#if i see ONE person call video game jumanji ‘jumanji one’ i will cry
cable-salamder · 2 months
Please oh please good sir will you spare the food some poor? 🥺
(Feed us more Ninjago headcanons)
Why *yes* I can spare some poor for the food. I hope you treat the poor with kindness (what am I even saying). You get four:
- Lloyd really likes to sunbathe on the roof of the monastery (the lizard genes strike again). No one can get him down unless the weather changes for the worse of they physically drag him down.
- Unlike maybe expected, Ray is the one who is strangely In Tune with plants and can always keep like 10 at a time with them living great plant lives, while Maya Can and Will somehow kill cacti. Thrice.
(She gets too carried away thinking they need more water, and when they are spiky she couldn’t touch them to know how much they already had, thus a cactus killing machine was created)
- Scott is actually really short in real life but he made himself tall in Prime Empire. Also Jay has definitely rambled to him about Video Game Jumanji, with Scott being very confused because he only knows Jumanji one (Yes this implies the existence of Lego Ninjago Dwayne The Rock Johnson)
- (This next one is really just appeasement for Crystalized and the fact that the ninja are only crystafied for a few seconds & we don’t even see them doing anything) But basically every single one of the og four has some sort of leftover spiky mark/scar on their body— I have drawings of that somewhere but I’ll need to go find them among my hoard of art posts lol
*Pearl from SU voice* That will be all
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Where do you put your keys when you get home? personal
Have you ever seen a snake in the wild? one from far away on the sand when I was on camp and second time it was just dead and not even whole anymore, I wanna touch a snake!
What’s your favourite movie from the 80s? can’t choose only one
Are you expecting any phone calls or emails? not really
Do you have any family that live in another country? no one close
Are there any words that you hate or make you cringe? sure
What is the best house you’ve ever lived in? I’ve lived in one house only unless I can count some I stayed for awhile like grandma’s apartment or aunt’s cottage 
What movie reminds you of your childhood? many movies like Jumanji or Goonies
What was the last email you received? spam
Are you in any fb groups? I am
Whose house did you last visit? my gf’s
How many tabs do you have open right now? 5
What’s something you’ve been meaning to do but keep putting off? I procrastinate lots of stuff
What’s the first thing you check on your phone at the start of the day? fb messanger/time
Would you date someone who still lived with their parents? I still live with my parents  Do you think there is life on other planets? not those close to us
Would you enjoy a night of playing video games? maybe Do you dream of traveling the world or are you happy where you are? I’m not happy but I don’t want to travel  Would you watch a porno with your partner? hmm... Have you ever stolen from your work? no Do you own any sex toys? I don’t How often do you use facebook at work? depends Would you date someone half your age? that would be illegal and I wouldn’t want to anyway Are you a romantic person? a little? Would you be okay with your partner hanging with their ex as friends? I probably wouldn’t be  Do you have a current passport? never had a passport Is it more fun to go out just with your date or on a group date? just my date Have you had a relationship with someone of the same sex? as a lesbian Is marriage a necessity for two people who love each other? no but it’s nice Is there anything you think science will never be able to explain? possibly Is intoxication ever an acceptable excuse for acting stupid? if you can’t act normal then don’t drink, UGH! Do you litter? never Do you believe in fate or destiny? not sure Doing nothing all day makes you feel…? both good and bad Have you ever had sex with someone you worked with? I have not Would you date someone just for the sex? noooo Do you consider yourself a positive person? pfft Are Sex and Intimacy the same thing? sex is to intimacy like square to rectangles How often do you get angry? I’m like Bruce Banner Have you had cosmetic surgery? I haven’t On a first date do you pay or do they? split Do you only date people who have jobs or are full-time students? I don’t care what they do in life (school, job or nothing) if we don’t live together, I’m unemployed myself Could you date someone who does drugs? doubt it Do you enjoy watching sports? nah Would you do a striptease for your partner? umm... Would you date someone who doesn’t have a car? sure, I don’t even own one  You have a week off, travel or stay home? home <3 Does spending the weekend at home annoy you? noooo Do you consider yourself open minded? nah Do others find you sexy? r u kidding?... Have you ever met someone in person you met online? I have Do you tell your friends you love them? nope, just family and partner
Do your siblings dye their hair? sometimes Who can you best relate to in the last book you read? partially to Will, Stella and Poe Are you indecisive? it’s hard for me to make a decision but I am not changing my mind like wind blows
What are you listening to? Lana Del Rey What are you doing tomorrow? we’ll see What was the last compliment someone gave you? not sure which was last Do you have a big family? no but it’s still to big for me :x Which one of your senses would you miss the most if you lost it? sight, then hearing
What’s your opinion on prostitution? Should it be legal and regulated, or is it something that needs to be gotten rid of completely? it should be illegal If you want (or don’t want) kids, is this something you’ve always known or have you changed your mind as you’ve grown up? I wanted kids at first because I played dolls and didn’t know anything about pregnancy or taking care of real children, I just thought it’s normal everyone have them at some point and that’s all but once I found out more about the subject I realized it’s not for me because of many reasons
Has the person you like ever seen you in your pajamas? yup Did the last person you kissed celebrate your last birthday with you? she wasn’t in my life at the time What’s the first word of the last text message you received? ok was the whole message XD
What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? I’m gonna die, if I won’t fall asleep I’ll explode, I feel so bad Are you okay right now? am I ever?... When was the last time you saw your mom? we’re home together What is the last thing you drank today? just going to drink some water in the kitchen Will you be up before 7 am tomorrow? hope not What are you listening to right now? Cigarettes after sex Last time you had a sleepover? ages ago If the last person you dated said they were in love with you, what would you say? I know she does, she was telling me that already Do you replay things that have happened in your head? overthinking for life If you could get paid to do anything in the world, what would you do? sitting in front of the computer  Do your parents actually knock on your door before entering your room or just barge right in, instead? my dad knocks, my mom barges in What would you do if it snowed right now? ...
