#if i repeat this enough times maybe god will finally listen
lovelyflora21 · 2 days
Summary: She was still herself, he was still him. In the same place. Yet, isn't it strange how people can change?
Pairing: Leon S Kennedy x Fem!Reader
Tags: Angst, hurt, no happy endings (?) 
A/n: A rather lengthy continuation to my previous fic, inspired by Celeste - Strange. Would recommend listening to the song whilst reading this to really get the feel of it ;)
Wc: 1,8k
P.s. Let me know if anyone wants to be added to the tag list! <3
Tag list: @lysa1201 @lysol1201
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I tried for you. 
What Leon said that night, the way he looked at her with complete utter disdain; mixed with a cacophony of heavy breathing and slurred speech of spiteful, venomous words spewed her way–safe to say, it was enough to turn that tiny little voice inside her head louder. Ten times louder than the conscience, the soft spot she’s always held for him. 
That maybe everything she did for him was, in fact, all in vain. That it was a complete waste. She was wasting her precious, precious time and energy; her life, on a drunkard. An asshole of an alcoholic, once applauded for his bravery and prowess as an agent–akin to that of America’s very own zombie-killing, man-made Superman. 
God, mama was right! I should’ve dumped him. What was I thinking?!
Were what had crossed her mind as she skipped down the stairs of his apartment’s fifth floor’s stairwell. She clung onto her bag and pride, more on her pride (what was left of it anyways) than her bag really, as she rummaged through the tote bag for her car keys. She had tears welling up in her eyes, her throat burning and constricting in a measly effort of holding herself together. From sobbing her poor heart out. From breaking down on the stairs and pitying herself.
Tried to see through all the smoke and dirt. It wouldn't move.
Everything else was a blur then. The drive back home. The whole thought process on deciding to finally and completely vanishing from his life. All that in a span of minutes. Most would criticize her for being too overboard with her impulsivity, for making a big deal out of nothing! 
Oh spare me the theatrics! She could still hear Leon’s voice; nagging in the back of her mind, it would have been his reaction, if he had known of what she was about to do to him or saw an ounce more of her true reaction in response to his cruelty. 
But as she drove through the traffic and streets of DC’s avenues, her heavy-with-tears eyes dropped to see his name popping up on her phone; his number texting and calling her numerous times–his picture flashing, showing off his stupid fucking cocky grin–it silenced the other voices that were doubting her decision. And suddenly what she was about to do was justified and she saw nothing wrong with it. 
So when it turned red, she reached for her phone; looked at his number and picture one last time before she blocked it–blocked him, and shoved the phone back inside the bag. 
The first night, she couldn’t cry at all. She tossed and turned in bed then eventually fell asleep. But the next few days? Oh they were torture. Hardly sleeping, hardly eating; the blunt of the impact finally hitting her head on. Her feelings, emotions and sound mind were colliding against one another. Everything was everywhere all at once. Anger, disappointment, hurt, sadness, grief and shame. Surging all at once then fading away just as quick into numbness and denial. Then she’d crash out again, and again, and again. Rinse and repeat. 
So she did what Leon S Kennedy would’ve done. Drown herself in work, overtime after overtime. Back to back meetings, projects, RnDs. Anything to get her mind off of him and that night. One thing for sure though, she was done. 
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months. Before she knew it, she earned herself a promotion, alongside an offer to relocate somewhere else; she was given the liberty to pick the spot. To pick which branch of her office she would be relocating to. 
Without doubt and further, deeper questioning; she said yes. Again, some would have considered her impulsivity a major flaw but to be fair, this was the opportunity she had been looking for. Especially after that night and after Leon. 
Albeit the suffering and grief it brought upon her; that night brought her an epiphany. A revelation, that her whole life had revolved around him and him alone. She was never the center of her own universe, no–it had been Leon. 
It was a mistake. 
So now, with Leon gone and out of the picture; she had nothing to revolve around. There was nothing left for her here anyways…
She was never one for spirituality but it got her thinking– that the opportunity presented itself just in time. It was perfectly aligned with her, as if the universe had given her its blessings to move forward. Even without him.
As if it was a way for the universe to tell her.
He’s very dreamy, but he is not the sun. You are.
So when it was all said and done, when everything’s packed into the back of a moving truck and she’d bid farewell to friends and colleagues; she moved. Out of DC and to Francisco. 
And things were okay again. Late nights weren’t so heavy and she wasn’t so burdened with all-consuming thoughts of him. Mornings came by easier for her. She began liking the way coffee smelt, the way the flowers bloomed and the plants flourish, she began liking the taste of sourdough bread with runny eggs on top.
Casual dates were a thing for her now. Enjoying herself and her time as an individual rather than a thing attached to him. 
And before she knew it, a year had passed. 
Life was great. She was flourishing, bright and blooming. 
The sun was high above, her locks cascaded like waters down her neck. She wore a white dress, the patterns were small flowers in the color of muted salem. She had the day off, needed to pick up on groceries and flowers for her vase in the living room and kitchen island. She’d grown to fall for flowers ever since she’d moved to Francisco. 
As she was looking at the arrangement of fruits set before her, smiling at the older lady; she couldn’t help but to notice a man staring at her then approaching her. 
Hey there.
So when her eyes found him, clad in blue instead of black; they widened for a second. Taking in the phantom of what once was the man she’d loved and devoted herself to. 
They stood there, just…staring…
Then there was silence. 
Say, isn't it strange? I am still me You are still you.
So they sat there, across one another. This was their second meeting. In a cafe, her favorite. She’d suggested the place. They opted for the outdoor seating instead, feeling as though the walls around them were too overwhelming for her. Too suffocating, especially when she would be near him. 
Her white shirt was slightly crumpled, tucked inside her blue denim jeans that clung to her perfectly. Her bag was set by her ankle, under the table.
She crossed one leg over the other, her eyes never leaving Leon’s. Who had his own ocean blue eyes on her.
Leon had begged her for this chance. Said he wanted to talk to her, needed to talk to her. And she gave him the same grace she would’ve wanted people to give him. Less of a second chance and more towards the urge for a proper closure, really. 
Leon Scott Kennedy was never one to be curious. He’d learnt from his line of work that curiosity can and will kill the cat. And yet when it came to her, he was as curious as ever. So many things he wanted to say, to ask, to question, to find out, to know and last but never should be the least; to understand. Why did she disappear on him like that? Where has she been?Why San Francisco? How did she end up here? Is she with someone else? Is that why she was here now? Was she now a happily-married woman living the white picket fence dream?
But only one thing came out of his now slightly chapped-lips and dry mouth.
I am so sorry. 
Back to our roots What did we lose? What did we lose?
He began, stammering as he leant forward across the table that barred him from feeling her warmth. From feeling her kindness, her love, her tenderness and the familiarity of her.
It’s in the past.
Her voice was…soft. But it lacked the love and gentleness she once held for him. Her eyes were distant…as if staring at a far away dream instead of him.
I shouldn’t have said what I said, I was an alcoholic and an asshole and I didn’t deserve you.
You really didn’t. 
Then there was silence again. Leon’s breath caught as he heard her utter those simple words with such indifference it sent shivers down his spine. 
There was no malice, no anger, no bitterness lacing her words yet all the same it wounded him so. In ways he never thought nor imagined possible. 
Isn’t it strange? How people can change. 
Give me one more chance, let me make things right. 
His pleading was met with silence. Then there was a soft tapping noise against the table, Leon’s blue orbs flitted to her manicured nails for a second before coming back to her face. They were painted beige.
If I could, I’d pull your strings for one more dance.
I…I’ve changed. I’m not drinking anymore and I’ve been going to therapy and I’m not missing out on them anymore. I swear.
It was pitiful how he dragged on and on about how he was a changed man. But seeing she was not budging at all, made Leon’s stomach twist and turn. 
I can’t.
Tell me what I need to do to make this work, to make things right.
She simply shook her head, a defeated and reserved smile graced her lips. God, those same lips Leon had missed so much. How he wished he hadn’t taken her for granted. 
It’s for the best.
And with that, she gathered her bag and herself. She mustered up enough courage and willpower to heave herself up to her feet. Even outside with the wind breezing past them and the world still revolving around them, she felt just as suffocated and as still as ever. She refused to look him in the eyes, refused to study the way his face fell and his eyes glazed with tears. 
I look at you, with nothing to say.
Leaning down for one last kiss, she placed a chaste and small peck on his cheek. Feeling the stubble caress her skin and mouth. She dared not bid him farewell, nor did he. Neither lovers dared to lift their faces to meet one another’s gaze, afraid it might shatter whatever defense they had left.
Isn’t it strange? How people can change From strangers to friends Friends into lovers
So she walked away, never looking back. 
And strangers again.
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velveteenprayers · 3 days
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pairing: percy jackson x gn!reader
summary: miraculous au
word count: 1k+
a/n: none! pls enjoy
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Percy stood on the edge of the building, admiring the city skyline, crisp wind biting at his cheeks. When the dark floating creature -Plagg, he soon found out - told him he'd be able to reach wherever he pleases, he didn't believe him. Not like he does now, ecstasy bubbling in his chest at the sight of afternoon traffic. He could go anywhere he wanted. No longer contained by degenerates in the hallway or the bum of a man back home. He was free.
He was now tapping his staff (because he had one now) in deep contemplation about where he should go next. Jumping onto his apartment building's roof was easy enough, but now he needed to do a serious stunt. Or maybe he should just go to the ice-cream stall a few blocks down. The owner was usually in full operation this time, considering it was Friday and all-
Just then his train of thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash behind him. Heightened senses now alerted, he turned around,  prepared to attack and scanned the perimeter. Just when he thought he was finally going crazy, a wreck of a person emerged from the now damaged roof exhaust, arms failing as you looked like you were about to topple over the edge. Yikes, he thought, approaching you to assist, his concern outweighing any alarm.  
But as he was, you suddenly seemed to gain composure, taking in deep breaths, a clear look of panic in your eyes. For the first time he saw the black string tied around the roof exhaust, his eyes following it until they landed on a red and black polka dotted yo-yo. Your suit, which he had also just noticed, was similarly fashioned. 
His day becoming impossible more exciting, a smile overtook his face. Were you also like him? Just then, your eyes met, and you swiftly looked away, face scrunched in embarrassment as
you pretended to admire some nonexistent thing in the horizon. He almost started laughing, but didn't for your sake.
"Are you okay up there?" He yelled out, and you pretended to see him for the first time.
"I asked if you're okay up there, you seem a little...tied up."
"Are you making fun of me, cat boy?"
Cat boy?
"Look, I know this is a bit..." He struggled to find the right word.
"Weird? Strange? Scary? Disorientating?"
Percy nodded his head.
"All of the above. But I think it means something. Did you also talk to one of those, um, floaty magical thingies?
"You mean the kwamis." You deadpanned.
"Hm ?"
"They're called kwamis," you repeated, stepping closer towards him, having untangled your yo-yo, "not floaty magical thingies."
"Wow, you actually listened to that spiel?"
You raised an eyebrow in a faux unimpressed manner, though your face betrayed you,  showing amusement.
"You didn't? Well I don't know how I feel working with a person who barely knows the basics."
"The basics?"
"Why, the basics of being a Miraculous holder, of course." You flicked at his chest playfully, showing him a close-eyed smile, as though you were letting him in on a secret. And weren't you?
Just then, your earring beeped loudly, your hand lurching towards it, a look of horror overtaking your face.
"Gotta go!" You announced abruptly, throwing your yo-yo to the nearest building. It failed at latching onto anything, and Percy had to watch as you awkwardly tried to connect it a few more times. Once you did, you left him with a warm smile and a "Bye! See you next time cat boy!" before unceremoniously crashing into the next building, getting up, and running into the distance.
What a weirdo, Percy thought to himself as he detransformed, entering his building, thoughts consumed solely by you. And if he was going to do this Miraculous thing gig full time, he needed a better name than Cat Boy, seriously. And possibly a better partner.
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Gods, Percy hated starting new schools. The fact that it was the middle of the school year didn't help. He stood in the doorway, trying to find a seat in the overpopulated classroom. Everyone seemed to know everyone, and that did little to ease his nerves. He timidly chose a desk in the front row, which would probably do very little for his popularity, but what other option did he have? As he was sitting, anxiously waiting for the lesson to begin so he could go home sooner, he failed to notice the looming shadow over him. 
"I sit here."
"Huh?!" He quickly became aware of the towering, monsterish boy. What in the world were they feeding this kid at home? 
"I said that I'm sitting here."
"Oh." Percy had begun to realise how deadly quiet the class had become, everyone watching in either fear or interest, or a combination of both. His blood was rushing to his ears, and he felt a pit of nausea growing in his stomach. He might die from pure embarrassment before this kid would lay a hand on him at all. Until he heard a yell of "Lay off him, Reno." and caught sight of  a lethal glare, and the aforementioned boy was gone.
With your sudden appearance, the class  seemed to collectively let out an exhale, all of them returning to their previous conversations as though nothing had happened. Percy, however, was fully ensnared by you.
"Hey, um," he cleared his throat to get your attention, your intimidating glare lessening as you glanced at him. Gods, where you pretty, "thanks, for your, um, help back there." 
Why was he stuttering so much?
You observed him coolly.
"No problem. You're new, right?" 
It was not as much a question as it was a statement.
"Yeah." You nodded your head astutely, holding out your hand. His ring clad one met yours in a brief moment of eye contact. You had starry eyes. Like the ones in books.
 At the sound of the bell, you walked towards  a seat next to a red haired girl, black earring catching the sunlight.
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under-the-ladder · 2 years
TBSE 2023
Hey, so I wanted to gather all the possible inconsistencies and things that look sketchy about this year's TBSE. Mainly for my own future reference and if someone else finds this useful I'll be forever happy <;3 totally not because I'm sick to death of waiting for tvp to finally stop ignoring us & pretending everything is ok
It's not intended to be an unbiased compilation because as a human being I'm biased (IBDP TOK ✌️) and I do hold an opinion that something was inherently wrong with this show. Proceed at your own risk.
The voting system changed 4 days before the final. In the previous system televotes would be calculated proportionally, in the eventual system they were converted to usual ESC scores (12, 10, 8, etc.) and assigned according to ranking. That allowed Jann (who allegedly got 18k votes) to get 12 points and Blanka (who allegedly got 6k votes) to get 10 points. The ratio is obviously different in those cases.
80% of participants were previously somehow affiliated with tvp. Five of them performed at a tvp-organized New Year's Eve concert, another one won tvp-organized The Voice of Poland, the rest were performing in their other shows on various occasions. The only "outsiders" were Ahlena and Jann.
The juries are also affiliated with tvp. All of them work for/had contact with government media in some way or another. No independent experts. Also, Edyta Górniak (a jury member)'s son was waiting in the greenroom with Blanka. When asked, they claimed Blanka joined him because there was no more free space anywhere else. (Really, didn't they have proper seats for the participants...? 😑).
One of the juries, Agustin Egurrola was Blanka's choreographer and his dancers were performing with her.
Similar lack of transparency occurred with TBSE 2022, but the public's favorite won so there was no national-scale drama. However, a small group of journalists asked for the reveal of votes afterwards. Surprise surprise, no response from tvp.
The time that the article with the results was published was 15:33, while the show was starting at 17:30. Tvp claimed it was a draft. Ok, this is the most believable of their excuses so far, not that I like it.
The event's official statute was breached. The televote ranking was published a day too late, only after the pressure from the public.
