#if it'll produce a good season i hope they take all the time they need but. i will be emotionally dying every second in the meantime
reitheist · 1 year
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your-sweet-cookies · 1 year
For all people getting hyped about AiB season 3, all I gotta say is that you shouldn't get your hopes up too much about it. Season 2 ended up just like the manga did, so a whole ass new season would mean completely new original non-cannon content created by Netflix and this usually ends up badly. Just because it's made in Japan =/= it'll be good. Take for example The Promised Neverland's anime season 2, that was 100% 'anime original' content created by the directors and studio who were in charge of producing the show, and it ended up horribly! There are already lots of essay commentaries on Youtube explaining why, so I won't go into detail about it, but all you should know is that it was bad, VERY bad. So Japan isn't the best either when it comes to creating original content based off of a manga.
It's one thing creating something from scratch, which is totally fine and spin-offs are great in their own way, but a whole other can of worms when you decide to add your own 'original take' on a pre-established cannon's story that doesn't need it, because in 90% of cases it doesn't end well. This Season 3 would be nothing more than a 'gratified' fanfiction, and we all know how it goes with fanfictions: it can either be good or an utter disastrous dumpsterfire from hell. Also, we should also keep in mind this is Netflix we're talking about, and they screw it big time when it comes to coming up with their original take on pre-existing content (a good example should be their version of Death Note that was soo bad, we've all collectively agreed that we will never talk about it!).
So yeah, don't get your hopes too high with this one because you might just end up being extremely disappointed by it. Be curious, that's good, but don't overhype yourself over something that has no guarantee that'll be good, because if it fails, you'll just end up hurting yourself. I'm just adding this because I've seen some people who are already jumping with joy over the moon about the news.
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markantonys · 11 months
I am very curious how they're gonna handle M and the redstone doorway. She's the main draw to the show for a lot of people I think so I hope people will keep watching anyway cause they've grown to love the EF5 especially since the show focus will shift to them. And I have seen people say the show can't afford her to not be on the show at all for multiple seasons since Rosamund is the biggest star on the show (she's still a producer so she'd still be heavily involved with the show regardless)
yeah it'll be interesting to see! (although i do suspect that even already after the first 2 seasons, the EF5 and other characters are more popular with general audiences than we tumblr users who are largely only hearing opinions from The Gay Website think haha so much of the tumblr userbase is all "i only care about my gay wizard milfs, fuck those kids especially the boys" but our little corner of the internet is by no means representative of the general audience. like just in my household, my parents and i listed 10 favorite characters between us at the end of s2 and none of them were moiraine. and even on tumblr egwene has risen hugely in popularity among people who didn't really care about any of the kids in s1 thanks to her s2 arc, so i'm sure that trend will continue as their arcs go along!)
as for how many seasons moiraine will be gone, it's anyone's guess! the opinion you noted is definitely the majority, but i saw another really good point the other day that as much as rosamund loves WOT and is obviously committed to it long-term with producing and the audiobooks, she might actually enjoy the chance to take several seasons off of acting in it and have more time to do other projects, and then just make a triumphant return for the final season or so. i personally feel that story-wise she does kinda need to be gone for a significant amount of time so that a) rand & co can grow without her and come into their own as leaders, and b) it feels really meaningful when she does come back; her return just wouldn't hit the same if she'd only been gone for 1 season. (the latter point is also why i'm somewhat against the idea of a show-invented Moiraine And Lanfear In Finn Jail subplot, fun as it would be!)
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grex-statera · 1 year
Chapter 7: Comfort - Spring, Year 1
The following days had been a blur to Elliot. She has fallen into a comfortable routine: take care of crops first thing in the morning, head out into the mines and then report back to Rasmodius at the end of the week for any progress.
Of course, she made time for friends as well. On Mondays, She would hang out with Leah and Elliott, either at the beach, in the forest or at the Library. On Wednesdays, she would hang out with the ASS gang. Fridays are a bit tough though, but she tries to balance the two groups together.
It was nice to be able to have such a close community looking out for you. Elliot felt like she was part of one huge town-sized family.
She and her father occasionally called to check up on each other, as well.
Dad: So, how's the townsfolk treatin' ya? Hope they haven't been speculating that you're a witch?
Ellie: What? Where'd that come from? I thought magic people were the norm here in the countryside.
Dad laughed.
Dad: I'm just teasing you, sweetie. I'll send you some extra cash in the bank sometime this week. Thought you could use a hand.
Ellie: No need, dad. I'm all set out here.
Believe it or not, Elliot's farm was actually doing pretty well. She took a tally of how much produce cost with Mayor Lewis' help. If she could save enough by the end of the season, she could expand her farming plots and install sprinklers to save time.
Dad: That's great news, sweetie. I knew you'd do good.
Ellie: How are things back home?
Dad: Ehhhhh. Same old, same old. The house is just lacking a hermit who spends the whole weekend typing away at her computer.
Ellie laughed. But there was a slight pain in her chest.
Ellie: Alright, Dad. I think I'm going to bed. There's a festival tomorrow so I have to get up early. See you soon. Love you.
Dad: Alright, dear. Have fun! Love you too.
Ellie sat quietly on the edge of her bed in the darkness. She always did this when she was feeling... something. She spends a lot of time trying to make herself busy to ignore her feelings. It didn't matter if it was joy or sadness or something else. She wanted to be a brick wall.
There are moments like this, though, when she considers her humanity. Even then, she still tries to hide from it.
Maybe if I sit perfectly still, silently breathing, it wont find me, Ellie thought.
