#if it doesnt show up nia’s text says
distraughtlesbian · 5 years
nia: 𝒊 𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒂 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒊 𝒂𝒎 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅. 𝒊 𝒂𝒎 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅. 𝒊 𝒂𝒎 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅. 𝒎𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔. 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔
the mc: *gives you a shiny rock* i love you. *gives you a pretty flower* i love you. *gives you a pretty feather* i love you. *gives you a little toad* he loves you too
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pitayatea · 5 years
Talk is Jericho: The Emancipation of Jon Moxley
(i highly recommend listening to the episode if you have time, its a great listen and it goes a lot into jons thought process behind his leaving and the timeline from august until he left. if you dont have time or just want a rundown before you listen to see if youd be interested, i complied a list of points in the episode,,, i guess? idk.)
(none of these are in order im horrible at listing things but all of this was discussed at some point):
- mox started the podcast saying he harbors no ill will for wwe, how grateful he is for the time he spent there, how they helped him grow as a person, etc. he also talks fondly of the make a wish program and the fans and everything.
- there's a good bit of him talking about renee and describing her as his best friend, his soulmate, and how even if they had nothing it was fine bc they had each other. prime otp shit we stan. im sorry i love their relationship.
- jon describes a time where he was approached about a promo describing him doing stupid stuff that an idiot would do (riding a unicycle backwards, sharing pizza with a homeless dude, etc), and asking that it be changed because he doesnt want his character to be seen as an idiot. the line was taken out and readded by vince. when he confronted vince, vince didnt see the issue and described the segment as good shit and thought it described the dean character perfectly, which jon took as being described as an idiot.
- jon hated his heel turn, and defined it as being heavily micromanaged and told numerous stories of fighting with scripts and writers and vince because they wanted to do joke shit that he didnt want to do. he hated the germaphobe angle, he despised the vaccine promo, and it was all stuff pushed by vince.
- he also talks about other promos he hated before his heel turn, and a lot of it started as early as the 2014 feud with seth (the hotdog cart, seth mannequin, etc.)
- i actually remember an older tij episode where he goes into detail about how it was vince who pushed the mannequin thing, and how he once walked into vinces office and found vince sitting in his chair, facing the mannequin, with weapons laid out, verbally describing what he wanted to do to the mannequin... do with that what you will.
- (aka vince is senile which,,, we been knew)
- both of the stories he told are extremely interesting: one describes the time he knew for sure he was gone and started counting the days, and the other describes the time he almost walked out.
- there was numerous lines during his heel turn that he refused to use and demanded to be changed.
- one of which was a joke about a pooper-scooper that got changed to the gas mask line. he describes literally having to go behind vinces back and rushing with writers to get a copy of the script without the joke onto vinces desk before the one with the joke got there because vince wouldve forced him to do it.
- he describes all the promos he did that night as confusing and not telling stories, and remarked that "if we didnt need to run around and try to not look like idiots, we could focus on telling stories", which flustered a writer he was with at the time.
- the writers and jon got a note from vince which stated "dean needs to understand why he needs to insult the audience. dean needs to read his promos verbatim and not try to rewrite them." jon remembers feeling like he got punched in the gut and lashed out in frustration at a writer (in retrospect, he admitted it wasnt the writer's fault and he was just emotional).
- "why do i work here? im a professional wrestler, who can tell stories and come up with promos and i believe i have the ability to talk people into buildings, i learned those skills years ago, and i wanted bring them to the wwe, and you just want me to say your stupid lines. if you want someone to stay your stupid lines, hire an actor because theyll probably do a better job of it than me. im not interested in doing it."
- he spoke frankly about the fact that wwe is a billion dollar company, run by an alleged genius, filled with adults, and they were talking about pooper-scoopers, and how ridiculous it sounds.
- after the pooper-scooper joke was removed, vince took the gas mask comment literally and tried to make jon go out with a surgical match. eventually, it was talked down to the hankerchief that made it into the final cut of the promo.
- vince once mentioned how jon had so much creative license, to which jon remarks: "what creative license? what creative license do I have? i do exactly what you tell me and its terrible crap. thats not creative license."
