#if i have physical books i can forget and be reminded physically but if i close a bookmark ill just always forget
iovesia · 2 days
ooo got it!! what about how constantine uses all of the five languages? 💓
yippeee !!! i love bf!constantine saur bad so this got a little long :3
love languages,⠀౨ৎ⠀john constantine. cw⠀/⠀f!reader. fluffy. a little angsty.
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constantine likes to do little things for you here and there. when you forget or lose your things, he'll obviously be the first to find them and he'll leave them on your nightstand for you.
constantine will always hold/open the door for you. he follows the sidewalk rule. he'll pay for dinner (which is probably from a hot stand, but still counts!). when he's not sleeping through all hours of the morning, he'll make you coffee and eggs.
"don't look at me with smile— i just.. just had extra eggs, alright?" he shrugs, acting like he wasn't watching every bite you took and hoping you'll like his cooking.
*cough* slut *cough*.
kidding.. kind of.. not really.
aside from sex, constantine just likes to be touching you at all times. not straight up PDA, but just gentle reminders to himself that you're here and you're safe.
when you're walking through midnite's bar; he'll have a hand on your lower back, gently guiding you through the place. when you're driving, and he's being the passenger princess he is— he has a hand on your thigh, thumb stroking your skin.
even though he deems himself "anti-cuddling", he keeps a hand on you at all times when you're asleep. you could be curled up to him, and he'll wrap an arm around you. or you'll already be asleep on your other side, and john will just rest a hand on your hip, holding onto you like a security blanket.
he does the linking pinkies thing when you two are out and about in the city <33.
this one's the hardest for him. it feels like there's a physical barrier in his mouth from producing any non-sexual praise or his love for you.
you can expect a few pet names sprinkled here and there, along with some simple but sweet compliments.
'like your hair today, doll.' + 'that a new dress there?' + 'did good today. good job.'
when you compliment him, or tell him you love him; the most you'd get out of him are awkward smiles, or a pat to the head. more often than not, his lack of verbalising his feelings is the root of your arguments. constantine will feel like you're backing him into a corner, while you argue you just want a boyfriend who actually likes you. that hurts his feelings.
constantine will only his vulnerable thoughts when you're borderline asleep and barely-coherrent. your eyes are slowly fluttering shut as you nuzzle your cheek into the pillow when you swear you can hear a faint 'i love you' coming from him.
in the morning, he teases you might be hearing things.
constantine likes having you around. kinda like a pet. but in an endearing way.
you two could spend hours together in silence, but he just enjoys having someone's company in his lonely little life. he often lays on his couch, reading some demonology books while you rest your legs over his lap.
you guys spend a lot of time going on walks at night, enjoying the silence and cool air. or the two of you sit on his balcony, sharing cigarettes and talking. constantine will let you rant and joke about whatever's on your pretty little mind, and he'll just give you a small smile.
god, he's also terrible with this. the number of internal panic attacks constantine gets before your birthday, or holiday season is enough to kill a man.
he knows how to make you scream his name into the early hours of the morning, he knows how to make you flustered and giggly, he knows how to make you cry like it feels good— does he know what you'd like as a gift? ... yeah no.
it's kinda sweet when he tries. he doesn't make that much money to buy you all kinds of expensive things, so he'll opt for cheaper jewelry or roses in hopes you'll like it.
"um.. i got you something," he mumbles uncharacteristically, shifting his weight from side to side. constantine holds out a bouquet of (probably gas station) roses. "it's stupid, i know— you don't have to.."
he clear his throat, trying to hide his faint blush when you kiss his cheek.
one anniversary, he takes out his lighter and shows the engraving of your name he had added. it's sweet and his way of showing you love. maybe it's not a physically gift, but the sentiment makes up for it <3.
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vulpinesaint · 10 months
desperately trying to remember if there are any books i read this year that i cannot find on my library borrowing history or simply cannot remember. i am so bad about remembering books. LITERALLY REMEMBERED ONE AS I'M WRITING THIS POST. anyway i am attempting to compile a list of books that i've read this year so that i can reference it without having to forget everything. wish me luck. i have fifteen titles on there right now but i can't shake the feeling there's something i'm forgetting
#checking my shelf of books i got for school??? idk#none of this is helped by the way that i have seven thousand books waiting to be read right now and all of them are on my mind#and several of them i am partway through. but i cannot put bell hooks all about love on my list yet i just can't#opened this is how you lose the time war today. not liking it super much but it's not even 200 pages so we'll pound through it#and then my three books from merc (princess bride and two books from the fight club guy)#and all about love. and interview with the vampire#WITCHER NOVELS!!! I READ WITCHER NOVELS AGAIN!!!! adding two more books to my list#god i'm not even through blood of elves yet. awful. this is why i can't keep anything up i forget my ebooks exist as options#then i should read that book about eleanor roosevelt that my grandma got me. as a token to her dskfjghs#wanna reread the hours! have a physical copy just for that so i can annotate#gotta finish the once and future king.#all that to say that there are many books that will be on this list once i actually sit down and read some of them#have to remind myself that i Am actually doing good i'm at over a book a month rate. this is fine#two books a month rate! actually!#shout out to library due dates for being a fantastic motivator#seventeen books on the 'read' list this year. this is fine bracken. you're doing good#realistically this is SO much better than previous years 😭 good stuff. just gotta keep reading#valentine notes#list that would have been so useful to have when we were doing that book recommendation thing
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
Hey so ive been this reading this manga called "ojisama to neko" ( eng: "a man and his cat" ) and its sosososo cute so sweet 10/10 would recommend also THE MAIN MAN LOOKS. KINDA LIKE SAWASHIRO EVEN IF THEIR PERSONALITIES COULDNT BE MORE FAR APART. His name is Fuyuki Kanda and he is very dear to me just thought to share hope u have a wonderful day
#snap chats#kanda and sawashiro do look. Sort Of similar ig LOL#love that his last name’s kanda tho since TTM also plays a chara named kanda#that show- ‘meishi game-‘ was the first ttm thing i watched im p sure. or at least one of them#either way forcing all of you to read ojisama to neko. also maiing all of you to remind me to get the physical volumes sometime#i forget that they have english translations now and i always remember too late or when i alreay have plans to buy another book#i kept up with the series online when it was first announced and did my best to translate everything#so i keep holding off on buying the offiical release since Ive Read It Before but i love owning physical media….#anyway ty for giving me an excuse to gush about ojisama to neko i love that series so much and its so cute and its my world and everything#tho on the note of comparing sawashiro and kanda.. im reminded of this manga i was disappointed by#i forget the exact title but the premise was a yakuza taking in a stray cat- from the cats POV#and the summary already sounded perfect and right up my alley but then i read the book#and STORY WISE it was what i was looking for but… the yakuza looked like a punk#esp since he was described as being notorious i was expecting an older man No I Dont Have A Thing For Old Men Shut Up#so when it was this chara who didnt look any older than like. 25….. i lost interest#‘snap you shouldnt put down a good story just cause of the art’ LIKE THE ART WAS GREAT#I WAS JUST HOPING THE YAKUZA WAS OLDER….. i love it when scary older men can be cute and care for animals#its why i like the yakuza’s bias. except the yakuza doesn’t take care of an animal he just fangirls over Royalty Free Jimin#i forgot i set an alarm and it just went off so i should prob cap this post. like i shouldve twelve tags ago LOL
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pierregazly · 9 months
let's face it together ꨄ carlos sainz
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carlos sainz x wife!reader
warnings: nightmares, mentions of anxiety, mentions of infidelity (in a nightmare) [wc: 2.3k words]
in which carlos' wife has been dealing with an onslaught of nightmares because of the heinous things people have been saying about her, and their relationship, online. carlos finds out, and does the only thing he can think of, he comforts her and professes his undying love.
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The nightmares had been reoccurring for months. Waking up with beads of sweat dripping down your forehead, your heart racing, your mind trying to place exactly where you were in the very moment you woke up; it had been an unfortunately common event for quite some time now.
It was all something you had grown accustomed to. Getting used to waking up because of them was the easiest part, trying to force yourself to forget about the nightmares and the implicit meanings behind them? Well, that was far more difficult and was the part you were struggling to grasp the most.
They were always the most vivid after a night of scrolling through endless unkind messages and comments. Strangers, people you had never met, people your husband had never even met; all saying heinous things about you, to you, because of you. About your looks, about your career choices, about how Carlos could do better than you, about how he probably already has and knows how to hide it.
Deep down, you knew there was nothing to truly worry about when it came to Carlos and his dedication to your marriage, but once the overthinking set it… it was tough to push it back.
The nightmares, the overthinking, and the anxiety that accompanied the overthinking weren’t things you had ever expressed to Carlos. To your knowledge, he had no previous awareness about them at all. He, of course, knew about the heinous things people wrote online, often telling you to disregard the unkind things they were saying and that usually ended up with him repeating sweet nothings to you in his native tongue to emphasize how untrue the words were. That didn’t stop the nightmares, nor the anxiety that caused them.
It was obvious when they were at their worst as well. Your body craved the warm comfort of your husband’s arms only to roll into a cold, empty space, your husband in a whole different country so his spot on the bed remained evidently, empty. It was as if your mind was taunting you, reminding you that you were physically alone when you needed him the most.
Eventually, you knew not telling Carlos about the sleepless nights would come back to haunt you. What you weren’t expecting was how distraught it would make him that he wasn’t aware.
Carlos had called you earlier in the evening to make sure you were aware when his flight would get in, and that he didn’t need you to pick him up as he had left his car at the airport. After telling him you’d wait up for him, he immediately discouraged that, attempting to convince you that he didn’t want you waiting up all night for him, and that he’d much rather crawl into bed with you when he got home and cuddle up.
Ignoring his words, you stayed up as long as you could. Passing the time with whatever you could find, a book, a drawing, your phone, eventually you felt the pull to your eyelids. You convinced yourself you would just close them for a moment, that you could rest them for just a few seconds and then you’d be able to go back to distracting yourself with whatever you could find to keep yourself awake.
The dream started as it always did. It was as if you were invisible, an outside force looking in on an intimate moment. It was always Carlos in the dream, and another woman, she never had a recognizable face, no one that you ever knew. He would be whispering sweet nothings into her ear, just as he always did to you, her face pressed into his shoulder as she giggled.
“Carlos, my love, when are you going to leave her? You’ve told me so many times it’ll be soon, please my love. I just want to be together, truly together.”
He would always sigh and press a kiss to the crown of her head before she continued.
“She’s not good enough for you, you know that. I’ve always been what you wanted, what you needed. She’s nothing, please my love, let us be together.”
Carlos would always pull her in a little tighter after that, looking in the direction where you stood in the dream, looking right through you.
“Don’t worry, mi corazón. She means nothing to me anymore, but she is so sensitive, I cannot just divorce her. I have to make her fall out of love with me first, I cannot handle her reaction if I do not. You know I don’t love her anymore, not like I love you, amor.”
That’s usually when the tears began streaking down your cheeks as you silently begged Carlos to take the words back, the words you tried to speak aloud coming out empty, further proving that you were simply invisible in the dream.
The nightmare would often continue from there, both Carlos and the unknown female drafting short insults, unkind words, and even worst statements about you as you were forced to watch upon them silently.
What you weren’t expecting was the gentle nudge to your shoulder, followed by a firmer shake, then your name being whispered softly.
“Mi amor, wake up. Mi amor, wake up, por favor,” you felt another gentle shake to your shoulders, your eyes beginning to open as they slowly adjusted to the soft light streaming into the bedroom.
Having never been woken up in the middle of the nightmare, it took you a moment to place your surroundings. Your book was still placed gently on the pillow next to your head, your phone face down on the spot Carlos usually laid, your mug, half-full of the chamomile tea you had started before drifting off was on the table next to your side of the bed. Carlos was directly in front of you, his brown eyes looking down at you with a soft look of concern present in them.
Carlos was directly in front of you.
A small bead of sweat trickled down the side of your forehead, your lash line wet with the unshed tears that your body had not had the chance to expel. You could feel the racing of your heart, the panic from the dream having started to set in before he had shaken you awake.
“Are you okay? You were whimpering and twisted up in the sheets, mi corazón. I could hear you the moment I stepped into the room.”
Shaking your head, your hands balled into fists as you moved them to gently rub at your now wet eyes. You had hoped there would be more time before Carlos was present for one of the reoccurring nightmares, had hoped you could work through what was causing them on your own before he noticed.
“Just a nightmare, my love. Nothing for you to worry about,” you continued to rub at your eyes as Carlos gently ran his hands down your exposed arms, his eyes still brimming with concern.
“Do you want to talk about it?” The Spaniard questioned, his body gently falling onto the bed beside you, careful to not crush the book that still laid on his pillow.
Shrugging your shoulders, you turned your head so that it was pressed into his chest, his arms instantly wrapping around your body to pull it closer into his own. Similar to the position he held the unknown woman that constantly haunted your dreams.
The soft sob escaped your throat before you could contain it, your hands that were still balled into fists pressing gently into your lips as you tried to keep the sounds at bay. Carlos instantly pulled back, concern and confusion even more prevalent in his warm brown eyes than they were before.
“Please tell me what’s going on, mi corazón.” His voice was filled with defeat, his free hand gently trailing his fingers down your face as he attempted to peer into your eyes.
You didn’t know how to tell him exactly what you were feeling, how you had been struggling almost every night he was gone, having to deal with these constant nightmares. How the anxiety was continuing to get worse and worse, which was causing the nightmares to become more vivid, more aggressive.
Carlos began gently running his hand up and down your arm again, trying to coax words out of you with his gentle demeanor. You knew you were safe with him; you knew he wouldn’t judge you for the anxiety, but you didn’t want him to think you didn’t trust him.
Eventually, the words began to spill from your lips. You explained the nightmare in detail, from start to finish, how it had been happening for months now, every time he was away it got worse and worse. The Spaniard’s face dropped, sadness embedding itself in his eyes as you continued to speak, his arms pulling you as close as they could the more and more you told him of what you had been suffering through.
By the time you were finished, Carlos’ face was marred with a large frown, his eyes looking down at you softly as he traced gentle circles on your exposed skin.
“Mi amor, I wish you had told me about this. It hurts me to know you’ve been suffering through this alone,” another soft sob fell from your lips, rubbing at your eyes as you looked up at him sadly.
“I’m sorry, Carlos. I just… I didn’t want you to think poorly of me, or think I didn’t trust you, or… I don’t know. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
Moving his body down so he could spoon you from behind, Carlos peppered a few gentle kisses against the back of your neck and shoulder as you spoke. “I could never think poorly of you, mi corazón, nor would I have thought you didn’t trust me. I just wish you had told me so we could have faced this together.”
The sincerity was obvious in his words, he was trying to emphasize exactly what you had been telling yourself since the nightmares started. You had been telling yourself for months that he would never think badly of you if you expressed what you had been dealing with, that he would drop everything and anything to help you through your inner turmoil.
Carlos was constantly professing how much you meant to him, and how he never wanted you to go through things alone, and that he would far rather suffer with you, than either of you suffer alone. It was something that he, himself, had been working on. Expressing when he was going through something internally, because of a bad race, or because of something Carlos Sainz Sr. had said. Both of you had spent years internalizing everything, refusing to ask for help from those around you.
“Mi amor, you are more than enough for me. I am such a lucky man to be able to come home to you after every race, to be able to have you waiting in the garage for me when you travel the world with me. There is truly no one else that I could ever want, if anything, I am not enough for you. Strangers online don’t know anything about what you have done for me, what you have sacrificed for me, as my wife.”
Whirling around to glare at him, your eyes caught on his own sad ones, softening yours instantly. Carlos had told you more than once that he felt guilty you had to cater to his schedule more than he could ever cater to yours. You had stressed to him that you would follow him to the end of the world, just as you had told him in your wedding vows months before that conversation.
“Marriage comes with sacrifice, my love. If we had to start all over, I would still do everything again. I’m just scared that one day maybe I won’t be enough for you, that you’ll decide someone else is prettier, or more suited for your lifestyle.”
A loud scoff fell from his lips, “No one could be more beautiful than you, or more perfectly suited for me, mi amor. I vowed that I would love you til’ the day I die, for richer or poorer, for better or worse. Nothing will ever change that.”
Turning your body completely so you could fit your head into the juncture of Carlos neck, you wrapped your own arms around him as you breathed in the smell of his cologne. You felt him press a kiss to the crown of your head as he threw one of his legs over your own.
“I don’t want you to feel like you have to go through these things alone, cariño. You have been so anxious, and I have been a horrible husband for not noticing, I hope you will let me make it up to you.”
His hands were drawing different shapes down your back, as he began to murmur sweet nothings into the crown of your head. The words were illegible, a combination of Spanish and English, apologies and professions of love, promises that he would be there for you whenever you needed him, that even if you called him in the middle of the night before a race, he would still do everything he could to help you through whatever it was you were going through.
“My love, you are a wonderful husband, a wonderful partner, an even more amazing support system. The comments online just get to me, especially when you’re not here, it’s harder to believe that what they’re saying isn’t true.” Gently murmuring the words so that he could hear them, all Carlos did was sigh before continuing with his declarations of love, attempting to do anything he could to comfort you.
You knew it was unlikely the nightmares would discontinue just like that, but it eased a portion of your anxiety to know that Carlos was now aware of them, that he truly didn’t judge you for the things you had been going through. A feeling of contentment washed through you, knowing that even if they did continue, they weren’t something you had to face alone, but something you could face together.  
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ahhh im not too sure how i feel about this one, so please let me know what you think! thank you to the lovely person who requested it, i hope it's everything you wanted!! there will be a smau part 2 to this one, which will encompass a second request that was very similar but i didn't know how to incorporate it in. i hope you all enjoy!!! 🫶🏻
@leclercdream @myescapefromthislife @princessria127 @iloveyou3000morgan @love4lando @asfaraslifegets @decseptapril @somanyfandomsbruh @fangirl125reader @imagandom @motorsp0rt @jspitwall @sarahedwards16 @glitterf1 @christianpulisic10 @carlandonorri-s @smoothopz @eugene-emt-roe @epitios @ihrtdan @myloverjk-blog @glow-ish @avxntxine @goldenmclaren
if your name is struck through/bolded it wouldn’t let me tag you. please let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist (preferably send me an ask, it's hard to keep track other ways)
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pxtched · 29 days
PROLOGUE — let’s make a deal…
series warning - eventual smut , profanity , sexual themes , drug/alcohol usage (don’t do any of these things!) , blackmail , fighting (verbal and physical) , reader being a queenbee, Miguel is a loner at the star but grows some balls later on.
chapter warning - profanity , it’s so short , fighting (verbal) , blackmail , Miguel kinda is a loner here , literally has the worst timing known to man kind.
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He’s always at the library, far back too. He reads whatever book he needs to read without any human communication. What a loser!
He always caught your eye, I mean. Why wouldn’t he? He’s such a loner, it’s so easy to miss him. Not you though, you noticed his little pattern. Going to lectures and going straight to the library.
He’s a sore loser, and you heard he dosent even know you! How disrespectful!
but you can’t focus on that right now, you’re currently putting someone in their place in the library because they think they have the right to stand up to you! How dare they, who do they think they are?
“What makes you think you can say that?” You scoffed, crossing your arms with a smirk on your face as you stared at the angry male in front of you.
“I have every right you bitch! I’m tired of you treating me around like I’m some toy to you!” He yelled and you just laugh at him. “Oh please, Don’t act like you’re all that. Did you forget I have proof of you cheating on your girlfriend?” You remind me and he immediately shuts up.
You smirked and walked up to him, harshly grabbing his chin to make him look at you. Your smirking, amused face turn into a stern serious one.
“Know your place. because I can just send your girlfriend all of the pictures, text messages and voice messages.” You advised him then smirked at him once again when you see his face drop and his face pales. You then spoke again “don’t want to ruin your 3 year relationship do you?” You cooed at him.
You waited for his response and when he shook his head no, you scowled “good, act like this again and I won’t hesitate to do it.” And you let go of his chin harshly and turned around to leave but once you do.
You see Miguel.
He looks at you, he tries to leave but you glared at him and immediately said.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
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“I’ll leave, I’ll forget this even happened!” Miguel stumbled over his words, you ignored as you walked towards him. Looking at him in the flesh fully. “No, no. It’s fine, you’re that smart kid right?” You asked him and he hesitates until you glared start him to answer.
“Mhm!” He answers and you smiled. “Then let’s make a deal…Miguel right?” You asked him as you raised an eyebrow.
He was surprised you knew his name. “Y-yes, that’s me.” He spoke, You hum in response.
“You know, I see you getting picked on the by the jocks and some girls. You’re getting tired of it? You want that to stop don’t you?” You chuckled as you looked at him.
You see him look away, like he’s scared to admit it but he nods.
You chuckled as you put you arm around his shoulder and pull him closer to you. You look at you nails on your other hand as you spoke.
“Then I Can Make you a deal, how about this. You do my work for me, you do what I say and I’ll…make you stop getting picked on. You’ll be perfectly alone and fine.” You proposed to him and you see his eyes widened at your words.
The guy you were scolding was about to warn him but you give him a death stare and looked at the door. Signaling him to keep his mouth shut and get out.
and he did so. Now it’s just you and Miguel.
You looked back at him “So how about it?” You asked him with a smirk on your face awaiting his answer.
You can tell he’s thinking about it, and he looks back at you. “I accept.”
You smirked.
This will be fun.
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The next day, he’s suddenly realizes that no one is bothering him. He notices the looks he’s getting, but no one dares to mess with him.
As he’s sitting in his usual table in the library, and he hears footsteps coming towards him. He looks up and sees you standing in front of his table. A hand resting on your hip as the other hand holding some papers.
You smiled at him.
“Like the difference, Miguel?” You spoke. you face looks cocky even though your voice is sweet like honey.
He nodded and looked at the papers in your hand. “What’s that?” “Work, just like our promise.” You put some papers on his desk, he looks at the papers and looks at you.
“Aren’t you doing the same thing they were doing?”
Your smile immediately fades. “The first day and you’re already getting on my nerves, You made the deal did you not? I fulfilled your part and now it’s your turn. I Can always make them go back to bulling you again, do you want that?”
He stammered, he cannot risk the only peace he has so suddenly. He shook his head and you smiled again. “Good, it’s not a lot. Pretty sure you’ll get it done in about 20 minutes or so. Have fun!” You waved him goodbye and left.
as he is now alone again, he wonders.
Was this worth it? What is he getting him self into?
Time can only tell.
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tags - @pinkhelados , @jadeloverxd , @syler-griffin , @monarchberrysblog , @ultravioletrayz - if you want to be in the tag list lmk!
a/n - guys, I’m so sorry this took SO SO long and it’s not even that long. I been struggling with a lot of stuff, and I didn’t have the motivation to write. I apologize for being gone for so long.
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pirateprincessblog · 10 months
Strawberry Mocha
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𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫.: your favorite café has a new barista, and he seems oddly familiar, especially when you see his hands move when he prepares your favourite beverage 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jung wooyoung x reader, ft yunho 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 24.7k 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: barista!wooyoung, student!reader, camboy!wooyoung, virgin!reader, hopelesslyinlove!yunho 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: masturbation, mutual masturbation, sexting, public oral, public fingering, blindfold, slight bondage, toys, edging
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing, v-card loss, angst on yunho's side 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: pussy drunk wooyo idk man also i imagine wooyo as bouncy wooyo here with that hot ass hair purr but make it oreo like he had it in aotm
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫s 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐲.
nsfw link(s): one
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anastasya wants to chat! click here to see one new message.
"hello, gorgeous. want to see my pussy?" - tina, less than 10 km away.
luciano is more than ready to show you the 8th world wonder.
"close. close. close." your words are synchronized with the clicking of your mouse. with each minute passing, each click is getting more aggressive.
sick and tired of all the sex ads interrupting your studying over an illegally found textbook, you bury your head into your pillow. your back hurts from laying on your stomach for hours, but it is the only position that helps you with period cramps. the laptop makes a noise again, one you've heard enough of for the last few hours.
"i really don't want to fuck you, nick." you whine, clicking at the x in the corner of the new ad. when it opens three new tabs, all you can do is groan and close the laptop. you have an exam tomorrow, today is your first day of the period, which means tomorrow it's going to be worse, and to make things better, you are bombarded with photos of nude men and women, with attached locations, chat boxes and quotes. you feel sick.
yet again, you have just a little more of this lesson left, and if you could manage to spend so many hours fighting the virus bots, you can do it for ten more minutes. all out of motivation and will to live, you turn the laptop back on. the screen brightness almost blinds you, you forget how dark it has become and how bright your screen is. your eyes skim over the words, your brain so focused on focusing, that you forget to focus. you are frustrated, in pain, your hair is so greasy you could model it like clay, and your are nails half bitten off.
three minutes until your sleeping schedule starts, and five more long paragraphs to read. taking a deep breath, you click the arrow to scroll. as if the laptop is mocking you, it delivers you another message.
wooyoung (23), offers both mental and physical relief. check it out!
the ad flashes across the whole screen, the x not even visible on this one. you don't feel anything anymore. you've gone completely numb. accepted your fate. this will be your reminder to not study the last day ever again. you stare at the pink letters, then the picture on the side of it. it shows a young man, and oddly enough, not all oiled up and naked on it. it is a selfie, and in it he lays on the bed in the same position as you. how odd, to put a normal and clothed person on a sex ad.
"fuck it."
you drag the arrow over the highlighted letters, sighing. months, maybe even a whole year spent without a sexual contact. you didn't crave it. nothing in real life turned you on. maybe you didn't pay enough attention. maybe you've overgrown simple flirting and poor tries of having one night stands at parties. maybe all those young adult fantasy books on your shelves have raised your standards. looking back at the things that used to get you going makes you cringe. you've evolved from poorly acted out porn videos, to pages full of dark haired morally grey characters, blindfolds, leather gloves, candle wax, and whatnot.
you have yet to try out anything other than poor rubbings over the jeans you've received, not even orgasming. one night, three whole minutes of a drunk guy almost irritating your skin from harsh rubs, and a fake moan later, you start to wonder if you're the problem. proposing the idea of anything other than missionary and oral would make you the weird one, especially since you're a virgin. men here are shallow, and would rather jerk off to an amateur movie than try to match your standards and make the whole thing actually enjoyable.
the link you've clicked on doesn't open multiple tabs like the previous ones did. instead, it opens a single site, which first asks you to register and confirm your age. eager to see if the man in the picture was really the one offering such services, you log in with your google account, which unknowingly to you, used your picture and real name to set up the new account. your notes and pens are discarded on the floor, and your focus is on the man currently showing off his rings.
his hands are veiny, that is the first thing you notice. decorated with silver rings, nails neatly trimmed, with the pinky one painted black, and fingers oddly satisfying to look at. he brushes those same fingers through his hair, making it change colour for a split second. you notice that he is half blonde, which just makes you realize that sleep is not an option tonight. at least not yet.
"anyone want to open today's topic before i start?" he offers, scrolling through the comments.
you watch as people comment various topics and requests, the main one being for him to start touching himself already. for a sex cam, he does quite a lot of talking. maybe that's why you haven't left the site yet, but are staring at the way his teeth are biting his lip while his eyes focus on the bright screen.
"your friends are shaming you for having a threesome?" he reads out loud, then sighs. "they're probably virgins. or inexperienced girls who got fucked once then dumped. only they shame people for their sexual desires. they have no creativity at all. i can't imagine jerking off with just my hand anymore. feels bland. don't worry about them."
your fingers are quicker than your brain, and before you even register it, you hit send.
a soft laugh travels to your ears, and you just know it's because of your comment.
"you beg to differ?" he says, brushing his hair back again. he takes a moment to think. his rings shine under the dimmed lights, and you can't help but wonder how it would be to feel that cool sensation on your body.
you'd love to have him feel you up and down with this rings on, a cold contrast on your hot skin. you wouldn't budge if he were to put that hand against your neck, giving it light squeezes just enough to give you a thrill. you'd even let him do it in front of that camera of his, make all of these thirsty girls jealous because you're the one moaning his name. shit, you're really into him. or rather this whole situation. and he hasn't done a single sexual gesture.
"a virgin on my page. interesting." the young man hums, his eyebrows scrunched. "isn't life boring as a virgin? i mean, what do you do?"
i study, you're quick to reply again.