She always thought that the "it" that she referred to were her emotions, buried memories or other, deeper thoughts at the back of her mind. But maybe "it" can also very well be herself.
Her thoughts lingered on this. What a complete pity and tragedy to bury yourself within yourself, so deep that you can no longer find the buried you.
Elliot sighed deeply.
Ellie: There's no point in this self-pity, man. Just go to sleep and get some festival food tomorrow.
Ellie plopped herself into the bed, clutched one of her pillows closely to her chest and slept.
It was the day of the flower dance.
Mayor Lewis told her that it was a ritual festival for the bounty of the valley.
Lewis: There will be a dance but you will need a partner if you want to participate. It doesn't matter what gender. If you DO find a partner, you can go to Haley so she can teach you the steps. It's all very basic so, not to worry.
There was a pep in his voice. He must really like this festival, Ellie thought.
She didn't bother to find a partner since she didn't want to be too awkward around everyone else. Sure, everyone knows everyone in this town but still...it was kind of embarrassing. Besides, she's only been here for a few weeks. She figured she will just skip today's dance and if she liked it, she could try asking someone next year.
Ellie arrived at the festival grounds at 9 am sharp, wearing her nicest floral dress.
Emily: Hey there!
Ellie: Hi, Emily!
Emily: I LOVE your dress! It fits the festival theme so well.
Ellie: Thank you. Ehm, this is my only dress with a flower pattern so it'll probably be a Flower Dance uniform for me from now on.
Emily laughed.
Emily: Oh, I can definitely help you with that! Just come over to my house and I'll make you something good.
Emily winked.
Emily: Have you tried the red jelly yet?
Elliot walked over to where Leah and Elliott, the writer, was.
Ellie: Hey guys!
Leah: Ellie! You look so nice.
Ellie: Thank you, you too!
Elliott: Ah, it is very lovely to see that not only the flowers are in bloom today.
Ellie felt her ears get hot.
Ellie: Ehm. So uh, you guys dancing today?
Leah: Yeah, I guess. It's not too bad, but honestly, I'd rather just enjoy the food. Elliott here has other plans, though.
Ellie: Ohh, so you're partners?
Elliott: At the dance, yes. We were partners last year and it went well.
Ellie: I see...
Leah: Hey, do you wanna dance with Elliott this year?
Ellie couldn't help but blush.
Ellie: Oh, uh. I think I'm just gonna observe for now. I mean... I mean watch. I'm not really sure if I could keep up with the... Yeah.
Ellie wasn't sure yet if she had a crush on Elliott but her awkwardness betrayed that.
Elliott laughed.
Elliott: That's quite alright, Ellie. You should look closely then, once the dance starts. Maybe next year we could be partners.
Ellie: Y-yeah! Sure, uh, definitely. Thanks. For the invite. I think I'm gonna get some food for a bit.
Leah: Yeah, sure. Try out everything, they're all local delicacies.
Ellie moved away from the two, still blushing. Why can't she stop being so awkward? It's not like the dance was some grand, high-stakes deal. It's just a dance.
Ellie poured herself some jelly in a bowl and found a corner to stand in.
The atmosphere all around felt great. There were people from the city and the neighboring towns, admiring the flowers and catching up with friends. Ellie was lost in her thoughts, smiling at the view.
Seb: Hey.
Ellie almost jumped.
Ellie: Oh! Uh, hey. Sorry about that.
Seb: You're quite jumpy.
Sebastian snickered.
Ellie: Well, I wasn't expecting someone to talk to me yet. I'm on standby mode, see?
Ellie made vague hand gestures to herself.
Seb: Standby mode, huh? Me too, I guess.
Ellie: Enjoying the festival?
Seb: Nah. I hate this one actually. I hate dancing in front of everyone.
Sebastian started to scowl.
Ellie: You're not gonna light a cigarette right now, aren't you?
Seb: Hm? Oh, nah. I have to behave. Keep myself presentable.
Ellie payed attention to how Sebastian looked - he was quite presentable. And cute too.
Ellie: I think you look handsome.
Sebastian looked at her, quite surprised. He looked like he was fighting a blush.
Seb: Uh, th- thanks. You too. I mean, not handsome, like... Pretty.
Ellie: Thank you.
They shared a bit of silence between them.
Seb: You, uh, dancing?
Ellie: Oh, God, no. I'd mess up.
Sebastian nodded.
Ellie: You?
Seb: ...yeah. With Abby.
Ellie: That's cute.
Seb: Eh. Our parents make us do it. Not a big deal, though.
Ellie searched the crowd for Robin and Pierre. She found the two families locked in conversation in the far side of the grounds.
Ellie: Cool.
Another round of silence.
Seb: You're-
Ellie: Hm?
Sebastian paused, looking a bit puzzled.
Seb: Nevermind.
Ellie: You okay, man?
Seb: Yeah, I just... It's nice hanging out with you, you know. Like... I don't get pressured to talk or something.
Ellie: Ahh, well. Silence is nice sometimes.
Seb: Yeah. Silence is nice MOST times.
They shared a laugh.
Lewis, over microphone: Good morning, everyone. I'd like to officially welcome you all to the Flower Dance festival. Thank you to our visitors, for taking the time to go to our humble town. We will now start with the dance- I'd like to ask the participants to take center stage.
Sebastian swallowed hard, adjusting his bowtie.
Ellie: Hey, man. Chill out. You'll do great out there.
Seb: Yeah... Uh, thanks... I'll-
Sebastian's gaze fell to the floor.
Seb: Hey, uh, don't watch me too much.
He said, smiling while walking away.
The dance was beautiful.
