#if merfolk can in fact control digestion i think they'd use eating ppl as like a sign of affection or smth
vorish-wonderland · 1 year
You've been stuck on a small island for who knows how long... luckily, there's a merman who's been keeping you company the whole time! He'll come to the shore of the island and you two will talk for hours- even though you can't understand a single thing he says...
Includes: soft/safe vore, unwilling prey, language barrier, Floyd actually trying to be nice about the situation for once
★✦I'll Keep You Safe! I Promise!✦★
You say by the shore waiting for him to visit. He may be a bit strange sometimes, but he's honestly one of the only things keeping you sane. Even if you can't understand what he's saying ever, it's still nice to talk with someone.
He'll bring you fish and such... food to keep you alive... how nice of him! He seems to really care about you... at least, as much as he can without understanding anything you say.
It's nice, knowing you aren't entirely alone...
He wrote his name in the sand for you once. It wasn't written in his language, it was written in yours, which showed you that he probably somewhat understands you... his name is Floyd. You wrote out your name for him as well... he seemed happy about it. He drsoft view a little picture of a shrimp under your name.
He does weird things sometimes... he'll do some rather affectionate things, which are... a bit cute... he'll give you fish that have been torn to shreds- killed by him- as a seemingly romantic gesture... I mean, you don't know anything about merfolk customs, so, maybe...
...he also licks your face sometimes. You... you're not sure about that one.
One morning.
One morning, you woke up laying stomach-down on the sand with your feet somewhere soft and squishy... that's strange, right...? You're on an abandoned island, there aren't many natural things on an abandoned island that can be described as "soft and squishy"...
Not to mention, your legs feel... restricted somehow.
...should you open your eyes...?
You open your eyes.
Just the beach. Nothing of note. Though your body feels like it's getting progressively more and more restricted... how odd.
You don't realize what's actually going on until the jaws close around you.
You panic just as your head is swallowed.
"Maaaan... I don't understand why Shrimpy's squirming so much..." Floyd pouted. "I'm doin' something nice! Why're they panicking...?"
"Well, from what you told me, you made no effort to explain that they would be safe inside of you." Jade explained. "That seems like a good enough reason to panic."
"...well it's not like I could tell 'em even if I wanted to... sound travels differently underwater than it does on land, yeah?" Floyd asked, looking away, seeming disappointed. "Even if I wanted to communicate with 'em, I can't... so how am I supposed to show Shrimpy that they're safe???"
"Maybe you could show them in some other way."
Floyd decided a good way to non-verbally tell you you're safe would be to fall asleep with you inside him.
Every so often, he would gently stroke his stomach with you in it, trying to calm you down...
And you know what? It did help you calm down. Obviously you were still scared out of your mind, but... this gives you a strange sense of... comfort, almost.
How nice.
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