"i meant sexually, love." he laughs, somewhat fondly.
was it that obvious that you're a virgin? your cheeks feel hot, and you now wish to exit the page. but by doing that, you'll just prove him right. he'll make fun of you too, just like he did to those friends. you sigh. he doesn't know who you are, so it doesn't matter. you'll be honest, and maybe he'll give you a solution.
using hands isn't that boring
"ever tried a toy? or a person?"
tried a person. got disappointed.
"ah, what a shame. let me guess, gave you blisters from rubbing?"
oh just how did you know?
"poor thing," he coos, "if you had come to the right person, i would've given you just what you need."
the words come out raspy, and there's a sudden change on his face. you wonder if you said anything wrong. if he was thinking about banning you. but instead, a notification pops up in the corner of your screen.
wooyoung has sent you a message request!
"anyways, let's move on. am i in a hotel? ah, no. i recently moved houses, this will be my new filming room now. not as special as the previous one, but i need time to decorate it."
he keeps talking, eyes glancing at his phone every now and then, as if expecting you to answer right away. you are shaking, your head feels dizzy, and you find it hard to swallow. was he going to tell you privately to fuck off of his site? how embarrassing that would be. you wouldn't ever recover.
wooyoung has sent you a message request!
two of them now, yet you're still debating whether or not to exit and delete your browsing history. it won't hurt to look. you don't have to reply. you can just take a peek, leave him on read, and fuck out of there. it's not like he will see you on the street tomorrow. he could be on a whole different continent, and yet, he could be five houses away from you. either way, you're feeling vulnerable. those messages are either humiliation, or something entirely different. both of those make you feel uneasy.
then again, this is the only thing that sparked something inside you in these few months of feeling burnt out from reading all that erotica. the only difference is, this is happening. really happening. a whole man is in your chat, while he has an ongoing sex stream with more than five thousand people watching and commenting. and so when you say fuck it, you mean it.
wooyoung: ever tried an innocent soft little pillow?
wooyoung: guaranteed, feels better than a horny teenage boy.
your breathing is shallow, and you fear that you might collapse. his next message contains a phone number, and then, you watch him drop the phone on his bed. his focus is now on the camera, and the way his eyes stare into the lens, makes you feel as if they're searching for you. deciding to further test the waters, and see if he is just trying to have a little fun, or if he really has taken an ounce of interest in an inexperienced watcher, you send a text back.
he stops mid sentence, glancing at his phone. he fails to hide a smirk, and you're not sure whether it is the one of amusement or mocking.
am I, a boring old virgin, good enough for a pillow?
being a virgin doesn't mean you're all that innocent. quite the opposite, in your friend group, you are the one who leaves them all shocked when you speak of your desires. yet, who guarantees that this guy can accomplish what you want? they all want to "rock your world", show you how "good" it can be, until the make-out session is over and they come in their pants from simple dry humping. and you? who cares about if you came. your job is done the moment they come to their senses, and you are left to your growing disappointment in young men your age again.
wooyoung: does the boring old virgin know how to use one? perhaps some assistance is needed?
you swallow. you've never used anything other than your hand before. for someone with such a creative mind, you were quite a bore when it comes to pleasing yourself. you were used to your own touch, and you desperately needed someone else to fill the spot.
you glance at the screen. he is now holding something in his hand. it's clear, and long, and you're not sure if you've seen that before. your mind doesn't get enough time to form a thought, because he sticks two fingers in his mouth. he swirls the tongue around them, coating them until they're shimmering like the rings. sensually slow, he takes them out, making sure to give the camera a dreamy gaze. he turns the gadget towards the camera, and just when you figure out what it is, he brings his wet fingers to the hole in the toy. he circles the entrance, causing your tights to squeeze. you are so mesmerized by the way he slowly inserts his fingers into the toy, that you don't realize you are almost panting.
"need to prepare her for me."  he says, giving it a few slow pumps.
you can almost feel his fingers on your cunt, he is just that good at this. each pump of his fingers sends a wave of butterflies straight to your abdomen. it's so painful, to be horny on your period. otherwise you would've came twice by now.
"think I've prepared her enough?"
comments are flooded with positive feedback, and the young man smirks. he readjusts the camera, and sits with his back against the bed frame. he wears short sweatpants, perfectly showing off his not so humble size. he takes his sweet time to undo the knot on them, driving the watchers (including you) insane. he laughs at the comments, and decides it's enough teasing.
"for all the virgins here tonight," he says, then glances at his phone.
finally, he pulls his sweats down. his cock find its place in his hand, not allowing you to take a better look. wooyoung gives himself a few slow strokes, head falling against the headboard as he does so. he hums, licking his fingers and pressing them against his cock. you have stopped breathing. his gaze is fixed on the lens, eyelids half closed, and breathing shallow. your eyes watch his movements, carefully documenting and engraving them in your brain so you can replay them for the next few weeks. he takes the toy, sliding it on his cock. your mouth drops when you see the absolute relief on his face, followed by an eyeroll and a deep moan. you figure that the toy serves him as a fake pussy. why a fake one, when he can have anyone he likes? his watchers must get jealous. you would be too, if you saw someone so hot that gives you such attention fuck someone else.
a few strokes in, and he is already bucking his hips upwards and moaning. wet noises travel to your ears, paired with multiple curses and sighs. suddenly, he sits up, grabbing two pillows from behind his back. he places a pillow on the mattress, the toy, then another pillow on top of all that. you almost gasp when you see him spit on his fingers, rubbing his cock, then slowly insert it into the toy. he grabs the pillows, then plunges his hips into it. he groans, and stays inside for a moment. then, he starts off with slow thrusts.
you've read so much about rough sex, that you didn't even think about the sensual side of it. how good it must be to savour every caress, every lick and every stroke. to actually take your time, like he is taking it with a simple toy. to be at his mercy for hours, what you'd give. helpless, deprived of senses, only him and you. you feel your heartbeat slow down as he stares into the lens, hips moving with such pace that has your stomach almost exploding.
overwhelmed by the situation unfolding in front of you, you shut your laptop down. you see your face on the black screen; cheeks puffed, pupils dilated, and mouth dry. fuck, what was that? did you just watch live porn? and did you interact with the person doing it? you check the time, and with a loud groan, you place the laptop on the floor and roll over. you have so little time to get some quality sleep, yet you're wide awake. your studying is nowhere near done, and you just know that a prayer won't save you tomorrow. from the exam, nor from the cramps.
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surprisingly, you passed the exam. everything you've read last night managed to stick to your brain, despite the crazy situation that had interrupted you. you have already forgotten about it. when you woke up, it all seemed like a part of your dream. a very real dream. today, you didn't have time to think about it. your hair is a greasy mess, and an oversized hoodie hangs from your shoulders, covering your bloated stomach. you've dreamed about a cup of your favorite pink beverage all morning, and when the clock finally showed a sweet number four, you were the first one to run out of the building. your phone lays forgotten at the bottom of your backpack, mind too cluttered with the upcoming projects and cramps.
the coffee shop isn't as busy for a monday morning, and the timing is just right. you cannot stand anymore, so when you get next in line, you are relieved. you take a good look at the menu above the counter, happy that you've made it through such a tough morning.
"good day, how can i help you?"
your smile fades as quick as it arrives. you feel like all the blood in your body has pooled down in your feet, making it hard to move.
"oh, do you need to sit down? you look very..." the voice pauses, and you can feel an intense gaze on your face, before he continues "...pale."
you drop your gaze, slowly, feeling like the person is going to catch on if you do it in normal pace. right in front of you, stands the man who you watched fuck a pillow last night. he is very much real, not a fruit of your imagination combined with exhaust. he smiles sweetly, showing you towards a chair. you don't move. instead, you blink, and let your mouth run.
"i'll have the strawberry mocha please."
he scrunches his eyebrows, but begins to tap on his screen anyway.
"with whipped cream, thanks. just, uh, extra syrup. and pearl sprinkles."
he raises an eyebrow, looking at you suspiciously. you can't tell if it's because of your relation to his odd interaction last night, or simply because you are acting weird.
"that'll be-"
you interrupt again, pressing your credit card to the gadget near the cash register, eyes not leaving the wooden surface. with behaviour like this, he will soon figure out why you are acting this way. you must stop, before you embarrass yourself more.
"anna," you blurt out, just in case.
"right," you think you hear him scoff, and if it weren't for your brain slowing down with each second, you would've asked what's so funny.
once he types in everything he needs, he points towards an empty section, gesturing you to take a seat. sitting on that chair has never been more uncomfortable for you. you feel like you sat on thorns, and no matter how you adjust, you are just making annoying creaking noises.
you glance at the man behind the counter. a lump forms in your throat as your eyes scan his hand movements. he is invested in the shaker, fingers skillfully moving it in the air. your concentration gets stolen by his face, loose strands falling on it eyes focused on the drink, and eyebrows scrunched. even if he was a aware of you staring, (you doubt he didn't notice), he doesn't spare you a glance. he pours the drink into the iced cup, spilling a little on his fingers and on the counter. you follow his hand, which takes a straw and drops it into the cup, and then moves towards his mouth. your breath stops in your throat, and your eyes almost drop on the floor.
he sticks the two wet fingers in his mouth, slowly, and looks up right at you. he catches you red handed, or better said, red cheeked. you're flustered by his hot, unprofessional, but hot move. and as if that wasn't enough, he has the audacity to maintain eyecontact as he brings you your beverage, a slight smirk dancing on his lips.
"your drink, anna."
"thank you, woo-" you freeze.
idiot. fucking idiot.
"ah, you managed to read my name tag."
he saves you, perhaps unknowingly. the amount of attention that his hands are gaining from you should be concerning, yet you still can't stop admiring those strangely attractive veins peeking from under his rolled up sleeve, going all the way to the fingers which are fixing the name tag.
"wooyoung, your shift ended ten minutes ago!" the voice behind the counter calls.
"oops." he snickers, then makes his way towards the counter, allowing you to take a look at his back too.
the thin white shirt is a little tight on his body, just enough to show off quite a few lines on his back. funnily enough, even though you've seen him naked, something about those clothes giving you a teaser is much more of a button pusher for you. the anticipation and buildup were always more interesting to you than the actual thing they lead to.
you laugh at yourself. as if any of that is going to happen to you any time soon. deciding you've spent enough time out of your comfy apartment today, you decide to put a lid on your coffee and leave the shop. at the door, someone tries to get out before you, but once they realize it's a bit tight for both, two hands gently find their way on your waist. a strong scent of jasmine washes over your senses, warm and firm body pressed against your back.
"oh, watch it, love."
and with that, you stand on the entrance, watching the familiar man run off to his car, the barista apron resting over his shoulder.
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wooyoung: disconnected mid show?
wooyoung: was it too overwhelming for your first time?
wooyoung: shame, i put my all into that orgasm, only to see you disconnected long ago
you are rolling in your bed, listening to the messages that are being read out loud by your very best friend. disbelief evident in his voice, he reads, over and over. you haven't yet replied, and having an actual encounter with him today didn't make it easier for you to do so.
"he's, like, a hundred percent real?"
"he very much is."
"are you sure? because ai is getting very scary these days-"
"yunho." you sit up, face inches away from him. "i stood this close to him."
the tips of his ears turn red, and you manage to catch a single glance he sends towards your lips. you ignore it, trying to convince yourself that if you do not notice, it will not happen. his behaviour will stop.
"he is very much real."
"o-okay," he stutters, turning his head sideways as to avoid being caught staring again, "so what now?"
"i don't know. what is there to do? he's just some porn guy, and i was just an accidental watcher. nothing is going to happen."
your phone pings, as if knowing what yunho was about to ask.
"-the messages?"
"i'll just..." you stall, glancing at the phone and trying to see the notification, "...delete it all."
the man in front of you scoffs, believing in your words as much as you. he gets off your bed, picking up his jacket along the way.
"i'll see you in class tomorrow."
you only nod, feeling guilt pooling up at the bottom of your stomach. yet, as soon as you hear the door shut, you grab your phone. indeed, messages from wooyoung are taking up your phone screen.
wooyoung: out of curiosity, you didn't happen to try the pillow thing?
wooyoung: need to borrow mine?
you bite your lip, and your eyes fall on the pile of pillows yunho used to make himself comfortable.
i haven't tried it. and no, i have four of them.
wooyoung: shame. bet they'd love to be suffocated between your legs.
you choke on your spit, eyes skimming over the message multiple times.
that one of your fetishes? being suffocated with female tights?
wooyoung: you have no idea.
a few minutes pass,and you are thinking of various replies to send to him. do you keep talking to him? do you start flirting? is this considered flirting? if yes, are you doing a good job? a few more minutes pass before your phone dings again, wooyoung interrupting your thinking process.
wooyoung: well, i see that you're extremely disinterested in my tries of communication, so i shall just leave you be. hope my actions and i weren't overwhelming for you. if that's the case, my sincere apologies. you're always welcome to my lives though.
wooyoung: oh, and good luck studying!
"no, no," you whisper, seeing the online tag under his name disappear. your lack of communication with actual confident men and your awkwardness in general made him back off. it all felt too real to be true, but it was real. and you let it slip away. your only chance at gaining experience and living out your fantasies.
i'm not disinterested!
shit, you shouldn't have sent that exclamation mark. he will think you are desperate now. he doesn't reply, nor does the tag under his name reappear. you wait, minutes, half an hour, just rolling on the bed and switching between apps, trying to see if he at least went online. maybe he only read it from his notifications, and that wasn't enough to make him come back. you pick up the last few ounces of desperation you have left, and grab a pillow. you sit on it, crushing it between your legs, and pull your oversized hoodie just enough to cover your bottom and expose your thighs. you have discarded the pants the moment you entered the house, already used to walking around in yunho's old comfy boxers. you snap a picture, once, then twice, until you are satisfied with the angle and all the details that he may not even notice; like your chipped nail polish or the messy notes from yunho's studying.
instantly, wooyoung comes back online. he begins typing, then stops. he types again, and stops once more. you are biting your nails, regretting already. now that he knows how desperate you are, he will lose interest in you. you would too if you were him. you zoom into the picture, trying to figure out if anything is wrong with it.
wooyoung saved the picture in the chat!
wooyoung: fuck, that's
wooyoung: wow
wooyoung: those are the smoothest and softest thighs i've ever seen in my life
wooyoung: you know when you look at something and you know the texture of it? i bet i could just sink between them just like that pillow
wooyoung: could you ride that for me, angel?
the nickname sends arrows to your core, and you gulp. he knows his way with words, and you are so here for it. you can feel yourself dripping, and not from what you're supposed to drip from. your horny levels hit the sky on your period, and oh, how convenient that all of this is happening on the second day of it. he doesn't have to know, you could keep him hooked, until your period is done. but then what? what guarantees that he will not lose interest once he has a little fun with you with all the dirty talk?
your hands work against your brain, and soon enough, you are grinding on the soft material, one hand holding the phone and the other one covering your mouth so that no noises come out of it. if it feels good with so many layers on you, how good can it feel with your bare clit rubbing against it?
wooyoung: atta girl
wooyoung: feel good?
you only moan at the praise he delivers you, hips speeding up the pace.
yes, you manage to quickly type in.
wooyoung: can you type and work it? is it hard for my good girl to multitask?
you set the phone aside, focusing entirely on the object between your legs. you roll your hips, dedicated to chasing the sweet pleasure that has abandoned you for so long. at the memory of his skilled hips last night, the orgasm washes over you so quickly. his choice of words significantly sped up the process, and you aren't to complain. you take your time to calm your breathing, before taking the phone in your hands again. it was new, and different, but most importantly, fucking good.
the euphoria doesn't last long, the look of horror replacing the one of pure bliss on your face. right under wooyoung's message stood yours.
voice message sent.
it is you shamelessly whimpering and grunting, mere four seconds of it, yet enough to make wooyoung save it in the chat.
wooyoung: is it christmas already?
wooyoung: i keep getting present after present. what did i do to deserve it?
wooyoung: i better go fix the problem you've created.
wooyoung has sent a picture! tap to view.
the picture is dark, but there is just enough lighting for you to see his defined v-line and the bulge in his sweatpants. you bite the inside of your cheek, suppressing a smile. you made someone horny. not just anyone, but wooyoung, a porn creator. he has surely seen lots of things, how come a fully clothed picture and a four second audio could get him in the mood?
you have saved the picture in the chat!
in the next few days, you ask yunho to pick up the beverage from the coffee shop while you grab something to eat. he is happy that you started including breakfast in your day, and isn't yet aware that you are only avoiding the man he also knew about. perhaps wooyoung worked different shifts, and they didn't have an encounter yet? it's a bit cruel towards yunho, but you can't make yourself go in there. not until you've grown some dignity.
today, yunho isn't here. he has only answered to your message, saying that he has a flu, and that he will be resting for a day or two. which leaves you to getting the coffee on your own. you run from the rain, your umbrella broken and swimming away somewhere down the road. you would've picked it up and threw it away, really, if that lighting wasn't so close to you and you started running for your life. you are soaked, the hoodie stuck to your skin and the shorts uncomfortable and heavy. you hurriedly enter the coffee shop and exhale, the warmth of the place caressing your cold cheeks. you notice the place is empty, and the chairs are neatly tucked under the tables. the surfaces have been freshly wiped, and no menus or decorations were on them.
you approach the counter, ready to grab your beverage and leave before you make a bigger mess. nobody is there, the syrups and coffee cans are neatly placed on the shelves, not a drop of water visible on the counters. your eyes notice a little board, with pink letters on it.
due to sudden illness of two out of three workers, we are forced to work short hours this week. thank you for understanding!
underneath, you see that they work until four in the afternoon. you check the time, and upon noticing that it is just two minutes before four, you sigh. you turn around, ready to leave and rid the poor worker of trouble after they already prepared the place for closing.
"oh, i'm terribly sorry, i didn't notice you!"
the voice makes your blood run cold, and once again, you find yourself frozen in spot. only this time, you are all alone with him. no people surrounding you. just him, you, and the crazy weather outside.
"please, feel free to order. you have a minute and a half to place it!"
you turn around, eyes locking with brown ones. he is smiling sweetly, pointing towards the menu above his head.
"i don't want to bother you. you've cleaned the whole place and-" your eyes drop on the see through shirt hugging his body "-you've already taken your apron off."
"luckily, my boss is sick too so she can't give me crap about it. i can make your drink without it."
you make your way towards the counter again, eyes skimming over the menu, knowing damn well what you're going to order. you just have to buy yourself time so you can calm down. the scent of jasmine is taking over your senses, creeping into your mind and bringing back memories you wish so hard to forget so you can move on with your life. he is tugging you into the void, and you have nothing to get you out of there. you haven't heard from him since the day you rode the pillow for him, and you didn't have time to watch any of his lives.
"well, then. i'll have a strawberry mocha."
"ah, so it's your usual then."
"yes. extra syrup. and the pearl sprinkles, please."
"and whipped cream, yes", he types in the order, then looks behind. "you know, we have some strawberry cupcakes that didn't sell today due to the weather. would you like one? on the house!"
you hesitate, not wanting to waste his time. he could be home by now, doing something important. like filming himself. or texting you after you've left him on seen. or better said, saved.
"i really don't want to waste your time."
"you're not wasting my time, trust me. besides, i'd rather stay here a little more until my phone finishes charging. i don't want to get stuck in that weather outside with no battery."
he sees you hesitate and eye up the pink pastries, desire obvious in your eyes. he chuckles, then brings the whole tray on the counter.
"tell you what," he grabs the items needed for your beverage, not breaking eye contact with you, "i'll make us two strawberry mochas, and we'll eat those cupcakes so they don't get wasted until the weather calms down. sound good?"
you gulp. the look on your face is a complete opposite of him, as well as your body language. he is relaxed, beaming with confidence, and has a smile on his lips. meanwhile, you are stiff, your face is blank, maybe even scared at the fact that you're gonna be alone with the man who made you cum without touching you. but when thunder echoes through the place, you agree.
it doesn't take him long to make them and bring them to your booth in the corner of the shop. the smell of strawberries is the only thing keeping you sane at the moment. he sits across from you, shirt half unbuttoned, as if it's the warmest day of the spring outside. he doesn't have a care in the world. he silently enjoys the cupcake, occasionally glancing at you. you are slow with yours, careful not to stain your clothes with the pink icing.
"want to try?"
you look over at him. he brings his glass closer towards you, and aligns the straw with your lips.
"isn't it the same?"
"well, no." he laughs awkwardly. "try it, trust me."
you try taking the glass from him, but he is persistent in holding it for you. you wrap your lips around the straw, eyes locked with his dark ones.
"atta girl." he hums.
you swear you could orgasm right there on the spot. you pull at the liquid, cheeks hollowing and creating a perfect scene for him. he is dead serious, the smirks and chuckles long left behind the counter. the moment your tongue tastes alcohol, you push the drink away from you, creamy liquid dripping from your lips.
"fuck, is that whiskey?"
you wipe your top off with your sleeve, not yet realizing wooyoung's intense gaze on your lips.
"yes." he replies, as if it's the most normal thing in the world.
"god, why?" you finally lick the cream off your lips, ridding wooyoung of more fantasies forming in his head.
"it's good. why, don't like alcohol?"
you never really did. sure, you drank some tequilas, and a little gin of course, but not to the point to get drunk or actually go for a full round or two.
"i'm actually quite a virgin when it comes to alcohol."
the words are left hanging in the air, silence wrapping you both up. one might think that you knew exactly what you were doing with the choice of words, but you were plain dense. and wooyoung was here for it. he was whipped for all the innocent sides you were unknowingly showing him, but lord forbid he tells you anything. otherwise, you might stop talking at all.
"you can come over for classes if you want..." he brings the glass back in front of him, a smirk dancing on his lips, "...anna."
"yeah, i don't want any alcohol after my real classes, thank you."
the conversation stops, the only sound being quiet chewing and the rain pouring. wooyoung takes his time to think, and so do you.
"that yunho guy-"
"what do you do in your free time-"
you start at the same time. yunho? how does he know his name?
"you go first," you offer, unwrapping another cupcake.
"that yunho guy, he orders a single strawberry mocha with extra syrup and pearl sprinkles every day when you don't come. whipped cream too, of course. for you, assuming?"
you nod, poking those same sprinkles with your straw. yunho has been a little more absent in your life since this whole thing has started, and you feel bad to admit that you didn't really miss him. you weren't using him for coffee or homework, of course. you still like to occasionally chat with him, just not like before. especially since his feelings are coming more to the surface.
"yes, for me."
wooyoung hums, not asking further questions.
"so uh, wooyoung, right? you're new here?" you opt for a different question, seeing that he didn't remind you to finish the previous one.
"jung wooyoung, yes. i moved from los angeles recently, didn't find my luck there."
"ah, what do you do?"
and just like that, the conversation stops. at least from your side. your head hangs low over your paper cup, fingers now playing with the cupcake wrap as you feel his gaze on you.
"are we going to act like you don't know what that is?"
"i know what it is," you stutter, fingers ripping the wrap apart and playing with bits from nervousness, "i just don't quite, you know, fit in that area."
"you sure fit in that night."
you choke on your spit, eyes shooting up to look at him. his elbow rests on the desk, supporting his head, while his other one plays with the empty cup. his finger grazes the corners, slowly circling it, as if trying to help you remember that night and the way the did it to the toy. your mouth goes dry, and you feel at his complete mercy.
"how-" you clear your throat, the roughness of it a dead giveaway that he caught you, "-how did you, uh, know?"
"you're telling me you saw nothing wrong with entering the coffee shop with that hoodie on, knowing full well i work here?"
you look down at the hoodie you're wearing. how fucking ironic, that it's the same hoodie you posed in for him. you really are that dense.
"i should get going."
"i can drive you home. you're not thinking of walking in this weather?"
him and you? in such a small space? for such a long time? what if you blurt out more stupid things, as if you haven't embarrassed yourself enough today? you wouldn't blame him if he left you on the side of the road.
the train of thoughts is interrupted by your name rolling off his lips so sweetly, dripping milk and honey. your actual name, not the fake one you gave him.
"i'm not camboy wooyoung now. i'm just wooyoung, your friendly barista. and when i say i can and want to drive you home, i mean it. no funny business. the last thing i want to do is make a loyal costumer uncomfortable."
it doesn't take long for him to clean up the table and grab his phone from the charging station. you patiently wait by the door, ears and cheeks warm from the unfamiliar situation you've found yourself in. you follow his commands, such as coming behind the counter and slipping through the staff door so that the cameras don't catch you. you squeeze into the pantry, waiting for him to lock the doors one by one.
"so, that yunho guy didn't take your virginity yet?" he blurts out, as if it is the most normal question he could ask.
"well," he turns around, facing you, "he is your boyfriend after all, isn't he?"
"that's not quite- oh-" you are pressed into the corner, with wooyoung blocking the way out. he puts his hands on the wall, trapping you between his arms and forcing you to look at him.
"does your boyfriend know that you watch filth and film yourself for another man?"
"he isn't-"
"does he know that his innocent little girlfriend is alone with that same man inside an empty coffee shop, away from everyone?"
you fail to answer, instead opting for silence. your eyes fall on his exposed chest, fingers yearning to touch. you feel a hand under your chin, gently lifting your head up so that you can look at him again. you see pure desire in his eyes, and now you know exactly what the authors mean when they say that his eyes darkened with lust. you are witnessing it first hand, and now that you are finally here, you are not acting the way you did in your mind.
he brings his face close to yours, his loose hair strands tickling your cheeks. his breathing is shallow, much like yours, and when he slowly presses his lips against yours, you breathing stops completely. he holds your chin in his hand, thumb gently rubbing your cheek, while his other hand finds its place on your hip. he pulls your body into his, and ever so gently bites down on your bottom lip.
your first normal kiss ever. with the man you watched masturbate on a crucial studying night. he pulls away, just enough to move your hair out of the way.
"am i making you uncomfortable?" he asks, concern taking over his features.
"no," you whisper, not trusting your voice.
"you sure?"
"please keep kissing me." you look up at him, and wooyoung swears that he has never seen such big pleading eyes in his entire life. just how can he deny you such a thing, when you asked him so sweetly and innocently?
wooyoung loses control, and lets his heart take over. his hands grab your waist, picking you up and seating you on a nearby surface, knocking some cups and cutlery over in the process. his lips are pressed against yours again, moving slowly until you get used to it. your hands hesitantly wrap around his neck, fingers playing with the hair on it. wooyoung exhales into your lips, absolutely whipped for your little gestures.
you are soaking wet. you hope he doesn't feel it, considering he has your legs wrapped around his waist and your cunt pressed against his firm torso. with each kiss he so generously delivers you, a new batch of butterflies gets released in your stomach, making you feel all giggly and excited. he smells absolutely heavenly, and the way his tongue is grazing your lips is driving you mad. his fingers press into your thigh, feeling the flesh and lightly squeezing it. so he really does have a thigh fetish.
you whine when he pulls away from you, only to attach his lips to your neck. he drags his tongue down the side of your neck, to your collarbone. his hands sneak under your hoodie, lingering on your bare skin for a moment. you realize he is waiting for a sign to keep going, so you help him raise your hoodie right under your chest.
"should i stop?"
you didn't quite picture him as a man who would ask for consent multiple times. but then again, he is a man. not a boy. and just like he said: right now, he isn't camboy wooyoung. he is your friendly barista wooyoung. a particularly touchy friendly barista wooyoung. not that you're complaining.
absolutely lost in the way he is looking at you, you fail to answer. you feel so small in his arms, and so inexperienced when it comes to simple kissing. god, what if he wants something more right away?
"i need to know you're comfortable. i won't do anything if-"
you stop him by taking his hand and placing it on your breast. he gulps, gently squeezing the soft flesh. why does he seem so nervous? doesn't he fuck multiple people in a span of a month?
he rubs your tense buds, sending little shockwaves to your core. as soon as you lift the hoodie to your collarbones, wooyoung is quick to take your bud into his mouth. he teases with the tip of his tongue, making you twitch and yelp in his grip. you aren't used to this type of pleasure. it's new, and intensive. you love it.
his other hand keeps up the pace his tongue has set, rubbing slow circles on the sensitive buds. you struggle with breathing, and your hands are reaching out to grab anything; the counter, his shoulders, his hair, the counter again, and so on. your head falls back, and the feeling of pure bliss pools in your stomach. you feel like you could orgasm any moment, yet it never happens. wooyoung switches between each bud, treating them both equally. a particularly breathy moan leaves your mouth, making wooyoung hum. he is pleased with the way you're responding to him, so jumpy and whiny while he feasts on your body.
when he pulls away, you see a string of saliva connecting his lips with your breast. you moan at the sight, feeling adrenaline running through your veins and waiting to explode somewhere in your body. wooyoung drops down on his knees, fingers hooked in the elastic band of your shorts.