Elliott and Leah glided throughout the sequence effortlessly. Sebastian was quite stiff, almost as if he was just there to support Abigail when she was twirling.
Both scenes brought warmth to Elliot, as if she was taking a mental picture of the day.
Leah: Walk me home, Ellie.
Leah giggled, holding Ellie's hand while twirling.
Leah: I wish I could've seen you dance.
Ellie: Haha, maybe next year. I may be able to keep up with the moves.
Elliott: Ah, yes, that sounds marvelous. I'd love to dance with you sometime, Elliot... Ehm, Farm Elliot.
Leah had come up with a nickname for the two of them.
Leah: You should be Farm Elliot and you should be Beach Elliott. Easier, right?
Ellie laughed at the memory.
Ellie: Just Ellie's fine. What's up with the locator, anyway?
Elliot: Sometimes, it feels nice to be called by your entire name, doesn't it? To be recognized?
Leah: Alright, Diogenes, this isn't gonna be a philosophy class. You're drunk.
Elliott chuckled.
Elliott: Tipsy, yes. Drunk? Not yet.
The three of them reached Leah's cabin.
Leah: Alright, you two. I'll be dozing off. Today was so fun! See ya tomorrow, maybe.
Ellie: Alright, see ya. Good night.
Leah gave the two Elliot/ts a hug then went in.
Elliott: Would you like me to walk you home, Ellie?
Ellie: Oh, uh. Sure, I guess. It's gonna be far from your cabin, though. Is that alright?
Elliott: Of course, it would be my pleasure. I have to be honest: I haven't set foot on your farm before and am quite curious with how it looks.
Ellie: I see. Let's go, then?
The two of them started walking to the farm.
Elliott: It's been quite troublesome, yes. But I'm quite positive that I will get inspiration soon.
Ellie: Yeah, that's the spirit! Don't let bad thoughts get to you - it'll only weigh you down.
Elliott: Indeed.
They reached Ellie's front porch.
Ellie: Thank you, Elliott. It was quite lovely talking to you.
Elliott: The pleasure is all mine. I'll be off now. Good night, dear Ellie.
Ellie: Good night, Elliott.
Elliott walked a few paces, before turning back to Ellie.
Elliott: If you don't mind, could you come visit me sometime in my cabin? I could use the company. Maybe you could look at my drafts and give me feedback for my works in progress.
Ellie blushed.
Ellie: Sure thing. I'll be there.
Elliott: Quite splendid.
Elliott started to walk toward the town, looking back again at Ellie once, with a smile.
Ellie spent the night sprawled on her bed, staring at her ceiling. It felt like there was a golden ball of light in her chest.
Yeah, it did suck that she had to move away from her dad and the comfort of her city life. But the way that the people in Pelican Town connected with her - it felt warm. Important. Precious.
Ellie's thoughts went back to Rasmodius.
Rasmodius: Mortal affairs are small and mundane, but precious all the same. We cannot always save them from their personal and interpersonal dilemmas. But, it is our duty as Custodians to still watch over them and the environment they live in. Especially the environment they live in. It is not just humans who live in this world, Elliot. There are some entities who respect boundaries and treaties, but there WILL be deviants, working to topple the balance of it all.
Ellie sat there on the wizard's hardwood floor, trying to absorb his lessons.
Rasmodius: Ultimately, peace and order shall be our end.
Ellie kept the wizard's words in her head.
Ellie: Alright. I'm doing my best. Trying to, at least.
Ellie turned to her side, waiting for sleep to visit her. Her mind presents her with the picture of her friends and the townsfolk - a lovely memory.
Yeah, Ellie thought, that's definitely something worth protecting. She closed her eyes and slept.
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postwarlevi · 3 years
Farmers Market
Content: It's literally you and Levi at an outdoor market. Enjoy!
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"Levi, look here!" You call to him from another stall.
It was your favorite time of year, fall, when the weather cooled down. The outdoor markets were starting back up and it was opening day at your favorite one.
"Look at the size of the peppers, only a dollar!" Somehow produce sales just got you excited.
"They look alright." He says, wondering why they're so cheap.
"We got a good crop right on time this year." The vendor says.
"Let's get some." You say, ready to pull some cash out.
"Gonna go any cheaper?" Levi asks the man behind the table.
"Levi! How much cheaper can they be?" You're a bit embarrassed that he's starting in already. But Levi knows that if it were near the end of the day and there's too much left they always give a better deal.
The vendor laughs though. "Maybe. You know what? You were such good customers last season, if you want to buy in bulk, how about half off? Anything you want today." There really was a lot and he remembered how much you always picked up.
"See?" Levi tells you, kissing your temple, looking at what else there is.
You were convinced Levi could talk anyone into anything, and were happy to use it to your advantage.
Soon your rolling fold up cart is already half full with bell peppers, cucumber, cauliflower, bags of kale and a huge butternut squash that Levi was sure you'd make him cut into, even though he showed you how last time.
He handed the vendor the cash as you thanked him and were already off to another stall. It really was a good deal, not that you needed ten peppers.
You were already haggling over dried fruit and nuts, coming away with eight bags for a decent percentage off, stuffing them in the tote you had.
"I got you hazelnuts and beets." You say, seeing a small smile from Levi. When you weren't looking he rolled his eyes a bit, knowing the vendors must love seeing you coming. But you always made sure to throw in his favorites, and since you didn't come as often as you would like, Levi never minded.
"I'm gonna go to the tea stall. You want the cart?" He asks and you nod.
"What kind of fruit do you want?" You indicate where you're headed next.
