#if it's wonky im sorry ehe
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solplease · 7 months ago
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forever bound.
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loopscereal · 2 months ago
its 11:35 and theres absolutly no way im finishing this today, but i cant leave empty handed. have a sneak peak i guess
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have a sneak peak, happy bday looonnnnn im sorryyyy i couldnt finish your gift :[
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ketzzzel · 8 months ago
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wip raaaaa
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kobebibebi · 7 months ago
Fighters of Zaron AU
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an au based on all of the boys' fantasy larping if it were a continuous story, but rn it's currently set after the events of snow day :]]
altho disclaimer: it's not entirely accurate to canon and ive altered some stuff to make it logical and connected
(tumblr isn't loading for me so im scared these won't be uploaded properly but eh school comes back on monday and i rlly need to finish these)
sorry if the writing is wonky i don't write at all 😭 i will post more arts of this au as time goes by, also it's more of a self-indulgent au since these bastards have genuinely plagued my mind that i need to put and express them out by drawing so i can actually focus on school 💔
here's a ver of the lineup without the pics (I've made cartman too short 😭😭 it's ok his massive wizard hat makes up for it💔)
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also my mind is completely going insane spewing everything rn so I'll just add that i completely based their vibes on their snow day boss themes pls tell me im not the only one who listens to those
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mbat · 3 years ago
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day of unity? draining spell? chaos god? i dont know what youre talking about, shh theyre resting
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cryptic-kisses · 3 years ago
Hallo , Cryptic ^^
I Wanted To Request Something If ' Yer Don't Mind -
What About Male Reader , Who Says Shit Before Thinking , ' N Like This Happens A Lot , But After They Get Really Flustered -
With Tommy , Ranboo , Tubbo , ' N Billzo !
Take ' Yer Time , Yeah ?
' N , Don't ' Yer Dare Over-Work ' Yerself , Understood ?
- A-RRadio .
What did you say?
cc! Tommy, Tubbo, Billzo, Ranboo x Male!reader (PLATONIC)
summary: you do some fake tattooing and it definitely came out great
warnings: Cursing
authors note: I was watching compilations of unusannus clips so that's what inspired this also Im just realizing I didn't really put in the request that much I am so sorry 😭
All sitting around a table you start giggling as your hands hit the table.
"This is such a dumb idea." You manage to get out of your mouth without completely breaking down in a fit of laughter. You, Bill, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo were completely blindfolded.
With the great idea of doing random things without seeing, one of the challenges was tattooing which made you end up with a bag of henna ink in your hands.
You feel your stomach hit the edge of the table as you lean over making you giggle again.
"Okay okay, who am I gonna tattoo?" Nobody answers you so you take initiative into your own hands, quite literally
You take your hand and bring it over to your right side looking for an arm until eventually you feel the sleeve of a shirt. "Whose this?" You take their arm and 'gently' slam it on the table.
"[y/n] you're gonna break my arm before you tattoo it–" you smile.
"Aha! Billzo is my first victim!" Some of the boys giggle at you as they vaguely look in your direction.
"He is definitely going to draw a dick on your arm." Tommy half shouts out and you roll your eyes despite them not being visible.
Patting the area to try and find Bill's arm you get the henna only praying that whatever you do is at least in the center.
"I'm not going to do that, instead I'm gonna draw a sick ass skull." You hear Bill say something along the lines of 'on brand' while you start the fake tattoo.
It's a little bit of chatting and while you do it you feel completely focused. You can't see anything so you know whatever the outcome will be wonky but In the end, why shouldn't you try?
After feeling like you were finished you attempt to pat Bill on the shoulder. "Billzo, you have been the worst client I think I've ever had."
"Ohh I really hope you didn't put something bad," you shrug and then attempt to try and find someone else with your hands.
"Ooh [y/n] you should do Tubbo!" You hear Tommy say from across from you. The sound of a chair squeaking can be heard.
"[y/n] i'm sorry I do not trust you one bit."
Frowning you take your hand and bring it over to your left side this time and just... feel a head of hair.
"That is very much my head," you grin at him.
You move to take his arm and put it on the table already prepared to put on the henna. Ranboo cringes and braces himself for whatever you're going to do.
"Ranboo don't worry man," you start as you put on the ink on his skin. "I'm gonna make a really cool piranha." You start giggling at that.
"Tough guy Ranboo eh?" Tommy says, making you start giggling even more. You swear while not audible you can imagine him saying a mumble of prayers hoping you don't put anything shitty on his arm.