Edyta Górniak's vague comments after the show - she was basically contradicting herself and the chronology of the show when talking about the voting procedures, at some point even suggesting she received the final points from the production via an earphone - a moment particularly vulnerable to manipulation.
"Irregular voting patterns" were detected in Polish jury voting already at ESC 2022 grand final. They were replaced with aggregated votes, of course tvp denied everything.
Tvp is generally known in Poland as a government-controlled hate-spitting propaganda machine. The station president has been nominated to the post by the governing party and uses the platform to shit on women, LGBT community and the EU.
And the cherry on top: the lack of response from the broadcaster after joint statements and an official letter from all major Polish Eurovision media.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk 🙃
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georgianadarcies · 5 months
can finally say… I don’t think that passenger seat has ever looked this good to me.
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apompkwrites · 4 months
the school-bound kingscholar || leona kingscholar
masterlist characters: Mwezi Miji Trio (OCs), Leona, Ruggie (platonic) genre: Angst contains: (Brief) Swearing, Possible OOC moments (depending on how you view Leona and Ruggie [mainly Leona]) summary: Following the admittance of Night Raven College's newest freshmen, both Kingscholars begin to come to terms with the newest changes in their lives. notes: I AM SO SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING AGAIN OTZ. Unfortunately, my lapses of writer's block and demotivation have only increased since I last posted. I'm trying to get back into the hang of posting things (as evident by my art account suddenly coming alive again). ALSO! As you can tell by the formatting, I'm actually writing with proper grammar on Tumblr now! Right now, I don't plan to go back to reformat the older chapters, but maybe once I find the drive to do it, I will! Thank you, everyone, for being so patient with me, I really appreciate it <3 parts: [og post] | [previous] | [next]
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Leona felt something knock the air out of his lungs. To Ruggie, who stood right beside him in a robe that was a few inches too long, it was hilarious. Seeing the very prince (well, second prince) of the Afterglow Savanna lose his composure was enough to make Ruggie let out a quiet "Shyeheehee" under his breath before he ultimately straightened his posture under Leona's pointed glare.
Nothing could have prepared Leona to see (Name) again. Honestly, he had long since come to terms with the fact that his little sibling was missing, lost to the Outlands and likely a rotting corpse in the middle of nowhere.
He's lying, he could never come to terms with that, no matter how much he deluded himself.
But they were here. They were here and they were walking closer and they looked exactly the same as he remembered them.
Well, obviously, not exactly. But they looked so familiar and yet so different at the same time. Leona didn't even notice the tip of his tail swishing behind him until he heard one of his dorm members complaining about a tickling sensation against his ankles. And that only caused Leona to grumble under his breath and snatch the base of his tail to stop it from moving.
By the Seven, had they changed. They seemed bolder and more confident compared to the last time he had seen them. The way their shoulders were no longer hunched forward and instead rolled back in a pride strut he wished he could attribute to someone who had come to accept their own status or the way their eyes seemed sharper rather than soft and wide with innocence. And their hands. By the gods, what happened to their hands...? No, they had changed severely, akin to the way Leona recalled seeing the royal guards before and after their training.
Something had happened, that much he could figure out. And as much as he wanted to advance the board, reach out, and capture them like a king in a game of chess, he couldn't. Not when they were surrounded by a queen and two rooks.
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"Ignore him," Nuru advised, although his words were more of a formality if anything. He knew how well you could handle yourself, but this was a unique situation.
"I know," you replied curtly, flipping your hood back on and sidling up to Nuru's right side. Jabori immediately flanked your other side in turn, followed by Jabali. It was a familiar formation, one that the four of you had cultivated for as long as you could remember.
"It doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would," you whisper. However, the sharp pain lingering in your chest said otherwise.
Student after student soon began trickling out of each coffin, repeating the painstaking process of standing in front of the mirror, listening to its spiel about their innermost workings, before joining whatever dorm they were assigned to. Until finally, finally--
"We're done with orientation and dorm assignments?" One of the hooded figures lamented, his hand perched prim and properly on his hip. If you didn't any better, you'd assume that he was royalty or nobility. But, judging from his scent alone, he wasn't.
"Well, that ceremony was as boring as ever," Leona yawned, covering his mouth with his sleeve as he turned on his heels, facing the mass of hooded figures now under his care. "I'm going back to the dorm. If you're in Savanaclaw House, follow me."
He went to take a step amidst the other chattering dorm leaders before the doors slammed open, the handles banging against the wall from the force at which it swung. Leona groaned in response, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Psst, Nuru," Jabali called from his spot beside Jabori, leaning forward to actually see him. "Are you sure this is the right place? We're actually supposed to find answers from..."
Jabali paused and motioned out towards the commotion now terrorizing the mirror chamber. The little gray cat scampered around the floor, setting fire to whatever he could in some strange show of physical prowess and magical ability. "...These people?!"
Nuru said nothing at first. From where you stood beside him, you could tell doubt was beginning to creep up behind him. Lucky for him, Jabori decided to take the lead.
"This is Night Raven College," he points out, pulling back the hood of his robe by a hair to peer over at his twin. "Pretty much everyone here, especially the dorm leaders, are adept at some kind of magic. I mean, look."
This time, Jabori pointed towards the commotion, his finger following the way that the redhead shot a spell in the cat's direction, materializing a red and black collar around its neck.
"It's the best shot we have," he concludes, nodding in support of Nuru. That single gesture instantly calmed Nuru down, his shoulders no longer hunched up and his wings relaxing behind him. You merely smiled and patted his forearm in response. Jabali, on the other hand, grumbled under his breath and crossed his arms in begrudging compliance.
"Fine. But I'm not gonna get along with 'em or nothin'," Jabali huffed, rolling his eyes. Jabori laughed lightly at his brother's annoyance while Nuru let out a single huff of air.
"I wasn't gonna ask you too, either," Nuru hummed, glancing at Jabali from his peripheral. "Same goes for both of you, (Name), Jabori."
"Copy that," you nodded, the quiet chuckle that seemed to bubble from your throat disappearing the second Leona turned to face you and the rest of the new Savanaclaw members.
"You heard the headmage. I'm headin' back," Leona grumbled and, without missing a beat, brushed past the crowd and headed towards the door. Another hooded figure, one who had been standing beside Leona the entire ceremony, let out an exasperated sigh before raising his hand.
"Savanaclaw! Follow me," he ordered, earning a few half-hearted "Yes, sir"s from the rest of the huddled crowd.
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You had to admit, it was pretty entertaining watching Jabali and Jabori marvel at the size of the campus halls. And Nuru too, if only he'd have more obvious reactions rather than just a single flick of a wing or a tilt of the head.
While the halls were nothing compared to the Kingscholar home, it was still pretty big. If you were any smaller than you were now, you'd probably react the same way.
"No way they need these doors to be this big," Jabali murmured, lightly elbowing your arm and pointing at one of the classroom doors. Your eyes followed his finger and a snicker managed to escape you. He wasn't wrong, those doors were freakishly huge, both in height and width.
Jabali went to comment on something else before he stopped, his eyes drifting over toward the new mirror chamber everyone had been led to. The doors were held open to accommodate the crowd, letting handfuls of students walk towards a mirror and get sucked into it, the glass rippling as if took wisps of bodies and left nothing in its wake.
"Savanaclaw House! This'll be your only way in and out of the dorm," the same hooded figure that led you all here called out. He had hopped up onto the lip of the mirror's decoration, using one of the rib-like sculptures as an armrest.
"Hurry up and get in! The faster you do, the faster you'll get to claim your rooms," he snickered before skipping ahead of the first dorm member and hopping into the mirror.
The prospect of first come first served seemed to spur on the first years, causing a near stampede of people trying to get into the mirror first. Nuru hooked an arm around your waist while Jabali did the same with Jabori, the two of them finding a single break in the crowd to get away, Nuru through flight, and Jabali through scaling one of the pillars by the wall.
Lucky for the four of you, the mirror seemed to accommodate more and more people as the crowd diminished. Perhaps through how many bodies reached a specific threshold, you thought. Regardless of the magical mechanics, it allowed Nuru and Jabali to let you and Jabori down after a few minutes.
"So many people," you grumbled under your breath, earning a quiet chuckle from Jabori. Nuru and Jabali nodded at your observation before the four of you hopped into the mirror yourselves.
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Immediately, the four of you felt the familiar searing heat of the sun beating down on your skin. It almost felt like home if not for the increased heat coming from the fire serving as lights just outside the dorm's entrance.
Jabali and Nuru were the first to shrug off their robes, the former because he finally had enough of the stuffy fabric, and the latter because the heat was already starting to congregate around his feathers. You and Jabori followed suit, although the two of you merely hiked up your sleeves and flipped down your hoods.
Nuru shook out his wings and let out a soft grunt, one of his feathers falling into the sand beneath your feet. Turning to look over his shoulder, he shot the three of you a soft, almost comforting smile.
"Off we go, then," he hums, waving for you all to follow. If it were anyone else, you three probably would've found offense to a command as expectant as that. But it wasn't just anyone else. It was Nuru, the Guardian, and your dear friend.
The inside of Savanclaw was nothing really to marvel at like the rest of the school's campus. It wasn't cramped, per se, but it was quite a bit more tight than to your liking. Luckily, the walkway opened up the building quite a bit with the roped bridges connecting each floor.
Nuru scanned the room for a moment before his eyes landed on a room on the top floor, tucked all the way in the furthest corner. You figured everyone else left it since it was so far and their mentalities were focusing on that first come first served promise your leader from before declared.
Nuru unfurled his wings and shot up past the bridges, making a beeline towards the unoccupied room. He didn't have to go that fast, of course, considering only a few students were lingering in the walkways who sure as hell weren't planning on making the long walk up there.
Jabali seemed to share their sentiment considering his frustrated "Damn it, Nuru" muttered under his breath. A long, drawn-out sigh escaped his lips before he trudged up along the nearest bridge, his hands shoved in his pockets and his robe slung haphazardly over his shoulder.
You and Jabori took a more relaxed walk up behind him, appreciating the familiar decorations that reminded you of your hometown. Of course, that appreciation turned into apprehension at the thought of Mwezi Miji now being unguarded by the main four.
What if something happened? What if they had sent word of an all-out war between themselves and the Dens and you hadn't heard of it since you all were knocked out in coffins? What if they were all already--
"On your right," Nuru called to you from the doorway, his hand shooting out to grab your shoulder. Ah, you had gotten distracted. Nuru shot you a concerned glance, his brows furrowed in the same way they always were when you got stuck in your head before he ushered you into the room.
Jabali and Jabori had already claimed their beds on the left side of the room, Jabali near the door and Jabori near the window. This left the entire right side open for you and Nuru.
The winged beastman glanced over at you, patiently waiting for your next move. You caught his glance and mustered up a small smile before heading towards the bed closest to the door. Nuru subtly lit up at your decision, a little skip in his step as he moved towards the window.
You managed to hold back a snort at his hidden excitement. He always loved the window spot. Maybe it reminded him of when he was small enough to fit through them back home.
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"So, what's up with you and that new first year, huh?" Ruggie huffed as he walked straight into Leona's room, leaning down to pick up a discarded shirt and dropping it in the laundry basket. "I've never seen you react that way other than with them."
"Watch your words, Ruggie," Leona growls from the bed, his head already buried in his pillow. His back was facing Ruggie who still stood in the doorway, but with the way his ears were perked up, it was fairly obvious that he wasn't even close to sleeping.
"My bad," Ruggie snicked in response, holding up his hands defensively. "But, seriously, who was that? Someone I need to watch the pockets of? I mean, who else would it be if not roy--"
"Out," Leona demanded, his hand latching onto his pillow and launching it backward at Ruggie, the soft fabric turning into dust and scattering across the floor as he muttered the incantation under his breath. Ruggie yelped and scampered out of the room, throwing the door closed behind him before he could see the pillow disintegrate into sand.
Leona took a single breath through his nose before slowly sitting up. He rubbed at his face before reaching over to the desk placed beside his bed, his fingers curling around the drawer's handle and pulling it open.
Underneath notebooks thrown carelessly inside lay a single photograph. It was small, yet free of any creases. He lifted the books off of it before slipping the photo out, nearly cradling it in his palm.
Back when he first found the photo tucked neatly in one of his notebooks, he grimaced. It was an annoying keepsake, one that only served to remind him of the bothersome family waiting for him back home. But now...
Now the sight of his little sibling smiling ever so brightly while his older brother screamed in the background about a bug in his hair brought the smallest twitch of a smile to his lips.
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taglist: @brokenncrown @help-meplz @destinationdesignation @rainys-personal-garden @kalims @sxftiebee @luxaryllis @auld-a @the-dumber-scaramouche @ayra2452008 @tinywho-man @spadecentral @justeclem44 @kenma-izhu @mulandi @sadimon @stormyovent0aster @sn00zl4x @f1fty-f1fty @bloomed-night-flower @madusas-girlfriend @b0nkers-papaya @arandomeroacher @randonamedcl @potabletable @meerpea @luvcalico @chlousp @prettyinblack231 @dindarasuum @elizaboba @ravenlking @reveristmain @lasignoramybeloved @poto-de-michi @sherryuki-callmeyuki @cadit-in-aestus-sidereum @valeriele3 @munchkinkazooie @venusdandy @Leviathansgamerbuddy @poorunfortunatesimp @yarnoverpullthru @potablee @sunnydaze4ever @anxious-chick @silvers-tongue @minteaspoon @kitty-chan33 @hornehlittleweeblet2 @letskeepitsimpleshallwe @atsuki-mitsuri @catgirlwannabe @miss-puregotti @havens-not-here @sacrificialwife1 @cherrykissesss890 @a-random-bored-person @shuriiiewrites @chaos-inperson @1midnightcoffee @mizucika @lunavixia @gasoline-eater @thesirenwashere @rainingdandelion @thomanok @BakabaneSimp @mariesakamari @steruberry @potatohuman04 @illnesscomm @blu3b3rri-p4yn3 @kahunap @turtleducker @BooPleg03 @twst-rui @rotting-nerium @devilfishcafe @marisely03 @angelthoughtz @valka-230 @kih-lux @honestlyyoungcandy
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luuknowsbetter · 3 months
Daylight. bucky barnes x reader
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Plot: You had a bad day, and you come home sad and Bucky comforts you.
trope: Bucky barnes x F!reader
warnings; mentions of panic/anxiety attacks, low self-esteem and very fluff,with a bit of angst
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I enter to the apartment, tired, sad and having a panic attack. Maybe this is not as i expected, no, today definitely did not go as planned. So i cross the door and Bucky appears from the kitchen,appearing with a smile when he hears that you are finally home, but it automatically fades when he sees you with a red face, a red nose and tears in your eyes. He quickly leaves everything on the kitchen counter to run up to me, and holds my face in his big hands while he looks at me worried, looking for any physical injury.
