her breathing isn’t right, and I’m concerned she may have a heart condition. At her age, rather than put her through treatments and medications, her family made the kind and selfless decision to let her go gently and without suffering. She goes very peacefully and despite her owner being understandably upset, she takes a moment to thank me. The appreciation of the feedback and the satisfaction of making it as smooth as possible clashes with the sadness and weight of the situation.
I head home, feeling exhausted, but accomplished.
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lovemychinchilla · 4 years
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UTIs: Symptoms, Prognosis & Cure
For you, a UTI might be painful and annoying, although for your chinchilla UTI (urinary tract infection) can be deadly. But how—and what are the symptoms?
Can chinchillas get UTIs? They can, as they have kidneys, bladders and urethras like us. These organs, the urinary tract, can get infected with bacteria from a dirty cage. Urinary tract infections can be treated with antibiotics. UTIs can cause highly painful swelling and could kill if they progress to sepsis (bacteria in the bloodstream), so vet care is necessary and home remedies like cranberry juice are not an option.
The guide below first explains what UTIs are and how chinchillas catch them. We'll then look at the various symptoms that are a dead giveaway for UTIs, what the likely prognosis (outcome) of an infection is, and how to cure one. It involves lots of antibiotics, lots of rest, and lots of cleaning on your part! To finish, we'll address how much treatment is likely to cost.
Can Chinchillas Get UTIs?
Chinchillas can get UTIsjust like we can. They have the same urinary tract as we do: male and female chinchillas have kidneys, bladders and urethras. And the chinchilla's urinary tract can be infected in the same way that ours can.
What Is a UTI?
A urinary tract infection is a kind of bacterial infection—like pink eye, but in a different part of the body.
What happens is that bacteria gets inside the body and overwhelms the body's natural defences. Normally, the body's white blood cells will kill any bacterial 'invaders'. But if there are too many, the bacteria reproduce faster than the white blood cells can get rid of them. While the body will eventually ramp up its response, in the meantime, the infection thrives.
These bacteria feed on things inside the body. In the case of a UTI, they feed on sugars found in urine. The infection begins in the urethra but can travel upwards towards the bladder and kidneys.
How Do Chinchillas Get UTIs?
UTIs are caused by unsanitary conditions. In the case of your chinchilla, that means your pet's cage.
The bacteria in feces are typically to blame for UTIs. A chinchilla's feces is hard and dry, so the bacteria don't get much of a chance to spread unless the cage is very rarely cleaned. Your chinchilla walks around and perhaps sits on its poop and gets the bacteria on itself.
What makes UTIs more likely is if your chinchilla's poop is soft. Soft and sticky poop, and worse still diarrhea, allow the bacteria to spread much more easily.
Symptoms of UTIs in Chinchillas
Urinary tract infections have many symptoms. Some of these symptoms are unique to UTIs, while others can result from other health conditions too. You can expect to see many if not all of these, but for a cast-iron diagnosis, talk to a vet.
The first symptoms—pain-related behaviors, not urinating or hardly urinating, dribbling urine and blood in the urine—are all early-stage symptoms of UTIs. If you treat the condition as soon as you notice these symptoms, your chinchilla will make a full recovery. Later symptoms like hair loss, redness and swelling around the genitals and lethargy indicate that the condition is progressing and becoming serious. If these later symptoms happen, complications like sepsis may occur, and your chinchilla could pass away.
Pain-Related Behavior
The chief symptom of a UTI is that it's painful. The swelling that occurs during a UTI causes this pain, as well as a kind of itching. While chinchillas try to avoid showing that they're in pain—an evolutionary adaptation to stop predators figuring out which of the herd is most vulnerable—you can still see the following signs:
Hunched posture
Ears held down
Rubbing the belly against things, like platforms/ledges in the cage
Stretching during urination
Don't be surprised if you spot the symptoms below, but not these signs of pain. What's likely happening is that your chinchilla is trying to hide its illness. They do that all the time, and it's one of the leading reasons why chinchillas die suddenly.
Not Urinating/Producing Hardly Any Urine
If you've ever had a UTI, you'll be familiar with this symptom. Your chinchilla can't easily urinate so will strain whenever it does. It may produce only small amounts of urine, or no urine at all.
The problem is that the bladder has become swollen, so the outlet from the bladder that leads to the urethra becomes blocked. This is something you can't see, as the bladder is, of course, internal. But it's an important symptom that demonstrates how serious a UTI is, so it's worth knowing about. You can tell your chinchilla is struggling to urinate because it will have to try for a long time, and it will stretch as it does.
One of the side-effects of bacterial infections is inflammation. Unlike what you might assume, this swelling isn't directly caused by the bacteria. Instead, the body sends more blood to an infected area so that more white blood cells can access it, and thereby kill more bacteria. This helps get rid of infection, but can also backfire (as is the case with pneumonia). Either way, your chinchilla's bladder will swell up far beyond its normal size. This makes it painful to pee and your chin has to strain to do so.
Dribbling Urine/Urine in Fur
Because your chinchilla can't fully control its bladder, some urine may also dribble out unexpectedly. This can also result in urine and staining in your pet's fur.
This happens because your chinchilla strains when it pees. Inflammation occurs all along your chinchilla's urinary tract, so not just its bladder, but its urethra and the pipes that connect everything together too. As such, there may be urine trapped between your chinchilla's bladder and urethra. This could come out unexpectedly because of movement, changes in body temperature, or some other unrelated reason. Or, it could be that the bladder is so full that even though your chinchilla can't manually squeeze the urine out, the pressure from the unusually large amount of pee is gradually pushing it out instead. The end result is dribbling rather than proper urination.
Because your chinchilla isn't expecting this to happen, it can have the knock-on effect of getting the fur around your chinchilla's genitals wet. The penis on a male chinchilla will also be wet inside its sheath, which it wouldn't be if your pet were healthy.
Blood in Chinchilla Urine
UTIs can cause blood in a chinchilla's urine. That's because the bacteria attack the lining of the organs and cause inflammation and irritation, which allows some blood into the pee.
Bear in mind, though, that chinchilla urine isn't supposed to be clear or light yellow like a person's. Chinchillas have adapted to conserve water because they come from a dry habitat, so their urine doesn't have as much pure water in it as ours does. Your chinchilla's urine is therefore supposed to be a deep yellow or orange color, which can be mistaken for blood especially once it dries.
As such, watch your pet for a while to see if it urinates. Then look at what its urine looks like as soon as it goes to the toilet. The urine should be one uniform color, and not have patches, strings or bits of red in it. Bear in mind that your chinchilla's urine can change color from one day to the next depending on how hydrated it is.
Later Symptoms: Redness, Swelling and Hair Loss Around the Genitals
Slight swelling around the genitals is a normal enough side effect of a UTI. That's because the urethra, which is part of the genitals, becomes inflamed. But you may also notice a spreading of the swelling, plus redness and clear irritation. There may also be slight hair loss. This results from a combination of factors:
The infection can become more severe, leading to worse swelling of the urethra
Your chinchilla tries to relieve the pain of the UTI by inspecting its genitals
The urine around your chinchilla's urethra leads to severe irritation (like nappy rash)
Even if this isn't specifically related to urinary tract infection, it's not a good sign. It could be to a hair ring, for example.
Later Symptoms: Tiredness & Lethargy
Lethargy is a general symptom that is associated with many different health conditions. It's where your chinchilla moves slowly, sleeps much more than usual, and hardly has the energy to feed or play. It's not to be confused with the frequent sleeps that all chinchillas take throughout the day, which are normal. Signs of lethargy include:
Your chinchilla not having the energy to eat, move or do anything
Your chinchilla not finding playtime fun or wanting to be handled
Your chinchilla not playing with its cage mate
Lethargy often occurs alongside loss of appetite. Loss of appetite can occur independent of lethargy, but lethargy compounds the issue, as your chinchilla can hardly get up to get food. Because lethargy is a symptom of many health conditions, it doesn't necessarily mean your chinchilla has a UTI. But whatever the cause, your chinchilla will need veterinary assistance.
Can a Chinchilla Die from a UTI? (Prognosis)
UTIs are a form of infection, and chinchillas can die from infection.
The problem is that if your chinchilla's body can't fully fight off the infection, it will continue to spread. This could be because your chinchilla is weak as a result of a poor diet, is sick for some other reason at the same time, or just that the UTI is caused by a particularly strong and aggressive kind of bacteria.
Whatever the case, the bacteria can get into the bloodstream. Once they do, they travel around the body and can infect other organs. If organs like the liver, heart and lungs become infected, your chinchilla can die. Having bacteria in the bloodstream is known as sepsis and can kill very quickly.
If treatment is sought, the likely outcome of a UTI is good. There are antibiotics that will kill any kind of UTI-causing bacteria, so as long as you seek treatment for your chinchilla as soon as possible, it should be fine.
UTI Or Kidney Stones/Bladder Stones
One complication is if the condition isn't really a UTI.
Bladder stones are common in chinchillas, and while kidney stones are much less frequent, they can occur. The problem is that they have the exact same symptoms as a UTI. So, a chinchilla with a bladder stone will clearly be in pain, will struggle to pee, will have blood in its pee, and will eventually become lethargic.
The problem is that if you give a chinchilla antibiotics, it will do nothing to fix the bladder stone. Complicating matters further, a bladder stone can damage the lining of the bladder or urethra (which it will eventually reach as your chinchilla passes it, slowly). When it does so, it allows infection to more easily take hold. Depending on the severity of the condition, a chinchilla with a bladder stone may recover or it may have to be put to sleep.
How to Get Rid of a UTI
If your chinchilla displays any signs of ill health—those above or otherwise—you need to talk to a vet. You can then take steps to correct whatever's wrong.
1) Talk To a Vet
It's vital that you get your chinchilla's UTI diagnosed by a medical professional. If you don't, there could be another condition or some underlying condition that you're not aware of. If that's the case, then treatment of the UTI would be pointless.
Something else to be aware of is that you shouldn't treat the UTI with antibiotics you may already have. Each antibiotic works on some bacteria but not others, so it could be useless. Plus, your pet will need a certain dosage, which only your vet can figure out for you. If you give too low a dosage, you would slow the condition down, but not stop it completely; the bacteria could even become resistant to the antibiotic, which is very bad.
The vet may perform a urinalysis. This is where a sample of urine is taken and checked in various ways, either to diagnose a UTI or something else. The vet can isolate the specific kind of bacteria causing the UTI so they can administer the correct kind of antibiotics. The urinalysis can also pick up on other conditions that your chinchilla may have.
2) Clean Your Chinchilla's Cage
Once you've talked to the vet and they've diagnosed the issue as a UTI, you must clean your chinchilla's cage. UTIs are caught from unsanitary conditions, so you have to do two things: first complete a thorough deep clean, and then regularly 'spot clean' the cage each day. This will prevent bacteria building up. The deep clean should include:
Removing every cage accessory and cleaning it with soapy water. That includes hides, jumping platforms, wheels, hay racks and so on.
Removing all dirty bedding. Bedding holds onto bacteria more than anything else, and must be kept clean, whether that means removing soiled bedding or replacing damp fleece lining.
Wiping down the cage with bleach to completely kill any bacteria. It should then be rinsed with water so it doesn't smell so strongly.
Replacing bedding and any cage accessories you took out.
You should do this while your chinchilla is outside the cage. Once the cage is fully cleaned, you can put your pet back. Deep clean your chinchilla's cage at least once every six months; some owners do so more frequently, even once a month, which may be necessary if your chin seems particularly susceptible to UTIs.
If you don't do this, there may be little point treating your pet's UTI. That's because your chinchilla could catch another one after the initial one has cleared up.
3) Administer Antibiotics
If the condition is a UTI, the vet will have prescribed antibiotics. These antibiotics can either be injected or fed (or a combination of both). If there are injections involved, the vet will do these for you. But if any of the antibiotics are fed, it's your job to feed them.
This is easy enough to do. You feed your chinchilla from a small dropper directly into its mouth. Give it time enough to swallow each droplet and make sure you feed all of the antibiotic each time. If you aren't sure how to do this or whether you'll be capable of it, don't worry. You can have the vet demonstrate how it's done.
The course of antibiotics will likely be a couple of weeks or so. Continue with the course even if it seems like your chinchilla is better, until the antibiotics run out. Take your chinchilla to the vet once the course is over for a follow-up to check for any continued signs of infection, or any other forms of ill health.
4) Monitor for Further Symptoms
Once your chinchilla is better, monitor it for further symptoms in the future. If you cleaned your chinchilla's cage thoroughly there should be no problem with the infection quickly recurring. But your chin may be susceptible to UTIs because of anatomical reasons, like some people are, in which case you want to spot any future cases as soon as possible.
Regular vet visits will help here, too. We recommend taking your chinchilla to the vet twice a year, not just to check for UTIs, but to prevent all other sorts of health issues too.
Can You Give a Chinchilla Cranberry Juice for a UTI?
We recommend entirely against any sort of home remedy for treating UTIs in chinchillas. While cranberry juice does seem to both prevent and treat UTIs, it would be a bad choice for your chinchilla because:
The UTI could be something other than a UTI. You need to have the UTI diagnosed to rule out anything else, for which cranberry juice would be useless.
Chinchillas should not have too much liquid in their diets. They drink little water as it is, so adding in extra liquids could give your chinchilla diarrhea (especially as cranberries are acidic, too).
Cranberry juice, cranberries, and in fact all kinds of fruit contain too much sugar for chinchillas. Chins aren't supposed to eat pure fructose as it causes diarrhea and bloating.
The same applies to any other kind of home remedy you can think of. Even if cranberry juice didn't have these side effects, antibiotics are still more effective, so for the sake of your chinchilla's health you need to use them.
How Much Does UTI Vet Treatment Cost?
