#if noise is supposed to become playable
s0ckh3adstudios · 2 years
if Noisette doesn't get more content in future updates/DLC I'm going to MAKE IT MYSELF.
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rapifessor · 2 years
So Dehya was finally made better with the addition of HP scaling to her skill and burst Talents, which I would say was much needed. Pretty much every time HoYo has released a split-scaling character they’ve been terrible, yet somehow they almost did it again. Anyway, in theory this allows them to make further changes to buff Dehya into viability.
But this round of changes may unfortunately be the last.
There was some questionable information leaked today concerning details of version 3.6, which is supposed to introduce Kaveh and Baizhu as playable characters, and with that information came a statement that both Mika and Dehya will not be receiving further changes before release.
That’s somewhat likely to be true, since in most version betas the final version number is x.x.53, and the current beta version is 3.4.53. I also confirmed this by checking when the final changes are made to most characters before their release, and it’s generally a month to three weeks before.
Knowing this, there’s every indication that Dehya will release in her current state, which is... not good, as you’re well aware. Of course, there’s still the slim, copium-fueled possibility of her getting a massive shadow buff before release.
Or, there’s the slim possibility of another Zhongli debacle. If the community makes enough noise, then Dehya could potentially get a post-release rework like Zhongli did. That I think is Dehya’s greatest hope right now, that there’s enough community outrage over such an anticipated character being so terrible that HoYo feels forced to make amends for it.
I admit, I’m not feeling hopeful. The realization that Dehya is likely doomed to be D tier is very discouraging and makes me question whether or not she’s worth my hard-earned Primogems. Assuming I do wish for her, I’ll be hoping she gets changed and becomes worth the hype I once had for her.
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lilnasxvevo · 3 years
The thing that still bums me out immensely about Detroit: Become Human is how…sloppy the worldbuilding was. Like you could have given the basic building blocks of the premise of the game to a group of six randomly chosen Midwestern city-dwelling cyberpunk fans (I do consider DBH an attempt at cyberpunk) and given them two hours to collaborate with each other and they absolutely would have come up with a more interesting and well-thought-out world than what we got. The two things that I really felt could have used a lot more work was putting a little bit of thought into wondering how people will dress and talk in 2038, since with the exception of a few notable clothing items what we got looked and sounded a lot like the 1990s for the most part, and putting more thought into how people will actually use technology as it progresses, since the game seemed to imply some fairly nonsensical shit about the way people use technology in the future (like tablets that seem to be single-use for whatever reason).
And of course the thing that any good cyberpunk writer puts a lot of thought into is political commentary on the here and now by using the future. Cyberpunk is a dystopia genre and cyberpunk writers are supposed to be identifying trends and movements and tendencies that they find troubling in today’s society and saying “this is what I think this will look like if we let this keep going the way it’s going.” The most famous trappings of cyberpunk mostly all have to do with questions about capitalism and bodily autonomy. DBH does not do this. It does a famously clumsy job at trying to relate the android rights movement to the Civil Rights movement of the 50s and 60s (I still just cringe out of my fucking SKIN when I think about the game making androids ride in the back of the bus for fuck’s sake), but it has very little commentary on the world of TODAY, leading to very understandable criticisms that the game seems to think that we in 2021 live in a post-racial society. Not to mention the blue armbands and blue triangles that androids are required to wear, which, I will eat my own shoes if that wasn’t specifically intended to be a weird fucked up Nazi Germany allegory. I have very little to say about that aspect because it’s so obviously brainless and offensive and I don’t know WHAT the fuck they were thinking.
One of the game’s three playable characters is an android police detective but the game neither says nor attempts to say virtually anything about the past, present, or future of policing in our society.
I could go ahead and list every political issue the game could have taken time out to think through and make the player think about but didn’t, but it’s virtually all of them.
It’s just all incredibly frustrating because I remember being like 14 years old and watching the Kara promo video they released almost a decade before the actual game came out and thinking, “Wow, this is going to be really cool!” And then it just. Wasn’t. The game has some memorable characters but if I had to rate the story itself on a scale of 1 to 10 of coolness, the score I would give would be. Just. Fart noise.
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gascon-en-exil · 3 years
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Dark Deity Pre-Release Character Opinions
This isn't actually a tier list, but someone helpfully created a template for this game and it's as good a way as any to do a little visual showcase for this cast. Characters are listed by their class sets, which are fixed but offer a nice variety in terms of promotion options. My opinions on each are as follows, from left to right in each row. Most characters have introductory profiles written up on the DD subreddit, if you'd like to check them out yourself.
You know those buff female blacksmiths in Echoes and Three Houses that some people wish were playable characters? That's pretty much Alexa. Can't say I'm too hyped about her myself, but warrior + tomboyish female character will do that for me...or not do it, I suppose.
Seems to have been written to become a meme, and I still can't decide whether that's clever or stupid. Kind of like Raphael only with a bigger emphasis on training than on eating, and with brotherly devotion replaced with brotherly angst that might theoretically go somewhere if the character isn't reduced to being a goofy joke all the time.
Doesn't have a character profile, so as far as I know he's just a generic dwarf because DD swaps out its inspiration's loli dragons and other vaguely fetishistic shapeshifters for the two most cliché non-human races in Western fantasy. I wonder whether his VA will voice him with a Scottish accent, to go all in on the (ironic?) laziness. There are a handful of elves in the playable cast, but Fenton is the only dwarf so for better or worse he's representing.
She's the embodiment of the FE exotic swordswoman archetype, but curiously DD seems to have turned that broad ethnic brush inward. Helena's last name is apparently a Japanese verb, her art shows her with a spear (as in the association of the naginata with women), and she studied and trained in a monastery that seems to blend elements of Buddhism and Shintoism. Not sure how all that fits into the larger setting yet, but at this point she's still got more background development than Petra.
Our Hero, the one front and center on the cover art. He sounds a bit on the blander side as far as lords or lord equivalents go, with his most promising hook for me being his established friendship with Garrick (see the ranger section). At best I can hope for a bit of a romantic friendship dynamic, although they sound a bit rougher overall as they're military academy schoolmates I wonder why DD went with that instead of lordlings of different territories.
Looks like Camilla; has a backstory like Niles. Cleavage aside though the sexual element of both is toned down here, and there might be some sapphic bodyguard shenanigans to be had as her current employers are a pair of highborn sisters further down this list.
For some reason she reminds me of Tressa from Octopath Traveler, only bustier and a bartender rather than a merchant. She's still just a small town girl with big city dreams, and this being a tactical war game following those dreams will inevitably involve stabbing people.
Hard to judge him at the moment, as his profile was only the second written and so isn't terribly detailed. He's a moon elf with scholarly interests, apparently. Still, as of right now he's the only rogue who doesn't slot loosely into either a ninja/assassin or pirate aesthetic, so that's kind of neat. Also, he's one of several characters to have FEH-esque beach fanart made of them already, so clearly someone's into elf twinks.
A former officer at the military academy Irving attends and a smuggler who dotes on his niece, Ford has major dad energy. Per developer reveals he's also bi, and as I mentioned before I'm totally fine with that. More bear sex, please - but what guy in this cast would hop in the sack with Ford? Only time will tell. His personal skill makes him extra dodgy, which combined with the mug of booze in his art makes me think of WoW brewmasters who dodge-tank through the power of being wasted.
Like Brooke, he's an assassin from a foreign nation - in his case the same one as Helena so presumably he's a not!Japanese ninja. I'm not really feeling him at the moment. What is it about Hao'Fen (the city/territory he and Helena come from) and massive families? That comes up in both their backstories.
I feel like this is the third or fourth character to grow up in some slum or other; at least they've all been in different towns so far. The relative rarity of noble characters is certainly different from FE, but it reduces the political stakes which leaves me wondering a bit about the story. Anyway, Caius is a small town desert hunter who learned how to make arrows out of animal bones. How aerodynamic is bone, I wonder?
Irving's BFF and seemingly the Hector to Irving's Eliwood, only with more flirting (his intro doesn't specify that Garrick is flirting with women, but I'm not going so far as to say that indicates anything). He's the academy headmaster's son, with a strained relationship with his father for some of that hotheaded lead tension. Notably, his VA is the one I'm most familiar with in this cast, as he's the voice of Revali from Breath of the Wild as well as love interests in two different erotic gay dating sims I've played. In other words, I know what this guy sounds like making awkwardly simulated sex noises...and I have no idea what to do with that information.
She's a half-elf with a very storied background, so much so that it's all rather hard to follow her exploits when little of what's being described has been fully revealed yet. I'm expecting her to be a mid/lategame recruit, unless she's dropped in early on to reveal that (sun) elves exist or something.
