#if it wasn't for the fandom posting in the dandelions tag you could've told me that thg was all just a fever dream
so turns out Suzanne Collins did the whole symbolism-with-dandelions shit with The Hunger Games. i read those books and watched those movies. how did i forget about that.
and yet, it must've had a significant impact on me for it to stick with me for this long.
on the other hand, why didn't we all lose our collective minds about this? why did we stop talking about it? i feel like the state of being a hunger games fan is so common that we just don't talk about it anymore (with the exception of particularly devoted fans). we should! Collins did so much for us and we should be talking about that!
idk. i'm way too tired to properly talk about this, but. god, she did so much for us. and it feels like she's rarely talked about anymore. is it, like, because the ya dystopia genre got so utterly fucked-up and milked dry and we're embarrassed to admit that the book that started it all was actually really fucking good, despite being the beginning of the end for the genre?
are we afraid that she's gonna pull a jk rowling and turn out to be a shitty person? are we worried that we're going to find some fatal flaw in the story?
i don't get it. there's so much to talk about! and her other series, Gregor The Overlander aka The Underland Chronicles! nobody fucking talks about them, because nobody has heard of them! they're so fucking good! an incredible fantasy premise, many of the same themes as THG, and a well-developed romance! do you know how difficult it is to find a well-developed romance these days? and if you're not really one for romance, don't worry - it's a subplot that really only begins to matter in the last book!
come on, people, where is the love for Collins?
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