"Citrus." As if you didn't know. You kiss his cheek before parting for a little bit.
Levi heads to his favorite tea vendor and sees she has some new stuff this year.
"Hi there Mr Ackerman!" She always tries to remember her returning customers.
He gives a polite hello and soon has overspent on not only his favorites but some new assortments he doesn't remember her having last season. He makes sure to get cinnamon as well, one of your favorites.
Levi passes by someone selling hats, the wide brim straw sun hat with with a purple ribbon catching his eye.
He's pretty sure you've mentioned wanting one, especially on warm days. Picking one up along with some long stemmed sunflowers at the next vendor, he goes to find you.
You're no longer at the fruits, thank goodness, so he goes towards the back.
He stops dead in his tracks after he spots you. In the short time you've been away your hair has been done into one long braid and you're currently modeling a blue and yellow sun dress in another vendors mirror.
You're beautiful in anything, and Levi can hear his heart pounding. Truth be told you could probably wear rags and would still outshine everyone else.
"Levi! You like?" You say, bounding towards him and breaking this thoughts.
He can only nod, reaching to pick up your braid.
"Oh! Some young girls are learning about business and charging five dollars and I wanted to support them. Only took a few minutes. They did so good!"
Levi leans forward to give a quick kiss to your lips, place then hat on your head and holds out the sunflowers.
"This is so great! Thank you." You gush about the things he's gotten you.
You go back to the dress stall to pay and pick up the cart, leaving your other outfit in the tote. Levi takes both the cart and your tote bag, leaving you with the flowers and an extra paper bag you didn't put in the cart.
Levi sees you got the oranges he requested, along with apples, pomegranates, pears and a whole pineapple that, again, you'll probably make him deal with.
You both take a seat for a little while, enjoying warm pastries and agua frescas.
"What's in the bag?" He asks as you've not let go of it yet.
"Your favorite tea vendor? Well, her partner is running a second stall full of products." You pull out the things in the bag.
"It's a tea warming plate." You say as Levi examines it. "Charge it and it'll last for days. Now when you get busy with work it'll always be warm."
"Why don't I already have one of these?" He wonders.
You shrug and dive back into the bag. "Well, now you do. And also, Bath Brew Pockets, and socks."
Levi stares at what surely are gag gifts. "You mean, I can bathe in tea?"
"Or we, unless you want it all to yourself." You then hold up the socks. His black pair with pink writing reads 'If You Can Read This' on one and 'Bring Me Tea' on the other. Your pink pair with black writing reads 'If You Can Read This' and 'Get Your Own.'
Levi chuckles. "These are ridiculous."
You grin. "Well yeah. You gonna use everything?"
"Of course." He would always love everything you picked.
After finishing your snack it's on to grab multiple varieties of honey, apricot and also cherry jam, two loaves of fresh bread and some muffins from your favorite bakery stall, a focaccia and a dozen rolls from another one, and a two pound block of feta, which Levi says you don't need, but in the tote it goes.
You can't help but want the hummingbird mosaic wind chime, and Levi agrees if you promise to put it up, and not store it away. He then goes for yet another plush throw blanket for you to cozy up together under while you pretend there's room for coconut bowls with matching utensils in your cabinets.
It's soon clear that your tote, cart, and both yours and Levis hands are full.
"I think that's all we can manage, love." He tells you.
You know he's right but think there's something you're missing. You could pass on the chocolates this time, but there's something else.
"Oh, what about the orange juice? It's always so good!" You couldn't leave without that.
"Right." He sighs lightly. No use reminding you of all the actual oranges you just bought.
Balancing another bag on the carts handle he tells you to wait for him and is soon back with a gallon of fresh squeezed orange juice.
"Yay!" You are happy to see the new bag.
You start back with all your items and suddenly gasp, remembering one more thing.
"No, I'm sorry, there's no more hands." Levi says, trying to guide you forward with just his knee.
"But the soaps!"
"Yes and the candles and the olive oils and the pies and the goat milk." Levi lists off some random things you'll probably want next time you come. "I mean, we have to get through all this first."
"The pies." You frown at what you missed, but there really is a lot of food.
You get to the car and load everything in, settling into the passenger seat for the ride home.
"How about we bake our own pie with the stuff we have? We can always come next week." He says, taking your hand in his. You usually only came once a month during the season since you always bought so much, but there were exceptions. Besides, there were things he'd forgotten about, too.
You look at the sunflowers you're holding in front of you. It's been a lovely outdoor morning with the man who holds your heart. "What kind of pie?" Everyday with him was a good day.
He looks over and smiles, bringing your hand to his lips. "Anything you want, angel. But first, we nap."
You look back and return his smile, wondering if Levi knows how happy he makes you, and hoping you do the same for him.
Silently, he's thinking the same about you.
an- In honor of my favorite outdoor market that just opened for the season! I'll mention again that domestic fluff with Levi in everyday life is my favorite thing. And pairing him and reader with food haha.
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its-nebula · 4 years
V3 Boys With an Overdramatic Fem!S/O
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That's all he does is just sigh.
He tries to word things in a way that wouldn't make you feel the need to do any theatrics, but sometimes it can't be avoided.
"S/O... We can't go on our date tonight. I'll be too caught up with work, and... there she goes."
He watched as you rested your hand on your forehead, falling backwards onto the couch, telling him to "go, go on without you".
He jumped when he heard dramatic organ music, and looked to see Kaede playing ab organ right in your living room.
"K-Kaede?! When did you-? Why is-?! How-"
Kaede shrugged, pressing the keys as you continued your monologue.
"She hired me, and I get to play an organ!"