"if i don't get crushed between your thighs right now, i don't think i'll live to see another day."
even from that position, he is emitting insane dominant energy, and you are just a marionette in his hands.
you raise your hips just enough to help him pull the shorts down, along with the panties. you are thankful that they are the new ones you had discovered this morning since buying them a month ago. though, they were ruined with your arousal anyway and wooyoung probably couldn't care less. but instead of tossing them aside, he raises them in front of his eyes, admiring them.
"that's so fucking adorable."
they are plain pastel panties, with a small row of lace on the top of it. you figure he is used to strings and thongs, and how new a normal set of panties must seem to him. wooyoung folds the panties, and stuffs them in his pocket. too taken aback by his action, you do not have time to react when he places your legs over his shoulders.
"you don't have to cum. i just want to show you how good it can be."
you mean you want to leave me yearning for your touch as if i am not desperate enough?
"is that alright? can i lick you until you pass out?"
he knows exactly which words drive you insane. as if he was living in your head since you discovered the first young adult fantasy book. you nod, then breathe in. the sudden lighting outside makes you aware of where you are. you are about to have your cunt devoured by none other than the new barista everyone around you is crushing on, in one of the staff rooms. soft café music is heard in the distance now that the rain has calmed down, and it is only adding up to the rather odd, but once in a lifetime situation you are in.
a flat, wet muscle presses against your folds, softly licking up your arousal and stopping at your clit. you try to close your legs at the new feeling of pleasure, but wooyoung is quick to grab your thighs and keep them apart just enough so he can get you used to the feeling. your legs shake as the tip of his tongue massages the tip of your clit, pure pleasure taking over your body and completely shutting your brain off. you are a whining mess, shaking in his arms, pulling at his hair, and whatnot. his eyes never leave your face, memorizing every eyebrow scrunch, every eyeroll, every moan and every hand movement. he is entirely mesmerized by your existence. he has never seen anyone let their guard down like this and put themselves at his complete mercy.
he switches between techniques, not yet allowing you to work up your orgasm. he figures you like circles with the tip of his tongue best, they have you being more vocal and squirmy in his hold. wooyoung then snakes his hands under your bottom, gently lifting your lower body so that your head and shoulders lay comfortably on the wooden surface. your hips are in the air, and your legs hang off his shoulders. you are confused by the position he has you in, until he dives into your cunt once more. you moan, fingers reaching to pull at his soft hair. this time he doesn't separate your thighs, but instead presses his face further into your arousal and squishes your flesh against his cheeks, licking every drop you have to offer him.
"wooyoung-" you whine, hips subconsciously grinding against his face.
"good, good girl." he hums, lips closing around your bud and sucking on it.
you clench, body tensing up upon feeling the orgasm approaching.
"fuck- fuck-" you whine, hands gripping the shelves above your head.
wooyoung slows his movements to the max, carefully sliding his tongue up and down your clit, driving you insane with the orgasm delay. you want to cum so bad, but everything feels too much, you are sweating so bad, and the position you are in is making you more vulnerable and sensitive.
"please, please, please, pretty please" you beg, voice already betraying you and cracking at the end.
wooyoung groans against your cunt, then moves away. you gasp with surprise. all the pleasure leaves your body, and you are now laying on the surface again. you support yourself on your elbows, enough to look at him and ask just why he stopped.
"prettiest cunt i've ever seen in my life." he caresses your skin above it.
"why-" you breathe out, "- why did you stop? i was so, so close-"
"i had to, angel. i don't want you cumming in a pantry on an uncomfortable surface."
you watch him lick his lips, disbelief evident on your face. he chuckles, picking your shorts up from the floor.
"i'll get you new ones."
were the panties really that interesting to him? wooyoung reaches for something above your head, pressing his lips on your forehead before grabbing paper towels. you are sensitive to his touch, feeling overstimulated and irritated even though you didn't orgasm. he patiently wipes you, then pulls your shorts up, not forgetting to caress your thighs along the way.
"come here." he instructs.
you sit up, feet swinging from the counter. the man in front of you pulls you in for a kiss, this time a short one.
"you did very good. i hope you get your real orgasm somewhere comfy."
he hopes? was this a farewell? he had his little fun with you, and now he is no longer interested?
"come on, the weather is calmer now. i'll still drive you home though."
and just like that, he proceeds outside, leaving you with thoughts for a few moments. you feel a little humiliated, and very vulnerable and exposed. still, you follow him outside, and get into his car. it is a neat car, that you notice. it smells like an ocean breeze, and he has a camera above his steering wheel.
"not for porn," he interrupts your thoughs.
you have forgotten about that side of him. in the moment, it seemed like he was just a normal guy who hooked up with you because he thinks you are cute. in reality, he is probably bored of all those skilled partners and wants something new, so he used you as a little project. you feel hurt, tears gathering in the corner of your eyes as you look out the window. you haven't spared him a single glance, scared that he might be pitiful towards you. that's the last thing you need.
"right, then left?" he asks, steering the wheel with one hand.
it doesn't take long before the car stops in front of a familiar building. you don't see yunho's car, and just then remember that he is sick and resting at home. wooyoung has clouded your mind so much that you don't have any other thoughts, only ones about him.
"thank you for sharing the cupcakes with me." he winks, then unlocks the door.
you aren't ready to say goodbye just yet. if you leave the car, will everything be back the way it was? him acting like he doesn't know you, and vice versa? are you supposed to go in there and order your strawberry mocha from him like it doesn't associate you with today's event?
"yes, angel?"
you play with your fingers in your lap, deciding which words would be the best to make him stay in your life just a little longer.
"can you teach me?"
"teach you?"
"yes. you are so experienced, and i am just a dumb virgin with a big imagination."
he stops to think. he bites the inside of his cheek, and you mimic him.
"i'd destroy you."
you clench around nothing, hearing his raspy voice say such words to you. you know he means them, you saw him mean them. but you are up for it. anything, just to get another taste of him.
"i don't mind."
he sighs, smile still dancing on his lips. "just what are you?"
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since the day you had your first orgasm denial, you have heard from him only once, and only because you sent the message first.
i'm not seeing those panties again, right?
wooyoung: nope.
okay? okay??? you could at least put some effort into flirting. you are only pushing him away, instead of inching towards another meeting, this one preferably ending with an orgasm. the notifications about his lives were now regulars on your phone screen, and though you never quite watched them, you like to think he does it for you. slight jealousy has appeared, and you have to stop it before it spreads. but after all, you are the one that has gained his attention.
you decide to visit yunho. he has been sick for quite some time, and has been rarely answering your messages. you have prepared him his favourite soup, and bought his favorite chocolate bar.
"yunnie, you're alive!"
you jump into his arms, forgetting that he might still be weak from being sick. but he catches you effortlessly, a fond smile on his lips as he keeps your body close to him.
"feeling better?"
"almost." he replies, gently setting you down on the floor. "how have you been?"
"bored, honestly. i miss gossiping with you and getting yelled at by other students. oh, turns out mark did cheat on jenna!"
"knew it."
yunho makes his way to the kitchen to grab you a drink and put away the food you brought him, and you can't help but notice how buff he has gotten since the last time you saw him. he was probably well built before too, but you've never seen that man in anything other than oversized t-shirts and hoodies. right now, he is wearing one of those compressive exercise sleeveless tops, every bump and curve visible on his toned body. you notice how big his arms are, and just how tall he is.
you feel familiar warmth between your legs, and you have to sit down to stop any funny business. he is speaking, but all you can do is stare at the way his hands are handling the drinks. his hands are much bigger in comparison to wooyoung, and his physique overall is making you melt right there on his couch.
"so? sound good?"
you look up, pupils dilated and cheeks warm and red. he is confused by your sudden change in expression, before he realizes that you weren't even listening. he sighs, giving up on the weekend trip proposal.
"what is it with you?" the man hands you a glass of apple juice, along with a granola bar he knows you love to steal from his cupboard.
"nothing, why?" you reply too quickly.
he laughs, mixed confusion and amusement. he sits next to you, leaving a little space in between. the way he drops his head back on the backrest and manspreads isn't helping your situation. wooyoung has opened a door that cannot be closed anymore.
fuck, wooyoung.
"you know, i thought i was gonna die. my headache was so bad i heard thumping inside it."
"does it hurt now?"
"not really, no. but i do think i still have a little fever. can you check?"
you lean over on your knees, fingers gently moving his hair out of the way. upon reaching over for the thermometer from the coffee table, you slip between the couch cushions, making yunho jolt and grab your waist. you have to close your eyes for a moment, sensory overload getting the worst of you. your clothes suddenly feel so tight and itchy, his breathing is loud and right there in your ears, and his hands are burning on your skin over the fabric of your top.
"watch it, little one," he says.
you know he means the nickname as a sign of fondness towards you, but in the situation where you're acting like an animal in heat, it is doing wonders to you. knowing that he is big, much bigger than you, and calling you that is making your stomach boil.
you want to make a move. no matter how wrong it would be. you want to lean in and kiss him, make him feel you up and down, make him touch you right here on the couch, where you cuddled and watched movies since knowing each other.
"why are you looking at me like that?" his voice is suddenly raspy.
"like what?" you whisper, afraid of your infamous cracking tone.
"like you want to fuck me."
not far from truth. not exactly fuck, rather just have a little fun to get some heat out of you. his hands never leave your waist, instead pulling your body into his lap. you've been in this position many times, mainly being tickled and begging for mercy. now? you're ready to beg for his tongue on you.
a familiar ringtone interrupts you, and you feel him tense up underneath.
"pick it up." he says, lazily looking at you through half closed eyelids.
"uh, yes," you stutter, reaching towards the table to grab your phone.
you almost faint seeing the name on your screen. you don't want to pick up. not now. any other time, yes. but right now? not quite convenient.
"go on, answer it." yunho encourages, not knowing the consequences of his action.
but you do it anyway. what is there to lose? lose yunho, gain wooyoung. and vice versa. how fucking evil of you. acting like a bitch in heat, listening to your pussy instead of your morals.
"yes?" you answer, breath hitching when yunho starts caressing your sides.
"hi, angel."
yunho's touching stops. he is now focused on the male voice coming from your phone, the name of the contact not visible from your hair.
"let me see you tonight? i'll take you out for a ride and a dinner."
"yes. unless you have plans? i just got my motorcycle back from the auto mechanic, thought i'd show you there's thrilling stuff other than an orgasm denial in a public space."
yunho removes his hands completely from you, but lets you sit on his lap. you witness his face morph from flirty to mixed anger and disappointment, though he is trying very hard to hide it. the red tips of his ears are a dead giveaway, and you wish you could feel guilty.
"i have no plans. the ride sounds nice."
"good girl. i'll pick you up same place i dropped you off the other day, six o'clock?"
"sound good."
"good. i'll see you in around two hours then?"
"chatty as usual, i see. i'll get you to talk tonight, no worries."
and with that, he hangs up. it is only then that yunho sits you on the couch next to him, while he stands up. you are numb to his reaction, excitement boiling in your veins in anticipation for tonight.
"do you enjoy hurting me?"
he shoots the first arrow through your heart.
"do you love seeing me suffer? do you enjoy bringing me to tears almost every time we meet?"
you have just uncovered something that has been cooking for a long time, and you know you are at fault. you just fail to feel wrong for it.
"it was fine at the beginning, you showed no signs of interest whatsoever. but now? the last month or two? you are driving me fucking insane."
when yunho starts swearing, you now it is bad.
"and to think that i'd actually have a chance. that you'd open yourself up for me so i can prove to you how well i can treat you. i deserve a global idiot award."
you don't speak. you let him rant, knowing that he would only get worked up more if you spoke. none of the things you had to say were comforting, so being silent was the better option.
"get the fuck out of my house."
it is the first time you see him so angry and aggressive. with full right. so you silently take your belongings, turning your back on him without a proper goodbye.
"and take this with you. i don't need anything from you." he shoves the box you had brought him into your hands.
he looks at you, teary eyed, fighting hard to keep them from spilling. you've never seen yunho cry. ever. of joy? yes. but almost shaking while holding back tears and biting his lips to keep them from quivering? perhaps it's just anger and frustration. either way, you fucked him up. and there's nothing you can do, other than leave him be.
"i hate you."
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six o'clock rolls around quite quickly. you stand in front of a motorcycle, quite bigger than you imagined. wooyoung takes his helmet off, then steps off the motorcycle. he examines you, from head to toe, a little puzzled.
"skirt? odd choice, considering that i told you we were using a motorcycle."
wooyoung then pushes your hair back, removing it from your face and letting it fall on your back. he puts the helmet on you, a slight smile on his lips as he secures it.
"you're so fucking cute it hurts. look at you in your skirt and ballerinas."
your cheeks burn from his compliments, your thighs rubbing under the delicate material. wooyoung plays with the ends of the skirt, then slips his hands on your bare skin.
"want to sit at front?" he purrs, gaze gentle and lips turned into a fond smile.
"i actually never... well, this is my first time seeing it up so close."
"so i'm your first motorcycle too? i feel honoured."
"I don't really know how to... you know, anything."
whenever you're around him, your vocabulary becomes very limited and poor. for someone who reads so much, you're struggling quite good with putting together simple sentences.
"your only job is to sit still and be pretty for me. got it?" he cups your face with one hand and gently caresses your jaw with his thumb.
you nod, not trusting yourself with speaking while he touches you in such ways.
"come on now. hop on."
you are sat in front of him, hands trapped under his while gripping the handles. you are stiff, and even if he notices, he doesn't react. he starts off slow, enough to not scare you off immediately. at one point, right at the last traffic light before exiting the city centre, he speeds up, the front of the motorcycle hanging in the air for a split second, but enough to make you gasp and fall back against his chest. you hear him chuckle near your helmet, his hand coming to rest on your hip enough to comfort you.
"i got you," he says, squeezing your hip.
you now lay comfortably against him, enjoying the smooth ride on the highway. you are alone on the road, the opposite direction crowded due to people returning home from work. you haven't felt such thrill ever. the way wooyoung controls the vehicle and smoothly changes lanes, to the way he speeds up and does the wheelie again, this time a little higher, is making you see stars. you scream, but the playful way. adrenaline rushes through your veins, and you are laughing, having the most fun of your life. he isn't saying much, and even if he was, you don't hear him. you feel comfortable in his embrace, trusting him with your life on this silent road lit by neon lights on the fences.
you gasp when you feel his cold fingers on your thigh, the texture odd. you look down, only to see that his other hand has a leather glove on, and is slowly dipping between your legs. he slows down, enough to pay more attention to you without any danger nearby. the cold leather touches your folds near your panties that have slightly moved from the reckless driving. he realises the advantage, and proceeds to rip apart the fabric. you moan at the action, remembering all those worn out pages of your books describing men ripping women's bras and panties. and now, you're a character in that page, hopefully about to have an orgasm of your lifetime.
the cold leather touches you once again, a single finger toying with your soft bud, just enough to have you panting. your head falls on his shoulder, searching for support. he circles your clit, playing with the soft flesh and checking just how wet you are getting.
"want me to stop?" he asks, and when you shake your head, he dips his fingers below your clit.
you flinch at the unfamiliar feeling, not feeling the pleasure anymore. he notices, but tries to enter once again, this time more gentle and slow. you flinch again, your head no longer resting on his shoulder. he removes his hand, gripping the handle again as he slows the vehicle. he stops at the nearby platform, the neon fence lights shining on the stone table and two benches. he gets off the motorcycle, then helps you off too. your ripped panties hit the floor, your folds caressed by the highway breeze. he takes his helmet off, hanging it on one of the handles, then helps you with yours.
you are suddenly hyperaware of the situation you are in. far from the city and people, alone in the dark with still a complete stranger, with nothing but a top and a skirt on. nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. nobody to call.
"shit, hey." wooyoung cups your face, seeing sudden anxiety on it. "do you want me to drive you back?"
you take a moment to think. if he really meant evil, wouldn't he do something by now? he wouldn't comfort you, right? wouldn't offer you a ride back? or is this just a little foreplay for him before he does something to you and leaves you to rot here?
"i mean it," the man caresses your cheeks with his thumbs.
"no, i'm good. i think."
"i am not doing anything until i am sure of it."
"no, no, i really am. i just..." you trail, looking around, "...i am very new to all of this, that's all."
wooyoung takes both of your hands, guiding you towards the stone benches and table. he sits you on the table, and he sits on the bench in front of you. he doesn't break eye-contact with you as he rubs your thighs, slightly squishing the flesh for your comfort and for his pleasure. he doesn't go further though. he gives you time to relax, until your feet start slightly swinging off the table from boredom.
"tell me about yourself."
"like what?"
"anything. just talk. i want to hear you speak. you don't do much of it, and you have such a pretty voice, especially when you make those little moans."
your cheeks are burning, and you can only look down at your hands playing with the hem of your skirt.
"come on, tell me. what do you do except studying and riding pillows these days?"
you want to say that you don't ride pillows, but the playful smile on his lips is too sweet to ruin it.
"i read, like, a lot."
"what genre is your favorite?" the man's voice is now low and raspy, his hands now slowly sliding underneath your knees.
"take a wild guess?"
"erotica?" he laughs.
you laugh with him, not yet aware of his little plan and the reason he brought you to a place far from people.
"well, tell me. what did you learn from it?"
it's like a switch was found on you. wooyoung is taking in every word you are so excitedly giving him, every expression you make as you remember various paragraphs that had you touching yourself late at night, or sometimes in the middle of the day at most random places.
"no way, you touched yourself in your college bathroom?" he is in disbelief.
"believe it or not, it becomes stronger than me. so, yes. multiple times, actually."
"what exactly did you do?" wooyoung asks, genuinely interested.
you have passed the shame barrier. the way he is caressing your skin and so comfortably talking to you about these things have you finally dropping your walls down. not even your friends have made it this far into the conversation without a smart remark or a grimace.
"just, rubbing myself, i guess? ah, i once used a water bottle to do it. it was so hot that day, and my bottle was wet and cold, and my brain just clicked."
wooyoung seems impressed, nodding his head with approval.
"i might have touched myself a little in the last row of the classroom."
"oh?" he is intrigued, mind already picturing you hidden in the last row behind your studying laptop, faking the writing while your other hand played with his new favorite thing in the world. "like this?"
the sudden contact with your clit makes you jolt, a gasp escaping your lips. he spins it in slow circles, much like you in that boring class. you breathe slowly, mouth already running dry from the sight in front of you. wooyoung stares deep into your eyes, tongue wetting his lips, and his hair messy from the highway wind. he looks incredibly good in his leather jacket and the chain necklace. you can hear yourself becoming wet, noises making both of you breathe shallow and feeding your lust drive. you feel exposed under the neon lights, under wooyoung's stare, on the side of the road. yet the pleasure is overpowering everything, and you find yourself shamelessly grinding your hips against his thumb. his confidence is affecting yours, and seeing him not give a single fuck about the location or the passerbies, it is unleashing something inside of you.
"fuck, angel, even your cunt sounds so cute."
you give yourself a moment of bravery, fingers hooking under his chain necklace and pulling his body towards you. your lips touch his, warm plush making your thighs clench. he chuckles against you, then leaves a few pecks on your bottom lip. he tugs it between his teeth, gently biting it and swiping his tongue on it. you give yourself to him, completely at his control, and only follow what he does.
he removes his hand from you, resulting in a whine leaving your mouth. he laughs again, pulling away for a moment.
"patience, baby. you're doing very good."
he kisses you again, his hands snaking around your waist and under your top. he feels your skin, the lace of your bra, plays with the hook, but doesn't undo it yet. he grazes your spine with his trimmed nails, giving you goosebumps. you shiver in his hands, wanting nothing more but to relax in his hands and have him do that to you all night long.
his tongue is restless against yours, gently rubbing against it, teeth accidentally clashing from the passion getting the most out of him. he wants all of you, right here, right now. but he can't have you just yet. like he said, he would destroy you. he can't hold back that much. he almost melts when he feels your fingers gently tug at his hair, your other hand subconsciously resting on his chest. he thinks it's cute how you are at a position above him and higher than him, yet he still has all the control over you. he also thinks it's cute how your legs are still swinging from the stone table, while you kiss him back and try to keep up with him. your kisses are short, your tongue soft, and your hair is tickling his cheeks, a complete opposite of his deep and long kisses, with an occasional teasing bite.
"wooyoung," you mumble, pulling away.
he hums, waiting for you to respond. you rest your forehead against his, taking a moment to breathe normally again.
"i want to cum on your tongue, please?" you ask so sweetly, big eyes staring into his.
"i had something else in mind, though. but i'll see what i can do, since you asked me so nicely."
he isn't sure how he can feel so soft and so hard for someone. you are the first one that is actually taking his time with him and listening to him to make it all more enjoyable. the rest of them wanted it quick, and frequent. he prefers it this way now, with more lust building up, and he knows the result will pay off. maybe you are growing impatient, maybe you'd just smack him right there on the spot, but he is very fixed on his idea, and he loves that you are listening him so patiently.
"lay down for me."
you lay on the cold surface, elbows digging into the uneven stone while they support your upper body so you can look at him. your breath hitches when his hand slides up your body, between your breasts, and up to your lips.
"open up."
and you do, taking his two fingers into your mouth. you swirl your tongue around them, slow, maintaining eye-contact with him. you are pretty sure you're dripping all over the table now, if not all over his pants too. he toys with your tongue for a while, too immersed in the way you're licking him up.
fuck, how good you'd take his cock. he'd push so slow between your glossy lips, which he would coat with his precum, and he would gently test your limits and have you gagging around him. wooyoung stops the train of thoughts before it was too late, and pulls his fingers out of your mouth. he then runs them up and down your slit, toying with the folds more than the clit. you want to groan from frustration, but you have to be patient, just like he said.
he spreads your folds, tongue diving right into the tip of your clit. your fingers reach into his hair, pulling at the dark strands and burying his head deeper into your cunt. he is loving every bit of it, willingly pushing himself deeper between your thighs and squishing them around his head. you hear him suck and lick, setting your heart on fire, and making your blood boil.
"wooyoung-" you gasp, clit abused by his restless muscle.
he only hums against you, lips sucking you slowly but with power. you don't know how loud you are, nor do you care. you let your voice loose, calling out his name, whining, bucking your hips into his mouth, moaning and chasing the orgasm that has already started to pool at the bottom of your stomach.
his fingers let go of your folds, instead focusing on a new place. he toys with your entrance, sending weird sensations through your body. ever so slowly, he pushes one finger inside, making you hold your breath at the uncomfortable feeling.
"that hurts-" you whine, all the pleasure gone.
"you can take it, right? for me?"
you look down at his eyes, the neon lights shining inside them.
"watch," he mumbles, nodding his head towards your drenched pussy.
you do as told, watching as his finger disappears into you, each pump a little less uncomfortable. he curls his finger upwards, unlocking a whole new sensation for you. you moan, more at the sight than the feeling. something about his veiny hand working on you and disappearing so smoothly inside of you is more arousing to you than a whole movie sex scene.
"i'm adding another one, alright?"
you gulp, then nod. you watch him carefully insert two fingers, slowly stretching you out. inch by inch, he fully inserts them, all the way to the knuckles, and stays there for a while.
"atta girl." he says, tone low and raspy, dripping with desire.
"it's too much," you whine, tears gathering in the corners of your eyes.
"just a little more, angel. i promise, it'll feel good." he coos, cupping your jaw with his other hand and caressing your cheek. "can you do that for me?"
you nod, fighting hard to push the tears back. the last thing you want is to turn out a coward, after all those erotica books you've told him about. reading about all that monster porn, fairy porn, and whatnot, yet you can't take two human fingers. pathetic.
"look at you, taking me so well." he praises, moving his fingers at a faster pace now.
you feel your hole stretching for the first time, and you are not sure if the sensation you are feeling is enough to make you cum. you stay still, watching him work on you, and focusing on relaxing your muscles around him. he curls his fingers up again, and another moan escapes your lips. he leans in, just enough to feel you breathe into his mouth. proper moans finally leave your mouth, and you leave all the gasps and shallow breathing behind. you shamelessly moan into his mouth, hands gripping anything they can; from his clothes and chain, to his hair and shoulders. you rock your hips along with his pumps, finally finding a path towards the sweet release. but wooyoung shows no intention of speeding up, even though you tried taking the matter into your own hands. you feel like spilling over any moment now, but the way he switches between slow and slower is driving you crazy.
"shit," he curses, suddenly pulling your body into his lap.
you moan when you sit on his fingers, knuckles trapped deep in your hole. you don't have time to process what is happening, a bright light shining into wooyoung's eyes and your back.
another motorcycle stops beside his, two people your age getting off of it.
"hey, what's up?" the stranger greets, politely waving.
the girl doesn't spare you a glance, but instead opts to stare at wooyoung.
"we're just gonna take a five minute break, sorry to bother you guys." the young man explains.
"that's fine," wooyoung smiles back.
the stranger then leaves behind one of the trees, and the girl takes a seat on the opposite of you two.
"aren't you, like, jung wooyoung?" her voice is pure torture, squeaky and fake.
"uh, yes."
"you have an enormous dick, babe. fuck, i masturbate to you almost every night."
your heart clenches, but apparently, so does your pussy, because wooyoung is quick to give you another stretch of his fingers inside you. you bite your lip, head falling on his shoulder. your back is turned towards the girl, so you cannot see if she is doing anything to get wooyoung's attention away from you. you don't like it.
"glad you enjoy my content," he replies calmly, as if he gets that every day.
maybe he does. and just then, you remember what wooyoung is. he is a cam boy, a porn star. he isn't a guy who took you on a date outside of the city. he is just someone who got tired of fucking experienced people and wants to try something new. you bite the inside of your cheek, tears gathering in your eyes now for a whole different reason.
it's his fault that he's so nice to you. didn't he say he would destroy you? you have developed a crush on him, and you didn't even realize. you need to back off, as soon as possible, before you become one of his toys for views. and with his sweet talk, it could happen without you even processing it first.
"do you do those live fuck invites anymore? i'd love to be your guest sometimes. maybe you know me, i was at top five performers last month?"
"ah, rosiedesires?" he is quick to answer.
his fingers slowly move, and you have to bury your head into his neck to keep yourself from making any noise. he smells heavenly, the scent of musk making you a little dizzy. you don't realize you are panting and whining, until he leans down to your ear.
"be good." he whispers with a little stern tone, nuzzling his nose into your cheek and leaving a quick peck there. if his fingers weren't up your pussy right now, you would've felt butterflies.
you don't know if he is mad at you, or if it's just a part of his play. either way, as bad as you are feeling, you don't want him to stop. you want him to make you cum, so that you can leave and cut all communication with him. you'll manage on your own without him, and there's still yunho. well, was. but knowing his feelings for you, he'll be quick to make up with you.
"friday night sound good?"
"yes, of course. perfect! can't wait, our followers are gonna be so excited."
did he just make a dick appointment while his fingers are deep inside of you? while you are holding back tears on his shoulder? while you are almost biting off the inside of your cheek?
"but wait, i don't do taken people. is that your partner or something?"
"ah no, that's just my coworker. he drives me home every night, we live in the same building. and uh, that..." she trails, probably pointing at you, "...is not your girlfriend?"
"no, no, of course not. she's also someone i've met on the site."
someone i've met on the site.
of course, what else did you think? that he was also falling in love with you? how stupid. now you know how yunho felt. you know exactly how he felt, when you made him feel dumb for having a one sided love. though, this isn't love yet, but still.
"shy, i see. hello, do you speak?"
the way she is talking to you is making you feel humiliated and small. as if you're an alien, asking if you speak.
"whore." you mumble.
"what?" she asks, confusion evident in her voice.
you finally raise your head, cheeks puffed and eyes red. wooyoung finally sees how bad he fucked up, and his heart breaks a little at the sight.
maybe it was just the sexual frustration. maybe it was the anger. maybe the disappointment. or maybe just the way she chewed that gum and looked at you like you were a piece of shit on the side of the road. whatever it was, it gave you enough of confidence to repeat yourself.
