#if ingo Realized first but didn't have any actual Memories to go with that
I mean,, (for denial on one or both their parts?) surely there's more than one person in the pokemon world called Ingo? But then what are the chances of this Emissary sharing the same name as a lost brother?
yeah,,, and if that even occurs to ingo it isn't in the moment, when he's too busy being hit by the whiplash of hearing his real name for the first time in actual centuries.
i think the ultimate conclusion he comes to is that the overwhelming reshiram influence let him perceive the emissary's name, and he was just calling out for the person who happened to be nearby. it's still like, surprising, but it's not THAT surprising. it's easy enough to brush aside, especially considering he's so desperately in need of help.
but then emmet comes to, and ingo happens to mention it in passing, well of course you know my name, you were crying for me a few hours ago, and he gets this look in return that's like. confused, almost paralyzed.
ingo is my brother's name, he says in response.
and relatedly: i think i mentioned earlier that i think reshiram and zekrom's emissaries both have half of this featureless mask, and since he's Both emmet's been wearing both halves this entire time. but when reshiram wins, he loses zekrom's half. so this is the first time ingo's seen (half of) his face, and his own has changed radically since becoming giratina's emissary, but... he can't deny that it looks... very familiar.
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An AU that I admittedly daydream about from time to time, and I'm only now deciding to write down.
Akari and Ingo, both still without their memories, return to the present. They think that the more they interact with the world, the more memories will come through. And in Ingo's case, it does! He begins to remember his life, trains, his family and friends... He's eventually reunited with them, and it's a wonderful and happy reunion.
But Akari doesn't remember anything. Things are familiar every so often, but there's no memories to accompany that familiarity. Eventually Ingo helps her with contacting the police, hoping they can sort through some missing persons files and get a lead on where Akari is from.
No one in Unova fits Akari's description. They try Sinnoh, and no one fits her description there either.
They keep trying, of course. Ingo and his brother take Akari out to see the station, to the amusement park, to different restaurants. They watch TV shows together, some Unovan ones and Sinnohan ones, but nothing seems to click. They go through popular children's movies, things Akari is sure to have seen at least once in her life— But she's watching it like it's the first time. She doesn't remember any of it. She can't predict how any of the stories go, outside of logical deduction.
She's beginning to panic. Is she even a real person? Thinking about it, all she's ever known is her name, and the arc phone. And her "phone" isn't much of a phone, it's just a map and a journal. An indestructible one, granted, but still not a phone. Because she's seen phones now, and they're not... She doesn't know how to work it. She doesn't know what "apps" are. She didn't know calling people was a thing.
She assumed she was from the future like Ingo because of the amnesia, and the fact that he eventually recognized her phone. It had made sense to her. Now nothing makes sense to her.
She's scared. She doesn't belong here, and she doesn't know what to do about it. Ingo is starting to see just how panicked she is, and his reassurances don't seem to actually be getting through to her. He's worried.
Eventually, her DNA has a match. An identical match. To a miss Dawn Berlitz, the current champion of Sinnoh, who isn't, in fact, missing. Nor does she have a sister.
Akari is right, she realizes. She isn't a real person. She's just some clone of one. She doesn't have childhood memories, she doesn't have a family who raised her, she has no one who was waiting for her. Because she didn't exist.
She has a mental breakdown.
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manchasama · 2 years
which twin would koala cling to the other during reunions though. and what scenario would make that funniest? Ingo crashing his own funeral? Ingo waking up in his own proper bed and unthinkingly getting up and making coffee on autopilot? Ingo showing up at work and just autopiloting into the train he would normally have done, or being basically pushed into one by the depot agents while just sitting there like ??????? ?????????????? this is all very familiar and all but what do I do in here?????????