"What´s wrong doll..?"
he asks while he examines my face carefully, his icy blue eyes look at you with worry, one of his hands moves to the back of your neck and brings me closer to his chest, while his other hand is resting on my hip, making sure you are fine
"It happens that…I'm not enough anymore" I explain while crying trying to wipe away the tears with my hand
Bucky's grip around you becomes tighter at your words, he really can't believe that you are saying this
"What makes you say that sweetheart, you are more than enough. You are so..so so much more than enough, I don't want to hear you say that crap again, you are more than enough, you can do everything you put your mind to, doll, you ..are enough. And you deserve everything in the world"
"No, but…" I sob again, as i try to stop myself from crying "I'm not…good enough at what I loved to do before…I'm not pretty enough, nor smart enough, nor thin enough…"
He frowns at my words, grabbing my face firmly but being gentle at the same time, forcing me to look into his eyes
"Don't you dare say things like that. Don't say you're not good enough. You are good enough. You are a goddamn intelligent genius, you are so smart, you are the prettiest woman I have ever seen, and your body is...God..." He looks at my body from top to bottom, with a loving and somewhat lustful look, while he bites his lip and speaks again. "You have no idea what it makes me want to do with you everytime I see you, doll…"
I sigh, letting out a sob, while the tears continue to come out uncontrollably
"Why do I have the need to be perfect all the damn time? It's like… like there's a voice in my head that demands that I always be better now." I think I'm a mess and he keeps repeating my mistakes over and over again…" I let out a sob as my voice breaks, and Bucky strokes my back gently, trying to calm me down "And I can't even try to stop that voice and believe me I'd like to, believe me. But I can't…I feel…helpless"
Bucky just listens to you speak. Every word breaks his heart further. He can't understand why you believe those things. He holds you close to him again, one hand on the back of your head while the other strokes my back, his hand moving up and down, in a comforting, protective manner
"Darling..listen to me..you are not helpless, and you're not a mess, and you don't have to be perfect all the time. Don't listen to whatever that voice is telling you, darling, it´s not true, okay? you´re the most beautiful, talented, intelligent and capable woman I have ever met. and I love you, doll, I mean it. You are the best thing I have ever had, without you…without you I would not have been able to get up after everything that happened to me, you were with me and you helped me and supported me even in my worst moments, so, doll, I I'll help now…" Bucky says calmly, but you can tell he's serious, he gives your hand a light squeeze and smiles lovingly at you as he looks into your eyes.
"So darling, why don't we go take a relaxing bath while I prepare dinner and watch your favorite movies snuggled up on the couch?" He asks as he helps you up from the floor, and you walk towards the stairs to get to the bathroom. You smile at him, completely in love with him.
A couple of minutes later, you leave the bathroom, now calmer and wearing comfortable clothes, you head towards the living room silently, and there he is, juggling a couple of snacks, the TV control, tea and a couple of blankets to You, you realize how much trouble they took to arrange everything in the most beautiful way possible, the small table in front of the sofa has the pizza already cut in the middle, a couple of thin glasses with some wine already poured, and obviously, Alpine asleep on the couch. You smile and walk over to him to help him with the things.
"Hey" the soldier says with a small smile, once he sees you enter, you grab a couple of things and help him get everything perfect for movie night. And once everything is ready, he smiles at you again and leaves a small kiss on your temple, you both snuggle up on the couch and start eating and drinking while watching a Scary movie marathon.
An hour later, you had finished eating and were curled up on the couch with Alpine next to you. "How do you feel, doll?" your boyfriend asks softly, as he tilts his head a little to look at you and realize that you had fallen asleep in his arms, he smiles unconsciously like a teenager in love, and decides to take you to bed in his arms, after all, you were very tired after such a tiring day. Once in the room, Bucky changes his clothes and lies down behind you, snuggling up next to you again.
"Today was terrible, but you made this a beautiful moment, thank you for that my love, I love you" You murmur, still somewhat asleep. Bucky smiles and leaves a light kiss on your cheek, but not before whispering a small "You're the best, doll. I love you too" and with that, you both fall fast asleep.
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im bacckkkk. but no smut for today, today wass fluff 🤌🤌
i hope you guys liked itt and sorry if this was a bit different but I had something personal today, which made my mental health and self-esteem do this 📉📉 so i wrote this
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grapejuicestyless · 12 days
Moon Song
JJ Maybank x fem!reader
Summery: “The, “wanting-to-be-stepped-on” feeling. Wanting someone to treat you so badly, because at least they’ll treat you at all.”
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“You couldn’t have.”
She sobbed quietly, her hands holding nothing more than the threads of his shirt. In the end, it was all she had left. It was all she ever owned. Not his heart, or his peace of mind, but the shirts he ruined that she stayed up all night fixing. The stitching was brand new, it was all so well done. The work that only came from a woman who cared.
“You couldn’t have.”
She repeated, the thread tangling between her fingers. The moon casted over her features, her usually so soft, docile eyes shining with a different, dim despair that stunk of JJ’s name.
“Y/n.” He called out. She wasn’t moving, she was barely breathing right, and yet he was forced to sit and watch her go away through the glimpses of her bone crushing pain he had caused.
Because she couldn’t even look at him anymore. She didn’t see her sweet, attentive boyfriend she thought she had been adoring this whole time. No, she only saw the reflection of his best friend. The one person he swore on all of his stars that meant nothing to him.
And she had stupidly sat and listened to how he thought she was hot, another woman all while she laid in in his arms with a girlish glow, just happy to have been finally held by someone so closely.
“Does she love you?” Y/n asks stupidly, but she has every right to know. Because, unfortunately for the both of them, if she knew it was only a kiss, if it meant nothing, she wouldn’t be able to cut the tether that held them together. She would push down the sinking feeling until it crushed the earth beneath her and sucked it up and stayed because nobody had ever showed an interest in her the way JJ had.
Nobody had ever asked to walk her home because they wanted to see her for just a moment longer. Nobody had ever taken her to the secret hideouts on the island, and nobody had ever taught her how to kiss until JJ sat her down and showed her that it was possible. That it was real.
“I don’t know.” The answer hangs heavy.
Y/n takes a choked breath, her ears ringing.
“Do you love her?”
There’s a heavy silence, it doesn’t last long, but the fact that there had to even be a moment to consider something sends warning bells through her head.
“Shes my best friend.” JJ answers quickly, but it reveals everything.
“Oh god!”
She cries, and she physically crumples in her posture. Her feet scrape against the exposed roots in the dusty backyard that belongs to JJ’s best friend. Theres a grave carved into the trunk and for a moment, Y/n pictures her name stabbed beneath the others. Only, she’ll really be dead.
“But it’s different with you, baby! Believe me, I thought that I wanted her, but it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t like it is with you!”
He swore, he prayed to her like it was the truth, but he was a bad liar, a man who adored to be loved but could not give it.
“You’re sick!” Y/n screamed at him, backing away like he was some poisonous alien, and maybe he was.
He pleads, and he follows, and he’s on her heals because they both know if he stays close enough, she’ll stay within his reach. She would wait until he wanted her again, like a dog with a bird at his door.
“You are sick! And you’re in love with Kiara!” She screamed, unaware of how the people who had once called Y/n their own watched pitifully from the back windows. Of how Kiara sat with a pained expression on her face, because she had seen Y/n as her sister.
“Y/n stop!”
JJ grabbed at Y/n’s shoulders, shaking her until she cried, a loud sob ringing through the air, painfully scraping through her chest and up her throat.
“How could you?” She begged to know, her eyes shut, her salty tears staining her once happy cheeks. “How could you?”
“I love you.” JJ tried to convince her, but even he seemed to grow tired of his lies.
“If I could give you the moon, I would have given you the moon.” She cried, her lungs deflating around the empty crevice in her chest that once held her heart.
Y/n craved that wanting-to-be-stepped-on feeling. She didn’t mind how sometimes JJ’s boots hurt her chest because even though he treated her horribly, he was treating her at all. But now, she stood in front of him with cracked ribs and an aching feeling where her heart once was, unable to bring him any more birds, unable to wait by the empty water bowl any longer.
She was starving, and so, so thirsty, and still, she waited patiently for him. He was a monster in every right, keeping her chained to an old post in the yard and watching her walk in circles. But even worse, he didn’t seem to really care.
“I had a life before you. I had a future! I was going to be something great!” She stressed, “and now I have nothing because I didn’t second guess you when you told me you loved me.”
JJ’s hands slipped from her body, and only then did he seem to realize that maybe this time his simple acknowledgment of her wouldn’t be enough anymore. Only then did he realize how he had taken for granted what he had, what he lost.
When she walked away from him that night, it seemed that the moon shined a little less brightly. It seemed that even though it was deemed impossible, somehow Y/n had a hold on the moon, that truly, she would have given him anything because to her, he was everything.
Now, JJ was stuck with the rips and loose threads on his tank tops, and all the dead little birds left at his feet, and JJ would never have the moon.
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onismdaydream · 6 months
short drabble that has been rotting my brain for months...
tags: 18+/mdni. gender neutral reader. dildos. dirty talk. calling gojo a narcissist. not proofread.
: ̗̀— ➛
“wow,” satoru breathes out, a faint smirk appearing on his mouth as his long finger traces one of the veins. “this is pretty damn accurate."
it's blue. a beautiful and bright shade of cerulean that doesn't quite catch the light the same way his eyes do. you can see the sparkle in his gaze now, like a kid in a candy store, so excited and amazed.
"i should hope so, they claim to be the best." you find yourself echoing his excitement, a dull thrum rushing through your body. you had been waiting for this, waiting so patiently for it to arrive in the mail, and now it's finally here. it's within your grasp. biting your bottom lip to suppress your growing smile, you take the few remaining steps between you and satoru.
"satoruuu," you coo, rising to your tiptoes to whisper in his ear, placing your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself. you can feel the small shudder that runs through him. "do you wanna play with your new toy?"
"now?" he asks as if he doesn't believe you, doesn't believe that you'd let him use it. maybe it was just some cruel joke of yours, to place it directly in his hands but never give him the permission he so desperately needed from you. despite how stubborn and cocky he can be, satoru listens.
"mhm," a hand moves down to rest on his pec, feeling the firm muscle underneath the fabric of his shirt. "put on a good show for me, yeah?"
and he does.
god, he looks so beautiful and perfect like this. that pretty pink flush is painted across his cheeks and his eyes are droopy with pleasure, mouth slightly open as he moans. satoru, you think, was sculpted by aphrodite herself. there was no other explanation for how attractive he is. each curve and dip of his body is so alluring, the way his muscles ripple with each movement, even the sounds he makes leaves you hot and needy.
another cry from his lips and you can't stop yourself from touching. you were planning on watching, but with the sight in front of you? there was no way you could resist.
"feel good, baby?" and your palm is massaging his ass, pulling slightly to see him clench around it. satoru moans in response and pushes back into your hand, eyes glossy with tears of ecstasy.
"yeah? you like being fucked by your own dick?"
drool is starting to drip out of the corner of his mouth, soaking into the sheet beneath him. you don't think you've seen satoru lose himself that quickly in quite some time, his brain too foggy to do anything than move the dildo in and out, in and out.
"such a narcissist, 'toru." you tease, knowing exactly what it's like to be on the receiving end — to be dicked down so good until you can't form a word other than his name, repeating it like a prayer. "you gonna leave me for yourself?"
a pinch of his eyebrows tells you that he is still listening, still present enough to try to protest.
"so in love with your cock that you don't need me, is that right?" and there's a whimper, a tremble to his bottom lip, a plead that it isn't true. that he would never leave you, he loves you, adores you.
but it doesn't mean that he stops fucking himself.
no, it feels too good to stop. the replica of his own cock is bullying against his prostate and his actual cock is practically crying with precum, the constant stimulation pushing him closer and closer to the edge. all he needs is a little push to send him toppling.
your hand wraps around his own and you guide the toy to just the right spot.
"c'mon baby, wanna see you cum."
half a dozen more thrusts of his replica and that cord snaps inside him, his orgasm racking through his body and leaving a mess on the bedding. you manage to catch him before he can fall forward, gently rolling him to the side so he doesn't get covered in his own release. you've made that mistake before.
you carefully clean his body, wiping the lube and sweat and cum and leaving sweet kisses along his skin. satoru's breathing eventually evens out, his heart rate returning back to normal.
"you know i love you, right?" his voice cracks a bit, his throat and mouth dry from panting, but you don't comment on it.
"i know, baby." and your lips against his own is a sacred promise.
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annawritesblog · 10 months
When I first saw you (o.p.)
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Summary: Oscar falls for y/n instantly.
A/N: enjoyed writing this a lot. just some pure fluff for my Oscar girlies out there. also we need more Oscar imagines. please remember that english is not my first language, so excuse me if something's not correct. enjoy
Oscar knew. He knew the first time he saw her. The way her navy blue dress hugged her body, the way she laughed, the way her hair fall into her face. He just knew he had to get her.
He didn’t know who she was or why she was there then. He did know that he had been mesmerized by her beauty.
She just wanted to leave. She wasn’t a very sociable person. She had her close friend group whom with she very much liked spending time with. And although she did have her best friend by her, it was just awkward for her. She didn’t know anyone there, except Lily and her boyfriend. But the pair of them had disappeared minutes ago to have a chat with Alex’s boss. Time didn’t seem to pass and y/n grew anxious. She was standing all alone with a glass of champagne in her hand.
She didn’t know why she came. Maybe because her best friend had convinced her that it would be fun ‘hanging out’ with f1 drivers, at a formal dinner party. Tho she liked f1 and being in the same room as most drivers filled her with joy, the being alone thing didn’t. Neither did the fact that she felt like an outsider.
On the other end of the room, Oscar stood with a glass of champagne in his hand. He had spent the entire evening looking at the heaven brought angel. He wanted to go up to her several times, but never actually worked up the courage. So he just stayed with the staring. Which might have resulted in some confused looks. Mainly from his teammate. After a while, Lando decided that it was enough.
“Come on now Osc. Go up to her.” The Brit looked at the brunette standing next to him.
“And what do I do? Just stand next to her?” Oscar pointed out, although he knew his point didn’t make any sense. He didn’t make any sense.
“Oh, I don’t know let me think. Maybe talk to her?” Lando joked and Oscar just rolled his eyes. If it would be that easy, he wouldn’t think twice.
“I can’t. She would think I’m an idiot.” The young driver sighed and sipped his champagne.
“Go up to her and ask her if she’s enjoying the party.” Lando suggested, hoping that his friend would finally make the step. “Look, she’s alone. She’s been for a while. I’m sure she would even enjoy your company.” He laughed and Oscar wanted to disappear.
He was right tho. She was standing alone for some time. There’s nothing wrong in accompanying someone who’s standing all alone. And who knows, maybe Lando’s right. Maybe she would enjoy his company. More or less.
“Okay fine. I’ll go talk to her.” Oscar tightened his tie and inhaled nervously. He was going to finally do it.
“That’s the spirit.” The McLaren driver exclaimed. “Just keep it light, crack a few jokes. You have pretty funny ones.”
“Thanks.” Oscar said and left Lando on his own.
She wasn’t that far away actually. But the whole way there, he had ran things through his mind. Keep it light. The words from his teammate kept repeating in his head. It shouldn’t be that hard. Right?
She was ready to leave. Ready to go home and make a hot chocolate while listening to real music. Not this jazz that was making her head hurt. She would come up with some shitty excuse for Lily, something like a headache. She grabbed her clutch from the fancy table and started heading towards the exit. That was until she heard someone behind her.
“Did you drop this?” The brunette boy asked her. She looked confused, annoyed even. It was a penny in his hand. She did not drop that for sure.
He knew this excuse was terrible. It was everything but keeping it simple. And he felt like a fool. Did you drop this? Seriously? God he was so mad at himself.
Daniel joined Lando at the other end of the room. Lando had his eyes glued to the scene. He was cheering for Oscar when he had started going towards her. Then, not so much. He examined the actions of his teammate with wide eyes. What was he doing? He’s messing it up big time.