"you stupid bitch," she scoffs, and you almost laugh when you see red lipstick smeared on her teeth as she calls you more names.
"openly talking about fucking a random guy and then getting offended by a single word? fucking weirdo." the words are quicker than your mind, and you feel wooyoung's fingers leaving you and instead gripping your waist.
"listen here, you fucking prude, i will fuck you up-"
"alright, let's take you home." wooyoung interrupts. "rosie, i'll reach out to you these days."
"sure thing, baby."
not so gentle anymore, wooyoung hands you the helmet. the change in his behaviour in front of a different woman is baffling to you. you feel like throwing up, and dropping right there in the middle of the road. anger is building up inside of you, enough for you to push the helmet back into his hands.
"put that on." he orders, brows knitted.
"no." you spit out.
"i will not repeat myself." his tone lowers, yet his gaze darkens.
"you don't have to." you strike back, not aware of the consequences building up.
"do you want to fucking hurt yourself? put this on right now, before i put it on for you."
fear creeps into your body, slow, and grows more with each second that passes and his gaze stays on you. you gulp, suddenly finding yourself in a mental conflict. you do not want to go with him. you want to stay here, curl up under the table and cry until morning, and mourn that little hope you had left and that he crushed. yet he is your only way home. but it is such a long drive, and you don't have the energy to be near him.
so you turn your back, and start walking towards the city lights.
"and just what do you think you are doing?" wooyoung grabs your elbow, pulling your body against his.
"leave me be."
"i asked, what do you think you are doing?" he asks again, gaze not softening.
"i am going home."
"jung wooyoung," you say through gritted teeth," i. am. going. home."
and with that, you start your way to the distant skyscrapers. it hurts you that only two minutes after, two motorcycles pass by you, one of them very familiar. he only spares you a glance through the mirror, then speeds up and disappears.
finally, you cry. loud sobs, chest heavy and body shaking. you drag your legs for what seems like hours, yet the buildings remained the same. you pull out your phone, searching through contacts. nobody is close enough with you for you to call them and pick you up. except your only fast dial, yunho.
what is there to lose? you've reached the bottom anyways.
it takes only two rings for him to pick up, and you fail to greet him. instead, a sob leaves your mouth.
"tiny?" he calls, voice concerned.
"can you please come get me?"
to say that yunho was furious would be an understatement. you haven't told him anything yet, but it was enough to find you sitting alone on a bench outside of the city, on a road where prostitutes and dealers often met, with ripped panties laying on the floor.
his heart is tight, and he feels his throat closing as he approaches you. dark lines decorate your puffed cheeks, the makeup you always so happily put on now a fluid disaster. you run into yunho's arms, finally warm and secure. he buries his noise into your hair, leaving kisses on top of your head as he rubs your back. he knows what to do when you're upset, and you are grateful for that. you need silent support, no questions, no getting you to talk, just someone's presence and comfort. you finally look into his eyes, and just when you thought you cried it all out, you start sobbing again.
"it's okay." he assures you, cupping your face.
"can i stay-" you hiccup, your lungs having a hard time to balance breathing and speaking, "can i-"
you sob again, frustrated because you can't form a sentence. you feel like ripping your hair out because of your stupidity.
"you can stay at my place," yunho understands, gently guiding you towards his car and opening the back door for you.
"no, no-"
"there's more space for you to lay down. trust me, you'll be comfortable."
"i want the front."
yunho doesn't immediately drive to his place. he drives past the highway exits for the city, and you are too tired to question it. you fight to stay awake, but the burning sensation of your eyes is making it quite difficult. every now and then, yunho glances at you, making sure you're alright and comfortable. you have your seat pushed back, and your body turned towards him. it makes you feel safer when you open your eyes and see him in front of you.
the lights are fading, allowing the moonlight to take over and illuminate yunho's face. has he always been this pretty?
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you're skipping classes, opting to stay in yunho's bed instead. you're rotting in his room, only watching him come and go. he has a job, and classes to attend, and by the time he finally gets home, you are fast asleep. the food he so carefully prepares you stays cold on the counter, flies getting to it before you do. it is making him sad, seeing you in such a state. you didn't speak of that night, and he didn't want to ask in case you go further into your shell.
today was no different. you are awoken by his alarm, then him tossing and turning on his side. he is careful to leave a distance between you two, even when he is asleep. you feel the warmth leave the space behind your back, then hear footsteps. you hear shuffling, and you open your eyes to see what he is wearing today.
he wears a plain white t-shirt, black ripped jeans, and a leather jacket. the weather is still confusing, and you are glad you don't have to tell him to bring a jacket with him. he also wears his signature boots, sitting on your side of the bed as he puts them on.
"yuyu?" you call.
"yes, sweetheart?"
"when are you coming home today?"
he stays silent. you think he doesn't hear you, so you repeat. yunho sighs.
"i don't have classes today. and i have a day off."
"oh," is all you can say. you aren't sure if it's a sound of disappointment or surprise. either way, you are not thrilled.
"i'll be back in a few hours."
he doesn't look at you. instead, he stands up, picking up his bag and house keys. you finally sit up straight, blanket still wrapped around you.
"where-" you clear your throat, voice coming out raspy and cracking, "-where are you going?"
"a date."
yunho finally spares you a glance, one enough to let you know that he grew tired of you playing with his emotions, and is tired catering to you when all of his efforts have gone to waste.
"there's food in the fridge if you get hungry. i'm having breakfast outside."
then there you are, again in the dark room, alone with your thoughts. you think about both of them. yunho, who has been by your side for so long, and has respected your boundaries despite his strong feelings. and wooyoung, who is there just a few weeks, yet has such a strong impact on you. you feel discarded by both sides. yunho? justified. wooyoung? not as much.
yes, he is just a porn star. yes, you may be delusional. and yes, he might fuck other people. but the urge in you to feel him just one more time, to let him teach you so you can be good enough for someone you truly care about, is burning inside of you.
bullshit. you want to be good enough for him. you have always been way more intrigued by things you cannot have. wooyoung is an unattainable goal, something you can only dream of having. then again, what do you actually want with him? you only know him sexually, you know nothing about him as a person. you only crave him physically, while you crave yunho emotionally.
but you can't have both, and the way the tables have turned, you are left with neither.
the day is slow, and the sun is going down with the tiktoks on your phone screen. when you feel your stomach tighten and growl, you finally glance at the room around you. it is dark, it smells like old clothes, and the lack of fresh air starts suffocating you. yunho's washed, unironed work clothes sit on his gaming chair, waiting to be ironed by him. it would have been done long time ago, if you didn't take up his whole room.
you switch between the apps, from tiktoks to reels, to youtube shorts, then back to reels. you've seen every video possible, not a single one funny anymore. you feel numb. your stomach is giving you signals, which you so successfully ignore. much like your bladder. it is hitting your ovaries, causing indescribable pain, yet you choose to lay there and mourn over your will to live. you return to the instagram homepage, and when you see yunho's icon in the stories, you just have to click it. when you do, you see him posing with a young woman your age, at the breakfast place you used to visit the first year of college. he has ordered his usual, you notice. and she has ordered yours.
he looks genuinely happy, his smile wide, and his eyes squinted. his arm is wrapped around her shoulders, and the other one holds the phone taking the picture. she is busy holding his face in her hand, lightly squishing his cheeks, just like you like to do.
"fuck me." you groan, then shut your phone off.
as if a switch has clicked inside of you, you run to the bathroom, eager to end your suffering. it takes you less than half an hour to take a shower, put on clean clothes, and do the basic skin care you have ignored for a few days now. you use yunho's expensive products, of course. he won't mind as long as he doesn't know you used them.
by the time the sun sets, the room looks brand new. you have put on new sheets, dusted the shelves, vacuumed the floor, and even ironed his clothes and neatly put them in the closet. the messy notes on his desk were now waiting for him in the drawer, with an attached pink note from you of the solution to the math problem he has been trying to solve on four pages now.
in the kitchen, you fish for ingredients. you decide to make his favorite for when he comes home, to at least thank him somehow for giving you comfort and support these days.
what time do you think you are coming?
yunho: around half an hour to an hour, i think. why?
i am making dinner, i didn't want to start early so it doesn't get cold.
you see the three dots on his screen popping up a few times, then disappearing. you set the phone aside, focusing on the garlic and onion in the pan so they don't get burnt. he loves your pasta bolognese, and won't eat it anywhere but from you. special flavor, he says. you don't have the heart to tell him that you just add in one more spice that the restaurants don't. you don't want to break the little tradition of you making pasta late at night for the two of you.
your phone pings, twice.
wooyoung has started a live! tap to watch.
yunho: i'm not coming for dinner. sorry x
and it's all it takes. really, that's all.
it takes less than five minutes for you to shut off the stove, then settle in the freshly made bed, yunho's boxers already pooling at your ankles. you realize how pathetic you look, getting ready to touch yourself to a guy that left you on the side of the road, in your best friend's bed. but to be fair, you were stubborn too. maybe you just didn't expect him to let you go so easily. maybe you expected him to stay back and comfort you, say sorry because of his harsh actions. or at least reach out to you afterwards. but no, jung wooyoung kept his distance. you checked the messages, regularly. not even an online tag from him. nothing.
until now.
wooyoung has started a live with rosiedairies! tap to watch.
your stomach tightens. is it friday already? time for that dick appointment. your finger hovers over the notificaton, mind working hard to figure out whether or not you can handle looking at something like that. you convince yourself that you can. it's just sex. it's not like you've never seen it before.
your finger taps the notification, and your screen take up two naked bodies, already going at it. it isn't hot at all. you could swear that all your arousal has dried up within two seconds.
wooyoung has the camera showing her face as she stays in doggy position and only his lower body is visible behind her, hips snapping harshly into hers. it doesn't look real. it look so staged and fake, ugly and raw. but she seems to love it, judging by the way her eyes roll to the back of her head and the noises overpowering the ones of skin clapping. wooyoung pulls her hair, and even though you've fantasized about that too, it isn't quite like this. all that hair pulling in your fanfics and books was indeed harsh, but still with a note of passion and love. this? this was pure pain.
"harder, harder-" she chokes, seductively looking at the camera.
what she asks, wooyoung delivers. the grip on her waist makes her skin white, likely to leave bruises afterwards. he picks up the camera, angling it on her bottom and his pelvis. the sight isn't a turn on for you, but you notice the condom, the bruises on her skin, and the scratch marks on his body. the people in the comment section are going feral, giving him orders on what to do to her, on what they'd like to do to him, and sending lots of money. you're grossed out, and just when you are about to exit the site, you hear the front door shut.
you pull the boxers up, jumping out of the bed and making it. you lock your phone, throwing it on the nightstand, before rushing to the bathroom and shutting the door. you hear footsteps, and not double ones like you expected. you fix your hair in the mirror, trying for that i woke up like this look.
"it's me," he announces while entering the room.
"back already?"
you fail to hide the smile because of his reaction. he was probably expecting to find you laying under a blanket with your phone on full volume, like he did for the past few days. you didn't even take care of yourself, let alone help him with chores. you wanted to redeem yourself, at least a little bit.
you exit the bathroom as nonchalantly as you can, as if you didn't just do a 180° in the time he was out. he looks even more dashing than when he left. his hair is messy and skin glowing, and his lips have that red tint that suits him so well.
"how was your date?"
"it was great," he avoids your gaze while scratching his neck, "we're going on a second one sunday evening. making it fancy this time."
"that's so awesome! i'm happy for you."
your acting is so convincing, it has yunho feeling disappointed with your behaviour. sure, you wouldn't be jealous. but wouldn't you be bothered at least a little bit? a random girl entering your lives and taking up his free time instead of you, and you are happy?
"what do you say we go out for breakfast tomorrow, and i'll tell you everything?" he tests the grounds.
"sounds wonderful." you don't drop your guard.
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you forget that yunho doesn't know the actual situation with wooyoung. so when he stops in front of the coffee shop the next morning and holds the door open for you, you rather enter than make a fuss out of it. you slide into your usual seat, letting yunho take the orders. the familiar man exits the pantry, smile dropping when he sees his next costumer. he immediately searches for your figure in the seating area, and upon finding you, he fails to hide a smile. you, on the other hand, don't. you stand your ground, poker face on and emotions on standby. for now.
"iced americano and a strawberry mocha?"
"yes," yunho confirms, "extra-"
"extra syrup, whipped cream, pearls. got it."
yunho looks annoyed, but doesn't say anything. he almost throws the money at wooyoung, tells him to keep the change, then joins you at the table.
you finally take a good look at him. each day, he is getting more attractive in your eyes. did he always dress this handsomely? was he always this tall?
"you like my coat?" he laughs, noticing your stare.
"well, yes. suits you. the turtleneck too. when did you get a fashion sense?"
"i've got to attract the ladies somehow." yunho jokes, then becomes serious once he sees wooyoung approaching with the beverages.
the cup is placed in front of you, and right away, you see a difference. knowing that you'll let it slide, yunho decides to speak for you.
"pearl sprinkles. not this rainbow puke."
"i only have rainbow puke." wooyoung scoffs, throwing the paper straws on the table. "drink it, or don't. i don't care."
"you should've told me that when i ordered." yunho keeps pushing, and the tension between the two is making you squirm in the chair.
"well guess what?" wooyoung leans in, one hand on the table, the other on the back of your chair. his face is inches away from yours, eyes fixed on your widened ones.
"get away from her, that's highly unprofessional."
"if she minded, she would've said something," the barista looks over at yunho for a split second, then returns his gaze on you, "but she doesn't mind, do you, darling?"
stuck between not wanting to hurt yunho, and wanting to subconsciously submit to wooyoung, you remain silent. wooyoung stays in the position for what seemed like hours, even though it was mere three seconds of it, then finally takes his position behind the counter.
"right, forgot he's your new boyfriend," the man on your opposite scoffs and takes a sip of his beverage.
"he's not-"
"kiyomi will be here any minute, by the way. can't wait for you to meet her."
"woah, is she okay with meeting me so soon? i mean, your first date was yesterday?"
he shrugs, glancing at his phone, "i don't see why not. you're just a friend. it's not like you're a relative or someone closer."
"right," you clear your throat.
as promised, she arrives, breaking the silence and interrupting yunho's twitter scrolling. she's pretty, just like on the picture. the moment she sits next to him and starts talking, you see she is obsessed with him. she is joyful, talkative, optimistic, everything that you currently aren't. you notice wooyoung looking over multiple times, but what you don't notice is the way yunho is examining your face, looking for any clues of jealousy or discomfort.
you seem unaffected, and it makes his heart ache. just what does he have to do to get to you? getting a girl just to experiment didn't work, and now he has to either let the poor girl go or keep fueling her hopes and leave her later, until he gets a reaction from you. yumho hates himself for doing that. but yunho hates you too, as much as he loves you. you break his heart every day, but every time you look at him, you put it back together so easily. he wants to kiss you, as much as he wants to push you away from himself. he is lost in his own emotions, and doesn't know what he wants anymore.
"excuse me, i'll be right back."
"where are you going?" yunho betrays himself, asking you too quickly.
"toilet. wanna come?" you try to lighten the situation with a joke, seeing his date tense up at his reaction.
"ah no, thanks. gross. you go enjoy yourself. don't fall in." he joins in the joke, also taking notice of his partner's body language.
you enter the toilet, ignoring the cash register where wooyoung has busied himself with typing something on the screen. the you in the mirror looks like she is mocking you, your clothes and your behaviour. you've put on the newest dress you had, and you don't even know for who. both of them? you like yunho's soft lingering gaze on you, yet you enjoy the way wooyoung looks a second away from devouring you on that table. it's a simple long sleeved dress, really, paired with knee-high boots yunho had bought you for christmas.
the door swings open, bumping into you and pushing you against the wall. you only catch a glimpse of the familiar apron, before the man cups your face and presses his lips on yours. you are taken aback, body frozen against the cold tiles. wooyoung holds your face gently, lips moving slow as to not scare you off more.
"i'm sorry, i'm so fucking sorry," he whispers against your lips, pecking them a few times before apologizing again.
"please, let me make it up to you. i don't care what that cunt outside says, i don't believe him anyway, just let me make it up to you."
you're having a hard time thinking rationally. do you really trust him enough to not hurt you again? fuck, but his lips feel so good. but oh, how yunho's hugs feel like home.
but nobody has ever shown desire the way wooyoung does.
yet nobody has more patience for you than yunho.
"you're thinking too much. let me fix that."
your lips are trapped by his once again, this time more rhythmic. you give into the touch, erasing the man outside completely from your mind.
"you're so sweet."
you hum against his lips, hands tugging at his white ironed shirt, the first two buttons separated as always.
"so cute." kiss. "so pretty." kiss. "so adorable." kiss. "so perfect."
you're not sure where it is going, but you do not complain. you do not complain when he lifts you on the counter near the sink either, flipping your dress up and ripping your panties again. you feel your core tighten, and you think you'll just never get enough of the picture of him ripping your clothes apart.
"let me make you melt on my tongue. please, god, I need it. i so desperately need you, all of you."
"here?" you ask, glancing at the door.
"here, out there, in the pantry, at your place, my place, everywhere. i'd take you to the roof if you told me to."
"anyone could walk in-"
you gasp mid sentence, cold metal pressing against your clit. wooyoung intentionally rubs your folds with his knuckles, giving you the cold sensation of his rings. your head rests against the mirror, hips already grinding into his hand.
loosing his patience, wooyoung sinks to his knees, your legs resting over his shoulders. he dives in, like it's his last meal. he licks hot stripes up your clit, pointy part of his tongue flicking the tip of it. you moan each time he does so, feeling your bud already becoming abused.
while he usually takes his time with you, today he is quick to separate your legs and go feral on you. his tongue is quick, so quick that it has you shaking uncontrollably against his mouth. you're shuddering, begging, pulling at his hair, all at once. a blabbering mess, as he eats you like there's no tomorrow. he dips his tongue into your arousal, letting out a moan of satisfaction.
"can i please cum?" you ask, knowing that he never lets you. why would today be different?
"no, no. not yet." he moves away, standing up and getting back to your face. "it needs to be special."
"it's just an orgasm, how special can it be?"
"mine always are, believe me. i want to be your first real one. i want you to remember it." wooyoung says as he continues to caress your cheeks with his thumbs.
the action is affectionate, as if he just confessed to having a crush on you and didn't just eat you out. funny how every time you meet him, you end up getting absolutely devoured by him in ways that you didn't even read about. he is passionate about it, to the point that it makes you think that he does it for his own pleasure.
"come over to my place."
"what?" your voice comes out louder than you wanted it.
"my place. i'll take good care of you. give you what you deserve."
you don't have time to reply, he is pulling you off the sink and disappearing into a stall. a quick glance in the mirror is enough to make your hands shoot up to your hair, straightening it and fixing the smeared mascara on the corner of your eyes.
yunho's head peeks inside, scanning the room. he sees you alone, and immediately feels at ease.
"yes, yunho?"
"i just got worried, you've been here for a while." he admits.
"so you left your date alone?" you can't bear to look him in the eyes, not when you just finished messing with the person he saved you from the other night.
"to be truthful, i saw that shitass barista disappear somewhere, and i thought he came after you. i'd hate to think that something happened to you and i was sitting just outside."
you appreciate his truthfulness, and don't have the heart to tell him just how weak to your instincts you are.
"don't worry, i'm good. let's go."
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wooyoung: it's been almost a week
wooyoung: you don't think about me at all?
wooyoung: my offer, i mean. not me.
you don't know if you're being delusional, but you feel like the tables have turned. which is why you have reached out to another friend, one that doesn't have feelings for you and won't try to sabotage, well, whatever this is.
"honestly, from all these messages, you have unknowingly made him chase you. notice how you don't say much and he comes back texting you multiple times?" choi san is quick to explain, using his own flirting skills to decipher the conversation.
he lays on his stomach on your bed, pillow under it and legs swinging in the air. his freshly dyed blonde hair is a dry mess, struggling to hold onto his scalp. you wonder why his job requires him to ruin himself this much.
"now what do i do?"
"well, luckily for you, your lack of communication is what got you an advantage here. let's face it, you're dry as fuck."
"welcome. anyways, in your case, that's good. see? instead of giving up and leaving, he keeps coming back to you. and eating your pussy every time you two meet? are you kidding me? that man is obsessed with you."
at the mention of him eating you, your thighs clench, almost feeling his tongue down there. it is driving you crazy, having so much pleasure yet not reaching the peak. he is torturing you, on purpose.
wooyoung: i'll make you cum so hard you'll never wish for anyone but me
wooyoung: and that's a promise.
two new messages light up your phone, san grabbing it before you can. he covers his mouth, eyes wide as he reads the messages over and over. he unlocks the phone, and begins typing.
"i'm doing you a favor!" he exclaims, running around the room and still typing.
you hear the sending sound, and your face heats up. he throws the phone on your bed, and sits right next to you.
"what have you done?"
"see for yourself. that, my dear, is called not being dry."
bold of you to think that i'll only wish for you
"that doesn't sound like me at all! you blew it!"
you are quick to bury your face in a pillow, already mourning all this time you've spent and regretting inviting san to help. but when another notification decorates your screen, you almost jump.
wooyoung: why don't you come over for a demostration?
"you do realize that if you go, you might lose your v-card?"
"i know."
"and you're sure that's the person you want to do it with?"
he believes you as much as you believe yourself. you always thought your first time would be somewhere romantic, pre-planned, with the person you love and loves you back. not in the apartment of a porn star. and not with someone that only knows your name.
"you know, my heart really hurts for yunho."
"i invited you to avoid him. why are you bringing him up?" your fierce tone takes him aback, and it takes you aback too, you just manage to not show it.
"wow." san exhales.
"sorry, just- it's none of your business."
"how is it none of my business? i mean, i tried to not get involved, even came here to help you hook up with a complete stranger and help you throw away the best thing that can and will happen to you. i introduced you to yunho, knowing full well on his harmless little crush on you, and knowing full well that you were perfect for him. only to have you-"
"wait a minute, you can't guilt trip me into liking him."
the man in front of you is baffled with your reply, and you feel like you're not looking at one of your close friends anymore. now, you are looking at yunho's best friend, almost his younger brother. you forgot that before you, there was the two of them.
"someone seriously needs to fuck that attitude right out of you. you're acting like an animal in heat."
"well i'm fucking trying to!"
"well you're trying the wrong fucking way!"
"do not tell me who and how to fuck!"
the phone is pinging on your bed, not helping the situation at all. san is looking more disappointed than angry, his eyes becoming scarily dark.
"the fuck do you even know about fucking?"
"i know enough." you don't drop your guard.
san takes a step towards you, examining your face. then another, and another, until you are pushed in the corner of your room with him towering over you. there is nothing attractive about it in this situation, and you wish
"you may know about fucking, but you don't know shit about loving."
"shut up," is the only thing you manage to say, biting back tears.
"i am not guilt tripping you to like or love anyone, but the least you could do is let him down gently and stop playing push and pull with him. giving him hope, then shattering him right after it? not quite moral in my book."
"look, i'm in a difficult situation. i just- i like them both."
choi san laughs, sarcastically. he doesn't find it funny. he just doesn't know how to respond anymore.
"you don't like them both. you like wooyoung, and want to keep yunho as a backup."
"save it. i don't even know why i came here, helping you hurt my friend. you have started thinking with your pussy more than your brain, and you're losing people because of it. if you're horny, watch fucking porn."
with that, he grabs his leather jacket off your bed, and storms outside. you are feeling frustrated, angry, and sad. he is right, you know it. but you don't want to admit it. because somehow, in your head, if you don't admit it, it isn't like that. ignoring a problem makes it go away. simple as that.
you want to keep yunho, and his love, and his affection, but you want a taste of wooyoung so bad. so bad that your clit aches when you open his messages, yearning for his cold fingers and hot tongue.
wooyoung: do you like movies?
wooyoung: i thought we could watch the live adaptation of that book you like reading
wooyoung: what was it again?
wooyoung: if you want to, of course
wooyoung has sent a picture! tap to view.
you stop breathing for a moment, thinking of all the things you could expect in that image. you breathe out when you open it, seeing a pullout sofa and a blanket on it, along with snacks and two bottles of soda.
wooyoung: i'd be happy if you joined me :)
why, rosie unavailable?
wooyoung: i'm gonna go ahead and ignore that, for the sake of both of us
whatever that means
why are you the one sabotaging yourself now? yunho isn't here, and san has left too. then why?
wooyoung: it means that i don't like it when people mock what i do
wooyoung: and when people mock me, i become angry
wooyoung: and angry and horny don't go well together
wooyoung: unless you want to put it to test?
wooyoung angry fucking you? you grimace. would it be the kind of sex he did in his last live with that rosie girl? if yes, you are feeling very turned off right now. he must've sensed the lack of replying on your side, and is quick to respond again.
wooyoung: can't help it, sorry
wooyoung: just come over and we can hang?
your phone pings, sending you a message with a different name on top.
choi san: bet his new live will bring him a fortune. who else has taken someone's virginity live on a porn site?
what the fuck are you on about? there's no live.
choi san: that's what you think
choi san: or that's what he'll make you think
choi san: unless he convinces you to willingly do it
he wouldn't. would he? wooyoung who has asked you before each contact whether you're sure, or whether you're feeling nervous. wooyoung who already had his hands on your tits, and still wanted to ask if you're sure. he wouldn't secretly film you. he wouldn't.
what do you consider a hang? and why?
wooyoung: just hang? watch that movie and talk?
wooyoung: because
wooyoung: idk
wooyoung: you're so stiff and awkward yet i wanna know more about you and see you
wooyoung: i guess i want to be the one to unstiff you?
wooyoung: NOT LIKE THAT
wooyoung: i dropped my cool guy vibe just like that
wooyoung: look at me texting you multiple times in a row
wooyoung: i've never ever done that in my life for anyone
wooyoung: so...?
so san was right. you did unintentionally make him chase you. played hard to catch without even knowing it. you have a whole porn star folding for you, and offering you all you ever wanted. or at least you think you wanted.
yunho: hey just wanted to ask if everything is alright?
yunho: sorry if i somehow hurt you
yunho: you seem a little distant, and i know it might be because of the kiyomi situation, but i promise i care about you so much
yunho: if you want you can come over and we can make that pasta together?
yunho: i also want to talk to you
yunho: properly
it's now or never.
you gonna pick me up or?
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you sit in the familiar car, the smell of it relaxing you. he knows how to make scents work and not make them literally bite your nose. you take a good look at him. he wears a simple short sleeved black t-shirt, along with grey ripped jeans and black boots. his hair is a little messy, but it only adds up to his look. every time you see him, you forget just how good he looks.
he laughs, eyes not moving off the road.
"are you okay?"
"yes." you simply reply, shifting your attention to the surrounding houses.
you don't speak the rest of the way, just enjoying his humming and wheel tapping. it isn't uncomfortable silence. at least not for you. you can also hear faint vibrations coming from your phone in your bag, and you know exactly who they belong to.
"whoever that is, they sure are persistent." wooyoung comments.
"sorry. i'll shut it off."
"oh, no. please. i was just noticing."
you finally take the phone out, screen bombarded with his notifications. just when you wanted to clear the notification tab, he calls, and you click the green phone.
wooyoung glances at your phone, eyebrows furrowed. he keeps driving, not saying a word.
"hey, yunho, now is not a good time-"
"it never is lately anyway. listen, i will just say what i wanted to like this."
"yunho, no-"
"i love you. i don't even think about the words like or crush anymore, i know, i'm sure, that i love you. and i know you're slipping away from me, and i know there's no way to stop it."
you stare at wooyoung, who is carefully listening to the voice coming from your device. you are shaking, thoughts running wild. you are becoming more aware of your feelings towards yunho, and aware about the situation you are putting yourself in. you are on your way to shatter everything you've ever had with him, and everything you could've had with him. for just a taste of what seemed to only exist in your mind.
"i won't blame you if you go with him. i'm just afraid of you getting hurt, maybe worse than that night. and this time i might not be around to fix it. i do not have the energy anymore. i'm sorry."
san was right about this too, and you hate him for it. all this time you subconsciously kept yunho as a backup. you've convinced yourself that he isn't your type, and you did so good at it. until now.