Imagine if Bernadetta were a commoner, although we can only hope they'll be less screaming. Alternatively, Neimi without an obvious boyfriend. She won the beach contest so now she has official swimsuit art, which I guess makes her a top-tier waifu in the eyes of players who care about such things.
A ranger in the "has animal companions" sense, although whether that will come into play mechanically aside from her personal skill - Butter the ferret can attack with her! - remains to be seen. Her preference for the company of animals is explained by a lack of social graces, so prepare for klutz-related humor. Of note to those interested in F/F is that her introduction specifically brings up her connection with Sloane (see the mage section) and how close the two of them are.
Doesn't have a profile yet, so not much to go off other than his decidedly unhinged look. The cleric class set does feature some darker-flavored options, so presumably he's more naturally aligned with those. His VA was announced to be the YouTuber behind So This is Basically Fire Emblem and other similar videos, so I'm picturing a kooky and somewhat demented Henry type.
Also lacks a profile at time of writing...clerics get so little love. The Discord has identified him a bland blond paladin sort, but as we know from the likes of Perceval and especially Dimitri that doesn't necessarily mean he'll be boring (or not gay).
The soft-spoken healer type, and also a childhood friend of Garrick although her intro sibling-zones him but then this game is inspired by FE so who knows if that'll stick. She may have some interesting thoughts on the theology of the setting, as there seem to be several faiths and she's said to have a complicated relationship with her own. I will be utterly shocked if she's not either Irving or Garrick's eventual love interest.
One of two princesses of the country of Aramor, which appears to be loosely inspired by the Middle East. Heaven help us if the Khalidstans ever get wind of this game. Unfortunately aside from her bond with her older sister (in the mage section) and the knowledge that Brooke has been hired as their bodyguard there's not much to Samara at the moment. Hopefully the clerics all do some comparative theology in their bond conversations, and this isn't like Sacred Stones where none of the clergy characters from different countries ever compare notes. The succession crisis involving Samara and her sister vs. their less-loved cousin the king's son might be a major plot hook? It's still too early to tell.
Much like Maeve her backstory has entirely too much going on to really follow at the moment. Basically she's a human who grew up in a sun elf city because Reasons (seriously, I don't know what they are) and was called to a clerical vocation and also something about taking a journey. Has an unfortunate case of silly boob armor, which unlike a certain other character probably won't be rectified this close to release.
Maren's precocious younger brother, also basically Ricken up to and including the comically oversized hat. As a unit he follows the tradition of Donnel, Mozu, and Cyril of having a personal skill that buffs his stat gains, so it's safe to say he's a growth unit. At least he'll probably join early.
Comes with dead brother angst and a connection to the "aspects" system that will hopefully make more sense once I've played the game and know how it functions both mechanically and from a storytelling perspective. Otherwise she looks to be a busty older - as in, not a teenage - mage in the vein of Calill.
Got the first ever character profile, so it's really short. He's the son of a duke and sounds like a bit of a snob, albeit one that can make explosions happen to back up his haughtiness. He's got some scarring around his eye that surely must come with a story. Someone also made featured fanart of him in Heroes summer banner style, so I guess he's got somebody horny already.
Samara's half-sister, with comparable fantasy Middle Eastern flavoring. Has an interest in discovering magical artifacts and being a just ruler in the event she winds up on the throne (so, almost definitely), and she and Samara travel around with the assassin Brooke as their bodyguard. There's maybe some lesbian possibilities there? Either way, Sara has enough development where I could see her as a major supporting character.
Comes with a genuinely fascinating backstory involving manipulative double-crossing parents, an education in the cruelties and deceptions of social life (reflected in her personal skill), and disinheritance - and yet it's all likely to be overshadowed because she may go down as DD's equivalent to Fates's face-touching. Her initial art is even more revealing than Camilla's, and while the developers later gave her a more modest redesign after negative feedback I get the feeling that this controversy may live on. Her introduction mentions her hunting for both heirs and heiresses and she's now been linked to Sophia, so safe to say she's another confirmed bi character.
While the other class sets are standard fantasy fare adepts require a bit more explanation. They have innate magical abilities and appear to be feared and distrusted most places in the setting. Functionally they remind me of adepts from the Golden Sun series, if anyone is familiar with those games. The classes in the adept group tend more toward physical/magical hybridization than those of other sets, so that will probably be their mechanical niche. Oh, and their default weapon type is lances, which is a plus in my book.
Along with Caius and the royal sisters, he's another one from the desert nation of Aramor. An arena fighter who got touched by a god in what I assume was a non-sexual way and came out of it with a new appearance and adept powers. Also, he's confirmed to be over 40 - how often do you see that in games like this?
Looks like a more carefree Mathilda from Echoes. She's a ranking officer in the Delian army which sounds like it'd sit uneasily with her adept powers. Her profile describes Lincoln as her close friend, which is still about the most we know about him at this point.
This guy's writing plays more into the fairly standard coding that comes with adept powers, as we know they manifested shortly before he was going to confess his feelings to a male paramour and afterwards he was forced to flee his homeland and wander the world. He also spent time among dwarves, so insert short bear jokes here? In the present he's attached to Cia in what seems to be a platonic way; maybe she's a fruit fly, or maybe she just likes having a friend who can light drunken assholes on fire? Elias is definitely into guys, but I would still be a little surprised if he turned out to be totally gay as that's such a rarity in these sorts of things.
Oof, another lengthy and rough backstory. Iris had better parents than Sloane, but she also had to deal with permanent facial scarring (hence the mask) after a bandit kidnapping and the stigma of manifesting as an adept pretty much eliminating the prospects of her making a good political marriage. Also, she and Elias both come from Neullais, which is prominently featured on the continental map on the DD subreddit but doesn't seem to come up all too often in backstories. I think it's a not!France? Hard to tell.
A World of Warcraft blood elf, flowing anime hair and apostrophe'd name and all. I like WoW so that's not terribly grating, but as he has no profile yet there's little else I can say. Thae'lanel is mentioned in Maeve's introduction as a member of a sun elf group called the Exiled, which I'm guessing is tied to his adept status in some way. He and Maeve form yet another adventurer/bodyguard duo.
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maggyoutthere · 3 years
I can't believe I actually fINISHED THIS HOLY SHIT-
The chapters are more than 4000 words long combined. I literally never wrote something this big damn. As much as this is supposed to be satire of bad creepypastas, this little shit found its way into my heart. I'll treasure it as probably the best thing I've written, like, ever XD
‼Tws for blood and body horror
First part here
Second part here
Sonic: Battle of Metal and Blood (Part 3 - Finale)
Synopsis: Local teen faces off against whatever is haunting this game and dies(?)
The game took a while to load again.
I was already making backup plans in my head in the case this didn't work. I could always ask people online if anyone had ever known about this game, even get my brother to help me record some clips of it to post on forums and sites. If that didn't work, maybe try and dump the file on my PC? That could be dangerous; if it was making the console crash and restart, I didn't want to know what it could do to my computer.
I was thrown in the same level. Well that was weird. It was the exact same jungle, or at least it looked like it at first. I could tell it was now supposed to be night time since everything had almost a dark blue filter over it, even Tails, who I was playing as this time. The night filter made the level a bit harder since I couldn't see some things properly, but it was still playable. It looked just like any Sonic game from that time, but I knew something was definitely up with it. I just flew over some badniks and made my way across the level (I missed smashing stuff with Amy's hammer so I just tried to escape that level as quickly as possible)
I entered the same clearing, fearing what would happen to Tails this time. Guy was 8, and I doubted SEGA would let their employees just kill off a kid on screen; but again, as far as I knew this game wasn't even supposed to be here. It could've been some unhappy worker or employee gone rogue making a statement. It wasn't helping to be honest. As I followed the exact same route as Amy, I found Metal Sonic again, still stepping on... something. It was too dark to see what it was. It just made squishy and disgusting noises as he pressed his foot on top of it. For an old game, the audio design was pretty unsettling and well done.
I didn't want to get closer to the guy, so I tried flying over him and getting to a checkpoint or something, anything besides confronting that thing. As soon as I made Tails take off from the ground, Metal came flying at him. I almost shrieked as I tried getting the little guy away from that thing, immediately making him land and sprint out of there as fast as possible. In all that panic, I didn't even notice when he tripped over whatever Metal was stepping on and fell on his face. No matter how many buttons I pressed or how hard I pressed them, Tails wouldn't get up. Metal catched up with him and the screen went black as soon as the two collided.
Those same red eyes were back on screen, staring straight back at me. I was with my face glued to the television from all the anxiety that little chase scene gave me, so I jumped back when the thing looked back at me. It felt like it was looking directly at me.