*SNERK* sorry i was skimming the ask and my brain latched on to "koala hug at the funeral"
Okay so I do tend to see Emmet as the more clingy of the two, but that's not to say it would never be Ingo! I fully believe they are both silly at the heart of it<3
Ingo being a clingy koala would depend on his memory state! If he had his memories back and could remember just how lonely he'd been all that time, I could absolutely see him honing in on Emmet and just not letting go. (Emmet has no complaints no sir)
If he didn't have his memories back, but knew in his heart of hearts that this man in white is super important to him, I could also see him latching on. No one is going to separate them until he knows why his heart is so full again!
Emmet certainly has more reason to just wrap himself around Ingo forever. In pretty much any situation, he has great reason to fear Ingo vanishing. Did he see what happened? CLING! Did Ingo just vanish without witness? CLINGGGG!
That said, I adore the idea of Ingo running on autopilot and just confusing the heck out of everyone. Imagine getting a lifetime of memories back all at once, how disorienting that would be! God, even worse would be if Emmet had taken a rare vacation off, maybe off with Elesa or visiting Drayden or something.
Ingo wakes up in bed, head pounding but surroundings familiar. He knows he's got to get up and see to his warden duties get to work, right? Right. Coffee first, that would surely help clear things up. Then he could cook a quick breakfast over the fire...or wait. Not that one, right? Maybe he'd just skip breakfast entirely.
There are two steaming cups of coffee on the counter, and he's staring at them as if they hold the answers to the universe. Why two? Why two indeed. He downs them both (not one to waste things, but why did he add so much sugar to one??), and staggers back to his room to get dressed.
Perhaps his pokemon are out, and he cannot fathom why it's so strange to see Alakazam in the hallway, or Gliscor draped over the couch. (They are exploring this curious new dwelling. Ingo isn't distressed, so they're not particularly nervous.)
Once dressed and marginally more awake (though his head is still pounding, not a great way to get through a day), he gets lost in thought as he tries to figure out why things are so wrong but so right. All the while his feet are automatically taking him to gear station along his normal route. He doesn't hear the whispers or see the stares, too focused on his pounding head and fuzzy thoughts.
A shopkeeper of a store he always used to get a morning paper from calls his name hesitantly, snapping him out of his thoughts. He greets him reflexively, saying it was good to see him after so long. Then frowns to himself. What did he mean after so long? Well, he doesn't have time to dwell, as he's going to be late if he dawdles longer.
I'm terribly sorry Emmet, but the depot agents get first dibs on dog piling Ingo. He makes it to the station and halfway to the office before the first one spots him. He had a good run, but goes down under Furze's flying tackle. (He's so ecstatic Ingo is baaaaack)
After a few rounds of reunion, Ingo's brain finally kicks in and he realizes he's finally home after so long. Okay let's be real, its the agents telling him he's been gone that jogs his brain out of its overload. Either way, Ingo must know where Emmet is, since he wasn't home. They actually have that info, and Ingo is off before anyone can sensibly suggest him calling ahead first.
Let's say Emmet is helping out at Elesa's gym, just so he can be nearby. Maybe he's subbing her as boss so she can take a day off or something. Either way, there is certainly a commotion running through the gym. Some trainer is speeding through all the challenges, heading straight for Emmet. Well no matter, he's ready for a serious battle, yup!
Only the person who arrives is an out of breath Ingo who doesn't waste a moment before flying at his brother, throwing his arms around him and taking them both down in a much needed hug. Ingo has decided not to let go of Emmet for a while. Emmet is okay with this.
(Emmet absolutely heckles his brother later for the trainwreck of an arrival story. And here Ingo is supposed to be the cool one!)
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bellafragolina · 2 years
If you want to try coming up with your own ideas first, because it might influence your writing and thoughts you can skip until after you jot down some ideas.
Offering ideas for happy endings like:
- Reversing the memory loss process through developing requited love. Like they didn't love them before, maybe only thought of them as a very nervous and somewhat weird friend, maybe even just friend of a friend, not realizing the reader had been crushing on them the whole time. Since reader is forgetting them and their crush on them, they become more confident and act more like themselves so the loved character gets to see while new sides of them which causes them to fall in love.