"i'm not saying you should respond to any of my feelings, but it would've been nice if you came to me and said something along the lines of "sorry yunho, i don't think we will ever be what you want us to be" instead of luring me in and pushing me around. calling me when you need it, then ignore me when you get what you want. i hate that i love you, and i hate that i have to humiliate myself like this every damn time. but i promised myself this would be my last. unless you really wish to discuss all of this properly, and whether or not you want our friendship to continue despite all this. tonight is your last chance. i am speaking to you as a friend now. i want to know where i stand."
you are speechless. he has touched the darkest spot in your heart. that dusty corner reserved for love. the kind of love san accused you of not knowing. how are you supposed to respond when there is a whole man next to you, a man who has also asked you to hang and talk tonight?
"i'll wait until midnight. if you don't show up, that will also help me know where i stand. but then, know that you might not hear from me anymore."
the phone call ends just in time when wooyoung pulls up in his parking spot. he silently exits, opening the door for you. still overwhelmed by the one sided conversation that just happened, you remain seated.
"if you're going to be sulky like that, i will just drive you to him." wooyoung offers, annoyance clear in his tone.
you feel a little irritated for his lack of empathy. but who would empathize with such an awful person like yourself? wooyoung sighs, then crouches in front of the open door on your side.
"you can't sit on two stools at a time, angel. i understand that emotions are hard, and love is complicated. right now, i am offering you something simple, and something harmless. i am not looking for love, i think. i just want to help you discover, and i want to discover you."
not looking for love, that you know. but it feels different hearing it out loud. the i think part right after it went right over your head, only adding to the you really are dense agenda.
"yunho is offering you commitment. real love. something i'm not quite capable of giving you, or anyone. i think with my dick, and he thinks with his heart. that creates a problem for you, because you want to be loved, but you also want a dick to make you stop thinking."
you aren't sure if he is dirty talking, or if this is just the way he speaks about these things. you finally look at him. his hand reaches for yours, gently guiding you out of the car.
"you can sit down and think inside."
but there was not much thinking. you were quick to lay on top of wooyoung, entirely relaxed in his arms as his nails grazed the skin of your thighs. non sexually. just innocent pleasure and the movie playing in the back. but you can't relax all the way, because you know where tonight will lead. you squirming under wooyoung's touch, the only emotions present being lust and yeaerning. you liked yunho. you really did. but the way wooyoung handles you is not like any other. you need to have it, at least one more time.
"you're not watching the movie."
"i know."
"then what are you doing?"
wooyoung sighs. his hands halt on your waist, then help you sit up on his lower stomach as he stays laying down.
"be honest with me. what exactly do you want? i won't judge you."
"i don't know." you lie.
"let me try a different approach. what do you want with me? be completely raw, so we can both know where we stand."
and you do just that. tell him all about your desires, about the feeling of lust which you've mistaken as a crush towards him, about loving how desirable you are feeling when it comes to him, and everything that comes to your mind. he listens, slowly nodding his head as you speak.
"i guess i want to have a little fun with no commitment before the, you know, actual commitment."
"i understand. now, what do you want with yunho?"
you do want everything with him. from the kisses he is dying to offer you to whatever kinkery he has hidden behind those shiny eyes. yunho is a man every girl wants, including you, yet he only has heart eyes for you. and you'd be stupid to let that go.
"then go for it."
"see, the thing is- i already got a taste of you. and i want closure. i want to finally get that orgasm you've been delaying for so long."
wooyoung nods, eyebrows a little scrunched. he is focused on putting a stray hair behind your ear, and when that hair refuses to obey him over and over again, he huffs, and finally gives your sentence attention.
"we need to discuss first. what kind of orgasm are we talking?"
"what do you mean?"
"well, now that you've finally come to terms with your feelings towards that yunho dude, taking your v-card is off the table?"
"yeah, i guess." you shrug, as if it was just a hug you were talking about.
"just to warn you, it hurts like hell."
"that i know. thanks."
"he can reach out to me for some tips if he wants. just saying."
"got it."
he smiles, then proceeds.
"filming is off the table?"
"just asking, not forcing. if we are going to do simple oral and, or, fingering, then you know... i'd maybe like some footage. at least for me to enjoy sometimes."
come to think of it, it is risky, and it is something that you wouldn't do ever again when or if you become yunho's partner. this is maybe a once in a lifetime opportunity, and you don't want to waste it.
"i'll give you back by midnight, baby." he winks.
"okay." you agree.
you feel your heart beat faster, and louder. you have just agreed to be filmed, in a stranger's house, touched by that same stranger, and the video will be up for so many people to see. so what? you'll ask him to blur or cut the face out of the frame. simple as that.
"come on then."
the young man stands up, giving you his open hand. little do you know that the gaze you're giving him from below him on that couch is making his pants feel very tight.
you accept his hand, and allow him to lead you to his room. your eyes land on the bed. the very same bed and pillows where he filmed that live, and many other lives after that. wooyoung then gently pushes you towards the bed, hands grazing your waist while his eyes admire your outfit. it looks so easy to take off.
he carefully pushes you on the bed, and you swear you've never felt a mattress so soft. he climbs on the bed, hovering over you and giving you one more head to toe scan.
"so pretty." he whispers.
"thank you." you say, not knowing what else to do.
he laughs, then leans in to give you a kiss sweeter than those cake pops you used to eat throughout your whole high school. he kisses you again, again and again, until you start yearning for more. you reach for his shoulders, hair, neck, anything to make him deepen the kiss and give you one of his passionate ones. he takes his time, playing with your bottom lip and tugging it between his teeth.
"patience." he instructs, then untangles your hands from his hair.
he reaches towards the nightstand. the same nightstand from which he pulled that clear toy out that night you discovered him. instead of something crazy, he pulls a single piece of long fabric. the fabric is shiny and pink, with lace decorating it.
"you trust me?"
"that's a good girl." he kisses your forehead before putting the silk over your eyes. "raise your head for me a little bit."
you do as told, enough so he can tie it up behind your head. he adjusts your hair, letting it fall over your shoulders, then traces his finger down your neck and to your collarbones. you almost shiver at his touch. he continues his journey to your shoulders, gently pulling down the sleeves of your dress, then does the same to the other. you feel like everything is ten times more intense, since you can't see anything anymore.
he pulls his hand back, then shuffles on top of you for a while. you hear something hit the floor, and then feel the mattress dip between your legs. wooyoung takes your hand, guiding it towards a  source of warmth. you breathe out when you touch his warm skin, nails yearning to dig into it. he helps you trace his abs, his formed chest, and all the way down to his defined v-line. you feel a few veins leading to a place of heaven, or hell, and you have to bite your lip to keep you from smiling.
this is exactly what you want.
"can i see?" you ask nicely.
"no. just feel." he declines, and you hear him smile as he says that.
"okay." you comply, using the opportunity to touch a little more
he then gets off the bed again, and you hear slight rattling. he must be setting up the camera. it doesn't take long for him to come back, placing an object next to you at a certain position.
"i'm only going to be filming myself and your lower body, alright? something like your point of view? you okay with that?"
"you sure?"
"yes." you breathe out, feeling his hands caressing your hips.
"we need a safe word, angel."
"god, i don't know, just touch me already. please." you beg like a pathetic slut.
"i know you're impatient, but i really need you to think of a word."
"i don't know." you're becoming annoyed with him.
"how about..." he hums, then kisses your jawline, "mocha?"
"y-yes, that sounds good." you stutter as he plants kisses along your jawline, going down your neck and stopping at collarbones.
"so when you say mocha, i'm stopping everything i'm doing. got it?"
"good. i'm turning it on now."
you hear a click, then a short sound. he waits a little, probably for people to join.
"hi, my favorite people. i would do some talking, but to be honest, i can't wait to dive into today's special."
you don' t have time to process his words, he is shuffling through the drawers again. wooyoung then takes your clothes off, and you help him by raising your hips, pulling your arms out your sleeves, all to make him satisfied. he plants a kiss on your knuckles, thumb grazing over them before he sets your hand back down. his lips hover above your skin, blowing cool air along the line of the lingerie bra you wore.
"i like you more in those pastels." he admits.
the man cups your breasts, slowly massaging them and letting his thumbs graze your tense buds over the thin black lace. you squirm under his touch, feeling the pleasure pool in your lower stomach. you swear you could cum from only nipple touching if he did it long enough. you could try that once.
"she's awfully quiet, isn't she? what should i do to her?" he speaks to the camera.
he then takes a few seconds to read the written suggestions, and then chuckles.
"take off the bra? oh, but i quite like it like this. it makes the situation sexier and more intimate. doesn't look like that raw porn you can find on pornhub, right?"
he is right. you got all dolled up for him, would be a shame if he took everything off so soon. you feel a warm wet muscle trace around your areola, building anticipation. his other hand plays with it too, not once touching the nerve ending that is angrily sticking out and demanding attention. he finally gives in, closing his lips around the tense bud and ever so lightly grazes it with the tip of his tongue.
you gasp, arching your back from the mattress. his hand is quick to find its place on your stomach, pushing  your body back down and caressing your skin along the way.
"atta girl." he praises, seeing just how obedient you are for him.
his teeth graze your nipple, then gently tug at it. you twitch, hands flying towards him in hopes to grab his hair. he is quick to grab your wrists, pinning your hands above your head.
"i'm the one doing the exploring, angel. you lay there for me like the patient pretty doll you are."
you nod, immediately becoming still. his fingers find a path down your stomach, to the line of your panties. he caresses the skin right above your clit, circling it, grazing the inside of your thighs, your folds, all while ignoring the burning place right in the middle of all that. your hips almost buck into his hand, but you remember to be good. he pushes the panties aside, revealing you to himself and the camera.
"oh, so pretty." he exhales.
you hear him put his fingers in his mouth, coating them in saliva, then dip between your folds. you whine when he touches the tip of your clit, spinning it in circles and making you gasp for air. your hands are still pinned above your head, and his knee is fast to hold your legs open by pressing the inside of your thigh into the mattress. he then dips his fingers below, first one, then two. the feeling of strange and a little uncomfortable is back, but when he starts pumping in and out at a slow pace, occasionally curling his fingers up, you are a moaning mess. you can hear just how wet you are for him, and each time he buries his fingers deep inside of you, you have to fight the urge to moan louder.
"wish you could see just how well you're taking me."
you remember how absolutely hot it looked that night, seeing his fingers disappear inside of you.
"good, good girl. one more? think you can handle?"
there is two already, but you still nod. he adds another finger, deliciously stretching you out and giving you trouble breathing. it seems like hours have passed, and wooyoung is still content with fingering you at a pace that is too slow even for you. he is enjoying the sounds and view you are offering him, and is too mesmerized by the way he is so smoothly disappearing inside of you, all while you breathe heavily and buck your hips into his hand.
you feel your wrists become free. sore, but free. wooyoung then grabs something from the nightstand, and shuffles with it for a few moments. you hear light buzzing, and your heart jumps a little. fuck, he is doing everything just right. as if he entered your mind and stole all your wishes.
he brings it to your nipple, circling it just like his tongue is circling your clit. you are overwhelmed, struggling to keep still like he instructed.
"wooyoung-" you whine.
"i know, baby. feels so good, doesn't it?" he coos, sending shivers up your spine.
"yeah," you whine again, not quite capable of doing anything else.
"yeah," he hums. "you're doing a very good job, angel. hold on tight for me. don't let go just yet."
he is taking his sweet time, acting like this is only the beginning of a very long movie. you feel like cumming, and you don't want to do that just yet. you're having too much fun, and the buildup is much more pleasurable than the orgasm itself. at least you think so. his voice is soothing, low and raspy, and that alone is enough to make you feel like you came ten times already.
his tongue dives between your folds again, adding the third source of pleasure and shooting arrows to your core. you tremble under his passionate licks, thighs struggling to stay open. he hums into your clit, vibrations matching the ones on your nipple. he spins the gadget around your buds, slowly, then teases the areola again. you hear yourself become louder and louder, and he doesn't seem to mind. it's killing you that you can't see him. he must surely look gorgeous between your legs, working his tongue on you like it's his last feast.
his plush lips close around the tip of your clit, gently tugging it, tongue spinning it in slow circles just how you like it. but today, it all seems a little too slow. you are eager to see just how he will make you cum. maybe you can take two?
"how much longer?" you ask, feeling a bit stupid.
"oh, so much longer. i'm not letting go of you just yet."
the time is slow, and pleasure still bearable. you don't know how much longer you can hold. luckily, he pulls away from you, just in time. you feel his wet digits trail your bottom lip, as if asking permission to enter. you open your mouth, taking in the arousal that exists just for him. you taste yourself on his fingers, working your tongue around them so that you don't just lay completely useless. he hums, watching you swirl around them, and letting them go with a little suck at the end.
"i'm going to make you feel so good, princess. give you the best treatment you'll ever get."
you feel all fluttery and fidgety from his words. you could listen to him forever.
"come here."
you feel him sit behind you, back resting against the wall, and his hands pull you into his lap. your bare back rests against his built chest, and you can't help but hum at the sensation. he chuckles, loving every bit of reaction you have to give him.
"face reveal?" he reads a comment, and you become tense in his hands. "no."
the firm no has you grabbing his thighs, legs automatically spreading for him to continue abusing your clit and hole. his fingers move your hair out of the way of your chest, and gently tuck it behind your ears.
"so pretty." he coos again, leaving a kiss on top of your head.
you melt into his arms at his never ending praises, and you can't get enough. you wish to be called pretty all day long. you wish to be kissed like that for the rest of your life. you love how desired he makes you feel.
"are you real?" you mumble, lost in the soft vibrations that are circling your entrance.
he laughs, then kisses your shoulder. "very much, sweetheart."
"it feels too good. you feel too good."
"i know, baby. i know."
the gadget on your cunt is small, and still at a low speed. he uses his other hand to spread your folds, enough to start inserting the small vibrator inside. you yelp a little, the stretch wider than his fingers.
"easy," he whispers, "just like that..."
he fully inserts it, and you feel so full and in pain.
"i'm not going all the way, don't be afraid."
he pumps the toy in and out of you, enough to get you used to the new stretch. his other hand toys with your clit and tricks your brain into focusing on the pleasure rather than pain.
"yes, love?"
"i thought you said you'd destroy me."
his movements stop. you bite your lip, trying to keep the smirk spreading on your lips. a gasp leaves your lips as his hand grabs your jaw, pulling your head back so that he can look at your face. he gets close, so close that your lips almost touch.
"is that what you want?"
his hot breath is so inviting, but when you reach to kiss him, he moves away, and grabs your jaw firmer.
"you want your tight little cunt to be destroyed? you want me to throw you around and use you like that toy you watched me fuck? you want me to fuck the feeling for the other guy out of you? so that you don't see nobody else but me? so that your pussy only fits on my cock? so that your body only responds to me?"
you are breathless as he spills all his intentions out, with each sentence sending goosebumps all over your body.
"that what you want? for me to fuck you dumb?"
"yes." you simply say.
you expected him to push you down on the bed. you expected him to pull your hair. you expected him to degrade you, spank you, and whatnot. but what you did not expect was the gentle tug of the blindfold, and a caress of your cheek as his grip on your jaw softened. you open your eyes, and meet his dark ones.
"are you sure?" he asks quietly.
"what?" you act dumb.
"you want me to...?"
"i want you to fuck me." you finally say it.
it seems like he has stopped breathing for a moment. he takes a few seconds to examine your face, looking for any signs of hesitation. when he sees none, he places the silk on your hands, tying them up and placing them in your lap.
"i meant what i said," he speaks to you and only you now, back turned towards the camera. "i am going to take a good care of you. remember your safety word?"
"good girl." he places a kiss on your forehead, then pushes you to lay down.
you watch him unbutton his pants, finally seeing more of that v-line you are suddenly very obsessed with. he throws them on the floor, along with the boxers, letting his cock free from the grip of the fabric. your jaw drops at the size. not enormous, but still too big for your virgin self. this is going to hurt like hell.
"can i suck you off?" you ask, subconsciously doing the big eyes thing he so much loves.
"are you sure? i wanted this to be about you."
"i'm sure." you say, eager to get a taste of him. "just, uh... guide me?"
"with pleasure."
he lays on the bed, elbow holding his upper body up as his other hand brings your face close to his cock. you didn't think it would look this clean and... pretty. you stick your tongue out, finally getting a taste of him. he hums, throwing his head back. you lick up from the base to the tip, immediately taking him in your mouth. he gasps, not expecting it so soon. he fills your mouth deliciously, resting against your tongue as his precum spills down your throat. he feels smooth, and very hot.
"god, so good," he groans, hand reaching for your hair to guide you up and down.
you bob your head up and down, too impatient to go slow like he did. you want to hear him more, knowing that you are the reason for those sounds and words.
"even your mouth is so tight, i might cum if you continue." he pulls your head away.
"you're so mean," you whine.
"i know," he coos for the third time today, knowing just what it does to you. "let me take care of you."
you try to lay down, but he holds you in place. you are confused. does he want to jump to some insane positions right away?
"missionary hurts. we will try something else. that good?"
you nod, and he sits against the wall again. he pulls you towards him, finally kissing you again. he showers you with soft kisses, and even though he promised whatnot, you are still experiencing a very soft and gentle version of him. you like it, but the thought of all the things he has listed for you is making your blood boil with excitement.
his hands cup your ass, raising your body and slowly bringing it towards his cock. you look down, noticing that a condom is already sitting on it. when did he manage to do that?
"slow," he whispers, guiding your hips so that you slowly start to sit on him, "just like that. good job."
you yelp at the uncomfortable stretch, and knowing that the pain is yet to come, you put your still tied hands around his neck and rest your head on his shoulder. inch by inch, he disappears inside of you, leaving no space empty. you feel so full and uncomfortable, your teeth sink into his shoulder to stop the loud moans of pain.
"hold onto me, love. it'll be better."
you forget the camera. you forget yunho. you forget san. you forget your feelings towards the other man. you will enjoy this, even if it was your last.
"can i move?"
he keeps you close to him, lifting your hips slowly up and down. you hear the comment section flooding, and glance over at the laptop on the nightstand. each money donation makes a sound, and right now, there is tons of them. you enjoy all the praises written in the comments, talking about how well you are taking him, how obedient you are, and how innocent you look. you like it all a little too much.
wooyoung speeds up the pace, hips finally colliding with yours with a bigger force. you don't let go of his shoulder just yet, still focusing on the pleasure and trying to ignore the pain. he is a groaning mess, and little did you know that he has to use every ounce of self control in him to not just slam you on the bed and fuck you open for him. he grips your hips, sure to leave bruises afterwards, and keeps the same pace for a while.
"feeling okay?"
"yeah," you stutter between little gasps and moans.
"can i speed up?"
"yes, please."
the man finally lets himself loose, picking up your body by your waist and moving his own hips instead in a fast pace. your jaw drops, and your eyes roll back from the newfound point of pleasure. you are completely lost in his touch, scent and voice. he is grunting with each push, reaching deep inside of you and touching a particularly sensitive spot you didn't know you had.
"fuck, you're so wet." he hisses. “look how well you take me.”
having enough of the position, he finally throws you against the mattress, yet his gaze still has a hint of worry for you. when you smile, it's his sign to dive into your gardens again. the new position feels odd, and good in a new way. he reaches for a pillow, putting it under your hips for easier access, and finally fulfills his promise.
his hips dive into yours, colliding with force and awaking the orgasm inside of you. the pace isn't fast, it is just right. you have enough time to savour every delicious pump he delivers you.
"i want to cum so bad, please." you beg, feeling a bit overstimulated.
"just a little longer, hm?"
he speeds up the pace, grabbing your waist and practically slamming you against his cock, while his hips stay resting. you feel like that toy, being used like this. you can't help but develop a secret size kink, seeing how easily he is handling you and throwing your body around how he likes it. your eyes catch the gadget near him on the bed, and you grab it. his eyes are focused on the place you're connecting, admiring the view with scrunched eyebrows. he is so into it, that he doesn't even see you put the vibrating gadget on your clit. it is the sudden flood of comments again that makes him look away.
"chasing that orgasm like a thirsty little cumslut?"
you nod eagerly, focusing on the pool of pleasure threatening to spill over. a volcano waiting to erupt. a bottle of champagne waiting to pop.
"go on, baby. i've tortured you enough."
you moan, grabbing his hand for support as you slowly reach the peak.
"cum on my cock like it's your last." he grunts.
it takes you over the edge. a river spilling over the highest cliffs, hitting hard against the pond and creating waves all the way to the shore. it is ripping through your body, and you swear you feel in in the ends of your hair and the tips of your toes. your back arches from the mattress, shaking as shock waves continue to exhaust your body. you are a moaning and whining mess, grabbing anything you can, from his arms and hair, to the mattress and pillows above your head.
"fuck, angel, i'm close too." he warns.
"use me," you whine, still in a hazy state. "use me like that fuck toy."
hearing you speak that way sends him over the edge too, fingers digging into the skin of your waist, and eyes rolling back as he moans and groans. his hips become sloppy, and you feel something warm spill inside of you. it takes a few more pumps for him to come down from his high, and when he is done, he lets himself fall on top of you.
he doesn't speak. doesn't move. just breathes and holds you in his embrace. you lay there for a while, trying to calm your breathing and come back to your senses. with a single tap on the keyboard, he shuts the live off, not even looking at it. he does it that often, he doesn't need to look.
his head finds peace in the space between your shoulder and neck, and his arms caress the place that is full of red marks from his hands. his breathing slows, and when you look down, you realize he has dozed off. you do too, holding him against your chest and replaying everything that just happened.
when you wake up, you see that the sky has gotten darker. you reach for the phone, checking the time so that you won't be late to your arrangement with yunho. but then, you see a notification just underneath the digits showing a young night.
a single message, with an attached screenshot of a very familiar room and familiar nude people.
yunho: i think i'm ready to let go. you've made it so much easier. goodbye.
@minimoniac @miriamxsworld @kodzukein @woomyteez @mulletdaddyjayjo @bae4choi @haatohwa @marvelahsobx @jxhnnyfav
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jenosbliss · 7 months
🌷 ⌇ nct dream ! and small acts of love
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pairing. gn!reader x nctdream | genre. fluff | wc. 1.4k | warning. none
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MARK. leaving small notes
Everyday you find post-it’s all around the place with small notes like ‘I love you’ ‘You are amazing!’ ‘My pretty y/n’ ‘Smile :)’ ‘<3’ ‘Eat your meals on time’ ‘You did great today’ ‘I miss you’ ‘dude, you’re the best’
It’s not a mystery as to who left them inside your book, on the mirror, inside your closet, on the back of your phone, in your bag and all around the house because only one person can do this and that’s Mark Lee.
There are times when he leaves before you wake up and comes back after you have already fallen asleep. There are days when both of you could only talk through texts and days when you can’t talk at all due to busy schedules. At such times it pains him to see you still waiting for him, wanting to talk to him, understanding him, caring for him.
Hence, he decided to leave these small notes around the house and on your things which will give you a feeling of him always being with you. With these small one-liner sentences he tries to express all his love for you but these small notes can’t do justice to his love for you that’s why there is always a note reading “I’ll be back soon!” when you return back home.
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RENJUN. giving unexpected gifts
Whenever he goes out there’s always something that reminds him of you, maybe a small rock which looked different from others lying covered in sand at the sea or a wildflower growing on the side of pavement, he brings it for you.
Renjun’s gifts range from expensive perfume to roadside flowers but one thing they have in common is that they’re always unexpected. You have always asked him not to give you so many gifts but he just can’t help himself from doing that. How can he stop himself from not buying the bouquet of your favourite flowers or your favourite ice cream when he happens to cross by those shops?
Some days he surprises you with the paintings or sketches he made for you and his chest fills with happiness and pride as he watches you cherish them. He just loves you so much that for him giving these unexpected gifts has become a portrayal of his love towards you.
With this he feels that he can make you feel special, cherished and loved. He thinks words can never express how much he loves you. That's why giving you gifts is his small act of love for you.
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JENO. giving a massage
Jeno is someone who believes that ‘I love you’ isn’t the only expression for confessing his undying love for you and there are a number of ways he can show you how much he loves which includes writing songs about you to making breakfast for you on some days.
But the thing he always does is massaging your back and feet after a long, stressful, exhausting week or day at work. He skilfully massages your soft skin while you ramble about all the extra work your boss is putting you through this week or how stressed you are about the new project.
He listens to everything you say carefully while working his hands on your back magically which makes you relaxed and forget about the tiring days as you fall asleep peacefully.
Jeno never misses to put his thoughts on your struggles at work and comforting you by telling that you always have him, that he’s your constant of love and happiness. These little massage sessions end with you falling asleep and him peppering kisses on your face and pulling you close before falling asleep himself.
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HAECHAN. initiating skinship
Everyone knows that Haechan loves skinship and gets clingy to the person he adores dearly. And you’re no exception to that. Not only is his love language physical touch but it is also one of his ways of showing love to you.
At this point in your relationship you are immune to him suddenly popping out of nowhere, holding your face in between his palms, peppering your face with sweet kisses and then getting busy with his own work.
If you’re out on a day, he won’t let go of your hand. If you are sleeping he has to have his leg thrown over you and face buried in your neck. If you’re cooking he’ll be having his arms wrapped around your waist, leaving butterfly kisses on your neck and just listening to you talk about your day or talking about his day.
This is his small act of love for you which might be very random or common to anyone else but for him it’s a way of telling that he’s always there for you, keeping you close to him makes him feel warm and he tries to make you feel safe with him. His kisses and touches are always soft and a subtle way of him saying that he’ll always protect you.
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JAEMIN. cooking your favourite meals
Jaemin loves you and is never shy away in telling you that either verbally or physically, if he can, he will confess how much he loves you every minute of the day but that seems quite impossible right?
Therefore he sought another way to tell you that and that is by cooking for you, your favourite dishes every once in a while. There are numerous days when you wake up to the sweet smell of pancakes being prepared by him.
Or coming back home to the dinner table full of delicacies prepared by him. On holidays he doesn’t even let you wander around the kitchen forget about helping him, saying it’s your rest day. He prepares all your favourite dishes and the look of content on your face is his biggest compliment ever.
If Jaemin can he’ll cook for you everyday just to be able to see you smile and be relaxed, it’s his way of saying that no matter what happens you will always be greeted by his love and affection when you come back to him, he’ll always be here waiting for you and that he loves you.
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CHENLE. braiding your hair
If he’s captivated with anything apart from watching Stephen Curry play it’ll be your hair. Boy just can’t get enough of them, if you’re near him he has to have his fingers run through your dark locks every moment.
One of his favourite activities with you, when you both are together and doing absolutely nothing is braiding your hair. He seats himself on the couch or corner of the bed with you down on the floor trapped between his legs while he softly braids your hair in various hairstyles he has saved all over the week.
Chenle spends hours sitting there leisurely braiding your hair while chatting with you about everything and nothing. Sometimes you sit there reading a book to him or maybe playing games or petting daegal.
Often in between you whine about him taking so much time and he pulls at a few strands lightly to tease you, his giggles filling the room. After putting on a cute hair clip or a bow —mind you he buys you a lot of hair accessories— he finishes and clicks a ton of pictures of his creation, not forgetting to compliment you on how beautiful you look every time.
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JISUNG. creating playlists
The first time Jisung sent you a playlist he was shaking due to nervousness. What if you don’t like the playlist ? What if these songs aren’t of your liking? What if you think he’s a creep? And many more questions like these clouded his mind until you texted back about how much liked his taste in music.
From then on it’s almost like a routine for him to make playlists especially for you, share songs which remind him of you, or songs which he loves. His members call him cheesy for doing this but paying no attention to them he sometimes spends hours on creating playlists for you.
If you feel overwhelmed by work or studies he sends a playlist for you to calm down, if he’s away from you he’ll send a playlist full of love songs which makes you feel as if he is next to you. Boy is so helplessly in love with you that he often confesses his feelings through playlists sometimes with songs and sometimes with the titles of them.
He has never been good with words and whenever he says ‘I love you’ he gets so shy that his face burns like a tomato and then he often finds himself regretting that. But sending you playlists like this seems much more comfortable and meaningful to him.