“What are we watching?” The Alphatauri driver asked.
“Oscar flirting.” Lando simply answered and tried to figure out his plan. Daniel shrugged his shoulder and decided to roll with it and catch up with the plot. He soon realized what was happening. And God, was he surprised.
Everybody knew Oscar as a professional and serious driver. Always had his eyes on the prize and nothing could get him out of his concentration. Although he was a rookie, he walked with confidence and broke down any wall that had blocked him in his career. But now, he looked like was completely changed: nervously scratching the back of his head as he was explaining something to the girl in front of him, probably mumbling and so on.
Near the exit, y/n stood with the racing driver. The Australian still waited for her answer although he knew she in fact didn’t drop it. She couldn’t have, because he was the one who took the penny out of his pocket and acted like someone dropped it. Just so he could have an excuse to talk to her. God, was he just an idiot.
“I didn’t, no.” Y/n said and smiled lightly. She found him attractive. Not like intimidating, more like he was comforting. He stood tall infront of her and she could smell his cologne. It was pleasant.
“Alright then, sorry.” Oscar looked at her and boy he was falling. Now having heard her voice, he was hooked. He never thought that love at first sight could happen to him, but here he was. Making a fool of himself.
“Maybe you should keep it. It gives you luck apparently.” She explained to the driver.
“Well I guess it already did. Otherwise I wouldn’t be talking to you.” He said without thinking. The girl blushed and smiled which made the butterflies in Oscar’s stomach erupt. Maybe he wasn’t that bad at flirting after all. “I’m Oscar.” He offered his hand.
“Y/n.” She shook his hand. Their hands fit perfectly. Perfect for them at least. The way her small hand stood in his big one. It was comfortable. And both of them could feel it. They eventually let go.
“That’s a very pretty name.” Oscar said and he was well aware of how blushed his cheeks were. So were hers. “So, are you enjoying the party?”
“I-it’s okay.” She chose her words carefully. She didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.
“Very convincing.” He laughed and y/n felt her knees go weaker at the sound of that. She wouldn’t mind hearing that more.
“I just don’t really know anyone here.” She confessed and felt a bit small. He must think she’s some kinda antisocial person. Which she was, to an extent.
“Well, now you know me.” The brunette smiled. “It’s not the best dinner party, but also not the worst. The music tho, horrible.”
“Right? It makes me want to sleep almost.” The two of them laughed and y/n felt comfortable for the first time that night.
The pair of them kept talking for a long time. In the mean time y/n had placed her clutch on the table, signaling that there’s no way she’s leaving. Although that was exactly her plan not that long ago. The talked about her studies, his career, where they both came from, and many many things. Before they knew it, people started leaving. Both of them acknowledged that the night had come to an end, though neither of them wanted to leave. But they had to.
“I had a really great time talking to you, y/n.” Oscar said as he escorted the girl out the place. He placed his hand on her lower back, not too low tho, no need to scare her away. Goosebumps ran through her whole body from the combination of his hand and the cold air. She didn’t want the night to end.
“I had too.” The girl answered and smiled up at the boy in front of her. As soon as they stepped out of the venue the cold hit them both. It was the middle of the night so it was no surprise.
Oscar still kept his hand on her back but the girl had turned to face him. They were close, not too close but close enough. “Can I see you again sometime?” He asked and felt his cheeks burning, luckily it was dark.
“I would love that.” Y/n smiled and felt like nothing would ever top this feeling. Oscar actually wanted to see her again. Like a date. They would meet again and talk just like they did before. Unbelievable yet true.
The wind was blowing, messing up the girl’s hair. It didn’t really bother her, she just wanted to freeze the moment. Stay like this forever, that’s what they both wanted to do.
A strand of hair had escaped her elegant bun and Oscar quickly noticed. He put the strand behind her ear and inhaled sharply. Both of their hearts were racing. He lightly caressed her cheeks lovingly and the girl felt the warmth of his fingertips on her face. It was truly magical, until.
Until someone shouted out y/n’s name. Both of them pulled away awkwardly and just stood there. Lily and Alex walked up to the girl, at first not noticing the McLaren driver.
“Oh thank God, you’re here.” Lily hugged y/n and she felt awkward as hell. “You didn’t answer your phone, I thought you left without us.”
“I was-“ she was cut off by Alex who was the first to notice that y/n was in fact not standing alone.
“Oscar?” The Williams driver furrowed his brows in confusion. Oscar just waved then shook his hand. It was all becoming too much. For y/n at least.
And then it hit Lily. The two were together. Of course they were. And they just disturbed them.
“Oh.” Lily looked at the two of them. “So we’re just gonna wait for you in the car. Whenever you’re ready.” She smiled and grabbed her boyfriend’s hand who was still very confused.
As soon as the pair left, y/n and Oscar bursted out laughing. What could have they done? The moment was gone anyway so why stress about it more?
“So listen.” Oscar started. “I would be really happy if you’d go on a date with me.” He came out with it clear and simple.
The girl nodded. “I would love to go on a date with you, Oscar.” God, his name sounded so good from her mouth. He wanted to hear that playing on loop in his head.
Y/n gave the tall boy her number and he promised to call very soon. Little did she know, he would text her that night telling her again how much fun he had. Both of them started heading against different cars, y/n having carpooled with Lily and Alex, while Oscar drove himself home.
“I promise we’ll finish what we started.”
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milaisreading · 1 year
Limited amount!!
🌱🩷: here is something for thr Crossdresser!Yn AU. I have been so depressed ever since I saw the leaks for the new JJK chapter... this is kind of helping me to get my mind off of it. Hope u like it🩷
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. In the story the boys will be using he/him when addressing Yn. Requests for this series are open.
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
"Are you...are you sure about this?" Anri asked the striker in front of her while Ego sat on his chair, eating his noodles.
"I think it's for the best, Teieri-san. To not waste money on manufacturing something that won't sell well." (Y/n) argued, confused as to why the older woman was so reluctant with agreeing. After all, the JFU would probably embrace the idea of saving money.
"Yeah, but... just 15? (Y/n), you know you do have fans-"
"I think that's for the best. I definitely don't have Isagi or Rin's popularity,  so I don't think my figurine will sell well. Please spare me this humiliation, Teieri-san, Ego-san. " (Y/n) explained as she held the prototype of her figurine that Anri gave her. It was nothing special, just a smaller version of her smiling in the Blue Lock uniform. There was a short silence as the striker looked at the two for a moment, hoping they will do her this one favor.
"I can't just-"
"Fine." Ego interrupted Anri, both now looking at the man.
"You did prove to be a great player and so far hid your identity very well. So we will grant you this one wish." Ego said as he finished his food. (Y/n) looked at him in shock for a moment, but then smiled and bowed.
"Thank you. Thank you, Ego-san." She kept repeating to the man, who just nodded his head. Anri looked nervously between the duo, wondering how all of this will end up.
"It's so weird seeing merch of myself." (Y/n) mumbled to herself as she walked to the bedroom she shared with Isagi, Rin, and Bachira. She chuckled a little, already knowing she will be greeted by Rin doing his usual yoga, and Isagi and Bachira messing around. And sure enough, when she opened the door she saw just that. Bachira and Isagi were telling jokes while Rin tried to hide his irritation while doing his normal yoga routine.
"(Y/n)! Where were you?! I need my hug buddy!" Bachira exclaimed as he saw the girl enter their room and lunged at her.
"Bachira, wait!" She shrieked as the boy ran to and engulfed her into a hug, nearly causing the girl to fall down. The girl stumbled back, but thankfully grabbed onto a wall to not injure himself or something.
'Bachira might not look like much, but God is he strong.'
"Hey, Bachira, could you maybe let go of me?" (Y/n) asked nervously.
"Nope~" The bicolored boy sang out, causing her the sigh and pat him on his back a few times. Meanwhile, Rin and Isagi were sending death glares at Bachira's back. Both were mad that he was the one to hug (Y/n) first, but also for causing her to nearly fall down.
"Bachira, let go of him." Isagi spoke up finally and went to grab Bachira's shirt, pulling the boy away from (Y/n).
"Hey!" The boy protested.
(Y/n) internally thanked Isagi for giving her the free space back.
"I will hug you later, Bachira. I am just really tired right now." She spoke up, trying to stop their argument, but neither was listening.
Rin, on the other hand, was staring at the trio in anger. Not only were they causing him a ruckus, but (Y/n) also said she will hug Bachira later.
'That mediocre player really doesn't deserve it.' He rolled his eyes, but then they landed on a small item on the floor. One he never saw before in his life.
Rin walked over and picked it up, only to discover that it was a small figurine of (Y/n).
When Bachira hugged her, she ended up losing her grip on the item, and neither her or the other two noticed it.
'What is this? And why does it look like (Y/n)?' Rin wondered, tapping the smiling figurines cheek.
'I basically touched his face now.' Rin thought with a blush, then looked over at the trio.
"Lukewarm, (Y/n)." He cleared his throat as the trio looked at him.
"Yes?" She asked as the other two sent Rin a glare for calling her a lukewarm.
"What is this?" He asked while showing them the figurine. Isagi and Bachira's eyes widened when they saw the item.
'A mini (Y/n)!' Bachira thought with stars in his eyes.
'So adorable!' Isagi's face turned redder.
"Oh... the JFU wants to test a first merch launch, and they picked me for it. It's just a prototype of what it will look like." (Y/n) explained, walking over to Rin and taking it our of his hand.
"Merch?! Of you?!" Bachira asked in excitement.
"Yeah... it's launching in two weeks." (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders, walking over to her shelf to put the item on it.
"So we- I mean, your fans will have the chance to own a mini you?!" Isagi asked with a huge smile and blush as (Y/n) turned to look at him.
Rin kept quiet as he stared at the figurine with wide eyes, also excited over these news.
'I will definitely buy one.' The three thought in determination.
"Tho, I was honored to be the first one, it would have been better if they picked a more popular player. I don't think mine will sell well, so I asked them to make only 15 of these." (Y/n) finished explaining, and the last part definitely left them deflated. 'ONLY 15?! How can I get one even?!' Bachira thought, already panicking that be won't be able to get his hands on one of the figurines.
'(Y/n), why would you do that?! How will I get my hands on one, when I have to fight against both your fangirls and the other players?!' Isagi gulped as anxiety took over his body.
'This lukewarm needs to work on his confidence, now I will have to start a blood bath.' Rin groaned.
"A-are you 3 alright?" (Y/n)'s worried voice interrupted their thoughts, and all 3 quickly nodded their heads.
"Of course we are!"
"Only 15?!" Reo and Barou exclaimed in disbelief as the trio explained the whole story from last night.
"What sort of confidence does he even have? Nagi, Reo, this is your fault." Otoya grumbled, earning side-glares from the two.
"How is this our fault? We didn't do anything." Nagi protested.
"Exactly that!" Yukimiya said, fixing his glasses.
"If you were good friends to (Y/n), you would have noticed he was in distress with his self-worth. Now, with me he would have not had these issues. I would have told (Y/n) everyday how wonderful and talented he is." The model said proudly, earning a scowl from Reo.
"Please shut up, show off. You are just mad (Y/n) doesn't like you."
"But Yukimiya does have a point." Karasu chimed in, glaring at Reo.
"Didn't you two basically abandon him during the 1st selection? Even during the 2nd one, Nagi, you basically acted like he didn't exist."
Barou pointed it out, which irritated the duo.
"You know nothing." Nagi said, glaring at the red-eyed boy.
"This is not the point now." Aryu clapped his hands, causing the rest to look at him.
"Aryu is right, we should focus on what's important." Kunigami added in.
"And that is, how do we get one of those figurines when there is only 15?"
The room fell silent as neither really knew how to answer that.
"Maybe we could try convincing (Y/n) that he should go for more figurines? Isagi, Barou, you two are the closest to him. Maybe you should try it." Kurona suggested as everyone looked at the duo. Both of them looked at each other, and then shook their heads.
"I don't think we should do that. It's his decision and I don't want him to feel bad about it." Isagi answered, Barou for the first time agreeing with something.
"Yeah... forcing him or convincing him will do us all more harm than good." Hiori added in.
"Well then, it's every man for himself. I will get my hand on one of those figurines." Karasu declared with a smirk.
"Not if I do first!" Bachira challenged back.
"Logically thinking, it's more likely that only one of us gets one... (Y/n) has many fans, so we are not competing just among each other anymore." Niko reminded them.
"Well, then I will be the one to get it." Rin said after a short pause, causing the rest to look at him weirdly.
"Now, why would you be the to get it?!" Otoya questioned.
"Because, I am the best one in this facility, therefore I deserve it more."
"Just because you are the best one, doesn't mean you deserve a figurine, Rin-chan~" Bachira said cheerfully.
"What?" Rin asked, irritated by the boy's remark.
"Bachira is right, if anything, someone who is close to (Y/n) should get the figurine. And that someone is me!" Chigiri finally spoke up, shocking everyone.
"What?! How are you the closest one with him?" Yukimiya remarked.
"We both braid each other's hair and talk for hours about the most random things-"
"So do I with (Y/n)." Aryu chimed in, which caused Chigiri to glare at him instead.
"Shut it. (Y/n) and I have spent so many hours training, we are the closest." Otoya added in, which drew Tokimitsu and Kunigami's attention.
"H-He does the same thing with me! Wh-which means I am pretty close with him, too!" Tokimitsu exclaimed.
"He is always there to help me with his skills, and even trains with me in the gym." Kunigami chimed in, causing a whole separate argument between them.
"This is ridiculous!" Reo sighed loudly, then pointed at himself and Nagi.
"Nagi and u have known (Y/n) for way longer than any of you have. We know everything there is to know about him."
This caused Barou and Isagi to roll their eyes.
"Yeah, and he trust us the most. He would be probably more happy for us to have a figurine than you guys-"
"Nagi, you and Reo literally turned your backs on him back in the beginning of this project. You have no leg to stand on." Isagi interrupted the albino, which made the duo tense up a little.
"And we apologized! He would vouch for us now!" Reo added in.
"None of you really deserve the figurine." Barou finally spoke up.
"(Y/n) and I have been partners since the beginning, we are the closest here. Especially after all the late night trainings." The king explained.
"But, you forget that (Y/n) has been chasing after me the whole time. Even during the 3rd selection, he always asked to train with me." Isagi added in proudly, drawing Rin's attention on him.
"Oh please. (Y/n) is probably too nice to tell you that you got boring. Why would the literal #2 of this facility go and seek out your assistance. I am the perfect choice. We especially got close during the 2nd selection when we would have dinner together after practice." The younger Itoshi explained, obviously mad that Isagi reminded him that (Y/n) always chased after him, never after Rin. The #1 player in Blue Lock.
"This is stupid. (Y/n) and I are obviously closer, our humor and passion to become better obviously bonds us the best." Karasu snorted.
"Karasu, no offense, but it's obvious that (Y/n) and I are closer. After all, he would come to talk to me about fashion choices."
As they argued, Hiori, who was standing next to Niko, spoke up as well.
"Now, I would be worthy of the doll too. After all, (Y/n) and I share similar homes, and we talk for hours about different video games."
"(Y/n) likes talking to me a out different sea animals. Even helps me with my braid sometimes. It's very nice of him." Kurona added in with a slight blush.
"Well, (Y/n) and I share a love for anime and manga. We would sometimes go to the monitor room and watch different animes on our phones. We even fell asleep there a few times." Niko admitted.