- he booked it immediately after the show, got into the hotel, and immediately thought (after thinking that he needed a drink) that the entire segment was a waste of time because they got nothing done, and he didnt get why everyone was celebrating afterwards. he remarked that after doing six promos in one night, he couldnt say what the story was, who the characters were, and that the angle was dead, if it wasnt already.
- jericho agreed that the creative process of going through vince is awful and that it burns you out and that, at the end of the night, the match was the easy part.
- jon was never scared of getting fired for being outspoken, because he still did the work. if he couldnt convince vince that it wasnt a good idea, hed go out and try hard to make it good.
- jon woke up to a text from a writer describing the vaccine segment, and he responded that he "fucking hated it" and the writer texted back "yeah, i know".
- by the time he showed up to the building, word had gotten out that he wasnt happy with the vaccine promo. vince knew jon wasnt happy and called him to his office to reassure him that the bit wasnt comedic, and that its good stuff and its well written and would get him so much heat. he explains all of this while laughing, immediately proving that it is comedic, and said there was no props involved, to which jon replied "then whats with the actor we hired to play the doctor or the giant syringe? are those not props?"
- jon was ***EXTREMELY*** uncomfortable making comments about romans leukemia, and didnt even want to say the lines that got on tv, and sounded audibly pissed off when talking about it. when he confronted vince, vince said that roman needs to be in the story, that dean turned on both roman and seth, and that roman is a key part of the story.
- both jericho and jon then talk briefly about the 'vince jedi mind trick', where he makes things seem better than they actually are, and jon fell victim to it in that promo despite considering himself to be immune. he immediately regretted the lines as soon as he said them.
- there was a line in a promo talking about romans cancer that jon refused outright to say, and wouldnt even say it on the episode. all he said is that the wwe wouldve lost sponsors (esp the susan g. komen sponsorship) and someone (likely him) wouldve gotten fired. vince tried to convince him to say the lines but he absolutely refused and it was a matter of "ok i guess youre not comfy bc its roman" and not "its extremely offensive" with vince agreeing to not force the promo. jon then said it wouldnt have mattered to vince anyways bc he wouldnt have been blamed for it, and it wouldve been jon who took all of the heat. he then makes a comment in case whoever was responsible for the promo was listening:
- jons wanted to leave wwe since july 2018, and almost walked out after an episode of raw during his heel turn due to creative frustrations.
- jon wanted to return from injury as a completely new heel character. he brought this up to vince twice - once in february, when they thought hed be cleared for wrestlemania 34, and once in july, before his actual return.
- in february, vince had stated that they could do what jon wanted to do. the story changed by july due to them advertising the shield for the aus super showdown and not wanting to take them off the billing.
- they then wanted him to return as seths buddy in his corner for summerslam. jon wanted to return at summerslam as a surprise, and vince had an original plan for him to show up at the go home show for summerslam and just,,, be there, but agreed to go with jons plan.
- the week of summerslam, a writer contacted jon while he was training with joey mercury and cody hawk in cincinnati that he was, in fact, showing up at the go home show for vinces original plan. essentially, vince lied to him to sedate him because jon says he was extremely outspoken about everything. he managed to talk vince and the writers into putting a little bit of action into the go home show.
- jon hated the line that seth said to announce his return ("since you have a scottish psycopath, i ought to have a lunatic in mine"), which was entirely a line planted by the creative team and wasnt the fault of jon or seth. he felt like it muddled the crowd reaction and the pop bc everyone was reacting in different ways and he thought they shouldve just played the music because "how can you screw that up?"
- hes been creatively frustrated since 2016 on smackdown.
- by the time he left the company, he hated the character of dean ambrose and couldnt look at himself in the mirror.
- they tried burying dean with the nia storyline and squash matches, but fans loved him so much that vince saw dollar signs and pushed for the shield reunion tour. if it wasnt for fans being behind him, jon wouldve been mercilessly buried.
- aew was not his main reason for leaving. originally, he wanted to go back to czw or the indies. he wouldve left the company no matter what - even if no other promotions existed, he wouldve left and created his own promotion.
