#if it looks off thats just the busses fault not mine
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how we feeling, stick nation?
cant believe alan got me to draw these two again after 2 years of barely drawing
working on a revamp of my cg designs + others
#fanart#ava#animator vs animation#animator vs animation fanart#ava the chosen one#fan art#the chosen one#the dark lord ava#ava 11 spoilers#ava 11#like an angel of death ava#screenshot redraw#did this while commuting to and from work#if it looks off thats just the busses fault not mine#coughing's art#tco x tdl
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Car insurance LUDICROUS! whats happening ?
"Car insurance LUDICROUS! whats happening ?
passed my test a week ago.. (UK)Â Â been looking for car insurance on any car thats below a 1.2 and im still getting quotes for 4000Â Â what the ***** am i doing wrong to deserve this ? it's really frustrating as all my friends have car insurance and cars and drive about happily, yet im stuck catching busses, waiting around and generally feeling like a twit... what is it that i am doing wrong ?
BEST ANSWER:Â Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblrÂ
""If I bought the DB9 they wrecked in the Bond movie, where can I get it repaired really cheap.?
Is insurance cheap and can I drive it really fast because it was used in a movie?
Is renter's insurance required for tenants in california?
Is renter's insurance required for tenants in california?
Help with car insurance!!?
so my car was stolen and crashed in august and my insurance said it was a total loss because of the price a few months later they call me and say that they negotiated with the dealership and they dropped the price and fixed the car. my problem is i canceled my insurance a few days ago because i can't afford it anymore and now looking around for cheaper insurance not knowing the dealership didnt recieve the money yet from my insurance. will my insurance still pay for it even tho the claim was unresolved and i recently canceled the policy?
How much is a g35 coupe insurance?
I am a 17 male and am about to buy a 2004 g35 and was wondering how much insurance was. I have a clean slate, no accidents or tickets. I have farmers insurance and was wondering how much my monthly insurance would be roughly? I have a good gpa of above 3.0 so doesn't that give me a discount?""
Was it wise for me to cancel my car insurance?
I had gotten into an accident. ICBC says it's 100% my fault, and I did just file an injury claim for myself and my family members that were in the car with me. I don't think my car is drivable, but if it is, then it's not worth fixing because I don't have collision and it would cost more to fix than how much I had bought it for. What I did yesterday, was cancelled my car insurance. But I was just talking to someone who told me that it wasn't a good idea to do that. And now I'm doubting myself. Will this be held against me? The person in the other car claimed injury and her car is also damaged. Did I just dig a deeper hole for myself?""
How much would insurance be for an 18 year old?
How much would insurance be for an 18 year old guy driving a 98-02 Camaro z28? I live in Los Angeles, CA. I been driving my dad's car for 3 months and had no problems/pull overs/ tickets etc, i know 3 months is not much but at least some experience. I know it will be high but around how much? Would it make much different if i get a Nissan 350z since its slower? What are some factors that can lower the price.. Can i get the minimum coverage?""
Will my auto insurance rates go up if I broke someone else's left mirror?
Nothing big, my car hit and cracked only the mirror on someone else's left mirror car. But the thing is I don't have full insurance coverage, only the basic.""
Where to Find Really Cheap Health Care Insurance?
I know a lot of sites that offer health insurance, but need to know really cheap health care insurance.Thank you in advance.""
HOw much does PIP insurance cost in miami florida?
does anyone know how much would PIP insurance cost for a 18 year old female driving a white 2002 SATURN SL2 in miami florida
Health Insurance?
I'm shopping for health insurance and am a bit confused by all the terms,Can someone tell me the difference between HMO's,PPO's,Network's,And Indemnity's and which is better?""
How much would car insurance be for a 16 yr old driver in indiana?
I took drivers Ed and have good grades just wondering like an estimate of how much it will cost Also what is the consenquence for driving wit no insurance
Does car insurance increase every time you.?
does your car insurance increase every time yu move or change your address. if so is their away you can lower your rates.
Cost of insurance for 2nd gen Toyota Mr2?
Would you pay a higher insurance on this car than a normal car? what about a turbo? I got an online insurance quote and it was about $600/year for liability and $1000/year for collision coverage, does this seem like a fair price? I'm almost 19 years old and have a clean drivers record.""
I'm looking for an affordable medical insurance for me and my husband. Any experiences or suggestions.?
The one I have thru my employer is not good, will like to shop around but don't know where.""
Can I insure my car in California if it is registered in Oklahoma?
I currently have insurance in Oklahoma. My permanent address is in Oklahoma but I am stationed in California and California doesn't require military personnel to register their vehicles there.
I have question about car insurance!!?
ok I live in California northern part so.... I wanto know how much is the car insurance for 16 years old? Is it depends on type of car and the price you got it? I found a car in the internet its 2008 audi rs4 $2000 clean title how much do u think is the car insurance for this car... Thanks for the real answers!!!!
Will insurance points carry over to another company?
I have 9 insurance points. My mom is wondering if she signs me onto her policy, will the rates go up dramatically, or will they still be reasonable?""
Range Rover Sport Car Insurcnce... Is 6k too much?
My mum and dad's combined cost of car insurance on their Range rover sport HSE TDV6 (2.7litre) is around 1200. My dad rang up his insurance broker to get a quote on putting me as a named driver, and we got a quote of a total of about 6,000 per year. I know this is a lot of money, however the insurance company says this is because the car is in bracket 19. I was led to believe by my Land Rover dealer that the TDV6 model was in group 14/15, where it was the Supercharged 4.4litre model which was in group 18/19. Is this quote too much for the model car specified? Given i am 20 years old, having held my lisence for around 3 years with no motoring convictions against my name, and having also been a named driver for the best part of 3 years on a Ford Focus. Is it about right? Or is it slightly higher than one would expect for the car. Many Thanks""
Insurance about my new car?
Okai so im 19 and in California. My mom just bought me a car(Nissan Versa 2012) today and i was wondering if its really true that new car means higher insurance? Im taking my Actual Test next week so there shouldnt be a problem driving it soon. Btw in AVERAGE how much would i pay a MONTH for the insurance? Thanks Ya'll
Good fast car with low insurance?
For my first car my parents offered to pay my insurance and I make the car payments, problem is I really like sports cars and would like something fast. They reject every car I show ...show more""
What are cheap car insurance companies in nj? Or anywhere?
New driver and looking for an affordable price for auto insurance
Exceptional First Car With Low Insurance?
I am straight 'A' student, and I have completed the Driver's Education course at my highschool. My family does not really make that much money, but my parents would like to buy me a car at an exceptional rate. I am probably only going to live in Florida for another year, and then I am moving out to California. Depending on what type of car I decide to get, I don't know if I will be taking it with me or not. My mom wants to buy me a brand new car, meaning a current 2008-09 model, but I keep explaining to her that it's very hard to find a cheap new model (unless someone knows something I don't?). I would just like some third party input on this decision. What is the best car company, and what car model would have the lowest insurance rate? I have tried researching Mazda, Acura, Nissan, and Honda, because I prefer these companies; however, I haven't had any luck because I'm so new to shopping for a vehicle. I like hybrids, and it would help if I am able to get a car with great mileage as well. Of course, I'm sure many of you know this is because of our depleting economy, lol. Ok, I don't mean to make this a book, I'm just trying to give as much information as I can so I can maybe get a clear answer. Thanks in advance =).""
Will my insurance rate go down when I get my license? I have my learners permit?
I have my learners permit and i was paying about 120 a month in insurace, If I go get my license, will my insurance go down?""
What is the yearly insurance rates for a street bike/rice rocket?
What is the yearly insurance rates for a street bike/rice rocket?
Car insurance for men vs. women?
I was debating with a male that all other things equal that female car insurance is typically less then males. He was arguing that its the other way around. Who pays more for car insurance, men or women? And is there a accurate website I can look at for these statistics?""
Car insurance LUDICROUS! whats happening ?
passed my test a week ago.. (UK)Â Â been looking for car insurance on any car thats below a 1.2 and im still getting quotes for 4000Â Â what the ***** am i doing wrong to deserve this ? it's really frustrating as all my friends have car insurance and cars and drive about happily, yet im stuck catching busses, waiting around and generally feeling like a twit... what is it that i am doing wrong ?
Insurance or Laywers Office??
Insurance or laywer payout? Not sure what to do at this stage. Insurers are willing to compensate me for a fall. Am getting conflicting advice. Some say go to laywer for sure, insurance will rip me off. Others say don't go to laywer as they will take a chunk of your compensation and you may be left with far less than the insurance offer. In general which one do you think accept, laywer or insurer""
Can I get a loan for a car but put the car in someone else's name?
So I need a new car mine is totally done for and I wanted to get a loan for a car but my insurance will be crazy high, my boyfriend has Usaa and said he'd put it on his insurance cause it'd be way cheaper but can we put the car in his name if I'm the one getting the loan?""
Why is car insurance mandatory but not health insurance?
Say you have mandatory car insurance but not health insurance and you get in a car accident and get injured; your mandatory car insurance covers your car but what about you?
Is there any way i can get cheaper car insurance?
ok so I have not long passed my test im looking at buying a car im looking at a ford fiesta I have 1000 to spend on a car but now the problem is the insurance which is sky high and the deposit well ... and the insurance is like 2-3 times more than what I would actually be spending on what the car is worth
Car insurance cost for a Infiniti g35 coupe?
I'm 18 and think of getting one, anyone know how much it might be? Oh and btw I live in Hawaii.""
Question about car insurance?
if insurers are allowed to stereotype that all males are aggresive drivers and as a result should be charged more, why do asians not have higher premiums too? hasent it been proven that driving below the speed limit is just as dangerous as speeding? i did a quote for a car im looking to buy, and insurance would be about $6000 a year for me (17 year old male), for my girlfriend it would only be $3000. i think thats pathetic! not all male drivers are bad, sure a lot are, but alot of asians are horrible drivers!""
What good car insurance?
I'm looking for a car insurance . I try to look fo a company that doesn't try to kill me with in payment. I live in new york city. Does anybody out there know a car insurance ...show more
""How much is insurance on a 1995 jeep wrangler 4x4 for a 16 year old male that lives in DOuglasville, Ga?""
I am currently 16 and I am looking into buying a Jeep Wrangler 4x4 5 speed with a 3 inch lift. How much on adverage would insurrance be for me being a male? I live in Douglasville, Ga if that matters.""
I need to know about car insurance?
so i got in a lil lil car acdent it wasent realy even one i just left a scarb a lil one on his car see i was on the highway my breaks dident stop in time i was going really slow when it happen and it left a lil scarb on the back of his car so he said if i have 220 dollars by saturday he will not cal my moms car insurance if he calls the insurance would my mom find out? and what would happen if he called them?
Obamacare health insurance rebates?
My school requires a mandatory student health insurance plan and i had this for the last 3 years. With the Affordable Care Act, the Govt. requires health insurance companies to pay back some of the premium it if less than 80% is used on medical care or more than 20% is used on administrative costs. I did not use my health insurance at all during the last 3 years. Will i get get a rebate of some kind? Should i call my school and ask for a health insurance rebate for last year?""
Will full coverage car insurance cover a blown head gasket?
It still has enough oil in it (between E and F on the dip stick), I can just tell this is what it is because Oil is leaking down the driver side gasket and I'm noticing my coolant level beginning to drop. I just want to do something about it now before I keep driving it and completely blow the engine.""
How much would a 2010 mustang cost to insure under your parents insurance and if you are the primary driver?
My dad is going to finance it so we will split up the pay I woyld pay for the car monthly which I can afford and my dad pays insurance monthly
Car insurance in california?
is medical expense coverage optional or required in california. I called my car insurance company to delete this coverage and the genius over the phone was telling me its mandatory, and I said to her...mandatory to california or to your insurance co?I know comp/ coll and liability are mandatory but everything else is optional...isnt it?""
Rental Car - minimum liability insurance in California?
Does a car rental company in California have to provide minimum liability insurance required by state law without extra costs?
Whats the difference between home insurance and rental insurance?
for my rental property? Is it a good idea to switch home insurance to rental insurance when a tenant is living in my rental property just in case if they smashed some holes on the wall, or some damages on the property? Thanks!""
What questions should i ask before getting LIFE Insurance?
Im about to get life insurance, but i dont know how it works. What are some questions i should ask the insurance agent before signing any papers? Please help!""
What is the average cost to add a 16 year old to auto insurance?
I am 16 and I am trying to get my parents to let me get my license and put me on the insurance, but they think it will cost to much. I know it will cost more, but I don't know how much and I have an A average at school and I am a girl so that has discounts. I asked the insurance place but they asked to many questions so if you have a rough estimate that would be great.""
Can my car be on my parents car insurance?
Im 19 years old and im buying a car and would like to know if my car can be on my parents insurance. The car will be in my name only, my old car was in their names so therefore it was on the insurance. I have been under their insurance for the past 3 years. i would like to know if im able to be under my parents insurance.""
...Who is your Car Insurance Company ...?
Who is your car insurance company? How old are you? How much is your monthly installment? What kind of car do you drive? I am trying to determine weather my insurance is right for my age. I have Allstate, I'm 21 and I pay $143 a month for full coverage on a 2005 Honda Civic.""
Best Car Insurance Company For A 29yr Old Vehicle?
I live in the UK, and own a 29yr old 3-door Range Rover -- 3.5ltr, manual, petrol, bull bars, social only, 1000 miles years max. Would anyone know a good insurance company - maybe classic insurance - that would give a good quote? Many thanks""
No proof of insurance ticket in CA?