"So Ranboo, have you ever gotten a tattoo before man?"
"No– and I think this will be my last." You can hear Tubbo laugh at him and you frown.
"Well I promise sir that this is going to be a very badass tattoo." After finishing the first thing you do is lift up the blindfold.
You start laughing very hard staring at the 'tattoo' that you gave Ranboo
"That is very much... Not a dick." You blurt out feeling your self flush up which makes you laugh even more slamming your head into the table.
The other boys also take off their blindfold and start laughing along with you.
"Ranboo man you are so done for-"
"Hey! Mine doesn't look that bad!"
Ranboo takes off his blindfold and looks at the fake tattoo before shoving his head into his hands.
You pat his back.
"You, you see? I didn't lie, it's a badass tattoo."
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monin1ca · 2 years ago
Hello! This is my first ever request so sorry if its a little wonky.
I really liked the fics about Valorant agent being your older sibling, especially the Chamber one, would it be possible to do fic about older brother Chamber with younger ftm brother? Their parents don't really support them and would be pretty dysphoric all the time.
Thank you so much in advance :D
Word count: 610 Warnings: Angst, Unsupportive Parents, Abuse, Reader is Trans (FTM), Cursing, Hints of Dead Naming (Instead of D/N (dead/name), I chose to use [Redacted])
Synopsis: “She’s covering all her mirrors! What a disgrace; just what is she hiding from?!”
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You felt uncomfortable under your own skin, Vincent could tell.
Your parents hated you after that faithful day you came out. Saying you didn’t want to be a girl anymore and be something more “you.” They brushed you off, laughing loudly. Claiming it’s just a “phase,” but they snapped when they saw your dead-serious face. Shouting profanities, followed by your mom slapping you to the ground. “I knew it. You’ve been hanging out too much with those disgusting gays! No wonder you’ve acted so differently! To your room now!”
“Mama?... Papa?...”
Vincent’s shaking voice rang through the room; he saw your trembling figure on the ground. A red handprint freshly imprinted on your cheek, combined with tears running down your face. Your brother came home; he finished the compulsory Military training that your parents signed him up for. His face contorted to a disgusted one, piecing together what had happened. You had been sending him letters, telling him about how you felt. “Get up, go to your room and wait for me.” Vincent’s expressionless face and trembling body ushered you up, giving you a soft push to go upstairs. You run for your room, accidentally knocking over your family portraits. Though, at this point, you didn’t care. You curled into a ball and hugged your pillow as tight as you could. Hoping this would end quickly, but it didn’t. The thin walls of this house couldn’t silence the raging voices arguing downstairs.
“She’s covering all her mirrors! What a disgrace; just what is she hiding from?!”
You hear your mother screech at Vincent.
“For your information, it’s ‘he.’”
The latter's voice was calm, but you could tell it was holding back boiling venom.
“Ayiah, Vin! Not you too! She needs to learn to be who she is! Not some freak that wants to dress up as a boy.”
You could feel something snap in your brother.
“He’s not playing pretend, mama! He feels this way! Et si vous ne l'acceptez pas ? Eh bien, nous allons partir. (And if you dont accept him? Well, we're going to leave.)”
The house stills. Then you hear sobs from your mother, you hear a chair grind against the floor. Signaling someone stood up, presumably your father. 
“Aller! Partez alors. N'embêtez plus ma famille, je ne vous vois plus comme faisant partie des "Fabrons". (Go! Leave then. Trouble my family no more, I don't see you as a part of the "Fabrons.”)”
Your mother gasps, 
“Mon amour, qu'en est-il de [Redacted] et Vincent ? Que sommes-nous censés dire à la famille à leur sujet ? (My love, what about [Redacted] and Vincent? What are we supposed to tell the family about them?)”
You hear heavy footsteps storm off, thumping toward your room. You rub your eyes, praying to the heavens above it was Vincent. Thankfully, it was him. He had a sweet smile on his face, “Mon ange, prépare tes affaires, yes? On va quelque part et on ne revient jamais. (Angel, pack your things, yeah? We're going somewhere and never coming back.)”
You were more than ok with that, relieved to leave this shit hole of a home.
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florabloomxx · 2 years ago
could i get some lee oodle ? ☺️😅
A/N:oodlee is on the way!! :D
The angle looks giggly from here..
Pairing:Some fellow contestants oodle :)
Summary:Oodle’s contestants have been noticing oodle’s change in happiness , what shall they do? Find out :).
