#if no one got me at least i know the larycent authors on ao3 got me
crobones · 2 months
knowing what we do about the finale, when alicent said "the significance of viserys' intentions died with him" to larys, he saw it for what it was. she was giving up and giving in to the fact that all of her conviction thus far was based on a misinterpretation. THIS is why he doesn't side with alicent at the small council. he needs to back someone who believes in their claim- who believes that the fighting and the death and the war so far is worth it. maybe it's a little bit because he killed his own father and brother. yes, it was to show his loyalty, his ferocity, and the lengths he will go for her and her cause, and to show her how dangerous he can be. but if she doesn't believe in her own cause anymore, then he became a kinslayer for nothing. and he can't have that.
larys saw the writing on the wall and chose to support those with conviction.
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