I got pulled over for speeding, but also cited for no proof of insurance. I was in the process of getting it since I had just bought the car a couple weeks ago. I got insurance a couple days after the ticket. My question is, if I decide to plead not guilty, can I change the date of the insurance and show it to the judge? Would they call the insurance? The insurance sent me the proof through an e-mail so I can try to change the date on it if I wanted to. I dont want to pay the $480 fine for getting insurance after the citation...let me know, thanks""
Help with teen car insurance?!?
on average how much do you pay for your car insurance as a teen and with what company? oh, and where you live?""
Insurance for 19 year old male?
I drive a 1996 mercedes c220 and need insurance soon!!! Wondering how much I'd be looking at monthly
Car insurance for a volkswagen beetle??
Ok so i want to get a volkswagen beetle, but it will be my first car. I know that if i get tone that's old enough i don't have to pay road tax. but how much would it cost for a 17yr old's insurance? thanks""
Can I put my motorcycle on my moms insurance?
For my 18th birthday im going to get my self a Ninja 250R, but I already have a 2009 Toyota and my mom also has a 2009 Toyota, because i am much younger my insurance will be very expensive... i was wondering if I can put the bike under my moms name so that I can give her money to pay it at a lower rate? or can it only be the owner of the bike? Also could I have her buy it under her name so it looks like she is the only owner or does that matter?""
Car insurance LUDICROUS! whats happening ?
passed my test a week ago.. (UK)Â Â been looking for car insurance on any car thats below a 1.2 and im still getting quotes for 4000Â Â what the ***** am i doing wrong to deserve this ? it's really frustrating as all my friends have car insurance and cars and drive about happily, yet im stuck catching busses, waiting around and generally feeling like a twit... what is it that i am doing wrong ?
I have AAA auto insurance and had minor 1st at fault accident. Will my rates go up?
I rear ended someone this weekend. Just a minor fender bender. My first ever accident!! UGH! Both cars with minor damage. There are a few scratches on their car. I have liability insurance through AAA, I've had my US license for a year and a half and am f/29yrs old. Have had a UK license for 10 yrs. What are the chances my rates will go up? I am insured on my husbands insurance and we have 2 cars so will insurance go up for both? I just want to hear people who might've been in the same kind of circumstances and if their rates went up and by how much! Thanks!""
In Texas are you required to inform your medical insurance company when you are in a car accident?
My girlfriend was in a car accident last year and her insurance company is not paying her physical therapy bills because she did not inform them at the time of the accident.
Car insurance cancelled?
My sister had driven my car somewhere and left the handbrake off when parked and it rolled into a guys car and dented it no damage to my car !.. He claimed and she gave him her details. She's now moved abroad and I haven't been able to talk to her. My insurance wrote me saying there cancelling my insurance cover because she hasn't spoken to them. They said if I claimed in my name they wouldn't cancel it so I wrote to them explaining the situation, they sent a letter saying after reviewing there still canceling it ! I renewed my car insurance with another company before it was canceled do I have to tell them and what can I do about the situation, I just want a clear name""
Got my 1st speeding ticket under mom's insurance. Will her insurance go up?
I got my 1st speeding ticket ever and paid it off. I am under my mom's insurance as an additional driver. Will the rates go up? If so, is it too late to take defensive driving to take it off the record since I already paid it?""
Why is auto insurance higher for teens then it is for adults?
I am writing an essay saying insurance should be higher for teens then adults. I need body paragraphs saying why it should be higher then adults.
Price on car insurance for student?
Sorry my last question wasn't clear enough. I'm wondering how much money I would spend on a car insurance for my son who is a junior (16 y.o) and is getting his permit in th next week. If this helps, a car is a ford 2006 please help?""
Has anyone heard of American Family Insurance? Are they a good company?
Has anyone heard of American Family Insurance? Are they a good company?
Best car insurance company in 2013?
I am looking for a new car insurance company. My current one is charging me $2500/year for 2 cars.
How much does it cost to get a license to sell insurance?
How much does it cost to get a license to sell insurance?
How much would insurance be for a 2003 Acura RSX?
I am a male, 22 years old, clean record, live in Whitby Ontario. I also went took driving lessons (people say that will help lower insurance) and i am a class G driver (full license) I know coupes are usually more expensive for insurance. Can anyone give me an estimate of how much insurance would cost per month or for the year? I know i can call and get a quote but I want to see what the average is. Thanks!""
How do you get car insurance if you dont have a car?
How do you get car insurance if you dont have a car?
Does it cost money on my dad's insurance just getting a driver's license?
How much usually insurance cost when you lease a car?
How much usually insurance cost when you lease a car?
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
Who has the cheapist insurance. for min.coverage?
Car insurance premium question UK?
OK, my question isn't nothing serious I paid 800-ish for my 1st year and 795 for 2nd year of me passing my test (I am 22yr old) and lived in the same year. Obviously in the two years I have changed my 1998 clio to a 2003 fiesta. Both my policies were TPFT. However my car insurance is due to expire in 2 months time and I have went on several insurers as well as gocompare etc and getting quoted 1495 cheapest and up to 3400 for my 2003 fiesta 1.4 why??????""
Can I drive my car without my name on the insurance?
My husband and I own the vehicle and we have insurance on the vehicle with only my husband's name. Will I get in trouble driving it, even though the vehicle s under my name but not the insurance. This is mainly due to price of insurance. Me being on it will sky rocket he insurance.""
Best mediclam health insurance plan in India ? Mumbai?
I am 34 yr old and my wife is 26 year old i want to purchase a mediclam health insurance policy which cover both with maternity benifits and OPD charges etc. Please suggest me the best offer & plan of insurance company which is having cashless facility and good service . can i take the policy online . thanking you
Can someone who smokes marijuana get affordable life insurance?
Can someone who smokes marijuana get affordable life insurance?
What is the average homeowners insurance cost of a 1000 sq ft condo?
What is the average homeowners insurance cost of a 1000 sq ft condo?
Can i stay on my parents health insurance after i am 18 and not a full time student?
I am 17 years old, I will be 18 in september. I just graduated high school and decided not to pursue a higher education at this time. I have heard with the obama health care plan that i can stay on my parents health insurance until i am 26. But i have also heard this doesn't take place until 2014. And i Have heard that you have to be a full time student. So i would like a simple answer that's easy to understand, preferably with a sited source for me to look up. Will i lose my health insurance in 2010 if i am not a full time college student and over the age of 18??? I live in california if that makes any difference as far as the health care plans go. Thanks and appreciate it :)""
What is the minimum pricing for teenage car insurance?
ok, my car is a 1978 Ford Fairmont. I am 17, the car's previous coverage was basic liability. the limits i want for the car is just pretty much basic liability. i just want to be legal on the road. no fancy extras added to the policy, just basic coverage. the car so far hasn't gotten into any car wrecks. it's practically in perfect condition. this is my first car and i just got my license. I'm not aware of my credit score for i've just started working part-time. Also, i'm a very good student. My current GPA is 3.57and i'm still in high school, 12th grade. and yes, i've finished drivers education coarse. Please, if anyone can help me in finding a good car insurance company for my beautiful Miss Daisy, and the possibly price of how much it will cost for basic liability i would greatly appreciate it.""
Does anyone know anything about insurance?
just brought a car but im not insured on it yet as i only have a provisional license. Ive got my test the end of this month and this will sound cocky but i ave a feeling i will pass it ok. But if i get insurance now with a provisional license and pay it in installments, if and when i pass my test, Do people usualy have to pay the following 11 months of provisional insurance (at a higher cost) instead of the full license cost, do you get me? kinda confusing..but if you know anything about it from your own experience or something, wil you tell me what insurance people you r with so i can check them out..i live in ireland by the way so dont tell me about english companies please :) like eg.. my insurance is 1500e, i pay say 30e a week or something on a provisional license. opposed to: my insurance is 800e, i pay just 20e a week or something on a full license.. Do i still have to finish paying 1500e instead of 800e? i cant explain it anymore sorry if it not clear..? thanks x""
Can I buy a car without car insurance?
Hi, I am trying to purchase myself a Mazda, but after I checked the car insurance quote offered by RBC and other companies, things get ridiculous-the quote calculated my insurance to be more than 5000 per year-that's much more than my car! I am 19 years old and this is my first car. I just got my 5N license in Halifax. I didnt take the drivers course, so can I get my car without insurance? Or can you guys recommend a low-price insurance company? Thanks for helping!""
Premium cost of insurance
If an insurance company has a payout of 17 millions, admin expense at 5 million, and profit of 2 million, with 26,000 insured. How much premium would they charge to each client.""
How much will the auto insurance cost?
2010 Ford Focus Sedan, how much will the insurance cost?""
Car insurance LUDICROUS! whats happening ?
passed my test a week ago.. (UK)Â Â been looking for car insurance on any car thats below a 1.2 and im still getting quotes for 4000Â Â what the ***** am i doing wrong to deserve this ? it's really frustrating as all my friends have car insurance and cars and drive about happily, yet im stuck catching busses, waiting around and generally feeling like a twit... what is it that i am doing wrong ?
Are there any crotch rockets or street bikes in which i could get cheap insurance for?
Are there any crotch rockets or street bikes in which i could get cheap insurance for?
""Car insurance for a person, not a car?""
haha if that makes any sense. my friend was telling me about how her friend is insured as a person...so she can drive say her moms car, her friends car, and her boyfriends car. she doesn't have a car of her own so she got insurance to drive other peoples cars? can you do that? if so, what company offers that sort of coverage? thanks""
Health insurance laws?
I recently got out of the military and am living in California and I don't currently have health insurance. What are the laws regarding health insurance now? For example what I get hospitalized (ignoring the fact I can go to the va), taxes, etc. I know almost nothing about whats going on with the halth insurance thing so I don't mind being explained like a child""
Need Health Insurance Advice: Colorado?
Question I had a shoulder injury while weight lifting last November. I recently graduated and my school's health insurance is going to end soon, and I need health insurance to help pay for a possible MRI/surgery down the road. Or even more PT. I don't have much experience with health insurance because I never get sick or had injuries before so I need advice on what to look for in the policy. Do health insurance generally allow pre-existing shoulder injuries to be covered?""
I went to the doctor. The cost was $164. My insurance was expected to pay $115. I paid $49. Later i found out that my insurance actually paid $131. I had no prior balance, what is the balance after my insurance payment was received?""
We are a new small business. Where is the best place to get workers compensation insurance?
Just looking for an insurance company (private sector?) who provides affordable workers compensation insurance for small businesses.
Looking for AFFORDABLE individual medical insurance plan?
Is there anyone one here from Minnesota who can recommend a decent relatively inexpensive family medical insurance plan? 2 adults and 3 children. They can't afford 800 bucks a month for a plan with a 5000 buck deductible or 700 for a 7000 deductible. He makes too much for medical assistance or Minnesota Care or Medicaid...just a little too much, and he isn't eligible for medical coverage through his employer. Please help!!!! Anyone ever hear of Land's Health???""
SO confused about this car insurance issue?
ok, due to being in the hospital giving birth, i missed a second payment on my car insurance in one term. i was told by my broker that was it, there was nothing i could do, they would cancel. my insurance company is ING. i said ok so what next? she told me on july 10th that they were sending out a registewred letter that day stating it was cancelled (my payment was late on june 25th). 2 wks later i had not received anything so i called my broker again. this was at 1 pm (they close at 4) and no one called me back. finally, i called back again, she called ING and called me back saying ok they said if you can pay it today it wont be cancelled (i had asked MULTIPLE times if this was an option, i was told no) by the time she told me that, it was 330 pm. I live a 1/2 drive away and by the time i got the baby together, went to the bank etc, it would be after their closing time so i couldnt do that. i contacted another broker who my mother deals with and he told me that they would send me my""
""Adding a driver to car insurance, average cost?""
if you add another driver to your insurance like your brother, or sister or son, who is a new driver, and your insurance costs $350 for six months already. how much do you think would be additional cost to this insurance as a result of this change? if you can share ur experience it would be nice. i know it all depends on the history of the new driver, but say the new driver did not have any accidents or anything. i need to get a general impression... Thanks in advance.""
Which quality insurance company has the cheapest price?
I need two crowns, 6 extractions, 2 fillings, and then partials to fill in the gaps. I know this because the dentist just told me yesterday.""
Will tint ticket show up on insurance? not talking about increasing rate?
This question is not asking about if my rates will go up! i know its a non moving violation. I was driving my dads 911 turbo and i got stopped for illegal tints. I barely drive car this btw. my dad does not want his insurance company to know his son drives his car for obvious reasons. my question is will a ticket like this show i was driving this car? do insurance company's even look at non point tickets ? thanks!
Can a 16 year old drive parent's car without insurance?
I am 16 years old, I already got my license for about 3 months. I do not have a car but I drive occasionally, using my sister's or my mom's car. One day, I drove my mom's car to school and my dad was very upset. He claimed that I can not drive her car because I do not have insurance yet. (There is insurance on ALL cars except my NAME is not on it). Since my name is not on the insurance, can I still drive her car?""
Are fire insurance mandatory in California(near Los angeles)?
If a house is all paid for, is fire insurance still mandatory? If your house catches on fire and gets completely burned down, when does fire insurance pay you? Also how does fire insurance determine how much to pay you?""
Any cheap car insurance company's for first time drivers?
can you help trying to find some cheaper car insurance companys for first time drivers.
I need a good a affordable health insurance plan for a family of four?
