#if i need to tag this as horror for vista or anything lemme know
toomuchdickfort · 5 years
Okay. I’m allowed one(1) ramble post and then I have to put forth an effort to sleep. And I’m gonna do a ramble I’ve meant to do for. Fuck. Long time.
LETS GET STARTED ON THE SHADOWED ONE AND THOSE WHO DRAW UPON HIS POWER (and heads up for some possibly gross descriptions Bc I like my gore and stuff when I can find a way to not think about the damage itself too much and Vista is a bloody character)
So. Okay. First. He started with a scene that I made on Pinterest Bc a friend sometimes sends a pin for a scene or a character or smth (honestly I might see if I can find something neat to send the other way sometime soon but that’s off topic) and it was like... a character being affected by an artifact... because she trips and faceplants into it. And then I made Vista Demm, who has magic marbles in her eye-holes. Gal is... not great, in general. She took out her eyes for some magic and also fancy artifact duderinos. I think it was technically that she removed her eyes first (fairly gruesomely... and in a ‘fit of rage’ I think is how I had originally phrased it in that scene I deleted years ago?) and just. Stumbled across a temple of sorts.
Technically, the small ‘temples’ are like... little religious boxes. But. The beings that made them are all very long gone (thanks to a certain sword *COUGH*).
These beings were called Lyrime (found the note recently with it so yeet) and they had their own sort of ‘gods’? Like... modern peoplefolks on Elysur have their own gods and Deians (but I’m generally just sticking with gods anymore Bc deians sort of became a thing for a different story but that’s where the term was made for). And TSO(the shadowed one) was one of em. Sort of. He was a lyrime, and a group of em basically went ‘what if we made ourselves gods’ and they did it. And then most of them got pissed at each other... but TSO is just a big ol friendly nerd who wants to make friends. So he wasn’t in that drama. And they didn’t trust him so they tried to yeet that boy out of reality. It both did and didn’t work... because he wasn’t yeeted/yoten into the void (which is basically... between universes? Space between existences?) but he’s in the space between the outermost layer of reality and the metaphorical plastic wrap that keeps the real stuff from spilling out all into the void. Yeah, that breaks later, but TSO has the worst luck and is just stuck until the entire reality falls apart and there’s nothing for him to go to but into the abyss. ANYHOW. in that space... you can just see... the abyss. It’s dark and he can affect it a bit just from fancy schmancy titan god powers, and you can see the distant lights of other realities. And he is just... a smoky silhouette. At best, he can form himself with an outline.
Well. In each of the religion boxes, there’s a small pool of something that seems like liquid, and when you come into contact with it, your like... consciousness is projected into his space area? And Vista just. Stumbled across it. And used the side of the magic space birdbath to stand up and ended up making a friend. Wowie zowie.
Since I’m just hopping around now... TSO can conjure artifacts in his religion boxes. As long as the fancy liquid is there, he can access it. (Thought... what if when he was yoten out, that space water was displaced and that’s how it was gathered?) Anyhow. Magic liquid looks and functions like the artifacts... and it’s made of the not-stuff from that space between the real stuff and the metaphorical plastic wrap. This is a whole lot of weird metaphors and I’m sorry but I’ve gotta try and explain stuff sometimes. Anyhow. Anywho. Anyway. The artifacts are... basically windows to that semi-space where TSO lives. Like... if you’ve got a plate of it and hold it up facing north, you’ll see one pattern. And you turn west and the pattern isn’t static... it just stays there and you see a different area. Please let me know if I need to rephrase Bc this bit is harder to describe but it’s SUPER cool to imagine. Because... like... there’s a universe where Raelin has whole wings of the stuff. Just imagine... this woman looks at you and this substance runs out from her harness (like a knife harness thing? I just think it feels cooler than a belt) and grows into this pair of wings and as you look at them, you can see out of existence itself. You’re greeted with something that resembles the night sky in the middle of the day, and... it’s hard to tear your eyes away.
So! While I’ve got some idea of artifacts going!! Let me tell you about the most developed artifacts I’ve written. Aka Vista’s fancy space marbles in her eye spaces. She wears a lace mask, because... some folks go for eye contact while talking, and it’s easy to get lost in her ‘eyes’. And it’s very hard to look away, often times, so she puts her mask back on. Her artifact has two definite effects... 1: she just can look into the semi-space at any time (and this is one of the closest people to TSO at the moment, because... he’s lonely and just wants company. I would say send him a friend but like. He wouldn’t want another person to be stuck there too. So) and 2: if you look into them, you find one piece of information previously hidden. (Bc TSO was a good thing of secrets and hidden information... didn’t know if I had put that out there). It can be something so extreme as how to conjure a being from nothing, or something so little as Jerry is cheating on his wife. Don’t know who Jerry is? That’s your problem now. Jerry could live halfway across the world. It’s honestly just a random piece of info.
...........okay I think that’s most of the info I wanted to like... verbally vomit into a post. It probably doesn’t make too much sense, as I’ve said a few times, but... yeah. Feel free to have me rephrase chunks or smth... I just feel like this is something that might be easier to convey if I have feedback on what does and doesn’t make sense for a few run throughs.
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