- jon described feeling severe symptoms of depression during his last few months, to the point where he couldnt motivate himself to get out of bed or go to the gym or do anything. he even looked up symptoms on webMD to confirm what he was feeling - jericho also confirmed it the second jon started talking about it.
- he outright stated that vince and the creative process and the shit vince had built around the wwe since 2002 is killing the company.
- he does not want to compete with wwe, he just wants to try and push them to improve the product and try and get vince to step back slightly and not micromanage so heavily.
- jon only got paid 500 bucks for the shields final chapter special, which is the same price that extras get on main shows and the same price that unused roster members get for just showing up and sitting in catering. jericho then brought up that during a house show street fight between him and ambrose, they both only got paid 750. 500 and 750 are bare minimum prices for just showing up - so they barely got paid for a dangerous gimmick match on a house show.
- jon and cody have been friends since before cody left wwe, and used to sit backstage and watch old wcw matches while getting ready for matches.
- he considers codys experience to be similar to his, and that they both experienced the same frustrations at different times.
- jon and jericho both agree that tony khan (CEO of aew) is the exact opposite of vince, and is a bigger wrestling fan than vince is. jericho then brings up that he doesnt see how vince can be a fan any longer because hes been doing it so long without a break. jon agreed and stated that vince is never gonna retire and is def gonna die in the chair, and how he just needs to step back a little bit.
- jericho brought up how jon broke the internet and jon practically jumped at the chance to tell the story.
- "king of social media, mic drop bitches." that is the line of the century im sorry.
- the inspo for the original mox teaser released on may first was inspired by the first venom teaser trailer.
- double or nothing was already planned to be moxs first appearance when the teaser dropped, and he had to keep it on the dl to make sure no dirtsheets reported it and no one advertised him to be there. he admitted he isnt tech-savvy and everyone who hes friends with who is belong to wwe, and the dude who helped him film the teaser was sick nick mondo.
- the trailer took two days to film and cost eight grand, but jon admits he wanted it to be quality and didnt care.
- while filming the trailer, vince texted him to try and extend his contract for the europe tour bc shield money. his response was that he was committed to a film project, which vince took as him filming a movie and not him filming the trailer.
- jon didnt tweet the trailer, he had a social media expert time it to where it released at exactly midnight through some techno shit with twitter.
- roman and seth knew how unhappy jon was in wwe and they were understandably sad to see him go but they wanted him to be happy.
- he talks about how he told seth he was leaving: seth had responded that he was super bummed out, and jon told him that he "is a wild animal, babe" and has been contained for too long. seth immediately agreed, saying it was the perfect analogy.
- the way he describes it kinda describes seth being more broken about jon leaving than roman, which also correlates with seths responses to questions about him leaving. do with that what you will, shippers.
- from now on, nothing is driven by money for him. everything is driven by trying to be the best he can be. he wants that for everyone: he wants his friends to be the best they can be, he wants his wife to be the best she can be, he wants the fans to be happy and everything, but his happiness is the most important thing.
- he feels more passionate about wrestling now, and describes it as his first love and his only love besides renee. the way he describes it reminds me of cm punk losing his passion due to wwe, and i feel like he wouldve ended up exactly like punk if he stayed any longer.
- his favorite part of the business is promos, and the scripted promos made him loathe it. aew gave him his passion for promos and wrestling back.
- he compares himself to the dentist elf from rudolph. his closing line is "if you're an elf and you wanna be a dentist, be a dentist." jericho edits in an audio clip from rudolph at the end and its great.
- jon is looking forward to working with legitimately everyone in aew and thinks of it as helping draw eyes to the product and to other lesser known talent, similar to jericho.
- he doesnt want a war, no matter how much he jokes about it. he just wants to show vince that the way he runs his show isnt the only way and it definitely isnt the right way.
- jon, speaking directly to vince: "your creative process sucks. fix it."
(i listened to the podcast in full three times, and i repeatedly replayed segments to confirm everything. if i missed something, lmk.)
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placetobenation · 7 years
October 30, 2017 From the Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore, MD Your hosts are Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Booker T
We get a highlight package from last week when Shane McMahon invaded RAW with the Smackdown Live roster as they took RAW #undersiege.