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It's a good thing he has patience!
He doesn’t quite know how to keep you from reacting in the way that you do, so he just lets it happen.
“S/O, my dear, you know that I’ll gladly support you through any emotional turmoil you may face...but all they announced was that this was their final season-”
He watched as you laid across your special fainting couch, whining about how you would have to suffer when your favorite show ended.
“Hmm... I never knew that human emotions could be so fragile before I met you.”
Kiyo didn’t mean it in a bad way, but he regretted saying anything after seeing your reaction. 
“Now, now! All I meant was that, according to the studies I’ve conducted, most people usually save these dramatics for the theatre.”
Kiyo, stop talking.
“Really, I think you may have a natural affinity for it, S/O! Nobody would be able to compete with your over exaggeration of the emotions that you display, not by a mile~”
Kiyo. Stop. Talking.
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A match made in Clown Hell.
The Drama King and Queen.
I hope everybody around you has prepared themselves because there is absolutely no turning back.
If somebody were to insult you, you’d act like you’d been shot in the heart, falling into Kokichi’s arms.
“No...NO! S/O! Why? Why would you do this to my precious Queen?!”
Here come the crocodile tears.
Don’t worry, it works the other way around too.
“What did you just say? You think we’re overdramatic? WAAAAAAAAAAAAH, I CAN’T EVEN EXPRESS MY EMOTIONS ANYMORE!”
The two of you could fill a pool with how many tears you produce. 
Sometimes Kaede plays the piano for dramatic effect.
“Kaede, will you stop encouraging them? This is a serious problem.”
“I don’t know, I just think it’s kind of funny.”
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He's just... over it man.
Ryoma just really does not care anymore.
Every time he tells you news he already knows what’s coming.
“Well, S/O, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but I heard the dog dies in the movie.”
Cue his girlfriend crying and monologuing about how the poor animal deserves to live!! He deserves to live!!
“...are you done yet?”
Everyone else in the movie theater lobby was staring at you after you’d been wailing about how Hollywood deserves to perish for their crimes.
Ryoma didn’t really like being the center of attention, so he just grabbed your hand and led you to the movie, a little embarrassed.
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He doesn't get it :(.
"Why is S/O acting like that? It looks like her emotions system has gone into overdrive!"
He looked at you rolling around on the floor, after your favorite characters in the book you were reading kissed.
"Sorry, but us meatbags don't have hard drives! Not like you have any idea what it's like. She's just being dramatic, tell her to quit being such a drama queen!"
"I refuse to tell my girlfriend how to live her life! I will comfort her instead!"
He bends down to your level, and attempts to comfort you.
"S/O, don't worry! I will do everything in my power to make sure you're feeling better once again!"
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He's so used to eccentric people that nothing fazes him anymore.
“Here she goes again. Thanks a lot for bringing it back up, Kokichi.”
You started to cry about the death of your favorite character, how they shouldn’t have been killed off so early. They barely had time for any real character development! Oh, the humanity! When will the pain end?!
Kokichi laughs because he knew you were going to do it, which is why he brought them up in the first place.
Rantaro crosses his arms and lets you complete your monologue.
“She’ll get tired eventually.”
I mean, really, it would’ve been so much better if that other character had died in their place! They were super boring throughout the whole game anyways, everybody probably forgot they existed most of the time because they were soooooo irrelevant to the plot!
“Mmmhm. That’s nice, baby.”
He’s not even paying attention, he’s flipping through a magazine.
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He actually buys into it.
He actually listens to every word that you say when you tend to talk on and on about the tiniest things.
Talking about how that dastardly butterfly scared you half to death by landing on your shoulder?
“Gonta make sure butterfly no can scare S/O anymore!”
If you “faint”, he rushes to catch you, and gives you a piggyback ride.
“S/O should be more careful!”
Freaks out whenever you get overly upset.
"Miu no should say bad things to S/O! S/O is very upset!"
Gives you giant hugs to help you calm down.
"Gonta will always be here to cheer up S/O!"
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Doesn't know how to react.
He always tends to forget how dramatic you are, so he says things without realizing that it may upset you.
“Yeah, some guy tried to fight me earlier today, but-”
Kaito? Someone was trying to hurt your Kaito? But why?!
He frowned as you started to cling onto his jacket. You told him how you regretted not being there for him in his hour of need, and how you were basically the "worst girlfriend ever".
"Hey, S/O! You know I still love you, right?"
You weren't listening as you told him how you understood if he broke up with you.
Rolling his eyes, he grabbed you and kissed you to make you shut up.
"I said, I love you! You're such a drama queen, S/O, I'm fine! It'll take a lot more to faze Kaito Momota!"
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razberryyum · 4 years
TGCF donghua Special Episode Thoughts (SPOILERS for episode & novel!)
Favorite moment:
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Of COURSE that amazing ending sequence, which is the mirror of Dianxia's backstory at the end of the first episode, except this time from Hua Cheng's point of view. Speaking of, holy mother of YUM, dear gods, Hua Cheng:
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Look at this "hideous" man. I am DROOLING.
Funny thing is, I didn't even know his appearance was supposed to be a secret, that we technically hadn't seen his face yet all this time. I remember we had a super quick glimpse of him in the Banyue pit and I thought that was his reveal, that that'll be all we'll get for now and I was fine with that...that is, until this ending sequence happened and we actually see him in his entirety. My eyes will forever never be the same. What was I even thinking??? The flashes in the pit were absolutely inferior to the real thing. No comparison. He is so gorgeous; I can't WAIT for Xie Lian to meet him next season.