In Massachusetts, I need an affordable health insurance plan ASAP""
""If I fill in a online Auto Insurance quote ,give them information like my SS# am I at risk for Idenity Theft?""
If I fill in a online Auto Insurance quote ,give them information like my Social Security number and the rest of my personal information that I am I asked for online am I putting myself at risk for Identity Theft?""
What would be a great (cheap) beginner motorcycle for a 16 year old?
I have been looking at a 1982 honda nighthawk 450 with 13k miles on it tht was in decent shape tht i could probably get it for 900$ (and i found out insurance would be 125$ a year).....i want to broaden my search and i was wondering if there are any other bikes out there that are good beginner bikes that are cheap (not AT ALL more than 1200$)
What is good insurance for teens?
Can I have some good companies? I want the basic insurance package. im 17, male, senior in HS thank you""
California low cost health insurance?
i need an innsurance with a low cost monthly fee.. i just need it for birth control. i dont want to pay full price it gets pricy please let me know of some good ones that you have experience with
Is life insurance the same as health insurance?
i have to go to a doctors appointment tomorrow and i was wondering if the life insurance is the same as health insurance and i am wondering if i can go by myself cause my parents work until 4pm thanks and i am 13
Should i tell my car insurance about some mods?
still on my 1st year driving and looking at a new car thats going to be a steal. Only thing is its got a few mods. its a 1.4 05 corsa with alloys, full leather seats, tinted rear windows and a performance exhaust fitted. when i shopped online and said it had NO mods it was like 950 insurance (im 24 so) and when i changed it to see what it was WITH the mods your talking like 1600 odds. Whats the advice on this one? i know i SHOULD tell them but does the exhaust really do anything to engine power? so should i bother telling them and just continue driving safe? of tell them incase someone drives into me lol points for best answer :)""
What are some good auto insurance companies?
I have not yet did any quotes, I was just wondering can someone out here tell me from experience what are some good insurance companies. My sister has her driver's permit, and she just purchased a used car..Of course she's trying to get her license but she wants to practice in her car as long as she has a licensed driver in the car with her. I myself have license, but no car at the current moment. United Auto Insurance said that even if she doesn't have license and the car is registered in her name, she can still get insurance as long as I'm on there with her because I have license. Do you know of any other insurance companies that are like that. Also, she's just looking to get liability at the time and she is over 18yrs. of age.. Please no smart remarks, only mature serious answers please""
Can insurance company's raise your deductible without you knowing it?
My Daddy thought he had full homeowners coverage for years with a $250 deductible. He found out last week he wasn't as covered as he thought and his deductible mysteriously rose to $1,000. How could a company do that without notification?""
How do you transfer a title to a car without getting insurance on it right away?
I just bought this old muscle car. The thing is, it's winter now. I won't be driving this car until spring through fall. I just want to know if there is any way to get the title transfered, without getting insurance on it right away. I know insurance is going to be a factor in transferring this title. I have insurance, just I don't need it on the car right now, I just want to get it home. Any help is appreciated. Thanks""
If there is no damage to either cars then how much would insurance rates go up for the person who caused it?
i was in a accident today and this hood girl came out of nowhere but the only damage that occured was the front tag of my car came off and her car has no damage. How much will my insurance rates go up.
Car insurance LUDICROUS! whats happening ?
passed my test a week ago.. (UK)Â Â been looking for car insurance on any car thats below a 1.2 and im still getting quotes for 4000Â Â what the ***** am i doing wrong to deserve this ? it's really frustrating as all my friends have car insurance and cars and drive about happily, yet im stuck catching busses, waiting around and generally feeling like a twit... what is it that i am doing wrong ?
0 notes
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"medical insurance quotes illinois
medical insurance quotes illinois
BEST ANSWER:Â Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblrÂ
Do I need Mexican Car Insurance?
I'm driving from Toronto to Monterrey via Columbia Bridge. I was wondering do I need Mexican car insurance, since I've seen a lot of sites adveritising it I'm curious. And is my Canadian drivers license valid in Mexico?""
Car insurance?
Does anyone know of any insurance company's where you can be on your parents insuance but still get no claims? Thanks
If I take defensive driving will it keep my speeding ticket from my insurance company?
I have two previous tickets for speeding. One is dismissed I did community service and the other I didnt take care of and payed the fine and this is in Texas by the way I have also thought about contacting the my insurance agent and if it is dismissed because of the defensive driving this means my insurance rates will not go up correct?
18 years old insurance for vw golf group 6 incurance?
Im 18 years old male with no claim bonus, i want to buy VW Golf 05 1.9l tdi group 6 incurance, where can i find cheap insurance ? what is the best company? i can pay like 150 per month maximum. Pls help thanks.""
Insurance company won't cover me because my wife is pregnant?
I'm on a 90 day waiting period to get insurance by my employer, so I tried to get a short term one to be covered in the meantime one but they wont cover me because my wife is pregnant. can they do this what are options... i'm in Illinois. Thank you""
How much is the insurance for a 2003 Nissan Maxima?
I am a teenage driver and i need a cheap car but a nice car
Should I get my own health insurance?
Right now I don't have any health insurance but I'm considering paying it out of my own pocket. Is this wise?
How much does auto insurance cost?
How much does auto insurance cost?
What is a fast car that is in a relativley low insurance group?
Hi i'm looking for a car which is fast but not that high in insurance i have 4 year NCB but i'm only 23 and have already got 2 smashes under the belt and a speeding ticket i'm currently looking at a ford cougar 2.5 which is group 14 insurance but i have own one of these before but was just wondering if there is a faster car then this that is lower then group 15 insurance i live in the uk can anyone help.
Why is my car insurance so high?
my car insurance is very high its something like 5000-10,000 and plus its only third party and the car is cheap 500 fiat punto ive checked confused several times still same prices""
What is the best life insurance company in the the USA?
what is the best life insurance company in the USA?
Willthe insurance cover me ?
If someone hit my car and it was their fault but i dont have insurance will my cars damage be covered?
BMW 1991 318is Insurance/Gas/Parts?
I'm looking into getting a car. This would officially be my first. I want it to be a car that is of good quality for at least the next 2 to 3 years. Meaning not too much to spend on gas, parts and insurance. Which are where my questions lie for a 1991 bmw 318is; Does a 1991 bmw 318is take up more gas than the average car of it's time? Also, I understand maintaining a BMW is expensive but is the 1991 bmw 318is pricey to insure? I've heard after a certain year, BMW are a little less expensive to have. I'm absolutely in love with this model and year, I'd love for it to be my first actual car but I'm skeptical. Please answer my questions and thank you for your time!""
How much does car insurance cost.?
I am 18 and ready to get my drivers license but how much does car insurance cost per month on average.?
How i can get insurance on my brothers car?
How i can get insurance on my brothers car?
Car insurance LUDICROUS! whats happening ?
passed my test a week ago.. (UK) been looking for car insurance on any car thats below a 1.2 and im still getting quotes for 4000 what the ***** am i doing wrong to deserve this ? it's really frustrating as all my friends have car insurance and cars and drive about happily, yet im stuck catching busses, waiting around and generally feeling like a twit... what is it that i am doing wrong ?""
Car insurance for 16 year old guy in wisconsin?
How much would my car insurance probably be if I am 16, a guy, I'm going to own a 1998 Subaru Impreza Outback Sport Wagon, and I get very good grades. (I would get liability on the car) Where do you think I should get insurance or should I just get it through my mom and dad and pay them?""
How much is your car insurance?
Just wondering. Mine's coming to 700!!
""I have Full Coverage Insuranc. Someone vandalized my car destroying the hood, and the front window is busted ?""
My friend has full coverage insurance. Someone vandalized his car destroying the hood and busted the front window out. Will the insurance company cover this? Someone also advised us that it would be better to report the car stolen and they would cover it once it's found with the damage. Is this true? we really need some advice on this one. Don't want to be stuck having to pay the costs for all this damage. Also, what steps he should take first, i.e - informing the police, ect?""
Cheap Car Insurance for my first car?
My dad owns it but hes giving it to me technically he wants me to pay insurance and I want something cheap, the majority of insurances say im underage to be reliable for it. I'm 17, is there a cheap insurance for my little chevorlate cavalier car?""
Why do people think that mandating car insurance is the same as mandating health insurance?
I could choose not to drive. Also even the democratic legal think tank advisers have said there is no legal precedent for mandating the purchase of health insurance from a private company. If they don't have single payer or even a public option it may not hold up in the supreme court.
If your a 20 yr old female in florida how much do you pay for your car insurance?
I just moved here and want to buy a car but i was wondering how much someone my age pays for insurance. A little help please? actual numbers would help
Question about car insurance for young people?
I am nearing the end of my driving lessons and i am seriously thinking about cars.Can someone tell me a list of cars that are cheap to insure for a 17 year old male?Also my Mother told me that when i pass my driving test and get a car i will be going under her insurance policy and she said that it will be a lot cheaper than getting insured by myself.So my question is , is it better to get insured under a parents name so it will be considerably cheaper also i want to pay monthly for insurance and not yearly.Also what cars are generally cheap to insure under a parents name for a 17 year old? Thank You.""
Low Car insurance/Car alarm?
Im a student 21 years old Male and i know car insurance is going to be high. Can ne1 recommend a company that will give me a low rate and im interested in getting a car alarm.
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medical insurance quotes illinois
How does car insurance repair the accident?
I mean we all know that whoever faults at accident gonna pay for repairs from their insurance. However my questions is what if I buy used car that have little damages on it. As I drive on road, maybe a month later somebody cause accident to my car and police rule out it's their fault. So how can their insurance pay for my car repair from new accident if I already have damages on my car before I buy them? According to a law, once accident happened the insurance only pay for repair from new damages not from old damages. It's insurance fraud if they pay for whole repair that is not part of their causes. Example: I buy a car with rear bumper damages, just little paints and dents on rear bumper. When the accident happen, it cause rear bumper to fall off and it needed new bumper, how can insurance pay for new bumper if some of it was already damages when I buy those car? They might write off but if car is value at 10K and cost repair is 800 dollars then it cheaper to fix but how? How without insurance fraud?""
Can you file an car accident insurance claim without a police report?
this is re: a very minor accident. our car bumped into the other car after they slammed on their breaks. No damage at all to our car. The license plate and screws are bent on the other car. Other person uncooperative and after we gave our insurance info to them, refused to give info to us. Police on scene did not file report, told us to just deal with it on our own. My worry is, can they file a claim? wouldn't it be just our word against theirs? advice would be helpful thanks.""
Can you get insurance after a ticket for no insurance?
so i got a ticket for speeding, and i also didnt have insurance on my car so the cop gave me two tickets one for speeding, and one for no insurance. So i went to court pleaded not guilty and didn't have insurance and got a 500 dollar ticket. then couple weeks later i got a letter saying my license will be suspended for 3 months due to illinios law for not having insurance. I was wondering if could have gotten insurance and shown it at the court date and would it have been removed?? Also is there away i can get a lawyer to have the remove the suspension or anything???""
Speeding tickets and Insurance rates (read details)?
I received one speeding ticket back in February 2010, I took a driving class for it so I would not receive points on my license and consequently my insurance provider would not be able to raise my rate. However, I've received two speeding tickets in the past week (both only 9 miles over the speed limit) :'( which would result in 6 points on my license. I live in Florida, and I have State Farm insurance. Does anyone have any idea at all what will/could happen to my insurance? :(""
What insurance company do cheap American car insurance for young drivers?
I'm 19 years old and I'm considering getting a 1985 Ford Mustang 5L V8 in England. The question is who is going to insure me at a reasonable price? I'm not looking at using the car everyday, I probably wont put 4k miles on the clock in a year. Please, can anyone help me?""
Is this quote accurate for my car insurance?
Hi ; I'm planning to buy a 1994 Honda Civic.Yesterday , I checked insurancehotline.com to see how much my insurance will cost. I'm a new driver in Toronto-Canada but have 3 years out -of- country experience. The cheapest quote which was shown is 4900 cdn.Let's be realistic guys , the car is 1500 cdn.How come is the insurance that much.How much is the approximate quote for me?""
Use my insurance to pay for high repair costs?
My vehicle was vandalized and due to that I have Many scratches and dents to the sides of the car. My insurance estimate 2100$ worth of repairs in which I pay 300$. Initially the representative told me that my insurance would not go up monthly because I don't have a.bad history of claims n the incident was not my fault. But that was before they appraised the car so now they would have to give me 1800$ and im.not sure whether I should go through the insurance or not I don't want to affect my monthly payments. Any suggestions?
Does Allstate use insurance credit scores ?
My score is good, just curious. Another unrelated question: My insurance has gone up the last 2 times after going down every 6 months for a few years. I cant find any reason for it on my end. Is everyones rate going up at allstate ?""
""Republicans, Why doesn't the affordable health insurance website work?
Web page design is easy. I make websites about how evil Republicans are and websites where I give people free Walmart gift cards.
Where can I find the best insurance firms in California?
My son just got out of hospital and am really concerned about the health of my family members - what should I do now? Where can I get the best insurance firms in entire California?
What is the best and most affordable car insurance company in New York?
Particularly NYC?
Can a 17 year old get insurance in her name in mo?
I'm 17 and i have my own car, dont live at home 2 hours away to be spacific, have a job and a son i turn 18 really soon and i was just wondering is it possible to get insurance in my name? Its in the baby daddys name right now but its like 200 dollars a month and i think its so high because his age sex and criminal record and his wrecks. For me i have never been in a car wreck or in trouble with the law and attending GED classes until school starts back up and then im going to take my ged at the school and get my hs diploma ive heard if your attending school or what not there are discounts. Any way please just answer my ? all rude comments will be deleted thanks!!!""