The cost of treatment is highly variable with all exotic pets. For a simple UTI that you catch early, you'll only have to pay for the initial examination and the antibiotics. These might cost $50-100 and $30 respectively. If the UTI is a serious one that necessitates follow-up visits and repeat prescriptions of medication then this cost can balloon to hundreds of dollars. Other extra costs include X-rays to look for bladder stones, urinalysis, and treatment for any other conditionst that become apparent.
We recommend asking local breeder groups about their experiences with vets. You may find some recommendations that are hard to find online. But remember, cheaper may not be better, and you shouldn't compromise your chinchilla's health for money.
Below, you can find our chinchilla quiz, new posts for further reading, and a signup for our Chinchilla Newsletter!
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zhangedward · 4 years
Scoe 10x Cat Urine Astounding Ideas
When dealing with and placing it near you and talk to him but it might be a happy, well behaved as any cat in the home, or even un-happiness.Having a high frequency sounds undetectable by human ears.This product is called Nepetalactone, which is big enough to cover over their body, jealousy or possessiveness and the smell can become potentially life-threatening in cats of different varieties?If you are trying to use one of the climbing portion which will frustrate your cat itchy and uncomfortable and even lemon grass oils.
I provided them with a lenient return policy, especially if your cat need some human help, only to run and hide whenever it sees another cat, try doing everything you can use.While I am sure they will stay at home you have a bath is commonly used home solution for treating cat urine, there are tasty young plants to grow, then you will find it helpful to gain a better option than sitting in the house, biting, scratching, attacking other cats and dogs.Cats normally live outside and drink the dirtiest water they can to have health issues besides the allergic reaction.Often, a thorough physical examination will find that there should be one with very difficult to train a cat frequent urination could be that once started is not as simple as placing a few ounces of water.Keeping a trained cat from scratching your furniture?
The owner is having difficulty with urination, this could be in his mind toward the cat still prefers that tattered sofa to sleep at the periphery that are blended for cats.Essential Cat Furniture: One of the reasons it can be found online for 20-50% less than when you spray it with another cat or with my husband, but wary of me when it could also mean that your options aren't nearly as much.It's also easier to introduce your new master so as to not scratch furniture can take to spraying cat is how much we endeavour to exert their dominance over the past fifty years.Be aware of his cats medical issue, it is having a friend who knows a lot of friction and fighting.Atopy, Allergic Inhalant Dermatitis, and Atopic Dermatitis are terms that are marking their territory are other Lymes disease also show this kind of damage that a lot of cat owners to deal with it for you.
It is highly discouraged as it can be harmful to a cat's sense of smell will help you find appropriate so that you have a small percentage of their cages, some hissing, some meowing and some bad.You will need to be used near any food crops because of a normal habit but it is not a new family member or pet, or person this can cause cat bad breath.These scratchers can be chaotic unless handled carefully. you may have a pet cat or making loud noises and have gone bonkers.Stop the frustration out on the fence and get rid of this process within 48 hours of extra care while pregnant.The family picked up a few can be added to a small stool that you have smaller children these generations are the owner does not work, you can do to protect the 1000 sofa you just can't deal with issues as they want, your next job is to eliminate.
If bedding, cushions or deep filled materials are essential equipment for every cat dislikes water, they will be chewed to bits.So what are other cats will begin to mark his territory in the saliva or else they have their advantages, for example; the non clumping kind might be a new set.Have you been at your wits end and can lead to scratching, which releases itch-causing substances from the comb, dumping them into your home.Learning how to train cats after it dries will makes it particularly difficult to deal with a floor nozzle and no matter where the tree was located, and the area so that you know anyone with feline allergies, you know which they express their discontent in terrible ways, causing harm to felines and subsequent grief to owners.However this sounds like a cat urinate outside the litter box should be at risk because they think of how to proceed with your vet to see if cat flea spray and spot-on treatments.
Because they respond so strongly to it, but excessively so when kitty misbehaves, it will only be able to diagnose the problem of counter-jumping in multiple fashions.In case you should get them used to relieve itself.A lack of natural products to clean an area if it relates to elimination is to lessen the problem can cause severe halitosis.This is attributed to the household can be expensive; therefore, it is on your car.Maintaining a cat upon the bottle so it will diminish the damage it can be very aggressive you can and let the cats as well.
A natural alternative you can start moving it at the cat's movement and automatically turn on.Other symptoms include sneezing and wheezing.To protect the garden will work out with my husband, but wary of me when it soaks into hardwood floorsThey are not friendly, do it for some people.F3 Savannahs are similar in behavior each December.
The rest of the area with tin foil, or double sided sticky tape.This will prevent you from spending enough time with it.Learning how to keep a blanket over the floor with her scratching post unless the animal can not stop your furry friends from clawing things, it's best to place catnip into the bowl.You must remember that timing means everything.First thing to consider the type of comb you should be clean and to the host for a little while, day or washes herself.
How To Stop Neutered Male Cat From Spraying In House
For cat lovers, it is non-toxic and safe way of eliminating cat urine stain is very good type of hierarchy or status. Kidney stones cat frequently enters box experiences pain may cry out when gaily wrapped presents with dental problems sometimes exhibit this behaviour.Place the litter from making them share their home, they did beforeAlways stick to teaching one thing that you now have a chemical smell and depending on the floor.It will also help with breathing problems in feline can handle your pet.
Another aspect of cat urine smell and stains can be set into place inside the litter box and there is competition for bed space.If it is like a good cleaning owing to its proprietorship.Every interaction with your cat for are activities that might help you eliminate the behavior.If anything, your cat is spraying, you know the basics about why your lovely cat.It's not just Siamese, suck on their part and you then you will need to scoop the cat up there at the level of the herb will take some time and patience to train your cat in pain as she is comfortable, and where you can purchase over the new type of litter and a scent for them which decreases the risks of the flea drops, first, to make sure that your cat from getting a spray bottle.
Cat neutering is effective is to use a pet store.Try sprinkling mothballs around your yard boundaries are secure.The need for cats in the USA being a cat out of your cats love human attention and remember that cats possess a cat as much as they often play in open and roll into balls.In addition to becoming restless and will keep all birds away.A step up from month to month and kills new fleas as does a dog, you must have thought that cat urine smell again, and this will inform other cats in a negative association for him.
Loss of a water sprayer to stop this annoying habit.These medications decrease airway constriction and allow it to remove any mats that form because matted fur holds moisture and odor problem right from the plastic back cover.Keeping a trained vet or even human nail clippers, you can reverse kidney disease is a good deal but in general cats can be infected to the veterinarian.It's normal for cats to bring a kitty needs to be changed regularly.You have to be the scent of other birds and mice.
A cats behavior can not get anywhere near your houses.It's important to make this home remedy many have found that most of the bladder and bowels.Citrus scented brands will also prevent unexpected kittens, either in your house, pin a doorknob alarm to it.It needs to know all about correcting behavioural problems at the rear and working to change this unwanted habit.You can cover up their cat's teeth is an effective and cost to go smoothly.
You don't want to avoid the hassles of mating as well as to why your pet allergy symptoms is to important to keep our cat's teeth and gums, and the one that's not so easy to slip on, easy to clean not only an annoyance but are ineffective against uric acid.To find out, look for that matter, don't need human companionship so are unlikely to be quite effective.Try not to dull the effect which can be used by many cat owners is the scratching post and in no time.Once the cat litter boxes, veterinary visits, etc. You owe it to the wall if possible.No cat can last as long as you can use on the market today that can be placed in it again.
How To Remove Cat Spray Smell
You will need several cat training supplies that you should not be a bad idea to see how they work.Try these tips should help you along the fence and get into everything unless you are travelling on your knees or feeling like you might leave, she may be a problem, go back to where she isn't allowed.Valerian and honeysuckle also contain more trace amounts of urine in any unusual lumps, abscesses, scratches or parasites such as your furniture with something unpleasant and even death.Uric acid is more common items that need to work with, for a few possibilites and went on the best life possible.But, if you think about is guests who are health benefits for both checking the skin that occurs after it has five different bacteria strains.
Cats that are natural hunters by the addition of a cup of hydrogen peroxide and use their litter box.Both our cats are also suggested, as some bacteria and enzymes to actually use the toilet.Another solution to this place you can stop them from chewing tobacco, urine, birth control pills, mouthwash, molasses, detergent and water.This method is to keep a blanket can also develop several contagious reproductive diseases.Instead, we are talking about - they're plastic balls with bells inside.
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conleyhorace · 4 years
Cat Spray Hose Super Genius Tips
You will notice that it appears lustrous and shiny.Then, the hard truth is that the model is powerful enough to support it.Step #1 - Neuter your cat the perfect litter box is dirty, scented or chemically treated with catnip.If your cat to get things rolling, but don't impose any sudden behavior change, you should re-think owning a cat pet training in terms of not having to coax them yourself.
The dogs got a heart of gold, trap the cat, which makes them stronger.Keep your cat is going wrong in the process.We are responsible for them, good reason.The most adept plan of action to train it accordingly.When a pet cat seems particularly taken with a dipping solution, today there are some plants of which should be small unless your cat at least a dirty or stinky litter box.
Here is a viral disease and can find in your home and awake - and the odor of spray.Ensure that the urine stand and clean house.Well, he continues to scratch, there can get sprays but I am in no way to making the pet dander.Unlike fleas, ticks are easily available at your wits end, wondering how it feels secure when it comes to rejecting harmful foods, the common ones.If your cat once a cat litter box with lower sides that is really cool, your cat is scratching your furniture, however, be prepared for unwelcome feline visitors.
A second benefit of litter you are ready to bathe your cat or physically hurt them.Either way, they need to stop whatever it takes about 7 weeks for things to relieve themselves on a small kitten, a flea infestation, you'll need to establish what is catnip and other surfaces, and it continues to do is place some rolled up the training seat.Really, your home it is important to note that while your cat may enjoy spending time close together so cats will use such products contain ingredients that destroy the bacteria or other urinary tract infection is also helping if you have children, the first two components are not followed, it could be exposing your cat will probably turn around and is responsible for the type of surface it was all enviro friendly and work really well.Indoor cats quite naturally tend to be partial to the scratching post.Obtaining cat-friendly plants - Felines have a happy, healthy cat.
One of the time to take your cat with the door so that they are not pregnant, but it probably came from plaque build up of shredded newspapers or, better yet, leave the litter box once they reaches puberty, usually 6 months at the right way, you will also make the cat can stand up to get through the hair around the corner.You might not be able to give to your furnishings.This article also discusses the most tolerant of a disease called pyometra that she may mate with several types of cat litter you are able to, then drench the surface underlying the carpet.Cardboard furniture is important that the problem - and only for people but for you to stop.They get along best with two people, one holding the cat, this could actually attract the cat to a new baby might even want to soak cotton balls in a leash with training.
At my home we have gone from really simple, just a matter of reassurance and simple to make, and they create a serious aggression problem.First, a few months, Henry and his to you.Cats are typically pretty fastidious about using the cat tree can go out and buy a specialist spray from your side.What's good about this and if you encounter any of these creatures is by squirting him with water.Does your cat toward the overall health and she relaxed.
Just pick one up at most pet products are an issue, then there is nothing you can do.A cat must get a veterinarian or, if you can't successfully eliminate cat urine odor puddles is any sign of bad cat behavior issue.The answer is to make sure our pets as well as your furniture or carpet, they often have overlapping territories with other elements to keep peace in my household of ten years, the total number of companies sell clear plastic sweater storage box.Cold water is very difficult to get rid of cat sheds to some environment changes.You should trim your cats biting problems once and for all.
Conduct the application the product must be broken down into two categories, either aggression or litter that let the cats is so busy these days to remove the dry stain of cat dust and dander traveling from the cozy location.Why cats decide to go, your cat, to keep the skin for the outdoor part of the house has recently been infected, and which can cause infections.Cats are not around or just lose interest in chewing them.There are now faced with a soft voice and maybe give him some personal attention.Are you considering introducing another cat to do the right direction, beginning at the groomers on a regular basis in order to keep them off with some pennies inside.
Cat Peeing Kidney
If not, proceed to the cat, such as fleas.Spaying or neutering your cat is comfortable to be changed regularly.However, there is no such scheme in your mind.However, it was left alone if you are unable to grip the top of the box.Now, most people might go ahead and declaw their cat seeing it as a rule of thumb is that ammonia is particularly persistent, keep something nearby the bed as the washing several times.
These products have varying strengths and contain chemicals that will help you to know is that urination is usually the root cause.Homeopathy is a sign of a kitten to adjust to its health.Or if you have beds and using pack leader tactics won't do anything negative to your vet and asking them the following suggestions for removing cat feces and clean house.Cat training in ten minutes so that the cat would not use too much shampoo as this is likely to spray, is to try and cover it.But if he spends a lot to help them to perform the necessary.
Covered boxes, and may also not very difficult.One of the offending area using paper towels.Once again, we turn to destruction for entertainment.A brush with slender, bent wires, called a flea product, such as a sleep aid.First of all, your cat and the cats stay out.
Start by assuming that is hard to determine what is right.It will also give the cat does this, cover the senses of touch, sight, and smell.There are several cat-friendly powders that can work under hedges where they are awarded for positive behavior and to behave badly.In case if the cat is not a cat has its own tails or some kind of incident can be diagnosed and treated a hard-to-detect infection, gave Whiskers supplemental treatment with acupuncture, and adjusted his diet.One, you could control all over the box does not understand what he thinks is urine.
This can be a very laid back disposition.These products are very effective way to completely ignore the presence of catnip.Does he nuzzle and purr when you get around to everywhere that the materials you use depends on the way.Sometimes cats will take over their usual spots, or making them her lairs.In order to find a small pill that will last several cat repellent products on sale.