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a/n. hii, thank you for interacting with my work <3! this is my first fanfic on Tumblr and I hope you liked it. I’ll really appreciate comments, messages or even requests! Tysm for reading 🩵 looking forward to making friends here
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John Price headcanons sfw & nsfw
I don’t usually do headcannons so please bear with me 👉👈
I hope you enjoy them tho :3 Will I use many of these in my writing? Yes, yes I will. These are both in general as well as him with you ;3
Part 2
He has an entire routine for his beard. Keeps it trimmed regularly and takes very good care of it, which causes it to feel very nice and soft to the touch.
Absolutely LOVES when you’re the one doing it though. It’s a small act of love that he can never get enough of. Whether you’re the one trimming it or just putting some products in. It’s a moment where he can sit on the bath rim and have you stand between his legs - or the other way around where he props you up on the sink and stands in between your legs. He just places his hands on your hips and closes his eyes, trusting you with something so important to him. It’s a very intimate thing that he treasures.
He has reading glasses. I won’t budge on this. Square(rectangle) ones with a very thin frame. Tends to forget whenever he puts them on his head and proceeds to go searching for them for five minutes.
He is very warm blooded. Always runs hot like a furnace. A blessing in the winter, a curse in the summer. Especially because he loves to cuddle.
Has a little trinket on his desk representing each of the 141 (+ Nik, Laswell and Farah). Be it a gift they gave to him or something that reminds him of them. There’s something for everyone. It clutters the edge of his desk a bit but it’s worth it because whenever the paperwork gets too much, he can just look at the little shrine he built and smile.
His love language is physical touch and quality time. While he loves giving you gifts and being romantic too, nothing beats holding you in his arms while you cuddle on the couch or in bed.
Speaking of- this man absolutely adores you. He doesn’t think he deserves the love you give him because of the things he’s done in his life. But every day he sees you, you prove that you do love him and he wants to return that love twice over.
His biggest fear is coming home after deployment to an empty house. Finding a letter on the table stating you can’t wait for him any longer. He’d understand, of course. But it would crush him.
While we’re on the sad train already- he suffers frequent nightmares due to PTSD. Feels really guilty for waking you up but also can’t stop himself from seeking your comfort after one of them - craving it. If you allow him to (he wouldn’t bring it up unless you suggested it), he’ll call you if he’s out on deployment or at base. Give him that privilege to phone you awake just to comfort him? There is nothing that man won’t do for you anymore.
He is terrified of being the one to leave you too though. He knows that if he’s ever faced with the option to sacrifice himself for one of the 141, he would. But it also breaks his heart because it would mean he’d leave you for them. He tries not to think about it like that, but it’s a constant conflict in his mind.
While he’s probably more likely to be a dog person, I can also really see him with cats just curled up on his chest. Once again, this man is always warm. The little felines will search him out like a bloodhound, preferring him over laying by the radiator.
And he loves to do it too. His idea of a hobby is either reading, building models or cooking. You can often find him in the kitchen with a cook book, making a five star meal. Loves to see your reaction to the taste of it, makes him proud of himself.
Also, yeah, he likes building models :3. Miniatures. In his spare time you can find him on the couch, bent over the coffee table with his reading glasses perched on his nose while he’s building a ww2 bomber plane out of matchsticks from some random pattern he found online. He has very steady hands and it causes the models to always look fantastic. His best and biggest work is a ship in a bottle from a kit you gave him for an anniversary between you two. He only works on that in short increments to make sure he doesn’t screw it up - it’s about 2/3 done. You’ve repeatedly tried to get him to share his work online but he always gets bashful and refuses.
If he ever got the chance to do it together with the team though?? He’s gonna be beaming about that single evening for a week straight.
His favourite colour is dark green, like the forests :)
This is less of a headcannon and more just snippets of canon proof that I found. But he can speak English, Russian, Arabic and Spanish. Maybe even more.
He’s a tea person. Can’t stand coffee. It’s not about the taste, simply that every time he tried it, it gave him a headache.
When he first introduced you to the team, he was very nervous. Really wanted them to like you. So when Soap immediately took you into a hug and thanked you for ‘taking care of the old man’, followed by Gaz introducing himself with a warm smile and a praising regalia of the things he’d heard from Price, he couldn’t be happier. And when he at one point saw you at the kitchen table with Ghost, talking calmly and laughing with the hulking man who’s tension had dropped from his shoulders? He knew you were the one.
Loves going on double dates with Laswell and her wife too. You’re all good friends and it’s a chance to truly unwind and just catch up with Kate outside of work.
Please for the love of all that is holy, take a bath or shower with him. He ADORES them. Really wants so bad to take care of you. Will do your whole cleaning routine for you if you let him. If it’s something he’s not used to? Teach him, he’s very eager to learn.
All in all, this man just loves you so much. He finds himself so so lucky that you chose him of all people as your partner. Whether you’re civilian or military, he’ll protect you with life and limb. Literally.
So, those were the sfw thoughts bouncing in my head. I hope you liked them. Now we’re moving onto the spicy stuff. Please respect the banner, thank you and more stuff for this man is coming! ^^
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He is an ass man. All the way. Don’t get me wrong, he LOVES your thighs, seeing the way his fingers indent the flesh when he squeezes, being buried between them - it’s heavenly. But there is just something about your ass that he can’t get enough of. If his eyes aren’t on it, then his hands are.
He won’t randomly smack your ass - doesn’t really sit right with him, doesn’t find it proper (except for certain situations ;3). But dear god does he always have a hand on your ass to squeeze if he gets the chance. Walking somewhere together? If he can, he’ll slide his hand from your back/waist down to your ass and hold there. Sitting on his lap? You already know it, his hand is on your ass, keeping you in place. Brushing past you? One hand on your waist, one hand on your ass while he apologises and squeezes past.
A gentle over a rough lover. While he can go both ways, he prefers to go slow and deep. Watching your face contort in pleasure as he fucks you, hearing every noise you make.
This man is an absolute pleasure dom. He gets off on seeing you get off. There’s plenty of nights where he solely focuses on you and doesn’t cum himself.
Doesn’t like the word daddy but for the love of god PLEASE use honorifics. Call him captain and sir and you’ll have an entirely different man on your hands.
Prefers giving over receiving oral. There’s just something about working his tongue and mouth on you that never fails to make him groan against you - even if his mouth is otherwise occupied.
Will always properly prepare you. He doesn’t like hurting you. He’s big and he knows it so he doesn’t want to take any chances.
While he doesn’t mind quickies (in his office is a favourite), he prefers the actual thing. Like stated before, he wants to focus on you and give you all the pleasure he can and a quicky just doesn’t allow for that.
For those instances where you rile him up enough to forego his gentler side however? He knows how to work you. He can push every button you have and have you seeing stars while he fucks the life out of you. Don’t expect to be standing on strong legs the day after.
Man has stamina for DAYS. Prefers to make you cum multiple times before he cums himself. Need a moment in between orgasms to recover before you can go again? That’s okay, you can cockwarm him while he waits.
Speaking of cum. It’s thick, potent and by god he cums a lot. Properly stuffs you if you let him.
Big on marking you. Loves leaving bites, hickeys and handprints. Give him the same too. Scratch marks, bite marks, hickeys. He loves checking his body over in he morning to see what you left.
He has quite the libido on him. He can’t help it, you’re the most inviting and enticing thing in his eyes. Bend over to pick something up and his cock can already be hardening in his pants.
He’s very considerate of your wants and needs though. If you don’t want to have sex, he’ll cuddle you and hold you instead. If you’re not into a certain thing, he’ll refrain on doing it next time. Very much wants to make it a time of pure pleasure and love for you, because that’s what it is for him too.
Very into kisses. Sloppy, long kisses where you moan and whine into his mouth. Better yet if you muffle your moans in his mouth while he fucks you.
Favourite positions are missionary, mating press, doggy style, lotus and spooning sex. He loves them for different reasons.
Missionary because of how close he can be, feeling your legs wrap around his waist while all of him touches all of you.
Mating press because of how deep he can hit and keep such control. He can see your face contort in pleasure while folding your legs up and holding you down.
Doggy style is obvious as to why. But he also really loves watching the way your back arches with this one. He can hold onto your hips and just let his eyes rove your body.
Lotus he loves a lot when cuddles on the couch evolve into more, or when he’s in his office and the need arrises for you both. Just having you seated on his lap, your legs around him, body pressed so closely into his while he gently fucks up into you? Heaven.
Spooning sex? You mean cuddles + sex? Hit. Him. Up. He absolutely loves fucking you like this in the morning. Lazy, tired, properly waking each other up with pleasure.
If you’re into it and allow him to, he’d even actually wake you up like that. Big on somnophelia like that for the thought of pulling you out of your dreams and your sleep with pleasure. If he gets to the stage where he’s opened you up and his cock is filling you without you waking up until then, he’s oh so proud of himself. Would only do it if you’re comfortable though.
Very big on cockwarming. Watch a movie together on the couch and let him rest his cock in you from behind. Can evolve into spooning sex on the couch while making you try to keep your attention on the movie. His hand on your chin, keeping your face pointed to the screen while he whispers against your ear.
I said it before, he’s big. Long and thick and knows how to use it well. He’s a very hairy man all over but he keeps it neatly trimmed down there.
The h a p p y t r a i l of this man. Run your nails over it and it instantly sends blood rushing into his cock.
Overall, John will fuck you whenever he gets the chance. And by the gods he will show you what it’s like to be truly worshipped.
Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to interact or send me any asks, I’d love to chat ^^
Part 2
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footiehoefics · 9 months
Good cop, bad cop
Hi guys! This is the dad Mason fic a lot of you voted on the poll for :). I'm very excited about this one, I hope you guys like it! TW, none, Fluff/Angst, 5.2k words
gif: @doinggreat
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“Boys c’mon! We are running late!” you yelled from your bathroom to your twin boys who were getting their backpacks ready for school. 
“Mommy, I can’t find my lightning McQueen pencil case!” your little boy Sebastian said, barging in your room, almost on the verge of crying. 
“Baby you probably left it at school then like last time, you can check with the teacher when you get there okay? We need to hurry up otherwise we will be late.” 
You grabbed his tiny hand and led him to his and his brother’s, Oliver, room. 
“Oliver baby, c'mon put your shoes on please.”
“Yes mommy.”
Once you got the twins ready, you headed downstairs to grab their lunchboxes and get their water bottles filled up.
“Alright guys, I’m off.” Your husband, Mason, said entering the kitchen ready with his washbag and car keys to leave for training. 
“Bye baby” you said, turning around to give him a peck on the lips. “Can you please make that dish you saw yesterday on tiktok for lunch?” Mason said pouting like a little boy making him look exactly like Seb and Oliver. 
“Fine big baby I’ll do it.” You said, rolling your eyes and laughing at your husband’s childish behavior. He pecked your lips again and turned around to say goodbye to the twins. 
“Bye little monsters”. He got down to hug both of them at the same time. “Listen to your mom and be good at school okay?” he told them. 
“Yes daddy” they both said in unison. 
Mason left and it was just you and the twins. 
“Okay, you have everything right?” you said checking them and they nodded. 
Once everything was ready, you helped them get into the car and into their car seats. 
The drive to school was as usual, blasting music, talking, asking them if they had done their homework, and reminding them to not forget any book or notebook they would need for that day.
You loved dropping them off, and so did Mason. However, now that the season started again, usually he couldn't come with you. 
The boys understood why their dad could not always drop them off or was not at home some weekends, which amazed you considering they were still very young. They were 6, but they were very smart. Their homeroom teacher told you they were exceptional, and it made you so proud and also made you feel relieved. You always wanted to raise two little smart gentlemen. 
Mason would always joke how physically, they were a copy of him but mentally, it was you. 
You arrived at school and parked the car in your usual spot. You got the boys out and tucked their little shirts in, so they looked presentable. You held both of their hands and walked them to the school entry. 
Once you reached their classroom, you greeted Anouska, who was also dropping off her kid. 
“Hi babe!” Anouska said, hugging you. “Hi boys!” Ever since you moved to Manchester, Anouska and Luke had become very close to you. Their kids were now best friends with yours and you couldn’t be more thankful. The one thing that worried you the most was Seb and Oliver not making new friends at a new school. “Reign is already inside, they are starting soon.” You thanked her for letting the boys know they had to go in. 
Once they were settled, you stayed in the car park for a little while talking to her and arranging a brunch this week once the boys were dropped off. 
“Did you hear about the bullying case?” Anouska asked you taking, a sip of her coffee.
“What bullying case?” you asked curiously. 
“Mrs. Adams told me there was this boy in the classroom called Matthew that is being bullied. She said she and the school board will be supervising the whole class to see who it is.” 
“Oh no, did she say how serious it was?” you asked.
“No, she just said the little boy’s mom noticed he came home really upset yesterday so she drove back and talked to her about it.” 
“I hope they find out who it is before it gets more serious.” It hurt you that a little boy was being bullied, it made you think, what if it was your kid? You wouldn’t be able to bear it. 
You said your goodbyes and you headed home. 
Once you got home, you started prepping some stuff for the dish Mason wanted. It wasn’t a complicated dish but it would take time, you wanted it to be ready for him when he got home. 
After being in your own little world, cooking, chopping veggies and tasting everything, you noticed an unknown number was calling you. You found it strange but you picked it up either way. 
“Hi, is this Mrs. Mount?” the voice on the other side of the phone said. 
“Yes, this is she, who is this sorry?” you asked, turning off the stove to concentrate on the phone call. 
“Hi Mrs. Mount, it is Mrs. Adams!” Weird. Why would she be calling you? Maybe one of your boys got sick?
“Oh hi! How are you? Is everything okay with Seb and Oliver? Is one of them sick?” you asked. 
“No, no, they are okay. I wanted to call you because I wanted to discuss something with you.” She responded.
“Sure, what can I help you with?” you sat down on the couch ready to have this conversation. 
“So, today we’ve had our school board supervising the students because we found out yesterday our student Matthew was being bullied. Well, after observing everyone the whole day, we highly think it is Sebastian and Oliver bullying Matthew.” She said on the other line. 
Your heart dropped to your stomach. Your boys were bullying someone? Why? You had never raised them to be mean. 
“Mrs. Mount?” Mrs. Adams asked
“Yes sorry, um are you sure it’s them? I mean, I don’t know why they would be doing that.” You said nervously. 
“Well from everything we have observed, yes, we think it is them. I will talk to Matthew shortly to ask him, and I can let you know when you come and pick them up. Is that alright?” 
“Yes, yes please let me know.” You gulped.
“Alright, sorry if I disturbed you, have a great day!” their teacher said.
“No worries, thank you for the heads up. I'll see you soon.” 
You hung up the phone and you were still shocked at the information you had just received. You wanted to cry. How can your two little boys be bullying someone? You had never raised them to be bullies. You and Mason always made sure they were gentlemen, respectful and humble. You took pride in that, how they were never really materialistic. They didn’t care about having new toys all the time, they didn’t really care about having an iPad or whatever. They always just loved playing outside, watching football and going to the stadium to see their daddy. 
Speaking of daddy, Mason started calling you, making you snap out of your thoughts again. 
“Hey” you said, and you could tell immediately Mason would notice something was wrong. 
“Hi my love, you okay?” he said. 
“Yea I’m just prepping lunch right now.” You said standing up from the living room couch and heading back to the kitchen so you could continue cooking. 
“Speaking of lunch, I don’t think I’ll have time to go eat at the house. Gaffer wants to have a meeting about tomorrow’s game, so I’ll be home a little later.” He spoke. 
“Oh, okay it’s fine. I’ll leave some so you can eat for dinner.” You placed your phone down, put it on speaker and continued chopping veggies. 
“You okay babe?” he asked you. “Yea I’m fine, we need to talk when you get home, about the boys.” 
“Did something happen?”
“Their teacher called, and she said she thinks they are bullying another student.” You said waiting for his response.
“What?” Mason sounded as confused as you were when you got the news. 
“Yea, I was shocked too.” 
“Is she 100% sure it is them?” He asked
“Well not 100%, but she said she will talk to Matthew, the little boy, today to figure out who it is.” 
“Well,” he pauses for a moment analyzing the situation “Let’s wait and see what she says before panicking and if it’s really them wait for me so we can talk to them together.” 
“Okay, yes you’re right. She said she would talk to me when I go pick them up.” you responded.
“Okay, let me know what she says yea?”
“Yea I will, love you.” 
“Love you more, I’ll see you later, babe.” And with that he hung up. 
He was right, you didn’t need to panic right now. You would have to wait another hour to go pick them up and talk to her. 
You had arrived at school early to try and talk to Mrs. Adams before you saw the boys. You wanted to chat to her first before asking the twins any questions. Once you entered the school, you went to their classroom and waited there patiently.  Mrs. Adams saw you, indicated her students to start packing up and approached you with a smile. 
“Hi Mrs. Mount it is good to see you” she greeted you as soon as she opened the door. 
“Hi, good to see you too, you can call me Y/n don’t worry” you said smiling shaking her hand. 
“Well, Y/n, I was able to talk to Matthew and unfortunately we were right. He said Sebastian and Oliver have been picking on him ever since they played football in P.E class two days ago.” She informed you. 
That weird feeling on your tummy came back. You were hoping she would tell you they got it all wrong and it was someone else but now hearing her confirm it was them, it upset you. 
“Oh okay, um, is the school going to do something?” you asked. 
“Well, not yet. We think it’s best if the parents first talk to their children and see what measurements they want to take. If it does continue after the first warning  then the school does intervene with either parent teacher conference or suspensions and detentions.”
“Okay, I will talk to them. I promise this won’t happen again.” You said apologetically.
After the chat with her, you were upset, but you were also furious with your boys. Here you were thinking this morning what if it was them being bullied? You would feel awful and helpless, you can’t imagine what this kid’s mother was feeling.  It bugged you they would behave like this when all you ever taught them was good things. It also made you feel like an awful parent. Were you failing them? What were you doing wrong? You needed to talk to them asap, you knew Mason told you to wait for him but they couldn’t get in the house and start playing and getting all the privileges after what they have done. 
The whole car ride there was no music, you weren’t talking much, your boys were smart and they knew you were mad. 
When you got to the house, you helped them get off their car seats and take their stuff inside. 
“Please, sit down, eat and we will talk.” You said sternly closing the front door. 
The boys sat down at the dining table, waiting for their plates to be served. They were sitting next to each other. You served them lunch and a drink, gave it to them and sat down directly in front of them. 
You waited for them to eat so you could start talking to them. You had no idea what you were going to say, but you needed them to know bullying was not acceptable. 
“So,” you started speaking as soon as they finished “do you know what Mrs. Adams said to me today about you two?” you asked your boys who looked guilty of something but were not saying anything.  They both shook their heads in sync. 
“She told me you two have been bullying Matthew for the past 2 days, is that true?” you asked. They both looked terrified of answering yes, so they both looked at each other waiting for one another to say something. They opted to just shaking their heads again. 
“Sebastian and Oliver, do not lie to me.” You stated.
“We were picking on him when we were playing…” Oliver said quietly. 
“Only when you were playing?” you asked 
“After too…a little bit” Oliver replied, his lip wobbling. 
“Why?” you wanted to know why they were doing this and where they learned to do this.
None of them answered. 
“Where did you learn about bullying and calling people names? Because I am 100% sure it is not in this house.” 
“Daddy picks on people sometimes when he plays, and all the football players do as well…” Sebastian spoke up this time, not looking you in the eyes. 
If there was one thing these boys were obsessed with was football. They would watch any game that was on, no matter what league it was. They loved it. They loved watching the games with his dad, and Mason teaching them everything about it. 
Mason didn’t get pissed off on the pitch often, but you remembered last game he did and the boys saw. They also watched the North London derby where it got heated as well. They were learning this from football, which made sense now. 
“Listen to me carefully, just because you see that being done in football does not mean you have to do it in real life. They are adults competing for points or a trophy, okay? You are kids, football is supposed to be fun, it is not serious. I’m really upset and disappointed with you guys, daddy and I never taught you to do this. We have raised you to be way better than this. How would you feel if a friend of yours calls you names and bullies you? It would not feel good right? You would be sad, is that right?” you asked them, raising your voice a bit. 
They were both looking at you with teary eyes and their lips wobbling trying to hold in their tears. It broke your heart, you had never ever grounded them or punished them but to you this was unacceptable.
“I hate doing this to you boys but this behavior will not be tolerated okay?”  
They both nodded their heads, tears falling from their eyes. 
“Bad behavior means bad consequences, so I’m sorry but no football for a week.” 
They both gasped and looked at you with wide eyes. You knew you could take aways their iPads, their toys, their Pokémon cards, and they would not care at all because they could play football with Mase or just watch it and they would be fine. You needed them to know this was serious and there would be zero tolerance for this behavior. 
“I’m not taking you to watch daddy’s game tomorrow, you will not watch the other games this weekend, and no playing outside with the ball.” You stated making them frustrated. 
“Mommy that is not fair!” Sebastian raised his voice, crying.
“It’s not? Well, you should’ve thought of that before bullying someone.” 
You ended the conversation and told them to go to their rooms to read what the teacher had assigned them. 
You were tidying up the kitchen, the living room and putting away the left-over food for Mase. 
The whole afternoon, you were thinking if maybe no football was too harsh. Your parents were always very strict with you. If you got grounded, you always learned from it and never did it again. You wanted them to learn and never do that again. Mason was always softer with them which annoyed you. They would always convince him to let them go to a friend's house even after not doing their school work, if you would say no they would go to him and he would let them making you the bad cop. 
Time went by and you heard the front door open indicating Mason was home. Your twin boys were excited to have him back after not seeing him all day. They ran up to him and hugged his leg. 
“Hi daddy!” they both squealed. 
“Hi, my boys, how are you?” He knelt down to hug them back. “Where is mommy” he asked both and they looked at each other worriedly. “Kitchen” Oliver responded. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked them.
“Mommy grounded us.” Seb said looking at Mase with sad eyes, the same sad eyes that would convince him to let them do anything. “Yea she said not football for a week, and that we could not go tomorrow to the game.” Oliver continued with puppy eyes. 
You were hearing the whole conversation, hoping Mason would put two and two together, how you were grounding them because they were in fact bullying someone. 
“So you were bullying someone?” he asked them.
“Yea…” Oliver said, looking down at Mason’s lap. 
Mason was pissed, pissed at his boys for behaving like that but also at the fact that you had a conversation with them without him. 
“Go back to your room, I will be up there in a minute to talk to both of you.” Mason said more seriously now. 
Sebastian and Oliver climbed up the stairs and went back to their room shutting the door with their head hanging low. 
“Babe?” Mason called out for you. 
“Kitchen” you responded. 
He entered the kitchen, not giving you a kiss like he usually would, but instead ready to talk about what happened. 
“You already talked with them? Without me?” he asked, you could tell he was upset about it. 
“Yea, I did. I had to, I wanted to know what had happened and why they were doing it.” You said approaching him, ready to hug him.
He backed away a little, making you stop in your tracks. 
“What is this, no football for a week and they can’t go see me tomorrow at the game?” he asked, frowning. 
“Their punishment?” you said it as if it was obvious. 
“And don’t you think that is something we should agree on?” 
“You don’t agree on punishing them?” you asked confused. 
“I agree they should get punished, but not like that babe. Of course, they have to go tomorrow, it’s my first UCL home game.” He said putting down his wash bag on the kitchen counter. 
“I understand Mase but this is the only way they will learn…” you said trying to make him understand. 
“What about no IPad for a week? That seems more reasonable-“
“Mason, they don’t care about their iPad and their toys. They barely use it. They are bullying a kid, do you not see how serious that is? If they are getting grounded, they have to learn after” you said, getting irritated at him questioning your punishment. 
“Of course I know how serious it is, but it’s my game Y/n, it’s important for me” he said trying to make you understand his point. 
“And how else would you ground them? This is the only thing they care about, the only thing they would feel as something harsh. I know you are used to forgiving their actions but this time I’m not letting it slide.” You said turning on your heel ready to go to your shared bedroom.
“I’m not gonna let it slide Y/n, but they are going to the game. I will talk to them-“ 
“Talk to them? That is your punishment? You will talk to them, let them give you the same puppy eyes they give you every time they want something, and you can never say no? And then I always look like the mean parent afterwards because I’m the one that has to put them in check?” you interrupted him. You were annoyed. You always wanted them to be good boys, but without consequences for their actions how could they be? 
“Why are you making it seem as if I don’t ever put my foot down?” he asked angrily.
“Because you don’t Mason, I’m always the one “parenting” them.” You replied. 
“Well, that should say a lot about their behavior in school…” he said, almost whispering it because he knew he would regret it. 
You couldn’t believe he went so low as to blame you for all of this. 
“Excuse me?” 
He didn’t answer anything. The room was silent, and you both were upset with one another. He was upset that you didn’t want to take them tomorrow, and you were upset at him for not putting his foot down and basically blaming you for their behavior. 
“You know what’s funny?” you finally spoke up with tears in your eyes. “They learned this from football.” 
Mason looked at you, regretting even more what he had said. 
“I asked them where they learned this, and they said daddy and football players always fight on the pitch, so they thought it was okay.” 
Mason’s face dropped. “Babe-“he tried to say sorry but you cut him off. 
“I am trying to raise them as gentlemen and the most respectful, kind, humble boys like you were raised too. I’m not doing this to piss them off or to annoy you, I am not taking them tomorrow. If you want them to go to the game then call your brother or your mom and ask them to take them.” With that you finally turned around and headed back to your room. 
Mason was pacing around the kitchen, replaying everything in his head. He had been a douche. He knew you were a good mother. He knew that you always wanted what was best for him and the kids. He felt awful about how the whole thing went down.
Once he gathered his thoughts, he went upstairs to talk to the kids. As much as he wanted them to go to the game, he knew he had to put his foot down at some point. Once he entered the room, the twins were both doing schoolwork.
Mason sat down at the edge of their bed and indicated to them to join him. He was upset, he wanted them to know how upset they had made you and him with their behavior. 
Mason talked to them for a long time, trying to make them understand how what they see football players do, they don’t have to do it. They both cried again after hearing their dad being as upset as mommy was. They both promised Mason they would never do that again and Mason saying he believed them. 
“Does this mean we can go to the game tomorrow?” Oliver asked, rubbing his eyes. 
Mason saw their puppy eyes and their little pouts, he wanted to say, “YES YOU CAN GO.” But he wanted to respect your decision. “No mate, mommy is really upset and if she thinks this is the best punishment then I agree.” 
It would suck for Mase not having you three there. He loved seeing his little team at the box supporting him every weekend. This weekend though, he knew you were right, they didn’t deserve the privilege of being there. 
After their conversation, Mason took them downstairs to eat some dinner. You never went downstairs to eat dinner with them. He knew you were still mad at him. 
“Where is mommy?” Sebastian asked after taking a bite of his sandwich.
“She’s upstairs I think, she was tired.” Mason lied, knowing full well you were probably still upset not wanting to see him. 
“Is she still mad at us?” Oliver asked Mason
“No mate, she is more disappointed. She always wants you guys to be great boys and treat everyone with respect, and you didn’t do that with Matthew.” 
The twins looked upset now, realizing they had disappointed you. 
“I’m sorry Daddy.” Oliver said with teary eyes. 
“I know you are baby.” Mason replied. 
All three of them heard your footsteps, coming down the stairs. Once you entered the kitchen your heart wanted to melt at the sight of your three boys eating dinner together.  
“Hi mommy” Sebastian said hesitantly. 
“Hi my love” you said, giving him a kiss on the cheek, and doing the same with Oliver. 
“Did you like the dish?” you asked Mason, who was eating the dish he had requested in the morning. 
Mason smiled at you replying with a yes, and you didn’t smile back at him, turning around and grabbing leftovers from lunch. You ate in silence, listening to your boys and Mase talk to each other. You were still upset at him, you didn’t want to be, but his comment hurt you. 
“Boys, before you go upstairs, I need to talk to you.” You said before they stood up to go back to their room. 
Mason was curious, so he stayed in his place ready to listen as well. 
“Tomorrow, I will drop you off and the first thing you will do when we get to your class is apologize to Matthew. I already talked to his mom and told her this wouldn’t happen again, and I also told her you two would apologize first thing in the morning.”  You said looking intensely at both, so they understood. 
They both replied with “Yes mommy” and went upstairs to get ready for bed. 
You grabbed their plates and yours to place in the dishwasher. 