Oodle has been acting quite.. Well off lately! He hasn’t been in his happy, goofy mood and he’s been shoving a shot of coffee down his throat every 5 seconds like a worker that has the night shift.Blanket was actually the first to pick up on this and of course she told the others on her team,later throughout the week so did bone and telescope! And it soon enough it got too concerning..Sock had asked, “Oodle you’ve been acting off for a week now! What’s wrong?-“ Oodle responded rather shocked ; “Huh!?- O-Oh i’m fine just a little wonky is all ehe-..“ and he went back to sipping his coffee and acting strange, the contestants had enough of this! They just wanted the normal goofy happy-go-lucky oodle back .
They’ve begin to come up with a way to get their answers.Blanket has gathered some people up and they walked in a group to oodle,the dear triangle muttered “What do y’all want..?“ Oodle didn’t see what was coming, soon the dear contestants crowded up and went in for it!
Blanket had started scrubbing against oodles sides, bone had went for underarms feeling a bit awkward because well he hadn’t have much physical attention. Orange and yellow (food dye) had helped pin oodle down. It’d hadn’t even been what? 2 seconds and oodle bursted into his goofy laughter filled with squeaks, oodle managed to cackle out, “Waihit! Guhuys !!” Glassy made a claim, “Oodle we aren’t stopping until you tell us what’s wrong you are back to your normal self again!” Blanket had stopped scribbling leaving oodle confused why. Only that thought to be cut after feeling long raspberries against his sides glassy on one, bowling ball on the other, oodle let out a high pitched shreik along with cackly-laughter also squeaking out “WAIHIT NONONO—!” A few more minutes of this went on but eventually they had to stop, because obviously they don’t wanna overwhelm him. After they stopped the merciless tickling oodle was left a giggling mess on the ground. And they all looked down at him with some worried looks, bone had asked “Uhm-.. is he ok?” And oodle replied still a giggly mess,”Ehe- yeah I’m okahay.” Meanwhile, the others that hadn’t helped out were just wondering what happened,cork spoke “What happened over there?” Nacho replied honestly, “Dunno- but it looks.. giggly from here” and continued reading their book. Back to the ticklers and oodle. Oodle just said “Okahay- I don’t think I can tell you why I’m acting like this juust- yet, but I am feeling a little better now thanks to you guys” giving a wobbly smile, blanket smiled and mumbled “Happy to help”.
A/N:I hope you enjoy this fic, sorry if you don’t like it - I stayed up a little too late trying to make it. And I’m also sorry I haven’t seen this request in the past I’m gonna try not to let this happen again!
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the-mouseyboi · 3 years ago
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Here’s my sky oc that i havent fully written but drawing her is so fun 😼😼 and also oh my god those shoes i drew were so fucking wonky so i just cropped them out, im sorry. also i meant to draw another layer of line art but the one i had was good enough so eh i just used it
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solplease · 8 months ago
hsr 2.4 leaks!!
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yanderecandystore · 4 years ago
i ment dominick im so sorry!
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Alright boo, sorry for the misunderstanding! I was afraid I was missing something or that I forgot one of my own character's names
A headcanon for Dominick would be easier for me to write for- But because you said just Dominick I believe I could do for both Real and "Other" Dominick.
I think it would be more fun!
TW/Tags: in case any of you are confused [🖤🧵✂️] // this is basically just general headcanons // eh, the lore is wonky // feeling awful sorry // not as in-depth as I wish it was, sorry //
I suppose this is going to be just general headcanons, boo [Yandere!Coraline OCS x Reader - Headcanon]:
→❤️Real Dominick🌲:
A chill dude for the most part. Although containing some unresolved abandonment issues, he tries to act as nothing is bothering him for "the sake of others". At least that's what he tells himself every time.
Dominick tries his best to be a peacemaker amongst the group, but even he can't deny that this is a tiring job that doesn't end up being fruitful for most of the time.
Dominick is just as touch-starved as he is dependent on others, the thought of living on his own and not being able to at least see his loved ones for a long period of time drives him insane. He really wants to seem emotionally strong and confident, but deep down he is aware that one day he'll have to open up about how he really feels.
He has met Richard and Vivian a lot sooner than you did, but honestly he doesn't know how he has become their friends in the first place. He always felt very distant from them, granted that he met them at a time of need, when he felt vulnerable for having no friends to be with, but also because of how different their personalities were to each other.
Don't get him wrong, he really likes them, he really does! He just doesn't vibe with them as hard as he wishes he could, but he knows that it would be impossible considering how they were literally glued on each other- He knew about them dating or at least liking each other way before you came into the scene.