"I want ears like yours"
There it was again
"I want arms like yours"
"I want a mind to think and a heart to feel like yours"
I wanted to punch the screen; I had no idea what was going on. This was starting to get unsettling. Then, I was back in the main menu, the game's menu. It didn't crash this time, at least that. Tails was gone, like Amy. Now, Sonic was there, facing his metal faker. The two looked like they were about to punch each other in an epic pose. Visually it looked great, but then it hit me. "Battle of Metal and Blood"; did it mean faker versus organic? So the two were going to fight again? Maybe we could still get a happy ending of some sorts.
I didn't even flinch. I pressed continue.
The jungle was gone. I was in some facility  now, playing as the blue hedgehog himself this time. The level layout was much different this time; there were more loops, enemies, spikes and so on. Maybe it was only because I was playing as Sonic this time, so I could just speed my way through the level without having to worry about smashing enemies or flying away from them. I got through the level and ended up reaching an empty room; Metal Sonic was there.
I had never been much of a player myself; I'd rather stand by the sidelines and watch as more experienced people got through all the hard levels. Sure I played a lot when I was a kid but I hadn't carried that with me to adolescence. Now I had to do it myself. Hours of playing Sonic CD as a 12 year old, don't fail me now.
The boss fight music kicked in and a large door slammed shut, covering the way out. It was actually kinda hard landing a hit on the guy; I was supposed to dodge his attacks until he got tired and stopped, then parry on certain parts of the walls and spin dash at Metal Sonic as many times as I could while he was down. The thing was: I was awful at parrying. I sucked at anything that involved aiming, but I was somehow able to pull it off well enough to send the guy to his knees after around 20 minutes of dodging and parrying things.
When I hit him for the last time, it looked like I'd split his face in half or something. There were some pieces of Metal Sonic's shiny blue cover scattered around the arena. He just stood still for a while covering his face. Did I do it? Was he deactivating or something? My fingers were getting sore from holding the control and mashing buttons so hard. He wouldn't move on his own, so I just made Sonic approach him to maybe give the final blown.
As I got closer to him, Metal immediately lashed at Sonic again, trying to hold him down. You could see his face a bit better and… it was kinda red. What was that? Was he changing to another phase or something? The screen went black again.
Staring back at me were no longer those two red beacons; there was only one this time, as Metal Sonic did have half of his face completely torn apart. The uncovered half of his face was a bloodied, pulsating mess of flesh and wires. Coils, staples and stitches kept the mass of muscle and whatever else he had inside of him crudely stuck together. Two different colored eyes were shoved in one eye socket as the whole thing now oozed with blood and oil.
"I need quills like yours"
"I need a body like yours"
Was that… what Amy and Tails…
"I need an organic body like yours
to become the Real Sonic"
What… the fuck… I was too shocked to even move as it cut back to the game. Metal Sonic had successfully tackled Sonic to the ground and had started clawing at his face as if trying to rip it out of his "loathsome copy". As I saw a pool of blood appearing under them, I told myself that was enough and got up to pull the cartridge right out of the console. This was just sickening. As I got closer to the console to pull the memory card out, I realised something that made me start worrying about this in a different way. As I got a good look at my Playstation 2, I realized it wasn't plugged in. It wasn't receiving any power at all. It was only connected to the TV.
How had it been working then?...
I slowly backed away from the console, and when I looked back at the screen, that darned thing was looking back at me. It was looking at me as I was trying to stop it, peeking at the side of the screen as I went to turn off my Playstation. That thing knew I was there. No no no, this couldn't be happening. I started shaking as I realized there was something looking back at me though the screen. Its red eyes pierced into my soul, and I didn't know how to stop it.
I shrieked as I finally pulled the cartridge out of the console, throwing it against the wall to my side in pure fear. The screen immediately went to static and the Playstation opened by itself, the Sonic Gems Collection DVD taunting me. That was NOT just a game. Whatever it was, whoever it was, I was terrified to even pick up the memory card. I put the DVD back in its box and turned off the console. I tried taking deep breaths and getting some sleep; it was late, I'd drank a lot of coffee. Maybe all the coffee I was having had created this fever dream. I begged for that to be the situation. Still, I got no sleep that night. My eyes were focused on the TV right in front of my bed, its bright red ON/OFF button giving me panic attacks each time I thought I saw it moving. If I didn't know better, I'd have believed the thing had been watching me all night.
Would it come for me next?
I ended up passing out around 5AM; I was constantly checking my phone to see the time and messaging my friends. I tried explaining the situation to them but they thought I was either messing with them or that I had somehow dreamed the whole situation. I was dead-sure I hadn’t though. I woke up around 2PM and, according to my brother, I looked like shit. Not even he would believe me when I told him what had happened last night; I couldn’t have dreamed the whole thing up even if I wanted to. There had to be something to prove it was all real… the memory card. If I played the game in front of him, he’d have to believe me. After getting breakfast, I pulled my bro back to my room to show him the game. I hesitantly went to pick up the memory card I had thrown against the wall yesterday, but it was no longer there.
“What are you looking for?”
“The memory card; it was right here! Help me look for it!”
“You mean this one?” he pointed at the Playstation.
The fucking cartridge had plugged itself back on the console. What was that thing, and how was it doing that?! The TV screen lit up with static as me and my bro jumped back; we looked at each other in panic and confusion as no one had even touched the TV. We could feel the electricity flowing through the air, giving us chills and making our hair stand up. My brother grabbed my hand as we saw the darned thing appear in front of the static, its shiny metallic cover still split in half. I froze in fear with my little brother to protect right there; I should’ve done more, I should’ve gotten rid of that cursed thing as soon as I unplugged it from the console last night. That thing placed its hands against his side of the screen, its fingers twitching as the blood made the metal hinges rust and creak. The edges of the screen leaked with blood as if he was trying to break this barrier that separated him from us. It looked at us the same way it looked at me; ready to take what he believed was his.
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For more information and to apply: http://www.convergys.com/company/careers/work-at-home/
To join the Convergys Home Team, you will need the following:
·   A home office environment that is quiet and free from distraction
·   A PC that meets the requirements of the Home Agent platform. You can test your PC during the on-line application process).
·   PC must have a vendor manufactured date less than six years in age as some older models are not compatible with our secure environment (Example: If today’s date is 1/1/2012, the PC manufacture date should be no older than 1/1/2006)
·   High speed Internet access (DSL or Cable only)
·   An Internet Service Provider that Supplies 2 or more IP addresses OR an Internet Service Provider that supplies 1 IP address and is connected to a router.
·   Employees working as Remote Agents are required to have and maintain one (1) dedicated internet connection. Popular gaming systems, Smartphones, and any portable device that may use wireless connections within the home must be turned off prior to and during scheduled shift hours.
·   A USB headset with a built-in digital signal processor
·   A telephone* with a mute button to be utilized during training, team meetings, and individual coaching and technical support sessions.
·   Power Bar/Surge Protector that is UL 1449 Recognized – This will assist in protecting equipment plugged into the power bar, in the event of an electrical storm or power surge
PC Specifications:
You can test your current PC configuration for the following requirements through our site when you start your application:
·         3.0 GHZ Processor (minimum of a Pentium 4 processor or equivalent processor running at a clock speed of 3.0 GHZ)
·         PC must have a vendor manufactured date less than six years in age as some older models are not compatible with our secure environment (Example: If today’s date is 1/1/2012, the PC manufacture date should be no older than 1/1/2006)
·         2 GB of RAM for Windows XP, Vista users* or Windows 7 users
·         12 GB of Available Hard drive space
Additional equipment requirements include:
·         Monitor - 17" minimum (capable of 1280 x 1024), Flat Panel Display highly recommended
·         USB Headset with noise cancellation.
·         SanDisk Cruzer 8GM USB Flash Drive
·         No Wireless Devices, i.e. headset, keyboard, mouse
·         Telephone with a mute button available during all scheduled work hours to be used during training, team meetings and feedback sessions (All monthly telephone and internet charges are the responsibility of the employee and are not reimbursed by Convergys.)
·         Wired router - such as those sold under the brand names Belkin, Linksys, Netgear and D-Link
·         At least two available USB ports with unnecessary peripherals removed while working to free up the ports(cameras, printers, game controllers etc)
Computer Software requirements include:
·         One of the following Windows Operating Systems
·         - Windows XP 32-bit OS - Windows Vista 32-bit OS - Windows 7 32-bit or 64-bit OS
·         Current anti-virus / spyware software updated and installed at all times. Convergys recommends for support purposes one of the following:
·         - Microsoft Security Essentials (free) - Norton - McAfee - Symantec
·         A full anti-virus system scan completed within the last 30 days
·         If hired, a full anti-virus system scan is required EVERY 30 days to maintain security
·         Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2 or better
·         Minimum Windows Media Player 9.0*
·         Adobe Flash player plug-in version 9.0 or above installed*
·         Minimum Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0*
*You can get the latest versions of Adobe Flash player and Adobe Acrobat Reader FREE at the Adobe site www.adobe.com. You can also get the latest version of Windows Media Player for FREE from www.microsoft.com. PLEASE NOTE: You must apply from the same PC/system from which you plan to work if hired as a Convergys Home Agent. During the application process, your PC will be validated to ensure that it meets the minimum system requirements.