"So you are the reason he sometimes isn't in bed?!" Bachira yelled with a menacing smile.
"Niko, do you know how many nights I couldn't cuddle up to him while he slept?!"
"Bachira, that's weird!"
"What even-"
Hiori and Kurona said, staring at the bicolored boy. While everyone wad busy arguing, Gagamaru blinked at them a few times before walking out of the dining hall, an idea already brewing in his brain.
2 weeks had passed, and the day of the merch launch finally happened. All the boys were anxiously waiting on their phones for the orders to start. They were all determined to get one of the figurines. They were so adorable, and captured the beauty of the striker perfectly. And finally, when the minute of the launch arrived, they quickly went to click on the 'order' option, only for them to be met with the most soul crushing sign.
'Sold out!' Read in big, red letters as if to mock the boys about their fail.
They expected something like this to happen, but it hurt the same.
Right now, they were all in the dining hall again, all depressed over losing the opportunity to get the (Y/n) figurine.
"I hate today." Reo said, resting his head on the table.
"I agree." Karasu and a few others nodded their heads as the door opened.
"Huh? Are you guys alright?" (Y/n)'s voice caused them to jump up and look at her.
"F-fine!" Isagi spoke up.
"We are great, just tired. And you? You seem pretty happy?" Karasu spoke up, noticing how less tense she was now.
"Oh? Ego-san just told me that the figurines of me sold out today, and they will do a relaunch in a month."
"Relaunch?! How many will it be this time?" Bachira asked as all eyes were on her.
"I don't know... maybe like 300 to 500, based on what Ego-san said." (Y/n)'s explanation caused them to sigh in relief a little. Finally they will have the chance to own one of those figurines.
"By the way, here, Gagamaru. As promised!" (Y/n) said, walking over to the goalkeeper, putting the prototype of her figurine on the table. The boy nodded quickly and slid his dinner to her as she sat across from him.
"Uhm... why are you giving Gagamaru that figurine?" Chigiri wondered.
"Oh? He promised to give me his dinner for a month in exchange for the figurine. His dinner happens to be my favorite dish!" (Y/n) explained cheerfully and went back to eating. She didn't register to cold looks and deathly glares Gagamaru was getting, but the boy didn't care. He just sat on his chair, smiling fondly at the figurine.
'That should have been me!!'
The group thought over and over, now hoping that the relaunch will happen as soon as possible.
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mintkookiess · 1 year
If Only.
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Worst mistake to write angst while listening to a sad playlist oh my god I kid you not, I started ugly sobbing during the climax that I needed a quick break before continuing. Don't mind me, just gonna sulk in a corner for a while.
Summary: Hanahaki disease. That’s all I’m placing here.
Tags: Miles Morales x reader, Hanahaki disease, angst (no happy ending again), death, don't forget your tissues, not proofread, maybe I'll do it later
Warnings: Major character death, mentions of blood
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Your eyes pried open on another normal, already dragging, Tuesday morning. The alarm clock on your bedside table wasn’t even loud enough to wake you, seeing as how you slept through it. You carefully laid to your side, as the all-too-familiar cough climbed up your throat. This went on for a minute until you see a small pile of petals on the floor. 
“Shit…” You muttered to yourself, groggily grabbing the glass of water that you’d already prepared the previous night like always. This was the normal morning routine for you.
Wake up. Cough those stupidly red petals. Get through the day. Cough even more petals. Go home. Sleep. Repeat.
On this particular morning, however, it was quite different because you could hear the voice of your best friend outside your dorm.
“Hey, you awake yet?” Miles asked, knocking softly to make sure he doesn’t wake you if you were still asleep. You always thought that was kind of him. 
You forced yourself up and out of your bed, shoving back the blankets then dragged your feet to open the door. 
“I’m awake. Why are you here? Thought you’d be waiting at the school entrance like usual.” You said huskily, still with that morning voice. Your best friend shook his head, “I kinda woke up a little early today so I thought I’d come to pick you up from your place instead.” 
You couldn’t help but smile. 
He was just too good for you.
“Fine. Let me get changed at least.” You chuckled, before closing the door in his face. You laid your back against it, sliding down to the floor as you felt that familiar ache in your chest.
In just a few seconds, you started hacking once more right then and there.  
Ah, was it because I wasn’t expecting him here this morning?
“H-Hey, you good?” You hear Miles ask from the other side, making you scramble up. “I’m fine Miles just um… choked on my saliva.” You lied. Your hands quickly grab the tiny broom and pan you kept and started sweeping up all the red petals that decorated your floor. 
You then threw every single last one in your already overflowing bin. I’d have to clear that out before he sees it.
You quickly changed into some more decent clothes before grabbing your bag and heading out to see Miles laying against the opposite wall of the door, he gave you a small smile and stood up. “Ready?” 
You nodded in response, making sure to lock your door before you both head down. 
“Oh right, Gwen is actually coming with us to class today if that’s okay,” Miles said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his hair. 
You made it like your life’s mission to ignore Gwen at all costs. It was entirely selfish, but it wasn’t like it really did you any favors with your… disease. Miles had confronted you about this a couple of times, but you just came up with lie after lie. You didn’t want to, because you can’t exactly tell him the true reason. 
Of course, your best friend knew you were lying, but he just didn’t want to pry because it might make you uncomfortable. And you were thankful for that. Until now. 
“I know I know I just… It was a last-minute thing.” Miles said, trying to reason with you, “It’ll be just this once I swear. I know you’re not exactly a fan of her but, can’t you still try? I mean maybe if you got to know her better—“
“Fine.” You sighed, finally agreeing. 
Doctor Sanchez’s words suddenly echoed in your head like a siren that was loudly warning you. 
“Stop feeding yourself even more hurt. Ignore, lie, and do anything you can to stop. It’ll slow it down, but not much.”
Oh, how you knew. This was practically engraved into your mind, heart, body, and soul. You said this to yourself so many times like an oath. Avoid the hurt. 
But you can’t keep being a bad friend to Miles any more than you already have. 
The both of you continued to walk to the lobby of your school in complete silence. Miles could only bite his lip in nervousness, though he just wanted to ask why you happened to dislike Gwen so much, he just didn’t want to make you mad. His grip on his backpack’s straps only tightens at the thought. 
What is really going on with you? He thought to himself. 
Your eyes stared straight forward as you both reached your destination. It wasn’t long until it spotted the familiar blonde girl from a distance.
Gwen gave a light wave to the two of you as she walked toward where you both were standing. 
“Hey Gwen, what’s up?” Miles greeted, his face lighting up in an instant like some Christmas tree in New York. 
You forced yourself to look away but still got a glimpse of it. 
Why did I agree to this?
Your chest tightened, and you instinctively covered your mouth with a hand. No please, not here. Not right now.
“Um hey…” Gwen cautiously greeted you. She tried to give you a friendly smile to which you only nodded.
Miles could already sense the growing tension and suddenly clapped his hands together. “So, physics class? We gotta bounce or we’d all be marked late.” 
“Yeah, we should go.” You mumbled, walking past them while still covering your mouth as if it would stop the cough that was threatening to let out. 
Gwen and Miles looked at each other worriedly but silently followed behind you. 
You could hear them talk in hushed voices behind you, but your entire focus was on trying to not cough in the school hallways. 
The Hanahaki disease isn’t exactly a secret. Everyone knows what it is. And you’d rather burn in hell than have people find out. Especially him and her.
Your other hand clutched your chest as you tried to walk faster because you wanted to keep a safe distance between you and the other two as much as possible before you practically start vomiting those red petals on the school floors. 
“Is… she okay?” Gwen whispered to Miles with clear concern. She knew you didn’t exactly like her, she wasn’t an idiot. Gwen believes that it’s because she suddenly entered your two-man friend group without warning when in reality, it was so much more than that. 
“Sorry about her…” Miles sighed, his head hung low and a frown decorated his lips. You were his absolute best friend, and to see you being like this with Gwen makes him ache. If only, he could know what was wrong, but he also wanted to respect your space. It has him torn between two cautious choices that could end up in the worst way possible. He just didn’t know how deep the consequences would be. 
Other than the different morning you had, it was just like any other day. You were able to stop yourself from coughing for the most part, but if you couldn’t take it you’d excuse yourself to the bathroom, letting out a few petals in the toilet and flushing them away. 
During lunchtime, it was usually just you and Miles at the cafeteria, but Gwen decided to tag along once again. So you had the utmost pleasure to see the two joke about and discuss things that you never understood because you weren’t a Spider person like them.
You watched as Miles laughed and smiled at everything she said, and all you could do was mindlessly stab your food in hopes of drowning out and forgetting what you're currently witnessing. However, you immediately started coughing. Your hands instantly flew to your mouth to keep the petals in your mouth. 
You gave Miles a panicked look before running out the cafeteria and into the bathroom, immediately vomiting all the petals that had accumulated inside your mouth, and for the rest of lunch, you were stuck there, filling up the toilet with the petals that were such an eye sore to you as hot tears flowed down from your eyes.
Miles had tried to bring it up during the succeeding classes, only for you to turn him down every single time. He finally gave up, but was still worried because he sensed something different about you today. 
Your doctor did prescribe you some suppressants for the disease, but you refused it time and time again. Taking those suppressants would make you slowly lose grip on your feelings for Miles. 
As much as it hurt you, you didn’t want that. 
To hell with those fucking petals, who cares if it’s taking your life little by little every day?  Your love for him was too great, too good of a feeling. It was worth it. 
It’ll be worth it. 
When you asked your doctor how much more time you have left, they didn’t give a direct answer but you knew. You already knew that it wasn’t long. Few months give or take. Maybe even shorter than that.
Once classes were done, you gave Miles your usual goodbye hug before heading out of campus to the hospital for your daily check-up for the Hanahaki disease. 
Your doctor did the usual tests, examining a petal of yours, conducting blood tests, scans, etc. 
After an hour, she called you back into her office for the results. You were halfway into taking your seat as she already shoots the question that you’d been dreading to be asked. 
“Have you been taking your suppressants?” 
In truth, you didn’t tell her that the pills were just laying on the floor somewhere in your dorm. You weren’t going to be lectured by your doctor. 
“Yes.” You lied, eyes looking everywhere in her office but her. Your eyes focused on this particular vase, where a single flower laid there. It was the same shade of red as yours, making you chuckle.
Before your doctor could start telling you about how important commitment was to the treatment, you start wheezing. 
But this time, it felt different. 
Your lungs felt like they ran out of air, your throat was like it had been clogged and you couldn’t breathe. Your eyes widened as you took sharp inhales, but for some reason, you couldn’t exhale at all. You fell off your chair and into the floor, gripping your throat, nails digging to scratch your skin from the excruciating pain. 
Doctor Sanchez was quick to get down to you, rubbing your back as her face filled with worry. “It’s at its final stage, you have to tell him—“
“No!” You yelled, surprised that you were even able to utter a single word. Shortly after that however, you were back to heaving. Your hand was now in a fist, punching your chest in an attempt to get out whatever it was that was in your lungs. 
Your mind started to fog up, and your vision was slowly going black until you saw it. 
The fully formed flowers on the ground. 
There were no petals, this time they were fully bloomed roses. 
They were so pretty that it was almost laughable. Something beautiful was stemming from your despair and suffering. At least there was one thing good happening from your godforsaken disease. 
Miles, on the other hand, barged into your dorm to bring the textbooks he borrowed from you, or at least that’s what his excuse was gonna be to you. It was your number one rule that he shouldn’t just come into your room when you were gone, but he could sense something off with you today. Much more than usual. And he was determined to find out.
He had an extra key for emergencies, so he entered without any problems. He took in your room, setting down the textbooks on your desk as he took a seat by the edge of your bed. 
She’s not here. He thought to himself, sighing. 
As his brown eyes roamed the different bits and bobs around your dorm, he suddenly spotted something behind your desk. Miles squinted his eyes, wondering what it was. “Is that… a petal?” He wondered out loud. He crept up to it, crawling under your desk to grab the petal. “What the…” His fingers examined it carefully until he spotted something from the corner of his eye. There were more. 
A lot more.
His eyes slowly widened at the bin of red petals. It was so full that the petals had dissipated around it on the floor. Miles’ eyebrows scrunched up together, wondering where all these could be from until… it dawned on him. 
“Hanahaki? But… but how I…” He stuttered. He pulled the bin towards him with shaking hands, inspecting the petals that had a rich shade of red. Almost similar to that of his Spiderman suit. 
She… She had this all along and hid it from me I…
He spots another item, it was a pill bottle. Except its contents were scattered, and the bottle itself was cracked as if it was thrown against the wall and fell behind your desk. 
Miles picked it up, dreading to see what it was. He slowly turned it around to see the words “Hanahaki suppressants - Y/n L/n 30 pills 150 mg” written in big bold letters that stared back at him.
He drops it out of shock, chest heaving and breaths coming in quickly. 
He was confused, so confused about everything. Why would you hide such a thing from him…? 
Doctor Sanchez called for emergency assistance, she grabbed the intercom in a panic. “Code blue! I repeat code blue! Medical assistance to room 1304 now! Code blue!” 
In a matter of seconds, doctors and nurses have already carried your body to a hospital bed, as roses continuously shook out of your mouth.
Your entire body was flaring up and all you could do was scratch your neck so hard that it almost draws blood. Your nose and ears have started to bleed out, and it was as if your skull was being cut open and stabbed repeatedly.
You couldn’t even form words as the nurses continued to push you into room 1304 for emergency treatment. The people at the hospital looked over in pity and nervousness as they watched the girl with the Hanahaki disease being pushed across the hallway as roses start to flood after her bed like a trail. 
Even if it felt like the pain was eating your entire body alive, all you could think of was him. 
Please, I need to see him. Even for just one more second, please.
But Miles doesn’t even know anything about this, and it just increases your already large amount of regret. 
I should’ve told him. Even though I know he doesn’t like me back, I should’ve told him. 
He’s my best friend. And I can't even say goodbye.
But maybe this was for the best. I wouldn't want him to see me in such a pathetic state.
Miles was quick to suit up, flinging himself out of your window in a matter of miliseconds. He didn’t know where to find you, and all he could do was rack his brain on the places that you could be in. As he continuously swung around the city, tears formed in his eyes behind his mask.
He was angry. So angry at himself for not noticing. Furious at the fact that he already knew something has been off with you for the past months, but he didn’t try hard enough to know what it was. He was mad because he just let you suffer alone. 
Some friend I am. He thought on repeat. 
He tried to use his senses to see if he could pinpoint your location, running and swinging between endless crowds and roads, because something felt terribly wrong. 
Miles didn’t know what exactly it was, but he knew. 
He had to hurry.
“Time of death… 5:47 pm.” Your doctor read from the monitor in a monotone voice. She wrote down the information with trembling hands. Her eyes crept up to see you on the hospital bed, frozen and still.
The static sound of the heart monitor was so deafening and seemed louder than it normally was. There was a heavy silence in the hospital’s emergency area as everyone present stood still. 
Another poor youthful soul had been taken by such a cruel disease.
Suddenly, the door banged open, and there stood Miles who was breathing heavily as he tried to catch his breath. 
His brown eyes spotted you and it was as if time had stopped running, as if the world around him disappeared just like that. 
Miles slowly took in the sight before him, your doctor who stood by the edge of your bed with a deep frown, you who was laying still, eyes closed. He also tried to process the flowers that filled up the entire floor of the room. These were roses, but he knew their petals. 
