#if i go to the park at like 7 to 10 pm the bats will be flying around and playing :)
sk3l3t0n444 · 6 months
i have decided to befriend the local crows, squirrels, and bats
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auroraluciferi · 4 years
if anyone in this time of deep concern of his health is interested about what a worthless piece of shit Prince Philip is, here is a very brief list of 90 racist, sexist, and incredibly ignorant things the man has said in the last century:
1. "Ghastly." Prince Philip's opinion of Beijing, during a 1986 tour of China.
2. "Ghastly." Prince Philip's opinion of Stoke-on-Trent, as offered to the city's Labour MP Joan Walley at Buckingham Palace in 1997.
3. "Deaf? If you're near there, no wonder you are deaf." Said to a group of deaf children standing near a Caribbean steel drum band in 2000.
4. "If you stay here much longer, you will go home with slitty eyes." To 21-year-old British student Simon Kerby during a visit to China in 1986.
5. "You managed not to get eaten then?" To a British student who had trekked in Papua New Guinea, during an official visit in 1998.
6. "You can't have been here that long – you haven't got a pot belly." To a British tourist during a tour of Budapest in Hungary. 1993.
7. "How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?" Asked of a Scottish driving instructor in 1995.
8. "Damn fool question!" To BBC journalist Caroline Wyatt at a banquet at the Elysée Palace after she asked Queen Elizabeth if she was enjoying her stay in Paris in 2006.
9. "It looks as though it was put in by an Indian." The Prince's verdict of a fuse box during a tour of a Scottish factory in August 1999. He later clarified his comment: "I meant to say cowboys. "I just got my cowboys and Indians mixed up."
10. "People usually say that after a fire it is water damage that is the worst. We are still drying out Windsor Castle." To survivors of the Lockerbie bombings in 1993.
11. "We don't come here for our health. We can think of other ways of enjoying ourselves." During a trip to Canada in 1976.
12. "A few years ago, everybody was saying we must have more leisure, everyone's working too much. Now that everybody's got more leisure time they are complaining they are unemployed. People don't seem to make up their minds what they want." A man of the people shares insight into the recession that gripped Britain in 1981.
13. "British women can't cook." Winning the hearts of the Scottish Women's Institute in 1961.
14. "It was part of the fortunes of war. We didn't have counsellors rushing around every time somebody let off a gun, asking 'Are you all right - are you sure you don't have a ghastly problem?' You just got on with it!" On the issue of stress counselling for servicemen in a TV documentary marking the 50th Anniversary of V-J Day in 1995.
15. "What do you gargle with – pebbles?" To Tom Jones, after the Royal Variety Performance, 1969. He added the following day: "It is very difficult at all to see how it is possible to become immensely valuable by singing what I think are the most hideous songs."
16. "It's a vast waste of space." Philip entertained guests in 2000 at the reception of a new £18m British Embassy in Berlin, which the Queen had just opened.
17. "There's a lot of your family in tonight." After glancing at business chief Atul Patel's name badge during a 2009 Buckingham Palace reception for 400 influential British Indians to meet the Royal couple.
18. "If it has four legs and it is not a chair, if it has got two wings and it flies but is not an aeroplane and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it." Said to a World Wildlife Fund meeting in 1986.
19. "You ARE a woman, aren't you?" To a woman in Kenya in 1984, after accepting a gift.
20. "Do you know they have eating dogs for the anorexic now?" To a wheelchair-bound Susan Edwards, and her guide dog Natalie in 2002.
21. "Get me a beer. I don't care what kind it is, just get me a beer!" On being offered the finest Italian wines by PM Giuliano Amato at a dinner in Rome in 2000.
22. "I would like to go to Russia very much – although the bastards murdered half my family." In 1967, asked if he would like to visit the Soviet Union.
23. "If a cricketer, for instance, suddenly decided to go into a school and batter a lot of people to death with a cricket bat, which he could do very easily, I mean, are you going to ban cricket bats?" In a Radio 4 interview shortly after the Dunblane shootings in 1996. He said to the interviewer off-air afterwards: "That will really set the cat among the pigeons, won't it?"
24. "Oh, it's you that owns that ghastly car is it? We often see it when driving to Windsor Castle." To neighbour Elton John after hearing he had sold his Watford FC-themed Aston Martin in 2001.
25. "The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." At the opening of City Hall in 2002.
26. "A pissometer?" The Prince sees the renames the piezometer water gauge demonstrated by Australian farmer Steve Filelti in 2000.
27. "Don't feed your rabbits pawpaw fruit – it acts as a contraceptive. Then again, it might not work on rabbits." Giving advice to a Caribbean rabbit breeder in Anguilla in 1994.
28. "You must be out of your minds." To Solomon Islanders, on being told that their population growth was 5 per cent a year, in 1982.
29. "Young people are the same as they always were. They are just as ignorant." At the 50th anniversary of the Duke of Edinburgh Awards scheme.
30. "Your country is one of the most notorious centres of trading in endangered species." Accepting a conservation award in Thailand in 1991.
31. "Aren't most of you descended from pirates?" In the Cayman Islands, 1994.
32. "You bloody silly fool!" To an elderly car park attendant who made the mistake of not recognising him at Cambridge University in 1997.
33. "Oh! You are the people ruining the rivers and the environment." To three young employees of a Scottish fish farm at Holyrood Palace in 1999.
34. "If you travel as much as we do you appreciate the improvements in aircraft design of less noise and more comfort – provided you don't travel in something called economy class, which sounds ghastly." To the Aircraft Research Association in 2002.
35. "The French don't know how to cook breakfast." After a breakfast of bacon, eggs, smoked salmon, kedgeree, croissants and pain au chocolat – from Gallic chef Regis Crépy – in 2002.
36. "And what exotic part of the world do you come from?" Asked in 1999 of Tory politician Lord Taylor of Warwick, whose parents are Jamaican. He replied: "Birmingham."
37. "Oh no, I might catch some ghastly disease." On a visit to Australia in 1992, when asked if he wanted to stroke a koala bear.
38. "It doesn't look like much work goes on at this University." Overheard at Bristol University's engineering facility. It had been closed so that he and the Queen could officially open it in 2005.
39. "I wish he'd turn the microphone off!" The Prince expresses his opinion of Elton John's performance at the 73rd Royal Variety Show, 2001.
40. "Do you still throw spears at each other?" Prince Philip shocks Aboriginal leader William Brin at the Aboriginal Cultural Park in Queensland, 2002.
41. "Where's the Southern Comfort?" On being presented with a hamper of southern goods by the American ambassador in London in 1999.
42. "Were you here in the bad old days? ... That's why you can't read and write then!" To parents during a visit to Fir Vale Comprehensive School in Sheffield, which had suffered poor academic reputation.
43. "Ah you're the one who wrote the letter. So you can write then? Ha, ha! Well done." Meeting 14-year old George Barlow, whose invited to the Queen to visit Romford, Essex, in 2003.
44. "So who's on drugs here?... HE looks as if he's on drugs." To a 14-year-old member of a Bangladeshi youth club in 2002.
45. "You could do with losing a little bit of weight." To hopeful astronaut, 13-year-old Andrew Adams.
46. "You have mosquitoes. I have the Press." To the matron of a hospital in the Caribbean in 1966.
47. "The man who invented the red carpet needed his head examined." While hosts made effort to greet a state visit to Brazil, 1968.
48. "During the Blitz a lot of shops had their windows blown in and sometimes they put up notices saying, 'More open than usual.' I now declare this place more open than usual." Unveiling a plaque at the University of Hertfordshire's new Hatfield campus in November 2003.
49 . Philip: "Who are you?"
Simon Kelner: "I'm the editor-in-chief of The Independent, Sir."
Philip: "What are you doing here?"
Kelner: "You invited me."
Philip: "Well, you didn't have to come!"
An exchange at a press reception to mark the Golden Jubilee in 2002.
50. "No, I would probably end up spitting it out over everybody." Prince Philip declines the offer of some fish from Rick Stein's seafood deli in 2000.
51. "Any bloody fool can lay a wreath at the thingamy." Discussing his role in an interview with Jeremy Paxman.
52. "Holidays are curious things, aren't they? You send children to school to get them out of your hair. Then they come back and make life difficult for parents. That is why holidays are set so they are just about the limit of your endurance." At the opening of a school in 2000.
53. "People think there's a rigid class system here, but dukes have even been known to marry chorus girls. Some have even married Americans." In 2000.
54. "Can you tell the difference between them?" On being told by President Obama that he'd had breakfast with the leaders of the UK, China and Russia.
55. "I don't know how they are going to integrate in places like Glasgow and Sheffield." After meeting students from Brunei coming to Britain to study in 1998.
56. "Do people trip over you?" Meeting a wheelchair-bound nursing-home resident in 2002.
57. "That's a nice tie... Do you have any knickers in that material?" Discussing the tartan designed for the Papal visit with then-Scottish Tory leader Annabel Goldie last year.
58. "I have never been noticeably reticent about talking on subjects about which I know nothing." Addressing a group of industrialists in 1961.
59. "It's not a very big one, but at least it's dead and it took an awful lot of killing!" Speaking about a crocodile he shot in Gambia in 1957.
60. "Well, you didn't design your beard too well, did you? You really must try better with your beard." To a young fashion designer at a Buckingham Palace in 2009.
61. "So you're responsible for the kind of crap Channel Four produces!" Speaking to then chairman of the channel, Michael Bishop, in 1962.
62. "Dontopedalogy is the science of opening your mouth and putting your foot in it, a science which I have practiced for a good many years." Address to the General Dental Council, quoted in Time in 1960.
63. "Tolerance is the one essential ingredient ... You can take it from me that the Queen has the quality of tolerance in abundance." Advice for a successful marriage in 1997.
64. "I never see any home cooking – all I get is fancy stuff." Commiserating about the standard of Buckingham Palace cuisine in 1962.
65. "I suppose I would get in a lot of trouble if I were to melt them down." On being shown Nottingham Forest FC's trophy collection in 1999.
66. "It makes you all look like Dracula's daughters!" To pupils at Queen Anne's School in Reading, who wear blood-red uniforms, in 1998.
67. "I don't think a prostitute is more moral than a wife, but they are doing the same thing." Dismissing claims that those who sell slaughtered meat have greater moral authority than those who participate in blood sports, in 1988.
68. "Ah, so this is feminist corner then." Joining a group of female Labour MPs, who were wearing name badges reading "Ms", at a Buckingham Palace drinks party in 2000.
69. "Cats kill far more birds than men. Why don't you have a slogan: 'Kill a cat and save a bird?'" On being told of a project to protect turtle doves in Anguilla in 1965.
70. "All money nowadays seems to be produced with a natural homing instinct for the Treasury." Bemoaning the rate of British tax in 1963.
71. "It is my invariable custom to say something flattering to begin with so that I shall be excused if by any chance I put my foot in it later on." Full marks for honesty, from a speech in 1956.
72. "Why don't you go and live in a hostel to save cash?" Asked of a penniless student.
73. "In education, if in nothing else, the Scotsman knows what is best for him. Indeed, only a Scotsman can really survive a Scottish education." Said when he was made Chancellor of Edinburgh University in November 1953.
74. "If it doesn't fart or eat hay, she isn't interested." Of his daughter, Princess Anne.
75. "They're not mating are they?" Spotting two robots bumping in to one another at the Science Museum in 2000.
76. "I must be in the only person in Britain glad to see the back of that plane." Philip did not approve of the noise Concorde made while flying over the Buckingham Palace.
77. "The only active sport, which I follow, is polo – and most of the work's done by the pony!" 1965
78. "It looks like a tart's bedroom." On seeing plans for the Duke and then Duchess of York's house at Sunninghill Park.
79. "Reichskanzler." Prince Philip used Hitler's title to address German chancellor Helmut Kohl during a speech in Hanover in 1997.
80. "We go into the red next year... I shall probably have to give up polo." Comment on US television in 1969 about the Royal Family's finances.
81. "Bugger the table plan, give me my dinner!" Showing his impatience to be fed at a dinner party in 2004.
82. "I thought it was against the law these days for a woman to solicit." Said to a woman solicitor.
83. "You're just a silly little Whitehall twit: you don't trust me and I don't trust you." Said to Sir Rennie Maudslay, Keeper of the Privy Purse, in the 1970s.
84. "What about Tom Jones? He's made a million and he's a bloody awful singer." Response to a comment at a small-business lunch about how difficult it is in Britain to get rich.
85. "This could only happen in a technical college." On getting stuck in a lift between two floors at the Heriot Watt University, 1958.
86. "I'd much rather have stayed in the Navy, frankly." When asked what he felt about his life in 1992.
87. "It looks like the kind of thing my daughter would bring back from her school art lessons" On being shown "primitive" Ethiopian art in 1965.
88. "You're not wearing mink knickers, are you?" Philip charms fashion writer Serena French at a World Wildlife Fund gathering in 1993.
89. "My son...er...owns them." On being asked on a Canadian tour whether he knew the Scilly Isles.
90. "Well, that's more than you know about anything else then." Speaking, a touch condescendingly, to Michael Buerk, after being told by the BBC newsreader that he did know about the Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Awards in 2004.
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
Hi all!
As usual, I owe all of this to the wonderful world created by @lumosinlove. 🙏🏻
I love Kris so much. Single dad, hockey star is a mood. Apologies in advance. 😇
Sweater weather chats #2
Kris joins a super secret club. Lily gets emotional. We get introduced to the bat cave. Kris is a cautionary tale for the rookies. Or that’s what Nado days. Kris is also an honorary mom. Celeste reminisces. Kasey, Nado and Kuny babysits. Everybody loves Remus. Ava wants a pony. Natalie has plans. SO MUCH BROMANCE.
Emotional support group and Remus 🤩🥰🏒:
Friday 3.32 pm
NatNat added Kris to the group.
Allison: do I spy a new member? Welcome to the dark side, Kris. The rules are simple - this is a safe space for us to discuss our men, babies and other related topics.
Lucia: also, never tell the boys what happens at brunch. 😁
Celeste: welcome Kris. We thought you’d enjoy coming to brunch with us - Ava is always welcome.
Kris: woah? What is this? Shit. I’m honored. Also Remus? Wtf.