Or more accurately, you came BACK into the scene. How oddly coincidental, you know his friends but you don't know they're friends with him, or if you did, you just tried to ignore it to this day. Now that you two live together, it would be very hard to ignore your presence.
He thinks you want nothing to do with him, nothing at all- So if you ever actually try to be more friendly with him he won't really see it as a good thing- You had ignored him for twelve years, and suddenly you two are, well, here!
His mind keeps making him feel terrible about himself, keeps making feel odd and awkward about your relationship- Or lack thereof. You look so different but act like the same as what he used to know you for, so anxious and so awkward with everything and everyone but still trying their best to be social.
He changed so much in comparison, from a sickly frail little boy looking for someone to be his protective shield, to a man way too big for his own good- His appearance although being ideal to him, makes it harder for him to interact with others who find him frightening.
Real Dominick would take a lot longer to actually fall in love with you again, considering that his old crush on you has turned more into a scar instead of a good old memory, but when he reopens that wounds to receive new ones, I hope you'll be ready for a awkward gentle giant having a awkward crush on you, while also having a couple of breakdowns where he blames you for causing him to feel this way, how neat!
→🖤Other Dominick🧵 (Male Beldam):
Other Dominick true personality is as foreign to others as it is to himself, as he had forgotten who he was and where he came from a long time ago.
Dominick is 100% not his real name, but it's not like he remembers what he used to be called by originally, although two names seem to stand out amongst the others- Dominick and Ernest.
Being called Dominick is- Not exactly the best for him. It feels almost annoying, as if it was an annoying name, something he should never be called as. Ernest on the other hand, feels- Fitting, but extremely depressing. So as much as being called "Other Dominick" may be a very annoying name for him, being called Ernest feels like being stabbed in the gut, so it's kinda obvious which is the best in this situation.
He doesn't know why being called Ernest gives him so much anxiety, and he doesn't remember what significance this name could have to him and his past life. Other Dominick has used so many different faces and names, just to lure the naive and desperate to his deadly embrace, yet he can barely remember the name of the fools he had attracted to his fabricated lie.
Maybe you're just a recent case, a new "fool" that found their way into his house without permission, and by doing so he has all the right to trap you in his web- After all, you're the intruder here, right? Yet oddly enough, you don't really feel like the others who had come here, you have sparked interest in his empty heart.
He notices that the energy that comes from you is a lot more satisfying than the others, at least for now, you have been able to subconsciously feed him for a longer period than the others, and by doing so he is more willing to let you live for longer, at least until you start to not love him as much, or start to test his patience beyond his limit.
His true form looks nothing like the "Dominick" you so lovingly looks up to, he may be just as tall, but he is much more thinner than the original, his long arms reminding you more of a death trap than a warm embrace. Not that he won't be gentle with you, for now.
Oddly enough, he doesn't take much to fall for you as much as Dominick does- The loneliness that he is accustomed with is not exactly the healthiest lifestyle for himself, so don't be surprised if he is already mixing his own hunger for attention to his very real hunger for naive hearts like yours.
Hello everyone, is good to see y'all again.
I've been away because of school work and family issues, and I can't lie that it has gone a bit more crazier this last few days. I went through a breakup and I'm currently struggling with the aftereffects of it-
I'm really sorry for the long wait, and for always closing the inbox out of nowhere, but I'm afraid to say this will probably keep happening a lot, I still need to take care of so many things-
Anyway, is good to see y'all again!
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cecelianonymous22 · 4 years ago
Creep | Expensive Headphones Full Comic + commentary
Just click on the panels if you don’t wanna see all the commentary.
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This was actually the first time I did a perspective like this. I found a reference for hoodies and used a back-facing one similar to the panel
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First time I’ve done this pose. I got the reference from here. Also look at that crushing man!
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I honestly don’t know where I was going with the angel wings. Like- I thought I was gonna add more visuals like that but I kinda..didn’t?
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Kinda don’t like this bc it looks wonky. But yeah, point is, bullies succ
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I have a thing where like- my side profiles are inconsistent to my normal style?? Idk, its fuckin stupid sometimes but im working on it.
Also I kept forgetting Michael’s headphones hA-
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This one was kind of a pain in the ass tbh. Bc I didn’t copy and past anything like I should’ve. And also because I had an inefficient way of using the bucket tool so i had to fill in all the edges
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This wasn’t an original idea but I can’t find the original post. All I know is that it’s somewhere on Tumblr
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Sorry, I love her lmao. My friend Evan created this specific design for Rich’s mom/Squip and I kinda took it as gospel because it just Makes sense
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ft. me remembering that Rich has tattoos 
(btw! the undercut and the natural hair are slightly different colors. fun trivia for ya)
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Lmao I hated the hand in the last frame so I just kinda..cut it out..