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Second favorite moment:
What I love about this scene is first of all it features some of my favorite lines from the novel, "If you don't know what to live for, then just live for me. If you don't know the meaning of life, then take me as the meaning your life." Even though Dianxia was playing it up for dramatic effect, I loved how he crawled towards San Lang and then uttered the lines with such conviction. I LOVED the way the music reached a cresendo during his words--hell, I love the music in this entire episode, this entire show, period. I also love how bittersweet this scene is: here Dianxia is so embarrassed by his own words that he even laughs about them, dismisses them, not know just how much of an effect they had on the person he said them to, how they really did serve to motivate that person to live on, to exist, utterly for him. Not knowing at all that that person he said what he now thinks were silly words to is right in front of him. The irony!
I'm still making my way through the book so I haven't gotten to the part where all is revealed to Xie Lian yet, but I can only imagine how shocking and emotional this particular revelation would be. It'll probably be ten years before we get to see all that in the donghua, if we ever do, but I'm gonna keep on crossing my fingers and hoping.
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"I swear, whether in Heaven or or on Earth, you cannot find someone more sincere than me". The subs left out the Heaven or Earth part but it's still such a good line. Love also how San Lang precedes that by trying to reach out to touch Dianxia but is like too afraid to. The donghua really captured his feelings of...I guess I'd call it timid inferiority...so well.
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I have a strong suspicion what that ring is (irl, I've seen companies advertising turning ashes into diamonds as a keepsake of your loved ones...never tried it so I don't know if it's the real deal or some kind of scam) and I cannot wait to get to that revelation as well. Putting aside the potential significance of this momento, the fact that Hua Cheng left Dianxia a ring to wear around his neck is already a beautiful gesture on its own.
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I already miss seeing how San Lang looks adoringly at Xie Lian. In fact, I think I'm going to miss San Lang for quite a while since next season I think we'll be mostly spending time with Hua Cheng. Not complaining at all since Hua Cheng will no doubt look at Dianxia just as adoringly, but I will miss this cute guy.
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Also already missing the cuteness that is Dianxia. I love all his expressions...the way he said "San Lang" just made my heart explode. How can he be this adorable??? Really, bravo to Jiang Guangtao-laoshi, his voice actor, for such an endearing voice performance. I actually started listening to the Qiang Jin Jiu audio drama because I've become a fan. Imagine Xie Lian being super seductive all the time. That's the ear candy I'm enjoying now, even though I only understand like less than half of the plot due to my shoddy Chinese comprehension.
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Proud of how San Lang didn't just lose it when Dianxia cradled his face like that. This man really has unbelievable self control.
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I loved that they were chatting in bed like an old married couple. I'm sure this is a glimpse into their future married life. 😁
Besides SanLian, I know Banyue was in this episode as well, I still think she's adorable and love her voice, and I'm glad she gets to enjoy a torture-free life now (I am assuming she does).
I'm glad we got this special episode to really close out the season, but I'm still kinda confused as to why we didn't get it at the actual end of the season but rather as an odd stand alone episode like this. Obviously it picked up right where the 11th episode left off, so it would've slotted in perfectly well. I was hoping the reason they held on to it was because they were going to attach a teaser PV for the next season, but alas that wasn't the case. I wonder if they just needed more time to finish the episode. I still don't quite understand how the Chinese donghua industry works: for something seemingly as popular as TGCF, you would think they'd have good enough budget and resources to finish episodes in time and to make more than just 12 episodes. There are other donghua shows I've seen on Bilibili that have blown way past 12 episodes, so I don't understand why they have to stubbornly stick to a dozen only for something like TGCF. Or is it a danmei thing, I wonder. They just don't want to devote the time and resources to danmei shows beyond just 12 episodes? So weird. Again, VERY GRATEFUL we're getting a second season. SINCERELY praying that we get many more seasons after so that eventually they'll finish out the book. God I hope I finish reading before the donghua team finishes putting out the show.
And that brings me to: Current Reading Progress...chapter 160. Look, I'm gonna be honest, I'm just not a fan of the whole jinx demon concept or the Brocade Immortal. I know all mysteries of the week lead back to the gods and their backstory, but as CONCEPTS, I was just NOT into them so I constantly got distracted. I know MXTX-laoshi was under a LOT of pressure from both censorship and just ridiculous deadlines (I was told she had to produce a chapter a day, which is INSANE), so I feel like a douchebag for even thinking anything negative about the book...not to mention I'm only on Book 3 still so maybe all of this will be wrapped up nicely at the end. But for now, yeah, those two as ideas are a bit underwhelming and almost silly (especially the Brocade Immortal) and maybe I don't need the backstory of ALL the gods. Anyway, before anyone yells at me, there's always a chance I might change my mind about all this by the end...which I hope to get to soon. Didn't finish the book in time for this special episode which was my goal, so readjusting the goalpost back a little further...hopefully just a tad...like a few weeks, because I DO want to get to the unrelenting pain soon so that I can get through the suffering and finally to the HuaLian happily ever after ending.
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yoobangdaengi · 5 years
[ENG TRANS] Monsta X @Star1 Magazine November 2019 Issue Interview - FOLLOW, MONSTA X!
Monsta X met their overseas fans in 20 cities all over the world and wrapped up their third world tour successfully. The group finished the tour after five months and start to do their Korean promotion in full-scale. Monsta X is settling down as global idol through their big international fandom and their collaboration with famous international artists, such as wi..i.am, French Montana, and Steve Aoki. The expectation towards their constant growth and leap is increasing, as a group who broaden their stage to worldwide from Korea. Monsta X, who will start Korean promotion this winter after eight months, will show their improvement through their new mini album “FOLLOW : FIND YOU”.