- Having fallen in love and learning of the memory loss too late and how to reverse the process, desperately thinking that maybe they should only to be stopped by reader who doesn't know why they care so much just that they do. And accepting that they'll just have make new memories from now on. (Because the mind forgets doesn't mean the feelings aren't still there.)
- Reincarnating into modern times which is very clearly for Warden Ingo or maybe Adaman if you chose him but i just love the idea that Ingo dies and but is actually sent back into his original time and finds reader's reincarnation and they both remember at the same time. Maybe a little bit of slow burn here for drama bc he tries to convince himself that's not possible but so many things are the same and reader technically wouldn't remember their past life immediately. Plus Ingo&Emmet reunion to make the ending a little sweeter.
Of course if it's adaman, they would both be reincarnated But obviously if you have another idea, you can do what you want. I'll love it no matter what because you come up with the most amazing things.
And now!! For our second serving, may I present a Ingo-Less Emmet for all of you to enjoy!!
It started out as a coincidence. You happened to choose the same park to take your Pokémon as Emmet did to be alone, to sulk, and to let his own Pokémon (alongside Ingo's). He found you on the bench, cooing at a few Pokémon, and immediately his hoard were after you. So Emmet, forced to follow, sits down next to you.
It's slow going. At first, there's not much conversation had besides small talk about the Pokémon. You don't appear to know who Emmet is, nor do you know what happened. So you don't treat Emmet any differently than anyone else, and it's refreshing. So Emmet finds himself opening up to you slowly but surely.
He avoids specifics, but he does tell you about what he's going through, how his brother is gone and now he's without a half of himself he's had all his life, until now. You comfort him, and from you, it feels different. Emmet latches onto the comfort you bring, and soon your once a week meet ups become longer and longer, until you're spending the entire day into the night together.
And Emmet falls fast. And Emmet falls hard. He desperately relies on you, perhaps to an even unhealthy amount, but how can he not? You give him a happiness he hasn't felt since Ingo disappeared. He clings to you whenever he can, looks forward to your meet ups more than anything else. But as much as he loves you, he knows he can't be with you. Not without telling you the truth. Not without you realizing who he is, and everything changing.
Besides, he knows you don't feel the same.
The frequency of the meet ups imprint upon the Pokémon. Chandelure, Eelektross, Garvantula, Excadrill, all of them drag Emmet to the same park even as his memory starts to fail, forcing him to forget the pain of loving you silently. He becomes quieter and more withdrawn as you sit together, scaring you as he appears to be losing sleep and stop eating consistently. But he stops responding as much to your prompts at conversation, so things fall into awkward silence.
"I am Emmet," he says, out of the blue one day, "and I don't know why I come here."
"Emmet?" You ask, confused.
"I come here every weekend," Emmet continues, staring off blankly towards where the Pokémon wrestle around, "and you are here. And our Pokémon play. Do we. . . know one another?"
You know this isn't normal. You know this is probably a side effect of the grief. After showing Emmet proof that you do indeed know one another, and quite well, Emmet agrees to see a doctor. And what they say shocks Emmet to the core.
Forgotten Love Syndrome. Emmet marvels the pictures of you he has in his phone. You're indeed attractive, but who are you that he was able to fall for you even in this state of grief?
Emmet doesn't stop going to the park to meet with you. He's cautious, but so curious. He eagerly agrees to sit with you, listens to you tell stories of what you've both done before, with the Pokémon concurring your tales, even the embarrassing ones about Emmet himself.
It's easy, Emmet realizes, marveling up at you as you laugh and chatter on about some mishap you both had. You ease his pain, his loneliness, and help him feel. . . not quite whole, but less hollow. Emmet listens to your voice, closing his eyes, and rests his head on your shoulder. You don't waver, and he smiles to himself, soft and calm.
And this continues once again. Emmet falls just as fast as he did before, but he doesn't get another chance to worry and forget. You approach him, confusion marring your features, and force out words off a thick tongue.