Also I had drawn the spark thing as green for some reason. The reason it’s a slightly different blue than Ashley is bc i was too lazy to go back over it so i just changed the hue
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I know this looks like ass but I never really draw with perspective like this
Like, the podium looks good
But RIch? Eh...
(Btw, i used a thing call 3D viewer on my laptop to figure out the podium)
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I would just like to note that there’s a little scene transition between this panel and the next one.
I just
Didn’t realize how it would look together
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ft. me remembering Michael’s headphones
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Funky silhouettes  
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Funky backgrounds
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This looked way worse than I originally had planned
But hey, look at that hand! The expressions are garbage but that hand!
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ft. my art cooperating with me for once (minus Michael’s hand smh)
Btw, this whole scene is after Michael’s breakdown, which is why he’s trying to get out in the last panel
In this panel, Rich is pretty much just trying to persuade Michael
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now kith
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the arm sucks but yeah thats a lighter
also i probably mentioned this in the part i posted it in but
i highkey kinda hc that they hooked up in this time frame
and thats how Rich stole Michael’s lighter
but im not fucking drawing that so
just know ig
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ew inconsistent side perspectives
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ew inconsistent door
ft. hickeys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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The most detailed panel of the entire comic
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yo look at that
a side perspective thats not ASS
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fun fact
Jeremy and Michael’s hair are both messed up for the same reason ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Except in Jeremy’s situation it wasnt exactly consensual but..go off ig..
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lowkey dont like this but yk
it works
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back at it again with the bad side views
btw i almost forgot his burns! 
or well
i did forget and then went back to edit them in
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bisexual epiphany
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ft. Michael overhearing and getting flustered bc Halloween
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Alright that’s all the boyfs content yall are getting, sorry /lh, g
Oh but this was a first too! For hugs n shit. Here’s the reference I used
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ft. me getting better with expressions!!
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this little scene is honestly just, Michael cracking a joke or some kinda comment and Rich being all :)) about it
happy bois
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starting to catch a little bit of feels
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and the get well soon bear :))
But there you have it! There’s my comic
I’m really happy that I was able to finish it! Especially considering I started it in August, I think
Normally I lose motivation for that kinda shit but nope! Not this time! :))
Also I just think we need to overthrow the Boyfs supremacy so
I’m trying to do that with Expensive Headphones content 
But yeah! Thanks to everyone who enjoys this comic! You all make my day!
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wonunuu · 3 years ago
i ehe also stayed up to watch the premiere (kinda a questionable idea since i actually stayed up for a While just by binging she-ra) I WAS SO AMAZED BY THEIR POWER !!! SVT NEVER DISAPPOINTED !!! ugh all those weeks of suffering from not knowing how Anything would sound like was so worth it the song is So Good !! I WAS SCREAMING SO LOUDLY IT WAS LIKE 7 IN THE MORNING 😭😭😭
yes pls do talk about joshua hong and his eyebrow piercing and his Stunning visuals and Astoundingly Sweet voice im just so <////33333 man when the jihan duo hit during second chorus "baby hold on baby hold on" i was going to cry because my heart couLDNT HANDLE TWO HITS IN A ROW
ugh i cant wait to see more of their performances im So sure this is will be aoty like how can it Not be ????
anyway !! my bias is minghao !! followed closely by the 95 line heheheheh (i was also in dinonial for a Very Very long time and i just @.@ WHEN I SAW HIS GODDAMN LIP PIERCING ???? AND THE MULLET ???? I JUST COULDNT ANYMORE LEE CHAN THE MAN THAT YOU ARE)
u g h i just love the whole mv and i have so much to say abt each of them im so <///3333 i simply cant - becoming a carat was the best decision ive ever made in 2021 periodt!!!! i hope youre doing well and taking care of yourself ^^
FR THAT JIHAN PART RLLY GOT ME GO WONKY 😭😭 and then jeonghans part where he fricking teased us with his tongue 😐😐😐 sir i don’t remember giving you the right?????