Motorcycle and car insurance?
I want to get a motorbike but cant afford to run my car also. Put a question on here the other day about running a bike only all year round and been sort of put off by responses re winter riding. Is it possible to road tax and insure a car for half a year only and then for other half of year not road tax/insure it. During that period to insure and tax bike instead if put car on private driveway and not use it for that period? So basically run car half year in crap weather and bike other half in good? Whats the reprocussions insurance wise if thats possible? UK answers would be more usefull as thats where I live! thanks!
Driving Friends' cars with no insurance?
I have no insurance, but if it is true that insurance covers the car, not the driver, would I be safe driving my friends' cars with their permission, despite the fact that I *personally* have no insurance? Is it also true that if I wreck their car, would their insurance company go after me personally, and sue me, when they would normally go after my own insurance if I had it?""
Marine Insurance?
Why do the Underwriters enjoy an apparent freedom to give seven days notice and announce an area a war risk zone and, effectively, arbitrarily withdraw insurance cover? - like cases in the Straits of Malacca -""
How do I get insurance when.....?
No one wants to give them to me? I recieved a letter in the mail saying I need to show proof of insurance or my registrations will be cancelled. Well I let my insurance expire because I wasn't driving my car at the time, and now I need my car and every insurance company is telling me I can't get them. I'm guessing because it's been more than thirty days since I last had some? I don't know, but do you know where I can get some insurance where they are not so strict?""
Car insurance?
my spouse has never had a drivers license and took my car while i was at work and had an accident . my spouse is not excluded on my policy will my insurance cover damage to other property
Best car insurance price for financed cars?
I'm only 19, and I'm getting a financed car VERY soon. I know I can't look at the big name guys, cause I've already done that and they want $450 a month just for a car with no power and isn't even sport. I plan on either getting a 2009-10 Dodge Avenger or 2009-10 Nissan Altima/Sentra. I have had car insurance without a gap for almost 2 years now on my current car, so I won't have any problems having anyone cover me or anything. I live in FL, so if anyone knows of any small insurance companies that are good with financed cars and teens, PLEASE list it below. Thanks.""
""What's the cheapest car insurance company in Fresno, CA?""
What's the cheapest car insurance company in Fresno, CA?""
Whats the cheapest auto insurance plan?
I hate insurance. I have no reason so far to need it. I'm a safe driver and i do not want my money to be drained into some company, which in time, will get more money from me than they spend to fix whatever may happen to my car. I don't want a flashy car. I only need a cheap one. So i could care less about dents and stuff. What is literally the cheapest auto insurance plan i can get in California? cheapest dollar for dollar.""
Does health insurance cover the cost of autism treatments?
And if it doesn't, should it?""
Why do we need auto insurance?
Why do we need auto insurance?
0bama: You can keep your health plan. Why will MILLIONS of Americans lose their health insurance?
. If you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan. ~ Borat 0bama President 0bama repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it. But millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under 0bamacare, say experts, and the 0bama administration has known that for at least three years. 0bama administration knew millions could not keep their health insurance http://investigations.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/10/29/21222195-obama-administration-knew-millions-could-not-keep-their-health-insurance""
How do i switch my auto insurance policy before my term is up?
I currently have Direct Auto insurance, but i would like to switch companies to get a cheaper rate. i never had to cancel my insurance before the term is up, and my term isnt up till november 2010. my question is, how do i do that (if i can), and will i be charged for it?""
Anybody knows any insurance company who provides auto insurance without signing one year contract ?
does anybody know any insurance company who provides auto insurance without asking for one year term contract? i just needed for one month or so?
medical insurance quotes illinois
medical insurance quotes illinois
Who has the cheapest car insurance in Florida?
Not the best...I know you get what you pay for. I can't even afford any, but I need to stay legal. Thanks!""
Car insurance for a 16 year old!?
I get my license next month and I finally saved up enough money to get a 1998 BMW Roadster, how much would the monthly insurance cost on average? & if i own the car will that help?""
What is an affordable health insurance plan that will include mental health coverage and prescriptions?
What is an affordable health insurance plan that will include mental health coverage and prescriptions?
Best motorcycle insurance for me?
I was wondering what would be the best motorcycle insurance for someone like me. I'm 18, in the military, zero credit. I ride a 2011 ZX6r (sport bike). I've been driving since I was 16 and riding for about a year. No speeding tickets, no accidents, nothing. I'm SUPER busy ALL THE TIME so I really only plan on putting around 5-7k miles on the bike over the next couple of years just riding around for fun on the weekends. A lot of people suggest USAA because I'm in the military but those people don't ride bikes, and it seems like everybody I have heard of who has USAA motorcycle insurance grossly overpays. I have done a little research and it seems like the general consensus is that motorcycle insurance is the worst service (among some very good ones) that USAA offers.""
What is an approximate cost for life insurance?
What is an approximate cost for life insurance?
Do you need motorcycle insurance when you just have a motorcycles learners permit?
in MN. I already have car insurance but is motorcycle insurance nessisary when i just have a permit? I know I did not need it with my car permit but is it different with a motorcycle?
What exactly does term life insurance mean?
I have been paying in to a Chase Life term insurance policy for $100,000.00 for over 10 years. I have recently received a quote for $250,000.00 term policy for LESS than I am paying for the $100K policy. Do I lose anything by changing companies?""
Can anyone give me an estimate for A 17 year old car insurance!?
Hello I am 17 in december and am looking to insure A classic Austin Mini 998cc and I was just wondering if anyone would have any estimate idea of how much it would cost to insure!? :)
Can I buy a new car in my name and put the insurance in someone elses name?
I live with my fiance (both males) and I am buying a smartcar. We are planning to finance it and put the insurance in his name since I am 23 and he is 25 it will be cheaper for him. Will we be fine to do this? We live in South Carolina.
Will the Affordable care health insurance start from tomorrow itself?
I am planning to buy health insurance since I am going through a medical condition and cannot wait for the treatment. Can I buy Obamacare insurance? I heard it will be effective from Jan 1 2014. I know its kind of stupid question but is there a provision in the ACT that if I buy the insurance today (11/21/2013) will it be effective tomorrow or can the expenses be claimed after Jan 1 2014. Also, if I am not able to cover myself from now till dec 31 2013 then what insurance do you suggest? Thanks..""
Car insurance question.?
Can I have a car loan under my name and have the title under mine and my parents name as a main cosigner? Then have insurance under my parents name? Is it possible to have the title under my name with no cosigner and insurance under parents? I just want cheaper insurance that's all.
Insurance on a 2005 premium mustang v6?
hello, my daughter is 17 years old and i am thinking about getting her a 2005 premium mustang v6. she is on the honor roll, hasn't had any problems or accidents as far as driving goes, and really doesn't drive much. we live in a rural area. how much would insurance cost? our insurance company offers some plan where if you're getting good grades, you get a discount. how much would it all be? i have her driving a 2012 volkswagen jetta now and it's very pricey.""
Cheapest estate cars to inusre?
hi, im a 18 year old male looking for a new car, im looking at estates as i surf and need alot of space for boards etc. my last car, a clio 1.5 diesel was super cheap to run and tax (60mpg +) and insurance group 9 so didnt completely bust the bank. im looking at cars like the skoda fabia estate (1.2 and 1.9 Diesel) and the peugeot 307 and 207 1.4 diesels as they are also cheap to run and insure. the problem is i live in devon and any cars that are reasonably cheap are scarce. I average around 8-10 thousand miles a year. and am still in education so cant afford to run a 30-40 mpg car. any ideas? thanks""
What kind of insurance?
What kind of (liability) insurance would i get for a restaurant i'm thinking about opening? I don't know how to find out so if someone could suggest some to me :) Thanks!
Comparing insurance rates?
Hello, I am looking for a site that allows me to compare different insurance rate quotes based on the information I provide.""
Help with Car insurance cost?
ok so im 17 1/2 year old male and ive been driving since i was 15 1/2. As of right now im covered under my parents insurance with Mercury auto insurance and i pay $500 for 6 months of coverage ($1000 a year). I am currently covered for the three cars that my family owns 1996 Acura 2.5 TL (my crappy car) 2008 MBenz C300 (moms) 2011 Mazda 3 (Dads) So heres my question.. My car (the TL) is starting to break down and the cost of service is outmatching the value of the car. So ive been saving up to try to get another car and i am going to put down 40-50% of the money and my parents are gonna pay for the rest. The cost of the car is not the issue i was wondering more about my cost of insurance for the cars that i am interested in. I know that my most accurate response would be from the Insurance companies themselves, but i dont have time right now. I just wanted to know what you guys thought about how much i should pay per month for these cars. So the cars im interested in ( theres alot lol) are: 90's Toyota MR2 (preferably turbo, but i could live without it) Subaru WRX (Non-STI) Nissan 350Z Honda S2000 BMW 330i (coupe only) 00'-04' Ford Mustang GT There are others but i cant remember them right off the top of my head.. I know its gonna be WAY more expensive then what i pay now and that most of these cars are 2 door and 2 seat which will just make it worse. But im really willing to work for it and like i said i pay my own insurance bill. So how much do you think each of these cars cost for monthly insurance? And of the cars listed which would you most recommend?""
Cancelling Car Insurance questions any help please?
Okay, first and foremost thanks for reading. The situation with me right now is I'm thinking about cancelling my car insurance after this month. This is my first time having insurance but I can't afford the payments because I have been unsuccessful in getting a job. Not only that but the car cannot be driven again until it is fixed so it will stay in the yard. I didn't get into an accident or anything but it needs a few parts cause they've worn out. So I was just going to get it cancelled/lapsed whatever since there is no point for me to have it if I cannot drive my vehicle. I don't have the money right now to repair it either. I'm thinking about cancelling it, waiting until I get my car fixed and then getting some new insurance. But my mom told me that once your insurance runs out in NC you have to bring the tags back... Does that mean I have to pay the full registration fee again once I get another insurance policy as well? Or can I somehow just keep my tags until I get some new insurance within the next two or three months? By the way the vehicle will stay parked until I have enough money to fix it and insure it.""
Where to get cheap full coverage car insurance in san mateo california?
Where to get cheap full coverage car insurance in san mateo california?
What do I look for when buying car insurance?
I had car insurance with my parents for a while and I want to get my own. Im not sure what to look for and what companies are the best. Please help. thanks.
Renters' insurance...yes or no?
I recently moved into an apartment and am contemplating renters' insurance. I have a few questions before deciding on whether to purchase a policy or not. First, is it worth it? The idea seems similar to buying an extended protection plan for a product; yes, the protection plan is cheap, but what are the odds that the product will actually break during the 1-year timeframe? Every item in which I have ever purchased an extended protection plan (TVs, computers, furniture, appliances) has never malfunctioned/broken. Basically, I paid that money to cover myself in the event of something happening, but nothing ever did happen to any of those items. I would say that I've thrown away approximately $1000 over the years on various protection plans. Second, when I am assessing my personal property value, should I overestimate the actual value of my belongings, or provide a more accurate estimate? Do insurance companies require any visual proof of items you own? I know there are more pros than cons to renters' insurance, but I wanted everyone's opinions on whether renters' insurance is a good buy. Thanks.""
Who has the best auto insurance?
from a price, service, quality perspective""
""Is it cheaper to be put on your parents car insurance, or get your own?""
I'm 16 and I need car insurance, would it be cheaper to be put on my parents, or get my own entirely?""
Is health insurance haram?
Hey, We're supposed to write an essay on any topic of our choice and show it relates to well being and opportunity in Canada while addressing inequalities (that part is optional). I'm thinking of writing on Private Health Insurance in Canada. But first i wanna know if health insurance is haram. Also what can I focus on on in terms of health insurance. Should I focus on their good side/bad side, etc. Any suggestions?""
Obtaining auto insurance quote for dummies?
I've done a little Google searching and haven't found a clear answer to my question. Can anyone help me out? When getting a quote from a new insurance provider, when you report past driving incidents do you report them as what the police officer originally originally charged you with, or as the plea bargain given to you by the judge? I got a speeding ticket awhile back but when I went to court the judge gave me a plea bargain which lowered the violation to driving with a defective tail light , driving an unsafe vehicle or something of that nature. I don't remember exactly. So, when getting a quote from a new provider, do I list the incident as a speeding ticket? Or as the violation that I was actually convicted of? Thanks so much in advance for your help. I will be assure to award the best answer!!!! You know you want that best answer!! :)""
Best life insurance policy?
Which is the best life insurance policy for tax saving and investment for employee?
medical insurance quotes illinois
medical insurance quotes illinois
Student health insurance...please help?
So, I'm looking for my first health insurance since becoming independent. What is a reasonable amount for the deductible and monthly payments, coinsurance and the price per office visit? I really have no idea...thanks for any advice. i'm a full time student btw and i'm 19 female""
I'm 18 and I have no insurance?
I was wondering, what are the steps to get into the 2010 affordable care act? My parents have Allstate if that helps. Am I automatically covered or are there some steps like talking with an agent of my parent's insurance company.""
Lowest insurance rates?
Hi!!! I would like your opinions on the lowest car insurance rates. I am currently with an insurance company that has not lowered my rate and I have been accident free for more than 5 years. So I am going to switch carriers and wanted to hear your opinions on where I should try.. Thanks in advance
How much does Viagra cost without insurance?