"I love you." You say, visibly about to faint. Emmet reaches for you, eyes wide. "I-I love you, but I know you don't feel the same anymore, but I'm starting to forget too, Emmet, and I can't forget-"
Emmet hits the ground before you can say anymore. With a shriek, you cradle him in your arms, panicked over what's happening. Emmet all but crawls into you skin, pressing as close to you as he can get as he writhes in the pain of overflowing memories.
He remembers, all of it, even the embarrassing things he swore you were making up. It comes back to him like a film before his eyes, and it makes him laugh. It makes him cry. It makes him cling to you and beg you to never leave him, please. Promise you'll stay, he loves you too much to lose you.
You seal the promise with a kiss.
ta-da!! a happy ending for our sad boi emmet!! i hope you enjoyed it, lovely! have a wonderful day!!
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constantzeigarnik · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons on how Emmet would react to Ingo and Volos relationship?
I'd imagine if Emmet sent himself to the past to find his brother he'd probably disapprove of Volo, Volo is pretty suspicious on his own but if he found out he's the reason his brother is there he'd most likely wouldn't understand how Ingo not only forgave him but is also in a relationship with him.
Even before Emmet found out he most likely already felt something was off about Volo
This got long again
Anytime Ingo starts to flirt around with ANYONE, Emmet is on guard. They're both attractive and get plenty of attention from men and women alike. Emmet isn't terribly interested in that sort of thing, but Ingo has been known to, very very rarely, flirt back when someone comes onto him (in his own strange way.) If someone is particularly persistent he might go out for coffee with them, but things never really progress past that, and Ingo has wound up terribly dissapointed and a tad bit hurt multiple times because of it.
The last thing Emmet wants is for Ingo to start to catch feelings for someone only to have his heart broken, so he becomes VERY protective whenever Ingo starts dating.
Assuming that Volo cracked and admitted he was involved in the mess that lead to Ingo being pulled into Hisui, it probably would have taken Ingo quite some time to forgive Volo. He doesn't remember what he lost, what his life was like before Hisui, and Volo swears on everything that he knows and loves that he didn't mean to cause Ingo's situation. It was a long series of, at this point very unfortunate, incidents and bad choices that lead them to where they are today. Volo, banned from Jubilife, on very shaky grounds with the two clans, entirely unsure what his future holds and whether or not Ingo will still be in it.
Volo gives Ingo his space, he'd wait as long as he had to for his love, even if Ingo never forgave him. Ingo gladly takes the time to think on what he has learned. He's actually the one who talks the clans down from just straight up exiling Volo completely, and it's while he's making these negotiations that he realizes just how painfully much he misses Volo, and that in this strange, unfamiliar world he had been such a bright light. He'd give just about anything to have him by his side again, to just go back to the way things were before.
Once vague peace has been made with the Diamond and Pearl clans on Volo's behalf, Ingo sets out to find him. They cross paths in the Highlands of course, and Ingo sits Volo down and they talk. It's a long conversation on a longer path of healing, but for all his mistakes, Volo admits that the biggest one was not recognizing how much of a blessing Arceus had bestowed upon him by bringing Ingo into his life.
They part ways that night with warm feelings and hope for the future. There is still work to be done, but they each rest easy knowing that they will see the other again soon.
Years pass by from the incident and people move past it. Ingo and Volo settle in, and despite their time apart for their jobs, it's almost domestic. Ingo is happier than he's ever been there in Hisui, and Volo can imagine spending the rest of his life with Ingo.
Then Emmet shows up.
I think if Emmet showed up to Hisui and found that Ingo was in a relationship with Volo, it would happen well past the dating stage of their relationship. They would have been together for a while at that point. He might not even find out about it from the two of them.
Emmet: I am Emmet! I am looking for my brother! Do you know where Ingo is?
Irida: Well, Volo's in town, so I imagine Ingo's likely staying in his tent tonight. They've been glued to each other every chance they get ever since they got together...