Mason came up to you, hugging you from behind. “I’m really sorry about earlier baby” he said, kissing your neck and resting his chin on your shoulder. 
You didn’t say anything, still placing all the utensils in the dishwasher. “Babe please-“ Mason tried to say. 
“Mason I’m tired, I’ve been stressed the whole day about this situation. I really don’t want to have this conversation right now.” You said turning around. 
He respected your decision. He knew he had to give you space and let you have peace for a bit. You lightly kissed his cheek to indicate you appreciated his response. 
The whole night was awful. Both of you didn’t cuddle before falling asleep, didn’t talk about each other’s days like you usually do, you just went to bed and completely ignored each other. 
Once you got up, you did your usual morning routine. Get yourself ready, get the boys ready and pack their lunch. The morning went on by as usual, Mason saying goodbye and leaving for Carrington. 
The whole night you were debating whether to take them to the game. It always meant a lot to Mason having you there and you knew that. 
The drop off went well. You made sure the boys apologized to Matthew, and you talked to his mom again apologizing for their behavior. You also told their teacher to call you if it ever happened again. Mrs. Adams assured you she would. 
You were back at school hours later to pick them up. You were nervous, you wanted Mrs. Adams to tell you there was no bullying today but what if they hadn’t learn? 
“How did they do today?” you asked Mrs. Adams.
“Oh, darling, they were amazing. They played with Matthew the whole day, do not worry about it anymore.” You felt the relief washing over your body as soon as she said that. 
“Okay that’s good.” You sighed.  
“Yea don’t worry. I think they learned their lesson. I was surprised to know it was them, they have always been good boys, top of their class, very respectful. You are doing a good job momma” Mrs. Adams said to you rubbing your arm. 
“Thank you so much.” You smiled at her.
You took the boys back to the car and helped them get into their car seats. 
The drive home, both were talking about how much fun they had playing with their new friend Matthew and asking if they could take him to a game. 
After giving it a lot of thought, you decided you would take them to the game, and call Matthew’s mom and invite them as well. You knew the twins had learned their lesson and you wanted to do something nice for Matthew and his mom as an “I’m sorry”. 
Once you called her and made sure she was available, you let the boys know and they started squealing. 
“Thank you, mommy!” Sebastian screamed running up to you and hugging you. Oliver, jumping up and down, ran towards you to hug you as well. 
“Okay, okay” you laughed at their excited little bodies. 
“Listen to me, this is no reward for bad behavior, okay? You are still not allowed to watch other games on the telly this week, but we are going to support daddy because he needs us.” They both nodded their heads. 
“And we are also doing this for Matthew okay? I want you to be nice to him, show him around and have a good time yea?” they were both jumping up and down from excitement making your heart melt.
You got the boys ready, dressing them with the full united kit Mason had gotten for them and bringing an extra one for Matthew. You met the little boy and his mother at the stadium car park and led them to the box.
The three boys were so excited to see the game and cheer on the team. 
Matthew’s mother had told you thank you a thousand times already, being very grateful at the opportunity given how Matthew is a big Manchester United fan.
Once the players walked on to the pitch, Seb and Oliver started yelling to Mason. He turned his head around and saw his little team in the box, making him smile from ear to ear. 
He was grateful you brought them to the game. He always felt much better and more confident knowing he had you guys there for him. 
The game was amazing, with a last-minute goal winner from Mason. You were so proud of him. It had taken him a while to click with the team and he deserved his goal. The boys were even more excited and ecstatic than before. 
Once the game was done, you all waited for Mason in the players lounge, greeting the other girls and their kids. 
Once you spotted Mason, you told Seb and Oliver, making them jump and run towards him. Mason picked both of them up and hugged them tightly. 
“Did you like that goal?” he asked, smiling at them, both screaming yes. 
“Look daddy, we brought our new friend.” Oliver said, pointing at Matthew. 
Mason placed the twins on the ground, approaching the little boy. “Hello mate, how are you?” he said, hugging him. “Hi, I’m Matthew,” he said, smiling with excitement. “You are his favorite player.” His mom said, making Mason smile.  “Is that so?” Mason asked the boy, “yea..” he replied shyly. 
Mason took pictures with him and his boys to capture the night. He talked to him for a little bit before saying goodbye to Matthew and his mother. Once they left, Oliver and Sebastian started playing with Luke’s son. 
“Hi baby” he said, placing his hands on your neck ready to kiss you. You hadn’t been able to talk to each other since the game ended. 
“Hi babe” you replied smiling and leaning in to kiss him. You kissed him lovingly, not for long since you were in public, but long enough. 
After kissing he hugged you, burying his face on your neck giving you little pecks. You had your arms around his shoulders hugging him tightly. 
“Thank you for bringing them.” You heard him say. “I really appreciate it.”
He pulled away so he could look at you. “And I’m sorry about last night. I was out of line. I got upset because the thought of not having you guys here…I don’t know I need you guys.” Mason told you. 
“I know baby, I know you are sorry.” You said resting your forehead on his. 
“What I do on the pitch, I do it for you guys, no one else.” 
“I know.” You looked up at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 
“You have been an amazing parent, okay? I need to learn from you, I don’t know how their little pout and puppy eyes don’t get to you.” He said jokingly, making you giggle. 
“Trust me they do, it’s so hard.” You say shaking your head and laughing. 
“But we are a team, yea? We’ve done a pretty good job with them.”
“Yes, we have.” You lean in again and kiss him, this time for a longer time not caring about the other people in the room.
After picking up some Mac Donald’s on the way home from the stadium, you all sat down in the living room to eat and watch a movie together. The boys had created a mini mattress of pillows on the floor and you and mason were curled up on the sofa. 
“Daddy tomorrow uncle Declan plays at 8” Sebastian said suddenly, remembering he had promised Dec to watch his games too. 
“I know, sucks for you mate but you are not watching it remember...?” Mason said, smirking to himself. You wanted to giggle at his response but covered your mouth. 
“But-“ Oliver tried to say but Mason wasn’t having it. 
“No games this week besides mine okay? Let’s keep watching the movie Little monsters.” 
They both gave up and continued watching the movie. 
Mason looked down at you, you were smirking at the fact he finally put his foot down. 
“You're learning” you whispered
“Always, form the best” he whispered back at you, kissing your temple.
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essycogany · 3 months
SonAmy Headcanons
Because why not.
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This is how I personally see their relationship. I’ll try to keep it somewhat accurate to how they’d act canonically. I’d say where they are now is great, but I’d like to add a few things. Some of these may or may not be influenced by other amazing creators.
You are free to steal if you want.
Sonic and Amy mostly act like a couple in private areas or when they think no one is paying attention. They might tell a few of their friends, but often try to keep things discreet. Even if their overall relationship isn’t different in a third person’s perspective.
Tails: “You two sure you’re not still friends or are you actually together?”
Sonic And Amy: “Yes!”
Sonic’s the most chill and casual boyfriend and shows a good amount of affection. Amy is an overjoyed and loving girlfriend who shows a huge amount of affection.
Amy does her best to not tell most people about her and Sonic. Making an effort to call him her “best friend.” Sonic doesn’t mind it much, even saying it’s “not a big deal.” Leaving Amy confused.
Sonic tells whoever he feels like telling that Amy’s his girlfriend without thinking and thinks it’s funny when she’s shocked about it.
The hedgehogs are unsure of what normal couple standers are. They usually already know what works for them. Except who they should tell.
Sonic shows affection by kissing Amy on the hand and hugging her. When feeling extra, he carries her and takes her out on a run. Amy shows affection by constant cheek kissing, hugging, and ear rubbing. (which he pretends to not enjoy but does.)
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These and basically everything that happened between them recently are what I have in mind in terms of physical affection.
Instead of kissing they touch each other’s cheeks.
Sonic (being a casual boyfriend) puts his arm around Amy’s shoulder indistinctively in public.
Both hedgehogs forget how they got together. All they remember is it happening.
They enjoy having tea with Cream in order to hang out more. And to spend time with Cream of course.
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Amy instantly starts cooking more food after Sonic finishes eating.
Sonic and Amy love gardening and cooking together after defeating Eggman.
Amy admires Sonic’s knowledge about plants, guitars, and books. Sonic admires Amy’s optimistic side whenever she geeks out about silly stuff.
Their brief arguments stems to worrying about one another or what cake tastes better.
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Sonic’s favorite times with Amy are when he teases her and she chases after him.
Amy laughs at Sonic’s jokes. Even when they’re not funny.
They both find bungee-jumping romantic and relaxing.
Amy and Sonic plays with each other’s quills when they’re bored.
The best dates are when they’re on dangerous adventures. Sometimes dates aren’t fun when nothing crazy happens. On those days, they go find trouble to be satisfied. But normal dates can be cool if it means they get to travel together.
Amy mostly sends gifts on holidays and Sonic gives gifts when she doesn’t expect it.
Sonic only dresses up when Amy reminds him. Amy doesn’t mind if he forgets because she ends up buying him outfits. She even makes Sonic a red hoodie and he wears it a lot.
When apart for a long time, they write each other letters.
Sonic randomly comes over Amy’s place at any time of day without warning. She acts as if she doesn’t like it, but really enjoys the company of her boyfriend.
On movie nights, Amy and Sonic always forget how long Sonic stays and ends up sleeping on the couch together with one head on top of the other. The same thing happens when they go outside for a “short run,” and end up sleeping outside.
The blue blur’s way of saying “I love you” back to Amy is by using sign language or saying “right back at ya.” He’ll eventually start saying “I love you,” later on. Which surprises Amy to no end when he does it out of nowhere.
The romance Sonic and Amy have isn’t only romance, but an updated version of their friendship. The ability to still be their own people even when in different places. Sonic and Amy are a power couple whose love for adventure strengthens their love for each other. The hedgehogs are equally as happy as when they were close friends. That is what keeps them attached.
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That’s a rap! This most likely will never happen, but I don’t mind. Them officially being friends with crushes on each other is stellar and I’m satisfied with it.
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gay-dorito-dust · 11 months
OMG can you please write more Ken x reader, I absolutely love the one you did and I can barely find any fics for him 🖤😍
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I’m glad you liked my first Ken fic and you’re absolutely about the lack of Ken fics/ Barbie fics in general. So I hope to help fill the gap…somewhat. ❤️🦦
Ken strikes me as the type to want to share anything and every thought he had with you.
For example;
Ken, running up to you: y/n! you won’t believe what I saw today!
You: what did you see Ken? A puppy?
Ken: better
You: a self taught puppy on a skateboard?
Ken: better
You: what could possibly be better then a self taught puppy on a skateboard?
Ken, beaming; getting to see you wake up every morning, looking perfect as always.
You: cheesy. Do it again.
Ken also seems like the type to melt when given affection. Talk to the wall if you disagree because I won’t hear otherwise on this.
So any time you reach for his hand, interlock your fingers, allowing the palms of your hands to being flushed against one another. Ken will crumple and will try to subtly tighten his hold on your hand but you knew, yet you were willing to faux ignorance towards because you enjoy the feeling of his warm hand against yours, as it’s a reminder that he’s there.
Ken will also uses every excuse in the book to keep your hand in his, not matter how impractical it maybe. He just likes holding your hand and isn’t afraid to openly grab it in public either, all the while with a beaming smile on his beautiful face. Ken is so pretty when he’s happy and you’d rather have him be happy and healthy in every aspect. Mentally, physically and emotionally.
You could be trying to do stuff in the house and you have one of Ken’s hand latching onto yours with his iron like grip, making it hard to complete tasks where your meant to have both hands available.
‘Ken…do you have to always hold my hand even if we’re inside the house?’ You’d ask.
‘I just don’t want to loose sight of you,’ he tells you, ‘and besides I just want an excuse to keep my hand intertwined with yours.’ He adds with a shrug as though he didn’t just admit to not liking being apart from you for long extended periods of time.
‘If that’s your answer then I don’t want to hear any complaining about sweaty palms.’ You teased as for the rest of the day, Ken’s hand in yours as if they were super glued.
Adding onto the fact that Ken likes being physically close to you. Ken is without a doubt a cuddle bug, a needy, somewhat clingy, cuddle bug as a matter of fact. He loves nothing more then to have you burrow yourself into his chest but he loves it even more when he’s the one burrowed into your chest/neck, depending on the position you assume.
Just the feeling of having you in his embrace or vice versa, has always brought him so much comfort and reassurance it’s actually insane. Yet if you were to ask him what was it about you that made him feel comfortable enough to fall asleep on you without a secondary thought and Ken’s response?
‘You keep me grounded when I don’t think I’m worth having, especially not with everything I’ve done recently.’ He began as he makes himself comfortable against you, his head resting on your chest and humming to himself in content as his eyelids began to close and a soft smile reached his pretty pink lips, all the while adding on; ‘you keep me safe as you swaddle me your warm embrace. But most of all, being with you as of this moment, has never felt like the most right thing I have ever felt in my entire life.’ He falls asleep thereafter, leaving you to process his words before following after him in dream land, where you would continue to keep him safe, warm and loved.
Cliche as it maybe but Ken would definitely have stargazing picnics on the beach with you as dates. Bonus if on one of the dates you forget to bring a jacket and Ken sees you be affected by the cold? He will pull out the chivalry card and give you his jacket no matter what.
He doesn’t care if he gets cold! As long as your warm and wearing his clothes he’s perfectly fine with a feeling a little bit nippy.
‘But Ken, won’t you get cold?’ You asked, pushing his jacket back towards him.
‘Me? Get cold? I can handle a bit of cold y/n.’ Ken tells you as he takes the jacket, only to drape it over your shoulders himself, where your immensely warmed up from his bodily heat. ‘Besides, it’s you whom I don’t want to catch a cold but even if you did, I’d get the opportunity to nurse you back to health!’ He says enthusiastically.
‘My hero.’ You cooed as you learn into his side, totally unaware of the goofy, dopey look upon his face that became into an smitten expression as he peered at you. ‘Yeah, your hero.’ Ken utters softly to himself as he walks you back to your shared home.
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st-el-la-luna · 6 months
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Task Force 141 + König when you have a subtle panic attack
Thanks for being my first request (and my 69th follower)
Did this headcanon style, just testing things out, y'know?
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Captain John Price
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° Price is probably the best choice, honestly
° He’s older, worked with soldiers, he’s no stranger to panic attacks
° “You alright, love?” he asks, tenderly, his eyes soft with affection
° He’ll take your hand and rub gentle circles on the back of your hand
° If you’re in a big crowd, say at a party or something, or even just walking through a busy street, and become unsettled, Price is the type to gently herd you towards the nearest wall
° He’ll put himself between you and the crowd, leaning in close to whisper in your ear
° “Hey, it’s okay darling. Just breathe. I’m here.”
° He takes your hand and sets it over his heart so you can feel his heartbeat
° Tells you to focus on him, his breathing as he rests his forehead against yours
° Once you’ve calmed, he presses a little kiss to the tip of your nose and offers you a smile
° “Come on, let’s go, yeah?”
Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley
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° If you think Ghost doesn’t know immediately when something puts you on edge, then what do you know? Because you must be a stupid fuck to be blind to the fact that this man would be the most observant, intuitive person when it comes to you
° He notices everything, reads you like a book
° A children’s book. Easily and with a gentle sort of fondness
° He won’t say anything outwardly, he’s not one for words (he doesn’t want anyone knowing he cares)
° Everyone knows
° He’ll stand right behind you, arms crossed over his chest, as he stares at whoever's making you uncomfortable
° If you’re in a conversation that’s making you uncomfortable or a situation that you’re easily able to leave, he will lead you away, making an excuse for you if he must
° His excuses are complete bullshit, but no one’s going to call him out on that
° “Yeah, sorry. We have to go. Need to walk the dog.”
“You have a cat”
“Yeah, and the cat’s name is The Dog. Problem?”
“Yeah, ‘s what I thought.”
Sergeant Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
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° No offense to Soap, but he wouldn’t be… great?
° It’s not that he wouldn’t care, no, no, he cares. Soap cares a lot. Too much, even
° But Johnny is, at his core, a people person, so he can't quite understand your position
° He’s likely not to notice your discomfort at first, excited to meet and talk to new people
° Once he does notice though, oh boy is he going to make up for it
° If you’re chewing your lip, he’s quick to put an end to that with a kiss; “Och, don’t you know? 'tis my job to bite those lips raw, love.”
° If you’re picking at your nails, tugging at your hair, he’ll take your hand in his; “Aye, if you want something to do with your hands… I’m right here.”
° Despite being a people-loving extrovert, he is absolutely willing to leave if you really can’t be there any more
° He’ll treat you nice and soft, make you forget all about all of your worries
° He’s the type to cross the room if he sees you getting uncomfortable. One second you can barely see him through the crowd. The next, he’s standing right behind you, arms around your middle
Sergeant Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
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° Aside from Price, Gaz is your next best bet
° Gentle and sympathetic, he’ll take your hand and give it a little kiss
° “Alright?”
° His rich eyes empathetic as he meets your gaze, and just like that everything but Gaz fades from your mind
° Gaz will set her hand on your knee, not to get it to stop bouncing, no, he recognizes that it calms you. His hand on your knee is more of a gentle, wordless, reminder of his presence
° If you’re in a situation you can’t just leave, one where physical touch isn’t an option, he’ll shoot you a knowing look
° Speaking with his eyes, “it’s okay. You’re okay. Everything’s going to be okay”
° He’ll take you away from the situation if he can, back home or to a different room or a park
° Someplace quiet and safe
° He’ll cater to you, bringing you a blanket, snacks and a drink. Then, he’ll cuddle with you
° And don’t you dare try to apoloigize, he won’t hear any of it
Colonel Konig
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° Simultaneously the best and the worst
° He has anxiety, he has experience with panic attacks!
° And while don't think his anxiety is the sort of "uwu shy bean" kind some people portray him with (see my thoughts on his anxiety/behaviour here!) He does still have anxiety- crowds and new people freak him out too! Though he may show it in a different way
° In situations of stress, his military training kicks in- the anxiety borne adrenaline making him on edge and attentive
° He keys into your discomfort very quick. Doesn't mean he knows what to do about it Will probably stress a bit about wanting to something to help, but not knowing what The best thing to do is probably for you two to comfort each other
° He's not big on PDA (He's a grown man, a Colonel, he's above those things {secretly it makes him melt}) but an easy way for both of you to calm is to link pinkies, or for you to hold his pinky
° It's not in your face but it's enough to know that you're both there, that you're going to be okay
° He'll let you to play with his sleeve, or his gloves, or his bracelet or his watch
° He may start, once he’s comfortable enough, or if he’s nervous enough, he may do the same. Most commonly, he will pinch one of your fingers between two of his and sort of just wiggle it around
° Think someone waving out those metal sheets to make a whomplewoomblewoom sound
° He’ll do his best to get you out of the situation, not afraid to throw his rank around, or use his imposing stature to do so
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cringe--is--dead · 8 months
Jason Todd SFW Alphabet
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From this template
A : Affectionate How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
He shows affection in small ways that just never end, not in an annoying way. His love languages are definitely physical affection (he's touch-starved), quality time (he spent so much of his childhood alone, physically or not), and words of affirmation. I talk about the physical stuff further down, but he also loves just being in the same room as you. If you're in college and studying or doing homework he's there with you, silent, just enjoying your presence, stepping in whenever you need a break (hypocrite). He praises you for the smallest thing, you got a C+ on a paper and feel down? That professor's an idiot, Lois Lane would publish a paper like that. You look beautiful in that outfit, doesn't matter how often he's seen you in it, you always look amazing.
B : Best Friend What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?
I can see the friendship starting slowly, you two meet probably somewhere like a bookstore or coffee shop. You're looking at a book he likes and he comments, and the two of you start talking. You don't exchange info, just happen to meet up there a few times before you start talking outside of the bookshop. It's definitely a warm, and open friendship. You can banter back and forth, pick up conversations like two weeks hadn't passed, etc.
C : Cuddles Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?
Jason in two words: touch starved. He tries to be nonchalant about it, but he has to be touching you in some way. Arm around your shoulders, leaning against your side, holding your hand, you holding his arm, etc. His two favorites are when you lay on his chest, you're like a living, beautiful weighted blanket, and when you let him lay on your chest, listening to your heart beat, feeling your breath under his chest, your fingers carding through his hair. He's like an overgrown cat.
D : Domestic Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?
He does not actively realize he wants to settle down, but he cannot see his future without you. To him it doesn't matter if you have kids, don't have kids, get married, don't get married, stay in Gotham, move, etc. He just wants you next to him. As for cooking-- I cannot see him being an excellent cook. He either forgets to eat, or makes instant ramen for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He, however, doesn't want you to feel like you have to do everything, so he learns how to cook basic meals for the two of you, and luckily, he's decent at cleaning. The mess reminds him too much of his house growing up, and he doesn't want to feel that around you.
E : Ending If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?
In a serious relationship I can only see Jason breaking up with their partner due to him fearing for their safety. He'd also do it fast, like breakup with you, give you a half-assed reason, and then flee. He wouldn't answer your texts or calls, but he'd always make sure you were safe. He just feels you're safer without him.
F : Fiancé How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?
He doesn't actively plan on getting married, but he wants you in his life forever. He goes by your flow once you're together for a longer period of time. You wanna get married? He's down on one knee. Want a big wedding? He's guilting Bruce into paying for everything. Want a small wedding? Still making Bruce pay. Courthouse? Already driving you two there. How quick would depend on you, two years in and you want a ring? He's taking Babs out to help him look. Seven years and you mention the courthouse? Well you're both free Wednesday, wanna go then?
G : Gentle How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
Jason Todd is a huge teddy bear. He knows he's big, he's strong, he's intimidating, and most of the time he doesn't mind that. With you though? Doesn't matter how strong you are, he's gonna treat you like glass. Not because he doesn't think you can handle yourself, he just never wants to hurt you in any way, shape, or form. He never raises his voice at you, never raises a hand, never even thinks of doing either of those.
H : Hugs Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
Like I said, touch-starved. If he could have you in his arms all the time he would. Any time you're fine with it-- cause if you needed space or no touch he'd oblige, and not make a fuss about it cause hey he respects your boundaries-- he's got you in his arms. His hugs make you feel like nothing can hurt you, you're protected in his arms, leaning against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
I : I Love You How fast do they say the L-word?
I can definitely see him taking a bit to say it, not because he doesn't love you, but because saying it feels really real to him. However, when he comes to fully realize, know, and accept that he loves you, he says it without realizing it and doesn't blink while you're reeling. After that, he ends every conversation with an "I love you", and sometimes randomly gives you a quick kiss with a "love you".
J : Jealousy How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?
It's strange for him because, on the one hand, he trusts you. Like, really, really trusts you. He'd hand you his guns if you so much as asked, not needing anything else. However, he does get jealous. Specifically cause he loves your attention, and when it's on someone else for too long and he feels ignored, the man deflates. His brothers think it's hilarious to steal your attention from him and watch him get all pouty. The big bad Red Hood is pouting cause his partner is talking to his brothers and not him.
K : Kisses What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?
Kissing Jason makes you feel like you're wrapped up in a warm blanket, protected, loved, and like you're the most important person to walk on the earth. Regardless of how quick and small they are, or how hot and heavy they can become. He loves to kiss you on the lips, the cheek, and the forehead. He feels that's the best way to convey how much he loves you. As for him, he loves it when you press gentle kisses on his hands, his palms, or his knuckles. It makes him feel soft, it makes him feel safe. He won't say that, though, so you better pick up on his little smile every time you do.
L : Little Ones How are they around children?
He's the kind of guy who says they don't like kids, that they're snot-nosed and annoying. Yet he's so soft with them. He kneels down to their level to talk to them, never talks to them like they're dumb or babies, always makes sure they are able to show or say their boundaries and he respects them. He volunteered once with you at a library with the poorer kids and read to them, going out of his way to make funny voices, letting them climb all over his lap, tug his hair, etc.
M : Morning How are mornings spent with them?
He's not a morning person. Odds are you're up before him and he tries holding you in bed, pleading that he just needs five more minutes with you. You can bribe him out of bed with breakfast and coffee, however.
N : Night How are nights spent with them?
More of a night owl, and you two often stay up late, talking in hushed whispers about anything and everything. He likes it when he makes you laugh when you're tired and giggly and find him hilarious. Odds are he's not a morning person cause you two stay up late.
O : Open When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?
He wouldn't open up quickly. That's just not really the Batfamily tradition. You'd be dating for a while, and one night he'd probably have a rough night. Aggressive thugs out and about, hurt kids, bad memories. You'd just hold him, you wouldn't pry or ask questions, just let him relax into you. And he'd spill. About his mom. About Willis. About meeting Bruce. About his relationship with his brothers. Dying. Coming back. His feelings. Everything.
P : Patience How easily angered are they?
He used to have a horrible temper, and everyone knew. With you? He wanted to change that. You were never the reason he was mad: upset? Sometimes, sure. But he loves you, so he worked on himself. He worked on communication, talking to you when you did something or said something. He learned healthier ways to manage his anger, as to never take it out on you.
Q : Quizzes How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?
Jason remembers when his mom started forgetting small things about him, forgetting holidays and birthdays, and as a kid he never said anything, but it hurt. It hurt a lot when she forgot how old he was because she missed his past few birthdays. So he makes sure he remembers everything about you. You once mentioned this café opening you saw online? He takes you there on opening day-- five months later. You changed from gold to silver or silver to gold? He picks up on it and changes the jewelry he buys you accordingly.
R : Remember What is their favorite moment in your relationship?
He's got two. One, when you learned about him being Red Hood. He was worried about your response, knowing it was a dangerous life. But you just told him to promise you he'd always come back to you, and you learned how to patch up different kinds of wounds without telling him to help him however you could. Just you worrying about his safety made his heart flutter. Two, when you learned who his father was. He was used to people wanting to be close to him and his siblings because of Bruce-- riches and influence. You didn't care, at all. "Oh. Your dad's Bruce Wayne? Cool. Do you want lo-mien or ramen for dinner?"
S : Security How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?
Super protective. I think we can all agree on that. He's seen the worst of the worst people, seeing people hurt and injured. He never wants you to be in those positions. You'd move in with him eventually, his apartment was probably one of the safest places in Gotham. He tracked you, with your consent of course, and you understood. You tracked his phone too, cause he knows you worry as well. As for you protecting him, he likes it when you hold him after nightmares or rough nights, telling him everything's going to be okay, and just being there for him.
T : Try How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
A lot. But he does his best not to show it. Oh, you have a dream date you have a Pinterest board for? Well, he's searching high and low on how to make that date happen. You've always wanted to go to Paris? London? Brazil? Guess where you're going for your two year anniversary. He tucks you in whenever you nap or sleep, bookmarks your pages for you so you never lose your page, and makes sure he always has your favorite drinks in the fridge.
U : Ugly What would be some bad habits of theirs?
Self-sacrificing and shutting down. He has a hard time letting people help him, feeling like if he lets people help then he's not strong enough to take care of you. It upsets you whenever he does that, but in a way you get it. It's something you two work on.
V : Vanity How concerned are they with their looks?
His concern is mostly whenever you get worried about him. The bags under his eyes, the half-treated cuts and bruises. He takes better care of himself after dating you because whenever you worry about him like that it hurts his heart too. He gets a better shower schedule, sleeps better, eats more than take out and protein.
W : Whole Would they feel incomplete without you?
I think towards the beginning of your relationship he would do his best to remain independent. He knew the pain of being alone, being left, being forgotten, and he did his best to avoid that, but he also wouldn't want to wish that upon you if anything happened. However, as your relationship grows and continues you truly become the light of his life, and his day isn't complete if he doesn't talk to you at least once.
X : Xtra A random headcanon for them.
He talks in his sleep. Sometimes, on bad nights, he's crying, nightmares from his memories, and fears of losing you or seeing his family die in front of him because, despite it all, he still cares about them. On good days he mutters the most random crap, and you have videos of him arguing with some made up person from his dreams over food or clothes.
Y : Yuck What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?
He wouldn't like conceited people, confident sure, but cocky? No. He dealt with Bruce's rich "friends" too much to deal with that. He wouldn't want someone to coddle him, baby him, he wants to be taken care of sure, but not at the expense of a partner treating him like he's incapable of doing anything.
Z : Zzz What is a sleep habit of theirs?