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unikornu · 4 years
17 Questions, 17 People
I was tagged by @rockshortage​, thankz c;
Nicknames: Before “Uni” when i was rambling around huge amount of MMO’s i was going by Dece from Decemberish and in my Quake carrier Krollz which was a manly shortcut from “bunny” in my language cus gals back then had quite hard time around shooters so i did prefer to still go with neutral/manly nickname to avoid stupid shit talks. In real life friends just call me Doro which is nothing special, just yet another shortcut from my full real name.
Zodiac: Virgo bitch
Height: 156 cm last time i checked, smol
Last thing I googled: Cambridge dictionary ofc :)))
Song stuck in my head: That dumb song by Dojo Cat - Boss Bitch
Number of followers: 37 for me and bless every one of you
Amount of sleep I got: 8, if i sleep any less my body just refuses to function
Lucky number: 6
Favorite song: Right now....Marilyn Manson - Heaven Upside Down, seems to be most playable song in the list.
Favorite instrument: Looking at the list you can assume its electric guitar but i really don’t mind the drums tbh. Hard to say because i like the sound of well played violin too when they re-create some game songs at orchestras. But i will go for drums. Although violin in Madonna song Die Another Day slays.
Dream job: Already got one i think, away from people. Working at animal shelter and taking care of traumatized/aggressive dogs in their sanctuary where i help them overcome their fear and eventually become adoptable again. I never wanted to work with people, i fucking hate having to cooperate with stupid people but i wasn’t suited for veterinary either. My education went for a work as a beautician before but i didn’t really reach my goal there but i still like to treat my friends from time to time as i remember a lot from these times. 
Aesthetic: Classy, Rock, Grunge (that one got me tbh even if i like aesthetics but not for myself :))
Favorite author: I mostly read comics but as for books i did read before probably Neil Gaiman. As for comics i go for Vertigo mostly but i like what Dark Horse offers as well. 
Favorite animal noise: Pigeons....i love when they do their chooooo and puff their throats like a badass dirty fuckers. I love crows as well when they gurgle a bit. 
Random: I have a tattoo on my shoulder blade with plague doctor and some hidden element but i’m so unhappy with it when i found that the woman who did it literally just re-drew the picture from the pinterest even if i provided her like with tons of other references of style i would like and described everything. And i didn’t know until i randomly found a picture that was like line to line and details to detail same. Now i’m stuck with something that was suppose to mean a lot to me and its just a pic from internet ugh...Also when i was a kid i was hiding sandwiches under furniture because i simply wasn’t as hungry as my mom thought and she wouldn’t take no for an answer. 
Tagging someone uhh...anyone who sees it from my followers and oh man @nukaworld-blues . Have one more thing aside from that woman list :))) 
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sinceileftyoublog · 4 years
Dogleg Interview: Buckle Up, Motherfucker
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Earlier this year, Michigan punk four-piece Dogleg released one of the most blistering, endlessly playable debuts of the year in Melee, which, yes, is a Super Smash Bros. game. At this point, much has been written about the band, from their beyond wild live shows to their Pokemon-referencing and video game-playing prowess. Lost in the shuffle is that 2020 was poised to be their year to gain even more of a national following. Released on March 13th, right as the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Melee was supposed to be supported by three cancelled tours--SXSW, an opening slot for Microwave, and an opening slot for Joyce Manor--and an appearance at this year’s cancelled Pitchfork Music Festival. Listening to the songs on the record, you can only imagine how they translate: the jerky momentum of “Bueno”, build-up of “Prom Hell”, gang vocals of “Fox”, clear-vocal anthem of “Wrist”, and odd groove of “Ender”. The band agrees that playing live is what makes them Dogleg: “Our live shows is what made us the forefront of the DIY music scene for as long as we were with such little released music,” bassist Chase Macinski told me over the phone in April.
The band’s self-titled debut EP--at the time, the band was simply a solo project of lead vocalist and rhythm guitarist Alex Stoitsiadis--was released in 2015. Full-band follow-up Remember Alderaan? (Macinski, drummer Parker Grissom) came out in 2016. In the four years between EP2 and LP1, Dogleg took their time writing what would become Melee but wasted no time debuting unreleased songs as they were finished. It was not just their energy, but their steady stream of new material that garnered the band a growing fan base, local and beyond, and eventually a deal with venerable indie punk label Triple Crown Records. “Fox” and “Kawasaki Backflip” were released as singles last November and February, respectively, and the generated hype garnered them rave reviews from publications like Pitchfork that, 10-20 years ago, probably would have scoffed at them.
Dogleg’s bigger moment--they’ve certainly had plenty of already big ones--may be on hold. Macinski continues his day job as a janitor in Southfield, about 20 minutes northwest of Detroit, while Stoitsiadis has played around with live-streamed acoustic and solo electric sets. While the group approach to writing that allowed the band to flourish when making Remember Alderaan? and Melee may not be possible without a completely reopen Michigan, and while Dogleg won’t be able to feed off of crowds for a bit, I have no doubt they’ll come back when they can with an even greater drive.
Read my interview with Macinski below.
Since I Left You: To what extent can Melee be fully appreciated without the context of the Dogleg live show?
Chase Macinski: I think you get a feeling for it. You understand it. But you still haven’t experienced it. We have been playing these songs for a long time. “Headfirst” for example, we basically had that song written by the time Remember Alderaan? came out in 2016. But we didn’t want to include it on the EP because it was close but not finished. Two weeks later, I’m pretty sure we wrapped it up, and then we were like, “Cool. We have the first song for the new album.” At that point, we thought it was time to make an album. We were playing it ever since it’s been done. As we were writing songs for the album, we were incorporating them into our live shows. A year ago, when the album wasn’t even out, half our set was still this album. Locals who saw us on the most recent tour we got to go on did catch that experience but didn’t get the whole context of the album, you know?
SILY: "Headfirst”, especially, is the most maximal song on the record.
CM: Oh yeah.
SILY: At the same time, when I read reviews of your music that say things like, “Dogleg plays loud,” or “Dogleg has energy,” it seems to leave out the complexity of the arrangements. The stop-starts, the drum fills, the crescendos. There’s a lot going on in the music, beyond it obviously being loud and fast. Can you talk about achieving a balance between raw energy and composition?
CM: We want to build up a lot of tension when we play, and we keep that in mind when we’re writing songs. We definitely try to think of, “What’s really hype? What builds up a lot of energy? What gives us butterflies in our stomach and makes us really jazzed up to hear this or anxious?” For the live shows, since we focus so much on those details, the start-stops and crescendos, it fills itself in pretty easily since we’re all focused on that and on the same page in terms of execution, that it just happens, and on the other side of that, we’re trying to be as energetic and involved and engaging with the music as possible. What we do in theory helps us out in practice, if that makes sense.
SILY: How did you approach the sequencing on Melee?
CM: We took it very seriously. It took us a lot of time to figure out what order the songs should be in. I immediately said we should start the album with “Kawasaki Backflip”, and I got some backlash on that. The other two contenders for the first track were “Fox” and “Prom Hell”. “Prom Hell” had more of an argument than “Fox” did. My attitude was, “‘Kawasaki’ starts off like a roller coaster, and that intro guitar riff is just like, ‘Buckle up, motherfucker.’ Let’s go for a ride.’” I really thought it had that tension immediately out the gate and blasted you with what could be a middle ground for the entire album, where I thought “Prom Hell” didn’t really address or show you what you can fully expect on this. For the first track, you might think something differently. After that, it was a lot of, “Okay, how does one song end and another begin?” We thought a lot about what key songs were in, what note songs ended on, how they ended, what the band was doing, what they sounded like, and then we thought about the same thing for how songs begin. “How does this one start? Does it start full-band, just guitar, drum fill?” We wanted to make sure we weren’t being too repetitive and created a sense of flow that could make one song go into the other. We even incorporated those moments where we were very specific about the time change between “Kawasaki” and “Bueno”. We were very specific about when “Kawasaki” ended and how much time passed between that and for you to hear the drums of “Bueno”. We wanted it to be an exact timing just for enough tension to be built up.
SILY: Were there any considerations to the thematic sequencing of the songs?