Emmet: What?
When Ingo and Emmet finally see each other, the flood of memories the appearance of his brother causes completely overwhelms Ingo. The twins spend the first hour or so reunited just half clung to one another, all but babbling about a lot of things that don't really make sense to anyone but them. All they're aware of is that this is Emmet, he says he is Ingo's brother, and he seems to have come from the same place that Ingo had.
Volo keeps his distance, just watching with a few members of the Pearl clan. He's simultaneously overjoyed for Ingo and the fact that he can finally remember who he was and where he came from, and absolutely terrified for what this might mean.
Volo feels like hiding, but before he can, Ingo and Emmet have calmed down a little, and Ingo is bringing Emmet over to him, seeming eager to introduce them to one another. He can see the warmth still in Ingo's eyes, and his heart beats a little faster. Ingo still loves him, Volo can see it, feel it.
So can Emmet. To him it's obvious just by the way Ingo is acting, the way he is looking at this stranger, Ingo's so head over heels for this man. His alarm bells are immediately blaring, but he does his very best to keep a friendly smile as Ingo introduces him to this man, Volo, his long term partner.
Volo is friendly enough, seems well composed, and clearly he’s been with Ingo for quite some time at this point if what he hears is true. There’s just something about him that feels off though, and with how messed up this whole situation has been for so long now, Emmet doesn’t feel like he can trust Volo as far as he can throw him.
But it’s hard to deny the way they look at each other...
After that Volo keeps a respectable distance while the two catch up, while Ingo does his very best to explain what exactly happened and how he ended up there in the first place to Emmet, and if he knows what Volo did caused his time traveling incident, then he would undoubtedly share that with him. Emmet is of course pissed off beyond all belief to find out that Volo was the cause of all this, whether he intended to pull Ingo into the past or not, and the fact that Ingo is with Volo absolutely baffles him. 
Ingo tells him of how the two met, how much Volo helped him and was a friendly face in the beginning when it was the hardest for him to adjust. How they had become friends slowly, and that Volo had brought happiness into his life when he had been lost and confused and, though he wouldn’t admit it to pretty much anyone other than Emmet, honestly quite scared. Volo had helped him find his place there in Hisui, and make a home there. 
Emmet listens to everything Ingo has to say, and it leaves him feeling terribly... conflicted. He’s never heard Ingo talk that way about anyone. 
Later that evening Volo is approached by Emmet, and he’s immediately put on edge by the smiling man. He looks so much like Ingo, but there’s this palpable mood about him that puts Volo into fight-or-flight mode, but neither of those are valid options right then, so he just stays put as Emmet takes a seat beside him, away from the other villagers and prying ears. He has no idea what to expect, so he says nothing and gives Emmet a moment to figure out what he wants to say to him.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity to Volo, Emmet speaks up.
“I am Emmet. I know Ingo better than he knows himself in some ways. He’s very happy here.” Emmet says, his voice quiet, and he keeps his eyes lock ahead on the view as the sun sets ahead. 
“...I would hope so, we’ve tried our best to make him as comfortable here as we can. The people of the Pearl Clan are kind, they’ve treated him well, I promise.” Volo starts slowly, hesitant, but it’s clear Emmet didn’t come here just to make small talk. “I feel a ‘but’ coming from you though.” He adds, and Emmet nods.
“Ingo doesn’t belong here.” Emmet said with a small shrug. “I came here to try and bring him home, to our time.”
That much had been obvious to Volo, but damn if it didn’t still hurt to actually hear it from Emmet’s mouth. He wanted to take Ingo away, back to a time that was likely so far away from where they were now. He couldn’t begin to imagine how long he would have to wait to potentially see Ingo again, because the idea of waiting even a short time seemed painful.
“But...” Emmet continued, pulling Volo from the painful thoughts slowly beginning to overwhelm him. “He is verrry happy here.... with you....I don’t understand, but I see that much.” He admitted, a low, bitter tone in his voice as he spoke. That fact didn’t make Emmet happy, he hated it, but he couldn’t deny it was true. 