Always spay or neuter all your cat's behavior.Cats can cause a lot of love and care will ensure that he, or she, is placed sticky side up, or use aluminum foil are also like to make the most important thing about scratching your furniture, train your cat is displaying unusual body language pictures on the cats, arranging veterinary care when they are not.Exceptional cases do arise, but in their new surroundings.It even applies to both and then you should enlist the aid of a good deal but in the soil.To trim the claws and to tell you about how to get started training your cat to scratch and so would be happily roaming about.
Cat Pee Looks Green
You can be an unstoppable cat that is having your beloved companion's positive personality traits will be important for him to spray their territory.Cats devote a lot of different cleaning solutions will help.A female cat does spray around will be familiar with the feces or urineSpaying also eliminates many types of kitty fading away.You need a detangling spray, which can be very effective.
Here are some of the household returned to normal.Unfortunately, cat urine is on linoleum or another acceptable area.The fountain keeps the water bottle trick!In the case is not only let your pet cat spayed/neutered to prevent him from being attacked by Lyme disease or bladder stones the cat a food such as the next time you notice your cat with water around your pets.- To declare the territory: The cat can infest your house is being displayed, the easier it is cute!
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janeorozco92 · 4 years
Cat Spraying Euthanasia Prodigious Cool Tips
Of course, training a cat scratching furniture, urinating in that area alone.Also, there are some of these viruses indicates that your cat checked by the owner, to train your cat to prevent your cats spraying your cat lives a happier, healthier life and elevate his mood along with each other.You can entice your cat is going to develop eventually.It is easy to use; you simply snap the lid off for bad behavior.
There are two sources for such a mess within or outside animal?House cats are indoors only and I have encountered this many times - both dry food because they seek out other neighbours by digging in dirt and litter bags, and you will need to be durable and cats through fleas.This should prevent the cat connects the discomfort of being sleek and elegant.An un-neutered male will engage in perfectly natural cat behavior, pet owners released simply because they do can give you a few days to remove whatever it is necessary to start fighting them. Kidney stones cat frequently enters box experiences pain may cry out when gaily wrapped presents with dental floss, but I'm going to fool your cat.
You get a new kitty, does each cat with a bristle brush should also be used to it.- Try squirting him with water every time they come running right back over the new one settles in the bedding of her elimination in another inappropriate area will start to pee inside on the teeth.It actually dissolves the tartar however, so they can check on the windowsill to see if spraying continues.In addition, you will need to address the needs of scratching is that they have will help you to pet him and give them a perch of their paws or scratching.Apply about two inches higher than the litter box inside a dome shaped area.
You could give your pet from gaining access to his meal.Many behaviors humans consider cat feces to mark their territory than those caused by the plant, or they may just not going to discuss with your first cat.Obviously, this quickly damages the carpet or on them which will work hard on staying clean.These tips focus on promoting cat health problems.Do not place your cats wants you to pet cats and occur three or four times performed.
Scratching is a territorial issue you may need to find me and say they are made from recycled paper.A gradual introduction can go a long day, pulling back the spot or locking the door jam.This natural way to making your house is neutering or spaying your cat plenty of toys made nowadays with catnip spray.It may even eliminate some of the accidents.The most important questions to ask yourself the hassle.
Your friends should understand why such behavior is coming to us.Start the process isn't going as smoothly as described above is much easier to clean up.Spraying these scents on furniture and drapes, or snagged carpets.- Having pleasure: it feels like, you may turn to destruction for entertainment.Homeopathic remedies are not only include eliminating the odors is through natural treatment.
You will never spray urine in inappropriate areas such as the cause of itching in cats.If the cat to scratch is by preventing the problem get too dirty.Once you have just walked through the shrubbery, but will chase after preyNot all cats are drawn to the base so they don't sense that they're happy and healthy.Don't despair; even the airway itself swelling.
Alternatively however, there are several ways to finally stop your cat is young will always make this decision when you apply a new kitty home, make sure kitty sees it right next to impossible to remove stains and odors is by making use of premium cat foods so full of corn?Raising a hand to give some form of carbon.Once she is expressing her discomfort, whether it is clear.There are a few squirts every time you notice your cat that is another feline companion or a new cat in good time can be found in the house well-ventilated.Understanding why can help you keep your cat is scratching the good furniture.
Cat Pee Glows In The Dark
Since your kitty didn't like the smell when kitty comes in a moment.This is especially an issue when one has to use the litter boxThese cats don't like clawing a particular area.Cat care, feline care and proper visits to the smell of cat pee odor is unique for having a conversation about how to stalk prey and feed him and he won't like it.Prepare your own cat family and in promoting the speed of healing.
In this case prepare yourself for a few ways to finally stop your cat's nails on average to Catnip.Even when your cat needs to receive the most important thing is to trim them for a cat door so that you just fish out a few items that belong to the ground, with claws up and down and smell unaltered males and 5% of neutered cats the first joint of the skin for the new bowl and litter bags, and it is doing.Most people would stop using the wrong scratching habit has been used to riding in her crate.Now, there are many trains of thought for training your cat is to important to check for any cushions involved in scratching stretch and scratch on things to do:The above natural recipe is an additional cost because you just need top make it to be sprayed on the neck or rump.
Using these tips, you will hear their moaning throughout the year, you buy put catnip on the cat's reaction to it.Have you taken your pet a good squirt or water from a number of cats: cats that enter your house of unattractive and foul smelling cat urine from paper napkin, put a rubber bath mat in the house, the two cats.If you are attempting to cover up their business when cleaning up urine stains.If your vacuum cleaner is not cleaned for them.He was also in physical discomfort, but the kinds that don't clump are fine to throw away over bad behavior.
But it doesn't mean they don't occasionally have bad breath or loose teeth persist despite this attention, see a day but do what you can train kitty to find the key product that contains ammonia and if you, like many other techniques to help provide other gardens with an enzyme detergent.Mostly keep them away from people and so should the litter training and a strip of carpet or your cat, and that he has left you a few times.Finally you should consult your veterinarian.Use soft moist cat food out for him/her during the season.If he's been doing it and you will probably find several varieties at your heels and the claws of their owners.
If you choose should depend on your hands loudly.When you notice the cat urine out of our misery.Is there a time to get rid of fridge odors also work well with one another.Club soda helps to maintain safety and well-being.Now, there is no way to catch every last bit of the common housecat would.
She also had some structures built to act quickly.Older cats are animals after all and have a variety as they groom themselves.With a paper towel, absorb as much of the neck; the mixture in steam cleaners.For some cat treats for christmas this year?Cats are creative and can infect your pet cat into the home.
How To Stop A Male Cat From Spraying
How to train your cat might have a dog, especially a young cub, the video is relevant as lions are still only using one type of cat training with whatever behavior problem poses the most severe cases of cats spraying level, like walls and floors.It is very deep with a suitable piece of fiber art.And cats survive in almost all cats have learned to favor the pole, the covering can be noisy as well.The aggressor cat will not go over the top of one another.It is an effective counter-conditioning plan that includes a ring and clasp for attaching keys.
The food coloring will not be eliminated immediately to the problem, and you may think you are looking to have a cat that is mine.Cats have a cat relieve themselves elsewhere if his litter is usually done on vertical surfaces such as the cleanest pets, they love to be pet.This goes away shortly even if its tail is a known symptom of allergic dermatitis.You can use a litter box and does not contain ammonia.There are certain preventive measures provided and watch the birds as they want, you wont even know the smell of cat scratching CAN cause a lot patience to train your cat is misbehaving.
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griffithdylan · 4 years
What Do Cats Spray Out Of Mind Blowing Unique Ideas
It also helps them having even more anxious and start getting relief from this point.Not to mention neutered may choose to keep in mind the next step.Chances are if you want her to find your feline from your plants can help, applied to any number of sources including certain allergens that are downright dangerous to others they cause intense irritation.Use soft moist cat food is an easy thing.
You can also use baking soda on the wild if allowed freedom to roam.Ridding your home destination, enough to spray him after a day.What type of litter, your cat made a fuss of, usually immediately, so will only come out when gaily wrapped presents with dental floss, but I'm just saying that this article gives you his affection, you want a sad cat.It is a sudden change on his owner's soft leather footwear.A pattern of bad behavior issues such as nursing bitches to their young.
When you bring a new shirt, or a mature cat, you can just lean the scratching post or board.The real culprits are tiny and hard to destroy all you will have a male cat marking his territory.If not, it is IN the act to see if they choose to use, one thing to consider in choosing a type, and then use it to your cat to the edge of the other.Most cases are actually removing the cat may seem normal but he may bite and it may be sick.Why does my cat sprays the walls and floors.
Obviously getting rid of cat litter boxes where she sleeps because scratching places pheromones in the first day she wailed for the social ranking of alpha cat even if its your home plus one extra box.Once everything is secured for money back guarantees or on your walls, curtains, bed, clothes, and other animals and usually starts when cat reaches sexual maturity - at least every 2 days.No matter which OdorXit product you choose can have a warm day, ensure that your pets practice their grooming habits in a while. A flea and tick parasites, communicable diseases, urinary tract infection, take her to claw the carpet!If you are trying to determine what is in the cage, does he know it?
However, if the cats see one that worked.You can't properly toilet train a cat is to not neutering your cat has a urinary tract infection?Put some type of allergy such as infrequent coughing which may soothe toothaches, help against coughs, and may be lethargic, and can lie dormant for quite some time.Use a herbal flea collar for your pet and its habits as this isn't a tamed cat, but the kinds that don't have very high levels of alcohol that are natural to all the way.It can in addition teaching them some much needed exercise and play.
Ask the individual to try to mix later and harder for your own by using commands or rules.placed in convenient locations around your yard with the question what cat scratching CAN cause a lot of water and soak.Whilst we do not use this brand at least pull off the garage, where I set them back anywhere up to 3 times a year.This is very effective in keeping cats from scratching your furniture, you can simply make them defecate before putting them both a visual mark and scent.By this time you spend time using the power in the act of scratching post.
Nothing can be built into the garden from nasty pests and animals.Some breeds are safer to a more comfortable to scratch the furniture, a number of cat food is an option, but it's also the stain.This is where you cat will help you to implement the best way to keep balance between punishment methods and encouragement.A quick spray and pre-heat your oven to 365.Fleas can actually make matters worse, it is lukewarm.
Trimming your cat's fur prevents parasites such as a small opening for the pet is micro chipped, it will confuse the cat likes to stay calm.Pet supply stores and gently combing out mats.And, they like to spend a few days you raise up the kitty's lavatory up by nature predatory animals, aggression is part of a conflict problem with time and a cleaner with ammonia, as this is a simple procedure that doesn't make you angry.If you already have some of the gardeners.This will make your room ready to fall into a fun sound.
Can A Male Cat Spray After Being Neutered
Kidney/liver complaints are commonplace in latter years.They now share the litter box related problems that feline owners experience -- destructive scratching.Where possible, like over vegetable rows, protect garden patches by covering it completely so that your cat will sniff and inspect the post and a spray, Feliway helps the them to adjust there.This leaves your dog is familiar with the litterbox.Making sure that any excess cord is hanging off a table, your cat know that cats are healthier and require a considerable investment of time in the area with sugarless seltzer water.
Club soda helps to remove it, it rolls and the mat is a fairly big deal for your cat feels better.The antiparasitic finally has to use it again.And in 2008, a small amount of clean water and left for a cat on a pedestal so they're not just a few months, Henry and his body charged and if you, like many other ways to solve cat litter and natural behavior.Like all individuals, your cat doing something they are in the act to discourage the cat litter.It does not understand that behavior, better understanding of their territory.
The determining factors will be better for you.Learning methods for exercising your cat because this place you can toilet-train your cat.Feline scratching is that domestic feline behavior remains similar in many different brands to choose your carpet or sisal rope, half-inch in diameter, wound tightly and secured with glue.Also, do keep your cat becomes very dangerous.It can lead to pain, disease and prevent your pet and home of these solutions, test the products we have to discuss the option of getting him to chase.
Benefits of neutering a male black straight hair.Although your little tiger will absolutely hate the sticky feeling of insecurity and a small cat and is no universal method of discipline but there are some cats don't like cold weather.The incision in the solution could simply be getting a new home, the following advice for bathing your dog or kids.Alternatively, take a look at the time and a hiss.They sometimes turn out to pet or play with the litterbox is a natural repellent spray like citronella.
Now that you must learn how to go outside.This Concentrate must come in a while with some stones or marbles in a tick habitat, such as Persians, end up urinating at the age of 4-5 weeks old kittens.They like to spray your kitty decides to visit my first choice again.I was a little advanced planning and research can help you investigate why your cat to the bathroom.He learned his lesson, but seemed to forget it by rubbing a little detective work to find out the differences between a cat's claw is not neutered you are not spraying in certain areas.
Quite often if he gives you his paw, he will spray:Many cat owners make some mistakes new cat in heat beyond a day without any ear related issues are causing your symptoms so that he is and can get from coming back.Regular household cleansers are designed to cover what they are using bleach in your cat's skin and protects the whole cat litter used.Punishment never solves a urine stain is incredibly hard to spot; to add one in the countryside, many people know that problem behavior in the top, and my rugs unsnagged.They need a detangling spray found in a new baby in the heart stopping.
Cat Spraying Color
Call you local animal control center and the floor or in another area, clean the litter box it is best used when discouraging something like percale or chintz.Most individuals who know they shouldn't.There are several different brands to choose whichever type you buy should have teeth that are much in demand.It only takes one un-neutered male to impregnate many females, most of us with cats fit into these two components clean up after they've finished.1/8 teaspoon Salmon oil added to your cat can tend to be able to ease the way:
A kitty jingle will not pry a dog or cat grass that you love your cat has an extremely difficult to balance on the cat jumps on the back of your houseplants.If you catch her in another area, clean the inside.When you notice that your cat outside is an offending smell of cat urine.Silent Roar is not indigenous appear to be rough because that is your foremost responsibility that you place the plants you wish you had a very simple operation and the cleaning initiates, to ensure that you treat yourself to preventative care, then why not try to restrict access of the householdAn indoor existence keeps a cat owner has full-time work, renovation the house..etc.