Are you more of a leader or a follower? loner
Would you say you’ve had a good life so far? no comment What’s something you wish you could have delivered to your house? regularly or right now? What’s your favorite art style? surrealism? Are any of your coworkers currently out on maternity/paternity leave? I don’t have coworkers now Do you have a good sense of balance? it’s hard to say Do you live in a very racially and culturally diverse country? no Do you live alone? I wish
Have you done something recently that helped someone else, in any way? nothing big If you knew that one of your friends was considering suicide, what would you say to them? depends
Who was the last person to pay you a compliment? my gf The shirt you’re wearinh - is it one of your favourites? yep Is there a certain name that you think seems to have become really popular, and you know lots of people with that same name? growing up Ewelina, Julia, Emilia, Katarzyna, Urszula, Małgorzata and Michał were the most popular names Before Facebook became popular, did you use any other social networking site? yup Have you ever asked anyone “Do you love me?” If so, did you get the response you wanted? Do you think when someone says “I love you”, you feel obliged to say it back? yes, usually and kinda If you’ve had a bad experience in a past relationship, did you find that you were scared to get into another relationship, in case the same thing happened again? that’s normal Are you friends with the last person you hugged, or something more? we’re related Do you ever post song lyrics as your Facebook status? sometimes Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis, or do you prefer to save it for special occasions? I don’t drink even on special occassions Did you play with Barbies when you were a kid, or did you prefer something else? I played with Barbies but not only them If you were going to buy a present for the person you love/like, what would you generally choose? what she likes/wants/needs :) If I’m going to buy you a box of chocolates, which kind should I definitely NOT get? don’t buy me any Is there something you generally always ask for help with? I need help with many things :( Has anyone called you beautiful today? no, I’m not so that would be a lie
Who was the last person to see you cry? my mother
Do you drink bottled water? sometimes
You never know what you have until it’s gone. True or false? kinda true
Are you scared of losing the person you like to someone else? if they were happy with someone else - let that happen, I’ll be fine alone
Will you be in bed in the next 20 minutes? too early to sleep
Do you laugh at inappropriate times? rarely
How many bracelets do you have on right now? zero
Do you have someone you have late night conversations with? I do
What does your phone do when it receives a text? vibrates
What is in your pocket? no pockets!
Can you remember the last person you texted without looking? my sister 
Do you listen to music everyday? almost
Are you gonna be home alone tonight? I won’t be alone
If there was a large spider in your room, would you stay in the room? how big?
Are you a flirty person? maybe The last store you went to was…? local
Do you have a friend named Alex? used to  What did you think of the movie Juno? I have mixed feelings about it How often do you eat meat? often Have you ever gotten clothes from the kids section as an adult? I have :x Are you more of a science/math person or english/history person? I’m artsy  When you were little, would you have rather watched Cartoon Network or Disney Channel? we didn’t have such expensive channels Since using the internet regularly, have you started to read less than you used to? I read less not because of internet Are you a big fan of the Harry Potter series? nah Do you find yourself feeling lazier when the weather is warm? I feel lazier when the weather is cold because I don’t wanna leave my bed or home at least Are you a fan of the TV show Friends? watched fragments and I like Chandler and Phoebe - I think they would be great together, I’m a bit like them How old do you think is too old to sleep with a stuffed animal? never Are you 100% over the last person you kissed? I’m not How many tattoos would you like to have? I don’t plan any Are you over the age of 25? I am Do you want your life to stay the way it is right now forever? omg! I want my life to get better :( Would you rather live without music or without the t.v? without TV
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