Remus: hi kris yeah I don’t know how I was allowed in, but it’s nice. 😁
NatNat: well Dumo might be the honorary dad but Kris is totally the honorary mom on the team. He wiped Gatorade off of Leo’s face last game. It was adorable 😍😍😍
Kris: well James did unscrew the top as a prank, not actually sure it’s a prank if you do it every game. And Leo didn’t realize. And he’s weird about not taking his blocker off. Had to help the kid out. 😆
Allison: well it made us enroll you in our secret and sacred club. Welcome! 🤩
NatNat: i forgot to send this on Wednesday!! Baby Russian with baby puppies
*kuny puppy pic*
GingerLily: awwww he looks so happy. James said he’s been depressed he cannot train this week. I love this. 😍
Anyaismyname: my baby. I knew him from he was 16. Such a sweet boy.
Kris: sweet? Are we talking about the same Kuny? He taught Ava to cuss a ref and last time the media asked her what she thought of the game and my playing, she parroted that. I had a trending tag for a month after that on Twitter😔
NatNat: I’m not condoning it but it was hilarious. I cried. But seriously he adopted a cat and named her Aya and they send me selfies with her every 7 minutes. They built her a castle in their ridiculous bat cave game room. 😅👑🐱
Remus: the bat cave is awesome. They’ve got pro surround sound and all. And a real slushee machine. 🤖 also kris, coach want you all back on the ice in 10.
NatNat: yeah haha kase is excited to go for halo night. Apparently they’ve got some sort of new VR stuff for practicing as well. 🏒🏒🏒
Celeste: Kris, don’t worry about the curse words. Marc spent three months yelling fuck at everything after Logan accidentally taught him. They get over it quick and the fans love you even more after that - haven’t you been on the most eligible list for your entire career? Also, didn’t Anya tell Kuny’s mom?
Anyaismyname: da, and believe me, Scolding work better in Russian. And I promised her to look out for her boy.
Kris: thanks guys, I know. I was just shocked. She’s my baby and sometimes I just can’t handle how quick she grows... it’s not fair... and yeah, apparently a single dad with a travel heavy job is eligible. Weird.... also - the boys’ game room is amazing and they did set up a my little pony game for her last time on the projector. Be there in three Re!!! 🏃‍♂️
GingerLily: awww I cant believe she was a baby when I first met her. She grows sooo quick! 😍
Kris: well it’s you soon! Good luck - you think you know what love feels like but. Damn, a baby just changes things. ☺️
GingerLily: we’re starting on the nursery next week and I can’t wait. James is hopeless with tools though but we’ve decided on a color theme at least 🥰🥰🥰
Celeste: mmh, that is always a big moment. I remember when I was pregnant with Adele, Pascal was still just settling into the Lions and we’d already moved twice, but something changed when we started working on the nursery. It got real then - he didn’t get the puck theme he wanted but nevertheless, I think that was when he really realized he was about to become a father 😍
NatNat: awwwww, can’t even imagine you two without your babies 😁
Celeste: me neither, honey, me neither. 😉
Friday, 4.38 pm
Kris: Natalie do you think we could find a puppy for Ava? We could house train it during off season and she’s been begging for a puppy for a while and i really want one too and hopefully with a puppy the “I want a pony” phase can be forgotten! :)
NatNat: of course!!! Also shouldn’t you be at training?
Kris: We finished 5 minutes ago. :) also thanks for cheering Kuny up, he was allowed to do stretches today.
NatNat: oh god. Forget the time out here. Is kase done too?
Kris: yeah but he’s currently unavailable. Something about hug a goalie day *pic of kasey and Leo, on the ice under a mountain of players*
GingerLily: 🤦🏽
Celeste: on another note my lovelies. I would love to host brunch next Sunday! We have full attendance - Elsa is visiting from Sweden! :) please let me know how many babies you’re bringing.
Sunday 7.03 am
Kris: hi Celeste. I’m really sorry to do this last minute but ava’s mom has cancelled again and I can’t get a sitter this late. I’d love to come for brunch next time though.
Celeste: oh my dear. Bring her. It’s absolutely no problem.
NatNat: hey kris. Kasey is going to nado and Kuny and he says they’re happy to babysit. Also he wants to know why you and Remus are invited to brunch. Don’t tell him anything. 😉😉😉
Kris: oh I don’t want to be a problem they probably don’t want a 4-year old to disturb their halo game...😬
NatNat: it’s not a problem at all :) (also need kase to practice - not getting any younger here 😏🤩)
Kris: well if it’s really no problem I know Ava would love to spend time with them. :) also totally rooting for baby blizzards soon!
Blizzard created a new group: Babysitting
Blizzard added RussianGod, Nadotheman and KrisVolley
Blizzard: hey guys. Quick change of plans. Ava is hanging out with us today. Kris is going to brunch with the girls?! Said we’d be happy to spoil baby munchkin and teach her more Russian curse words
RussianGod: ok. Can we eat cookie? Also no bad words. Don’t want more yelling from Anya. She scary.
Blizzard: season diet Kuny. Oreos are only for Ava. And isn’t Anya like 5.2?
RussianGod: nado is still sleeping. But we can go to park and meet ladies. They love single dad. But Anya is little but scary. Have you not see how she keep sergei in check?
KrisVolley; you are not using my baby to meet ladies. Haha oh never thought of that. Anya is always nice to me 😂
KrisVolley: Here are the ground rules gentlemen!!!!
1) no begging - you need to say no and stick with it, unless she’s crying properly don’t give in to her. She hissy cries when she wants things her way
2) not too much sugar and candy alright? (Looking at you Kuny)
3) Kuny and nado can’t use her as a ploy to ensnare women.
4) do NOT teach her any more Russians words unless they’re good, safe and cute words. The press still hounds me from the time you taught her to cuss a ref....
5) have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
Nadotheman: Morning boys. Also happy to babysit. But tHaNkS fOR aSkInG kase... 👍🏻 also @KrisVolley:
1) how the hell are we supposed to say no to that face? No idea how you made such a beautiful baby.
2) no problem. (Totally lying to you)
3) we would never use our baby niece in such a despicable way 😳 also it was one time and we can’t help that we are irresistible to baby-crazy ladies.
4) she can only scold a ref. According to Kuny totally safe and good words. Don’t believe what Sergei or Sunny says. Or the press.
5) so don’t knock up a fan at 18? Alright man got it.
KrisVolley: ....
Nadotheman: just keeping it real. You’re a cautionary tale for the rookies man. But your baby is cute. And you do a great job bro! 💪🏻
KrisVolley: I’m a what?? And thanks Nado. 😊
Blizzard: When you’re done with your moment.... I’m picking her up in five, can Nat go with you to Dumo’s? Ava and I will go have brunch at the bat cave and have an awesome time. And don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on the boys.
KrisVolley: thanks Blizzard. Good practice as well 😉
Kuny: 👀👀👀👀 baby blizzard????
Blizzard: alright calm down m8. We’re not even married (no judging kris)
Nadotheman: whatever you say bro. You gotta make a baby with that girl - she swooned at family skate. Also we all saw you makin heart eyes at the Brady bunch. 😆😆😆😆
Blizzard: they’re adorable and this conversation ends here. We’re outside now Kris. Also don’t encourage Nat. I’ve got a plan. 😬
Nado: Kuny. Kuny. Is it baby safe? They’re here in 15 minutes.
Kuny: why you text me? I’m next door.
Kuny: also yes is fine. Maybe get bra down. It been in fan for 3 days
Nado: you’re the tall one. Get it down.
Kuny: I not put it there.
Nado: fine you lazy jerk. I’ll get it down.
Kuny: 😘
Nado: fuck off. But I love you too bro.
Until next time, my lovelies 🥰
Always open for ideas, prompts, constructive criticism!
Also - does hug a goalie day exist? I think it should.
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thehuskerrumble · 4 years
We Be Jammin
(Calling all parents! I need pics to enhance these articles. So unless you want to see Nick Herrera over and over and over again, please share your pics with the Husker Rumble facebook page, and I will add them as we go. Thank You!)
The winds are blowing in at 30 mph, and the temperature is hovering around 40 degrees. So you know what that means, HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL IS BACK! Finally, after missing all of the 2020 season, the Higginsville Huskers took the field for a four team jamboree this past Saturday, in Marshall MO. Weather conditions were less than ideal, but first year head coach Landon Figg had his squad prepped and ready for action. Higginsville would play 3, three inning games against Lawson, Marshall, and Carrollton, all in an exhibition format. Let’s go over a few quick highlights just to get in our baseball fix.
Game 1 VS Lawson
Pitchers dominated the opening matchup, as would be expected this early in the season. Josiah Golden took the mound for Higginsville and tossed the first two innings. His stuff was electric, and should give the Husker fans a lot to be excited about. Golden faced 7 batters, striking out 5, while allowing one free pass and a single up the middle. Garrett Pemberton threw the final inning, and hopes to build on the success that he had during his freshman year. 
Offensively the Huskers got off to a bit of a slow start. Lawson pitchers fanned 6 Higginsville batters, while only giving up two hits. Golden and Mason Rumsey each found the outfield grass, with solid singles up the middle. Rumsey also showed off his wheels, by swiping second base.
Web Gems
Jace Kerley grabs our first web gem of the year, by firing a strike to Nick Herrera, cutting down a Cardinal runner attempting to steal third. 
These games don’t count, and we’re all winners here, but just for the sake of accuracy: 
Final Score:     Lawson 2   Higginsville 0
Game 2 VS Marshall
Cade Limback and Mason Rumsey combined to toss all three innings of the second matchup. Both pitchers battled through a hard-hitting Marshall lineup, as they gave Coach Figg and staff, a look at what they bring to the table. Limback had a nice first inning, as he worked his way out of a jam, striking out the Owls number 4 and 5 hitters to end the inning. 
The Huskers lineup started to heat up in game number two. Higginsville had thirteen plate appearances in the second matchup, and not a single batter struck out. They only ended up with three hits and two free passes, but there were hard hit baseballs up and down the lineup. Kerley and Herrera both had solid singles in the contest, but the big hit of the game came in the first inning. With Kerley on third, and Herrera on first, sophomore Camden Russell squared one up, driving it into the left-center gap, for a two-run double. 
Going Deep
Okay, this section is usually reserved for the long ball, but I have to give a shout out to a fly ball that Limback hit into the left field corner. When Kim and I pulled into the Marshall parking lot, she specifically asked me if it was safe to park our new truck in a spot that was roughly 60 ft from the outfield fence. I sarcastically (always sarcastically) told her that absolutely, positively, no one is hitting a ball that far. Well, Cade got a hold of one, that on a normal day, minus the strong winds, may have reached our spot, prompting a call to State Farm. Instead, the ball hung up in the air forever, and the left fielder was able to run it down at the fence, just in foul territory. Thank you mother nature for possibly saving my marriage.
Final Score:   Marshall 3   Higginsville 2
Game 3 VS Carrollton
Baby-faced Jackson Kouril got the nod for the first two innings of game two, and if you squinted your eyes just enough, he sort of looked like Dawson 2.0. Kouril pounded the strike zone, and certainly looks like he can add some depth to this Huskers rotation. My favorite part was when Kouril threw a pitch that was obviously up in the zone, but the umpire (it was a long day and he was the only umpire for every game) rung the batter up on a called third strike. Jackson smiled and almost seemed embarrassed to get the call as he walked off the mound. You gotta sell that one harder kid. Next time just give a little fist pump or possibly blow some smoke off of your pistol-pointed index finger. He’s young, he’ll get there. Kerley threw the final inning, and that’s all I have to say about that. 
 Both coaching staffs agreed to get some at bats for their younger players in the final game, giving the fans a look at who else may contribute this year or the next. 
Final Score:    Well, I forgot to write it down. I’ll edit this later
Up Next:
Saturday, March 20,  10:00 am  and 12:00 pm
The Huskers travel to Knob Noster Sports Complex for a doubleheader against Russellville and Crest Ridge. 
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ghostlypail · 4 years
Tagged by @rekkas and doing this here because it seems to be mostly phandom—
1. Name: Kris
2. Gender: Female with the occasional saunter into nb territory.
3. Star Sign: Scorpio which is the WORST as ace spec.
4. Height: 5’4” or 5’6” depending on if you meet me in my work heels.
5. Sexuality: uhhhh ace/bi but my general feeling is “whatever”
6. Favorite Book: idek the last time I read a book that really stuck with me. Uhhhh probably Jurassic Park or Harry Potter because I’m Basic™️.
7. Current time: 8:49PM
8. Avg amount of sleep: probably 6 or 7 hours. I try for more but 🙃
9. Dogs or cats: gotta say cats.
10. Number of blankets I sleep with: ???? Just the one? Y’all have more than one blanket???
11. Dream Job: Language researcher or portrait photographer. I like people.
12. Blog established: WOW uhhhh 20...13? For @livekyoto and I’m gonna say 2016 for @ghostlypail . I also have a bunch of sideblogs where I dump reblog a that I never tag (because I don’t need to! It goes right into the blog and I look at the blog whenever I want to see that stuff!) and @getstuffednstuff since 2014 or so, where I occasionally post from myself but it’s mostly just puns, recipes, and fandoms that I don’t have a blog for but should (why do I not have sailor moon or SU blogs yet lmao)
13. Favorite animal: shit i dunno. Bats? They’re cute. Snakes, also v cute. Both of these things eat bugs which are decidedly not cute. But bats are kind of fuzzy so they win the cute-test.
14. Number of followers: uhhhh @livekyoto has like 10k+ and @ghostlypail is like 1.4k.
15. Reason for URL: @livekyoto because I ... live... in Kyoto. @ghostlypail because I think I’m punny. Ghostly WAIL but also Ghostly PALE but also it’s a bucket where I dump all my DP stuff GETIT (crocker.jpg)
16. Something I’m grateful for: wow going hard tonight I see. The friends I’ve made in my life. Whether we haven’t really spoken since high school or college or we shoot the occasional PM/DM or I just met you a few weeks ago, every friend I’ve made stays in my memory.
I hope that if you see this, you remember that even if you don’t talk to someone anymore or as much as you used to, you’re as alive in their memory as they are in yours.
Tagging anyone who wants to, but with the request that you tag me as the person who tagged you or reblog this post and add on to it so I can learn more about you!
But also tagging @alzheimersparrotroute come on hobbert do the thing
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The longest weekend of my life
After the last couple of days I’ve had I needed to write it all down so here goes
Thursday: My sister called and asked if I could watch the boys Friday, not a big deal until you realize my mom is their usual nanny/babysitter. She then goes on to say that something happened and she didn’t wanna tell me but she doesn’t have a choice anymore. My mother was arrested yet again and my sister was on her way to go pick up Theo from the police officer. Once again my mother has inadvertently ruined another person's life. Later in the day we had to go back to where she was arrested and pick up the car. Subconsciously I knew there was heroin inside the car but I think the little girl in me just wanted to believe she wouldn’t have that with the kids around. I was so wrong. I had to drive from Georgetown all the way to Austin with drugs and drug paraphernalia in the door next to me and God only knows where else.