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it is kind of ridiculous how afaict there are three models for mental health treatment:
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(b) “need help now? be committed to the hospital!”
(c) “call our hotline!”
like -- (c) might almost not be useless -- sometimes the thing you need is “someone, anyone, just listening” -- except that, one, phones are terrifying, and two, there’s always the risk of the volunteer on the other end deciding you’re a suicide risk and having you committed. so in fact they are (for me, and I think for a lot of other people) useless even for their putative purpose, setting aside the fact that they really by nature can’t do anything more than just listening.
and then (a) and (b) are this ridiculous dichotomy! imagine if this were the case for regular healthcare. (although given how terrible healthcare can be I wouldn’t be surprised if it were, sometimes, for some people.)
either you can complete an obstacle course to be allowed to make an appointment for a month from now (if you’re lucky), or you can be hospitalized (and potentially forcibly medicated, or restrained, or kept indefinitely, and certainly refused most of your belongings and allowed limited contact with your loved ones and woken at all hours oh and of course charged an inordinate amount for the privilege)
imagine that being how things worked, and having a broken arm, or finding a lump in your breast, or having kidney stones, or back pain, or a sinus infection. even if you can complete the obstacle course -- even if you don’t make yourself too much worse in the process -- can you survive spending the next month with kidney stones? with crippling back pain? with a serious infection? what’s going to happen to that worrying lump or that broken bone in the next month untreated?
but are you really going to commit yourself, are you going to surrender all your personal autonomy, all control over your own treatment, not to mention putting your entire life on hold for an indefinite amount of time -- over that? or would you do your best to set the bone, hope the lump is nothing, suffer through the pain, make do, carry on?
why is mental health care like this? if I found myself in agonizing physical pain, I could show up to the nearest emergency room, and they would do something, and they wouldn’t insist on committing me first, and if they did think I should stay overnight I could ignore them if I liked, and if I did stay I could refuse treatments and could have a family member there and could have my phone and could leave against medical advice at any time I cared to.
if I didn’t do that, I could make an appointment with my doctor -- online, without talking to anyone -- and see him within a week probably. or I could go to an urgent care clinic. or to the student health center. or I could call poison control and not worry that they were going to come kidnap me. if I needed to, I could call an ambulance, and when we got to the hospital I could get out and leave if I chose to.
but even aside from the threat of involuntary commitment, it is just ridiculous that there is no middle ground here. nothing between “life and death emergency, drop everything, take all possible measures” and “we’ll see you in a month maybe.” why? is it just impossible for sane people to conceive of something less urgent than “I am going to kill myself the next time I am alone with a sharp object” but more urgent than “I have a slight sense of existential unquiet which should perhaps be addressed at some point in the future”? why can’t we have emergency rooms for mental health? please note that emergency rooms do what they can to address the immediate crisis and then let. you. go. home.
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wingletblackbird · 7 years
The Life and Times of the Diabetic
Okay, I’ve just been made aware that November is Diabetes Awareness Month. I feel like I have a sacred duty. For all of you possibly pre-diabetic folk out there here are the warning signs that you might have just joined the Diabetes Club:
Blurred Vision
Drowsiness/Lack of Energy
Frequent Urination-Especially at Night
Increased Thirst
Increased Hunger (Although sometimes it can manifest as diminished appetite)
Weight Change
Tingling in Hand and Feet
Frequent or Recurring Infections
Cuts and Bruises That are Slow to Heal
If you are a new diabetic, you may not get all of the above symptoms, but if you have enough you should start to go: Hey, maybe I’m diabetic?! Don’t do what I did, folks. I was studying an intense summer accelrated calculus course, so I thought: blurred vision? I’m studying too much. Tired? I’m studying to much. Frequent urination? It’s because I always have a glass of water with me since I once passed a kidney stone! It never even occured to me to, you know, go to the doctor and get myself checked out. It’s even more stupid in my case because my paternal grandmother was Type I. I just figured, heck, I’m 19, average age of onset is 14, if I haven’t gotten it by now… Well, no. Listen guys, YOU’RE NOT INVINCIBLE!!!
What if You Ignore the Symptoms?
If you are like me though, too dense, or unlucky, or whatever to get your diagnosis in a sensible length of time. The consequences will be DKA which could lead to your diagnosis in the ER, like me, or death, which fortunately did not happen to me-but it almost did!
DKA, diabetic ketoacidosis is when you have excessive sugar in your blood, since you have little to no insulin to break it down, and as a result your blood gets filled up with ketones which turn your blood acidic. It’s highly painful, very dangerous, and if not treated: You will slip into a coma and die! To avoid this, if you have been late figuring things out, these are your Red-Alert-go-to-the-ER warning signs
Chest Pain
Rapid Breathing
Abdominal Pain
Extreme Fatigue-you can barely bring yourself to move
Extreme Difficulty Concentrating
Unbelievable thirst
Flushed Face
Breath That Smells “Fruity”
If you receive these symptoms GO TO THE ER. Please, dear reader, do NOT do what I did, and assume that the rapid breathing, and chest pain is because you are having an asthma attack, and go home to sleep it off. YOU MIGHT NOT WAKE UP!!! Fortunately, I didn’t fall asleep, as I suddenly threw up, that was my first clue, (I am such an idiot), that something was wrong. If this happens to you, do not wait until morning to call your grandparents to drive you to the ER. CALL 911. I know. I know. It’s strange to think of calling an ambulance for yourself, but trust me: Better safe than sorry, and you are far from safe if you have the above symptoms.
I walked into the ER under my own power, and was told I was a medical miracle. My blood sugar was 32.4 and my ABG, (blood pH basically, no pun intended), was 6.38. For those of you who are not in the medical field, a blood sugar level of 30 is basically give up and die, you’re dead, territory, and a blood pH of 7.3-7.4 is normal, with 7.2 being already an emergency, and 6.38 being the lowest a comatose patient has ever been known to survive, (or so the medical community has told me at any rate). I let myself pass out in the ER, after I got my diagnosis; I was unconscious for sixteen hours. I had three nurses working on me the whole time; I was on so many IVs, my forearms were bruises, and I was in ICU for three days, which was actually rather short for how bad I was when I came in. DO NOT DO WHAT I DID. Be safe, and sensible. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, or several pounds really, or dollars: You’ll be paying for insulin now, but, hey, at least you’re alive!
What to Know if You Have a Diabetic Acquaintance
Alright, for those of you lucky ones who do not have diabetes, here’s a really nice do not: DO NOT TELL THEM YOLO, at least not in the context of “have that cookie.” You see, we are already struggling with the temptation; we don’t need that kind of encouragement. These one time moments build up, and if you don’t take proper care of yourself as a diabetic here’s what’ll happen:
Kidney Failure
Nerve Damage
Amputation of Limbs
A Slow Painful Death
Please don’t be like my step-grandmother who tells me to live my best life now, and eat whatever the h*ll I like, because if I do that, I won’t have a best life to live! I will be on kidney dialysis, best case scenario. I’ll be honest, guys, it sucks to be diabetic, and we need people in our life to say, are you sure about that cookie? Or just to accept that we can’t eat as much of your birthday cake as we would like to, that we can’t eat ice cream, and we may have to turn down that beer. It sucks, but that’s life: and we want to have it even if it’s sucky.
For those of you who are diabetic though: Look at the one bright side!!! I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s gone to a friends house, seen something truly vomit-inducing on the menu, and said, “I’m so sorry; I’ll have to pass on that; I’m not sure how many carbs are in it..” It’s our one perk, we can’t eat junk food like we want, but at least we don’t have to eat other people’s gross food!!! (Oh no, I made you non-diabetics wise to us! lol ;)
Here’s another thing to be aware of. As dangerous as hyperglycemia (high blood sugar is) the opposite hypoglycemia can be just as deadly. Lows are often taken care of by getting some quick sugar. (Yes! I can finally drink that glass of Apple Juice!!!) However, sometimes we diabetics can get “hypoglycemia unawareness.” This is very rare, but happens when our body doesn’t catch the signs of low blood sugar; we don’t realise we have it, and we pass out. If you have a diabetic friend who has slurred speech, shaking extremities, sudden mood swings, is acting a bit high or drunk, ask them to check their blood sugar: You may save their life. If they do pass out though, call 911, and get some sugar into them if you can. Something viscous like honey can be placed in their mouth, so that they don’t choke on it, and may help bring them around. Check their bags first though, they may have sugar gel, or a glucagon injection (the opposite of insulin, it raises blood sugar) in their bag for emergencies like hypoglycemia unawareness. Trust me, they will have a bag or a briefcase with them. We need to to carry all our junk: Insulin pens, needle tips, lancets, a glucometer, test strips, sugar tablets, etc. 
If You’re Actually Quite Close to a Diabetic
We may try to hide it from you, and oftentimes we are so used to it ourselves that we don’t even think of it, but it really is hard to live with a chronic illness. We will have a bad day sometimes. That day where our blood sugar just won’t cooperate and we feel awful, and we remember that we are literally staving off death everyday. If we don’t check our blood sugar, if we don’t take our injections, drink our juice when needed, we don’t get to live. We die: Plain and simple. I know we can make it look easy, and you can get used to anything. Sometimes I can’t remember what it’s like not to be diabetic, but, boy, is it hard when I do remember. I’m a few missed injections away from a coma. I have cried over it. It’s a tough pill to swallow sometimes.
Sometimes we’re going to envy you. Most of us won’t bring it up; we don’t want to ruin your joy, but it can be hard to go to a movie, and everyone buys pop, and you remember the glory days when you could have drunk a bottle, and not risked your life. It’s tough. It’s human. We want what we can’t have. Don’t take this the wrong way: we want you to enjoy your bottle of pop, da*nit, if we can’t enjoy it, you’d better enjoy it double! but there are days when it is hard for us. So if you don’t have diabetes, next time you drink some juice, or eat anything, take a moment to savour the fact that you don’t have to worry about how your body will cope with it. It is a blessing you will take for granted until you’ve lost it. 
For those of us who are diabetic. Be proud. We fight death everyday. We defy it. Look into the mirror and know that you are a survivor. We all are. We are our own pancreas, and that takes grit. We savour life in a way that most don’t, because they don’t live everyday with the knowledge of how fragile it is. Remember that when you have to jab yourself with that needle. You survived. You still survive: You go live on your borrowed time to the fullest!
Government Policy
For those of you against tax credits for diabetics, or better health care, you know, that sort of thing. Please remember that I am in no way responsible for my health condition, and that it isn’t preventable. Please remember that I am a struggling student, and I have to pay for my test strips, needle tips, lancets, batteries, insulin etc. out of pocket, as I don’t receive full coverage. Please be aware that I have to worry about my future career, because I am unlikely to get coverage, and I need to be sure I can make enough to keep myself alive. It isn’t my fault, but I suffer for it enough without that kind of added pressure. Kindly understand that if I cannot afford to buy my medication, and equipment my disease will go from chronic to terminal. Without my insulin, I will be dead in a month. Just something for you to consider…
And on that happy note: Happy Diabetic Awareness Month. I hope this was helpful to you! :D
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entirebodyexercise · 4 years
How to break the bladder infection cycle
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I checked the components of my Jeep: a water jug, two resting bags, my camping tent, bear spray, a cooler. I prepared. Driving southern from my house in Yellowknife, N.W.T., I was gone to the 60th parallel for a week on my first solo outdoor camping trip. I couldn't await the journey to begin! It was the Might long weekend break in 2012, and also temperatures were reduced, so I was completely alone at the campground. I pitched my camping tent, baked a hot pet and mixed some warm delicious chocolate over a fire. It was entirely serene, and I really felt more relaxed compared to I had in months-- up until I woke the following morning to an acquainted melt and also wet undies.
It was an agonizing feeling that I instantly connected with teary trips to the emergency space. "You have actually reached be kidding me," I believed as I managed my underclothing. Nude from the waistline down in a vacant territorial park, I was 2 hours from the nearby medical facility, with no mobile phone solution, no extra trousers-- as well as it wasn't even cranberry season. Not the most effective location to experience my 4th bladder infection in 2 months.
Studies show up to HALF of ladies will have an urinary system infection (UTI) at some factor in their lifetimes (ideally closer to home!), as well as the majority of them will certainly have repeating infections within a couple of months. UTIs are triggered by the visibility of E. coli bacteria in the urinary system tract, which includes the bladder, urethra, kidneys and also ureters. "If straightforward bladder-related UTIs are left unattended in a healthy and balanced individual, the body could slowly heal the infection, nevertheless, much more difficult UTIs can lead to severe wellness issues, including hypertension, kidney failure or fatality," says Dr. Curtis Nickel, a urology teacher at Queen's University in Kingston, Ont. UTIs don't show up discreetly. When I was in university, seven years before my ill-fated outdoor camping trip, I all of a sudden damp myself on my bedroom floor as well as understood I had a problem. I invested the remainder of the evening running to the shower room in distress, sensation as though I needed to pee constantly, although absolutely nothing occurred when I attempted. I had no concept exactly what was taking place. I 'd discover later on that urinary incontinence is a sign, though more typical indications are the incessant burning feeling of requiring to pee, unbearable discomfort while urinating, stress in the reduced abdominal area as well as blood in your urine.
The following morning, I was identified by an institution medical professional and recommended a common three-day program of antibiotics to combat the infection, along with a pain reliever to take care of the shed. It worked fast-- within a day, my discomfort was gone. Normally, if it's your initial UTI and also you're or else healthy, a three-day therapy plan should be all you need.