The live show starts with the RAW roster standing on the stage with GM Kurt Angle standing in the ring. Angle apologizes to his roster and says he put them in harms way last week. He then says this is the only time of the year when RAW and Smackdown Superstars compete but he is interrupted by the returning Stephanie McMahon. She welcomes the crowd then says on January 22nd it will be the 25th anniversary of RAW. She then brings up all that is happened and that she still backed him until he allowed her brother Shane to invade RAW. The crowd starts a “You still got it” chant then she starts screaming at Angle for being a failure and ruin what her father created in Monday Night RAW but will give him another shot when he is team Captain for the RAW Survivor Series team. She also expects victory and “total annihilation” or else there will be a new general manager. Another segment where Stephanie emasculates a talent. It was predictable the moment she came out and the promo itself was awful to be honest. It did set up Angle having to literally fight for his job at Survivor Series, which is fine and makes sense, but Stephanie’s was not good here at all.
Tonight, we will see Seth Rollins vs. Kane, Finn Balor vs. Cesaro, and Bayley vs. Alicia Fox
Backstage, Stephanie was getting into her limo as she told Angle to believe everything she just said and if not, just ask Mick Foley. She leaves then Miz arrives with the Miztourage as Bo Dallas has made his return. Miz thinks its unreal Angle was rewarded for being a bad general manager with being named captain of RAW’s Survivor Series Team. Angle has had enough and questions where he was at the end of the show last week when Smackdown took it over.  He then said Miz will defend his Intercontinental Title tonight. Miz then wants to know who he will be facing but Angle tells him he would have found out had her arrived on time.
Fox comes out wearing a captain’s hat. She tells Bayley that since she is the captain at the Survivor Series team, she doesnt have time for a match but has found a replacement, which is Nia Jax. This stuff with Alicia Fox is not getting over and its not hard to figure out why.
Bayley vs. Nia Jax
Bayley charges at Nia and gets scooped up but manages to slip off and hammer away. Nia sends Bayley outside then rolls her back in but gets dropkicked down. Bayley welcomes Nia back then we head to break. The match returns with Nia beating on Bayley as Fox watches from the stage. Nia uses the ropes for leverage as she stomps away but Bayley pushes her up then kicks her outside. Bayley flies out and hammers away then hits a stunner as Nia is hung up in the ropes as that gets two. Nia fights back then bowls over Bayley before putting her away with a leg drop (7:26) *1/2. After the match, Fox pretends she is a captain speaking through a plane PA system and informs Nia that she is her first pick for the RAW team.
Thoughts: A basic match to give Nia a win after returning from a few weeks off. It also set her up as part of the RAW Women’s team as there are still three other spots left.
Samoa Joe now comes back and walks past everyone then we head to commercial. After the break, Joe acknowledges his response and says some of us have missed him while the crowd starts chanting. Joe says its amusing because he has not missed any of us then asked who actually reached out to him and cared when he was away and that since no one did then he does not care about a single one of us. Joe then says he will use that disrespect as fuel to beat everyone. Apollo Crews then comes out with Titus O’Neill for his match.
Samoa Joe vs. Apollo Crews w/ Titus O’Neill 
Joe hammers away in the corner to start He follows with some knee strikes but Crews ducks under a swing and applies a side headlock. Joe regains control briefly until he runs into a dropkick. Crews lands some shots in the corner then tries for a suplex but fails and runs into a snap powerslam. Joe throws his gum at Titus then goes back to beating on Crews. He acts nonchalant and that allows Crews to hit a pair of enziguiris. Joe counters a spinning powerbomb with a side headlock then catches Crews with an uranage before the Coquina Clutch gets the win (3:38) *1/2. After the match, Joe taunts Titus, who takes off his coat. Joe pretends that he is leaving then locks Titus in the clutch as he was tending to Crews.
Thoughts: They gave Crews some offense here but Joe dominated for the most part. He also laid out Titus after the match to throw him back in the mix on RAW as a dominant force.
We find out that the 25th RAW Anniversary show will take place live from both the Manhattan Center and Hammerstein Ballroom with stars such as Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker.
WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Miz (c) w/ The Miztourage vs. Matt Hardy
Matt lands a pair of quick rollups for nearfalls then Miz is able to slip away from a Twist of Fate attempt. The crowd chants for Matt as he gets Miz over for a backslide then he hammers away. Miz yanks Matt outside but misses a kick then regroups with the Miztourage while Matt slid back inside. We go to commercial and return with Matt still in control. He misses a charge then Miz places him up top but is knocked down. Miz is able to cut Matt down then takes him off with a neckbreaker as that gets two. Miz gets another two count with his backbreaker/neckbreaker combo then targets Matt’s throat. He stomps away and hits his corner clothesline but takes his time and is caught coming off of the top rope. Miz misses a corner charge as both men are down. Matt is up first and runs wild hitting all of his signature spots and sets up for the Twist of Fate but that is blocked so he comes back with the Side Effect for a nearfall. He heads up top for a moonsault and that gets two. Miz comes back with his It Kicks but Matt is able to hit the Twist of Fate as both men are down. Miz was able to roll out onto the apron then stuns Matt on the ropes before hitting the Skull Crushing Finale for the win (13:02) **1/2.
Thoughts: It started off really sloppy but got better down the stretch. The fans were invested into the match and really wanted to see Matt win.
We get a clip from earlier when Stephanie named Angle captain of the RAW Survivor Series team and threatened his job if he lost.
Angle is shown backstage texting on his phone when Alexa Bliss interrupts. She congratulates him on being captain of RAW and says that she can help him keep his job by improving the Women’s Division by getting rid of Mickie James and replacing her with anyone from the Mae Young Classic or by digging up Mae herself. Angle responds by asking Alexa where she was last week when Smackdown invaded as Mickie fought back. He then says that tonight she will not be able to run as she defends the Women’s Title in the main event. Alexa gets pissed and storms off.
An Asuka hype video airs. She will be wrestling after the break.
Asuka vs. Stacie Cullen
Asuak drops Cullen with a spinning back fist then stomps away. She lays into Cullen with knee strikes and continues to beat her down as Cole points out the fact she was undefeated in NXT as Asuka puts on the Asuka Lock for the win (1:38).
Thoughts: Its like they are pretending her first two matches never existed since Emma got released. This was how she should have debuted on the roster. It made her feel special and like an actual force.
Angle is once again texting in his office. He then becomes worried and pulls out a walkie talkie to alert everyone someone is hear and it turns out to be Daniel Bryan as we head to commercial.
After the break, Angle accuses Bryan of trying to finish the job that Shane started. Bryan assures Shane he had nothing to do with the attack and that he came here on his own accord. He also states he was blindsided by the attack but Angle wants him to stay locked in his office because the rest of the roster will eat him alive.
We get a video package to hype the Jinder Mahal vs. Brock Lesnar match at Survivor Series.
Bryan is in Angle’s office on the phone. He said it didnt go well with Angle and that he was more concerned with his safety than anything else. All of a sudden, the lights turn off then we go to commercial. The show returns with Bryan back on the phone with the lights still off. He is talking to someone and says he was fumbling around everywhere trying to get out and the door was locked and is pissed off. However, Kane grabs Bryan then we hear a sound of what was supposed to be Bryan going through the desk. This was way too hokey, even by pro wrestling standards. Bad acting from Bryan too. So far, the RAW vs. Smackdown build has been all over the place.
Finn Balor vs. Cesaro w/ Sheamus
Finn works a side headlock to start. Cesaro cheap shots after a break then continues to hammer away. Balor fights back as the announcers talk about Balor being a loner. Cesaro overpowers Balor and hits a few uppercuts but eats boot on a charge then is dumped outside. Balor takes Cesaro down with a baseball slide before connecting with a running soccer kick on the apron. Cesaro then manages to distract the ref as Sheamus grabs Balor’s leg then Cesaro knocks Balor off of the apron right before the break. The action returns with Balor taking Cesaro off of the top with an enziguiri after a reversal sequence. Sheamus provides another distraction then Cesaro gets a nearfall with a pop-up uppercut. Cesaro then hits a deadlift superplex for a two count then tries for a sharpshooter and eventually turns Balor over. Cesaro turns that into a crossface but Balor escapes then runs wild and sets up for the Coup de Grace but Sheamus gets up on the apron. Balor kicks Sheamus off then backdrops Cesaro outside before taking out both men with a tope con hilo. Back inside, Balor hits Cesaro with a double stomp to the back of the neck and gets the win (11:24) ***1/4.