I had a great day with my nephews, we went swimming and enjoyed the day. Until around 4 o’clock my mother called and asked for me to come get her from jail, i guess someone had posted her bail, again. Her rap sheet for Williamson county alone is as long as I am old. You can look her up for yourself, she looked sweet and innocent in 1998 but as the years go on and the heroin, meth and men get worse she starts to look like something that crawled out of crack den. I told her I wasn’t picking her up until after I dropped the boys off at their dads so I couldn’t come get her until 6. I got there at 6 and they said her bail hadn’t even been posted so it would probably be another 4 hours, to go get some dinner and to come back. So i made dinner plans with my sister and uncle. at 7 she called and said she really was done and to pick her up so I did. When I got there my mother was asleep on a bench, like a homeless person. She got in my car and as i was driving away asked me what was wrong. Big mistake mommy. I verbally let her have it. I couldn’t hold it. I was screaming and crying and the whole time she was nodding in and out, detox. At one point I got her to actually get up and look at me, but she just looked right through me. I realized that day my mother has never looked at me with love in her eyes, just need. When i got to the restaurant, I told her she was welcome to come in but if she didn’t want to she was going to have to wait. While she was waiting she vomited and peed herself inside my car. My sister took her home with them. I came home to my dad who has been lecturing me about how its my job to save her and well that night I confessed that I didn’t need it and burst into tears. Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t display me emotions well so for this to happen I’ve been kicked and beaten. Anyone who knows my father knows he doesn’t handle my displays of emotions well and while I was sobbing the largest sob I have ever endured, he sat there. My step mom finally got up and hugged me. As much as My step mom and I don’t really get along I know she loves me, obviously not as much as her own children but more than a regular degular and it’s sad to say but I felt more motherly love in that hug from her than I have ever felt from my mother in my whole life.
I woke up to message after message from my siblings saying someone needed to watch her until my grandmother returned. So I got volunteered as per usual. I showed up at 10 and 30 minutes later my uncle left to go back home to Bryan since he has to work. Moments after he left I had to put my mother in the shower and essentially bathe her. After her shower she asked to go to the emergency room. She has been injecting her heroin into her leg and it has formed an abcess and other dead muscle so I told her yes but she would have to tell them she is detoxing she agreed. Of course I couldn’t go in with her and she doesn’t have a phone so I had to sit in the parking lot for over 3 hours. luckily my best friend brought me some food and I actually got to see her for a few minutes while she was in town. My sister didn’t get home until after 7 PM, then her and I argued because we found out some serious news from my mother which was upsetting and my sister felt like she wanted to be alone from her but I had been told not to leave her alone, hence my day with her. I left. She left my mom alone for over an hour.
I woke up just feeling the last few days. My brother was suppose to watch her for a few hours until my grandmother got home, so I decided to take the day for myself and my dad. I went and got my nails done. Went to lunch with my dad. Sent out the bat signal to my sort of friend and my best friend. @galaxxiesinmymind was already gone but the sort of friend. TBH I didn’t think would answer and if she did she answered how I thought she would, half assed. It makes you feel not so shitty so you feel like you did something but you don’t actually have to do anything which is fine, go live your life I only sent it out because ya’ll two are the only ones around here who really know whats going on and Sav isn’t really around her she just happened to kinda sorta be here that weekend and she showed up one day for a few minutes. Anyway, my brother showed up late. He suspected that my mother was high. well she was alone for 2 and a half hours that morning so maybe. Then they left her there after screaming at her, until my grandmother showed up, 3 hours later. 
I need a drink. I needed a drink. I need to scream. I want to scream at all the people who have failed her, me but that would be a long list and honestly i’m tired.
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We Are Stars For Each Other Chapter 4: Live Alive
So here’s chapter 4 for We Are Stars. I’ve been getting so much love on it, that I decided to post another chapter here. Please enjoy. YOU CAN FIND ALL OF WE ARE STARS AND MY OTHER WORKS ON MY MASTERLIST. 
                                          Chapter 4: Live Alive
You didn't look back as you walked through the doors and out into the warm evening air. You hoped that by now Wooyoung had added your number into his phone, and planned on texting you or something.
"Ha, I highly doubt he will, but Minie says I should be more positive, so let's just roll with that", Then it dawned on you, "Oh shit I have to text Min Seo and tell her what San said before I forget."
You pulled your phone from your bag, hoping for a text, but there was nothing. You sighed and pulled up your chat with your dear Minie.
(7:13PM) - MINIE I JUST LEFT. San said he wanted to see you again, something about a lovely smile.
It was bookended with hearts and kiss face emojis.
Before you could finish the giggle that had escaped at the thought of teasing your best friend, the phone rang and you nearly had a heart attack.
Relief flooded your mind with the name on the screen, when you glanced before answering.
"You scared the shit out of me Minie!" you sighed out the breath you were holding, "You know I gave Wooyoung my number, I thought it was him."
"Aish, language Y/N. I'm sorry but I needed to know all the dirty details about my future husband." She sounded like she was more than excited.
"I told you everything, San asked me where you were off the bat. He Said you needed to come and see him as he missed your lovely smile." You smirked at that, knowing it would throw her into a fit of giggles.
"Y/N! Did you say anything to him?! Was he smiling?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Min Seo was on the edge of her seat in anticipation. You assumed it was much like yourself in the presence of Wooyoung.
"That was all Minie, these fan events are short. There isn't much time for talking", You pulled the phone closer to whisper to her, "I'll tell you what, if Wooyoung texts me, I'll give him your number for San. Sound good?"
"Oh.MY.GOD. Y/N, if San texted me I would die. Just die." Her reply was laced with something other than excitement, fear maybe?
"It'll be fine Minie. I need to get back to the apartment, I have to clean up the mess I made getting ready."
"Alright, but you had better tell me if Wooyoung so much as sends you a smiley face, you hear me Y/N?"
You smile at her concern. "Yes, mother. I'll make sure to let you know. Miss you Minie, come home soon ok? Be safe."
When the call ended, you were getting onto the bus. You did genuinely feel sad at Min Seo not being around. Her advice had helped through so many situations at this point and no one knew the boys of ATEEZ better than her it seemed.
When you walked into the apartment, the mess greeted you. "Fucks sake, have I always been so messy?" You look around for the answer and just nod. "Well, let's get this done so I can spend my weekend hovering over my phone like a teenager waiting on her cheating boyfriend to message her."
The day passed, while you checked your phone every half hour to make sure the volume was turned up on it. Time was passing slower than normal, and the next day dawned with no calls or texts.
You were starting to lose faith now, but Min Seo should be home today. That thought made the world brighten up a bit. If the boy you liked wouldn't text you on such an open invitation, then you'd just hug Minie and it'd be alright.
Nearing 5 pm, the door the apartment swung open. Min Seo tearing through it with bags upon bags, and luggage.
"Y/N! I got you something!" Min Seo yelled through the entryway.
"Is it food?" You reply
"Pretty much, yeah." Min Seo knew you loved your snacks from home, and you hadn't been back since the day you stepped on the airplane.
You jumped up, jogging to the bags, searching through them to find your favorites. "Fuck yeah, Minie! Root Beers and flaming hot fries? You're an angel among women."
Once you were both settled on the couch, Min Seo's bags stowed in her room. The junk food was strung across the table. You were happy with her home but sad as you kept glancing at your phone.
"So, no word from Wooyoung yet?" Minie was trying to be gentle, she knew this particular crush had cut you pretty deep.
"Nah, no word. That's alright though. I've been through worse. It just stings." Your reply was directed at the floor.
You heard Min Seo humming softly to herself. She was scheming something up, and you never liked that. She got bright ideas, that normally backfired. You were always the one to get burned on those.
"Park Min Seo, don't you dare try to scheme up some mess, yeah?" You grumbled. Mostly trying to protect yourself from whatever it was.
She was scrolling through something on her phone at lightning speed. Her lip tucked soundly behind her teeth.
"I've got it Y/N!"She said so loudly, it startled you.
"What Minie? What did you dream up?" You replied without paying much attention.
"There's a special promotion here I remembered hearing about.", she cleared her throat before reading the text on the page she had up. "Ateez Concert, with limited backstage access."
You coughed out your drink you were in the middle of swallowing.
Min Seo continued, "Only 4 backstage passes will be sold for this event All proceeds will go to charity. Show your pride for ATEEZ." She stopped and looked at you, a sly smile painted on her face as she handed you her phone to read for yourself.
You gawked, "Minie, there's a few things wrong with this. Number one, it's on a Friday two weeks from now. and Number two, it's in FUCKING BUSAN YOU NERD!" You yelled at her jokingly.
"And?" Min Seo's reply ever aggravating
"And, I have a normal job. I'm not a gorgeous model who makes a bank paycheck off a two-week romp in the states like someone I know." You stare over at her to push your point home, "These tickets are WAY too expensive for me. That's half a weeks pay, I wouldn't be able to eat if I did this. I couldn't get to Busan by train in time even if I left work two hours early." You hung your head a bit.
By Min Seo's standards, it wasn't a terrible idea, but it wasn't practical for you either.
Min Seo eyed you from across the couch, "You're just trying to get out of it, Y/N. I think it's pretty sad that you're going to give up after all the trouble you went through already." She sighed.
"I guess I'll just have to let everyone know you're a big sissy that couldn't face your own insecurities." Min Seo continued on with her guilt trip, "Say you had a best friend, who would help pay for those tickets, and maybe even our hotel? It might just be that I know a model who got offered another big payday in the states."
When you looked over at her, she was pointing to herself with both thumbs smiling when she whispered, "It's this model right here, I got offered another job."
"Holy Shit Minie, that's amazing! They liked you that much they wanted you back? Wow." You rolled your eyes in her direction
"For your information, Y/N. I'm a very popular person, people like me." She retorted to your sarcasm
"Everyone, except San, then?" You quipped
"That's yet to be seen. He may like me, he asked you where I was last time." She looked over and stuck out her tongue at you.
You laughed before replying, "Alright Min Seo, I'll tell you what, there's 4 backstage passes for this so if you can happen to score us each one, I'll go. Good luck." You snorted at her and got up from the couch with a stretch and yawn.
"As for me, I'm going to bed, the tickets go on sale at midnight. May the odds be ever in your favor, FIGHTING!" You pumped your fist with a giggle as you walked into your room to slump onto the bed.
Tomorrow is Sunday, and maybe, you'll finally get that message when you get up. Being hopeful was never your strong point.
Sunday was here and yet no messages to call or speak of. You slept with your phone on your nightstand just in case.
"Maybe I was being presumptuous in thinking anything would come from this." Your sigh was deep, and you felt a new crack forming in your resolve.
While you were brushing your teeth a familiar sound called through the house, but you ignored it. Then again, you heard it. "What the actual hell is...OH HOLY HELL MY PHONE!"
Within seconds you were tearing through the house at a full run, toothbrush still in your mouth silently praying, "Please oh please.."
When you picked up your phone off the couch, your heart flew out of your chest. Two unread messages from an unknown number. Is this happening?
(10:43AM) Unknown Number - Hello, is this Y/N?
(10:49AM) - Yes, this is her. Who's this?
(10:50AM) Unknown Number - you gave me your number last week, can you guess who I am?
(10:50AM) - Wooyoung? Is it really you?
Your replies came with a cautious feeling. This could be Wooyoung, or maybe he dropped your number somewhere and some creep had found it. Suspicion ran through your brain.
(10:52AM) Unkown Number - Maybe. :) <3
Maybe? What kind of bullshit answer was that? Maybe? Now you were getting slightly aggravated.
(10:53AM) - Alright, Who is this? I'm going to block this number if you don't tell me who you are.
(10:55AM) Unknown Number - If it were Wooyoung, what would you say?
(10:55AM) - I'd tell him he's beautiful and so talented. I'd tell him he's my bias and just in general how much I think of him.
(11:02AM) Unknown Number - Ah, Well thank you. :)
(11:02AM) - Is this Wooyoung or not?
Your replies were getting a bit quicker as you were getting more nervous. Was this Wooyoung or someone else? Surely it had to be him and he was just messing with you, right? He loves to play jokes on people so that had to be the case. You were blinded by the fact that this could actually be him.
(11:05AM) Unknown Number - Listen Jagi, if I can call you that, I have to go. I've got practice in less than a half hour. I'll text you later. Save this number under an inconspicuous name. <3 <3 [Kissy face emoji]
The texts end there, and your heart is racing. He just called you Jagi. Wooyoung called you Jagi. It made you feel like you were flying. Warmth traced through your body as you giggled happily. Maybe this was all coming together.
You saved the number under Lucifer with two hearts. a heart-eyed emoji, and the eggplant for posterity. You laughed at that. You didn't know how big Wooyoung actually was, but a girl could dream.
You'd seen that video for Pirate King on Youtube, the one filmed for M2 here they lined up and danced one at a time. Those pants showed everyone all they needed to know and even though Wooyoung looked big, you think Mingi probably won that battle with his big dick energy and well, everything was out.
"Oh Lord help me, I'm talking to the Devil in disguise. I hope I can handle all of this, and him." You smirked at that last thought. You could absolutely handle Wooyoung, you'd fantasized about it enough.
You thought Wooyoung would make a great switch sub. He'd take a beating while saying "May I have another?" in a breathy voice. His ass a lovely shade of pink.
He could also be a dom, spanking you for not bending over properly when he asked, but always giving you the best cuddles after.
Oh what dreams you had, and you were ready to act all of them out. All this time with no physical affection from a man. You were wound up, just waiting to snap. Goosebumps formed all over you and warmth was spreading to your core.
"Hopefully this happens soon. I'm going to lose my mind if it doesn't." You were talking to the wall now, your head lying against it, trying to get your bearings and breath properly.
"Fucking Lord, he's trying to kill me." Your breathing finally slowed, now you just had to play the waiting game, you just hoped it wasn't going to be almost 3 days like last time.
Your day went by, slowly. Always keeping your phone nearby, maybe Lucifer would text you and you could start getting to the serious stuff, like if the eggplant emoji you put by his name was earned or not. You smiled.
It seemed strange when your text tone went off, at just after 7 PM. Your breath caught in your chest. It couldn't be Min Seo as she was asleep, trying to get over her serious jet lag, there was only one person it could be.