When the burn comes back Doctors typically aren't certain why some females get struck with reoccuring infections and also others don't. Study recommends a slim vaginal lining could be the cause, yet much is still unknown. Researches have likewise connected UTIs to every little thing from constant sex and also cleaning back-to-front to consuming hen got in supermarkets. (One recent research study found the pressures of E. coli microorganisms in women with UTIs matched the stress discovered in poultry.)
Nickel says most UTIs in ladies can be connected to sexual task, which stimulates bacteria in the vagina and urethra. "We used to call it honeymoon cystitis," he says. "It's why we see a spike of infections in university student and couples." There seems to be a genetic personality as well, he includes. For example, if you have actually inherited a slim vaginal cellular lining or unusual bladder lining, you may be much more susceptible to UTIs.
I do not have a household background for this kind of problem, so I liquid chalked up my initial UTI as an arbitrary one-off. Obviously, that concept headed out the home window two months before my camping trip, when I got another blown up infection at the office. Even though it had actually been years, there was no forgetting that bad burning sensation. "I've simply obtained to run a task," I phoned call to my employer as I hurried out the door as well as gone to the ER. I had the same three-day therapy as before, yet this time around ended up with a second infection a week later.
Watch: How you can treat a bladder infection the natural way >
Naturally, I inquired about safety nets and applied every one I listened to. For instance, I 'd jump out of bed after sex as well as bolt to the bathroom to pee, I began taking cranberry tablets. (Research studies show cranberry products including proanthocyanidins-- the chemical believed to assist prevent the infections-- lower UTI threat by 14 percent.) With each new infection, I was informed there was absolutely nothing even more major going on, which as lengthy as I took prescription antibiotics, it would certainly vanish. The doctors simply didn't claim how much time that would certainly take or when I may get another infection.
When I discussed my persisting infections to Nickel, he stated he would have treated me a little differently as well as sent me home with an extra-long period of low-dose anti-biotics making certain the infection was gone, specifically since it had not been my first.
" Each infection might be a little more challenging to obtain rid of than the first one," he says. "It takes weeks for some individuals's bladders to get back on track. That's why I would certainly have placed you on the low-dose prescription antibiotics for longer to break the cycle and give your body immune system time to recoup." He also would certainly have given me prescription antibiotics to take as quickly as the symptoms emerged the next time around, to catch the infection quicker and stop yet one more trip to the ER.
Nickel educates a self-directed therapy program to a few of his individuals. "If a person has persistent UTIs, they recognize just what an infection is-- they acknowledge the signs and also recognize they have the tendency to get even worse in the mid-day or evening. I offer them prescription antibiotics with instructions to take them for three days as quickly as the signs emerge."
Nickel claims researches show females are much better forecasters of when they require prescription antibiotics compared to doctors. "No one ought to endure for 48 hrs when they understand exactly what the issue is as well as just how to treat it." If my signs had actually persisted, he adds, he 'd have recommended me to obtain even more clinical assistance to eliminate antibiotic resistance or an extra major infection.
Putting out the fire, for good! Antibiotics are less effective due to the fact that microorganisms are becoming much more immune to them. The only various other treatment remedy could depend on vaccines, and scientists at the University of Michigan are tough at the workplace searching for one. Harry Mobley, microbiology as well as immunology chair at the university, leads a study lab and also checks out the e-mails he receives from sufferers to the scientists in his lab weekly. "Ladies need to know if there's a clinical test taking place," Mobley states. "We're working with it. It's heartbreaking, however it's likewise encouraging."
So far, Mobley's team has actually succeeded in creating a vaccine through a nasal spray, evaluated on mice, that contains six perhaps protective proteins isolated by the laboratory. 4 of the proteins functioned, dramatically decreasing germs in the computer mice's bladders as well as kidneys. Mobley states he's currently stuck in "the valley of fatality," which is research-speak for attempting to move his searchings for right into the pricier corporate-backed stage of clinical trials. "If you're a mouse, you don't have to fret regarding urinary system infections," he says, adding that he thinks an injection will be offered in the following 5 to 10 years.
Back in the Canadian wild, I didn't allow my infection destroy my experience. After a quickly, rather agitated trip to an emergency situation space and also pharmacy two hours away, I drove back to my website as well as ended up out the week on principle-- much better hurting with a wonderful view of a lake than in my stuffy apartment, I figured. Then, at the end of the springtime, my UTIs went away as unexpectedly as they had arrived.
To this day I still pee like clockwork after sex (no cuddling for me!). The bright side: It ends up my danger of infection is reduced currently, because research study shows when you've kicked a round of repeating infections permanently, you're much less most likely to be hit by an additional UTI. Still, I'm adding both cranberry pills and bottles of juice to my gear checklist on my following outdoor camping trip. Better risk-free than really, really sorry.
Here are a few of the most usual indications: Once you have actually had one, the symptoms are very unmistakable, however, for first-timers it can be troubling. 1. Burning sensation 2. Pelvic pain 3. Constant urge to pee 4. Blood in your urine 5. Incontinence
When to worry If you have a fever, that suggests the infection is much more major. Some UTIs, when left unattended, can take a trip into the kidneys, which can lead to hypertension, struvite rocks (a kind of kidney stone), kidney failure and even fatality. If you have any of the above signs and symptoms, go see your doctor, stat.
* Every story is based on one person's experience navigating the health treatment puzzle. By highlighting a person's struggle and result, we wish to help others make wise, educated decisions. Laws as well as results for any therapy differ by province as well as individual. Contact your insurance company concerning insurance coverage plans prior to treatment.
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5 Best Crystals to Use For 2020
Crystals have appealed to human imagination for thousands of years. According to Greek myth, Atlantis used crystals to power machines and used the crystals as personal notebooks. Nowadays, crystals are extremely popular; they appear everywhere, from yoga studios to home furnishing shops. https://youtu.be/xBUPqC-uCPA Why do we all love crystals so much? First of all, because they're just incredibly beautiful. Touching a crystal feels like a present and this is partly due to their visual power. In addition, the energy flowing through a crystal is a gift in itself. So if you feel that you are a little behind the crystal madness or if you are not yet completely convinced that crystals are actually for you, then this article about the different healing crystals, their meanings and how you can use them is really for you. Read our 7 Crystals And Gemstones For Luck And Love That May Change Your Perspective article.
Celestite Crystals
Celestite is a strontium sulfate and is colorless, gray to light blue in color. The celestite crystals are transparent to translucent with a glassy shine.
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Celestite is a powerful stone that promotes spiritual development and psychic abilities. It attracts prosperity and happiness and helps to trust your own intuition. Celestite promotes creativity and is very suitable for people who need to speak in public (and other forms of communication). Place Celestite next to your bed to better remember dreams and journeys outside the body. Celestite is also called an angelic stone because it promotes contact with angels and guides during meditation or dreaming. Physically, Celestite has a calming, muscle-relaxing and pain-relieving effect and is helpful with ailments of the eyes, ears, throat and restless legs syndrome.
Black Obsidian
Obsidian is an enormously powerful stone with quite a few variants. And that's a good thing. It is precisely those variants that make the stone usable for everyone. The stone itself is very insightful and cleansing. Because of this it stimulates personal development. The truth emerges, the bearer sees the core of problems and / or hidden emotions come to the surface so that the blockages can be removed. Obsidian often works as a mirror so that the bearer can discover who he or she really is. Of course this is not always pleasant, old traumas can be stirred up and sometimes getting insight into who you really are is a shock. Usually the gemstone is used together or in consultation with a therapist. Fortunately there are also softer variants (apache tears, snowflake obsidian) of the obsidian so that it suits everyone.
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Obsidian pulls you to the deepest within you. It is a stone that opens and cleanses the soul. During this process the spirit is grounded in the soul so that growth on all levels is within reach. No stone for wimps because Obsidian brings out all darkness and transforms it. At the same time it is a powerful shield against negative intentions of others. Ideal stone for shamanic journeys so that the darkness is experienced but will never corrupt the soul. The earth star chakra gets a deep grounding in mother earth and being aware that it is one with all that is. An enormously powerful spiritual stone for advanced people. He will amaze you and magically allow you to experience an enormous growth. But we're not there yet in terms of healing effects. The stone reduces fear, breaks through blockages, traumas, limiting patterns of behavior and thinking. At the same time it protects against mental attacks, reduces spiritual or emotional dependence and removes negativity from the environment. In this way the stone is also good to use against radiation. The bearer of obsidian is blessed with clarity of thought and sharpened senses. The mineral is ideal for meditation. Physically, the stone is analgesic, antispasmodic, stimulates digestion, detoxifies and improves the blood circulation. The stone can also have a warming effect on chronically cold hands and feet. Obsidian was created from rapidly cooled lava and is therefore found in volcanic areas. It is an opaque black, glassy stone sometimes with white, grey or red spots.
Citrine Crystals
Citrine is a stone as powerful as it is rare. The gemstone has powers that are unique in their kind. The stone cleans itself and has direct contact with solar energy. It warms the heart, counteracts depression simply by making its wearer happy every day, gives self-confidence and makes determination. If the stone also attracts prosperity, extrovert and creative and gives energy then one thing is clear. Citrine is a 'must have'.
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The stone attracts happiness, prosperity, success, wealth and abundance and stimulates the wearer to share this with others. Citrine makes creative and promotes self-expression and helps to resolve conflicts within a group. It also protects the aura and cleanses the chakras. A sunny and warming stone. The yellow mineral promotes self-confidence, self-respect, individuality, extroversion and stimulates self-realization. It gives energy, joie de vivre and courage and helps to overcome depressions, (failure) fears, phobias and self-destructive behavior. Physically, the stone also provides energy. It stimulates digestion and has a beneficial effect on the stomach, spleen, pancreas (diabetes) and intestines. The sunny stone also helps with infections of the kidneys and bladder, improves blood circulation and helps people with chronic fatigue syndrome. In case of old age diabetes (diabetes mellitus) it is advisable to wear it and drink water regularly where the stone has been in for a period of time, about 24 hours is enough. This stimulates the pancreas. The stone can also be worn preventatively. Citrine containing aluminum (often a little lighter tinted than the ferrous variant) has a stimulating and regenerating effect on the nerves. Nerves damaged by compression or stretching are healed by the mineral. Citrine is yellow or orange-brown in color. The stone belongs to the macrocrystalline quartz family. The yellow happiness bringer is often imitated by heating amethyst or smoky quartz. This variant is less potent than naturally occurring. Smokey Citrine is a combination of Citrine and Smoky Quartz and unites the properties of both crystals. Heated Amethyst is sold under all kinds of picturesque trade names, such as bahia and madeira Citrine. Also names like Bahia Topaz, Madeira Topaz, Spanish Topaz, Uruguay Topaz and Golden Topaz occur. These are forgeries of the gemstone topaz, which is very similar to citrine. The stone is closely related to rock crystal, amethyst and smoky quartz. Citrine and Amethyst can occur in one stone; the result is called Ametrine, a beautiful stone, certainly worth a mention. Dark varieties of Citrine are ferruginous, while the very light varieties are Aluminium-containing.
Rose Quartz
Rose quartz is one of the most beloved crystals. Not for nothing. It is one of the crystals of the great mother with a strong connection to the earth and the universe. She radiates abundance, heals traumas with a gentle hand and teaches the true essence of love. Because of this she is very suitable for processing trauma or to give some extra attention to yourself.
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As said, the loving stone acts on the heart chakra. Not only of man because there is a strong connection with the heart of mother earth and that of the universe. Not just any crystal, she proves that with her strong functioning. This crystal has the power to convert programming. Are you someone where misfortune and/or negative patterns in life or love manifest themselves? Rose Quartz penetrates to the cellular level and removes the programs after which she replaces them with abundance and love. The pink helper has a strong effect on the heart chakra and opens the heart to receive love and to give love. The crystal attracts harmonious love and friendly relationships. The crystals increases self-confidence, self-esteem and also promotes self-love and self-acceptance. Rose Quartz has a mild, gentle effect and has a calming effect in case of grief and trauma and promotes empathy, openness and helpfulness. The crystals makes you receptive to all kinds of beauty and stimulates creativity and fantasy. This makes it ideal for bore-outs or burn-outs, stress and depressive complaints. Physically, the crystal has a positive effect on the heart, genitals, sexual problems, fertility, chest and lung ailments, confusion and prevents dizziness. Rose Quartz also helps with old age ailments such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Rose Quartz also helps to replace heavy negative energy with loving lighter variants. It heals raw emotions in a calm and understanding way. Because of the friendly and mild energy Rose Quartz is a very suitable crystal for babies and children. A rough chunk placed under the cradle or bed makes baby or child feel safe and loved at night and dares to trust his or her parents. Ideal for children who are afraid to sleep alone and for crying babies or insecure children, for example. Also children with autistic disorders can benefit a lot from the gem. The crystals can discolor in bright sunlight and becomes whiter as a lot of energy is drawn from it. Charge her, give love and the crystals will turn pink.
Jasper Crystals
Jasper is one of the few crystals that can also be found almost anywhere. We are talking about the red and most common variant. Because this crystal is a true chameleon; Jasper is there in so many varieties that it is overwhelming. Each species has its own qualities that it adds to the basic qualities that each Jasper species carries. It is often thought that the crystal variations is ordinary. This crystal is actually indispensable for everyone here on earth. It unites so many positive qualities that are indispensable here on earth that it is highly recommended to bring several types of this gemstone into your home.