How does it feel doing a photoshoot together with all members?
Minhyuk: We think it’s more fun and joyful because it’s been a long time since we shot a beauty pictorial together like this, beside jacket album photoshoot.
As beauty models, it looks like you prepared a lot so that the picture for the beauty pictorial comes out well.
Minhyuk: Because we are beauty models, we did many experiments so that our beauty pictorial will come out well. Basically, we pay attention to our skincare routine and looking at the other pictorials as reference for the sake of looking good visually. If we go to the studio for the photoshoot after learning for a bit, we’re able to show the pose more naturally in the studio.
You guys are active as beauty models, is there any Monsta X’s only secret method to take care of your skin at the change of season?
Minhyuk: The very first thing that happens in change of seasons is everyone’s skins become rough and dry. So we pay attention to the basics a lot. Especially, we apply moisturizer cream very carefully. Sometimes before sleep or when we wake up in the morning, we put on peel-off mask while moisturizing our skin. We spray mist occasionally while working to keep our skin moisturized. 
I.M: I’m the type of person who drinks a lot of water. It’s a fact that if you drink enough water, your skin would feel less dry. Also, even on days when we don’t have any schedule and our face is free from makeup, I always apply sunscreen. Even though the recent weather is cool, the sunlight is still hot so we need sunscreen. 
You’re going to have a comeback soon. You might feel nervous since it’s your Korean comeback after a long time, are you fully prepared for it?
Hyungwon: We anticipate it a lot since we will release a new album after 8 months. So we prepared a lot to show people our good side. It’d be nice if you are looking forward to our comeback. Wonho, Jooheon, and I.M’s self-composed songs are included in this album. Wonho’s self-composed song, “MIRROR”, is the song that he and Shownu performed on the recent world tour stage as a unit. I think fans would anticipate this song so much since this time we prepare it as the song that’s being sung by seven people. Shownu participated in writing the lyrics so it adds more meaning to the song.  Also, people will be able to enjoy the album more if they focus to learn the genre of “SEE YOU AGAIN”, Jooheon’s self-composed song, who previously showed various genre of music, and the charms from I.M’s self-composed song, “U R”, after the release of “MOHAE” that he composed in last year album. 
Shownu: Especially the title song “FOLLOW”, you can feel other different charms from Monsta X’s music up until now. The existing powerful vibe of Monsta X meets with a special sound and becomes a song with such a unique color. Besides, it’s certain that if you watch the stage together, you might enjoy Monsta X-like-style with your heart content. We finished our world tour and prepared the album so I felt the development of all the members.
You guys just wrapped up your world tour and prepared the album and it seems like we can feel the members’ development.
I.M: I think it’s true that various experiences allow for broad growth. While doing multiple overseas activities including world tour, I get to feel and learn many things. As we meet Monbebes from many countries, I get the feeling that there are so many people who love us. As much as my gratefulness for them, they make me determined to work hard to show them the good side of me in the future. Of course there are many people whom we haven’t met yet, we have to work hard so we can visit more countries, that goal becomes the stepping stone for our growth. Those reasons helped me a lot to think positively when we make a new album. Working together with international artists for our album influenced me a lot as well. The artists who receive so much love from all over the world like Steve Aoki, French Montana, and will.i.am, pouring great amounts of efforts and passions towards their own music. While watching them closely beside them, I think I know the direction Monsta X will take to move forward in the future. Even though I gained the lesson of musical skills, it went beyond that and made my thoughts about music get stronger. 
You’re receiving so much love from overseas. What is the secret of your global popularity? 
Jooheon: Actually since there are so many seniors who receive so much love from all over the world, it’s a big exaggeration to talk about the secret of our global popularity. But I think the reason why global audiences show their  interest in us is maybe because Monsta X’s music concept or visual. Monsta X is the group with the explosive energy on stage, that’s our attractive point. Our music colour is strong and the performance is powerful so when the fans see us, they’d think, ‘it’s so cool, the stage is full of fun’. Also in visual aspect, because we have solid and sexy vibe, that might be the reason why people love Monsta X.
What is Monsta X’s only method to overcome fatigue, since you guys frequently do world tours?
Wonho: When we are overseas, if the condition is okay, we go to good local restaurants and eat delicious food. It is one of our methods to relieve fatigue. Even though we can’t visit multiple places due to limited time, at least we go to one famous local restaurant and eat popular food. When we do that, it feels like we came for a trip and we feel happy. Also for me and Shownu’s case, we overcome our fatigue by going to the gym and working out.  But the most joyful method to heal the fatigue for us is communicating with Monbebe through live broadcast. Even when we’re overseas, we meet our fans by turning on the live broadcast at least 3-4 times a week. When talking with fans, even though I felt a bit tired or exhausted, those feelings disappeared, it’s so fun.
Are there any charms from each member that you want to take away from?
Kihyun→Wonho: When people think about Wonho hyung, mostly start to think about his muscular and sturdy body and also his work out hobby. But I hope people know that there are so many talents in him. You might already know if you listen to b-side tracks in Monsta X’s albums, there are many easy listening self-composed songs that Wonho hyung produced. The charm I want to take away from him is his skill of producing songs that are full of emotions. 
Wonho→ Kihyun: Kihyun has outstanding vocal and musical skill, but even without those skills, there are so many things that he is good at. For example, since his body balance is so great, when he does sport, he always wins. So even if he doesn’t sing and does things toward sports or physical education, he’ll be great.