ahhhhhhh an 8 star!!!! good pick good pick hahahs (all members are good picks but ykwim lol) I STG THE 95s ARE EVERYONES BIAS WRECKERS!!! elder men just hit different i guess 😫 DUDE CHAN THIS CB WAS ABSOLUTELY INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HIS PIERCING AND MULLER JSKSKSKW MOUTH FOAMING 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 have u seen that cold blooded edit of him i am OBSESSED !!!! but ahh my biases are wonwoo (as if it isn’t obvious already), MY BBY BOY SEOKMIN (im so in love with every part of this boy its actually not okay), mr yoon jeonghan (as i said its always the 95s), and VERY recently, kim mingyu hehe (i recommend @wonwoonlight’s my daisy - migyu fic which will totally feed your meelings)
im so glad you did choose to stan them because now we’re friends cos of svt too ahhh!!! svt’s power man… they really form new friendships 🤧🤧 yes honeyy ive been good!!! i hope you’re doing good as well!! and safe! and happy!! lyyy~~ ❤️
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sirladysketch · 4 years ago
Horror Podcast Recommendations
Sounds like The Magnus Archices is coming to a close, so if you guys are looking for recommendations of new series to try, check out my thread below! (Links in the titles)
The White Vault
Super creepy story, excellent cast of voice actors, sound design is awesome. Final season is coming out this fall, but you have 4 seasons to catch up with, and 2 short story offshoots are available on their Patreon.
The Black Tapes
This one *has* ended and it ended on a very open "will they/won't they" note. I really enjoyed it and found the storytelling to be very compelling. It has an early Supernatural monster-of-the-week vibe that quickly becomes an obsession. Is the main character breaking some laws in the name of journalism? Eh, probably.
They’ve just started a new series “Fairie,” but it seems like almost the exact same premise/plot of TBT. If demons aren’t your thing but you like the Fae, you can check that one out.
Knifepoint Horror,   No Sleep Podcast,   The Wrong Station
If standalone short stories are more your thing, check out Knifepoint Horror, No Sleep, and The Wrong Station podcasts. Some stories are better than others, but there've been a few episodes that were great from a listener's AND a writer's standpoint. :)
Welcome to Nightvale
WTNV is a classic, of course, and I'm sure many of you have already listened to it. If you haven't and you like TMA, you're gonna love WTNV!
Old Gods of Appalachia
If you like the showy horror from TMA, check out Old Gods of Appalachia. I've only listened to the first season but I liked what I heard. The narrator has a homey, welcoming voice that feels like you're hanging out w/ a distant cousin recalling the weird shit in his hometown.
True Stories
If you’re looking for “true ghost story” type stories, check out Lore, Spooked, and Jim Harold’s Campfire. These also segue nicely into some fun Cryptid podcasts, which I seem to have misplaced the links to at the moment, sorry. -_-
The Bright Sessions
It’s not horror or spooky per se, but I enjoyed The Bright Sessions pretty well! I was upset with the way they handled the resolution of one of the character’s issues, but that was me mostly projecting a lot of Vanitas onto him, lol. Worth a listen, tho it takes a few episodes to get into the characters.
Blackwood is only six episodes and the pacing is a little wonky, but it flowed like a long oneshot and had a nice balance of supernatural/believable content.
Hesitate to add this one, but Borrasca was also incredibly creepy & built up the horror well. Unfortunately the big twist/reveal ended up being a huge squick for me; if it had been properly tagged, I would NOT have listened to it, so… listen at your own risk.
That's all I can think of right now! People have also recommended things like Alice Isn’t Dead, Tanis, and Limetown – I couldn’t get into them, but they may be worth looking up! If you guys have additional recs, please feel free to add them below!
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jungwoniics · 3 years ago
i think i'm not your first anon, isn't elly your first anon 🥺 a cute bear 🧸 anon, wasn't she?? elly told mentioned once that she your anon and how you two became friends and it's fun to see that bond grow 🙂
i knew you since i've discovered elly's blog but didn't interact with you or other people because times weren't good for me at that time 😞 last year was no good for me and i suffered a lot, so thinking of the past, if i interacted with you we would have been friends 😅
it's been so long since i've talked to people here on tumblr and it feels weird talking to you too 🥲 i only talk with people i know when i first came here and many of the people i know are inactive or deactivated 😔
let's leave the sad thing right now, i would like to be friends with you 😃 if you say yes 👍🏻 i'm loki and i'm 07' liner just like you 😉 but i'm 2 months elder than 😙 also is your birthday on april 11?? i think i accidentally visited someone's blog when it was their birthday, idk whether it was you or some else 🤔 and what are you favs btw?? and can i know your timezone too??