That brought a small smile to Volo’s face, and it hurt to hear. 
“You’re right though, Emmet. He doesn’t belong here. Neither do you.” Volo says with a shaky sigh, despising the very words coming from his own lips. “I love him, and it’s my own damn selfishness that’s gotten him stuck here in Hisui in the first place. I can’t tell you how desperately I want to continue being selfish, to tell you that he’s here now, that he should stay with me and what we’ve built together. But I love him, and I can’t do that to him...”
“...It’s not up to either of us, in the end. The important thing is that now Ingo has his memories, and a choice on which life he wants to live.” Emmet says.
Volo knew which way that choice would go.
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tu-ut · 2 years
thinking more about double Ingo (Hisui Ingo returns before past Ingo gets yoinked so there's 2 of them) and weremmet like.
there's no way a giant looming white wolf wouldn't trigger a fight or flight reflex after Hisui, especially if Ingo still doesn't have all of his memories in place. though even if he does know on a logical level yes, Emmet turns into a big fluffy dog every month, that first time sharp teeth come screaming towards him as pup goes to tacklehug him in excitement results in a mean right hook to the snout and a very bad episode for the dear warden. it takes weeks for Emmet to stop feeling constantly terrible about hurting his eldest brother, despite Ingo's pleas for the younger to forgive him instead.
the next few shifts are spent acclimating the eldest to Emmet's other form, burying the canine instincts to smother and cuddle his hurt mate-pack-brother and instead keeping quiet, low to the floor, no sudden movements. let the man come closer to him, reach out, back off if needed even if it hurts all three how hard he's pushing himself to fight his new instincts. the scars, rent flesh and deep bite wounds, are no mystery to them even covered by multiple layers of clothing as they are.
(steam below cut)
Emmet changes for two or three nights each month and Ingo gives the two their own time together where neither has to walk on eggshells around him after their sessions working through his reactions.
it's one night he returns from a late park stroll early to grab an umbrella he hears the distinctive sounds reminding him that, oh yes, their more intimate relationship extended to this part of the brother's lives as well.
unfortunately, this realization comes after running into the bedroom brandishing said umbrella when hearing his younger self crying out. only to find Emmet knot-deep, all three frozen at the crash of the door into the wall.
Ingo lets out a sound that he will insist is not a squeak and backs out of said doorway with a red faced, high pitched "apologies! continue on!"
two blinks from the coupled duo at the open door. three.
there's a shuffling noise. a hand reappears, gropes around for the handle, and quickly re-shuts the door.
the first time they try, he spooks. he hates that he does, but almost hates more the understanding, sympathetic look in their eyes as he comes back down to himself from his panic attack. claws holding him down, daggerlike fangs brushing the ball of his neck… it was too much.
neither push, but having come so close to be blocked from the image in his wet dreams for weeks since he found them he's determined to try again. the three compromise, narrow down what set him off and tackle those first.
he still wanted to be pinned, but claws holding down his shoulders was too much. ropes had always been a no-go for Ingo and Hisui hadn't changed that, but there was a very willing, helpfully human-shaped possible participant eager to help, if him joining in didn't put Ingo off? he finds it doesn't, actually. they'd never tried anything together before, true, but the thought just… had never really occurred to him before.
it's Emmet that suggests the muzzle first, ignoring the consternation erupting from the eldest. he shouldn't have to degrade himself like a rowdy growlithe just because Ingo can't handle- no, Emmet honestly doesn't care about any of that, especially if it would help soothe his poor brother's hindbrain. it's just a tool to use, and he doesn't seem opposed to Emmet's head touching him in general, only the sight of his teeth. Ingo doesn't have to make it a big deal, Emmet just wants to make his dear brother happy… and also fuck him through the mattress, which he can't do if Ingo keeps freaking out at his teeth. and well, Ingo can't argue once that sentence has processed, so Emmet counts it as a win for his idea and happily pulls up some internet listings to compare products as the man's brain continues rebooting.