How much does Viagra cost without insurance?
Can i get my own car insurance?
I'll be driving someone else's car which is covered under their insurance policy. Can I get my own insurance with a DIFFERENT insurance carrier (and still drive the same car)?
Whats your best insurance quote? (Young guys only plz!)?
Just curious, whats your best insurance quote guys? - I'm hunting for a decent deal for my tiny little 796cc car outside.. Yeah, that's right, I'm gonna boy race with my 796cc mean machine. So yeah, whats your best quotes and is it fully comp, third party only? fire and theft? So far I got a 700 quote third party fire and theft I'm quite happy with... Sorry girls, no offense but I'm kind of looking for guys answers, Your insurance is completely different :) And I'm 18 btw""
Car insurance deposit?
i want my car insurance to start on 11th feb. my quote says i need to pay a deposit followed by 11 monthly installments. If i signed up for the policy today to start on 11th will they ask me for the deposit to be paid now or will they take it on 11th?
a friend asked me this question so i thought id ask you guy's out there. we are both single guy in hour early and mid 30's,both receive a DSP_pension,live separately were just mates,no dependants both smoke cig's yes were slowly giving em up we live in Tasmania,Australia and are wondering what would be best for a single person life or funeral insurance,is there a difference between them,does life insurance cover for your funeral expenses.IVE ask CENTRELINK and they DID NOT HAVE ANY INFOMATION.""
""What is a sporty, efficient, nice looking, affordable small car?""
My fiance has been looking at cars to buy. We plan to buy used and pay cash with about a $7,000 price range. First she liked the Pontiac G6 but we read tons of terrible reviews and decided against it. Aswell as the G5. She says she wants a sporty yet classy car. She likes the Cobalt alot. I have read mixed reviews about it and also questioned fuel mileage and insurance costs. Please help! She is getting discouraged and I really want to make her happy in looking for another car. I know theres one out there somewhere...""
Why do insurance companies base rates on credit?
Illness hurt our family financially but we recovered and are on the credit mend. Funny thing is we have never missed an insurance payment - nor have we lapsed policies. We have been steady insurance users for 19+ years now. Our driving records and insurance record is also clean. Why is it fair for insurance companies to use credit against you - when they can't possibly know the circumstances.
17 Year Old Female.. car and insurance?
Hey, I am currently searching around for a car and insurance. I have just passed my test. Using price comparison sites insurance is coming to around 1,500 pounds on cars such as Daewoo Matiz, Volkswagen Polo, Vauxhall Corse and Peugeot 106. On the internet a girl said she was able to get her insurance down to 600 pounds! How is this possible? Insurance with my mom as the named driver is about 2,000 so this isnt an option. Thanks x""
Why is my insurance so cheap?
I am a 19 year old male, and I own a 2011 Nissan Altima SL. I live in Baltimore City (which has the highest rates in the state) and have a speeding ticket and a not at fault accident. I carry 100/300/100 coverage with matching 250 deductibles. I also have vanishing deductible, accident, and minor violation forgiveness. I pay 172.00 per month. I thought I could save a few bucks and switch companies, however, I quoted literally every company available in MD and the lowest I found was 580 a month for the same coverages. Thats a HUGEEE difference! I am starting to wonder if something is wrong with my policy. I have had it about a year with no issues, and my not at fault claim went through smoothly. I am the sole policy holder, and no, my family is not with Nationwide either... What could cause such a difference? Any ideas?""
How much are you paying for car insurance?
How much are you paying for car insurance?
Car insurance for new license holder?
what will be the prize of normal car insurance??? (i meant % of car prize) If the license is new what will the prize?? Im from dubai.. so i want to according to dubai market rate..
What should I do about this car insurance?
I have a car that is worth no more than $1500. I bought it off someone in my family and I should transfer ownership (as it is from a different state). At the moment they have selected me as a secondary drive for insurance, as I am a P plater it will cost a lot of money to put it under me. To reregister it and insure it under me would cost a lot. (including getting another roadworthy certificate). I took it in for a check and they said repairs would cost nearly $2,000 which is more than the car. Plus the insurance, totaling about $3500 in total when the car is only worth $1500 max. So this is the situation I need help with, the car runs great and I may have just gotten ripped off by the mechanics (I didn't bring it in, someone else did and they can seem like an easy person to rip off) - also we have a friend who is a retired mechanic and he said the car is in great shape and roadworthy should be no problem, so that conflicts with what these guys said.. Any tips? I have no clue what to do. What do you do when it costs more to put a car on the road than the car is worth?""
Can someone give me advice on good health insurance that offers maternity coverage??
I am looking into individual health insurance because my hubby and I are trying to conceive and I don't have any. I know I need to have it BEFORE i become pregnant. I don't know a thing about insurance and can't seem to find any insurance companies that offer maternity coverage.......I work for a temp agency and have worked for them for a year and a half and their insurance is astronomical so I'm looking on my own. My hubby doesn't have insurance where he works as a mechanic so i can't get it through his insurance. Any advice would help!!!!
Car insurance in california?
is medical expense coverage optional or required in california. I called my car insurance company to delete this coverage and the genius over the phone was telling me its mandatory, and I said to her...mandatory to california or to your insurance co?I know comp/ coll and liability are mandatory but everything else is optional...isnt it?""
What's the cheapest insurance for a 17-year-old male in New Jersey? I just need something affordable.?
What's the cheapest insurance for a 17-year-old male in New Jersey? I just need something affordable.?
Car accident! they didnt have insurance! what cam i do?
last monday i was on a car accident,,,,(t-bone colission) it was there fault...i had a green light...she turned left at a red!.....but they dont have insurance...i need money to fix my car.....what can i do....? they told me thy were going to get my car fixed,,,but now they dont want to pay....and the even want to sew me! the police officer told me that i had to sew them cuz they didnt have insurance! what could happen in court!? what are the chances that theyll pay for my car!!? i live in texas....thanks""
How much do you think it would cost to insure a 19 year old driver?
How much do you think it would cost to insure a 19 year old driver?
Do you need motorcycle insurance when you just have a motorcycles learners permit?
in MN. I already have car insurance but is motorcycle insurance nessisary when i just have a permit? I know I did not need it with my car permit but is it different with a motorcycle?
Insurance company pay for rental car while mine is being repaired?
i got rear ended, the other driver was at fault, his insurance company is paying to have my car repaired. my claim handler with his insurance company told me they would pay for me to get a rental car while my car is in the shop being repaired. now my car is scheduled to go in the shop monday, and the claim handler wont call me back. are they the ones that need to set up my rental car? or do i just call a rental car place and give them the claim information, and they bill the insurance company??""
Which car insurance is cheaper ?
I'm planing to lease a corolla LE 2010 or camry LE 2010 or Honda civic LX 2010, but I like honda more but I was told the liability coverage that honda required is high so it make my payment more, is this right?""
Can I drive another car with my fully comprehensive insurance?
I have fully comprehensive car insurance on a car, I heard you can drive another car with the owners permission because you're insurance is fully comprehensive. (So if there is a crash my insurance will cover the costs 3rd party) Here's the tricky bit, I am on my friends fully comprehensive car insurence as a named driver. Can I (Being a named driver on his fully comprehensive insurence) drive someone else's car with there permission? Thanks in advance""
""How to lower my car insurance, young driver.?""
I am 18 going 19 this year, and i want to know how i can possibly make my insurance cheaper, legally. I took my pass plus which is meant to cut the price down by a bit, but I've found most internet comparison websites don't ask if you have achieved pass plus, so would it be ideal to get a quote online THEN ring up and try knock the price down? Also what else can i do to cut the cost down, legally?""
medical insurance quotes illinois
medical insurance quotes illinois
0 notes
Total cost of new car; insurance, tax, registration etc...?
"Total cost of new car; insurance, tax, registration etc...?
I am looking to buy a new used car (new to me). Currently I am driving a POS 1990 honda civic that keeps breaking on me. I have had it for just over a year and put more $ into than I paid for it. It is time for me to get a nice car now. I am aiming for a toyota celica in the early 2000's, $6,000-$8,000. I will be finacing it, and I can afford about $150/month in payments. I realise that I will have to get full coverage insurance (I have liability right now). I hear that is about $800 extra per year. What I want to know is how much is it going to cost me (roughly) to go in, get a new car, trade in my old one, pay taxes on the car, insurance, registration, everything that needs to be done. Obviously it will vary by car, state, situation...but ball parks are okay. There is no such things as too much info right now. I live in the north east if that is of any assistance :] Thanks.
BEST ANSWER:Â Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblrÂ
Car insurance...?
I am thinking about buying a 1999 ford fiesta sometime. I have opted for a 5 door car rather than a 3 door car. I have heard of some people paying up to 3k per year for insurance. How much difference roughly in terms of would having 5 doors make in stead of 3? And what would be the difference rouughly between insuring a car with a 1.8 diesel engine than something like a 1.4 diesel engine? I want to get a car when I have passed my driving test.
Why are the local prices for auto insurance lower than online prices ?
Why are the local prices for auto insurance lower than online prices ?
I am 17 and i am looking for cheap car insurance. does anyone know a good insurer?
I am 17 and i am looking for cheap car insurance. does anyone know a good insurer?
No insurance ticket?
I got a ticket today for no insurance. I know I can go to court and show proof of insurance and just pay court costs. After I show the court my insurance card, are they going to contact the insurance company to make sure it is valid? I'm sure you know why I am asking.""
Best as in cheapest auto insurance company in California.?
I have a perfect driving record, but i'm not currently insured because I'm looking for someone else... Had allstate.. any suggestions?""
New Car Insurance?
I have a little 2001 Saturn SL2 and I'm on my oldest sisters policy and it runs around $350 a month for both of us (I'm only 18 and she has like a 5 or 6 speeding tickets). My saturn is nothing but a big dent in my walllet so I've found a 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe that I want to get but my main concern is how much would my insurance go up? Would it be a drastic change since the my car is 2001 and the SUV I want is a 2004? SUV are more expensive when it comes to insurance and with it being a 2004 I'm a little worried. I haven't been in wreck and I don't have a speeding ticket to my name.
Cheap insurance for someone who had foreign licence?
Do you know any insurance company which will insure a small van (suzuki carry), and will recognise my previous 8 years driving experience in Australia? I have only just got around to getting a British licence (as the road rules and driving standards are similar, I can just trade my Australian one in, no test), and been living in the UK just over a year. Have tried a few insurance quote websites, and they all seem to be quoting me the same as a brand new driver who has just passed their test - i.e. extremely expensive! thanks for any tips!""
Currently on my parent's auto insurance plan. Can I get motorcycle insurance with a different company without it affecting my current plan?
Currently on my parent's auto insurance plan. Can I get motorcycle insurance with a different company without it affecting my current plan?
What are short-term life insurance needs?
I currently have a 5 year term life insurance policy with State Farm and I was wondering if it were possible for me to make a withdrawl or loan from this policy. I researched this some and on some websites it said it wasn't possible; however whenever I look on State Farms website it says the below: The State Farm 5 Year Term policy provides affordable life insurance protection for a five year period and is renewable for subsequent 5-year periods until age 85 (age 80 in NY). It is great for covering any short-term life insurance needs you may have. Short-term life insurance needs may include such things as: * Car loan * College tuition * Home equity loan * Mortgage loan * Business loan * Student loan * Key employee Term insurance may also be appropriate when your life insurance needs are great but your budget is tight. Does this mean I can make a withdrawal so that I can pay off my student loans? Also, it seems that my policy has ended in December; however, I was still charged this month. The policy started in 2005.""
Cheap moped insurance company?
Cheap moped insurance company?
Car insurance help...please?
im 17 and im about to get a car from a friend but i wanted to know if my mom can just add the car to her insurance and not say anything about me driving it. then i can drive it and the car will still be insured right? thats basically what im doing right now anyway. i have my permit and im driving my mom's car to practice in, but the insurance company doesnt know that. my friend has his liscense and his parents gave him his own car, but the insurance company doesnt know hes driving it. if he got into an accident, wouldnt his parents insurance cover it since the car is in their name?""
Sisters friend took car and crashed will my insurance cover?
She took the car without permission I know alot of people say that but this is really true.She crashed and didn't have a license or insurance. She was not at fault since the other person was driving with headlights off at night and no one was hur however both cars are wrecked. Will my insurance cover I only have liability.
""Would you rather have a law against gay marriage, or affordable HEALTH INSURANCE that can't be canceled?""
Admittedly a false choice, but still...electing a GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News'/Jesus freak government would enhance the chances of a law against gay marriage and diminish the chances of some form of Medicare for all. Feel free to substitute 'Christian right for 'Jesus freak...consider it a figure of speech or an expression of art.""
What is the best lowest cost insurance for a first time driver?
ok. i just got my learners permit. i had wondered what would be the best car insurance company too look to for getting my actual license. and has the lowest monthly rate, with the best coverage. i will never get a dui since i will never drive drunk. i have never had a ticket, i have excellent credit, i do not own a home so i don't want a insurance bundle, i'm in north carolina, i drive a volvo, i have never had a wreck . so i'm looking to good driving discount minus the privacy invading snap shot from progressive. and no dui discount. and good credit discount. exc anyone know of the best insurance company to look to?""
Around how much would insurance be in georgia for a 16 year old with a 2008 yamaha r1?
Around how much would insurance be in georgia for a 16 year old with a 2008 yamaha r1?
Insurance on a Motorcycle.?