i actually don't know what to talk 😶 because i never interacted with you before nor i saw your blog before or i have read your works before but i think i'll binge read your works as i'll my study breaks 😊
umm.... till then, i'll study bye — loki <3
oh yes that's true she was my first anon 😻😻 fr im so glad that i got to get closer to elly <3
oh :( i hope that this year is going better for you !! and if it's not, hang it there ! i'll alws be here if you ever need someone to talk to <3 yes, i understand what you mean $%*&$% i guess 2022 is turning out to be a busy year for everyone :((
oh em Jay yes ofc let's be friends #4lyfers ohmygosh we're even the same age thats so cool 🤩 oh my bday is on april 10 !
my favs like the grps i stan and my biases? ok well uhm hold on i'll add a read more since this might get long lol
my ults:
enha : wonki
ive : wonyo + yujin
txt : taehyun
my semis:
skz : minho + jeongin
nct (all units) : mark, jisung, jaemin, taeyong
itzy : ot5
aespa : winter
nmixx : bae
and others i cant rmb right now lol ! i wonder if we share any common biases ehe
oh my timezone is gmt+8 !! how bout yours?
oh no worries im a little awkward when interacting so im sorry if i come off as like uninterested or anytg bcuz thats rly not the case ! i hope your studies are going ok !! <3
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readfelice-blog · 6 years ago
Moominland Chronicles Siebzehn: infatuation is not a gift
Blog guide: all italics are my wednesday edits.
Before we begin:
Anyone who suddenly might be unexpectedly flush, my crowdfunding campaign has less than 24 hours left
Well then, hello, no more letters lets return to moominland.
You might remember in my last chronicle that my bloody tale of woe was still in action, after many pills and spending time with a really wonderful gynaecologist who spoke about death with me - following my lead, (she didn't open an appointment with a death chat, I don’t think doctors are normally allowed to even think the word) it was finally determined I have chlamydia.
What fun eh?
I’m on antibiotics now, it should be gone by this weekend, and the bleeding stopped about 2 weeks ago after I started a combination of blood clotting pills and the contraceptive pill. My suspicions are it was stress, hormones and chlamydia that caused the gushing of blood, it would be an act of suicide on chlamydias part to deprive itself of so much iron, which it needs to survive.
So as inferred previously, the NHS would of caught this sti months ago, I would not of cost my insurance company thousands of euros or been subject to various ultrasound spy dildos and gleeful practitioners telling me I was pregnant rubbing their hands together in anticipation of jumping into my vagina, or surgeons hysterically clutching scalpels, so overjoyed to be operating again.
BUT, if I had dealt with my insurance issue diligently, and gotten a proper gynaecologist much earlier and done my research carefully, AND LEARNT GERMAN, this would also not have happened, so I can't deny my own responsibility in all of this either. I still retain my idiot abroad status, which I need to work on to be a proper functioning expat.
So, I’m lying in bed a bit nervous because I’m printing my first copies of my publication tomorrow to fly them to italy at the weekend: it’s Tuesday as I type this horizontal on my phone. As I'm away and just embarking on the next chapter of my project, the making it really real bit, I thought it best to get this log drafted and up before I go.
They’re done, some of the pages are wonky, but they look great actually.
Follow the diary of this project here:
(Because death lurks round every corner, it’s best not to have any unfinished business.)
It’s been quiet, I’ve been napping a lot and taking pills and cutting down salt, my social life has utterly ground to a halt aside from the occasional quick drink and my trips to the studio to practise the live element of this project, which has been revealing itself to me and making me consider myself in a new light, somewhere between a musical performer, a stand up comedian and just all out weirdo, but I’ll refine this at a later date.
What I want to talk about this week are the letters to Nicolás Jaar, but not as a letter to him. As thoughts directed into the macrocosm of the internet.
Because I finished ‘I love Dick’, at first I wrote a very clumsy synopsis and realised many of the critical details had passed me by, academic references sifting out of my mind like flour and swirling away into the air. It has made me realise I need to study what I read, but again that's a thought to refine later.
Still, I was left with a very strong impression which fermented inside me like kimchi and whilst sat in my kitchen earlier between courses, my eyes resting on candlelight, it struck me, the protagonist of the book, Chris, was bullying dick, suddenly it was crystal clear that her infatuation was never weathered by Dicks resistance, that Dick could be curious and still also be anxious about her attention, that victims make mistakes to. But she ploughed on, regardless of his protests, for a long time.