“I believe you are him?” Doctor Sanchez asked with a poor attempt at a professional tone. Miles’ mouth was still agape in shock, his mind refusing to process what he was seeing as he slowly looked at her. “Wh-What?” The doctor sighed, hugging her clipboard to her chest. “You’re her unrequited love, yes? You’re Miles Morales?”
The poor boy couldn’t muster a single word right now, so all he could do was slightly nod at her. “Time of death was 5:47, the cause is… Hanahaki.” She reported with an aching heart as she sees Miles’ expression. 
“I… I never knew until I saw the…” Miles couldn’t even bring himself to say it, that maybe if he didn’t then all of this wouldn’t be true. He took slow steps towards you, each one being heavier than the last as if they weighed a thousand pounds.
It felt as if his heart stopped beating, and his body no longer functioned as he stared down at you. His quivering fingers tried to grab your hand, only to find that it was cold… Too cold…
Right at that second, tears had already started to stream down his cheeks silently. Miles bit his lip hard as he started to harden his grip on your hand. He placed it between both his hands and he rubbed violently.
Maybe if he did so, he’d be able to bring back some warmth into your body. Maybe he’d feel that familiar tingling sensation that he always felt when both your hands would touch. He was silently praying that it was a prank, that he’d feel your fingers wrap around his, and that you’d tell him you were fine. 
But it never came. 
Your chest wasn’t rising up and down, there seemed to be no more color in your face, no more life. Your lips have turned a faint blue as dried blood surrounded your nose and ears. 
He refused to think of what this meant. He wasn’t going to believe it. He… He just can’t. 
“But I… I love her too.” Miles hiccuped between tears. He felt his legs give out, making him fall to his knees but the flowers had cushioned him from hitting the floor. Even in this state, you manage to keep him from feeling pain.
Doctor Sanchez’s breath hitched in her throat and she couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. “She thought you liked someone else. She didn’t want you to worry so she hid it I… I’ve tried to tell her that she should confess, to tell you how she felt but she… she was dead set on thinking that… she was never enough for you.” After one last breath, she walked towards the door. “I’ll… give you some privacy.”
Once the door closed behind him, Miles weakly stood up and that’s when it started. He let out the most painful cry so loud that everyone outside the room could hear. 
His hands gripped his hair, pulling at it vigorously as he continued to bawl his heart out in agony. 
The truth was, he loves you more than anyone in this entire world. He loves you with every fucking fiber of his being, with every cell in his body. All of it was yours, every heartbeat of his was dedicated to you. You were a major part of why he wanted to keep being Spiderman, so he could protect you. 
So he could shield you away from any harm or danger. 
And yet, he still couldn’t save you. 
He started to feel suffocated as he punched the floor with his fists, almost cracking it in the process. 
He was so goddamn furious at himself. 
He felt like the biggest fucking coward in the entire universe. 
If only, if only he had mustered even the slightest of courage to tell you of how he felt, then this wouldn't have happened. You'd still be alive. 
Miles was now wailing in anger and pain that he couldn’t even begin to describe. 
The realization has finally started to kick in. 
He had lost you. 
You suffered alone because you thought your love for him was unrequited and would never have been returned. 
You didn’t believe in the possibility. But oh how wrong you were.
You didn't see the passion, love, and admiration in his eyes whenever he looked at you. You failed to notice the little things he did for you, like remembering your favorite things, or bringing you to your favorite places.
How he would pluck flowers from the school garden and gave it to you, or maybe even the times where he'd let you copy his answers on a test.
You just thought he was such a good friend.
If only… If only the both of you have tried a bit harder. Maybe then, it didn’t have to end this way.
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More of my Miles content here babes!
(if yall wanna be on my taglist feel free to let me know!)
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
Idk if you’re requests are still open, but if they are I’d love an professor!Fem reader X Eddie. Maybe she’s his college professor in her late 20s/early 30s and he has a crush on her. I was listening to the song Let me love you down by Ready for the world and maybe something inspired by that, where he’s trying to prove that he can make her feel good and do what guys her age can do. I feel like all fics with age gaps are always Eddie being older and not the other way around!
warnings: smut (semi-public, rough, drunken sex lol), age gap (reader is older, doesn't say how much, and eddie is 20), hair pulling, spanking, degradation (but like, friendly playful degradation), alcohol consumption, reader is iconic ngl and eddie is a total beast in the best way
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He was down so bad. Embarrassingly bad. Like, Hot for Teacher on repeat, imagining you every night, can’t focus in class, dreams of pencil skirts and button downs bad.
Seriously, Eddie was already struggling enough to keep his grades up; how a super-super senior ever got into college was beyond him, but it’s not like this was the finest establishment of higher education or anything… but you, you were the finest thing he’d ever seen.
Those tight skirts, the heels, the reading glasses, the slight sternness to your lecturing— it was all really doing it for him for some reason. Maybe it was some desire to reclaim all his issues with authority, take some of the power back, you know. Or, alternatively, give up all the power and let you do whatever you wanted to him… he wasn’t particularly picky in that regard.
Either way, he never learned anything in class; he was too busy staring, drooling, dreaming. You dropped the chalkboard eraser and bent over to pick it up, thank god this room had desks or someone might’ve seen him getting hard.
He wondered if you noticed him at all. Unfortunately, you probably did, but for all the wrong reasons: he was totally flunking. And whenever you asked him what part of the material was challenging for him, he couldn’t even answer— because blaming your hotness for his failure wasn’t exactly going to cut it.
Actually, he was thinking of you— of his total ineptitude in your class, of his massive crush on you, all of it— when he saw you that night. Maybe it was an amazing coincidence, or maybe it was sort of bound to happen when he spent as much time thinking about you as he did. Either way, he never expected to see you here, dressed like that.
This bar was the only metalhead spot in town, and the local talent wasn’t quite as good as Eddie remembered Corroded Coffin to be, but they were alright. Tonight was a band he’d never seen before called Gore Whore. With a name like that, they had to be pretty good.
So, yeah, he was expecting some decent music and a few drinks, not to see his professor rocking a very new vibe— black leather, messy eyeliner, but thankfully still with the same sexy glasses. Honestly, he had to fight off a semi just seeing you dressed like that…
Now he had to figure out if he should talk to you or not. He had to, right? But also, like, how?
Well, his first step was to chug down his current drink and then throw back another as quickly as he could: liquid courage, right?
His second step was to rub his clammy palms on his jeans until he decided it was the right time to approach you. He didn't want to wait until the band was playing because, if they were any good, they'd be way too loud to hold a conversation during their set. He kept putting it off out of nervousness until he saw musicians starting to plug instruments in and tune, and realized he would probably be too late if he waited any longer.
He finally convinced himself to saunter over to where you were standing, linger behind you creepily when you didn't see him, and clear his throat before breaking the silence.
“Hey, teach,” he greeted, hoping it wasn’t a terribly stupid opening line. You turned over your shoulder and took a second to recognize him before you smiled.
“Hey, Edward M…un—" you hesitated.
“Munson, yeah,” he grinned, “or just Eddie.”
“Munson!” you repeated. “For some reason I kept thinking ‘Munster’, I guess I’m showing my age a bit with that one…”
You don’t look your age at all, he wanted to say, but then he wasn’t sure if that was actually a compliment or just some backwards way of calling you old— which you weren’t! But you were just a bit too old for him, from a societal acceptance standpoint, which was exactly what made it so tempting. “I, uh, didn’t expect to see you here,” he pointed out, motioning to the club.
“Well, I don’t come here a lot,” you admitted, “but I used to. You know, when I was a bit more young and rebellious like you.”
“You act like you’re a grandma or something,” he laughed, “you’re young, you know.”
“Whatever,” you rolled your eyes. “I don’t come here a lot, is the point.”
“Why’d you come out tonight?” He wondered. “Is your, uh, boyfriend in the band or something?”
The way you raised your eyebrow at him made it clear his subtle probe wasn’t so subtle after all. “Gore Whore? It’s an all-female band…”
“O-oh, right…” he trailed off. “I mean, maybe your girlfriend’s in the band, I dunno, that’s cool too.”
You snorted a laugh and shook your head. “I don’t have time for any of that, Munson. Boyfriends or girlfriends.”
“What do you have time for?” he asked.
“I mean, I’ve got nowhere to be tonight,” you shrugged. “What did you have in mind?”
His heart raced. “I— I dunno, maybe you can’t do, like, dating or whatever, but maybe you’re into, perhaps… some ill-advised fooling around with your charming, boyish, young and rebellious student?”
You laughed again, but the look in your eye was promising. “Really swinging for the fences, huh?” you noticed.
“I’m, uh, pretty drunk, actually,” he admitted.
“Yeah? Me too,” you grinned. “My place or yours?”
He choked on his own throat. Did that actually just work? Or was he hallucinating somehow? "Uh, I mean, if you wanna be really ill-advised, my van's parked out back..."
The smile you gave him then was enough to make him weak in the knees. It was the same smile you were giving him as he laid back in the van and you kept going down, down, to the bulge under his belt.
"Fuck," he gasped as you got his jeans open, yanking them down his thighs enough to free his throbbing cock; your fingers were so soft on his silky, sensitive skin, and he admired the way you licked your lips as you stroked him. "You're so fuckin' hot. Fuck."
You looked at his face again, looking quite proud of yourself. "You thought about this, didn't you?" you noticed.
"This? No," he denied. "Fucking you in the classroom, or your office, in my dorm? I thought about that a lot."
You giggled slightly as you spit down onto his dick, slicking the movements of your hand which made him flex against it.
"But I never thought we'd end up in the back of my van behind the ba— oh, fuck!"
Your lips were around the head of his cock, and you'd already started bobbing your head and stroking the rest in rhythm. No teasing, no build-up, just getting right to it: it was so sexy to him, he could've melted right there. He nearly did; he tilted his head back with a groan, reaching up to hold the back of your head though he didn't push you down 'cause, you know, he's respectful and all that.
"Damn," he laughed thinly, though he knitted his eyebrows together and bit his lip a second later. "You— fuck, that's good, you're so— god, babydoll..."
You smiled slightly around him, pulling off with a gasp and stroking his spit-soaked cock in the meantime. "Better than the girls your age do it, huh?"
He nodded quickly, swallowing even though his mouth was suddenly dry. You bent back down and licked a long stripe up his cock, even lathing his balls with your tongue for a moment, before speaking again.
"What about you? Do you know how to fuck like a grown-up?" you taunted. "Or are you just an overgrown teenager like most twenty-year-old guys?"
He smiled a little, finally feeling like he knew how to handle you. "Oh, sweetheart— I can rock you better than anything you would've heard in there tonight. Promise."
"Promise?" you repeated teasingly. "Talk is cheap, big boy."
That it is; and he had a plan to shut you up. Shoving your head back down, he groaned as he slid his cock all the way to the back of your throat. "Fuck," he said again, louder, "there you go— I'll fuck you right, babydoll, but you gotta earn it first. Maybe it's my turn to teach you a few things, hm?"
When he gave you another break, you were still playing cocky with him. "Considering your grade in my class, Munson, I'm not sure I've been teaching you anything."
"Why don't you teach me what that shirt of yours looks like inside out?" he encouraged. Smiling proudly as you stripped yourself of the leather jacket and t-shirt, he palmed his own cock— slowly, careful not to get himself too worked up yet— and admired you. "Wanna show me that pussy, too? Been imagining it for a little too long, I think..."
You peeled your jeans off and he bared his teeth at the sight of your panties— black, lacy, everything he'd dreamt of since he first saw you.
"What are you wearing those for, babydoll?" he cooed, reaching out to run his fingers over the lace on your hip. "What did you come out here for tonight?"
"You know what I came here for," you challenged, "so are you gonna gimme it or not?"
Well, he was gonna do his best.
Only a little while later, he had you bent over the console with those panties around your knees, a fistful of your hair in his fingers, your ass bouncing on him with every thrust; he was fucking you hard and fast and mean, doing his best to make you regret questioning if he was old enough to do this right.
"S'that how you like it?" he taunted. "You just need to get treated like a dirty whore, don't you? Tired of all the authority, just wanna keep your legs open for somebody, be their little slut for the night?"
"Yes," you sobbed, clinging tighter onto the console with a whimper. "Yes, Eddie, fuck... fuck me like that, just like that."
He gave your ass a hard spank with his free hand, loving the way you tightened up on him and moaned so loud from the pain. "Beg me to hit you more," he instructed.
"Spank me again, please, Eddie," you whined, getting another few hits on your stinging ass as your reward. "Fuck! Fuck, so good..."
He gripped your hips to keep you still and drive himself deeper than he thought possible, and you yelped as your toes curled and your legs kicked. One of your hands reached back instinctively and tried to grab at his hip, keep him from going too far into you, but you were a little too weak to have any real impact on him. "No no," he scolded, "I'm just giving you what you wanted, babydoll. Giving you all this dick— fuck, take all this dick, whore."
Whining and hiding your face under your arms, you tried to arch your back up before he shoved it back down with his hand to keep your ass nice and on display for him, groaning with pride. "Fuck, Eddie!"
"Isn't this what you came here for?" he smirked, grinding his cock deep inside you as you squirmed. "Got all dressed up in your little black panties, took yourself out to the club so some stranger could treat you like this?"
Though your face was still hidden, you nodded.
"Guess I really do need to teach you a few things, sweetheart," he announced proudly. "Like what happens when you tell a guy to fuck you like a grown-up. Now hold on tight, babydoll, m'gonna make sure you don't forget me too quick— you're gonna feel this tomorrow when you're teaching my class."
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upon-a-starry-night · 8 months
Number Neighbor Pt. 16
Natasha Romanoff x Fem! Reader
Natasha Masterlist Series Masterlist
Word Count: 1k
Summary:  When you catch sight of the newest trend going around you know you’re all but bound to at least try it, it was harmless anyway. What could possibly stem from something so little?
Nat knew from the moment the coffee machine broke that morning that something was off about today. Tony had bots clanging in the kitchen all day and every member of the tower was on the verge of strangling him. She didn’t feel up to going out though so she was forced to stay in her room all day. However, she didn’t expect her evening to go from 10 to 100 in a matter of minutes. And it all started with a text from you at 11 pm.
Not unusual for you but the message lacked your usual humor
No attempt at guessing her name, no witty quip to go along with it, no extra letters or emojis. 
Something was going on and she didn’t like the pit forming in her stomach. This was a situation she’d never found herself in. Did she act calm? Did she… call you?
She shook her head, she could be freaking out over nothing, maybe you just had a long day and you were tired. The voice in the back of her head scoffed, Nat knew she was only trying to convince herself that these next few moments weren’t about to happen.
What’s going on?
Help i-
I think I’m being followed.
Think or your sure
Nat rolled her eyes. Of course, you were trying to be funny right now, humor was your biggest coping mechanism. She knew your humor was a defense against coming across as weak and vulnerable- it was an attempt to make the other person less aware of just how scared you were, but she knew. She knew you were probably shaking as you texted her and there was nothing she could do about it.
I’m sure.
Nat’s heart sank. 
She could get your location from your phone but could she arrive in time? You lived in Brooklyn and she was in Manhattan- 12 miles away, at her fastest, she could probably get there in 30 minutes. Not enough time. Stalkers will only follow for so long before attacking. You didn’t know this man's intentions.
For you, this could be a life-or-death situation.
Still- she called Peter, he was on patrol tonight, hopefully, he was in your area. He picked up immediately, his boyish voice ringing awkwardly through her silent room. She didn’t give him the time to speak more.