I am 16 and I am wanting to purchase an '08 250 Ninja. What would I expect to pay every year in insurance? I live in MS if that would make a difference in insurance.
Whats the cheapest motorbike insurance i can get on a 125cc bike?
i am 17 years old and i want to buy my first bike. could someone please tell me a good cheap 125cc sports bike that i can get cheap insurance on ive looked on some websites but the lowest i seen was about 2000 and it went up to about 9000 and also were i can buy cheap bikes from.
Cheap car insurance for a teenager .?
What happens if you get pulled over and get a ticket for no insurance?
OK so I just got pulled over this morning for not having any insurance and I had no idea I did not have it. For one the car is not mine its my boyfriends and for two his mom was the one that had insurance on it and dropped it without telling me, so I had no idea. I just went and got insurance on it like an hour after I got the ticket, so will the ticket be dismissed, if not what will happen and how much will this all cost?""
Insurance cost on 95 jeep wrangler?
Insurance cost on 95 jeep wrangler?
Does AAA offer short term car insurance?
I just got my license but will be moving down to San Diego in a week to start college. My parents don't want to start me on a long term insurance plan as I won't be using their cars much so it's a waste of money. I was wondering if there is a short term insurance plan that is cheaper as it would be very convenient to drive this week instead of taking busses.
Insurance costs for two and planning for a baby?
Hello Gurus, I am getting my wife to the USA and i should buy insurance since we are planning to have a baby. Any suggestions on which insurance to go with? I need a good coverage and affordable too. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks, Raj Thanks, Raj""
Which insurance company will provide the most affordable health coverage?
I'm a 27 year old man in perfect health as far as I know. I'm average size. I'm about 5'10, 185 lbs. Since there are so many health insurance companies, which health insurance company will provide the most affordable health coverage for me?""
Cost of insurance for 1998 Porsche Boxter?
Hi, I'm a high school student and I recently purchased my uncle's 1998 Porsche Boxter. However, I would like to know the cost of insuring this car. Please don't give me websites, I would actually like a figure without inputting a ton of information into an untrustworthy site. I'll give 10 points to the best answer. Information that may be useful: -high school student (first year of driving) -GPA: 4.0 -Drivers Ed: taken -Gender: male Thanks in advance for any helpful answers! If you don't know for sure, an estimate would be appreciated as well.""
Who is the most dependable Motorcycle insurances and the cheapest?
What all do I really needfar as coverage..I have good medical already...what's the minimum coverage? I have a new HD fatboy 2006 with the 1689 cc with custom pipes. I just wantthe basic coverage. How much is a good premium?
Total cost of new car; insurance, tax, registration etc...?
I am looking to buy a new used car (new to me). Currently I am driving a POS 1990 honda civic that keeps breaking on me. I have had it for just over a year and put more $ into than I paid for it. It is time for me to get a nice car now. I am aiming for a toyota celica in the early 2000's, $6,000-$8,000. I will be finacing it, and I can afford about $150/month in payments. I realise that I will have to get full coverage insurance (I have liability right now). I hear that is about $800 extra per year. What I want to know is how much is it going to cost me (roughly) to go in, get a new car, trade in my old one, pay taxes on the car, insurance, registration, everything that needs to be done. Obviously it will vary by car, state, situation...but ball parks are okay. There is no such things as too much info right now. I live in the north east if that is of any assistance :] Thanks.
What insurance do you have ?
we are looking for a good family insurance that could have dental coverage and eye care coverage as well as health any suggestions ? (ps family of four)
What would you say about geico insurance?
I have my auto insurance with state farm insurance but I was thinking of switching it to Geico. What would you say about Geico? Thanks
Auto insurance quotes?!?!?! please help!!!!?
i need a rough estimate and i really dont feel like typing in my information online and getting a real quote lol i just want a real rough quote with average coverage. if anyone could help that would be great. insurance for a new driver with good grades better than B's and all that junk. the car is a 2003 cadillac deville DTS with like 101,000 miles on it. anything could help!!!!! :)""
How to Insure a used car dealership?
I just opened up my own little used car dealership and I was wondering what kind of insurance I would need. I'm not doing any repairs of any sort so garage keepers insurance is unnecessary. I currently don't have any employees so I also won't be needing workers compensation. But just for the lot and for the sake of my business what kind of coverage do I need. Thank you soo much.
2012 subaru wrx insurance rate?
I am looking to get a 2012 subaru wrx. I am 17 and i am part of my family's all state insurance plan. I have never had an accident and i live in New York. What kind of price should i be looking at. I was told that because the car has a turbo it increases the insurance rate even though it is a four door four cylinder car. Thanks for the help.
""First time buyer buys a new car, how much was your interest RATE?""
Maybe I mean insurance instead of interest, I'm not sure, I don't know that much. I've heard that first time buyers, when buying a car, had little to no interest simply because they've never bought before. Is this true? Please give examples.""
Why does health insurance pay for doctor visits and teeth cleaning?
My car insurance doesn't pay for oil changes. Basic maintenance is up to me. As near as I can tell insurance is like an expensive savings account that you can take more money than you put in if needed.
When to add insurance a newly purchased used car?
I'm purchasing a used truck from a relative of mine for pretty cheap and I'll have to drive the vehicle back down, about 130 miles, to my city by myself. My question is do I have to purchase insurance for the truck before I go up there? Or do I have a grace period where I can drive the truck (say 5 days) without insurance and then once I have the title and other paperwork in my name, go and get insurance? I'm in the state of California, if that helps.""
Buying a car and insurance?
The bank has pre-approved me for 11k. I have talked the dealer down to $8,500 for the truck i want. My insurance is going to be around $1,200 for 6 months. If i get the auto loan for 10k, will i be able to use the excess money to pay my insurance. I believe i read that the check from the bank will be written out to the dealer, but what will happen with the excess money?""
Whats the fastest car a 20 year old can get insured on without paying huge insurance?
I have a bmw 1.6,its fairly slow and cant get insured on a 1.8,i think the fastest car i can get insured on is a honda v-tec 1.5,the insurance is not expensive for it at all,possibly an mx-5 1.6 aswell coz of the pwr to rate ratio altough never driven 1,what do ye rekn?""
Any 17 year olds just got car insurance? (UK)?
Hi, I was wondering if anybody aged 17 has got car insurance recently and would be able to tell me how much they paid. I've been told 3k-4k but when I look on the internet most people are saying 800-2k even if you haven't just got insurance which of the two price ranges is more likely for me? I live in an area where car theft is low and I can keep the car in a garage. I'm a 17 year old male.""
What's the best car insurance to go through?
I'm getting a car soon would like to know the best and the cheapest kind of insurance to get.
Cheap 17 Year old car insurance?
I have just passed my driving test and can't find affordable car insurance. I would not be the main driver of the car as I would use it less than my parents, yet I cannot find a quote cheaper than 3000 on my 2004 Fiat Punto 1.2L Petrol.""
Whats some good cheap car insurance?
I have full coverage on my car and its costing me a butt load of money, i have state farm. Does anyone know of any good insurance companies?""
Are you 17/18 and recently bought a car/insurance?
Im wondering what are the prices like now, and for what cars. Speaking to my mum,she told m vauxhall astra has a fairly cheap insurance for a young driver but anyway share below of around how much it costed you to get insurance and for what car thank you! 10 pts""
""What are some inexpensive, yet reliable auto insurance companies?""
I need a new auto insurance company, Allstate just raised my rates through the roof. But I don't want it to be an unreliable company that will drop me for one little crack in my winshield. State Farm and all those companies are too expensive for me (I am a teenager and work part-time). I live in CA. Any suggestions?""
""Someone hit my car, but does not have car insurance.?""
I went outside to get in my car, and found that someone hit my drivers side door. A lady came out and told me she saw it happen, but couldn't get any info on the vehicle other than that it belonged to a neighbor's friend. Well I got the girls name and phone # from the neighbor, but they didn't think she has car insurance. Should I even bother calling the girl or should I call the cops and file a hit and run police report? I should note that this girl hit my car about a month ago. I wanted to wait till I had her information. Is it too late to call the cops?""
Car insurance???????
I'm a first time buyer (23 y/o) but I've been looking at small compact SUVs more so than 4door sedans just because I love them, but What would be a little cheaper for insurance purposes, a sedan or SUV ? I've checked with some insurance companies and they all say different things. Anyone know what would be the better option? Thank you! And I'm looking to get between an 04-2008 vehicle.""
How can my elderly parents from NZ get car insurance for 6mnth UK visit?
My parents will be 74 & 75 when they come over in April 09. They want to buy a car and travel around for 6 months. Any suggestions for how to get them insurance appreciated
What are the risks of getting cheaper auto insurance using friends/work address?
Getting a car insured in Hoboken is very expensive ($750 for 6 months). Some of my friends use their friends address (Say Edison address) and get much cheaper quotes. What are the risks in doing this? My friend also had a claim with no problems (but it was a minor claim). Please advise?
Car insurance under parents name?
So my parents are thinking about buying me a car. The only thing that is holding them back is the high insurance rate (I'm 21). Currently I am using my parents car for college and my current insurance is under my parents name. If my parents buy the car under their name, while having me on their insurance list, wouldn't the insurance rate be the same as my current one? Or at the least not as expensive as having my own insurance? Thanks.""
What is the best life insurance?
I wouls like to make sure that my partner and my mother are safe if something happens to me. What is the best insurance? Also: Does life insurance also cover critical illness?
What is liability insurance for?
If I drive my cousins car and I get pulled over by a cop and show him my cousins insurance will I get a ticket for not having insurance that's under my name even though I have his insurance?
Car insurance what would you do ?
OK so i was hit from behind the insurance company are going to write the car off and give me 830 i paid 950 for the car its nothing special just a cheap first car with low mileage. The insurance company said they won't recover the car and i can do with it what i will. The damage is fixable I'm thinking 150 -200 of damage just wondered what everybody would do ? Would you just scrap the car and cut your losses, take the money and fix the car or take the money use some of it to fix the car then sell the car ?""
I got pulled over in someone else's car that doesn't have insurance but I have my own?
Ok so I'm driving one of my friends car and I got pulled over for making an illegal u-turn. The car had no insurance and the cop told me to just show up to court and show them that I have proof of insurance on my own car and the ticket will be dropped? I currently have State Farm insurance and I live in the state of California. The officer told me that as long as I had permission to drive the car and my insurance covers me driving other cars I Should be fine. Is this true? Please help, I'm really worried and I don't wanna pay a big fine.""
Total cost of new car; insurance, tax, registration etc...?
I am looking to buy a new used car (new to me). Currently I am driving a POS 1990 honda civic that keeps breaking on me. I have had it for just over a year and put more $ into than I paid for it. It is time for me to get a nice car now. I am aiming for a toyota celica in the early 2000's, $6,000-$8,000. I will be finacing it, and I can afford about $150/month in payments. I realise that I will have to get full coverage insurance (I have liability right now). I hear that is about $800 extra per year. What I want to know is how much is it going to cost me (roughly) to go in, get a new car, trade in my old one, pay taxes on the car, insurance, registration, everything that needs to be done. Obviously it will vary by car, state, situation...but ball parks are okay. There is no such things as too much info right now. I live in the north east if that is of any assistance :] Thanks.
Why is car insurance so much money for seventeen year old males?
my daughters boyfreind has just passed his driving test, he has been quoted 5000 for his insurance by car insurers. is this true, or is it a joke.""
Does driving a corvette raise your car insurance?
Does driving a corvette raise your car insurance?
What is the estimated home insurance cost of $500000 home in littleton colorado?
What is the estimated home insurance cost of $500000 home in littleton colorado?
Affordable health insurance plans?
The company where I work has just informed me that they will be canceling our medical benefits at the end of this month. What are some decent plans that I can get on my own that arent too expensive. I was paying $100.00 per month thru my job and would like to keep my premium around the same. I live in Wisconsin. Thanks for any advice.
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for drivers under 21?
I need some help finding a cheap car insurance company in virginia... Let me know what was the cheapest one in your experience Thanks!
Pimped car insurance?
I've always wondered how people get car insurance after their car has been pimped. I mean the cars are changed so dramatically and all these gadgets added - how on earth do you explain it to an insurance company?!!
Do I need health insurance?
Hi, I am a Saskatchewan resident and will be going to University in Arizona in the coming year, I am just wondering if my canadian insurance will cover me while I'm going to school, or will I have to get additional health insurance? If so, do I go through an American insurance company or is there canadian insurance things I am supposed to do. I basically have no idea what to do. Any advice helps. Thanks!""
Where can I find cheap car insurance in Florida? Please help!?
I am a 16 year old girl and live in Florida. I have my learners permit and plan on getting my license in January. I waited awhile to get my permit and only a few months later I was involved in a car accident. My mother told me to go and we were hit from the side and then went into another car. Nobody was killed but two cars were totaled. I took a correction course and got rid of the points on my license. 6 months later I was in my friends car going to the mall when we stopped at a red light. A teenage boy behind us did not stop and we were rear ended. I went to the doctor and have a herniated disk in my lower back. My parents were going to buy me a car until they called our insurance company. They have USAA, who said i would be $500 a MONTH to insure me due to the multiple accidents I have been in. I didn't know they were allowed to charge someone for being a passenger in an accident that they were not at fault for! I need help in finding cheap insurance. Any suggestions?""
How much can i expect to pay for storage insurance?
I plan on getting a street bike, and sitting my truck. I pay 1400 dollars a year for full coverage right now.""