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Tumblr media
Name: Ai Withish
Age: 18
Height: 5'2"
Pronouns: She/Her
Hair: Naturally black, she dies it pink
Eyes: Gold
Sexuality: Bi, with a preference toward feminine looking people
Lives: Jubilife Village
Profession: Survey Corps Member
Personality: Upbeat, lots of mood swings, wants to prove herself, seeks approval, easily discouraged but also easily shakes it off, determined and stubborn to a fault, Has little regard for her own safety and often cares about others more than herself.
Likes: The color pink, cute things, fruit, baking, exercise, playing with pokemon,
Dislikes: Anything not pink, rude people, being ignored,
Story Significance: Takes the role of the main protagonist in Legends Arceus. She does all the same things the protagonist does but the difference is she and Ingo eventually make it back to modern day and reunite with Emmet and Orion
Ingo- Is attached to him greatly. Anytime she isn't busy she can be found clinging to his arm and hanging out with him.
Volo- Spends a lot of time with him as well, has developed a small crush on him and by the time she is kicked out of Jubilife she has fallen hard. Is absolutely CRUSHED when he betrays her.
Kamado- has a deep rooted need to prove herself to him, and will throw herself into increasingly more dangerous tasks to do so. Tries so hard to earn his and everyone else's approval and when she is kicked out by him she turns bitter and starts to hate him
Cyllene, Laventon, Rei, and Akari- Sees them as family and is eternally grateful in all the ways they have helped her. Is scared of Cyllene at first but eventually realizes she's a nice person. Misses them a lot when she is back in present day.
Pokemon Team:
Titania (Gardevoir, female)
Madoka (Sylveon, male)
Fahrenheit (Typhlosion, female)
Mouse (Shiny Eevee, male)
Mochi (Shiny Alpha Lopunny, female)
Alpein (Alolan Ninetails, male)
Battling Style: Reckless to a certain degree. Fights alongside her pokemon, both taking on the opponent. That's actually somewhat common in Hisui. A lot of wild pokemon won't just fight your pokemon respectfully, they will come after you as well. Most trainer battles don't operate the same way, but if both parties agree then it can. She uses Titania most often and the two know every aspect of the other. Ai prefers to finish fights without taking any damage and will do her best to avoid or stall and then strike when an opportunity opens up. Very high risk high reward with relying on dodging and crits to get by. Will throw herself in front of her pokemon to protect and they will do the same for her. Has been known to take a less damaging hit for her pokemon so that they can keep battling.
Random Facts:
Absolutely refused to wear the survey corp uniform and spent the first couple days working on the pokedex in her pajamas until she got a custom made uniform (Kamado and Cyllene wouldn't budge so eventually Laventon stepped in and convinced them she would work best happy)
Her Kirlia, Titania, from modern times came with her and evolved into a Gardevoir while she was in the past
Her hat is actually modeled after Ingo's, she didn't have one as part of her outfit until she met him.
She met Ingo and immediately associated him with Orion as they both have silver hair, silver eyes, an oddness that makes them stand out, and an unchanging expression. Of course she couldn't remember who Orion even was, all she knew was that the second she saw Ingo she never wanted to leave his side. Her vague memories of Orion in their custom Battle Subway uniform also didn't help much with the matter.
Ingo was extremely confused by her immediately latching onto him but felt pity as she was going through much of what he had but was much younger.
She often berates others for not taking care of themselves
Her natural hair color is black, she dies it to look less like her dad. Pink is also just her favorite color.
Left Handed
Doesn't speak Sinnohian fluently at first, and Laventon and others who speak Unovan/Galarian served as a translator for her. She knew a little Sinnohian after being raised there but she definitely didn't use an ancient version of it.
The longer she spends in ancient Sinnoh, the more of her hair grows out and her natural color comes in. That's part of the reason why she got a hat made.
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