If he could stay up all night talking to you, looking at you, he would. You, however, enjoy sleeping. You feel like you have to fight him to be in bed before three AM, and deal with the fact that he and Tim are far closer in how much coffee they drink than Jason would ever admit.
Send in any character request with a letter, multiple letters, or the whole thing!
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konigenblobbity · 1 year
Request: Deafening Silence
Hobie x Spidey!F!Reader
Request: [Anon] f reader who works at HQ as a tech engineer and is non-verbal due to childhood trauma, her quiet and well-reserved characteristics make her seem invisible, and how physical touch and sign language is how to connect to people. can you also show how Hobi would - by his easy-going nature- connect to her, how his feelings towards her protect her and gives her a safe space to grow.
Tags: Fluff, slightly angsty, protective Hobie, silent Reader
Summary: People often saw your silence as a weakness, a flaw… but Hobie didn’t. He found his own way to connect with you, being able to read you like a book, never pressuring you to change. When he finally overhears people’s rude words, he takes a moment to remind you of your importance.
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You’ve never been one for a lot of words, especially with a past of trauma you’ll never be able to forget. So instead, you chose to adapt, turning to simple signs and moments of physical touch in order to convey your thoughts. A lot of people don’t understand it, they get irritated when you don’t respond, and after a while decide to just leave you alone. You’re not sure why Hobie stuck around, but he did.
As usual, Hobie found you at HQ, sitting cross legged in your desk chair making some new tech at your workbench. He smiles as you kick off the desk, gliding your swivel chair across the floor to grab a screwdriver before sliding back to your workbench. “You’re getting quite good at that” he comments and watches as your head turns to see him, lifting your welding mask, a large smile graces your lips.
You stand up and walk over to him, he does the same so the two of you meet in the middle. You embrace him in a tight grasp, feeling him softly caressing your back as you do. “Good to see you again Gizmo” he spoke with a soft chuckle, his tone gentle as he pulls away just enough to look down at you and smile. You smile back up at him and then nod your head once as a friendly greeting.
You then pull away, watching as he places his hands in his pockets. Furrowing your brows you ask him why he’s here… in the form of signs, pointing at him and then pointing at the ground. Having known you for a few months he knows exactly what you mean. He shrugs “Decided to pop in, haven’t had a mission in a bit so I thought I could just hang out here. Is that alright?” You smile and give him a nod.
You walk back over to your chair, sitting down and getting back to your work. He grabs one of the other chairs and slides it near yours, sitting down on it and kicking his feet up to rest on one of your desks. He knew you didn’t really mind, as long as his feet weren’t resting on a keyboard or any of your materials.
Hobie was fully content just sitting there and watching, he even had his guitar on him so he decided to play a little bit here and there. No one really expected you two to become as close as you did, you were an unexpected pair, often inseparable and the only person you really looked forward to seeing was Hobie. You knew that ever since your first interaction, which still makes you laugh.
Hobie walked into HQ with the team, preparing for another mission. As usual, he strayed away a little as he searched his path for any small tech or knick knacks he can steal. He looks around and smiles when he spots a selection of small bits and pieces on a few desks in the main room of HQ. He walks over, surveying all the options of trinkets, with blinking lights or flashing screens.
He reaches out to take a metal sheet with a series of wires on it. Before he can touch it you swat at his hand, causing him to pull it back. He turns his head and spots you, expression indifferent, not even upset with the stranger who just tried to steal from you. Hobie smiles and steps back, turning his body to face you, deciding to lighten up the situation by talking.
“Christ love, caught me red handed” he raises his hands in the air playfully, you simply look at him, giving him a soft smile and shrug. He wasn’t quite sure what that meant but went along with it. “Surprised my spider senses didn’t pick up on ya” he adds, lowering his hands and placing them in his pockets. He watches as you walk over to a work bench, getting slightly nervous at the idea that you were ignoring him because he tried to steal form you.
“Sorry about that though… didn’t know you were there” you turn your head to look over at him, you lift your hand, waving away his apology with a smile. You turn back to your work, expecting him to leave, seeing as no one has ever spent this much time with you here at HQ, usually coming over to ask a single question or try and mess with your tech. That’s why, when he spoke again, even coming over and sitting your workbench, right next to where you were working on some tech… you were shocked.
“Haven’ seen you around before… I’m Hobie” he puts out his hand and after a pause you shake it with a smile. He was waiting for you to introduce yourself but you simply went back to typing at your work. He then notices small writing stitched into your suit ‘Gizmo’.
He smiles, taking a moment to think to himself and gauge what type of person you were, and he came to one clear conclusion… whoever you were, he liked you. He thought you had a unique character to you and couldn’t help but be intrigued. Wanting to learn more about this mysterious spider who he seemingly has never seen before.
Its then that Miguel’s voice rings out from behind you, “HOBIE BROWN! Where are you?!” You notice how Hobie rolls his eyes, making you smile to yourself. He then leans down, playfully nudging your shoulder “Swear I’ll die the day he doesn’ have a stick up his arse” You shake your head but let out a chuckle at his words. He loves the sound of it… he already wanted to hear more of it.
As Miguel calls him again he sighs and stands up off the desk. He pats your shoulder gently and winks before stepping away, backwards so he’s facing you. “I’ll see ya again Gizmo, yeah?” At that promise you give him a short nod combined with a kind smile, he then smiles back and turns around to walk to his meeting.
Hobie’s eyes follow you as you use your chair as a vehicle to get from one desk to another, grabbing bits of metal and wire and then going back to your workbench. You were using a solder and sparks were flying off whatever you were creating.
He stops playing his guitar and speaks. “Whats got my lil innovator working so hard?” You look over at him, then lift your mask. You bring a hand to your ear as a sign for him to repeat himself and he does. “I asked whatcha workin’ on” You smile and wave him over, he pushes himself off the desk, sliding his chair over next to yours. When you stand up he does the same, you then grab the device and smile at him excitedly.
Not yet putting it on, you look at him and circle your fingers around each other in a backwards motion, your sign for ‘before’, he nodded in understanding. You smiled at how he immediately knew what you were saying, then continued the demonstration. You launch a web towards a mannequin, a normal web that just hits it in the chest.
You cut off the web, and circle your fingers around each other again, signing to him ‘after’ and then putting the small wristband like tech around your wrist. Once again you fire a web, but this time, as it hits the mannequin, it sends an electric current through it, even causing the plastic head to combust. Both you and Hobie jump slightly in shock.
Hobie looks at you, smirking at your wide eyes. He nudges you playfully. “Was that supposed to happen?” you blush in slight embarrassment, not looking at him and just signing to him again. You tap the wristband and then shake your hand in a ‘so-so’ motion. He nods slowly “still working out the kinks… guessing it’s just a prototype?” He asks and you nod, seeming a little dejected, you begin fidgeting with the wristband.
Its then that Hobie’s hand enters your vision, softly placing his fingers under your chin, getting you to look at him. You were still blushing, eyes avoiding his own gaze, he knew you probably felt a bit embarrassed that your tech didn’t work perfectly. He wanted to ease your mind, intending to have been playful instead of mocking.
“Its top tier tech Gizmo, once ya figure out how to make it less lethal, I bet everyone’ll be using that on missions” his smile was sincere, genuinely impressed by your talents and innovative tech. You smile at his words but then shake your head, at first he thinks you were telling him you didn’t believe him, but he then watches you sign further.
Your arms cross into an X shape and you then spin your finger in a circle in the air. His brows furrow as he finally understands what you were saying no to. “What do ya mean ‘not everyone?’”, he sits back down on the chair. You take off your tech and place it back on the desk before sitting in your chair as well.
Signing again, you hold your hand out as if you were spray painting and Hobie looks at you with wide eyes “wait… you’re makin’ this for Miles?” to which you nod. He lets out a chuckle and jokingly leans forward “I haven’ seen you working on anything for me… I thought you were my lil innovator”
At his fake pout you just chuckle and roll your eyes, you push his chair away with your foot, causing him to roll back. He slides a bit away before grabbing onto a desk to stop himself, he chuckles at your action and then kicks his feet back up onto the empty desk.
You then look at him and tap your wrist, now he rolls his eyes, putting his hands in the air defensively “I know I know… patience”. You nod and put your soldering mask back down, continuing to work on the tech. After a bit more time, you working while Hobie just talks about what cool features he’d want in his personal tech, you begin to hear voices
A group of spider people walk by, their words muffled in an attempted whisper, although they weren’t actually being that quiet. “Out of everyone he gets to know her?” One says. “It’s not like there’s anything to get to know…” the other remarks. It’s the final spider’s words that hit you most “even if she could speak I bet she’d have nothing important to say” You can feel their eyes on the back of your head, as if their gazes were daggers.
You don’t avert your eyes from your desk, clutching the soldering machine tighter, trying to focus on the sound of the melting metal and flying sparks rather than their piercing voices. You begin fiddling with some exposed wires as an attempt to occupy your mind with something besides their words.
You’ve always been able to ignore them, up until when you got close with Hobie. That was the point people became harsher, more vocal with their criticism… and that’s when you began to care more because not only did you hear them, but so did Hobie.
You couldn’t help but worry that their insults and snarky comments would convince him to leave you alone. That after hearing just how pathetic people thought you were, he’d decide to spend his time somewhere else, with someone less hated and more open and vocal.
Hobie narrows his gaze towards the group that just walked by, his displeasure clear in his scowl. Once they notice his glare, they shut up and rush down the hall. He lets out a sigh, taking his feet off the desk, and leaning his guitar on the desk behind him. In your peripheral vision you can see him standing up, immediately assuming that he was leaving.
You turn, lift your mask, give him a quick smile, and then wave him goodbye. At that action he looks at you confused, brows furrowed and his head tilted as he looks down at you. “I’m not leavin” he says in a tone that reads as if his statement was obvious. Your expression turns to shock, you click your tongue letting out a soft ‘oh’ sound, before turning back to your tech.
Hobie still stood in confusion, taken aback by your action. He moves right next to your chair, squatting down and sitting on his heels. He places his hand on the armrest of your chair to turn it so you face him. You look at him and notice his confused and almost speechless expression, you tilt your head and furrow your brows as a sign of question.
He then finally speaks “did you really think I’d leave because of a few insensitive pricks?” You stay quiet and your gaze moves down to your hands in your lap, fidgeting with your rings. You simply shrug and your lips are a fine line, your whole demeanor acting as if it was obvious that’s what you thought.
Hobie let’s out a sigh, placing his hand on top of yours on your lap, you look back up at him, meeting his gaze. The way his eyes stared into yours was completely new to you, his gaze was caring and soft, but there was a sadness to it. “Well you’re wrong… and so are they” you give him a soft smile, hoping to calm his concerns, but he can still see the unease and hurt in your expression.
He grasps your hands tighter in his own, continuing his small speech. “You don’t need to speak in order for me to understand you. You’ve barely ever said a word to me, and yet out of all the spider people in this HQ, the one I want to talk to the most, is you… my lil innovator” he lifts up one of your hands and kisses the back of it, helping to solidify his words.
You blush at his words and kind action, you nod your head softly. “You promise ya won’t let these pricks get t’you?” He asks, his eyes looking into yours with a serious and stern expression. As a sign of agreement you once again nod your head… but that wasn’t enough for him. He lets go of your hands and raises one of his own, extending his pinky. “Pinky promise me” and you chuckle lightly, but his expression was serious.
Once you raised your pinky and linked it with his he smiled and then gave you a wink “There, it can never be broken” and you just shake your head playfully at his antics. He didn’t mind though, his antics were always an attempt to make you smile, to make you feel better, and the fact that they worked… was always good enough for him.
He stands up and then softly kisses your forehead,“Now… go on and finish Miles’ tech so you can make mine” pulling your welding mask back down when you blush.
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keruimi · 5 months
Found Myself Because of Her
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Obanai Iguro x reader
Note: I just hope that this fanfic can help you realize something. Mention of self-hate, sexual assault, death, and scars. Not proof-read
When did everything start? When my eyes suddenly just started to look for her.
An unfamiliar woman that just caught my eyes during my journey to the Ubuyashiki Estate as she played with the children of the village.
The woman who I lock gazes with as she sends a smile to my way that made my heart skip a little.
It was the first time I saw her in that village that made me question my fellow Hashira who she was.
How can she have a huge effect on me?
"Oh, she was the woman you saved from the Entertainment District" Shinobu informed me as the gears on my mind started working.
"She must be strolling around the village"
Somehow, seeing her with the younger generation made me think how it feels to be near her.
Seeing the happiness of the kids she is playing with, made me curious on what kind of woman she was.
Why does that kind of woman end up in a place like the Entertainment District.
Until destiny finally let us meet again. She made a huge impact on me as her first impression was still lingering on my mind.
The happiness she showed when she met me.
I never saw someone that happy when they saw me.
"You must be Obanai-kun that Shinobu is talking about" she started as she bowed towards my direction that made me lower my head to return her greetings.
The moment she raised her head to see me, I felt my heart skip a beat.
That made me question how beautiful she is.
"Here" she handed me a book as I stared at it. "It's a book of appreciation"
I took the item from her hands as she properly stood up. "I never got the chance to thank you. I owe you my life"
I quietly observed the book she gave me before I brought it closer to me before giving a nod to her.
"I was just doing what I was supposed to do" I finally muttered a sentence as her eyes widened a little before she look down.
"Well at least you still did..." I heard her mutter.
I felt her gaze soften before she uttered the words I never knew I would hear for my entire life.
"You are unknowingly the writer who chose to continue my story that was already reaching its ending"
I felt silent on her words that made me feel that saving someone is indeed a big deal.
I finally felt like my actions finally had a huge impact on someone. I let out a small smile under the bandages that were covering the lower part of my face.
I saved someone...not only physically but mentally too.
That was the first encounter we had. And I silently yearn for the next one.
On the four walls of my room, I flip the pages of the book she gave me.
How can I forget... That I love reading these things.
A small smile lifted from my lips when I remembered her. There was no day that I didn't read the book that reminded me of her.
A book that comforts the person in me. It was like an eye opening for me.
Nobody is perfect.
Nobody is born as a mistake.
The person you are today is shaped by the painful past that you have lived in.
Nobody is cruel;
Nobody is completely free
From the chains of hatred they have locked themselves in.
In life, you can be at the highest peak of the mountain,
Or at the floor of the deep ocean.
But it shouldn't be a reason nor an excuse to suffocate yourself.
You are beautiful, just as you are.
Love yourself, it's never too late
It feels like, destiny is finally comforting me. That reminds me how deep my self-hatred is.
Because I look like the monster I fear when I was a kid.
How long can I fight the demons that have been living in my mind?
How long will I last?
"Obanai?" I heard her voice below that made me look down and just saw her smiling up to me.
"Don't you want to eat lunch with us?"
I shook my head and I didn't hear her bother me anymore. And the moment I finally went back to reality, there was already a rope on the branch above me as she pulled herself up while carrying a basket.
I just watched as she did her best to reach me.
To be close to my distant personality.
"You should eat. I'm the one who cook it" she stated as she landed in front of me and started setting up the small table and the food she brought for me.
"Take care of yourself, Obanai." She looked at me with her soft gaze. "You need it to keep going"
I felt a pinch in my heart on her words as I let out another small smile under my mask.
I'm thankful she is trying to take care of the body I am abandoning.
I whispered a small thank you before she decided to leave to give me the privacy I need as I look at the food she made.
I felt tears slowly build up in my eyes as I thought to myself...
How long will I hide the ugliest part of me?
Our path keeps meeting and I found myself watching her gracefully dance under the moonlight like a free soul that is not ruined by the world.
I felt the cold breeze as I sat on the floor of the gazebo as my thoughts went hazy again.
I want to know her more. I want to know how she learned those comforting words she never failed to utter every time we meet.
It's God, finally giving me mercy?
Is he finally willing to cure me from the past he let me experience?
The past that was still engraved on the very part of my body. The body he gave me, is it wrong for me to hate it?
"Obanai?" Her voice made me snap my train of thoughts as she walked closer to my direction.
I internally compliment how she looks good at the light yellow kimono she was wearing.
How can someone be this beautiful?
"Are you okay?" She asked me with a small frown on her face as I lifted my lips to a smile but immediately stopped as I imagined how I looked without it.
"I'm fine"
I am not...
She quietly sat beside me as we both gazed at the garden in front of us whose beauty was completely shown by the moon that illuminates its light.
I felt her giving me side glances as she was really thinking if she would ask me to let out myself.
I know that but... Maybe I just want someone to ask.
If I was really fine. I want someone to ask, if I need someone.
Because I badly needed one or I would really lose against my own insecurities.
"I was known for being Tengen's first wife" I heard her mutter that made me turn my head in her direction as she didn't remove her attention in the garden.
"No one knew who I was" she stated as a small smile lift from her lips.
She was Tengen-san's rumored first wife?
I want to know how she ends up where she is now as I properly sat on the floor.
"Tengen is a nice guy. But that alone was not enough for me to survive with his family. Because of that action I made, it ruined the relationship we both have" She continues her story as my thoughts wander again.
Tengen never mentioned her...
"Ever since that incident, there is no day I didn't endure the torture of hatred his family had when he was not beside me. But knowing we were not in good terms yet, I never mentioned it" she finally turned her head to look at me.
Her smile never faded from her lips.
"Obanai, I have scars too" it felt like our surroundings went silent when she let out those words.
It was a moment where she was sharing the most painful part of her story that was not heard.
"There are times I want to cry so badly because I won't have the same perfect body I have when it was marked on me. It was permanent damage to my body, it was a painful strike to reality."
"That's why I left him" She whispered as she let out a low chuckle before facing the garden again. Yet my eyes never left hers.
"I was burned, whipped, poisoned, and beaten. Because I killed a person, I killed one of his brothers" my eyes widened from how she states every word without any hesitation.
Is it really okay to share this with me?
"Now that you heard the reason why I experience that kind of torture, what do you think of me?"
I saw her eyes turned glossy as I felt my heart ache with her.
Burned, whipped, poisoned, and beaten everyday? If I was her, would I kill somebody too?
I wouldn't.
Because ever since I was a kid, I was scared to protect myself. I was helpless.
"I wouldn't kill someone knowing he is important to the person I love. No matter the torture I went through." I finally spoke my mind as I looked at the moon above us.
"But what if it was self-defense? What if that was the only choice so I won't get rape? Would you still blame me?" I snapped my head in her direction when I heard her words.
"Then I can't blame you for it..." I breathlessly whispered and a smile lifted again from her face as a look of slight happiness adored her face.
"You see, we were characters of an untold story. People's opinion is based on who's telling the story. Whether we would become a hero or a villain, it was already a decision we can't decide"
I listen to every word she says.
"People's thoughts are something we can never control. So even if you're perfect just the way you are, in their eyes, you have flaws and that's okay" she turned in my direction before lifting a hand to ruffle my hair so I just lowered my head so she could reach it.
"It's okay to be quiet, it's okay to stay silent. But you should be aware when your limit is" I felt her hand lower as it reached one of my cheeks.
"I know you're experiencing your own war with yourself but remember"
"You have no one but yourself" we both stated in sync as she gave a thankful smile before caressing my cheek.
"Ourself is our worst enemy, but also our greatest ally. Never forget that"
And that night, the painful past we both have buried was opened again.
And I found comfort in the woman I never spoke too much with. I found my heart softened on the time I cherished with her.
It felt like I finally found the partner I needed to survive.
I never knew that the night could be this peaceful. It felt like the haze on my mind was finally clear.
Having the strength to look at myself again in the mirror, I slowly removed the bandages that were hiding the ugliest part of me.
I heard Kaburamaru near me as I traced the healed mark on my mouth.
"Is this really fine to show?" I muttered to myself as I looked at myself in the mirror.
Seconds passing and I already felt the fear and hatred creeping behind me as I tried my best not to look away from the mirror.
You are beautiful, just as you are.
I shut my eyes to calm myself down as I felt Kaburamaru circle himself on my wrist as I slowly opened my eyes after I calmed myself down.
The moment I looked at myself back in the mirror, I thought of a question I should have asked long ago.
"Why did I hate you?" A tear slipped from my eyes as I weakly muttered those words.
Nobody is completely free
From the chains of hatred they have locked themselves in.
"It was never our fault..."
The person you are today is shaped by the painful past that you have lived in
"How come I hated you?..."
"You have no one but yourself"
The God just harvested those sinners who have committed grave sin. Whether they died or not because of me...
It was not in our control anymore.
I found her sitting under the Sakura tree, seems to be sewing my haori that I forgot at the gazebo yesterday.
I walk closer to her as she looks up when she hears my footsteps. She greeted me with a smile as I kneel in front of her and sat at the heel of my foot. I watched how she went back to sewing my ripped haori.
"I never got to know your name" I decided to break the silence as a giggle pass her lips.
"Pardon me, I'm Y/n" she playfully introduces herself and manages to lift a small smile from my lips again.
"Thank you for clearing my mind yesterday" I continued and she showed me a gentle smile before tapping my cheek.
"You need it"
I felt my heart warmed from her words as I decided to sit beside her and face her direction where no one would see my face.
I want to know if she is willing to stay or leave.
"I want to show you the scar that ruined me" I whispered to her that made her tie the threads when she finished what she was doing.
She turned to face me.
"Go on" she muttered and I felt nervous if I was doing the right thing.
Noticing my hesitation, she gave me a gentle smile. "I won't leave"
Hearing her assurance, I slowly removed the bandages that were covering my face as I hid it from the world.
Her eyes never left mine as I completely removed the cover.
Please don't leave me...
Without wasting any second, I felt her hand on my cheeks as she gave a proud smile as her eyes started to turn glossy.
"You did great" she whispered and I can't help the tears that were building from the corner of my eyes, attempting to escape.
My trembling hands touch her own as she drapes my haori on my head.
"You did it"
I can't forget the happiness she felt for me and my heart chose her over and over again.
I want her to be with me. That made me ask to court her and she gladly accepted it.
She was the person my tortured soul needed.
When we became a couple, I was the happiest. I didn't care about her past anymore.
I was her present and I would make sure I would be the one with her in the future.
My relationship with her is nothing but happiness and comfort. Something I never had nor given with.
I never hesitated on going to her arms for comfort or even assurance. A side that I only show to her and only her.
It's hard to show it during the daytime with many people watching.
I also saw her scars that littered her body. Some left a mark, some completely healed.
I just found myself tracing the scars of the whip on her back as she put some cream on her body.
Both of us would love any flaw in each other's body.
And I can't ask anymore for a better partner like her.
While on the left side of her hips, the burn is found. There are bruises that have already turned darker than her skin color so it's not easy to hide it.
She was silent the whole time I observe her body. I decided to snake my arms around her waist and pull her closer to me that made her look at the mirror just to see me.
"The scars never makes you less beautiful" I softly whispered as she let a gentle smile before kissing my cheeks.
"I know..."
Our body became a book where the scars of our past are written.
Having someone like her, all my fears disappeared.
I would trade the world for her
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edges-of-night · 1 year
Imagine LotR characters reacting to you having had a long day ♡
・゚✧ Aragorn.
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Aragorn is tireless when it comes to work, so sometimes he’ll forget the time himself. He’ll silently scolds himself then, because he wants to you to be able to relax once your work for the day is done. He would offer to make you a calming tea with herbs he’d search for you in the forest, so that you can unwind together in the evening.
・゚✧ Arwen.
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Arwen would be the kind of person who keeps checking in during your work, be it physically or mentally demanding – or both! Either way, she wants to make sure you’re not overworking yourself. In the cases you do have a long day anyway, she will remind you that it is over now and that you should take it slower tomorrow. She’d offer you to cuddle and stroke your hair, and you’d calm down through her ethereal presence alone.
・゚✧ Boromir.
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Boromir would be the type of person to visit you at your workplace and, should the day almost be over, distract you tenderly from what you were doing so that he could steal you away and would get to spend the evening together with you. Be it hugging you from behind when you’re sitting at your desk or laying his hand over yours, holding the tool – the man can hardly wait to you for himself again, and he is not ashamed to show it.
・゚✧ Elrond.
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After long days, Elrond is always short of scolding you for overworking yourself. But he knows how seriously you take your duties, so he swallows down any frustration, especially after you’ve returned to Rivendell in the evening. Without pressuring you, he will remind you how important it is to set your boundaries and that you don’t have to say yes to everything.
・゚✧ Éomer.
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Once Eomer realizes that it is going to be a long day for you, he puts everything else aside and prioritizes the preparations for you. He will make sure that you can unwind as soon as you’re home. Depending on your mood, he would sit in front of a cosy fire with you or go for a horseback ride through the night.
・゚✧ Éowyn.
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After a long day, Eowyn would welcome you home with a sympathetic smile and a quip. Then she’d put her arms around your neck to give you a kiss and ask what you’re in the mood in for. Her breezy nature makes it easy to forget all the hardships of the day – now, you’d get to spend the evening however you please.
・゚✧ Faramir.
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Faramir worships you like a deity, and that is precisely how he treats you after a long day, too. He’d shower you in kisses, embrace you in a warm bath, read you poetry, and help you get dressed in the most beautiful nightgown – or do nothing of the sort, if you ask him to just give you space. He respects your every wish.
・゚✧ Frodo.
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Frodo would sigh but smile when you return home after a long day. He’d say something along the lines of “I told you to take it easy”, but quickly proceed to ask you what you’d like to have for dinner. Frodo likes to take care of you, so you’ll have nothing to concern yourself with after work. He loves to take you on faraway journeys by reading from his favourite books, and he’d quietly chuckle to himself once you fall asleep on the armchair.
・゚✧ Galadriel.
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Galadriel will have nothing of your “But I still need to do…” – with a firm voice and kind eyes, she’d remind you of your well-being and that no job is so important that it cannot wait until the next morning. So instead, you would be whisked away by song and soft lights, maybe to your favourite spot in Lórien, from where the two of you will watch the sunset with your favourite drinks. No burnouts on her watch!
・゚✧ Gandalf.
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Gandalf’s attitude toward your ‘long days’ is heavily dependant on what kind of work you’re giving yourself up to. While he commends every good deed and self-sacrifice, he draws the line somewhere. When you come home after having done nothing but tedious labour for some lord all day, exhausted and boneless, he’ll have nothing but a disapproving grunt from behind his pipe. Needless to say, your favourite baked goods would magically appear in the kitchen just a few moments later!
・゚✧ Gimli.
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Not only does Gimli admire your power, he openly brags about your amazing productivity and relentless helpfulness. However, once you are alone, he’d make a point of quietly whispering to you, “Still, you got to take care of yourself, dearie!” That does not stop him from spoiling you with lavish Dwarven banquets by the fire though! With Gimli, there is never any shortage of luxury.
・゚✧ Haldir.
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After a long day, Haldir would offer you a hot bath and silent company. He is majorly impressed by your work ethic, even though it borders on unhealthy sometimes. He’d never say that out loud, of course! All he does is offer you comfort in the ways he knows how to express. He’d ask you about your schedule tomorrow to unknowingly work ahead for you – only to disguise it as him being even more diligent than you once you found out.
・゚✧ Legolas.
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More than anything, Legolas is amused by how much you try to achieve in one day. Once you’re back in his arms, he’d muse about how much time mortals spend with work and other duties, instead of savouring their precious time. Though you are tired, his semi-philosophical outpours – and especially his light-hearted mood – never fail to make you laugh.
・゚✧ Merry.
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Merry looks up at your endurance and sense of duty. He is not afraid to tell you either. However, his idea of a relaxing evening is usually to go visit the Green Dragon, to drink, sing and dance. You can’t deny that his energy and movement help you loosen up. If the dancing alone doesn’t help, Merry will offer you a massage to ease your tension. He may be the thinking type usually, but special times demand special measures!
・゚✧ Pippin.
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Let’s be honest, Pip cannot relate to your workaholic attitude at all. That said, he does admire you for your enthusiasm and helpfulness. He’d be the kind of person to surprise you with your favourite dessert when you come home, having prepared it all afternoon just to make you happy. You will spark a whole new drive in him!
・゚✧ Sam.
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Your return home is always Sam’s favourite part of the day – right after waking up next to you, no doubt. His calm nature never ceases to soothe you. Sam knows how to unwind and always has your favourite pipe ready for a quiet sunlit evening in his garden or your self-built rocking chairs. He’d quietly ask you about your day, but after some conversation, he’d go, “That’s enough of that, I’d say” and just entertain you otherwise until you’d go to bed.
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