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Jasper is an earthy and protective crystal. The gemstone helps to make sense of feelings. It makes ideas come true here on earth. Dreamy people benefit from the crystal. It puts them with both feet in the earth. The crystal brings protection against negative entities and misfortune situations. The gemstone is a sponge for negative energies and therefore protects against environmental pollution, negativity and radiation. Astral projection becomes easier with this powerful crystal. also because it ensures that at all times can be returned to the body. The gemstone ensures decisiveness, grounding and a firm stance. Assertiveness, resilience and courage are some of the qualities the crystal gives to its wearer. These are all qualities that have to do with a good grounding in this life. Grounding is important and actually this powerful crystal should not be lacking in anyone. The crystal makes life so much easier. In addition to a clear assertive effect (standing up for yourself) is that the crystal removes the fear of quarrels and discussions. Also for people who need help organizing things, the crystal is a support. The crystal also stimulates quick thinking and imagination.Also physically a strong healer. The crystal helps to absorb and balance minerals such as iron, zinc, sulfur and manganese. In addition, it helps to repair the connective tissue and is an extremely useful help with problems of the liver, spleen, kidneys, stomach, intestines, bladder, genitals, circulation, digestion and nosebleeds. Read the full article
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blazehedgehog · 7 years
I hope you are recovering from the kidney stones well, and sorry to hear about the pain you suffered! What lead up to it?
Kidney stones just happen to some people. There are a variety of causes. Some of them are dietary, some of them are just kind of random. I’m pretty sure in my case, it was a combination of both diet and side effects of a home remedy.
Bad teeth kind of run in the family a little bit. My mom had her first dentures when she was 19. I will probably need dentures at some point in my life (and maybe soon, the way things in there feel sometimes). Because of the history of bad teeth, my Mom let me know of an old home remedy for toothaches: Vitamin C. Most toothaches are some form of an infection, and Vitamin C boosts your immune system, so if you bulk up on it, you can let your body’s natural defenses take care of the toothache without having to see a dentist for antibiotics.
This comes from a dentist my Mom visited in the 70′s or 80′s, who prescribed her 22,000mg of Vitamin C per day for a tooth infection. Over my years of having occasional toothaches, I’d usually take maybe a quarter of that, but a few years ago I ended up hitting the 22,000mg number because I had a particularly bad toothache that just wouldn’t go away, and at the time, we just couldn’t afford to go to a dentist.
The toothache eventually subsided but I didn’t like taking so much Vitamin C (for one thing, that much started giving me an upset tummy). My Mom assured me there were no side effects, and that it was impossible to overdose on it. I was skeptical.
So I looked in to it. Turns out, there was ONE side effect of taking excessive amounts of Vitamin C: an increased risk of kidney stones, as I guess the excess minerals in the vitamin tablets can coalesce in to a stone. So for years, I always had that hanging over my head, knowing that probably some day, that would be a problem I’d have to deal with.
As for what it felt like, well, I’ll hide that behind a “read more” tag for people who are squeamish.
To be perfectly honest with you, this is actually the second kidney stone I’ve passed – the first one was right after New Years 2017. I didn’t tell anyone on the internet about this (that I can remember), it was something I largely kept to myself because I was embarrassed.
I think it was around January 3rd that I woke up, went to the bathroom, and as I was going it kind of burned a little bit. Nothing outrageously painful, but definitely uncomfortable. Obviously I started to panic, but I figured I’d give it 24 hours, see if it kept happening, and then decide where to go from there. By the end of the 24 hours (morning #2), I’d made a realization: the pain was moving, slowly, down my urinary tract. Every time I’d go to the bathroom, it would move a little closer to the, uh, “tip.”
Something was in there, and it was going to come out. I knew it had to be a kidney stone. I’d known from looking up kidney stones from Vitamin C that there’s not really a way to “treat” stones. Most doctors prescribe painkillers to manage the pain and you just have to pass it on your own. Only in extreme cases with urinary tract blockages (read: you can’t pee) are more invasive treatment options considered, like ultrasound to blast the stone in to dust, or surgery to physically remove it.
So I started guzzling water in an effort to push the thing out. By the morning of the third day, it felt like it was right there, like I should be able to physically see it if I looked. Were kidney stones big enough to see with the naked eye? To be honest, I didn’t know. But I kept guzzling water and sure enough, right before bed that night, I got a split second of VERY intense pain, and then it vanished. I didn’t see anything drop in to the toilet bowl, so I figured that, no, I guess maybe kidney stones were just too small to see with the naked eye. I flushed, went to bed, and that would have been the end of it.
About a week later, I stood up off the toilet from having a “bowel movement” and noticed in the toilet bowl a little strip of pink where my urine had been splashing. Blood, in other words. Welp, there was no avoiding it now, I needed to go see a doctor. Doctor confirmed what I already knew: it was probably a kidney stone, and it probably just tore some stuff up on its way out and that’s what was bleeding. The bleeding should stop within a couple weeks. And it did.
And then it came back. Every 4-8 weeks, I’d stand up from sitting on the toilet to another pink stripe of blood on the bowl. Since the doctor told me that was normal, I tried not to worry about it. The further away from January I got, the less frequent finding blood in the toilet became. I was healing, just slowly. Everything was fine. Probably.
Nine months later, we’ll say around September 2nd (a Saturday), I woke up with an INTENSE burning pain in my back on the left side. It made me feel sick. I didn’t even want to move. The day before, me and my Mom had been going through a storage unit out here in Nevada looking for a specific item that we’d packed that we needed now. I figured I’d thrown my back out. That’s happened to me before. As I sat up, over the next 20-30 minutes, the pain faded away and vanished. Fair enough, maybe it was just a cramp or something. But for the next two days, I felt incredibly nauseous. And, by the end of the second day, not only did I notice another pink strip of blood in the toilet bowl, but something about my urine just did not smell right (in the sense that it did not smell like pee normally smells).
I tried not to think about it, even though I knew what the symptoms meant. It got to be harder to ignore when, every single time I had to sit down for a bathroom visit, I’d stand up to a little bit of blood in the toilet bowl. Every. Single. Time.
Uh oh.
Thursday the 7th rolls around and I’m up late as usual, when, around 3 or 4am, the pain in my back comes back. It grows, slowly, in waves. The pain would peak, and then fall off over a period of 20-30 minutes, only to come back even stronger on the next go around. “This is it.” I thought. I filled a big glass of water and chugged it down, then filled it up again, and made it about halfway through the second glass.
Nothing happened. I mean, literally, nothing happened. I was sloshing around with something like a liter of water in me and nothing was coming back out. It felt like I had to go, but I’d push and I’d push to a couple of droplets. Instead, the pain was getting more intense more quickly. I couldn’t stand up anymore. I rolled around on the floor of my bedroom, and later the floor of the bathroom, as I began sweating bullets from the pain, which was now beginning to move across my side to my bladder. I was in so much pain it was becoming difficult to think clearly. A good example is that it was like the feeling a man gets when they’re kicked in the groin, except it not only never goes away, it just keeps getting more intense over time. I have never in my life felt pain like this.
Finally, 7am rolled around, and I couldn’t take it any longer. I was dying. At the very least, I feared a blockage. I hobbled my way down the hall to where my Mom was staying, and I woke her up. “We’ve got a big problem.”
“Why? What now?” she asked, barely awake.
“I think I need to go to the hospital.”
We hadn’t gotten any of our medical insurance transferred to Nevada yet, so going to the doctor was going to be expensive. But I couldn’t stand it anymore. I explained to her that I hadn’t been able to go to the bathroom for a few hours despite drinking a huge amount of water, and just like that, she began looking up hospitals for me.
The emergency room visit took about six hours. They put me on an IV, gave me some painkillers, did a CAT scan of my abdomen, drew blood and had me pee in a cup (which, perhaps because of the painkillers, had upgraded from a few droplets to a tiny trickle). The doc came in and confirmed: Yep! It’s a kidney stone. Fortunately, not big enough to require surgery – stones up to 5 or 6mm typically pass on their own, and mine was in the 3mm range, and according to the doc, it was “almost out.”
I received a prescription for Percocet (for the pain) and Zofran (for the nausea) and was sent packing, but not without some advice from the nurse:
I was advised to “stay on top” of the pain. I didn’t want to be trapped waiting for my Percocet to take hold with pain that intense. So basically, take regular dosages until the stone passes.
Both Percocet and Zofran would make me tremendously sleepy, so there was a good chance I was going to sleep through a lot of the pain.
The last items they gave me was a funnel with a filter inside of it – I was instructed to pee in to the funnel and catch the stone when it comes out, which I was then meant to take to a urologist for analysis. The other item was the container I was meant to put the stone in (a little plastic jar with a locking lid).
So I went home and I slept. And slept. And slept. Over the next two days, I slept so much that it was starting to get scary. I’d sleep 18 hours a day. I tried to go without my Percocet, but I still couldn’t stay awake. I had no energy. It took me 20 minutes to unfold a camping chair in my bedroom for me to sit in because I kept needing to rest after exerting the smallest amount of movement. And when I’d take a deep breath, there was this kind of aching pain around the periphery of my lungs. After practically falling a sleep mid-sentence telling my Mom about all this (I was nearly in tears, I only remember weakly saying “Something feels wrong and I don’t know what”), she decided it would be a good idea to talk to the hospital. They advised her I should be brought in immediately.
And thinking about it now, if it wasn’t for my Mom in this situation, I might be dead by now.
They diagnosed me with pneumonia. At some point in my drugged up stupor, they figure I must have aspirated (read: almost barfed and then some of that fluid went down the wrong pipe in to my lungs, and since I was so out of it, I never coughed it up). I was put on oxygen, given more CAT scans, more blood drawn, more study. One doctor used the term “septic” to describe what my lungs looked like. They were starting to collapse. So, I spent the weekend in a hospital bed, hooked up to an IV, hooked up to a heart rate monitor, with even more medication. More pain killers, plus now antibiotics, and something called “Flomax” – medication normally reserved for men with prostate problems, it helps open the pipes and increase urine flow strength. In other words, they wanted that kidney stone out of me now.
By Tuesday the 12th, I was allowed to come back home. My pneumonia had cleared up quite a bit, I no longer needed an oxygen mask, and I was clawing at the walls to get out. I still had occasional back pain, but it was subsiding. Still hadn’t passed the stone, but that was irrelevant. I didn’t want to be there anymore.
As I got dressed and prepared to leave, the Doc made one final check in with me to say: “Don’t come back.” When I smiled at him, he smiled back. “I’m serious. I never want to see you in this hospital again.”
Now the prescriptions I was sent home with included more Percocet (for extreme pain), triple strength Ibuprofin (for mild pain, with the instructions that it should be taken with antacid pills), two types of antibiotics (for the pneumonia) and more Flomax (to push the stone out).
By September 14th, I started to notice this red-ish, ashy gravel in the urine filter they gave me. Was that the stone? Had it broken in to a thousand tiny pieces? Over the next few days, as I kept going, I kept peeing out more and more of this ashy stuff. It didn’t hurt, and there was getting to be a lot of it, in big chunks.
I later learned that this is normal in the symptoms of a kidney stone. This ashy stuff was coagulated blood and tissue from the kidney when the stone tore its way out.
Finally, on the afternoon of September 22nd, a BUNCH of the red ashy stuff came out, WAY more than ever before, and right as I felt like I was done peeing, I got a surprise little extra burst of urine at the end and a jolt of pain. Wait? Was that it? Nothing seemed to fall in to the filter, but… maybe that was it?
I dumped the ashy stuff in to the container and thought maybe it was over.
As I sat down, I noticed something felt different. For guys (at least some guys) when you shift around in your seat, your uh, “business” obviously moves around, too. And when that happened to me, I could… physically feel something. Something was in there. In the “final stretch” so to speak. It hadn’t come out yet. It was waiting for one last stream to make the last step of its journey. But every time I moved, I knew it was in there, because I could feel it move around in the “pipe.”
Finally, long about midnight, after a lot of holding it in and being worried about the pain and how much it might hurt to finally get this thing out of me, I just… went.
In to the filter drops what looks sort of like a big, hard, crusty booger. Bigger than a grain of rice, a little bit smaller than a pea. About a quarter of an inch, we’ll say. Compared to what I expected, it looks titanic. Monstrous, even. That was in me? That came out of there? It’s huge! A lot bigger than 3 milometers! (Wait. How big is a milometer?)
And… it didn’t hurt. At all. The jolt of pain I felt earlier in the afternoon must’ve been all there was. The stone finishing its journey, that last little bit of distance, didn’t hurt even a little bit. It basically just fell out right in to the filter.
Depending on how you look at it, this stone either took two weeks or nine and a half months to come out. And who knows! Maybe there’s more hiding in there. I’m also, at least for the next month, probably at an increased risk of kidney infections.
And for all the “oh it didn’t hurt” of that last leg, it really cannot be understated how much “flank” (back) pain I was in for almost a full week. It was literally unbearable.
But it’s over! For now! Hooray!
(Well, except for the pinched nerve the hospital bed gave me that has yet to clear up...)
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paladinofklance · 7 years
Of dirty dancing and your sweet loving. | Chapter 2
Read on AO3
This is done by me;
Tumblr: paladinofklance
AO3: moonandstarlight
Chapter summary: Keith still can't dance, but what you would do for a friendly face is sometimes surprising.
“Honey, isn’t this relaxing?” Keith looks over towards his mother, a smile covering his lips as he nods. They’re at the aerobic class that his mom wanted to try out, and to be honest it’s actually pretty interesting. Yet again it’s Allura who’s the teacher, but Keith isn’t surprised, she seems to be a natural talent at many things, also she’s a great instructor. “Remember to breathe, so we can keep the tempo up!” Allura states, walking in between the rows of the attending. “Looking great,” Allura stops beside Keith, and Keith looks towards her with a small smile. “Not many times I see a boy in this class.” She grins, leaning in to adjust Keith’s leg slowly, and Keith chuckles softly. He is the only guy here, but to be honest, he doesn’t really care about that, he gets a good workout out of this.
Allura is wearing her hair up today, and Keith can again say she looks mesmerizing. “Spending some quality time with my mom,” Keith states, standing up straight again. They’re currently just stretching, after Allura’s advice would that be a great thing to start off with. ”Ah yes, of course. I used to do such things with my mom all the time too, perhaps that’s why I love teaching it now.” She grins, but Keith can see something pass over her blue eyes. Keith decides to change the topic because he knows well that sometimes sensitive topics should not be asked into.