Thoughts: Good match. Balor gets a much needed win after getting destroyed by Kane last week.
After the match, Balor heads up the ramp but Kane’s music hits and he comes out. Balor fires away but Kane boots him in the face then hits a tombstone on the ramp as Balor’s head was almost a foot off of the ground. The Shield’s music hits next as we go to break. Again, Balor picks up a key victory let is made to look like a goof afterwards by Kane. Why even bother at this point?
Kane vs. Seth Rollins w/ Dean Ambrose
Rollins hammers away to start. Kane gets knocked off of the apron but cuts off a dive attempt then takes control. We see Cesaro & Sheamus watching from ringside as Rollins fights back. Kane cuts off Rollins and hits a pair of running attacks in the corner before hitting a side slam for a nearfall. Rollins catches a charging Kane with a boot then an enziguiri. Rollins heads up top and hits a blockbuster for two. He flies out for a tope as Rollins is almost spiked on his head. Rollins hits Kane with a pair of springboard clotheslines then flies out to save Ambrose from The Bar but walks inside and is caught in a chokeslam as Kane picks up the win (5:41) *. After the match, Kane sets up for another chokeslam but Ambrose heads in for the Dirty Deeds. However, Kane pops up and The Bar beat on Ambrose. Kane hits Ambrose with a tombstone then Rollins lays on top of Ambrose but Kane picks him up for a tombstone too.
Thoughts: Kane is slow and old but tonight he got to get over at the expense of Balor, Rollins, and Ambrose. And for what? Its not like people were buying Kane as a threat when was on Smackdown and after feuding with Lesnar and Big Show you think people are going to buy him as a threat against Strowman? Constantly putting older talent over your younger talent will always keep the young talent down.
We see Bryan get loaded up on a stretcher and wheeled out of Angle’s office.
Miz & The Miztourage head into the locker room. However, there is a bad smell as someone left a garbage bag in there as Miz says its Braun Strowman and looked frightened. Axel assures him he is gone as they left him in the back of a garbage truck.
After the break, Miz walks into Kane. He asks him about tossing Strowman into the garbage truck as Kane reminds him that he helped him out along with The Bar. Kane then says if Strowman is back he will have to face him. Miz smiles and is glad they are on the same team but Kane gets the last laugh and says Miz is all by himself with this problem.
We get clips of Strowman getting tossed into the garbage truck.
Trick or Street Fight: Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson vs. Rhyno & Heath Slater
Gallows & Anderson are dressed as Tex Ferguson & Chadd 2 Badd while Rhyno & Slater are dressed as Mr. & Mrs. Santa Clause. They have Halloween decorations all over the place and we get such hilarious spots as forced bobbing for apples and the jack-o-lantern double noggin-knocker. Gallows & Anderson beat on Slater for a bit but Anderson misses a corner attack then Rhyno no-sells a grave marker shot by Gallows and attacks him after a flash then smashes a pie in his face as Cole says “this is tremendous” in the least convincing way possible. Gallows & Anderson fight back then Anderson puts  a pumpkin over his head and comes off of the top but is caught and put through a table by Rhyno and that gets the win (4:52) -**
Thoughts: This was so bad it belonged on a 2000 WCW PPV. The crowd was dead (Let’s get real, this segment was for an audience of one and he owns the company) and after watching three of their favorites get squashed by Kane can you really blame them?
The Miz chats with The Bar and as them about Braun Strowman. They convince him Strowman would not be able to come back from that attack after one week. Miz is glad they are part of a strong team but The Bar tell him that he is alone.
Elias is in the ring for the Ballad of Jason Jordan. We are shown a video of him smashing his guitar over Jordan’s shoulder last week but Jordan interrupts and tosses Elias around. Elias bails then Jordan stomps on the guitar and tosses it up the aisle.