(7:13PM) Lucifer - My beautiful Jagi, bogoshipo. I hope you get this.
Your hands tremble, making the phone shake in your hands. He's using informal, sweet speech with you and it makes your heart flutter. Breathing deeply, you steady yourself to reply.
(7:15PM) - Hey handsome, I'm here. :) I'm a lil nervous tho. I've missed you too, did you have a good practice?
You pulled in your bottom lip between your teeth to worry it, waiting for his reply. You were nearly starstruck at the fact that Wooyoung was texting you right now.
(7:16PM) Lucifer - Aigo, it was tiring. I need cuddles Jagi. :(
(7:16PM) - Aww, poor Wooyoung, so tired and in need of lovin. I'd hold you if you were here with me. [kissy face emoji]
(7:18PM) Lucifer - Ah, Jagi. Pick a name to call me other than Wooyoung, I'd like you to call me something sweet and special.
At this point, Hongjoong was sweating bullets. He knew what he was doing wasn't right, but he needed to get to know you. It seemed like the only way to do it was to make you think it was Wooyoung on the other end. This had to work because if you found out, he was in big trouble with both of you.
(7:19PM) - OK, how about I call you wangjanim? I think it fits because you really do look like a prince.
(7:19PM) Lucifer - That's perfect Jagi. I love it. Now with that out of the way, how're you doing?
(7:21PM) - I'm fine honestly, was just waiting on your text. I'm so lonely here. Min Seo is in bed jetlagged, and I'm just wasting my day. :(
You would never tell Wooyoung that his name in your phone was Lucifer, not because he was awful or mean. It was because his body rolls would send you straight to hell with a snatched wig. You laughed at the thought, but then heat rose through your body at the thought of Wooyoung snapping his hips in your direction. Your brain clicked to something you remembered. You quickly typed out your next message
(7:21PM) - I almost forgot, Minie and I are trying to get those backstage passes for the concert in Busan. I'd love to see you again, and actually be able to talk.
Several minutes went by with no reply. Did you say something to make him mad? Maybe he was eating? Your mind raced with possibilities and most of them bad.
Hongjoong wasn't mad at all, he was scared. Scared of getting caught out in his little plan to make you fall in love with him. His idea was to make you fall, and then reveal himself so that you would see him instead of Wooyoung. Now with the possibility of you getting those VIP passes, he had to do it sooner rather than later.
(7:35PM) Lucifer - I hope you get them. I'd love to see you and wrap my arms around you for the best cuddles I could ever get.
(7:36PM) - Aww wangjanim, that's so cute I could just die! are you trying to make me blush?
You weren't lying when you said that, the color had already started to creep across your cheeks and down your chest. Warming everything it covered.
(7:38PM) Lucifer - I might even kiss you, I don't think I could stop myself. Or maybe I could run my hands through your hair, and nuzzle your neck softly. I bet you'd kiss me back if I did. ;)
That message made you stop in your tracks and your breath get caught in your chest. You had to reread it. He was going to kiss you? Oh God. The warmth that was throbbing in your core turned into a fire and it burned all the way to your toes.
(7:40PM) - Oh really? I might kiss you back, but getting near my neck might be a bad idea, sweet wangjanim. ;)
Hongjoong laughed at that, he could imagine you laying back on your bed, in your t-shirt with just panties on underneath it, giggling softly and blushing from head to toe. Maybe you'd be rubbing your thighs together in anticipation. He knew you were somewhat of a hardass, and stubborn, but he was positive he could turn you into a mess right now.
(7:41PM) Lucifer - Now I could use that against you. Want to tell me any more juicy secrets? I could tell you some of mine if you tell me yours. What would you want from me Jagi? Just kisses, or something more?
The fire that raged in your body throbbed deep in your core. Wetness coating you, nearly dripping down your thighs, as you moved to lay in your bed. You hoped this would go even farther than you thought.
(7:43PM) - Do you want to know a secret of mine? Something that turns me on? Well, my neck is one thing, but I'd really like you to spank me and maybe pull my hair a lil. I hope that doesn't scare you, I like things rougher than other girls I think.
Hongjoong read that message and had to bite his lip to stifle the moan threatening to escape his lips. His dick throbbed at your admission. You wanted it rough, he could give you that. He'd give you anything you wanted. His hand slid down to grab himself through his sweatpants, gently squeezing. His eyes rolled back as all he could see was you, naked on all fours under him your ass cheeks red from spankings. It was all he could do to not pull his dick out right then and stroke himself into ecstasy. He needed to write something back.
(7:45PM) Lucifer - Jagi, be careful you're playing with fire. Since you told me a secret, I'll tell you one of mine. I love the feeling of nails dragging across my skin. I want to hear your moans and whimpers in my ear. licking up your neck. Mmm, I bet you taste like heaven.
Your breathing hitched, one hand already sliding across your stomach and lower. fingers tracing along your panties, a whimper falling from your lips.
(7:46PM) - I'm so wet for you right now. Please, wangjanim. Give me anything you can, I'll take it all, just for you.
Hongjoong smirked at his phone. You were easy to play with, and he was going to make it rough on you if that's how you wanted to play.
(7:47PM) Lucifer - Jagi, stop. Don't touch yourself. I want you nice and ready for me when I see you. Can you be a good girl for me? ;)
Your brain swirled with thoughts of Wooyoung perched over you. His bottom lip bitten and red. Marks across his beautifully sculpted chest from your teeth and nails. It took all your control to stop yourself as a finger ghosted over your clit before pulling your hand away with a groan of frustration.
"Oh, what a dick move. He wants to play this game, alright we'll play but the rules should be even across the board I think." You say to yourself a smirk playing on your lips.
(7:49PM) - That's not very nice wangjanim. I'll be a good girl for you, but only if you be a good boy for me. Follow your own rules. I want you just as ready for me. ;)
The words good boy played over in Hongjoong's head. He'd never thought of himself as a switch before, but those words sent a spark of electricity through his body right to the head of his dick. He felt himself twitching under his groping hand, with one last soft squeeze he let go and licked his lips. "Alright pink cheeks, we'll both play and see who can last the longest." He said to himself a grin on his face.
(7:51PM) Lucifer - I'll follow the rules, but if either of us breaks them they'll get a spanking. Sound fair Jagi?
A shiver ran through your body, causing your clit to throb almost painfully.
(7:51PM) - I agree to your terms, Sir. Will you keep texting me until the concert? I'll miss you so much if you don't. :(
(7:53PM) Lucifer - Of course we can still talk. I just want you to save that orgasm for me. I made you feel that way, so it's mine. I want to hear you and taste you.
(7:54PM) - Oh God, please stop Wooyoung. I can't handle this anymore. My body feels like it's on fire, and I think you ruined my favorite panties. -_-
(7:55PM) Lucifer - I'm sorry Jagi, I'll stop. It's getting late, and I know you have work tomorrow. How about you take a nice bath, and relax the rest of the evening. If you need me I'll be here, alright?
When you called him Wooyoung it brought it all back for Hongjoong, he was going to have to tell you eventually. It was going to take some courage to do it, but he could. He bit into his bottom lip, silently cursing himself for playing this game as his dick throbbed.
"I need to tell her soon," Hongjoong laid his head back on his pillow thinking of how he could do this, "Just a few more days of talking, and then I call and tell her it was me texting her. Maybe by then, she won't be too mad."
Hongjoong smiled to himself, his plan should go off without a hitch, he hoped.
When you stood from your bed to run your bath, you could feel slick coating the tops of your thighs, sticking your panties to your core.
"Damn that Wooyoung and his Devil ways. I bet he's jerking off right now and not following the rules at all." You groaned in frustration, this wasn't going to be easy. Two weeks without any release. You could do it, but you might be pretty grumpy by the end of it.
About the time you were rounding the corner in the hallway with your towel and clothes, Min Seo popped out of her door with a smile plastered across her face. Her phone was turned so you could see it, a confirmation number was written in an email.
"I guess the odds were in my favor Y/N. I hope you'll be ready to see Wooyoung up close and personal. In two weeks we'll be in Busan, and you'll be spending an hour with the man of your dreams." Min Seo batted her eyelashes as if she were in a dream herself, smiling all the time.
Your heart stopped for a minute. A whole hour with Wooyoung, after the conversation you'd just had with him/ Oh you were in for it now.
"Good job Minie! I hope you're ready for an hour with San, your future husband." You stuck your tongue out in her direction.
You joked with her, but as you walked into the bathroom and closed the door, you felt anxious. An hour with Wooyoung was going to make you or break you, especially with the no orgasms rule in place. You sighed, undressing and sinking into the hot water.
"what the fuck have you gotten yourself into now, Y/N?" asking yourself as you leaned your head back in thought.
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lfthinkerwrites · 6 years
A Riddle for a Bat, pt. 15
Title: A Riddle for a Bat
Fandom: Batman
Pairing: Riddlebat
Rating: T for canon-typical violence, homophobic language.
Chapter Summary: Truths come out
Previous Chapters: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14
AO3 Link
Candace took another look at her watch and scowled. 9:00 pm. She'd been parked in a car across the street from Nigma's office building for the past five hours, ever since she'd caught up with him and followed him back from Rupe's office. He'd gone in and hadn't left. Occasionally, she could spot him moving about his office, his green-clad from unmistakeable. He hadn't received any visitors either. He might have made or received phone calls, but then again, if Nigma was working with the GCPD to investigate him, wouldn't Rupe's sources have tipped them off? She impatiently drummed the steering wheel of her car. This was a waste of a perfectly good evening. Either Nigma was more cautious than his attitude suggested, or Dougherty was saying anything he could think of to save his own skin, and Candace had a pretty good idea which was the case. She turned the key in her ignition and put the car into drive. 
She'd pulled away from the curb and begun driving down the street when a movement in the alley between Nigma's building and the next caught her eye. She turned and nearly slammed on the brakes. Batman was on the fire escape, opening the window into Nigma's office. Candace's jaw dropped. Had Nigma managed to lure Batman to him? Or...her thoughts darkened, was Nigma working with Batman all along? As soon as Batman entered the building, she pulled her car just past the alleyway and parked it before dashing to the alley. Taking great care to hide in the shadows, she pulled a camera out of her purse and looked up towards the fire escape. Time to find out just who Edward Nigma really was.
Bruce listened intently to the recording Edward had made of Thorne that day, focusing on the exact words the gangster spoke and not the eager look on Edward's face. Edward had wanted to kiss him last night. If Bruce had granted that request like he wanted to, he didn't think he'd be able to stop. There would be time for that later. For now, he handed the recording device back to Edward when it had stopped.
"This is it," Edward said. "This is proof that Thorne was behind the Maroni and Falcone attacks!"
"Not quite," Bruce said. "He doesn't name O'Reilly or mention the killings."
Edward let out an exasperated groan. "Well, what else could he have meant!? Look at the words he uses! 'Messy'.'Hired help.' And the timing! It fits perfectly!"
"You know that and I know that," Bruce said. "But the expensive lawyer Thorne has on retainer will poke holes into this until it collapses. We need to have Thorne absolutely dead to rights if we're going to put him away for good."
Edward huffed and folded his arms, but he seemed to acknowledge Bruce's point. "Fine. Tomorrow. I'll have him on the record tomorrow. He seems to trust me enough to let his guard down around me." Edward shook his head. "He even offered me a position in his organization if you can imagine that!"
As much as it made Bruce's stomach clench, he could see the advantage in Thorne trusting Edward. "You're not taking him up on that. One way another, this ends tomorrow."
Edward sighed. "I know. But I'll get him to confess or so help me..." his voice trailed off and he looked back towards his whiteboard, still with Thorne's picture dead center, surrounded by photographs of all the carnage he'd caused. "I'm so close. I'm so close to being able to take him down I can taste it. I won't fail, I promise. I won't fail Kristen and I won't fail you."
Bruce was taken aback slightly. "Fail me?"
Edward ran a hand through his hair and let out a nervous laugh. "Do you remember that first night, when you said I must have had good intentions when I joined GCPD?" He shook his head again. "I didn't. Not really. I joined Cyber Crime because I wanted the challenge. I enjoyed solving cases because I enjoyed solving puzzles, not because I thought I was doing any actual good. I didn't really care about this city or anyone in it. Then I met Kristen, and Nina and Deirdre, and Gordon and I started to care about them. I still thought this city was too far gone." He rubbed his shoulder and Bruce could see his face flush just a bit. "You were really what changed that."
"I was?" Bruce asked. "Even before we met?"
Edward nodded. "When I first heard about you, for a long time, I thought you were just a criminal too. I mean, risking your life night in and night out to fight the scum of this city? No one's that selfless. I half wanted to expose you for who you really were, but then, when the Joker had that gas bomb at the children's home seven years ago, and he'd detonate it if you didn't show up without your utility belt? I thought for sure you wouldn't do it."
Bruce remembered that all too clearly. He'd barely survived that, much to Dick and Alfred's dismay. "But I did."
"You did. And that's when I could finally accept that you were every bit the hero Gordon thought you were." Edward let out another little laugh. "And then I started to think, well, if one man in a mask could bring down Gotham's worst, why couldn't a genius like myself?" Edward smiled at Bruce in earnest. "You gave me faith in humanity back. I wouldn't have ever stood up to Loeb, or become a private investigator if it wasn't for you."
Bruce had heard this sentiment before from people he'd saved or inspired in the past, but it seemed all the sweeter coming from Edward. He placed a hand on his shoulder. "You're the one who made the decision to do good, Edward. Never forget that."
Edward shrugged and his smile turned into his usual smirk. "I know. Just thought I'd try being humble for a change."
Bruce snorted a bit at that. "Really? And how long is that going to last?"
Edward chuckled. "It ended approximately thirty seconds ago." He laughed a bit and Bruce fondly shook his head. Edward's mood then shifted and he looked at Bruce. "Not that I don't think I can do it," he said. "But if Thorne doesn't incriminate himself, what next?"
That was a question Bruce had pondered more than once since this scheme had started. "We'll find another way."
"We?" Edward repeated, his face brightening up again.
"Yes." Bruce realized that his hand was still on Edward's left shoulder. He rubbed it slightly. "I should have said this a few nights ago," he said softly. "But I got side-tracked. I'm sorry that I pushed you away."
Edward's brow furrowed. "I know why you did it-"
"No," Bruce interrupted. "Not entirely." He took a deep breath. Now or never. "I was trying to protect you, but it wasn't because I had any doubts about your capabilities. You're one of the most capable people I've ever met. It was because," he moved his hand from Edward's shoulder to cup his face. "It was because Rupert Thorne and men like him have caused so much pain for this city. Hurt so many people. So many good people. I've lost people I loved to men like him. And I couldn't stand the thought that...so soon after I met you, I might lose you too."