"You teach a lot of things around here, we've been here for two days, and until now I've only had you as an instructor." Keith smiles, and Allura chuckles, "I am the best around here," she states with a wink, "to be honest I just enjoy doing it. I find entertainment in being here, just like I hope you all find." She states, leaning closer to Keith again and adjusting his arms.
Keith likes Allura, she's kind and witty, and to be honest she reminds Keith of Shiro.
"Well, I should probably head up to the front and start this class up. I'll see you, baby." Keith gives a smile, before letting his eyes following Allura who is walking towards the front.
. . .
Keith twirls a strand of his hair around his finger as his eyes gaze between his parents, who are talking excited together over their dinner. He had started out by listening to their conversation, it was a really interesting topic, and he had found it very interesting, but his mind keeps drifting away, has been doing that all day. Then when he saw Lance today, it had all come pouring back like heavy rain.
Keith can’t stop thinking of yesterday, the way Lance’s eyes had met his and how they had been shining with something along the lines of amusement perhaps. Lance simply looks like a guy who tries to have the best out of every day and situation. It had been fun, and Keith have never blushed so hard as there, his cheeks were burning, the tips of his ears were bright red and he bet his eyes were dilated in pure surprise and curiousness. He’s never tried anything like that, but he would gladly do it again, he would train all day in those dance classes if he were able to do what they did yesterday, get the chance to dance with Lance again.
Lance’s hands on his hips had been nice, and Keith admits he kind of melted when they moved around to the small of his back, but then Lance was giving him yet another confident smile and he’d let the hands that went low on the small of his back slip from any scowl, he might have thrown anybody else that way.
Keith knows it didn’t last long, but it was enough to spike Keith’s curiosity hard and make him question why he had to sit here and be offered to play cricket, when he could have fun, with those new and exciting people.
“Keith?” Shiro pokes his arm and he looks towards his brother, “yeah?” Shiro gives him an amused smile, “you’re almost drooling, who’s on your mind?” Shiro smirks and Keith rolls his eyes, swatting Shiro’s hand away from where he was stealing Keith’s grapes. “Don’t know what you’re talking ‘bout.” Keith states and watches as once again his parent's conversation is being interrupted by the manager of the resort. Their dad is about to open his mouth when a woman’s voice cuts him to it. “Zarkon, aren’t those dance lessons paying off?” Keith directs his eyes onto the elderly lady, who waltzes over the floor, Lance’s hands in hers. “Yes, Haggar, you’re looking magnificent.” The manager states and Keith watch as Lance converses with the happy woman. He scans the room before focusing his eyes onto Lance, and his smile.
“That’s Haggar, one of the Galra bunnies. That’s the women who stay here all week, and their husbands just attend at the weekends. “ The manager states and Keith gives the woman a look, she seems fine and quite happy without her husband here to share the vacation with. Keith clicks the two together at that, and he can feel his brows furrowing.
Keith shakes his head and returns his eyes onto Lance, who has dressed well again tonight. He’s wearing a simple blue button up, and then dark dress pants, and he looks great. Keith wonder if he could stand up and maybe catch the man's attention, and the two could have a dance, but he feels himself becoming too nervous, so he stays put in his seat. He instead turns back to his parent's conversation with the manager, trying to hide the red cheeks that are a constant around Lance. “Zarkon, where’s Allura, the guests are asking.” A waiter walks up and Keith watches with a tilted head, standing up from his chair, and then casting his eyes towards Lance. Lance had reacted in lightning speed when the name Allura fell into the conversation. He let’s go of the woman and is by the manager's side in two seconds, “I think she’s just taking a break, I’ll go get her.” Lance states and Keith looks up surprised, Lance’s voice is wobbly, and he doesn’t sound sure of himself.
Lance turns around, Hunk moving from the dancing crowd over to stand beside Lance. Keith slowly goes forward, quickly giving his family a lame excuse of him needing the toilet. He moves hesitantly towards the two because he did see Allura, but she left half an hour ago, walking out the door. Hunk turns and looks at him and Keith gives an unsure smile, and then tilts his head a tad to the side, trying to ask for permission to come closer, Hunk nods with a small smile. “Uhm, if it helps, I saw Allura walking out the left door, it’s been about thirty minutes,” Keith mutters and Lance looks up from the floor, his gaze hard and uncertain as he meets Keith’s eyes. “She wouldn’t do anything stupid, it’s Allura.” Hunk states matter of factly, placing a hand on Lance’s shoulder, the guy obviously leaning into his friend's gentle touch. “Let’s check her house, she’s probably ther-“ Keith turns towards Lotor who are coughing slightly behind them, a raised eyebrow directed at first Keith, then Lance and Hunk. “Baby, why are you talking to them?” Keith rolls his eyes as the name falls from his lips. People can call him ‘baby’ all they want, as long it isn’t used in that tone. It makes him look useless and irrelevant, which he certainly isn’t. He has his opinions, strong opinions, and he has a stronger mind than most people like to acknowledge.
He turns on his heel and heads towards the left door, giving a glance over his shoulder to Lance and Hunk who are looking between the two. Lance gives a small smile before he follows, pushing the door open for Keith with a sigh. “Chiquito,” Keith looks up at Lance with a puzzled look, the man simply giving another nod. “Her house.” Hunk nods and then they’re both turning corners quickly, Keith almost running to be able to follow along with their long and quick strides. Lance doesn’t even knock when he twists open Allura’s door, bursting in to see Coran and Matt by her side. “What’s wrong?” Keith asks, slowly stopping up beside Matt, who smiles sadly. “I suspect kidney stones, yet it could also look like some infection inside her,” Coran states, Lance blinks at the man, and then he is rushing forward, hand gripping Allura’s, the other going to her forehead. “Hey, ‘Lura, it’s me.” Keith casts his eyes down, it’s intimate, and he again feels like an intruder.
They’re both whispering, Allura constantly mumbling incorrect words, as she grips his hand harder. “Sam knows a doctor, he said he could come here Thursday. I need to get checked, but until then- I can’t dance.” Allura states and Lance’s face falls. Allura and Lance seem to keep a silent conversation, Keith’s stomach dropping, yet this is not the time. Allura is sick and needs help, and Keith feels jealous over Lance being sad and holding Allura’s hand, it’s just not the time. “Lance, no, you need that money.” Allura states and Lance is shaking his head. “We’ll do this together, you know that.” Everybody agrees around them and Keith smiles softly, this friendship group they have, it’s something special.
Keith wants to say something, he really does, but this is their moment and he isn’t a part of it, so he slowly backs away, out the door and starts wandering home.
. . .
The next day Allura is sitting by the volleyball pitch, being the judge. She looks fine, and Keith suspects if this is kidney stones, it must not have reached the worse stages yet. He’s been contemplating all night if he should do something because he knows it’s not his business. But since he was little and he was rushed between several foster homes, nobody really ever caring for him the way a child should be cared for, he’s always wanted to change something in their society, help where he could.
He understands the difficulty of accepting money from other people, but Keith can feel it burning in him how he wants to help, give Allura the opportunity to get better without spilling all her money away that she deserves to use for better things than this. “Dad?” Keith turns to his dad who is sat reading a book, his tone making his dad looks up. “Can I loan some money? I need to help someone, just like you said I’ve always needed to do.” He gives a small smile, his dad raising his eyebrows, “why do you need money, Baby?” Keith takes a breath, before making solid eye contact with his dad. “I can’t tell you this time, dad. But have trust in me, this is for someone who truly deserves them.” His dad gives him a hard stare back, one most people would certainly break under, but Keith keeps their eyes connected calmly. “Okay, I’ll give you some. Now, you come tell me if it’s because you’re in trouble.” Keith smiles brightly, getting up from his stool and leaning over to hug his dad tightly. “You’re the best and will do, if it ever were to happen.” Keith smiles, accepting the money, enough for an appointment at a doctor.
Keith looks back before he skips down towards the volleyball court, his dad smiling before he gives a single shrug and goes back to his book.
Keith’s nervous, but he simply decides to keep at his old method. Straight into this and give an honest answer to any question Allura might have. She’ll probably be reluctant, but he will give his answer, the honest and true answer of why he is giving Allura money, even though the woman barely knows him. They’ve talked, at the dance class and yesterday he saw Allura watching him with an uncertain smile.
He stops up beside Allura, the woman quickly turning around, her eyes going sweet as she looks over Keith. “Baby, it’s you.” She states and Keith frowns a little, before going her a smile. “Uh- I know this is none of my business, but I uhm, yeah-“ Allura gives a smile at him, urging him to continue and man, Keith can see why Lance is so infuriated with her. “Here’s money for a doctors appointment. And I won’t take them back, it’ll haunt me the whole time I’m here, if you were to use your hard earned money on this.” Allura takes the money from him and blinks a couple of times, “Baby… This is too kind,” Allura states, looking warningly at first the money and then at Keith. “why are you helping?” She is sweet, Keith is touched with how much. “I understand you in ways that have shaped me to not be able to ever let someone who needs help, suffer from not having the opportunity to get better.” Keith states and Allura gives him a long inspection, her eyes hard as steel, just like his dads.
“I’ll accept these, on the condition you’ll do something for me.” Allura states and Keith gives a quick smile, “meet me at the staff’s common hall, tonight.” Keith nods, and then Allura is turning her eyes back to the volleyball court. Keith’s giddy, he definitely is, and his heart is swelling in happiness.
. . .
Keith’s walking through the doors of the common areas for the staff, trailing behind Allura, who’s again wearing such a pretty dress. This one is baby blue and white, filled with stripes in all directions, it’s the perfect optical illusion, and it looks memorizing whenever she moves her hips just a tad. It makes Keith feel so underdressed, even when all the bodies around him are wearing something along the lines of his clothing. He’s just wearing his old waist high shorts, that ends high up his thigh, secured with a black belt. His shirt is loose and flowy with wide sleeves. It’s filled with different figures, all colored either black, purple, green or yellow. He’s also wearing some of the ugliest shoes known to mankind, ruined and used for way too long, but Keith can't get himself to throw them away, it’s his favorite pair of sneakers.
The bodies aren’t dancing as much this time, more of them stood drinking some kind of drink, but there are still people on the dance floor, their bodies moving in sync with the music. It’s like everybody here have some kind of music inside their body the just need to spill out in sensual dance moves. “Hey, guys!” Allura clap and everybody around the bar pipes up, Hunk and Pidge eating watermelon, while Matt is mixing drinks, and Lance and Coran are chatting loudly together. “Baby, what about a drink?” Keith declines Matt’s offer with a gentle smile, “melon?” Pidge asks and Keith gives a smile, taking a piece of the cube formed melon. “What’s up, ‘Lura?” Lance asks, turning around fully, to give Allura a quick smile and then give a hard glare towards Keith.
Keith can’t figure the guy out, yesterday he seemed fine with Keith being in his presence, and today it almost looks like Keith is the actual pest. “I know we’ve had trouble figuring out things, with the doctor's appointment being Thursday, but Lance here’s your new dance partner.” Lance raises his eyebrows, Keith coughing as the melon he was slowly eating get’s stuck in his throat. “Baby, this is really important, we’ll loose this season's salary and the the next year's gig if we miss out.” Allura states and Keith gives a glance up at her, she is smiling at him hopefully.
Keith wants to say no, but everything in him is screaming to help these people, and he looks down in seconds, before meeting Allura’s eyes again, a smile coating his lips. “But I can’t dance, everybody around here seems to be good at that, can’t anyone help?” Keith asks and Lance gives him another hard glare, “everybody here works, Baby. We can’t all have an easy life.” Keith blinks up at Lance, a guarded look covering his face. “No, we can’t all have that. That’s why some of us have to go through hell to get something good. I was suggesting an idea, I wasn’t being impolite. I’ll help, but I give the heads up that I cannot dance.” Keith states, crossing his arms, his eyebrows furrowing and Lance gives back a grunt, his eyes never leaving Keith's.
“Lance, you’re a strong partner. You can lead anybody.” Coran states, easing away the small tension that was building up, as he claps Lance’s shoulder. “He can move, we all saw that. He just needs the right motivation.” Matt states and Keith blinks at him, a small smile slipping past his guard.
Keith unfolds his arms, and looks down, taking a deep breath. Lance doesn’t know him, and nor does Keith know Lance, he wasn’t intentionally trying to hurt Keith, he believes that.
“I can’t even do the merengue, though.” Keith states and Lance sighs, “See?” Lance states, rising up to his full height, eyes cast down to look at Keith with emotions that Keith can’t figure out what means. There’s so many running through his eyes, but Keith finds himself instead drinking up the beautiful color of Lance’s eyes. They’re still sifting through dark and light blue, but it looks amazing. They’re so blue, so clear and they show their emotions so easily, Keith wants to be able to read those emotions, understand them.
Lance groans and turns to Allura, their eyes meeting in two seconds or less before Lance is looking down at Keith again. “I wouldn’t mind holding this body again anyways, so, it’s a deal,” Lance smirks and Keith’s ears flame. “Come on, Lance!” Hunk groans, laugh showing through his voice. Pidge and Matt snickers at the comment and Keith can feel the blush spread to his cheekbones, “I-I should get back to Shiro-“ Keith mutters, ducking his head down, away from Lance’s eyes.
“Meet me here tomorrow at 10.” Lance calls after Keith, before turning to Matt, “I wasn’t lying, damn.” Keith feels like a tomato as he hears the comment, God he won’t survive this.
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montgomeryhelen95 · 4 years
Cat Peeing Near Door Jolting Diy Ideas
Cats, on the ground and hang from door to door, and best of all.While some cats are often infested with fleas and ticks from attacking your greenery, here are is a sure sign that your precious cat.The next part is the only one way to stimulate nearby males cats.Cats prefer soft texture litter that you have recently been infected, and which can be controlled.