CM: No, not really, other than when we wrote “Ender” and decided to call it “Ender”, we knew it would be the last song. Otherwise, there wasn’t thematic sequencing because the lyrical content and the themes through the lyrics throughout the album were Alex’s thing. We write a song, and when the whole band writes the song, it’s an instrumental. Then, Alex comes up with a melody, and we all pitch in with what the lyrics might sound like, and Alex writes all the words. I’ve contributed when he’s got writer’s block and have helped him out a bit there, but for the most part, all of the themes for the lyrics he puts in. 
SILY: There’s a line on “Kawasaki Backflip” that does seem like an appropriate introductory mantra to the record: “We can destroy this together.”
CM: Yeah, I mean, I think that’s a pretty powerful statement as an introductory song on the album. “Kawasaki”’s that “buckle up” song, as well, so the instrumental aspects definitely lead into that idea of “get ready for what you’re about to experience.”
SILY: A song like “Cannonball” is a bit more swaying instead of clearly uptempo. When you go into write as a unit, do those differences occur naturally, or are they forced with any sort of intention?
CM: “Cannonball” I would say occurred naturally because we wrote the song as we were practicing one day. In between songs we were practicing and making noise, I played that main verse riff, that A to C progression. I was just bored, not thinking, and playing my bass, waiting for Alex and Parker to be like, “Okay, let’s play another song.” While I was doing that, Alex was like, “Yo, what’s that?” I was like, “I don’t know, I was just messing around.” We started building on that and took that swaying feeling for what it was, and the lyrics to add to that--I think “Cannonball” was maybe the 4th, maybe 5th song on the album, so we didn’t have any idea what would be on it at that point. We knew it was a Dogleg song.
SILY: On “Ender”, are those actual strings in the outro?
CM: Yes, those are our friends who go to music school in Chicago. We know them from the School of Rock music program we all did when we were in middle school and high school. They were home for summer vacation and had their instruments, and we asked, “Yo, can we record y’alls playing violin”...I forget the other instrument. [Editor’s note: It’s double bass.] Those are actual strings. Honestly, I thought they played the parts so well, I made a comment that, “I don’t think people will think this is real because it sounds so genuine and good.”
SILY: I actually assumed it was a synthesizer.
CM: It’s legit. They’re just really good at playing their instruments. The horns are real as well.
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SILY: What’s the story behind the cover art?
CM: The cover art is Alex’s aunt’s artwork. She’s a really great artist, and we’ve used her designs in the past. If you’ve ever seen the dog pack t-shirt, where it’s the bunch of dogs in watercolor--it’s also the artwork of our first EP--she also did that. She just really likes drawing dogs. We’ve never really commissioned something from her--she’s always already made something that we’ve thought is really cool, and then Alex asks her whether we can use it for the band, and she says, “Yeah, sure go ahead.” One day we were playing a show in 2017, way before we had half the songs on the album written, before “Fox” was even an idea. [Alex] was scrolling through his aunt’s Instagram and came across that picture. I saw it out of the corner of my eye and was like, “What is that?” He just goes, “It’s just something my aunt made.” I was like, “That is a fucking phenomenal piece of art. We have to use that for our album artwork.” He was like, “Okay.” He asked, we got permission. We made no edits to it. I don’t know when it was drawn or made, but when I saw it, I immediately knew it was perfect.
SILY: Is she a fan of the band?
CM: Yeah, she likes the band. She thinks it’s really cool.
SILY: Have any of these songs evolved, from the song structure to the performance, as the fans get to know both the recorded and live versions?
CM: We play the songs faster live, that’s for sure. Before we did any recording for the album, we had to decide on a tempo we wanted to play them at for the album. But since the songs were written, it’s just whatever tempo we’re feeling. For Melee, none of the song structures have really changed. But for the Dogleg self-titled EP, a lot of those songs, we play very differently live. Alex did that all by himself, recording, drums, bass, vocals, guitar. When we got incorporated in the band, that’s when we had the ability to put our spin on it. We changed and added those stop-and-go’s, different solos. No major changes to structure, but they feel more like Dogleg songs you’d expect to hear today.
SILY: Have you written anything during quarantine?
CM: Alex has been making some riffs, but we haven’t written any music. Alex says it’s pretty difficult for him at the moment. The songwriting process for every song on Melee and every song on Remember Alderaan? has been a band experience: Someone comes to the table with a riff, melody, one piece of the puzzle, and then the entire band fleshes it out. It’s pretty difficult for us to write music at the moment when we can’t get together.
SILY: Is there anything else next for you? Are you releasing any more music videos?
CM: We have some ideas. Nothing fleshed out yet. The last thing we did was the “Wartortle” video. We also have the Eureka [Records] sessions, which were all filmed before Michigan was put under lock down. We have some guitar play-throughs that will get out eventually, where it’s Alex playing along with the songs.
SILY: Is there anything you’ve been listening to, watching, or reading during or before quarantine that’s inspired you, comforted you, or caught your attention?
CM: I’ve been listening to a lot of music that I’ve listened to in the past. Once I graduated college and was really active in the temporary jobs I had and on the road, I stopped using Spotify for a long time even though I still had my account. My senior year, my Spotify minutes were huge: You listen to music when you study, do homework, whatever. Once I graduated, I couldn’t listen to music while doing things. A year ago, I was working at a hospital on a research project, and you’re not allowed to listen to music during work. I had like 15% of the music usage I did the previous year. So I’ve been revisiting a lot of old music. I’ve been listening to a band called Colossal. I forget the name of the album--it’s the only one I have in my car. The first track is called “The Dusk of Us” so it’s the first thing that comes to my mind. [Editor’s note: It’s Welcome the Problems.] Phenomenal album, really nice. I’ve listened to that a lot. My roommate has an extra PC, so I’ve been playing a lot of PC games, which I haven’t done in a long time because I don’t have a PC that can keep up. I’ve been playing [Civilization VI] with friends over Discord, which is nice, because I haven’t talked to them in a while. I haven’t really been reading anything, and I’ve been trying to watch movies I’ve been expected to watch for a while. Yesterday I watched The Matrix for the first time. 
Melee by Dogleg
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esfpsgame · 3 years
Research 3- horror
P.T.- This game never fully released and only has a playable teaser unfortunately, but that teaser is incredible at what it does. It's another game you have to experience yourself for the full affect but there is a playthrough linked below. Psychological horror is the best in my opinion and P.T. does it very well with the simple repeating rooms mechanic.
Duck season- A VR horror/shooter game based on an old NES game called duck hunt. In the game, you play as a young boy playing a simple console game when he isn't supposed to. The more you play, the more off the world becomes, particularly the dog mascot who eventually comes into the real world.
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Layers of fear- A psychological horror, following an artist as he slowly drives himself insane. Going through the Victorian era mansion, you discover the story as to what happened there. I had seen playthroughs of the game before but for Halloween, it was on sale on the switch so I got it for my sister and her friend to play. For what it does, it is incredibly effective with my sister not wanting to play it herself as one point as she thought it was scary. Rooms change as you turn around, fall apart when you pick up an item or interact with something and quite often you will hear noises but you can't see where they are coming from.
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Phasmophobia- This is a VR horror game where you and a group of friends venture into various haunted buildings and have to identify what type of paranormal activity or type of spirit is haunting it there. It is incredibly fun to play with a group of friends.
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Outlast 1 and 2- The first game is set in an asylum where you as the player have to explore and document what you see whilst avoiding being killed by the residents. You have a camcorder with nightvision which you use to see, however the battery on it isn't going to last forever, meaning you have to search for batteries at the same time as trying to survive.
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The second game is in a similar style, this time set in rural Arizona with the same camcorder type mechanics but the camera this time is much more advanced with the ability to zoom and pick up subtle noises such as footsteps. It also has a similar stealth style of gameplay with not much fighting outside scripted scenes. The second game is related to a cult rather than an asylum.
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wowheadquarters · 7 years
Interview with Taedal
As a celebration for gaining (somehow) 300, For the past few days you could asked various questions which Taedal is supposed to answer in this interview. So, everything you ever wanted to know about him,or just to know what he knows, here it is! Additional warning: It’s long.
Q: Does Luxien is also a dreadlord or is she an other kind of demon?
Taedal: Both our parents are dreadlords, genetically speaking Luxien is also a dreadlord. Taedal: However, given her experiments with the Void, Twisting Nether, undeath and other things… It’s hard to tell what she is now. Taedal: Most of people settle with that she is still quite sexy when her form is stable.
Q: How does the Golden Torch react when you start to talk about Blizzard (Breaking the 4th wall, simply)?
Taedal: To quote one of my advisors, Corrazzale. Taedal: (In a very irritated voice with strong French accent) “Oh here he goes again, cursing the weather.”