Edward's face turned red and he drew in a sharp breath. "Are...are you trying to tell me...you...love me?"
"I don't know," Bruce answered truthfully. Edward deserved that much from him. "But I feel something towards you. It almost scares me how strong it is." Edward said nothing, looking down at his feet and Bruce felt his heart sink. It was the wrong time. He'd said the wrong thing. He withdrew his hands and took a step back. "I'll go now." He turned away from Edward and walked towards the window. He'd stepped on to the fire escape and had reached down to pull out his grappling hook when a sharp cry stopped him.
Bruce turned to see Edward making a mad dash across his office towards the window, he clambered out, nearly tripping on the windowsill in his haste to reach him. Bruce caught him to steady him and soon Edward had both of his hands bunched on the front of his suit. "You can't just leave after telling me something like that!"
"Edward," Bruce said. "Whatever I feel, you're not obligated to-"
"Obligated!?" Edward shouted back. "After everything I've done for you, you think-you-you moron! Do I have to spell everything out for you!?" He looked up at Bruce, with wide, beseeching green eyes. "I love you! You idiot, I love you!"
There it was. The final confession. Bruce couldn't hold himself back at that point. Before Edward could yell anything else at him, Bruce grasped his shoulders and leaned down. Edward leaned up and on the fire escape, in the dead of night, their lips finally met. This was risky. It was downright stupid. But nothing had ever felt more right to Bruce than to have this impossible, brilliant man in his arms. Edward moaned deeply and threw his hands around Bruce's neck, which caused him to tighten his grip. Finally, reluctantly, Bruce broke away to breath. Edward was looking up at him, his face flushed, his eyes lidded and even more green than before. "What are we?" he asked, slightly dazed. "What is this?"
Bruce traced his thumb across Edward's lips. "We'll figure it out," he said. "Together. If that's what you want."
Edward let out an incredulous laugh. "It's only what I've wanted since I met you," he said. "Do you want to stay with me? Talk about it?"
Bruce wanted to, more than anything. "I have to go on patrol," he answered and he tried not to cringe at the disappointed look on Edward's face. "I'll be back tomorrow and we'll talk about it then. I promise."
Edward nodded. "Duty calls, I suppose. I'm going to hold you to that though. I mean it. I'll break into GCPD and use the bat-signal if I have to."
He would too, Bruce thought. He leaned down and gave Edward a quick kiss. "I'll be back. We'll figure everything out tomorrow night."
Edward took a step back and smiled. "Go get them, partner."
Bruce smiled, then pulled out his grappling hook. He took aim at the neighboring building's roof and fired, and within a moment, he was flying up into the night sky with a lighter heart than he'd had for years.
Candace waited until Nigma had climbed back into his office and shut the window behind him before she dared emerge from her hiding place. She put her camera, which she'd nearly dropped back into her purse and ran back to her car, her heart pounding in her ears. Just wait until Rupe and the boys heard this! They'd never believe her.
Not until they saw the pictures, at least.
Edward had barely slept the night before, but as he made his way into Thorne's building, he'd never felt more alive. He hummed an old Gene Kelly tune and practically danced his way to the elevator, to the amusement and annoyance of the people around him. He practically bounced on the heels of his feet as he rode the elevator up to Thorne's office. Today, today, he'd get Thorne to confess. And then tonight, tonight, he and Batman would...his face flushed at the memory of the kiss last night. They'd have a lot to talk about. There was one secret Edward still had to confess after all. Tonight though? Tonight was the night he'd finally get everything he wanted. The elevator door opened and he walked out, twirling his cane. When he stood outside the office door, he quickly tapped the button under the head of the cane. Time to get serious now. At this stage of the game, he couldn't afford any slip-ups. He gave three sharp knocks on the door.
"Come in," Thorne's voice sounded from within.
Edward took a breath, smoothed down his shirt, then opened the door to his destiny.
Thorne was sitting at his desk, as usual. What was unusual, was the number of people in the office. Edward heard the door shut behind him and saw three of Thorne's enforcers behind him. He turned towards Thorne and noticed for the first time the two people standing next to him. One was Candace, looking like the cat who had got the cream, but that wasn't unusual. The other was also a person known to Edward. A person he thought he'd never see again. He nearly dropped his cane in shock.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Nigma," Thorne addressed him with a smirk and Edward knew at that moment the jig was up. He gestured to the man standing next to him. "I believe you know this man here?"
"Tom Dougherty," Edward whispered. He remembered him, every smug word, every bruise he'd left on Kristen, every tear he'd caused, every night he'd spent in the hospital sitting next to her broken body. He gripped his cane with a new fury. "You son of a bitch!"
He'd taken two steps towards the man when the three enforcers were on him, one taking his cane away and tossing it aside, the other two grabbing hold of him and dragging him towards the desk. Edward struggled but to no avail. They brought him straight to Thorne. Dougherty laughed, then took a step forward. "Nice to see you too, Eddie." Then drawing his fist back, he punched Edward hard in the gut, making him nearly double over. "That's for making me go in hiding, you fucking fag!"
Edward drew his head up, then spit at Dougherty's shoes. Thorne laughed. "I see you remember your old friend, Mr. Nigma. Or should I say, Detective Nashton?" When Edward didn't respond, Thorne continued. "Mr. Dougherty here tipped me off that you used to be in GCPD. Now I'll admit, I was a bit put out when you didn't tell me that you used to be a cop, but I wasn't too suspicious. After all, you should know that I have many of Gotham's finest in my employ. Just to be safe, I had Candace follow you, just to make sure you weren't still working for Gordon. Imagine her surprise when she found out who you were working for." Thorne pulled out a desk drawer and placed papers on top of his desk. Photographs. Edward looked and his heart almost stopped when he saw the contents. Him and Batman on the fire escape, Batman holding him, him and Batman kissing...no. Oh no. Thorne let out a sharp bark of laughter. "Who would have guessed, the Dark Knight himself bats for the same team?" He and the enforcers let out loud, obnoxious laughter at that pun, before Thorne's face darkened. "You've been playing me, Mr. Nigma. I don't like being played. What's your game? Why are you trying to take me down?"
Edward glared at Thorne. "You employed Dougherty."
"Dougherty?" Thorne questioned. "What did he do to you?"
"You wouldn't care," Edward seethed. "But five years ago, he put my friend in the hospital. He abused her. Loeb looked the other way and you employed him. I swore whatever it took, I'd take you down. I've been under your nose for five years, you ignorant swine."
Thorne raised a brow. "A girl? You did all of this because Dougherty here was a little slap happy with a girl?" He shook his head, almost sadly. "What a waste. I was actually starting to become fond of you. So I'll give you this one chance to save yourself." Thorne leaned a bit closer to Edward. "If you're his lover, you're in a perfect position to know: who is Batman?"
Edward took a deep breath, then bit out with as much venom as he could, "He's the man who's going to take you down. Even if you kill me, I've already given him everything I have on you. No matter what happens, he'll stop you!"
The gangster's face reddened in anger. Then Thorne smiled and Edward felt a chill down his spine. "Your loyalty to your Batman is touching," he drawled. "I wonder, just how loyal is he to you?"
No. Oh no. "You bastard!" He tried to surge forward, only to be pulled back. He felt both of his arms being forced behind his back, then his hands were bound. He struggled, futilely, then glared back at Thorne. "He won't stop coming after you to save me!"
"No?" Thorne asked. "For your sake, Mr. Nigma, I hope you're wrong. He nodded to his enforcers. "Take him down the side exit and then take him to the warehouse across the river," Thorne ordered. "Then get the word out on the streets. At midnight, Edward Nigma dies." Edward's stomach dropped. No, no no. "Call in the rest of the boys and tell them to have sniper rifles ready to go. Oh, and take Dougherty with you. I'm sure Mr. Nigma would appreciate having some quality time with his old friend." Thorne then smiled at Edward again. "It seems you'll still be of some use to me after all, Mr. Nigma."
Edward tried one last time to break free, to land some kind of blow on Thorne, but he was held back. Then he was being dragged towards the office door. "You evil-" A gloved hand covered his mouth, stifling his curses. He heard the distinct sound of a roll of tape, and the hand was removed long enough for a long strip to cover his mouth. He glared futilely at Thorne and Candace, who gave him a mocking wave goodbye. Then he was being dragged again out of the office, down the side stairs well out of sight of other denizens of the building, then shoved into the trunk of a car. The trunk was slammed tight and the car was soon in motion. Only then, did Edward give in to despair. Don't come for me, he thought. Please. Don't come for me.
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thistherapylife · 6 years
Day in the Life
5:46am Cat (the bastard) jumps on head. Cat’s gotten poop on his butt and has decided to share.
5:50 Cat  gets his butt wiped and haircut in the bathroom and screams like I’m murdering him. I don’t care
6:01 The pillowcase gets throw into laundry and everyone but me is kicked out the bedroom
6:11-8:05 back to sleep
8:05-8:11 Make coffee
8:12-8:14 Attempt to have coffee on the garden porch. Bastard runs down the stairs into the garden like the lumox he is. Queen follows the rules while I chase bastard.
8:15 Everyone is inside and bastard is now wet. And unhappy
8:16 Find a ripe strawberry when I go back out to get my coffee from the garden so bonus.
8:17 text love who is out of town this week to remind them that the CATS ARE THE WORST BEASTS
8:20-30 Drink coffee and pet the queen.
8:30-8:44 Remember I was supposed to be doing this, remember how to use google docs, type this up.
8:45-9:07 Fuck around the Internet and continue to drink my second cup. Decide I have to start getting ready and also decide to have my clinical director change my assessment day cause I’m not into it on Mondays.
9:07-08  Think “oh crap today is going to be rough”
9:08-9:38 Do all the morning stuff - get dressed, makeup etc.
9:38-9:40 Panic at how late it is and remember fondly when I hated makeup
940-948: Continuing on the panic theme - shove everything I need in my bag, dump bag off the counter, curse loudly at all the gods, shove it all back in, take meds, throw lunch (i have the best partner who prepped this for me before we left for the weekend) in a bag and get to the car.
9:49-10 realize that I forgot breakfast totally, left a full la croix on the table? Counter? Pray it’s on the counter and the dumbass cats don’t knock it over onto my work laptop that’s on the table if it’s not, while I drive to work like a bat out of hell.
10:00-10:02 become irate that someone has used to handicap parking without a permit again. Urge to kill rising. Find parking.
10:03-10:05 see my assessment in the lobby, say hello, fridge my lunch, consume a string cheese at an unnatural rate of speed while setting up the video translator.
10:06-11:29 Do the assessment. Realize assessment could have been prevented if current therapist had simply sent their most recent assessment. Briefly contemplated strangling current therapist. Perform assessment.
11:29-11:40 all the paperwork and releases with assessment.
11:40-12 pm 10 minutes late for meeting with clinical director. Discuss caseload. Change assessment time because this 10am on Mondays are bullshit of the highest grade. Discuss a weird/uncomfortable issue with boundary testing in order to figure out what to do next (refer out? Change therapists?)
12:00-12:32: Chat with our internal review team about returning client’s annual or initial assessment (get an answer). Eat lunch (Korean short ribs, rice and bok choy) + Diet Coke + La Croix. Listen to audiobooks (Noir by Christopher Moore and part of Foxglove Summer)
12.32-12-35 get very tired and be mad that I didn’t get to gym today.
12:35-12:37 think very hard about how hard the rest of today will be and text my best friend that I obviously should not be allowed to plan my own schedule because I’m obviously incompetent. She tells me to be nice but also agrees its too much
12:38-12:45 talk with DBT lead re today’s assessment
12:45-12:53 move car to lot, sit in car trying to warm up enough to function. My body temp always plummets when I eat.
12:53-12:55 get locked out of my office, become frustrated and have to find the office manager to let me back in.
12:55-1 listen to voicemails, fill in notes from earlier
1-1:42 When 1 o’clock doesn’t show - do clinic review w an outside agency since I can squeeze it in because they need the helpbut HONEST TO GOD in retrospect I needed this time to do charting.
1:42-2:00 collatéral with the assessment’s primary therapist and make a plan.
2:00-2:10 know I’m missing a client somewhere on my case list. Rewrite case list to review -removing cts and adding new ones.
2:10pm-3:20 Before I figure out who that is my 2 o’clock arrives. 
3:20-330 type this up, listen to audiobook, take aspirin and decide that sadly I don’t have time to make tea but I have time to use the restroom (bathroom break AND lunch? Killing it). Leave message for 1 oclock’s worker re no show while walking to get my ct
3:34-4:50 See ct. Also intense. 
5:00-6:01 See ct. 6 o’clock ct hasn’t arrived.
6:01-6:09pm: commiserate with officemate at how bonkers today has been while packing up. Realize that if ct doesn’t show I’ll have to send the closing letter cause this is way beyond generous.
6:09-20: Talk to a WRAP facilitator while we get ready to leave. Ct doesn’t show, we leave together.
6:30pm Went to the grocery store to attempt to eat more than just cereal while partner is out town. Am very tired. Get anxious about how much needs to get done.
7:09pm checkout lane. Every lane has a huge ass line. Lady attempts to cut and then rams me with her cart “on accident.” Text friend to not yell at lady. Notice friends in next lane. Get revenge by chatting with them and taking a long time to put stuff on the counter (other lanes are now basically empty). Enjoy seeing friends and my pettiness.
7:28pm leave drive home.
7:30-7:54 unpack groceries, feed evil beasts, text with bestie number 2, feel exhausted.
7:54-8:16 Eat dinner ish. Will make real food tomorrow but fuckkkkk it today. 
8:16pm to 8:48pm Bath and audiobooks. Too tired to enjoy but at least clean and didn’t have to stand
8:50: sleep/pain meds, finish this up, watch the new “Try Channel” (the folks from FACTS) video. 
It’s 9:18 and I have SO MANY THINGS on my to do list that just aren’t getting done. I’ll maybe try to dump all the things I have to do on paper. My best bet is early to bed and up early but I’m the worst at that. Still I’m going to try and sleep. I’ll update if I’m up at 2am still. Oh and talk to my person then go to bed.
Edited to add that the La Croix WAS on the counter and my work laptop was safe. I’ve watch the YouTubes and am going to bed now. Sleep well y’all! Hope you like this!