Now, my letters to Nicolás Jaar only lasted a matter of months in comparison, and did not include any colluders, but they were still deeply personal and troubled. Week after week I decried the suffering in my life, the cruelties I was facing, the emotional carnage of my break up and my alcoholism, addressing them to someone I’d formed an infatuation about solely on the impressions of his public persona and his music.
When I was 15 I was obsessed with the doomed relationship of courtney love and kurt cobain, as a the eternal odd one out with nowhere to go in the countryside I entertained myself by creating a character called enigma, who lived in New York. I drew hundreds of drawings of her in different attire that looked more like fashion illustrations than anything descriptive, my mum used to get frustrated at this waste of talent bound to repetition, and enigmas neck was always to long.
Enigma had a lover, called jake, chiselled jawline, a genius musician with a tortured soul, he seduced and slept with all of New York’s cultural elite, but he loved enigma. Though they stayed plural and their relationship was often fraught, they were absolutely bound together, forever destined to explode and then reassemble.
Jake didn’t kill himself.
That fantasy has taken new form, enigma looks like me now, but it is the foundation of every infatuation I develop.
Nicolás Jaar was in the middle of a grueling international tour, I mangled what I read about him into some kind of twisted connection between us, he was travelling the world to the backdrop of me destroying every last vestige of my life,in all senses of the word, selling and trashing my life’s work and possessions, leaving my husband, leaving my home of over 10 years.
Then In its closing chapters I retold and fictionalised a very unsettling story about murder and submersion, the whole thing taking an unsavoury twist with me paralleling beauty and the beast, what if the beast had killed beauty?
I was the beast.
But aren't we all the beast sometimes?
I can only imagine how tiring and unsatisfying months of touring can be for someone creative who wants to innovate and explore in their work, it would be my personal hell, that rotation of groupies, hangers on and gargantuan crowds, barely a moment to breathe and personal space so diminished that you stop knowing who you are any more. In the midst of this to be receiving unsolicited attention from a mentally damaged stranger on twitter, sometimes 2 or 3 times a week, could only serve to heighten the stress you're already experiencing and cause you to disassociate yourself from your inner core even more.
In my mind I was pleading to be saved by devoting all my attention to him, in my unhinged state I felt like by baring everything to a man I’d never met he’d be so disarmed he'd surely empathise, find solace in my garbled stories of misadventure and anxiety.
But now I see how selfish it was, to project on to another human, after all dick was just a human to, with all his own baggage to cope with, though infatuation can amplify its object the reality is noone is really built to cope with that kind of attention, not Dick, not Nicolás Jaar.
Though it was an interesting exercise in some way and will always be part of my oeuvre, probably more definitively so because it exists on the internet, so if the walls don’t come crashing down it is relatively protected, it wasn't kind. I was not trying to help Nicolás Jaar, or create something nourishing, it was selfish. Infatuation is, at its core, selfish, the object is merely that because there is no connection, or at least in this example. There was never any exchange between us, just me pouring all my illness into him blindly.
And I know this well because I have suffered with others becoming infatuated by me on more than one occasion, it’s not pleasant.
In Turin, on stage, he seemed so broken and at odds with himself during his set, he appeared to be really unhappy, my most noble act in this whole enterprise has been to stop writing him letters and focus on myself. I do feel angry with the former me though there is no use regretting what has already passed and life moves on as surely as the sun and moon pass each other in the sky.
In the end i cant punish myself, to err is humane, to forgive divine, I must forgive myself as well.
I’m glad im returning to Turin a more advanced and thoughtful person, I’m going to order in a restaurant this time (well, maybe, but I’m definitely going to buy chocolate) and have a nap before I go out on saturday, I’m going to go to Italy this time, not to stand wretchedly at the feet of a man who owes me nothing and asks for nothing from me. Because as someone grappling with their own fears about performing: this kind of incident is one of the key aspects of what I am terrified to illicite, so i say to you my readers, that I'm sorry to Nicolás Jaar and I will never repeat this journey with any future influences in my life.
I wonder if Chris Kraus has ever apologised to Dick, I’m going to give it a google now I think then try to get some sleep.
Goodnight all, next week I’ll regale you with my Italian trip and who knows what else.
Should ever our paths cross, I don't think I could be like chris, I feel like I’m done exposing him, so it may very well be that whatever ending this story could have, this here will be the end in terms of its written account, I might never type the words Nicolás Jaar on tumblr again.
And by the way, I’ve already uploaded my album, because actually I detest exclusivity, it’s free to download and publically available on 2 of my music based accounts, it’s not hard to find, trust me.
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