Q: What make you take the decision to leave the Legion?
Taedal: The official version I give to people varies from “I saw the error of my ways” to “I hate being bossed around”. Taedal: The unofficial… Taedal: Look, in a game where players kill things, you don’t want to be a member of the All Evil Organization. Especially not one of the people in charge of something.
Q: What were you doing before you get the idea of the Golden Torch?
Taedal: Eh, you know. World destruction. Soul tormention. Sentient race conquering. Taedal: And also the Annual Volleyball Tournament. There were so many teams participating in AVT that when one ended, we had to start the next one right away.
Q: How did you convinced the others to became the Golden Torch?
Taedal: I didn’t really convince anyone. Taedal: Once I just mentioned to Cheret that I was really thinking about quitting and he asked me if he could quit with me. Taedal: And suddenly I had a bunch of demons eager to leave at my heels.
Q: What is your favorite(s) zone(s) in all Azeroth? (Outland and Draenor included)?
Taedal: Hm… The Forgotten Isle is easy to say, but there are better places. Taedal: Nagrand is beautiful. But I’m going with Zul’drak which is also beautiful and has one of the most awesome soundtracks. Taedal: And yes, I do hear soundtracks.
Q: If you could get high (as in height, no drugs) and sing, what would you sing?
Taedal: I don’t really sing. I am a terrible singer. Even if I could push my voice high or low, it’d be terrible, I am sure of that. Taedal: But if I have to say a song… When I Get Low I Get High.
Q: Tell us something embarrassing that’s happened to you.
Taedal: Alright, seat yourself, it’s story time. Taedal: Back in the Legion we were invading this one world, its name doesn’t matter as it no longer exists. And I come into a temple to destroy it. And there is this highpriest and bunch of bishops and acolytes. But most importantly the highpriest. Taedal: Now the Legion has the rules of epic, because when you are evil, you have to be evil with style. So dreadlords are pretty much expected to deliver a speech whenever there is even a minor chance of an epic battle or a boss-fight. Taedal: So I start the speech as I am supposed to do, I do the nice “cover mortals” and “kneel before your lord” and “your ultimate demise”. Now I’m getting to mention “reign of chaos will soar thorough your world”, which is my favorite part and this highpriest had apparently never heard of the rule of epic, because he banishes memid-sentence. Taedal: Irritating and embarrassing for it was in a crowded temple.
Q: I’m pretty sure you got an hidden talent, what is it?
Taedal: Whatever hidden talent I have, it is hidden so well I hadn’t found it yet. Taedal: But I’ve been always strangely good at locating lost and hidden treasures. Does it count?
Q: With which leader(s) you like to hang out the most? (And the one to not bring in your opinion)
Taedal: Ji and Anduin make for good companions to talk to, both show a lot of interest. Baine is less happy with me but the best person to play Hearthstone with. Taedal: And… Look, I have nothing against Velen, however he could be less… Less exorcising me on sight. Taedal: On the other hand, being around Thrall is even worse. He has a terrible paladin syndrome and is supper depressive person to talk to.
Q: How many walls did you broke?
Taedal: Ever since I managed to crash our nethership into the Labyrinth at Descension point, I lost count. Taedal: Before that it was 36. I get thrown around quite often.
Q: So, how was Argus?
Taedal: Dunno. Never been there. Taedal: My parents were from Argus, yeah, but me and Luxien were born after they joined the Legion. So me and sis are pure felbreed.
Q: What was the more surprising thing on Azeroth for you when you came?
Taedal: The variety of races. Taedal: I had visited a lot of worlds, you know. Most of them has one or two sentient races. Some of them has also some still-sentient-but-less-civilized races. Taedal: And then there is Azeroth with 17 playable races and some sentient but not playable races like the Nighborn, Nagas or Ramkahen plus some less civilized but sentient races such as Gnolls, Murlocs or those shrimpy things. Taeda: And I’m not even talking about the sub-races.
Q: Do you have a profession? Which one? Or which one would you like to do?
Taedal: NPCs don’t get professions like players do and even those we have don’t work the same way. They are more… Normal, less game-like. Taedal: As a hunter, I of course know how to skin a beast and cook it into something edible. Tame and train the beast as well, preferably before it gets skinned. I am a skilled arrowmaker too and as every demon with hooves I can smith a decent horseshoe. Taedal: If you want to give it a label… Skinning and Blacksmithing.
Q: Do you regret something?
Taedal: Yeah. I should have brought myself a glass of water for this interview, my throat is as dry as Tanaris. Taedal: Alright, let’s be serious. I sort of regret not bringing Luxien to the Golden Torch. On the other hand if I’d made her to leave the Burning Legion against her will she’d turned against me or maybe she would go insane with time, so we’d have to fight her anyway. Taedal: …I’ve mentioned to you that we have to fight Luxien as a raid end-boss, right? Taedal: Oh. I totally forgot. I’ll fix that. Taedal: Listen everybody! I have a really powerful sister and she is evil and has a working plan how to dissect this world to atoms so we have to fight her!
Q: Do you have a favorite mount?
Taedal: As a matter of fact, I don’t. Taedal: I mean, I already have a favorite pet and it’s unfair as it is to the other pets. Taedal: No need to be unfair to the mounts, of whom all are perfect.
Q: Do you like to live on Azeroth? 
Taedal: Better to be living on Azeroth than to be dead somewhere else. So I am not complaining. Taedal: But if I had to choose a retirement resort, I would most certainly not pick Azeroth.
Q: How is your relationship with the other demons of the Golden Torch?
Taedal: They think I am weird but that I know what I am doing so they don’t mind doing what I tell them to do, as long as they have something from it too. And I think that strength is in numbers and there are not many people who listen to you if you don’t have an army. Taedal: So I think we have the “mutual trust and cooperation” relationship.
Q: Can you tell us more about Luxien?
Taedal: She is big and beautiful. By dreadlord standards anyway. She could dress more and her hair has its life on its own, I suppose. She doesn’t as much praise knowledge as experiments, she has to see everything on her own. Taedal: I mean, she is pretty much that kind of a person to whom you tel not to put a fork in an outlet because it’d zap you, and she’d do just that to find out whether it’s true or not. Or maybe even better, she’d find someone else to put the fork there. Taedal: She is also a skilled spellcaster. A fel-mage, if you want. Not really good with weapons, but she never needed them. She is clever enough to booby trap any place she lives, rarely anyone wanders onto her. Taeda: She is also lactose intolerant. No idea what are you going to do with this information.
Q: How would you feel becoming the main character of a fanfic?
Taedal: (Excited bat noises) Taedal: Erhem. I meant… It sounds quite cool.
Q: Your favorite(s) activity(ies) to do?
Taedal: I really love volleyball. And walks with my pets. Seriously, my pets and I spend a lot of time together, whether it’s walk, training, hoofcare, clawcare or things like that.
Q: Any fun fact(s)?
Taedal: My name is in fact Latin taeda, which means torch, with additional L so it looks like a name. Taedal: Luxien, as you have probably guessed at this point, is delivered from lux, which is Latin for light. And Czech for vacuum cleaner, which connects her to her experiments with Void. Taedal: A lot of demons that have to do something with the Golden Torch have light-themed names. When it comes to it, a lot of places on the Forgotten Isle follows the pattern too. Taedal: And Torchkeep is a play on Candlekeep - starting location in Baldur’s Gate. We have a lot of books there too. Just ask Cheret.
Q: One time, we ask you to draw something. You drew seven stickmen. Can we have an explanation or still not?
Taedal: Oh yeah, this… Those were the Seven Deadly Sins. Taedal: Considered my drawing skills, I was seriously thinking about drawing seven different sines, but that’d be too nerd.
Q: Did you and the Golden Torch tried another planets before coming to Azeroth?
Taedal: We had three ideas where to go, Azeroth among them as the Legion’s prime thorn in side. Me and the advisors were voting then with the resut 3:1:1 for Azeroth Taedal: Vand’tet abstained from voting as her idea was “we rush in and kill everyone within the Legion”.
Q: Is Illidan a good godfather or did the Illidari got a new member?
Taedal: Yeah about that… Taedal: I hate to tell you that but it was all fake news. You know, a shipment of damaged pregnancy tests can cause mass panic. Or celebration. Taedal: Illidan was really disappointed he isn’t going to be a godfather. Taedal: The only children we actually got were Garrosh’s 37 adopted ghost children for the simple reason that pregnacy tests have to effect on adoption. Taedal: Of course, Illidan asked Garrosh if he could be godfather of at least one of those children, but Garrosh, being Garrosh, was against that.
Q: How was it among the other Dreadlord? 