“Peter there’s a girl in Brooklyn being followed” Her tone was solid, she couldn’t let the vulnerability she felt slip through either. It’s been many years since she’s felt this helpless about someone she cared about. And that was not a wound she was ready to reopen. God you were bringing out every part of her. 
Peter didn’t ask a single question, all Nat could hear was the thwip of his webs and the rush of wind against his phone. 
“I sent you the address, how close are you?” She heard the faint sound of him mumbling before Karen’s robotic voice repeated your phone’s location
“I’m 20 minutes away” It wasn’t fast enough but it was as good as she was going to get.
It’s okay Y/n
Have you called the cops?
No, I tried calling Leon
He lives nearby i thought maybe-
fuck I’m so stupid
No, y/n, you’re not stupid
You’re scared.
You’re not going to be perfect at handling 
This kind of situation. No one is
Do you have any weapons in your bag?
Nat listen-
If I don’t…
No, i’m not listening to any requests you have
You’re going to be okay
Is he still there?
I’ve walked around the block a few times
I don’t know where to go
Nat’s fingers itched over the call button, she would be a lot better at reassuring you over the phone. But her voice was raspy and recognizable, would you realize it was her as soon as she said hello? Would that be a bad thing? Could she risk telling you her identity? Could she trust you? After so many years and so many people were you finally going to be the one to break down her carefully constructed walls? She sighed frustratingly, now was not the time. You needed her. 
I think he’s getting closer
Y/n go to a house with the light on
And knock on their door.
Or look for a large group of people.
Find a public space.
She was growing more desperate by the minute. God if she ever got her hands on the bastard that’s making you this petrified she was going to do more than just kill him.
“Peter, how far away are you?” 
“Five minutes Miss Romanoff” She could hear his breathlessness, she didn’t imagine it was easy to swing across buildings at that speed.
Y/n, keep talking to me okay?
I don’t know why I decided to go out.
I just wanted some ice cream
I’m so stupid
You are not stupid
This bastard is. Trust me.
Do you have high heels on?
Or your keys?
I walked to the store
Look for anything on the ground
A glass bottle or rocks
I’m scared
Natasha waited for you to keep texting. Waited desperately for something witty to come across the screen, anything to let her know you were still safe. Peter was close now, close enough to hopefully make it before any irreparable damage is done but- if this guy has a weapon. She sucked in a sharp breath.
Y/n answer me.
y/n c’mon
Y/n. please. 
The dam broke. She hit the call button. She couldn’t pretend she didn’t care about you even a little bit. It rang and rang, stone cold silence filled her room between each shrill toll of her phone. Don’t panic. 
She stood and began pacing back and forth, running a shaky hand through her hair.
Each ring was torture- and she knew torture. Come on Y/n. Another blare of useless noise before the line connected. All she heard was a brief 'umph' before the line went dead.
A/n: giving Y/n more trauma 'for the plot' ;P ~ Starry
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frankenkyle19 · 1 year
Rhythm of your undead heart
Description: You’ve been begging James for months to let you take control in the bed. Just for one night. He finally says yes, without realizing just how much he sighed up for
I was listening to Mr. Schwartz by Arctic Monkeys on repeat while writing the rest of this and ended up SPEEDING through it. Thank god for music
word count: 4.3k
warnings: smut, anal, probably ooc James, pain kink, mentions of blood and James’ past
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It was difficult. Being in a relationship with not only an infamous serial killer, but a dead one at that. At times he acted as if he didn’t give a damn about you. As if you didn’t even exist. He had other ‘matters to attend to’ according to him. But despite it all, you stayed by his side. He was eternally grateful for that. Now he  may not have always made it known, but he really was fond of you. You made his undead heart flutter. Made him feel things that he nearly forgot he could feel after his many years of being dead. Feelings he hadn’t felt since the first time he laid eyes on his dear countess. 
James was a very attentive lover, almost always seeing to your needs immediately. He wanted you to be so content in his hotel that you wouldn’t ever think of leaving. Sometimes he’d even fantasize about killing you. What it would be like to lay you out on his bed, ravage you, and while you’re in the throes of release with him so deep inside you, he would slide his knife across the delicate, vulnerable skin of your neck. How he’d watch you choke on your own blood, eyes wide and full of fear, before you would inevitably return to him in your ghostly form. Maybe one day he would take your life, but he enjoyed you enough right now that he kept you just as you were. It was an honor. But it would also be just as much of an honor to be killed by the man.
The one thing James March was not, was submissive. There was not a single bone in his body that ever wanted to submit to you, or to anyone. It simply wasn’t in his nature. He was raised by a father who had the wrong ideas of what a man should or rather, had to be. And no matter how many times you asked, his answer stayed the same.
No my dear, I don’t think I will. 
Still, you persisted. Months and months of asking James to just let you have one night to pleasure him. Tie him to the bed and have your way. Every time it was ‘no no no’, but the more you asked the harder time he had denying you. He hated denying you anything. You quite literally had him wrapped around your finger. Maybe even more so than his dear Elizabeth once had. 
So on his very own birthday, Devil’s night, he finally caved and said yes.
“Really?” Your eyes were wide as saucers as you looked him over to see if he was just messing with you, but of course James wasn’t one to mess around. 
“Yes dear. You have been quite persistent with your asking, so I’ve realized how much it would mean to you. You may have your way with me.” He said with ease, nose curling a bit in that adorable way it did when he said certain words. as he spoke when his accent got heaviest. He’d had a few drinks but was still sober enough to know he was in for a longgg night. 
“Well then James, we should start as soon as possible!” You said excitedly. Like a child who was just told they could have dessert before dinner. This was exhilarating. 
“You stay here and undress. Lay on the bed and don’t touch yourself.” You gave your first order of the night. Something flashed behind James' undead eyes. A spark. Excitement or nervousness? Both? You hoped to soon find out.
You raced out of the bedroom, going to find your box of toys that you kept well hidden from James under one of the many cabinets in his suite. You grinned when you found it, rummaging through its contents before pulling out your strap on. The one you had been waiting months to use on your lover. The one you had bought with the specific purpose of wrecking James with. 
You grabbed the bottle of lube next to it as well as a vibrator. You may just use that on him as well. He’d never used toys before because they weren’t exactly a thing when he was alive. At least not the ones around today. And why would he put something so foreign and unpredictable near his cock? He much preferred your hand. Or, excuse his language,  your pussy. 
You had your arms full as you made your way back to James, seeing him laid out on the bed, fully naked. He had done just as you requested. His cock was half hard as it rested on his lower stomach, hands at his sides as he glanced at you, showing a bit of disinterest as he saw the items you had brought back with you. He had such an ease about him, just laying there, completely bare and seeming completely content with it. 
“What are you planning on doing with those?” He asked, blinking slowly as he examined the items in your arms.
“Going to fuck you, James.”
Such language caused him to cringe slightly, shaking his head as he sat up a bit in the bed. He almost looked nervous, but was obviously trying not to show it. He’d never been touched there before. Never even dared to explore his body fully while all alone in his room all these years. A man like him didn’t do that, but you were here to teach him that he could. And that it would feel good. That he could let his guard down. Just enjoy himself.
You laid the items at the end of the bed and crawled up next to him, gently running your hands down his scarred, muscled chest. He inhaled deeply, nostrils flaring as he glanced at you apprehensively.
“You are not going to do such things- I ref-“ you cut him off with a finger pressed to his lips, causing his glare to harden. If looks could kill…
“You said I could have my way with you, James. This is what I plan to do. I’ll be gentle, promise.” 
“I don’t need you to be gentle-“
“And we need a safe word. Yeah? In case you want to stop at any time. Give me a word.”
“Stop. Stop will be my word.”
You sighed, shaking your head. “We need something more unique than that, James. Please just humor me?”
He grumbled under his breath before responding. 
“Fine, if we must, my word can be… gun.”
You rolled your eyes. Of course out of all the words in the English language and beyond, he chose gun. Even now his mind couldn’t help but wander to those dangerous, murderous thoughts.
You carefully let your hands trail lower down his body before gently wrapping one around his half hard cock. He sighed softly, body finally relaxing a bit as he looked up at you, eyes dark. 
“Ahhh Darling-“ he grunted, shifting a bit as his cock began to harden fully. You swept your thumb across the tip, spreading the pre-cum that collected there.
“Mmm, take it into your mouth, my love. Choke on me.” You could tell his dominant side was beginning to come out the longer this dragged on, and you needed to cut it out now before he just flipped you over and fucked you into the mattress.
You squeezed his cock in your hand, causing him to grimace, glaring up at you. How dare you not listen to his orders?
“Not so fast, James. I want it my way. You don’t get to tell me what to do. Not tonight. You can have your fun another day”
Carefully you began to stroke him once more, tracing your pointer finger over the prominent vein on the side of his cock. His tip was red and leaking, practically throbbing in your hand. As much as he’d hate to admit it, your touch always felt like heaven. If there was a heaven, he thought, it was found in your touch. You knew exactly how to touch him. .
You heard what sounded like a quiet moan slip from his parted lips, glancing up to see a sheen of sweat covering his forehead and messing up his usually neat combed back hair. He looked sinful in the most angelic way possible. 
While you were stroking him with one hand, you let your other fall to his thigh, gently massaging it before daring to go lower. You were curious to see how he’d react to your touch, knowing that you had to stretch him out on your fingers first before you even dared show him the silicone cock. Your hand fell away and grabbed the small vibrator from the edge of the bed, holding it between your fingers before holding it up to show it to James.
His eyes widened a bit and he shifted uncomfortably, shaking his head “now wait just a moment- wait- I don’t even know what that thing is- it is not natural and I will not have you put it near m-“ He was cut off as you turned it on, placing it against his leaky cock head. The vibrations buzzed against his length, causing his body to jerk around a bit.
The feeling was foreign, but good god, he realized how pleasurable it felt. It was a whole new level of euphoria.
“O-oh- oh that’s actually- aghh- quite nice. I like it.” He whispered, hips flexing up, muscles clenched as he sighed, rolling his head around on the bed. 
“See? Told you so. It can feel so good James.” 
He grumbled under his breath, obviously a bit salty that you actually were right. He hated being proved wrong. 
You let the vibrator rest on the tip of his cock for a few moments before sliding it down the rest of his length, watching as he twitched, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides as he tried not to show just how much he was enjoying this all. 
“See, sometimes new things can be fun.” You chuckled, shaking your head. Your beautiful, ever stubborn James March was laid out on his very own bedsheets, about to be ravaged by you. 
You pulled the vibrator away from his cock, much to his disapproval as he let out a quiet groan. You didn’t just want groans and grunts from him this time around though. You wanted full on moans, cries, whines and whimpers. And you planned to get exactly that.
He watched you like a hawk, eyes tracking your every movement, afraid if he looked away for even a moment, or dared to blink, you’d do something he wouldn’t agree with. But of course that’s not how it worked. You’d never pull any surprises on him. Not now. You were going to take your time getting him nice and open. You didn’t want to hurt him…Unless he asked for it, which he very well might. 
“Okay James we can do this a few different ways and I’ll give you the choice. You can either lay on your back with your legs propped up, or you can lay on your stomach and I can finger you open that way. Which would you rather?”
And of course he wanted to say he didn’t want either, but he knew that wasn’t a choice. So he sucked up his complaints and swallowed hard before answering “on my back works just fine, darling.”
That was all you needed before you were grabbing the bottle of lube and popping the cap open, pouring some of the clear, sticky oil onto your fingers. You warmed it up first before you glanced back at James, his eyes laser focused on your now oiled up fingers. He knew exactly what you were going to do with those.
“Darling we still have time to go back- I will gladly fuck you, we do not have to-“ 
You slapped his thigh, causing him to jolt. It was a warning. If he complained again maybe you wouldn’t go so easy on him. 
“A real man would shut up and take it, James. Are you a real man?”
He was absolutely seething, completely enraged and the thoughts of just pinning you to the bed and wrapping his hands around your neck until it broke flooded through his mind. 
He decided it was best to stay quiet as he sighed heavily, adjusting himself on the bed so his legs were propped at an angle which gave you plenty of room to do what you wanted to.
“Good boy, see? Not so hard is it?” You hummed as you brought the hand that wasn’t covered in lube to his face, cupping his cheek. It was as if against his own will he leaned into it. No matter how mad he was at you, your touch brought him utter bliss. 
You could tell he had grown distracted by your actions so you discreetly let your other hand wander to gently grip his ass, kneading the flesh in your palm. He tensed, looking up at the ceiling with a blank expression. There was some part of his mind that was stopping him from showing any satisfaction or even trying to enjoy this experience. You needed to find out why and get rid of it, otherwise this wouldn’t be a good experience for either of you.
“Look at you, such a strong, smart, cunning man. So busy all day long with your tedious planning. The maintenance of this beautiful hotel-“ his eyes flicked to yours, softening a bit. Ah yes, compliments, the way to his undead heart. 
“The most magnificent hotel made by the most magnificent man of any day and age,” you continued, easing him. Your hand still massaged the meat of his ass, but he didn’t seem to care as much as before, too focused on your words and compliments.
“You work so very hard, you deserve a break. Just relax, my love. I would never do anything I didn’t think you’d like. If you just let go, maybe you’ll find that you enjoy this.” You spoke, your hand finally, finally reaching his hole as you circled it gently with your pointer finger.
James hissed through his teeth but stayed still, taking your words into account. Perhaps you were right. He ought to give it a shot, right? And if he didn’t like it he wouldn’t have to do it again after tonight, surely? You always respected each other’s boundaries so this  couldn’t be any different.
He closed his eyes and tried his very best to relax his body, knowing it would be easier if he was relaxed. He’d been put through pain before, so surely this wouldn’t hurt much.. right?
He inhaled sharply as your finger breached his tight hole, carefully slipping in without much resistance thanks to the lube.
“There we go, being so nice for me, James.” You cooed, your free hand gently caressing the skin on his thigh. He was abnormally pale. He was a ghost, so of course he was, but even in life he was quite a pale man, his thighs even milkier than the skin on his arms and neck.
He swallowed hard, Adam’s apple bobbing, the thick, deep cut across his neck moving along with it. He preferred to keep it covered at all times, but you had already told him that you wanted to see all of him, even the worst parts. So for you and only you, he let it be in view.
His hole seemed to suck your finger in, greedy for the foreign feeling. James on the other hand, wasn’t exactly having an awful time, but he had definitely had better experiences.
Still, you were determined to make him squirm and cry out your name, and with a gentle caress of his thigh with your free hand, you pressed another finger into him, feeling the resistance this time around. 
He inhaled deeply, but didn’t appear to be in any extreme discomfort. After all, he had killed himself by cutting his throat with a damn blade. What could be much worse than that? And he was dead, so he didn’t feel pain like the living did.
Still though, he tried to arch his hips away from the feeling, nose curled up as he glanced down at you. He remembered your words. You asking him to just sit back and enjoy, and he was at the very least trying.
“Darling I do not find enjoyment in this at all-“ he huffed out, just wanting to fuck you. He would definitely find enjoyment in that.
“I just need you to calm down, James. I’m trying-“ your fingers pushed deeper into him, curling up at an angle. 
“I’m trying to find your prostate, so just shut up for five seconds-“ you huffed out. Usually you wouldn’t be so mean, but you knew James could take it. In fact, he yearned for it.
His whole body froze as finally, finally you hit that spot inside of him, the first spark of pleasure burning inside him, clawing to be let out. It was unlike anything he ever felt, a much different feeling than stimulation to his cock. This felt deeper. Heavier. 
