#if it wasn't clear this is a screenshot from the latest update showing you the alt-text for the update overlapped onto an illustration
unlimited-puppies · 1 year
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I don't think I have anything to add here. Read paranatural, it's good
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yumenochou · 5 years
So I see this "Filter was removed by BH, that's why it didn't show on searches on Apple music and couldn't been played on Shazam" agenda going around, so I want to clear up some things.
1. It wasn't only "Filter" having problems, "On" and "Friends" were having problems too
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2. At least 3 accounts who contacted Apple support received a reply that after investigation it was found out that it's a technical problem from Apple's side (all the names are in screenshot, you can go and check their tweets for exact conversations and additional info)
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3. By simple logic - if the song was restricted by content provider in some countries, it wouldn't be available in the album at all for them, but ppl who didn't see "Filter" in seaches were still able see it in the album and buy from it. For Shazam - it's Aplle company too, and they work with searches, so it might be the same problem, but not fixed yet for Shazam's services (or the update for Shazam isn't installed, for example).
What's happened from what it looks like - tech support actually doesn't always know the exact reason of your problem right away, so they pick some reson they think can be the right one, and then update it when exact reason is known. So first ppl who got contacted received alleged reason, and then later it was investigated, and found out that the exact reason is a technical problem, so ppl who contacted/got contacted back by the tech support after that received the more exact reason. I don't see any reason for Apple support to lie in their latest replies, bc they actually took the blame on their side. If it was just content provider removing the song, Apple software wouldn't be compromised. Thinking that mega-corporation as Apple was paid by BH enough to compromise their own products is too much of a reach, imo.
Of course, everything is just my assumption too, but it's based on facts. If you prefer to believe that Jimin is being sabotaged by his own company, it's your right I guess, but I would recommend you to think of the reasons well.
Also thanks to all the ppl who contacted Apple support abt this problem - it's fixed on Apple's side now, at least.
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