Taedal: Quite good actually. The arguments could get quite heated and you don’t want to be in a room full of Dreadlords making angry bat noises setting each other aflame, but aside form that it was nice. Taedal: I miss the sleepovers. There is nothing like hanging upside down from the ceiling side by side with your fellows and whispering quietly not to wake the others up.
Q: If you get your own datadisc, what would you do with it?
Taedal: No spoilers, sweetheart, sorry. Where would the thrill of waiting be? Taedal: Well… I guess I can give you a little teaser, so you’re going to be angry with Blizzard for not making it happen anyway. Hold your hats and grab a good chair, here we go! Taedal: A playable demon race with 6 Classes. Hellfire Nights event, celebrated the last week of April and with its own event dungeon. 4 new raids, such as Voidforge or Ivory Sanctum, and 12 new dungeons, for example Cavern of Time: Descension, K’areshan Manaforge or Eternal Prison. Also 4 new big factions with which you may gain reputation. There is a lot of lore explained and some minor interesting things, like Ethereal or Wrathion, will once again be of importance. Not to mention the Fogotten Isle and some distant worlds added as a location. And also a new profession, Painting. Taedal: And I owe Lord Theron ten golds, ‘cause we had a bet going on whether I would or wouldn’t spill the beans. Damned Elves and their psychology.
Q: As we are the First of April, a question of circumstance: Are you a trickster? Or something like that?
Taedal: I wouldn’t call myself a trickster, on the other hand a lot of other people do. For sure I am no such a person as, say, Loki, but I enjoy a good joke just like everyone else. Taedal: What I am trying to say is that from time to time I do a little harmless mischievous joke. But even I admit that making everyone else read 50 Shades of Gray was a kinda… Overboard.
Q: How is the average day for the Golden Torch?
Taedal: We start our day with emergency, because some Voidforge battlesquad has been bored and decided they need their ass kicked and go attack us. Taedal: Then we have a quiet and nice afternoon, everyone minding their own business. Handing out quests, taking care of pets and mounts, preparing lunch and such. Taedal: By lunch usually return the nether-stalkers, so we (and by we I mean I) update the map of the Twisting Nether along with the positions of the Void and Legion forces. Taedal: After that me and my advisors have an argument what are we going to do with it and usually settle with “sabotage but keep low”. Taedal: Later Khadghar pops in to see how are we doing and stuff, so we tell him that nothing unusual happened and there’s nothing to worry about. And so we can proceed to the dinner.
Q: If you could meet the anon who asked for you to exist, what would you do? :)
Taedal: I am not really sure. Maybe hug. Maybe thanks. Most likely I’d play it like no big deal. Taedal: ‘Twas you, wasn’t it?
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For this project, we had to create a 2D game, an interactive graphic novel and an animation. We had to create the story and characters ourselves by planning, filling in character bios and writing scripts for all our projects. We also had to create our own audio and had the chance to work with music student for our music which I was able to do.
Interactive Graphic Novel
I planned to have sound in my graphic novel, for example I wanted there to be a icon at the stop the page or panel so that when you click it music will come on; music that fit the tone of the scene. I also wanted there to be sound effects; there will be sound effects written on the page like in most graphic novels but when you click them the sound effect would make a fitting sound.
Sadly, I wasn’t able to add all of the features like I originally planned, due to there being too many projects I wasn’t able to finish the graphic novel (I only managed complete 1 page of the graphic novel). I wasn’t able to add any music and even though I added the written sound effect buttons I wasn’t able to add the sound like how I originally planned.
If I was to do this again I would have recorded and edited all the sounds I needed, requested more music from my music student and apply them to my graphic novel. 
I planned for my graphic novel to look very detailed with how the characters look and visuals in the background. I also planned to have the character of Bonbon and Caramelle be in full bright colour but have everything else in the background be blank, white and grey (no colour at all), The reason I added this was to show how lifeless Bonbon the world which adds more depth to the visuals and adds more to Bonbon character. There will also be speak bubbles for the text and some of them will be a different shade depending how the dialogue I supposed to be said and the speak bubbles will be colours depending on the character so you can tell who’s speak bubble is who’s.
I was able to create one page of the graphic novel but unfortunately, I was able to ONLY make 1 page. Due to there being too many projects with loads of work and research to do and I such a short time, I wasn’t able to complete my graphic novel. I also layout the graphic novel in flash, in a book format that allows you to turn the page so that it does look like a graphic novel; I used my storyboard as place holders in the novel format for the pages I never finished. The graphic novel page I did wasn’t as detailed as I originally planned because I discovered that when I added too much detail to the backgrounds, it became too distracting and confusing since too much was happening in one panel, so I made the drawings simpler like how my concept art looked. How the characters looked and the idea of having the backgrounds colourless stayed the same and the dialogue was word from word the same as in the script, so even though I changed the visuals, the concept and idea of the graphic novel from how it plays out to the dialogue to some visuals stayed the same.
If I was to do this again I would have planned out my time management better so I could have completed the graphic novel, and I would chose a better art style than the one I chose since I didn’t like the one I chose since it didn’t look good and was very limiting when it came to story, movement and expression which how simple and yet complicated the art style was; the faces was too simple and small to create a lot of expressions with them.
The interactivity-
I planned for there to be little and simple interactivity in my graphic novel; for example, I wanted the book layout to change like you are turning over the page. I also wanted to add selectable sound effects and moving written sound effects that the reader can click.
I was only able to add interactive elements to the 1 page I completed so the interactive idea, like the rest of the novel was never completed.
Most of this stayed the same, from the pages of the book changing layout idea to the moving sound effects. However, a few things changed such as there being no sound for the player to click and interact with but other than that almost everything was the same.
If I was to do this again I would have given myself more time to add all the interactive elements i wanted, create all the sounds needed and maybe add more interactive elements such as animated pictures, not just sound effects. 
What I learned-
I learned while making this graphic novel was quite a few new skills, such as how to animate words when I created the interactive sound effects and how I created the page turning book layout in flash too. I also learned how to layout the graphic novel using panels, about the use of sound effects& dialogue and how you write/lay them out can add so much to the tone and motion of the scene. This project also helped me learn how to draw certain things such as backgrounds and different angles and facial emotions such I haven’t done or practised much before.
I also learned more knowledge about graphic novels, from how they are made, to the genres/categories they can be placed in to all the details and features that can be used in graphic novels (such as panels, gutter & balloons). This taught me a lot about how to create a graphic novel which I can use to develop a more detailed and professional graphic novel with more detailed story and art some day in the future.
How will I apply what I’ve learned to my final product-
For my final product or if I was to ever do this again there is many things I will or would do differently. For example, I would improve my time management, with so many projects that need both research and practical work, there was just too much for me to be able to complete. So, for the next project I won’t set myself too much work and stick to probably one major project which I can put all my time and focus on. I’ve also learned to know my limits and only push them only a small amount, doing too much or making it too detailed, or long or too complicated isn’t going to end good, I now believe I know some of my limited when it comes to my art and storytelling so if i was to do a graphic novel, i know what i need to do and how much too do. I know also know that adding too much detail to something that doesn’t really need it (depending on the style or the environment of the drawing) because it can over complicate the drawing, confuse the reader or just ruin the picture, so if I’m doing a graphic novel or even an animation, i know to keep the drawing detail but not too full and messy with details that it just doesn’t suit, keep the story and the drawings cohesive. I have learned a lot from the graphic novel which can helped me a lot in the final project from the research to the practical work, it mostly has to do with time management and which all this experience i hope I’ll be able to do a better job and even complete my next project.
In my planning, I originally wanted everything to make a noise from the doors, to footsteps, to even the weather outside, i wanted to create an environment and atmosphere to add to the story and emotions of my game. I planned to create the sound myself by using simple everyday objects and edit them to sound like what I’m trying to create. I also wanted music in my game, music for all the different levels and all that express different emotions/atmosphere from happy and upbeat to sad and scary.
Most of this stay the same except for some sounds not being created or added to the game. For example, I created a creepy scratch sound to add to some of the enemies for when they moved but when i added it, due to there being too many enemies all with sound, it badly lagged and shut down my game so i was unable to use this sound. I was also unable to create the weather sound since i didn’t know how to create the sound and i sadly didn’t have enough time to experimented with sounds to create something so i couldn’t add weather sound like i originally wanted. I also didn’t create the enemy creepy voice sounds because I knew i couldn’t add them to my game and with some many other sounds or things i needed to create more, I decided to not make this sound and focus or something else. I managed to make all the other sound or some version of them and add them to my game. I was able to work with a music student would create all the games that I wanted and I was able to add these to my game, which added a lot of atmosphere which was one of the main reason I wanted to add music to my game. I was able to add most of the sounds I wanted and needed, which created added atmosphere which i wanted and made the game feel more complete and professional which was great.