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astrogeoguy · 6 years
The Perseids Peak over Sunday Night, the Moon Returns to Grace the Eve, Jupiter Sports Twin Spots, and the Demon Star Revives!
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(Above: The path of Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner in the northeastern sky this week. It will be passing Casssiopeia heading downwards, shown here at 11 pm local time.)
Astronomy Skylights for this week (from August 12th, 2018) by Chris Vaughan. (Feel free to pass this along to friends and send me your comments, questions, and suggested topics.) I post these with photos at http://astrogeoguy.tumblr.com/ where the old editions are archived. You can also follow me on Twitter as @astrogeoguy! Unless otherwise noted, all times are Eastern Time. Please click this MailChimp link to subscribe to these emails. If you are a teacher or group leader interested joining me on a guided field trip to York University’s Allan I. Carswell Observatory, or another in your area, visit www.astrogeo.ca.
If you’d like me to bring my Digital Starlab inflatable planetarium to your school or other daytime or evening event, visit DiscoveryPlanetarium.com and request me. We’ll tour the Universe together!
My latest column for Space.com is all about this week’s Mars opposition and closest approach. You can find it here.
My latest Mobile Astronomy column for Space.com is about the Perseid meteor shower. You can find it here. 
Public Events
Taking advantage of the moon, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and other bright objects in the sky this week, the RASC Toronto Centre astronomers will hold their free monthly public City Sky Star Party in Bayview Village Park (steps from the Bayview subway station), around 8 pm on the first clear weeknight this week (except Wed and Fri). You don’t need to be an RASC member, or own any equipment, to join them. Check here for details, and check the banner on their website home page or Facebook page for the GO or NO-GO decision around 5 pm each day. 
Every Monday evening, York University’s Allan I. Carswell Observatory runs an online star party - broadcasting views from four telescopes/cameras, answering viewer questions, and taking requests! Details are here. On Wednesday evenings after dark, they offer free public viewing through their telescopes. If it’s cloudy, the astronomers give tours and presentations. Details are here. 
Teachers! The York University Astronomy department will hold Astro Workshop 2018, professional development for teachers, on August 14-16, 2018. Registration and details are here. 
At 7:30 pm on Wednesday, August 15, the RASC Toronto Centre will hold their free monthly Recreational Astronomy Night Meeting at the Ontario Science Centre. The public are welcome. Talks include the Sky This Month, measuring double stars, and making your own Pluto images from free science mission data. Check here for details. Parking is free. 
At 6:30 pm on Tuesday, August 14, the S Walter Stewart Library will host a free public lecture by Dr. Renée Hložek of the Dunlap Institute at U of T (she’s fantastic!). It’s entitled The Big, Dark and Beautiful Universe. Check here for details. 
At 8:30 pm on Wednesday, August 15, the High Park Nature Centre will host a free public Urban Bat Walk followed by stargazing (weather permitting). Check here for details. 
Eastern GTA sky watchers are invited to join the RASC Toronto Centre and Durham Skies for solar observing and stargazing at the edge of Lake Ontario in Millennium Square in Pickering on Friday evening, August 17, from 6 pm to 11 pm. Details are here. If it’s cloudy, they’ll try again on Saturday. Before heading out, check the RASCTC home page for a Go/No-Go call in case it's too cloudy to observe. 
On Friday, August 17 at 8 pm, adults can enjoy some suds with their science at Astronomy on Tap T.O. at the Great Hall, a free event hosted by the U of T Astronomy Department. Talks, trivia, contest giveaways, and more! Details are here. 
The next RASC Public Event at the David Dunlap Observatory will be on Saturday, August 18. There will be sky tours in the Skylab planetarium room, space crafts, a tour of the giant 74” telescope, and viewing through lawn telescopes (weather permitting). The doors will open at 7:30 pm for an 8 pm start. Attendance is by tickets only, available here. If you are a RASC member and wish to help us at DDO in the future, please fill out the volunteer questionnaire here. And to join RASC, visit this page. 
The Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight!
Overnight tonight (Sunday) the spectacular annual Perseid Meteor Shower will reach its peak, when the most meteors will be seen per hour. After tonight, the shower will taper off until it officially ends on August 26, so you should head out on Monday night if it’s clear, and continue to keep an eye out for bright meteors for the rest of this week, although the moon will increasingly affect seeing conditions. I wrote details about how meteor showers work here last week. Make an effort to see this show; next year the Full Moon will spoil the Perseid peak. 
For best results, try to find a safe and very dark viewing location with as much open sky as possible. Even a 30 minute drive to a park or rural site away from big city light pollution will help a lot. You can start watching as soon as it is dark - to catch very long meteors produced by particles skimming the Earth’s upper atmosphere. These are rarer, but feature very long trains. Don’t worry about watching the radiant. Meteors from that position will be heading directly towards you and have very short trails. 
Bring a blanket for warmth and a chaise to avoid neck strain, plus snacks and drinks. Try to keep watching the sky even when chatting with friends or family – they’ll understand. Call out when you see one; a bit of friendly competition is fun! 
Don’t look at your phone or tablet – the bright screen will spoil your dark adaptation. If you can, minimize the brightness or cover the screen with red film. Disabling app notifications will reduce the chances of unexpected bright light, too. And remember that binoculars and telescopes will not help you see meteors because they have fields of view that are too narrow. I posted some diagrams here. Good hunting! 
The Moon and Planets
After reaching its new phase on Saturday, the young crescent moon will return to grace the low western evening sky for a short time after sunset tonight (Sunday). For the rest of the week, it will wax and slide east, lingering longer after sunset each evening. 
In the western sky on Tuesday evening, the moon will take up a position a palm’s width above bright Venus, making a lovely wide field photo opportunity. On Wednesday evening it will sit a similar distance above the bright white star Spica in Virgo (the Maiden). On Thursday and Friday, the moon will hop over Jupiter, moving from the planet’s upper right to its upper left. Using the moon as a starting point, you might be able to spot Jupiter in daylight using binoculars.
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(Above: The moon and Jupiter in daylight at 7 pm EDT on August 16. The following day, the moon will hop to Jupiter’s upper left. The orange circle represents a binoculars field of view.)
This is the best week of the moon’s monthly orbit to view it in binoculars or a telescope. The moon waxes because the sun is slowly rising over its eastern horizon. The shallow angle of the sunlight casts deep black shadows all along the terminator line – the boundary between the lit and unlit hemispheres. New terrain will be showcased every night! 
Extremely bright Venus will still blaze away in the western evening sky this week – and it’s still brightening! On Thursday, Venus will reach its widest angle east of the sun. After that, the planet will begin to swing back towards a meeting with the sun in October. The descending evening ecliptic is pulling Venus a bit lower each night, but we can observe it until about 10 pm local time. In a small telescope, the planet’s disk will resemble a first quarter moon, half-lit on the sunward side (although your telescope might flip the view).
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(Above: Venus reaches greatest elongation east of the sun on August 16, after which it will start to swing back towards the sun. Meanwhile the moon will look upon Jupiter as it passes close above the bright double star Zubenelgenubi,as shown here for 9 pm local time.)
We only have a few more good weeks to enjoy Jupiter this year. This week, the very bright planet will be in the southwestern sky after dusk, and then set in the west-southwest at about 11:30 pm local time. Jupiter has been slowly shifting eastwards. In the middle of this week, it will pass close above a nearby bright star. Afterwards it will start to pull away. The star is Zubenelgenubi, the brightest star in Libra (the Scales). In binoculars, you’ll plainly see that Zubenelgenubi is a pair of stars. While you have the binoculars handy, see if you can see Jupiter’s four Galilean moons (Io, Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede) flanking the planet. 
From time to time, the small round black shadows cast by Jupiter’s four Galilean moons become visible in backyard telescopes as they cross (or transit) the planet’s disk. On Thursday, August 16, Europa’s shadow will begin to transit at 7:56 pm EDT (in evening twilight). At 8:05 pm EDT, Io’s shadow will join Europa’s and the duo will transit Jupiter until they both move off the planet at 10:10 pm. A reasonable backyard telescope will show the black shadows, but a very good telescope is needed to see the moons themselves. More shadow transits are available in other time zones around the world, including some double shadow ones.
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 (Above: A double shadow transit caused by Europa and Io will occur on Jupiter on Thursday, August 16, as shown here at 9:15 pm EDT.)
The Great Red Spot (or GRS, for short) takes about three hours to cross Jupiter’s disk. But the planet’s 10-hour rotation period (i.e., its day) means that the spot is only observable from Earth every 2-3 nights. If you’d like to see the GRS, use a medium-sized telescope (or larger). You’ll have your best luck on evenings with steady air – when the stars are not twinkling too much. Try to look within an hour before or after the following times: Sunday, August 12 at 8:57 pm, Tuesday, August 14 at 10:36 pm, Friday, August 17 at 8:07 (in twilight), and Sunday, August 19 at 9:46 pm. All times are given in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), so adjust for your local time zone. 
Around 9 pm local time, when the first bright stars appear overhead, medium-bright Saturn will appear not too high up the darkening southern sky. The yellow-tinted planet will reach its highest elevation of about 2 fist diameters above the southern horizon at around 9:30 pm, and then descend to set in the west at about 2:30 am. This summer, the ringed planet has been on the eastern (left-hand) outskirts of the Milky Way, and situated just above the “lid” star of the Teapot-shaped constellation of Sagittarius (the Archer). As the sky darkens, even a small telescope should be able to show you some of Saturn’s larger moons, especially Titan. Using a clock’s dial analogy, Titan will move counter-clockwise this week from a position at 12 o’clock (above the planet) to 7 o’clock (to the lower left of it). (Remember that your small telescope might flip and/or invert the view. Use the moon to find out how your telescope changes things.) 
Mars will still be very bright and close to Earth this week. Visually, it will appear pink or orangey. It will rise over the southeastern horizon at around 8 pm local time (give or take, depending on your latitude) and then climb higher until midnight local time, when it will reach an elevation of about 20° (or two outstretched fist diameters) above the southern horizon. (That will be the best hour to view the planet in a telescope because it will then be shining through the least amount of Earth’s distorting atmosphere.) Note that 20° is lower than many trees and buildings, so a clear southern vista is essential.
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(Above: Mars and Saturn dominate the overnight southern sky, as shown here for 10 pm local time this week. Tiny Pluto sits near Sagittarius, between the two naked-eye planets.) 
At visual magnitude 5.8, blue-green coloured Uranus is visible from late evening until dawn. You can see it without optical aid under very dark skies, or in binoculars and telescopes under moderately light-polluted skies. The ice giant planet is located in the eastern sky, about 4.5 finger widths to the left of the modestly bright star Torcular (Omega Piscium), which is above the “V” where the two starry cords of Pisces (the Fishes) meet.
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(Above: The detailed positions of Uranus and Neptune in August, 2018.) 
Using a decent quality telescope this week, you can see the distant and very blue planet Neptune among the dim stars of Aquarius (the Water-bearer). It will rise in the east shortly after 9 pm local time. Look for the magnitude 7.8 planet sitting 1.75 finger widths to the right of the modestly bright star Phi (φ) Aquarii and 4 finger widths to the left of the brighter star Hydor (Lambda Aquarii). 
At 1:36 am EDT on Wednesday, August 15, distant dwarf planet Pluto will pass in front of, or occult, a dim distant star. The planet is positioned roughly midway between Mars and Saturn. Many serious astronomers will try to record the event to study how Pluto’s atmosphere dims the star.  
A Binocular Comet
Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner has been gradually brightening for some time because it is approaching Earth’s orbit. This week, you should be able to see the faint fuzzy object in binoculars or a small telescope, if you can escape city lights. The comet will be heading downwards every night past the bright star Segin, which marks the bottom-most star in the “W” of Cassiopeia (the Queen).
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(Above: This animation was assembled from a series of 55 images of Algol taken with the CHARA interferometer at Mount Wilson Observatory, using the infrared part of the spectrum (coloring the normally white star red). It shows the dimmer companion star orbiting Algol and passing in front of it - a classic eclipsing binary star system. The numerical labels range from 0.0 at the start of the orbit, to 0.868, near the end of the orbit.) 
See the “Demon” Star Brighten
The “Demon Star”, more formally known as Algol, is a star that is easy to see using unaided eyes. In Perseus (the Hero), it is among the most accessible variable stars for beginner skywatchers. Despite the connotation of its nickname (it represents the severed head of Medusa the Gorgon being held by Perseus), the star is a hot white star located 92 light-years from Earth.
Algol’s brightness dims noticeably for about 10 hours once every 2 days, 20 hours, and 49 minutes because a dim companion star orbiting nearly edge-on to Earth crosses in front of the much brighter main star – an arrangement that is called an eclipsing binary star system. On Saturday, August 18 at 9:32 pm EDT, Algol will reach its minimum brightness of magnitude 3.4 and will sit just above the northeastern horizon. By 2:30 am EDT, it will be halfway up the eastern sky and will have brightened to its usual magnitude of 2.1. The dimming periods can fall at any time of the day or night. The timing of this particular event makes watching the return to brightness a convenient project for evening observers.
Keep looking up to enjoy the sky! I love getting questions so, if you have any, send me a note.
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boredzoomerpire · 3 years
Found a nice ask meme on questionslisting, good.
Get to know me
1. Name: Lucian Michaelis
2. Age: 21
3. City that you live in: Won't say the city, but it's California.
4. What do most people not know about you? I'm not American by birth. Oh yeah, also the vampire thing. But I figure more people know that, bizarre as that is to think about.
5. What do most people know you for? I dunno. Being the baby-faced guy with two cats who doesn't go out in the sun. You'd have to ask my neighbors.
6. Hobbies: Gaming, writing, reading, singing. Dancing, somewhat.
7. What are your passions? Writing poetry and tending to cats. Music in general.
8. What do you search for in a significant other? A big heart and a sweet smile. Nice figure would be a plus, but ah well.
7. What are you most proud of? My poetry.
8. When was the last time you had a significant conversation with someone you love? I spent hours talking to my cats last night. Unless you mean love in *that* sense. Forgot that one.
9. Have you ever collected anything? What was it? I collect video games.
10. List 10 things off of your bucket list. See the Taj Mahal and the Pyramids, write dialog for a video game, find the love of my life, find a way to eat something again, can't think of more.