Minhyuk→I.M: In front of the hyungs, I.M has energetic and cute appeals, yet on normal days, like when he works on his music or in daily life, he shows sensitive and genuine charms. I think I.M makes people feel at ease since he shows a calm and honest vibe. So I really like his naively honest side that everyone wants to be with.
I.M→Minhyuk: I like Minhyuk hyung’s ability to judge and understand something in a flash. When some problems occur, he grasps the situation quickly and he makes good decisions since he understands the situation.  We trust and follow those decisions as well. Also, he makes people around him feel delighted because of his cheerful and very bright personality.   
Shownu→Hyungwon: Hyungwon is very honest and has deep thoughts. So when we tell him about our worries, he listens well since he focuses on our story, and he gives suitable and wise answers for our worries. We lean on him a lot whenever we worry about something. He’s a friend who has unexpected charms since he is very bold and generous.  
Hyungwon→Jooheon: Jooheon has a personality that makes people around him happy. Because he is always smiling brightly and full of explosive great energy, he draws in a lively atmosphere whenever he goes. Also since he has good social skills, he approaches everyone in a friendly way and embraces those people well.
Jooheon→Shownu: Usually Shownu hyung is a trustworthy and honest person, but he’s also a witty and fun hyung. He has various charms, of course. Because he has warm nature, I think he makes people feel comfortable around him. That’s why it’s so nice being next to him. 
As a group of seven people with various personalities and charms, is there any hidden hobby you want to recommend to one another?
Kihyun→ Wonho: Hobby I want to recommend to Wonho hyung is rock climbing! His physical strength is already good by nature and since he likes physical strength, I think it'll be good for him. Also I want to go to a ski resort together with all members. It’ll be so fun if all of us gather together and ski.
Wonho→ Kihyun: I want to recommend surfing to Kihyun. Because both of us like active sports, I think it will be so great to go to the beach together, surf and eat delicious food.
Minhyuk→ I.M: I.M is good at speaking by nature and his English is great, too, so he has many cases of becoming our representative when we do overseas activity. Based on that, I think speech academy would be fun for him and it matches him well.
I.M→ Minhyuk: I want to recommend swimming to Minhyuk hyung. First, it’s counted as sport, and it’s a hobby that you can do constantly without minding the weather so even when we do our overseas schedule, he can keep doing it, that’s why I recommend swimming.
Shownu→ Hyungwon: I want to recommend jazz dance to Hyungwon. It might look awkward at first, but since he’s tall and has a good proportion, I think he’d look cool if he did jazz dance.
Hyungwon→ Jooheon: Because in daily life I like playing games and enjoying it so much, I think about how I do it together with Jooheon. It will be a nice hobby if we play it while relieving our stress and eating good food.
Jooheon→ Shownu: I want to go to an exhibition with Shownu hyung. Recently there are so many exhibitions, I think it’ll be fun if I silently go there with Shownu hyung, view various artworks and share related stories about them together!
The hardest point in a busy schedule like yours is to synchronize different opinions from the members. How do you guys solve the disagreement or to reach an agreement over a conflict?
Kihyun: At first, of course there are many conflicting opinions since we’re close in age and we always together in most of the schedules. At that time, we told and held conversation with each other openly, we shared about our struggles. I think because the members are not the type of person who scare of telling their honest feeling, it was easy to chat with them. Actually, from my opinion, in reality the only way to solve it is to meet and have conversations with the related person face-to-face. Come to think of it, now we harmonize our opinions naturally even when our opinions clash, based on the times we spent together. We knew about each other very well, so when one member has an opinion, we can sense roughly what the other members think of it. Now we’re very comfortable with each other.
One of Monsta X’s distinct charms is ‘masculine beauty’. You guys have sturdy body from working out so we can’t take out the masculine charm out of Monsta X, but what makes Monsta X more masculine?
Jooheon: Actually, Monsta X is closer to ‘intense wild beauty’ than masculine beauty’. I think the sexy and charismatic side of Monsta X stands out in our  music and visual, also highlighting that appeal. On the stage of our recent songs like ‘Shoot Out’ and ‘Alligator’, the members perform while paying attention to everything such as the gaze or choreography details. Those parts create an intense and wild vibe.
Shownu: We have many charms aside those mentioned. People might know by watching our special stage or concert that we can perform a groovy and dreamy vibe or sweet and soft image. So I hope people will remember Monsta X as the group who can absorb various concepts. 
We want to hear your plan for future activity or for the rest of the year
Wonho: I hope we can promote the soon-to-be-released “FOLLOW : FIND YOU” album successfully. Also after this, we will cooperate for the “Jingle Ball Tour” in the US in December for two consecutive years. So I wish we work hard together with the fans with great stage and nobody gets hurt in “Jingle Ball” concert until year-end stages.
What is your goal for  future activity?
All: We hope we can wrapped up this year well and pay back our fans who wait long with great promotion because it’s been a long time since we comeback with new album in Korea. In 2020, we want to show our cool, more various, and unexpected side of us, including overseas activity. Last year, when we talked about our goals for 2019, none of the members were able to imagine all the great things we achieved this year. We only talked about doing our best and working hard. But since many things came true, we’re praying those aspirations that are beyond our expectation and mind will come true in 2020 as well.
What is the thing you want to say to local and international Monbebes who always support you?
All: We think all of Monsta X’s happiness is made by Monbebe. We hope we can be together with Monbebe for a long time while leaning on Monbebe, sometimes as friends, family, or  loved one like now, no matter where you are and what kind of person you are. We always feel thankful and love you always.
Korean to English translated by: Tim (@yookiihyun)
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