“Darling-“ was all he choked out, eyes wide as you hit the spot inside him again. Now that you found it, James was in for a hell of a ride. 
“There we go, baby. Found it.”
“W-what are you doing to me?” He asked, completely and utterly confused as to what you had done that made this suddenly feel so good.
“I found your prostate, feels good doesn’t it?” You chuckled, seeing as he was beginning to slowly fall apart at the seams. Little by little, you were going to fuck the entitlement out of this man if it killed you.
“It does feel quite… enjoyable.” He said, his words spoken slower than usual as he tried to keep his composure. 
You continued to pump your fingers in and out of him before adding a third and final one, watching as his face scrunched up at the fullness of three fingers up his ass.
“And you are positive that… that device will fit inside of me?” He asked, glancing at the strap on.
“Of course James. You fit inside me, don’t you? I picked a small dildo I promise, it’s not much thicker than my three fingers. Just a bit longer.” You assured as you stretched him out as well as you could before pulling your fingers out, a heavy huff leaving James’ lips.
There was a sense of relief he felt when you pulled your fingers out of him, but also a sense of loss. He felt.. empty. 
It wasn’t that way for long though. You had reached over to grab the strap, undressing yourself before clipping it around your waist, making sure it was secure. James swallowed hard, a warm heat spreading through him as he watched you. 
“My dear-“ 
“Quiet, James. Let me take care of you.”
You propped his legs up better, coming between them as you leaned on your knees, your hands keeping his thighs spread as you pressed the tip of the dildo to his hole before you got an idea. A way to shut him up for even a little bit.
James glanced at you with a look of confusion as you pulled away, your small hand stroking the fake cock.
“Come, James.” You called, and like a lost puppy, James sat up, coming close to you as his eyes looked at you questioningly. 
“What is it?” He asked, eyes unable to look away from the strap between your legs.
With a bit of force, you grabbed him by his raven hair and pushed him down so he was face to face with the silicone. 
“You talk too much James. Let’s shut you up for just a moment.” You grinned, running your fingers through his hair for a moment as you tapped the cock against his pretty red lips.
He almost pushed away from you. There was no way he was doing this. Absolutely not. But then, there you were, so beautiful and he was so hard, just ready for release. 
His lips parted for the head of the dildo and you slid it into his mouth, letting him adjust to the foreign feeling. He knew how to eat you out, and realistically knew what to do with a cock in his mouth, but it was still odd. 
He suckled on the head, closing his eyes as his hole clenched desperately, wanting more stimulation. This was the sweetest torture.
You began to gently thrust in and out of his mouth, not letting it go too deep. You wondered what would happen if you did, if the cut across his throat would interfere or hurt him in any way.
James seemed to understand what you were thinking, and he swallowed around the cock, pushing it deeper into his mouth. Your eyes were wide as it hit the back of his throat. He… he made a noise you hadn’t heard from him ever before. He mewled. The pressure against the cut across his throat brought both pain and pleasure to him. 
You on the other hand quickly pulled it from his mouth, figuring it had hurt him. His lips chased the length before he paused, looking up at you. 
“Why did you stop?” His voice was a bit hoarse as he spoke, his usually thick accent faded just a bit.
“I- I thought I hurt you-“ his eyes flickered dangerously at your words as he smirked 
“Darling, I like being hurt.” Was all he said. You pounced on him, pulling him into a searing kiss before positioning him just how you wanted, manhandling him as you pleased.
He was on all fours, facing the headboard as you positioned yourself behind him, lining the cock up with his hole. You reached over and grabbed the bottle of lube, squirting some onto the strap. For good measure.
You ever so slowly thrust into him, causing a broken groan to fall from his lips as he instantly pushed back into the feeling, causing the cock to slide even deeper inside him.
You figured he might like this, that’s why you asked all these months. What you hadn’t expected was for him to like it as much as he did.
He threw his head back, hair an absolute mess, sweat dripping from his forehead as he panted. 
“More-“ be begged, glancing over his shoulder at you. For the first time since you’d been with James, you were finally able to see the side of him you’d longed to see. He looked so free, whatever memories of his past left him as he just enjoyed the pleasure he was being given.
You traced the scars littered across his back as you fucked into him gently, still not wanting to be too rough with him. He’d had a hard life, and even though he’d done atrocious things, part of you had to think it was how he was raised. Nature versus nurture. A mix of both that had left him the way he was. But he was still yours, and you were going to show him just how much you loved him.
You began to pick up your pace, James groaning impatiently as he arched his back, muscles taught, the curve of his back like a sculpture painted by the most talented sculptor.
“Faster darling, I assure you I won’t break.” He whispered, head falling between his shoulders as he gripped onto the bed harder, fully intending and wanting you to fuck him as hard as you could.
And of course you did. You couldn’t deny James this, not now. Not ever. You gripped onto his shoulders and thrust into him, your skin slapping against his own from the force.
He cried out in pleasure, his accent just making his moans that much more intoxicating to listen to.
You quickly got a rhythm going, fucking into him hard and fast, the strap hitting his prostate with each thrust in. 
You saw the way his body trembled, the way his cock twitched. He was close. You knew his body like the back of your hand, and even in this new position, you still new.
You angled your thrusts to better hit his prostate, one of your hands reaching around to wrap around his cock.
His mouth fell open, eyes closed as he let out a deep chuckle. He was… laughing?
“Oh darling this is much better than I had expected- I am close love-“ he grunted, biting down on his bottom lip as his breathing picked up and for the first time, you heard James Patrick March beg.
“Please- please please darling I must cum-“ he begged, arching back against you as he cried out.
Maybe in the future you’d tease him. Leave him tied up and refuse him his release as you fucked him relentlessly. Not tonight though. You just wanted him to feel good.
You kept your thrusts even, stroking his cock in time with your hard thrusts. And soon enough, James’ body went nearly rigid before you felt his warm release coat your hand, spilling across it and onto the bed.
His hole squeezed hard around the strap and you whispered words of praise to him as he came down from his high.
He was quiet for several moments as you gently pulled out of him, checking him over to make sure you hadn’t done any damage. 
Finally, he pulled you into a tender kiss. A much more meaningful kiss than the ones he usually gave. It was filled with his usual hunger, but also so much love. 
“That… was spectacular.” He said simply, shaking his head. You were right. Of course you had been right. If only he’d just listened to you sooner. Foolish man.
You held him against your chest as he spoke, mostly nonsense, plans he had among other things. You let him, running your hands across his scarred body, eternally grateful that he had chosen you. You stayed like that for a while, just listening to the rhythm of his undead heart. 
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prodbyton · 2 months
i love Sungchan down, but i feel like he's the greatest contender for the "hot, but toxic ex" trope. like he was the woooorst boyfriend ever. i'm talking his toxicity was at its PEAK while y'all were dating. he made you stop seeing your friends bc they were "bad influences", so you only ever spent time with him. actually, you weren't allowed to talk to anyone that wasn't him. even when hanging out with his friends, he got pissed when you even looked their way. you never minded bc he was always so sweet and fucked you so good and said i love you every day.
that was until you caught Sungchan making out with some random girl at a party after he left you alone. you were so angry, but all you could do was cry as he apologized. you two practically lived together at this point, so you had to go home with him. he apologized that night in bed with what was probably the best sex of your life. you forgave him that same night. it took you 3 months to finally break up with him and 5 months to finally get over him. you went out with your friends to celebrate being over him. of course, your luck didn't last long.
when you spotted Sungchan across the club, a cold chill ran up your spine. you hated to admit how good he looked. you tried your best to ignore him as he walked over. he was a lot harder to ignore as he towered above you. he sounded like a broken record repeating how sorry he was and how much he missed and loved you. you acted like you couldn't hear him over the blaring music even though you heard him loud and clear. Sungchan pulled you into the bathroom to talk, but you knew deep down deep in your pussy that there wouldn't be much talking.
his apology lasted all but 5 minutes before he had you bent over the sink, your tight dress pulled up over your ass. it was hard to remember all the awful shit he had done when his hands were gripping your hits so tight. you didn't care about how he cheated on you as he fucked you nearly to tears. that was the first of many apologies from Sungchan that you hid from your friends. every time he apologized, he gained a little bit of your heart back.
-🎀 (shout out to bad idea! by girl in red and bad idea Right? by Olivia Rodrigo for having simlar titles and topics and giving me toxic!ex brain rot 😊)
im so super extremely late replying to this but i LOVE the toxic riize train…
it would be so hard to ignore him, not only for your lack of self restraint when it comes to sungchan but also for him knowing exactly what buttons to press and he's just so hot and so big how could you ignore him. after him bugging you for 10 minutes you finally give into him because maybe if you pretend to hear him out he'll leave you alone. the both of you were a bit drunk, not enough for you to not be aware of your surroundings, but just enough for you to make some not so smart decisions. that's how you end up in the club bathroom.
he pulled all the strings.
i miss you so much. im so sorry, i never wanted to hurt you. give me another chance. ive changed. i want us to be together. i'll be better for you. i want to have a family with you. will you forgive me? will you give us another shot?
all you could do was weakly nod your head, drunk and horny because god, it was so hard to listen to anything he said when he looked like that. maybe he did change, maybe you could give him a chance. but everything had to kept secret because if your friends found out you were fucking your ex who had you quite literally crying and throwing up? you'd get called stupid in every language.
sungchan would fuck you harder than he ever had in that club bathroom leaving you dizzy and unable to walk, so like the gentleman he is he offered to carry you and take you home. (where he would fuck you again)
he would say sorry over and over, and it became a reoccurring thing of him coming over, giving you the fuck of your life until you decided to take him a little bit serious. and if you two get back together it was a secret for the longest time until you were 100% sure you didn’t make a mistake giving him another chance </3
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rukia-writes · 14 days
I am here to politely ask...
If we could have a fluff ares moment!
Whatever gender you want for the reader cause we inclusive IN THE ARES ARMY!!!
But reader got lost somehow and enters into the arena, and there's currently a round going on (whichever round that is) and ares is the only one to notice-
If you can't work with it, then that's fine! But keep up the lush work because the stuff you have is magnificent!
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Ares x (GN) reader
A/n: yes I believe can cook something up~
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MANS..Round 4!”
Heimdall announced the current, Round 4, with enthusiasm and excitement as the arena changed from a regular arena to a replica of London, England.
While Heimdall did so, Ares watched from the sidelines beside Hermes and his father Zeus. Who was healing from his own injuries from round 2. Ares thought to himself that Heracles was sure to win his round, he had an unshakable faith in him.
As the round was currently going Ares wondered where his other best friend was, (Name). Thinking to himself, that they should have been here with him by now.
Hermes told (Name) where to go after all.
“Um, Hermes? Did you tell (Name) to meet us here?”
“Yes, I informed (Name) to meet us here. (Name) should be here shortly.”
“But that was like what an hour ago-“
“Shhh! I’m trying to hear the round!”
Zeus shushed his son, Ares, making the god of war pout as he had no choice but to listen to his father. Still, something was telling Ares to check on his friend and yet when the round finally started Ares became much more interested in that.
Maybe (Name) stopped to get something to eat.
Maybe (Name) stopped to chat with a long time friend. But certainly not a long time best friend, because obviously that was his spot, Ares would usually get a little jealous if someone was being to buddy with his best friend.
As the round started, Ares watched as Heracles chased Jack the Ripper from a replica of a tea shop. Ares, thought to himself (Name) liked tea and pastries.
As the two fighters left to go fight, that’s when Ares noticed a figure emerge from the cafe.
Sure enough, somehow (Name) entered the arena that was now London, England while round four was currently going on while holding a few pastries and even managing to get a few tea bags.
“What are you talking about, brother Ares?”
Hermes calmly spoke as Ares pointed to the screen mentioning that (Name) had somehow entered the arena. But when Hermes and even Zeus looked at the screen they didn’t see anything.
“Should we get you a pair of glasses, Ares? (Name) isn’t there.”
Ares looked back on the monitor and sure enough the monitor was filming else where. Slack jawed and frustrated Ares tried to state that he saw (Name) in the arena but Hermes and Zeus weren’t convinced as Hermes repeated to Ares that he gave (Name) clear directions to come up to where they were.
So, Ares decided to take matters into his own large hands and see if he could stop the match to find his friend.
“Stop the match??”
Heimdall said as though the concept was foreign to him, Ares tried to convince Heimdall to stop the match for a few minutes but Heimdall wasn’t for it as the match had started and that stopping the match would cause a riot on both sides.
Not to mention, Heimdall also said he didn’t see anyone else in the arena but Jack and Heracles.
Well, Ares just decided to enter the arena on his own accord and get his friend out there.
Granted he was scared out of his wit about probably being killed by Jack the Ripper as it was foggy and he could hide his presence or attacked by Heracles and his lions club.
Ares was sure being hit by that club would hurt.
After roughing it out through several ground shaking attacks and dodging a few Jack’s traps he finally found (Name).
“Are you nuts or just crazy?!”
“I am neither of those things, Ares!”
The two went back and forth about who was right and who was wrong.
“Ares, this is obviously just another part of the colosseum. There’s no round going on.”
“No, (Name)! This is the arena! The! Arena!”
Ares scolded his best friend while gently hitting the top of their head when mentioning “The! Arena” for each word.
“If this is the arena then why haven’t I heard anything?”
“..because you have corn in your ears. Now come on! We need to leave.”
Ares wasn’t hearing anymore of the conversation and pointed towards the direction he came from, but (Name) wasn’t so certain.
“You’re going the wrong way, it’s this way!”
“No, that’s not the way. You would be going toward the fight. We need to get away from the fight and the exit is this way.”
Ares had a sense of where fights were and he was sure (Name) was trying to get the two killed, as the two argued back and forth the ground started to shake again and strong gust winds started blowing then low and behold Cerberus came out the sky. Shocking both Ares and (Name)
“Oh…okay. You may be right Ares. Let’s…go your way.”
“See? I’ve been trying to tell you!”
Ares had to get in he was right one last time before the two ran off as Heracles was summoning Cerberus from the underworld. As the two ran with (Name) still carrying the pastries and tea (Name) asked how long had the fight been going on.
Ares believed to be 20 minutes or so and while he proclaimed that Heracles would win he noticed (Name) had managed to climb on his back as the two were running.
“Hey! You get off me!”
“Are you crazy? You’re the one with the strong legs! Now mush!”
“Do I look a dog to you?!”
Ares felt his temper rising as his best friend compared him to a sleigh dog. But when the ground started shaking more Ares didn’t care and told (Name) to hold on tight as the god of war ran for dear life.
“Didn’t Hermes tell you how to get to our vip section?”
While running Ares felt it was time to question his best friend about their skills in direction.
“Hermes? Hermes didn’t tell me anything.”
Ares heard (Name)’s response and literally had a million thoughts going thru his mind all of which he went thru in just a couple of seconds. One of the thoughts, was thinking how (Name) got lost and how did they manage to get in the arena with out anyone noticing. That is, until he finally snapped out of it and told (Name) to just hang around him from now on.
Back in the vip section, Zeus was laughing as he watched Ares give (Name) a piggy back ride from one of the television monitors. While Zeus found the scene funny Hermes looked puzzled as he had his index finger up to his thinking to himself that he was sure he told (Name) where to go.
“I’m certain I told (Name) where to go…then again..maybe I should have drawn a map as they are known to get lost pretty easy.”
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