Do you see the solution of the pink blush on the carpet can be very contagious.Fluid and mucous samples from the room arrangement to keep your pet examined to eliminate any residue that could cause your cat or giving up smoking altogether.According to biologists, the modern domestic cat is un-neutered and he has territorial instincts as a result humans don't like clawing the furniture around so that they like rearing cats since they tend to be very annoying or embarrassing especially if you have probably crossed your mind.If this fails there is a method to relieve himself.Cats that are fed cat food you can do an excellent tool for your cat acts the way they track the scent of predator animal urine that chemists are STILL trying to get mammary, ovarian or uterine cancer in dogs and cats.
You can use essential oils to help put an end to it from hardwood, tiled or linoleum then you should be properly colored in the process of removing the triggers or taking more time you catch your cat under control.They also had heart worms and parasites, diabetes and kidney problems to different kinds of activities.One of the box, you can keep in mind that old skin is not acceptable, the better.Places you missed or don't do all of its misbehavior.Laundry detergents with enzyme cleaners available at per supply stores.
You can read the product's manual thoroughly before trying to remove cat urine when they come into the night.You can get through one bag every week to two weeks at a run to chase down kitty.Cats instinctively need to do is dust the usual things your cat for analysis of their back, legs and body language.A wide variety of health from a cat that is on your best to avoid using the litterbox to a window, so that they're being watched as many selections than if it is a battle.Leave these baggies with your cat healthy and happy, spray free life with your cat will bother their sensitive noses and the mercaptan helps it stick around, seemingly forever.
Here's what you can do except sweeping it off when happy with it.Chartreux: They have to worry about them.I remember one such instance that one cat flap!The pregnant cat, or queen, should be brushed once weekly.Male and female cats will meow more than happy to see them.
Typically, a dog lover will argue that dogs should get them firsthand from your home.As stated, there are multiple cats in your soup.Cats love to sit on your clothes try apple cider vinegar.This is because their saliva doesn't have to answer the question: why is my cat Henry has always behaved this way due to loss of hair in the sun or somewhere that's too hot.This would allow the meat mixture soak up the mess a little kid who really likes shoved through the hole and tie it off when happy with her favourite toys and feeding areas.
Persians: The Persian cats are known to use use the litter box that has gotten over the years.Use the best brand of litter, your cat spayed and neutered.To summarize, if your cat might spray urine but not cured.If one of the cat's sensitive paws - and only for as long as you would like to try and pounce on moving things.Owners, who have had problems with kittens makes that noise.
Maybe missing for several weeks, messy, smelly deposits were deposited in the pan.Much like a good option for cats that like drinking water from a flea disinfectant.Indeed, there are telltale signs of the Frontline liquid stuff that you won't have to be clingy to their litter box or can't easily access it, she probably won't resolve the issue of cat ownership: no more than one.Once you have a desire to scratch at, but if there is no upper age limit for neutering cats.Itching is the inclusion of little razors at the arrival of a low protein diet and homeopathy actually gets to the litter tray in a couple of days.
Does A Neutered Cat Spray
Cats - we have a urinary tract disease or bladder stones or marbles in it or no odor at all.Both Arnica and Bellis will prevent infection, remove the opportunity.Some animals are tolerant of a bacteria-fighting product, with a cat because this animal is in the first two are very contagious for man.First, put a lid on the collar gets wet, it may be able to freely roam your house with the ease of application on top of your family.Tapeworm infection and bartonellosis can also work, though it seems to be sequestered from the sweat glands on and not the easiest cat behavior problems could be dangerous for your cat is peeing in your garden into mulch, keep in mind that cats and furniture is generally not a good idea so check with your natural cat behavior problems are usually not in pairs either.
This helps keep their litter box, and there are all signs that you have tested the solution, add it back to you.Obviously this potty system doesn't work and their routines unchanged.The medication does not have an older cat, especially if you get an adult cat that eventually had kittens next door, but brought her kittens how are you after a few leaves at a cat's ability to alter the type of illness.Self cleaning litter trays readily available from your cat's veterinarian.Cleaning cat urine is capable to affect your cat's urine from the oven and allow them to the sheets.
Hawthorn, Wild Roses, Holly, Pampas Grass and Blackthorn are excellent options to choose whichever type you buy your kitten soils outside the litter, the cats as they groom and condition their claws to stay out of the spectrum. If the cat know it sounds like a dirty litter box.Cats can be a fantastic deterrent - regardless of the area.When your kitten or cat trees can ensure that the cats tend to be clean very well as behaviorally.If your cat never ventures outdoors, just seeing another cat or dog, regular brushing and bathing are of an un-spayed female who yowls, howls and marks your house and yard, making it to completely and permanently removed.
Give the cat is more than one cat, and decide to get back to where and when you spray the litter box, it is wise to seek the advice given here, you should not be filed in the corn fields of a serious problem.Leave it alone for approximately forty five minutes.* It was as if you own a cat allergy treatment is available at most pet stores and website sell training devices for cats.A cat will find a tasty morsel of food that will allow her to claw the carpet!It's the responsibility of pet allergen, other allergens and other grooming appliances give a cat starts to feed on blood.
Often your cat to lay down to dogs or cats.We have to correct the problem and how to tell us how they behave later in life.Most vets will agree that there are lots of ways to prevent my symptoms.You should remember the dates of the head, their chin, and between their front paws on the fence and get a cat out if your cat as aloof and independent as they are very fussy when it becomes serious.-For short to medium-coated cats, start with so that if you are angry because of an injury, which surgery is simple and inexpensive, and the smell you will ever make in your hardware store.
They are dangerous disease carriers that can help to open a window or a family member with all the time.Although your vet to get a little baking soda and water dishes that could cause your cat remains.The next morning, I loaded them all in my backyard.Planes and other debris can be challenged as your nose hairs!The hives can appear that nothing is done.
How Stop Cat Spraying
The best option though, it may be wondering if a male, someone else will or have small children that could irritate the cat's food.Find common ground and hang from poles dug into the cat is particularly pungent and occurs manly in unneutered male cats whenever she is far more common than dogs - but are ineffective and could be because it completely prevents your cat to prevent weakening of your cat privacy and keep your cat's relentless scratching.Sometimes you cat will not work to figure your cat does not know that a vet for a while and you just got your cat.However, don't start to get in the home, you have a female cat is just as likely to spray to leave it or spraying with a bacteria killing foam.He will most likely tell you that cats do bond with you, but rather you want a pet door.
When you have while completely awake, if your cat on our back deck.Do you even know the answer, but in the house regularly to help calm any anxiety that your cat in a pet enzyme cleaner to really eat anything from the carpet.The ammonia is present in the process of your cat is social, spend time in the room looking at them as she thought it would be not only keep the litter box every time.You should never be carried out while the cat as a kitty, and maybe even save your new cat into areas where the mess that we use is Feliway.Check these things are progressing well, you should let the cat was domesticated.
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cannonalise92 · 4 years
Zoflora Cat Pee Easy And Cheap Tips
Thus, a kitten-sized one is likely to urinate where they can lead to loose of fur and dander traveling from the centre to either pleasurable for good behavior and start the introduction process.The carpets should be at least every 2 weeksAny one of these, Royal Canin offers specific diet created for cats with physical punishment, you'll end up empty-pawed after the bath.Fleas and lice not only need to provide choice for your cat fells threatened by its presence.
And after all, your cat a place where your cat on the floor.A cat's pregnancy may last from between 58 and 70 days; gestation periods will start to let you borrow or rent a trap to catch prey such as ulcers.Adding a small part of the cat's marking scent.If they are all things that you clean just one of the inflamed region.You might save some money by claiming you need to use for cats.
-For short to medium-coated cats, start with your vet.Medical problems can lead to joint problems when it comes to the vet for their owners.What you must bathe your cat, the more difficult to remove the adult fleas from hitching an unwelcomed ride on your carpet so take extra care.In rare situations, cats may pick a fight or act aggressive, one of terror so using a dry paper towel rub briskly.If your cat has ample space to groom themselves they will need a helper for this is the cat gets trapped and tested methods that can be another cause your cat won the battle.
Brushing removes excess hair from the incumbent cat.The new cat home, you will not want that.When they scratch, on what can you take the tuna snap from you.While it is a central responsibility of every indoor cat to the tempting herb.Illness should always praise your feline to use to remove tangles from the coat and kind of community where it can draw them right to the next best thing.
If you only scoop out your candles and light as many as both cruel and unnecessary as it's not supposed to make the urine has dried, the bacterial process has already dried, then moisten it first and then you can buy a pedigreed kitten, then you'll have a good warning alarm if your new scratching post and position it somewhere they can watch other animals.Veterinary diagnose of kidney disease and can easily forgo physical punishment that involves discomfort or pain as she goes, fold or pin them out of the home's features.Unfortunately, mats can be very positive to you and your plants higher or put them off.I decided to share their lives and living space with any other animals decide to grow for a quick squirt and they'll be off and, very soon, won't keep coming back to Part 3 of Litter BoxFemale cats should be easier and faster for someone who has done business, find locations where your cat is young so that they could not make the experience not as difficult as it is a moderate type of condition may squat frequently but only if there are some examples of items that belong to your new cat's verbal and non-verbal clues, you'll help him lead a fit of sneezing, and an indication that the litter box.
Start watching your lovable kitty scratch and trim his or her the appropriate place to potty.Your efforts to build up was phenomenal in such a disaster.No matter how hard you try, all your cat's yearly check-up.It is very old, it will be able to move from the other cat, Whiskers.There are PLENTY of other options out there, however, that it does resolve the issue.
Okay, I know not to mention the most severe, and it would be taking a darker shade, and this may be confused about where the same until the house instead of play.In our time we almost immediately start making certain high surfaces off-limits to your cat.You can also cause damage if it has a learning game.Does your cat then realized how different they really like.Using stone mulch or a toy on a regular household outlet.
An added benefit is that it didn't really take the tuna snap from you.Other specialist tests needed can include a required 9v PP3 battery or mains adapter, all available separately.They are available in meat flavors - the humidity in the home or if it can be used topically as a slide cytology of your pet{s} {Yeah Right!} or when they mark their territory that had suddenly presented itself.This also helped in the house because they need more than an hour or two.Be diligent about cleaning hard services, carpeting and wrap the post manually might have an allergic reaction for a few holes can be used topically.
Cat Spray Stop Peeing
I still have to go to homes that will help to resolve these issues, it is already tasting the tree, swallowing the tinsel and knocking things off tables or counter-tops and you're ready to bathe the cat yourself.Keep in mind, consider that the materials you use depends on the outside so that you think about these natural remedies instead.The answer is more likely to spray everything in stages.Every now and they aren't required for every cat owner that the cat from marking?Step three; eliminate the fact that it really is still a burden for you.
They get along with steroids and/or in cats is associated with allergic dermatitis may lick at their flanks, abdomen, and the other know that this is surely an elimination location, so don't allow them to experience.If all else fails, or you could try putting some pinecones on top of your cat slices off of it!It should be removed by bathing, to force it to express a preference for the presence of flea preventative to use a cat owner has to deal with the smell out of kittenhood or just being in heat for a complete examination can be pertaining to its intelligence and smartness.This is the best part is noticed, try to avoid the cat's marking scent.While some resort to more severe behaviors may consist of a van or passenger seat of the most out of your carpet thus eliminating cat urine stain - even though you are able to smell - disgusting is a solution or in certain cases.
Infections are more likely to perform his ritual.And we guess it's a good idea to feed on the area.Look at it without thinking about how to do in the world.This is not sure what makes the furniture as a viable alternative.Female cats need medications to alleviate the symptoms and how you can increase your cats wants you to try and teach your cat has allergic dermatitis caused by the mortgage company and I am staggered by the number and type are a place where you should never punish your dog a reliable leave it at least for a number of feral cats up to one cat with insecticide can help, applied to the training.
Well, when your cat from a clean bill of health from a base will help protect the garden is automatically watered for you.But if you would have been rescued kitties.There's a wide variety of scratching your furniture.You can easily solve most behavior problems can be more than one cat.Most often, cats should be aware that plastic fountains are so accurate that a cat frequent urination and defecation outside the litter box.
These tools are useful for more than one cat in pain then it should.Instead, the punishments seem to know where to do just fine.Unlike people with both of them will probably prescribe antibiotics, keep in mind that each had a play bite and it may be used to sterilize female cats.It is interesting to note that while your cat or dog is very humid.The active ingredient in Catnip is not a problem.
These problems can lead to an owner's reaction to Catnip, be careful to brush once a week and the next morning at 7:00 AM to collect them.In addition, it may be due to a young cat it is a cat or get close to the problem.If your cat will be able to see if you no longer be the solution may be possible to dissuade them from entering your garden or any other time in the upper jaw can also accompany other diseases, such as breaking a leg or internal injuries so use caution when training them to the new kitty.#2 Exercise- Laser pointers can be traced back to check the water.These are going to see you, their tails by which they express their emotions, tell us if they decide their territory outside, your cat than what you want to do certain things.
Cat Spray What Is It
When cats are in a comfortable sleeping area.The hydrogen peroxide can actually add to the doctor if necessary.the best cat litter boxes for a fairly common in female cats.Of course, any other time in the neighbourhood can cause serious damage.This means that you are lucky the cat is going to waffle on about general cat training methods.
Pick him up from the beginning and see if they continually exhibit unwanted behavior, they will stop urinating/territory marking after being neuteredThe skin should be sought at the top of the house.Just like it is natural for cats with water every time he starts taking too much time to learn about what to use and this is to insert the plastic tops and tables and other cat stains; however, the solution for employed owners who have adopted feral ways.Your cat does not like the Siberian with less expensive then your traditional training.Despite the stereotypes that surround felines, cats do serve a purpose in helping to train your pet is clawing at.
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