11. What was the last thing you learned? How to post something on this blasted website.
12. How many relationships have you been in? Three.
13. Turn ons: Bright eyes, sweet smile, sense of humor, so on.
14. Turn offs: An empty cranium or an empty conscience.
15. Favorite food: none
16. Favorite drink: take a guess.
17. What is the best birthday gift you have ever received? A puppet show
18. Are you optimistic or pessimistic? Quite optimistic.
19. Do you sleep during class? Yes.
20. What is the most expensive thing you own? My computer. I pieced it together, but it can't be less than a few grand.
21. What is the cheapest yet most useful thing you own? Old flip phone. Worthless now, but it still works well and so I can keep an Italian number so my grandparents in Europe can call.
22. How many times a day on average do you check your phone? A lot.
23. Text or call? Text.
24. Opinion on long distance? Not sure.
25. What is your definition of success? Being happy to wake up.
26. Favorite song? Too many to list
27. Favorite artist? Possibly Abney Park, not sure though.
28. Celebrity crush/crushes? None.
29. When was the last time you read for fun? Today.
30. Favorite flower? Peonies and roses.
31. What is the best gift you could receive right now? A car. My Honda is as old as I am.
32. Any guilty pleasures? Corny pop songs.
33. What is one thing you would like to change about yourself? I'd love to look slightly less like a kid.
34. What do you search for in a friend? I dunno. What happens happens.
35. How many times have you said "I love you" in the past month? Didn't keep count.
36. Where did you last go other than your room/home? Work.
37. Why do bad things happen to good people? Destiny has no morals.
38. In your opinion, what hurts more? Being left out or being stabbed in the eye? I can probably regenerate my eye better than my heart.
39. How many green shirts do you own? None. Green isn't my cup of tea.
40. Do you like anime? Sorta.
41. What do you invest the most time in? Gaming.
42. What was the name of the last book you read? The Book Thief. Brilliant.
43. What's the difference between loving and liking someone? You like someone's superficial manners and appearance, and love someone's flaws.
44. Where are you most productive? At my desk with some music in my ears.
45. List 3 things you enjoy doing with friends. Talking, drinking tea, gaming.
46. List 3 things you enjoy doing alone. Reading, listening to music, gaming.
47. Do you believe world peace will ever exist? Sure, when everyone's either dead or too tired of this shit.
48. Do you have any allergies? I used to be allergic to mosquitoes. No really. It wasn't fun. Oh yeah, and wasps.
49. When was the last time you cussed at someone? I cussed at Diane a couple hours ago. Coffins aren't scratching posts. Neither are arms
50. What was the last promise you made? I promised a friend I'd babysit their dog.
51. What was your last dream about? Waking up in a morgue. Fuck that nightmare.
52. If you won a trip to Hawaii and you could take 5 people with you, who would those 5 people be? Not sure.
53. How many countries have you visited? Italy, the United States, Scotland--that makes 3.
54. What is your favorite medium of art? (Music, dance, painting, etc.) Writing.
56. When was the last time somebody complimented you? Yesterday Tommy said my outfit looked nice.
56. If you switched bodies with someone, how would you recognize yourself? I'm the one with the over the top sense of style.
57. Do you consider yourself mature? No.
58. How many days in your life do you think you have wasted on tumblr? None. Yet.
59. What is your favorite quote? None in particular.
60. If you started a new religion and you had to create 3 rules or commandments for your new followers to live by, what would those 3 rules be? Don't hurt cats, don't be an ass, gift me an article of clothing at least once.
61. What is your greatest accomplishment? Getting Diane to tolerate Sardine.
62. Do you believe in the death penalty? Not really.
63. What are your goals for life? To find love and travel the Earth
64. What do you think your soulmate is doing right now? Not even sure I am
65. If you could live anywhere, where would you live? The place can be in an imaginary, fantasy, or the real world. | Not sure, truth be told. Possibly Vivec City from The Elder Scrolls. Dunno why, it seems cool.
66. What were you like in 2013? 8 years ago... oh god, I was a 13-year-old. 8th grade. Detentions on the daily, my stupid eggy ass saw confrontation as the "MaNlY" thing to do. Fucking hell, why did you have to dig that up? Nobody deserves to hear tales of stupid little boy Lucian.
67. Do you have a job? Yep. Graveyard shift at the nearby pharmacy. Dull, but I've got to have it.
68. Tell us a story about your childhood best friend. Ah yes, guy named Tommy. He's trying to break into acting now and starting to see some results. When we were kids, he and his sister staged a whole-ass puppet show for my birthday. Didn't tell me. I smile to this day when I think about it
69. If you could change one thing about society, what would it be? Making people more open-minded, that's for sure.
70. How many all-nighters have you pulled before? ...I've been pulling all-nighters every day for months now.
71. Is tumblr your favorite website? If not, then what is your favorite website? Spotify does it for my favorite website. Lots of music.
72. What is the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars? I don't much care for a million dollars. So long as I can pay rent and packs, I'm fine.
73. Does money equal happiness? Nah. I'm about ten times happier now scraping by than I was when I lived with my family and had all the money in the world.
74. How many times have you experienced true happiness in your lifetime? Often, but I don't really keep count.
75. How many times have you experienced true sadness in your lifetime? I haven't kept count of that either. Often. I'm an emotional guy.
76. What is the funniest joke you have ever been told? An Italian joke about the Last Supper.
77. When was the last time you looked at the news? This morning. Yay on the US being first in the medal rankings of the Olympics. Slightly less yay on Italy being 10th
78. If you could say one thing to the world, what would you say? "Good afternoon!" Everything past that sounds like too much of a hassle.
79. What is your favorite animal? Cats and bats.
80. If you could earn a million dollars by pretending to be dead for 3 years, would you do it? Ask someone who isn't dead.
81. What is one thing that everyone is bad at? Dunno.
82. What time do you normally sleep? How many hours of sleep do you usually get? I used to sleep pretty regularly, midnight to seven or eleven to six. The vampire thing isn't helping my sleep schedule any, though. I'm awake past 3 PM, and don't usually get over 5 hours of sleep.
83. Does age necessarily equal maturity? Nah, I've met some old idiots.
84. What is your favorite clothing store? There's a little clothing shop near where I live. I'd never wanna leave.
85. In the winter- beanies or gloves? Don't know, can't feel the cold (though contrary to popular belief, it gets cold in California)
86. Would you rather have wings or a fish tail? A fish tail. People weren't made to fly. Says the one who *can* fly, but I don't like it.
87. If you had the power to erase one person from the world so that nobody remembered him or her except you, would you do it? I don't know, I don't think I care enough.
88. What do you fear the most? Destruction.
89. How many digits of pi can you recite? 3.14. Yep, that's it.
90. If you could travel back to one year and relive it again, which year would it be? 2019, probably. No pandemic, stuff in my life started falling into place...
91. Describe yourself in one word. Restless
92. Describe your last victory. I beat a friend of mine at Pokemon Platinum. Nobody expects bug types.
93. What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen? I've seen a few. Couple UFOs.
94. What is something you will never forget? The stars. Shit, the stars. You simply don't forget the first time you see them with eyes like mine.
95. Would you rather forget all of the past or remember everything in vivid detail? I've already got a treasonous overly-vivid memory. Wouldn't trade it for forgetfulness.
96. Have you ever broken a bone before? Well, yes, I think I broke my arm a few weeks ago. Not entirely sure because I can't exactly go to a doctor, but pretty sure. I can say this: regenerating bone sucks even with a regenerating power.
97. Is it harder to love or to hate somebody? Meh. I tend to keep it to "like" and "dislike".
98. Coffee or tea? Tea's tastier, but coffee's more effective.
99. What are some little things that you do that have changed your life in a positive way? Funnily enough, lately I've definitely decided to work on my life. I've been taking care to brush my hair more, and to enjoy the small things more.
100. How many hours have you spend on tumblr today? Hell if I know.
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larry-lutsky · 3 years
Gary drove down the familiar twisted dirt roadways that snaked through the back woods of North Carolina. It reminded him of when his dad Rick first taught him to drive when he was 16. It felt so far away now in both years and location. A half century ago he thought, and a totally different world from the frenetic life he has long lived in LA. He regretted not coming back sooner, but there was always something preventing the trip and relations with his father cooled in recent years. The phone calls had become less frequent and they always seemed to end in a fight. Rick had become even more stubborn and set in his ways as he became an old man, with his old-fashioned views becoming even more out of step with the times. Gary always intended to come back, to have this big reconciliation, but he ran out of time. He got the horrible news that dad died of a sudden and massive heart attack the day before and that was that. There had been no warning. Sure, dad was 86, but he seemed so healthy and strong, hardly ever sick a day in his life and longevity ran in his family. Both of Rick’s parents lived to their late 90’s. Gary hopped a flight the next day with his wife Peg and left her in the hotel so he could make this trip alone one last time. It would be just him and his younger brother Jim to go through the house and decide what to take and what to give away to the neighbors or throw out. It would be too painful for them to spend the night in their childhood home. In the distance Gary could make out the small frame house at the end of a leafy street, the place he called home during his formative years. Dad was born in Kentucky and after working the coal mines there and West Virgina, he had saved enough to buy this small, but cozy house in Pittsboro, North Carolina when Gary was eight years old; dad was living there alone for the past 20 years, ever since his mom died. Gary pulled up to the driveway and could see Jim’s car was already there. When he opened the front door, he saw the furniture in disarray and piles of the family’s belongings on the floor. Jim came out of the bedroom when he heard the door open and embraced his brother. “I see you got off to a good start here,” said Gary. “Yes, I have two piles so far. One to throw out or give away, and another I want to take. Start with the drawers in the bedroom and see if there is anything there you want to take,” replied Jim. Gary started with the top drawer. He took off a pile of clothes and noticed a ticket at the bottom. He picked it up and silently read the face of it. Railsplitters Vs. Miners May 17, 1972 Section D, Row 36, Seat 23 In small letters on the bottom, it said “Unused tickets cannot be redeemed after the game.” Tears streamed down Gary’s cheeks as the memories flooded back to him. “Hey Jim! Remember how much dad loved to go to the Railsplitter games? How he loved that team. Believe it or not, I found the ticket he bought for me for my eighteenth birthday. He secretly bought us two tickets for my birthday, and then I blew him off because it wasn’t cool to be seen with your parents at that age. I yelled at him for assuming I didn’t have other plans when he presented me with the ticket. Then I went off to a party with my friends. I was so stupid. I didn’t think how much it would have meant to him. All I thought about is my selfish pleasure. How I wish I went with him.” “Hey, don’t beat yourself over it,” replied Jim with a pat on the back. You were just a dopey kid. We all are like that at that age. Dad wasn’t mad at you. He understood and you made it up to him by going to other games.” Yeah, I guess you’re right,” replied Gary. I’m going to take this ticket as a souvenir and as a reminder to never be that selfish again.” With that, Gary put the ticket in his pocket and continued his explorations. At the end of the day Gary and Jim packed their respective boxes of things they wanted to take and got into their respective cars with plans to return the next day to continue on their quest to empty the house. Gary rode down the narrow street that led to the highway that would take him back to the hotel. His mind wandered until he saw the bright lights of what appeared to be a stadium down the road. He was puzzled as he knew the old stadium was torn down ten years ago when the Railsplitters left town. His dad told him about it when it happened on the sad day that the team left town for a new stadium in another city. Gary slowed down to read the sign in front of the stadium. It said “Railsplitters Vs. Miners 7:10 PM.” Below that there was a sticker with the words “sold out” written on it. Gay checked his pocket and found his ticket. “Could this be the right ticket for the game? There is only one way to find out,” he thought. Gary parked his car in the lot across the street and stood at the back of the line in front of the entrance. When he got to the front, the man in front of the turnstile took his ticket, glanced down at it, then tore off the stub and handed it back. Gary walked in and found an usher. The usher looked at his stub and told Gary to follow him to section D. “Um, what day is today?” asked Gary. The usher replied, “It’s May 17, sir.” Gary hesitated and then asked, “What year is it?” The usher looked puzzled and then said, “Nineteen seventy-two.” When Gary got to his seat, he saw his dad Rick sitting next to him. Rick looked up with a broad smile. “Gary, I didn’t think you were coming,” he exclaimed. What happened to your party?” Gary smiled back and said, “Dad, I wouldn’t miss this game for the world. There is no place I would rather be on my birthday than with my dad watching our favorite team.” Rick looked more pleased than Gary could ever remember. His dad’s face turned slightly red as he beamed. “Did I miss anything,” Gary asked. “Only one batter,” Rick replied. “Don Cardwell struck out on an inside fastball. That boy has to get better on handling inside fastballs. He did a good job on fouling off two wicked curve balls on the outside corner that were impossible to hit. Then he gets overpowered on a mediocre fastball inside that any decent hitter would pull to left field. He has to get better or they should send him back down to a lower minor league.” Gary could always see the passion in his dad’s eyes when he talked about baseball. “Hey, now that I’m legal we should get some beer and Cracker Jacks,” Gary said. His dad chuckled and waved over a vendor. They leaned back in their seats with a can of Budweiser in one hand and a box of Cracker Jacks in the other. After a loud crack of the bat, the ball soared up to their section, just to the left of Rick. There was a mad scramble of fans after the ball and after a few moments, Rick emerged triumphant with the ball in his hand. “This is perfect Rick said,” as he returned to his seat. “I’m going to write something on this ball and give it to you as part of my birthday present.” Then he took out a pen and wrote something on the ball before handing it over to Gary. Gary just glanced at it and put the ball in his coat pocket. Gary woke up groggy and with a headache, like he always does after a night of drinking beer. “What a vivid dream,” he thought to himself. Just then Peg walked into the room. “Where were you out so late lats night?’ she demanded. Joan told me that Jim got back from your dad’s house at 8 pm. “You did not come back to the hotel until after midnight. And you smelled like beer. Were you hanging out with some floozy in a bar?” Her voice sounded more strident as she went on. “You have some explaining to do buster!” Gary got up to splash cold water on his face in the bathroom. “My memory is that I came right back to the hotel after leaving dad’s house. Then all I remember is this crazy dream. I don’t know what happened between leaving the house and having this dream. I better call Jim and see if he knows anything.” Gary pulled out his cell phone and called Jim. “Hey buddy. Believe it or not I just woke up and I’m not sure what happened. What do you remember about last night?” Gary asked. “I was worried about you,” Jim replied. “First of all, you left in the wrong direction. Instead of taking the road that would lead you back to the hotel, you took the highway that leads to the old stadium. I thought maybe you wanted to see the old stadium, but then I realized you knew that stadium was torn down. There is nothing to see there. Then Peg told me you weren’t back yet at midnight. You really had us worried there. Where the hell were you?” Gary was confused and he held his head which was now throbbing in pain. He was worried that he had some sort of blackout. Then he remembered he had parked his car illegally in the street as there was no room in the hotel parking lot when he got back. “Jim, I’m going to have to call you right back. I just remember I parked illegally last night and I have to run out and move it before they give me a ticket.” Gary reached in to his pocket to fish out the car key. Out dropped a ticket stub. “That’s odd,” he thought. “I’m sure I took the whole ticket as a souvenir, not just the stub.” Then he ran out the door down the steps, and out the lobby to his car. Ater starting the ignition, he had some sort of premonition that he should open the glove compartment. He did not know why. It was almost like some invisible spirit from above whispered into his soul that he needed to open it. Maybe it was a faint whisper from his dad that impelled him. It was an eerie feeling that he never experienced before. He reached down and opened the compartment. A baseball rolled out and hit the floor. He picked it up and noticed it was yellowed with age. Through the scuff marks, he could barely read the faded print. “Carolina League 1972” it said. Gary then turned the ball around and there was the faded writing of a ballpoint pen. Gary squinted and could barely make out the print. It said, To my son Gary, Congratulations on your 18th birthday. I will cherish this day forever. There is nothing better than spending a day with you at the stadium watching our favorite team. Love, Dad Gary put his head on the steering wheel, bawling his eyes out with a mixture of grief and joy. Maybe unused tickets can be redeemed after all. After composing himself, Gary looked up and mouthed the words, “Thank you dad. I love you too.”