Where do I look for health insurance for my family?
Can i call insurance agents and get quotes from them for free? my husband is self employed do they have any health insurance specifically for that?
Cheapest Car Insurance Deal For A 17Year Old In The UK?
Cheapest Car Insurance Deal For A 17Year Old In The UK?
Car Insurance HELP......?
Well Im 19 yo. and I want to buy a car in England. But insurance is the main problem!!! I have International Driver License and Im looking cars like Crossfire, BMW M1 etc. but secondhand ones. Which insurance company will be the best for me??? Btw Im university student.""
Auto Insurance in California?
I'm a new driver, all I have is my Permit right now. I'm trying to find insurance that isn't going to ream me financially. Also, don't you need insurance to get registration/new tags....or do you need the registration to get insurance? GAH, SOMEONE HELP!!! (And, if you're going to be a smartass, don't bother. K? Thanks!""
Do motorcycles require insurance in georgia?
Do motorcycles require insurance in georgia?
How much do you pay for car insurance and on what company?
Im tryign to find the cheapest.
Can you change health insurance before surgery?
I have an Anthem individual health plan. It's kind of expensive but I haven't been working and really wanted to have health insurance. I just started a full-time job that offers health insurance benefits. They offer Anthem insurance similar to what I already have just at a much cheaper cost to me but I'll probably have to get a new policy number. I'm having breast reduction the 2nd week of August and I've already received approval from my insurance company for them to pay. However I want to get insurance with my job but I only have 30 days from the start of employment to enroll in their plan. I'll be calling Anthem next week to see how this will affect my surgery but what do you all think? Is it possible to change policies before a surgery that's already been approved? I don't want to miss the open enrollment with my company but I also don't want to risk having to cancel my surgery. Thanks!
About how much do you think my car insurance will cost?
my parents just switched to liberty mutual, I have a car, a blue 99 manual chevy cavalier and I'm 18. I'm trying to figure out how much money from my job I need to save up before I get my license, because I have to pay my own insurance and I've had my permit for a year and a half because I couldn't find a job until last month. I just want a guesstimate please!""
How much does workman's compensation insurance cost?
How much does workman's compensation insurance cost?
Auto insurance for a job?
I got offered a full time job delivering for dominos. I need to know what to do about my insurace. My boss told me to raise my minimums and thats it but my mom has been yelling at me about special insurance i HAVE to get blah blah. So what do i really have to do? My insurance now on my suv is 120 a month but the quote from progressive is 5700 a year for commercial do i really have to triple my insurance for this...
Could I get car insurance before having a car?
I don't seem to have a car at the moment like I mentioned. But I was wondering if I could get a car first and then purchase the insurance or would that not work?
How much a month for loan and insurance for a 350z?
Ok so I'm gonna be 20 in a couple months and I'm tired of driving my crappy integra. I've been saving up and I'm set on getting a 350z. My price range is about 12,000 tops. If I put a down payment of about 5 or 6 grand how much would I pay per month for the loan. And how much would I pay a month for the loan along with the insurance. I'm on my parents plan. I don't know much about interest rates. Can you give me estimates on different lengths of loans and interest rates Thanks ily""
Are Companies Required to Offer Health Insurance?
Are companies with a certain number of employees required to offer health insurance?
How much is my car worth?
I just totaled my 2003 nissan sentra gxe. I have full coverage insurance and was wondering how much I should expect the insurance company to give me for the car? I looked on kelley blue book website but I am not sure if it should be considered private party value or trade-in value. It was in excellent condition prior to the crash.
Best car insurance for a teen?
Im 16 and will be getting my license soon but have to pay for my own insurance. I would like to know which insurance agency would be cheapest?
What insurance comapnies are best?
I just bought a 2007 Toyota Corolla, and am trying to find insurance for it. I've been researching different companies and getting quotes on insurance. So far Geico and AIG are the best. Are there any others that people recommend?""
Total cost of new car; insurance, tax, registration etc...?
I am looking to buy a new used car (new to me). Currently I am driving a POS 1990 honda civic that keeps breaking on me. I have had it for just over a year and put more $ into than I paid for it. It is time for me to get a nice car now. I am aiming for a toyota celica in the early 2000's, $6,000-$8,000. I will be finacing it, and I can afford about $150/month in payments. I realise that I will have to get full coverage insurance (I have liability right now). I hear that is about $800 extra per year. What I want to know is how much is it going to cost me (roughly) to go in, get a new car, trade in my old one, pay taxes on the car, insurance, registration, everything that needs to be done. Obviously it will vary by car, state, situation...but ball parks are okay. There is no such things as too much info right now. I live in the north east if that is of any assistance :] Thanks.
If i have fully comprehensive insurance can I drive someone elses car? Im 18?
Basically i got a quote from admiral for about 600 for fully comp insurance on a 900cc fiat, would I then be able to drive someone elses car? As this would work out a heck of a lot cheaper than actually insuring me on the other car [3k cheaper to be exact]""
How can I get some insurance?
I received a brand new bike a week ago but I dare not give it a try because I have not got it covered by insurance yet. I have tried multiple insurance companies online but every one I tried there would be a snag. Mainly it would be, 'what kind of driving licence do you hold'? I personally hold a clean driving licence for a car, but in the drop down list of different driving licences 'car' was not among them, so I could not go to the next section to continue trying to insure my bike. I live out of the city so applying for insurance and paying for it online would be the easiest option.""
Does anyone have any idea how much insurance would cost for this car?
the car i want is a 1987 pontiac fiero fastback gt with a 5 speed manual transmition and a 2.8 L engine. what would insurance be for a 16 or 17 year old male?
Should I keep my insurance while lending my car?
I will be out of the country for 6 months and would like my friend to borrow my car. She is a licensed driver and stay at home mom. I called my insurance company and they said adding her to my policy would be no extra cost to me. However she told me that since she and her husband already own a car, it would just cost $20 for them to add the car to their insurance policy and I could just cancel my policy while I am out of country. But she is not on the title. So is she right? What should I do? Thanks!""
How much is average tenant insurance?
I'm doing this project for school and I have to pretend I'm renting a house for the first time so i need to figure out all the costs and stuff. What would be the average price/month for tenant insurance? if it helps, i live in BC, Canada.""
Do foster kids get health insurance? Any insurance?
suppose a adoptive kid w/ parents w/no health insurance. the adoption gets dissrupted and now they live in a foster home.
Does my fully comp learner-driver car insurance cover the accompanying driver or must they be insured too?
I hold a UK Provisional Drivers License. I am insured (fully comprehensive) on my own car. Does the fully licenced driver which I have to have with me at all times have to be insured to drive my car as well (either as a named driver or covered by their own insurance to drive any car) or will my fully comp insurance cover them too? Please no answers telling me about compare sites as I am already insured, I just want more info as to whether my companion driver is covered by this. (I recently asked a similar question and got nothing but links to compare sites so decided to be more precise)""
Health insurance in Colorado?
I just moved to Colorado from California and am looking for a job. My problem is I have to get my vision tested, and I'm going to an optometrist, but I'm pretty sure he'll refer me to a specialist and testing will be required. I really want to go because I've been putting it off forever and it's starting to affect me a lot. I applied for Medicaid and was denied, obviously, since you have to have children or be over a certain age. Is there an insurance plan that's comprehensive and affordable, something that's going to cover doctor visits? I'm not looking for hit-by-a-bus insurance because that won't cover doctor visits or prescriptions. Or is there another public option? Thanks for your help!""
My insurance and buying a new car?
Ok so I've been recently driving for more than 2 years and i haven't been in any accidents (knock on wood) and I've been looking into buying a new car (current car is 22 years old). Buuuuut my dad told me since that we're with Mercury insurance, i have to wait a total or estimate of three years to buy a new car without my insurance going through the roof. Do i really have to wait another year to buy my car???? Should i just wait? I plan on buying a 2014 Chevy Cruze 2.0TD""
What is life insurance?
I'm not looking for a detailed answer, just a very basic (simple!) idea of what it is. I understand other types of insurances, so I get how it works, but I'm just confused.. is it supposed to help your family when you die? Does it give them money to live off of? Thanks!""
Could someone give me an estimated price on my insurance?
20 years old 2011 standard v6 camaro
I'm 18, from california, and ive had my license since i was 16. I currently drive a 04 volvo and im planning to get a 2012 or 2013 chevrolet camaro LS. The plan is to trade in my old car but my mom is complaining that my insurance will be like $300 or more a month. Is that true? I have safeco btw thanks""
Got into an auto accident - how much can an insurance premium actually go up?
Hi, I got into an accident - was backing out of a parking space and hit a maintenance man on a golf cart. The apartment complex has filed a claim for the golf cart (it looked old) and the guy had a slight bump on his head (emt checked him out, everything looked fine but he went to the doctor) and he's filing a personal injury claim. My agent said no lawyer's are involved yet and it doesn't look like he's suing. There's also been damage to my car bumper but it's still drivable; hopefully I can pay out of pocket. I have no numbers yet, but I'm just curious - with accidents that you're liable for - how much could it actually go up a year? A hundred? A couple hundred? A thousand?! Thanks!""
Car insurance for a 19 year old?
So my dad bought me a 2004 Mercedes Benz C320 Sport today and he is thinking of putting me under his insurance. I want to find out how much insurance is going to be be, since I want to help out as much as I can because I don't want to be a dousche. I am looking for an insurance that covers everything. Anyways, I am 19 years old, college student, 3.2 GPA, living in Irvine, CA, and have never been in a traffic accident. This is going to be my daily driver (40 miles a week), and it is kept in a garage. Thank you for your help and I hope I was clear. http://1webproxy.cn/car-insurance.html""
How much is the insurance for a ford mustang?
for a teen girl driver thats 15 with a permit
How much would insurance cost? (motorcycle)?
Hey guys, I was just wondering how much approximately insurance would be for a starter that just got his license, with the training course. This would probably be with a CBR125 (lol, just want to get used to it first) in Toronto Canada.""
My car insurance is 6000 and im 17 can anybody help pleeeeeeeeese.?
Hi on average my car insurance is 6000. I got these from price comparison wesbites. I am trying to insure a 2002 1.2 litre Vauxhall Corsa, on Third Party Fire and Theft. I am going to do about 10000 miles a year. I live in Lozells Birmingham United Kingdom. Can anybody get my Insurance done for cheaper. I have shopped around so much, i even put my mum on as main driver but it only gets 500 off my insurance. Can anybody help me maybe anyone that work in car insurance.""
Will a sports car make my insurance more expenisive?
Im 18 years old and my parents just bought me a sports car. No, I'm not spoiled. They got it for me because its miles were under 100k, it was only 2000 dollars, and it wasn't ...show more""
Why is the insurance company bothering me?
Two months ago I was sitting a red light and was hit from behind . Now the driver's ins. company wants me to reimburse them. Why? What should I do? I'm trying not to think the worst, but when I got out the car she was on the phone and said her husband is a police officer and was sending his friend to the scene. This makes me wonder if some untruth is involved here.""
Whats the best and the cheapest insurance for a 20 year old?
im in las vegas but, can anyone help on how to obtain cheap insurance or whats a way to get cheap insurance even if its by getting on my mothers insurance""
Will my car insurance rates go up?? Help!?
I got a dwi (driving while impaired) the other night, as well as a ticket for speeding. I have Nationwide Insurance. I need to know if my rates will go up because of this?""
How much does car insurance approximately cost for teenagers?
I'm 17. Gonna drive a 2012 Hyundai Accent Female 3.0-3.5 GPA I've had my license for about 3 months already.. and my dad still hasn't gotten me car insurance (which frustrates me considering i have my license and he won't let me drive anywhere without any insurance). He won't tell me how much it is monthly. So i'm wondering how much it'd approx. cost for me monthly?
My own car insurance..?
im buying a car and going on my own insurance. is it true i cant still be under my parents insurance with out it being registered in their name???
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old girl?????
for the group 1 insurance cars. how much would it be? thanks
Will my car insurance rate be based on how long ive been insured or licensed?
I have been insured on several cars regularly since getting each permit (the law in my state, even though I only had a permit, and went through about five permits) and I just got my full license (finally). My license number is the same as it was before when it was on my permit. Which one will my future insurance rates be based on? Length of time insured or length with a full license? Thanks""
Total cost of new car; insurance, tax, registration etc...?
I am looking to buy a new used car (new to me). Currently I am driving a POS 1990 honda civic that keeps breaking on me. I have had it for just over a year and put more $ into than I paid for it. It is time for me to get a nice car now. I am aiming for a toyota celica in the early 2000's, $6,000-$8,000. I will be finacing it, and I can afford about $150/month in payments. I realise that I will have to get full coverage insurance (I have liability right now). I hear that is about $800 extra per year. What I want to know is how much is it going to cost me (roughly) to go in, get a new car, trade in my old one, pay taxes on the car, insurance, registration, everything that needs to be done. Obviously it will vary by car, state, situation...but ball parks are okay. There is no such things as too much info right now. I live in the north east if that is of any assistance :] Thanks.
0 notes
âHave you decided on Christmas yet?â
Christmas Eve was in two days. Christmas Day was in three days.
I had been at Niallâs for over a week since that night. After the first two nights, Niall took me shopping to find stuff for me to keep at his place (âjust in case this were to happen again!â). I ended up with a hamper at his place that was filled with clothes and a bathroom drawer with stuff for me.
It looked like I had moved in.
Niall had cancelled most of his plans with Harry and Alexa, telling them that he was busy packing and getting ready to head back home.