Miz & The Miztourage try to leave but Angle mandates them to stay.
Enzo Amore heads out to the ring, where Drew Gulak is standing. They both put down Angle for being an incompetent general manager. Gulak then does the SAWFT routine but spells the word correctly then gives a thumbs up as Enzo tells him never to do that again. Watching Gulak perform Enzo’s routine in perfect English was funny. Gulak is tremendous in this role.
Drew Gulak w/ Enzo Amore vs. Kalisto
They go back-and-forth to start but Kalisto takes him with a tornillo. Kalisto hits an enziguiri and spikes Gulak with a hurricarana before the Salida Del Sol gets the win (0:58). Enzo immediately runs in after the match and beats on Kalisto.
Thoughts: Gulak could not even get a minute with Kalisto. Anyway, looks like the Enzo vs. Kalisto feud will continue.
Miz is in the locker room and wants the Miztourage to get the car ready so they can leave as soon as the show ends.
RAW Women’s Championship: Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Mickie James
Mickie gets the best of Alexa to start then we head to break. The match returns with Alexa cranking the neck. Mickie fights back and we get a “CM Punk” chant. Mickie heads up top but Alexa flings her off then goes up herself only or Mickie to kick her off as Alexa falls to the apron then on the floor. She heads back inside where Mickie almost puts her away then sets up for a kick but Alexa bails. Mickie drags Alexa back inside and gets a few pinfall attempts but ends up getting punched in the face and that wins the match for Alexa (11:18) *1/2.
Thoughts: Boring, and a good chunk of this took place during the break. Their match at TLC was much better. Mickie losing to a punch signals that this feud is over now as another babyface looks incompetent after feuding with Alexa.
Miz & The Miztourage are rushing to leave the arena. They get into the limo but it slams on the breaks as there is a garbage truck blocking their path. The back opens and trash flows out then Strowman gets up as the camera zooms in at a horrified Miz. Strowman roars then chases after him when they fled the limo. Alexa is still posing in the ring as we see Miz & Axel on the stage. Strowman heads after Miz but Dallas & Axel attack from behind. Strowman shrugs them off then flings Miz into the screens and clears the announcers table. Strowman then tosses them all down the ramp and into the ring and beats the crap out of Axel as the crowd approves. Miz & Bo eventually crawl up the ramp and bail as Strowman carries Axel up the ramp then puts him through the announcers table. Strowman then rips off his shirt and roars as the show ends. This segment was ludicrous and the insulted the intelligence of anyone watching (I mean they even showed the highlight package from TLC in the show that you saw Strowman get tossed in a completely different garbage truck than what he popped out of tonight) but the fans love Strowman and love watching him destroy people even more so it worked. Strowman should be the focus of RAW. He has been able to remain bulletproof from this horrible storyline.
Final Thoughts: This was a show that makes you embarrassed to watch wrestling. If I was not recapping this show, I would have shut it off. The storylines were awful and the acting and scripting were on the same level. The overproducing in every segment is not going to make more people drawn to the product. Just concentrate on putting out a better wrestling product. If you want to capture the interest of lapsed fans or those vaguely interested in wrestling then you need to put wrestling-minded people in creative positions. If you want to continue with those who have minimal experience watching wrestling then you’ll end up with more shows like what we got tonight. No one wants to watch a terrible TV show with uninteresting characters, especially not one that lasts three hours long.
They have just two more RAWs before Survivor Series and the build has been poor. The news of Angle’s job being on the line is something but really, how many of these storylines do we need, especially after we just had Mick Foley get fired by Stephanie? The other title vs. title matches at the PPV are without fanfare and the Cruiserweight Division might get shut out of the card entirely.
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distraughtlesbian · 5 years
nia: 𝒾𝓂𝒶𝑔𝒾𝓃𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒾 𝓂𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝑒𝒹 𝑜𝒻 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑔𝓁𝒶𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓁 𝓉𝑜𝓂𝒷 𝑜𝒻 𝓂𝓎 𝓈𝒾𝓁𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒. 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒, 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂 𝒾𝓉𝓈𝑒𝓁𝒻
the mc: vibe check! *gazes at you tenderly from across the room*
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