If i was to do this again, I would have created more sound effects like the ones i planned and learned how to add them without causing lag or other issues to the game.
The game I planned and created was a top down, 2D pixel game.
I planned to create a game that started off cute, safe and colourful but as the story developed to reveal a such sadder, darker and dramatic story, the look of the game will change to become darker and creepy. I wanted it to slowly change, have hints of creepiness in the cute section such as the enemies; I originally wanted the shadow parents which is the mini boss to follow her and other little hints, nothing too obvious but still adding tension. I also planned for the main character (the playable character) to be bright and colourful throughout the game even through the creepy sections to show that even in the dream, Bonbon is still hopeful and bright, meanwhile having the enemies all be shadow, creepy creatures to show the darkness of the past that plagues the dream. I also wanted it the mini boss (the parents) to follow you throughout the game. I planned there to be 4 levels, a puzzle level and 2 bosses, with the puzzle and the boss having similar empty rooms while all the level rooms being different to show all the character’s memories of her past. I also wanted there to be a bear companion following the main character and telling her what to do such as the controls and reveal parts of the story and also hint at having a part of Bonbon’s past, a happy memory of sorts, as well has having dream Caramelle following you and helping you in one of the levels.
I was able to create the levels I originally wanted and they looked similar to how i wanted them to look. But there was some things i didn’t do a slow introducing into the creepiness of the game, after the first level it instantly gets creepy and i wasn’t able to add the shadow parents following you. I also wasn’t able to add the bear to the game or Caramelle too. So i wasn’t able to add a lot of the story elements that would have been seen through the visuals like ow oi originally planned.
If I was to do this again I would have given myself more time to properly learn how to add NCP characters in the game and learn how to slowly add story through the visuals since I really rushed the game play and look of the game, maybe with a longer game i could add all the elements I wanted.
The interactivity-
I wanted there to be a lot of interactivity in the game, such as you controlling the character’s movement and controlling her to kill the enemies; the simple game stuff. I also wanted there to be more interactivity such as the character collecting memory orbs as she completes the levels and for there to be story and dialogue in the game to make the game properly story driven and help you learn more about the plot and the characters, also, had more hazards and other mechanics planned to add into the game, to add variety in the game play. There was also meant to be 3 endings; a true ending, a normal/neutral ending and the bad ending. These ending would occur depending in what you collected and maybe how you acted in the game, this would have given the game a reason to play it again and add much more depth to the story.
I managed to keep some interactivity in the game such as the control of the character’s movement and how she fights the enemies but I was unable to add the other interactive ideas i had for the game. I couldn’t add dialogue and story sections to the game because i was able to add dialogue and story text throughout the game like how I really wanted, it would have taken way too much time learning how to do it, especially when I’m not too good with coding and would have taken too much time to add all the dialogue and story i planned in my script. I wasn’t able to add collectable in my game because there was a strange glitch in my game which I tried many times to fix, when you collected the memory orbs you would either fly off screen or turn into another random sprite, I just couldn’t figure it out so i decided to focus my efforts on the puzzle section instead and get another part of the story complete at least. I also wasn’t able to add all the hazards (such as the mud tile) and other mechanics which i wanted in my game, due to limited skill and time. With the limited skills and time, I had, I was unable to add all 3 ending which i wanted, but i was able to have an ending to the game which lead to the animation.
If I was to do this again I would have given myself more time to properly add all the interactive elements i wanted to add, and have done more research before working on the game on how to add these features so i could have created a more interesting game, with more interesting characters, story and with more game play variety. I would have also have time to play around and fix some of the issues i found such as the collectables.
What I learned-
I learned a lot more about game maker since the last time i used it, with more time to learn (through tutorials or just testing and playing with everything) and practise I was able to learn how to use game maker more. I am now able to create more than one room in my game, also now know how to have enemies follow you and use weapons against you. I now know how to add music and sound effects to the game, learned how to create better sprites and props and also learned more about actually designing a game.
I also learned more about game designing, such as now knowing the requirements in a game which is an objective, so i made sure there was an objective to the game and also tried to add story and characters to the game so i could appeal to my target audience.
How will I apply what I’ve learned to my final product-
I learned a lot about my limits, which time and my skills so I know how much i can push myself without it now being as stressful and impossible like how this project seemed to be. I will focus on one specific project (with will likely be an animation). I also learned a lot about creating a character, the problem i discovered with this was that I designed a character who only existed with the plot, everything about the characters was only to add to the plot; they weren’t real and interesting character like how i wanted them to be. So, next time I will try to create actual characters, not just objects to help make the plot move along. I also learned not to over imagine the game, I had ideas that just wasn’t possible, so next time I will plan things that is possible and can be added into my project. I also learned that I need to learn a better way of adding story into my game, not just through words and dialogue but more with the visuals which i tried to do with my game but it was either not clear enough or was just unable to be added.
The Animation
I planned for there to be sound in my animation, to help create a happy and romantic atmosphere with the music and complete the character’s story with the dialogue and visuals. I didn’t want there to be sound effects in the animation because i didn’t want to make the sounds too distracting and make this scene feel more dream like. I wrote down a script for my animation and created a story board, so I knew what sounds needed to be created and where to add it. I would work along with the music student and create happy music to go with the animation and I would have friends voice act for the characters.
This did happen mostly, with the music student creating happy and kind of romantic music which went along with the scene perfectly. However, there was some problems with the dialogue. For example, I had my friends voice act for my characters and since they are not used to voice acting and I’m not used to directing people some of the lines of dialogue sounds monotones and very lifeless which takes away from the dream like scene. I also had some issue with the recording equipment, some of the lines of dialogue was inaudible or lost and with very little time left, I had to cut the lines and scene slightly so it wouldn’t look to out of place but i did mean cut out bit of the character’s story and personality slightly.
If I was to do this again I would have done the sound much sooner so i would have enough time to fix or rerecord the lines I lost of had issues with, so i could create a more consistent and truly follow the script. I would also better have directed the voice actors so they could better suit the character and their voice expression or have chosen different voice actors who would have suited the characters better.
I wanted my animation to be colourful and dreamlike, with art similar to the graphic novel. The animation would be fluent and smooth, with the art being detail and visually interesting. The characters would look slightly different in the animation since they will be dressed in their pyjamas, which help shows a more relaxed side of the characters. I also wanted the characters to have a variety of expressions to add so much more personality to the characters and the animation itself and I planned there to be a CG at the end, showing their happy ending and help the viewer and the people who played the game to have a feeling of triumph and completeness as they see that their involvement and chooses matter in the end.
Sadly, I wasn’t able to create an animation due to how little time we had, so i could only create an animatic. Since it was only an animatic, there art is simple and not detailed, the movement isn’t smooth and it isn’t coloured. But i was able to show how the story was supposed to play out, the drawings are not too bad so you can see how the scene and character were supposed to look and since i did the drawing in purple, you still get a dream like quality to the animatic. I was able to add some expression to the characters but since the drawings are very simple and I was focusing more on the layout, movement and position of the character, I didn’t add to much expression and focus into the characters looks, expression and personality and also due to this i didn’t add any backgrounds to the animation. But i was able to add a CG at the end and show the characters happy ending. 
If I was to do this again I would have given myself more time to properly animate this scene, and create a complete animation.
The interactivity-
Since this is an animation/animatic, i didn’t add any interactivity except many the play button.
What I learned- 
I learned a lot about animation since I’ve never done a proper animation before. I learned what an animatic was, what they were for and how to create one. I learned how to create a script for an animation and how to create a story board too. I also learned what can go wrong with voice acting and how to be a better director for next time, so that i can get the expression in the voices like how i wanted and planned. I also learned about animation as a whole, how to lip sync and also how to animate in flash which I could only create very simple games on. I also learned more about drawing, such as animating movement like walking and running and how to draw different positions for the characters to be in.
How will I apply what I’ve learned to my final product- 
I found the animation to be the most enjoyable and yet most challenging to do out of all the projects, so i decided to do an animation for my final project since it was fun to do and i want to learn how to properly animate a short scene.
My next project will could have dialogue, so i will need to apply all the skills i learned about lip syncing to my final project. I will also most defiantly have to apply the skills i learned about animating movement into my next project and i want to learned and apply how to make them more smooth and consistent in my final project. I will also apply what I’ve learned about creating scripts and story boards towards my final project. I also apply what I’ve learnt about what can go wrong with recording, so I’ll give myself enough time to fix these issues if i need to. I also learned more about voice acting, so i can apply more of the direction skills i learned and also apply the voice actors I found easiest and with the most experience for my final project if I needed to.
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