In all reality, he was with me and making sure I was okay.
I was getting there.
I scolded him for doing such a thing, but he didnât care. He said heâd rather spend time with me instead (âno offense to them and all.â).
During that week, it remained just like the first night. The two of us curled up into the full-sized bed, legs and feet tangled together and one of us always waking up with either a face in the others neck or someone hogging the blankets.
Within that week, I grew accustomed to sleeping next to him that I wasnât sure if I was prepared or not to go back to my place in an empty bed.
Niall had also forced me to call my mum, just to tell her I was safe. I heard constant screaming with her that once I said âIm safeâ I hung up. Before I could even start to cry, Niall already had me in a hug.
I had became safe with him.
Everyone had their own type of security object. Whether it was a blanket, a stuffed animal, hell even a letter, they had one. I got to say I had two, a blanket from when I was younger, and now Niall.
At first that was scary, saying that he was some sort of security that I needed. But this whole week he made sure I was okay.
While making sure I was okay, we also started acting home-y. As in, helping each other make food or fighting over the remote and even places to go.
Today was no different, we fought over going out to do different things before the holiday closed everything down. We ended up just walking around the city, in hopes that no one (aka Harry or Alexa) spotted us.
âNo. No I havenât. We⊠as in my family⊠never talked about it. Iâll probably just stay at the apartment and watch Elf and A Christmas Story over again with take out.â I shrugged my shoulders.
âWell, you can come -â
âNope. Thats intrusion and I donât have gifts for anyone.â
âYou just being -â
âNo, Niall.â Just as I said that, he scoffed.
âI just donât âŠ. Family isnât good for me right now.â I sighed.
We turned the corner and walked slowly. People were hustling through the streets to get last minute gifts and food, something that I probably should do for Christmas, but wasnât going to because of pure laziness.
This year was probably the first year I wasnât having any Christmas spirit.
âI got an idea.â Niall had said it so suddenly that it made me stop in my tracks, pulling him with me.
âWhat if we just spent it together? I mean we could stay at mine in our pajamas and watch the movies with take out -â
âBut your family.â I sighed again.
âMy family can deal with it. Câmon Flower, our own little tradition?â He jutted out his lower lip, in hopes that it would persuade me.
âYou wonât change the channel until the movies are over?â I could see the pout disappearing and a grin forming on his face.
He won.
âCâmon, letâs finish our walk before we freeze to death.â
Instead of ordering take out, I persuaded Niall to let me head off to the store to buy frozen pizzas since everywhere would be closed. In return, he asked me if I could go pick up some other little things while I was out.
I was just glad that everything was near walking distance, that way I didnât have to struggle with busses or taxis. I could just walk.
Niall knew I had no phone, because if I turned it on, more texts from my family would come through and I was not prepared for that anymore than I was with my mum screaming at me. He just had to trust me on this.
So between the frozen pizza, snacks, and whatever else he wanted, I bought myself a few things. I bought a new Christmas movie and some ice cream. I figured this was going to be the next best thing.
What stuck out in my mind was him telling me it would be our little tradition. Something new and between the two of us only. I admit, it was probably the best damn thing Iâve heard that whole week.
Upon returning back to the apartment, I sat the bags down to open the door. Quickly I picked them up again and entered, closing the door behind me with my foot.
âNiall, that was the most difficult - Oh.â
Harry fucking Styles turned his attention towards me. His head moved back and forth at least ten times, each time a smirky grin forming on his face. His face turned back to Niall, that look still on his face.
âSo this is the reason why youâre not packed up to leave.â
I kicked my shoes off by then, trudging to the counter to place the bags there. I stayed quiet the whole time, trying to keep my cheeks from going red.
âIs it also the reason why you - It is the reason! Youâve been keeping her - Oh my god, have you two-â Harry kept changing his mind about what he wanted to say.
I turned around by then, leaning against the counter with my hands crossed against my chest. Niall and Harry sat at the small table. All three of us quiet.
âItâs not like that.â Niall sighed.
âReally? Thatâs not what it looks like.â
âItâs not, Harry. Drop whatever youâre thinking.â
âFor fucks sake, Harry. Something happened and I had nowhere else to go, so I came here. Iâve been here for the past week trying to feel human again. I asked Niall not to say shit because I didnât need pity from anyone. And if it makes you feel better, yes, Iâve slept NEXT to him, but not WITH him. Fuck off.â I glared at Harry as I stormed away.
I imagine that both of them flinched at the sound of a door slamming. It wasnât the front door, but the bathroom door.
I sat down behind the door, my knees being brought up to my chest as I rested my forehead on my kneecaps. In between my attempts to not cry, I could hear them talking.
âTold you it isnât what you thought.â Niall mumbled.
âSo then what happened?â Harry asked.
âThat isnât my business to say. Weâve only talked about it once, and since then we havenât brought it up.â
âAnd sheâs been here the whole time?â
âYes.â âAre you going back to Leeds for Christmas?â
âNo. Staying here. My ma isnât happy, but, sheâs going to deal with it.â
âWell, I got a train to catch. I uh, wonât tell Alexa then. Apologize for me?â Harry questioned it.
âIâll try.â
It had seemed so strained between the two of them then. And it was my fault for snapping at Harry to cause that tension. Oh great.
I heard the front door close and some shuffling down the hallway.
âCâmon Flower, open the door, please.â
I moved from the door, letting Niall open it instead. I frowned at him, knowing that I was the cause of that conversation I heard only minutes ago.
âYouâre not at fault. You said the honest truth.â
âThen why do I feel bad?â
Niall couldnât answer that. It had to be my own reasoning and thoughts that made it feel like that.
âI was thinking⊠what if we go out tonight? Thereâs no snow on the ground so weâre safe there.â
âWhat do you have planned?â
âDunno. Dinner? Another walk around the city? I donât do museums so thats out of the question.â
âLetâs do dinner.â
Outside was gloomy.
Christmas Eve was gloomy.
Everything was gloomy today,
Niall shouldâve been with family up in Leeds instead of staying down in Sheffield.
I shouldâve been with my family in Leeds instead of being in Sheffield.
Both of us chose to do this differently.
While I agreed that this was a new tradition for the two of us, I couldnât help but imagine what today wouldâve been like if we were with our families.
When I got up this morning, I was alone in an empty bed. I smelled bacon though, and heard pans clanging together, and a quick âfuckâ.
Niall made breakfast for the two of us like usual, and then we moved onto the couch to watch TV. At first it was the news, and then we moved onto finding a Christmas movie to watch. This was how Christmas Eve was going to be spent.
Between Elf and A Christmas Story and The Grinch, I didnât notice that he fell asleep on my lap. It ended up with me staying up and watching the movies while I played with his hair.
Hours later weâd move again and find something else to do amongst the apartment. I was the one making dinner this time, that frozen pizza already chilling in the oven. I moved towards the window, looking outside and sighed.
âIt looks like itâs going to snow.â
âWould technically be the first time this whole winter. How cliche.â
I chuckled a little bit.
I relaxed as soon as I felt Niall wrap his arms around me, his chin resting on my shoulder.
âYouâre awfully short. Didâja know that?â
I elbowed him as best as I could, earning a laugh in return.
âYou didnât have to cancel your plans with your family.â I whispered.
âAnd get asked about why you werenât joining us? Pft. Rather be in my pajamas anyways.â
âAnd with you too.â
âDo you know what sounds really good right now?â I asked, turning around so I was able to look at him.
âHomemade cookies.â
âCâmon Niall! We could make those Pillsbury ones with the pictures on them. Or chocolate chip!â
âThat involves going to a store.â
âThen letâs go!â
âWeâve got pizza in the oven!â He cried.
He was right.
âAfter?â I pouted.
âAfter we eat.â He kissed my forehead and let go, moving towards the oven.
While he took care of that, I stayed at the window. It wasnât snowing yet, but it was still gloomy.
âHeâs out there watchin ya.â
âYou think so?â
âMy ma would say so. Thats that Catholicism in her though. Devout woman she is.â Niall shook his head then.
âBut you?â
âIâd like to think so. Câmon, time to eat.â
We ate in silence, even though we had a few moments of laughter trying to eat the stretched cheese that wanted to stay on the tray.
Towards the end of the actual night, we curled up on the couch and watched The Grinch again. I found Niall passed out against my shoulder and I looked outside, finally seeing the snow fall from the sky.
And we never went to the store for cookies.
For the first time this whole season, it snowed.
How fucking cliche.
Christmas Day.
How I knew -despite yesterday being Christmas Eve, was the TV saying Merry Christmas. I must not have shut the thing off if it was telling me Merry Christmas.
When I looked around, aside from the TV being bright as fuck, I noticed outside was bright as fuck.
Carefully making sure Niall didnât wake up, I moved towards the window. The snow from last night stuck. And in my mind, there had to be a few inches there to prove how much it was going to stay.
I could feel my smile growing and I turned to look back at a sleeping Niall. I was too excited for something as little as snow, but I didnât care.
âNiall! The snow stuck! Câmon come look!â
He stirred, trying to turn around on the couch so he couldnât see.
âNialllll!â I dragged out, turning back over to him. I walked towards him, crawling on top of him and straddled his waist.
âCâmon the snowed stayed for the first time in forever!â
âOkay, Moana.â He teased, rubbing his eyes and looked at me.
I crossed my arms, making a face as he started laughing softly.
âMerry Christmas, Rosie.â
âMerry Christmas, NiallâŠ. Now get up we got to eat and play in the snow.â
âRosie -â
âIâll make breakfast!â I leaned down and kissed his cheek before getting off of him.
I was going to make the best of this day.
âHow is it that iâve never seen this side of you?â He yelled from the couch.
âBecause you never see me on Christmas⊠and it never snows either.â
Within a few seconds, I heard the bathroom door open and close and open once again. Niall walked over to where I was, wrapping his arms around me again and laid his head on my shoulder.
âItâs weird seeing you cook.â
âItâs because youâre always up first to make something.â I reminded him.
âSo then, what are you making us?â
âSince weâre all into Jamie Oliver, Iâve decided breakfast wraps⊠You know, the little ones with berries? Only, you have strawberries, bananas and apples. So, guess what you get to do.â
âDo I?â
âDo you want food?â
He sighed then, moving away from me and getting to the job I assigned him too.
With a meal that took only ten minutes, it increased to fifteen minutes. Only because Niall decided to eat the berries instead of cutting them and I had to fight him.
When the final project was finally done, we were able to eat and because of Niall being a pain in the ass, I made him clean up. I earned a groan from him, but thats what he gets.
âI say we go walk the park today.â I spoke up, biting down on my lip.
âWe could do that. I donât think people would be there, anyways. Go on then, go get dressed.â
I ran to the bedroom, grabbing clothes out of my hamper and changed quickly. I threw my hair into braids and left the bedroom to find my boots while Niall headed back to change.
Both of us bundled up with gloves and scarves and we went out. I didnât care how long we stayed out, just as long as it was the two of us spending Christmas together was fine with me.
With us in the park, I kept my distance with him⊠meaning that while I stayed close to him, I was also backing up.
Thats when I started it. I started the first strike of a snowball.
Of course when it hit him, he paused his step. It took everything in my power to not let out a laugh at the slow turn around.
âDid you do that?â
He gave me side-eyes before turning back again. Both of us walked on again and I swear this time he was going slower. So I went slower too, making another snowball.
Only, when I looked up, he was gone.
I had looked around, wondering where he ran off too.
Instead, I felt cold snow going down my neck into my jacket.
âItâs coldddd!â I whined, jumping around just as I heard Niall laughing in the distance.
While the chill was still going down my back, I turned around and found him laughing. The snowball that I still had formed in my hands flew towards him, hitting his face.
I immediately brought my hands to my face, covering my mouth while my grin started forming.
Just seeing him look at me like I offended him had me already preparing to run.
Somehow he was faster than me, because within five minutes he already had me into his arms and swinging me around until he had managed to get us falling backwards.
Niall shifted however, making it to where I was laying on the snow and he was hovering on top of me.
Between the long stares at each other, I knew what he was looking at.
I was panicking on the inside. Was this going to happen?
The last time this sort of thing happened, it was a quick spur of the moment to tell his cousins.
But this was different this time.
A, we werenât with his family and B, we were together in a whole new relationship that I couldnât even explain.
We were best friends. But now, Iâve been holding his hand and kissing his cheek and even as of lately staying in the same bed and acting like a couple.
Maybe Patrick and Alexa were right, I was the center of his world.
And I was blind up until now.
And that was scary in itself.
Going against my better judgment and with him following suit, we kissed.
This wasnât rushed or confused or to where I need a drink afterwards. This was one where the timing was right and it felt normal.
Nall was the first to pull back, eyeballing me. I didnât know what made him want to stare at me, but I had to chuckle a bit.
âYouâre lucky.â
âBecause Harry isnât here and heâd tease the shit out of you.â I laughed.
âGuess weâre not going to tell him then, huh?â Niall said, shaking his head with a grin on his face.
He had looked back at me, grinning madly.
Niall got up off of me, pulling me up next. We brushed the snow off of each other and looked around.
âSo what?â
âWhat do we do now?â
âFind a mistletoe?â I suggested, making him laugh.
âWe could⊠or we can go back to the apartment and watch Christmas Vacation.â
Between hooked hands and silly smiles on our faces, we went back to the apartment, slipped into new pajamas and laid on the couch. With tangled legs and a hand tracing my back, our laughter soared throughout the apartment.
This had to be the best Christmas iâve ever had.
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