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thehuskerrumble · 3 years
Another Tough Lawson
Lawson 14      Higginsville 3
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Remember that time when I said “even a bad day of baseball is better than no baseball at all”? Well, this past Monday’s game in Lawson may have pushed this theory to it’s limits. The Huskers took on a hard-hitting Cardinals team that rocked Higginsville for a season high 14 runs. The pitching staff combined to allow 10 hits, (7 for extra bases) while handing out 9 walks. Sprinkle in a few defensive miscues, and a flag-stiffening wind that was blowing straight out to left-center, and what you got was a real stinker.
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That’s gonna leave a mark
Jackson Kouril picked up the start for the Huskers, and one thing is for sure, the kid can throw strikes. Unfortunately, the Cardinals seemed to know exactly what pitch was coming, and on which side of the plate it would be located. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I half expected to hear someone in the Lawson dugout banging on trash cans (see Houston Astros scandal for reference). After allowing only one run in the first, Jackson and the Huskers fell victim to a six run Cardinal second, highlighted by back-to-back dingers from Lawson’s number one and two hitters. The first one was a three run, no-doubter that the left-handed batter crushed over the right-center fence. But it was the second homerun that most Husker fans will remember. Let’s set the scene. As I mentioned before, the wind was blowing straight out to left. And let’s assume the Lawson school district has future plans for the 30 feet of grass just beyond the outfield fence, since they made the decision to set the left-field corner at a slow-pitch softball depth of 295 ft. But anyway, with a 1-0 count, the Cardinals number two hitter just got under a pitch, and lifted a lazy pop-fly into left field. Now normally, this would amount to an easy catch, or as baseball enthusiasts might say, “a can of corn”. But this is 2021 Husker baseball, so you know things could not be this easy. Instead, it just kept drifting, and drifting, riding the wind towards the outfield barrier. It kind of reminded me of one of those Fourth of July parachutes that you so carefully set off, just knowing that it would land safely into your hands, only to see it float across the street and into the neighbor’s backyard. But normally you wouldn’t run after it at full speed, crashing face-first into their garage. Which is exactly what happened to left-fielder Micah Graham. He was the picture of concentration as he tracked the fly ball, just knowing that it would land safely into his glove. But instead, he ran out of real estate, and went face first into the chain-link fence. You gotta admire the effort. The Cardinals would go on to score one more unearned run in the third, before Coach Figg turned to a depleted pitching staff in the fourth. Camden Russell and Mason Rumsey combined to allow another six runs, courtesy of 2 hits and 7 walks in the final frame. As the home team, Lawson only needed four and a half innings to put the spread on a frustrated Husker squad. 
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Golden was one Wheatie away from a Grand Salami
Offensively, the Huskers did all of their damage in the top of the third. Rumsey and Kouril led off the inning with walks, before Jace Kerley loaded the bases with one of his signature “hit by pitch” at bats. Josiah Golden then gave the Higginsville fans a bit of excitement, as he worked the count to 3-0 against the Lawson starting pitcher. Then the Cardinals head coach made the unusual decision to make a pitching change in the middle of an at bat. Golden saw five more pitches, fouling several off, before driving a sac-fly about 294 ft to the Lawson left fielder, easily scoring Rumsey from third. Sophomore Cade Limback then banged a double, deep into the right center gap, driving in Kouril and Kerley. Both deep drives threatened to clear the fence, but again, things are just not bouncing the Huskers way. 
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Throw the dang towel!
At the end of the day, Higginsville fell to Lawson 14-3 in a five inning spread, dropping their record to 1-3 on the early season. There were moments in this game where I felt like Rocky Balboa watching Apollo Creed take a beating from Drago. I didn’t know if I should throw in the towel to save them, or just keep snapping pics. But let’s keep things in perspective. The Huskers are battling, and I still feel like their best baseball is ahead of them. With only 14 players on the team, we knew that depth was going to be an issue. Injuries and a full schedule have forced Coach Figg to lean on several underclassmen that normally wouldn’t have to throw this many innings, but hopefully this experience will serve them well down the stretch, and in future seasons. This dugout is full of personality, and regardless of the outcome, they are a great bunch of young men to root for. Go Huskers!
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This is what Jace Kerley looks like running to third, you’re welcome
Web Gems:
In the bottom of the first, catcher Jace Kerley blocked a pitch in the dirt, keeping it just in front of him, within arms reach. The Cardinal runner at second got a bad read, and made an ill-advised dash towards third. Kerley scooped up the ball and fired a strike to Mason Rumsey, easily cutting down the would-be base stealer.
Web Gems Part Deux: 
Kerley continued to help out his pitching staff, with another caught stealing for the final out of the second. The Lawson player beat the initial throw to second base, but Nick Herrera wisely kept the tag on him as the runner popped up off the bag after the slide. 
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W.K. says this is the most damage the Huskers did all night
Property Damage:
In the JV game, Micah Graham was way out in front of a pitch, fouling it deep into the parking lot on the left side of the field. Some unsuspecting Cardinal fans took home a souvenir as the ball landed directly on the hood of their sweet ride.
Box Score:
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JV Score
Lawson 8     Higginsville 7
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Up Next:
Tuesday, March 30th, 4:30 pm, the Huskers host the Carrollton Trojans at Fairground Park, for the first conference game of the season
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redditnosleep · 7 years
I've Been Seeing A Man In My Backyard For The Past Two Nights
by Opinionson
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 (Final)
Hi everyone,
For anyone who has been reading this I am alive and well but far from safe. As my neighbor and I were waiting for the coast to be clear, I saw my garage door open and at approximately 3:27 am, and right then my neighbor and I booked it to his car. As we were leaving I saw the light turn on in my bathroom and I nearly threw up realizing how easily he got in and how I had been just a sitting duck an hour prior. I have been fantasizing over and over of how if I had stayed in there, my neighbors would have called me telling me he was in my driveway and i would had heard my garage opening with dread just knowing I was absolutely fucked. Once we were in the car we sped off to the police station.
Police gave me the usual rundown of questions in this type of situation like; Whether I knew this man, when and where my first encounter with him was, and whether I could identify his car/if I managed to write down his license plate. I told them he had only come two times prior, and that both times it was too dark to tell even with the street light. When the man had parked in my driveway one of my neighbors who had still been on the lookout said she that she saw the car was a grey Volkswagen with no license plate. She went on to say she saw the man type in the code to my garage, go inside and turn on each of my lights, as though he was checking the whole house. The man had stayed there for 5 minutes according to her and proceeded to get back in his car without taking anything and sped off down my street. She notified the police immediately and they have been searching for him since then.
Nothing has come up. We returned to find that the house had been left relatively unscathed. The police did not find even a trace of DNA. Whoever this man was, he was meticulous as all hell, and somehow had gained the knowledge of what my garage code was. It makes me shiver to think he may have been watching me even as I typed it in earlier in the week. God only knows what other knowledge he has to track me down. My parents have still yet to return home from their trip as their plane was delayed, so as of right now I am alone and still at the hotel with only a bottle of Jack Daniels to console me. A couple police cars has been stationed around the area of my house looking for the guy and they are all waiting upon his arrival. I am not leaving this hotel until this fucker is caught. I don’t think I will be able to sleep tonight. I am hoping this is the night he finally can’t track me.
The police have advised me to stop using any form of social media that can be indicative of where I am. That means no snapchat, no instagram, no facebook; nothing. They told me that I can use my laptop as long as I remain as low profile as possible. This means all I can do now is wait for the police to call me and tell me that the stalker has been caught. Now I am gonna try and figure out just who this guy is and why he might try to be stalking me.
Theory 1: My 9th grade Italian teacher. So I went to a private school and this teacher had basically been one of the biggest lunatics I had ever met in a school system. He was very outspoken in the way he described politics and very mean spirited during his time teaching. He would always make fun of students, had sometimes fallen asleep in class, and would always make perverted comments towards girls I knew. So one day, I decided to write an email to the Dean asking him to please fire the man from his teaching position and explaining the unacceptable behavior he had while working. It worked, and I have never seen the man since. Now the reason I think he could be a possibility is because he never particularly liked me, in fact I feel as though he singled me out in a lot of instances and picked on me. I don’t know if he ever found out I sent the email, but if he did I am extremely worried. I can’t tell if it was him or not when he spoke in my backyard, as I was in full adrenaline mode while I was screaming at him. I would say this is not a likely suspect but I’m just not sure.
Theory 2: My Christian deacon from back in second grade. I used to be part of this church program a while back when I was in elementary school. Out of all the head figures there one that always stood out to me: Deacon Anthony. He was a middle aged man, very soft spoken and he had always been very particularly nice to me and my friend Kevin. He would often bring us candy, talked to us about our home life, and treated us more fairly than the rest of the kids. One day my friend Kevin had told me that Deacon Anthony had asked Kevin if he wanted to go home with him to hang out. Kevin said no to him and told me. I told my parents about this and they had immediately contacted the church and told them about it. After that I never saw Deacon Anthony again. My parents later told me that they had contacted the board and he was removed from the church. If this is the guy, he must have had a massive personality shift after that incident because the way the man happily told me to “HAVE A NICE DAY” did not match up with the one he had when I was younger.
Theory 3: My classmate Derek from 8th grade. Derek was one of those insecure types who would always get off to making other people feel small. He was your standard 8th grade middleschool shiteater who deserved nothing but a good ass whooping, which unfortunately never came. However what did happen was I had started a rumor about him that I wish to not bring up, but it pretty much ruined his reputation and made him a laughing stock. He never found out it was me as far as I could tell, but from what I heard from my hometown while I went off to public school is that at our local public High School the rumor hadn’t stopped, and he turned into one of those quiet kids who never talked. Keep in mind, this kid literally had told my whole friend group to stop hanging out with me, so as far as I can tell this revenge was extremely justified in my mind. This may in fact be the prime suspect as he would most likely know where I live. I tried finding any sort of social media about him but nothing came up. This guy is a ghost and I have no idea what he has been up to.
Theory 4: Some complete stranger who I have no association with. Maybe this is just a genuine old school stalker who takes pride in picking out their prey from a random crowd. No one I have seen in this town for the past week has seemed particularly odd. The only one that comes to mind was this weird cashier at 7/11 who seemed particularly in love with his job. He may have some form of asperger's syndrome or just maybe he just takes pride in being a cashier but he was always very polite with his customers when he had been interacting with them. I had gone in to get a soda from the fountain and as the store was empty he had asked me:
“Hey is that all you're getting”
I said “Yeah this is all”
So he continues “Oh well congratulations! It’s free!”
I thought, sweet a free soda, this guy is the shit. I thanked him a ton as he was smoking a cigarette outside and I said “Have a good one” and left. Now I know what all of you must be thinking. This is definitely the guy. He’s a fucking cashier for crying out loud! Well, I am just not sure. This guy was probably in his thirties, seemed extremely grateful for his low end job, and just seemed content with what he had. He didn’t strike me as a stalker, but then again I haven’t been back to the store since so he maybe still be there or not there at all. Time will tell. I might have to stop by tomorrow and do a little more investigating.
As we speak it is 11:00 pm again, and I am staring out my hotel window scrolling through reddit. I am still dreading the moment I see a car with flashing high beams pull into the parking lot, so I will probably just be looking out my window all night again. I will post more updates if necessary. I appreciate you all, bye for now.
Edit 12:43 am: I'm reading all your comments guys and just so you guys know I can't get ahold of a gun as easily as most of you think. I live in a state where that shit does not fly the best think I have right now is pepper spray and baseball bat.
Edit: 1:37 am: Call me a lunatic but I left my room to get some fresh air. I couldn't stand being in this small ass hotel room one more second. I was bugging out like crazy though. Every person I saw seemed like a threat to me. I started talking with this one guy in the hotel lobby. Says he's been traveling from state on some sort of self indulged journey across the country. I asked him if he has any experiences with stalkers and he told me that he had been receiving anonymous calls a couple years back of from some guy. I asked if he has ever encountered one in his backyard or anything and he just looked at me funny. I explained to him the situation and he wished me the best of luck. Nothing out of the ordinary but it was nice to have some real human interaction while I am losing my mind.
Edit: 1:46 am: Alright one of the janitors must be fucking with me. I spent the last 10 minutes searching for my phone and asked someone outside my room to call it for me. I listened for the ringing and its in the fucking safe and the password is not the one they gave me. What the fuck?! This is fucking ridiculous! Whoever fucking did this is going to get torn a new one. I'm going to the manager right now to get this sorted out.
Edit 2:08 am: I'm demanding a different room. I am not staying in that same fucking room one more second. The whole staff is in there now trying to figure out the safe pass word. Meanwhile the manager is looking for the janitors who have been in my room to ask what the fuck they were thinking. Fuck this. I'm tired, I'm worried, and now I just lost my fucking phone. FUCK!
Edit 2:24 am: Its not the garage code guys I checked. Even if it was why would it be and how would the fucking stalker even get into my hotel room let alone rewire my safe?
Edit 2:26 am: Guys I'm not leaving the hotel ok I already paid the money to stay here I dont have any other place to go thats not 100 miles away. I have no car, I got here in an uber car and atleast here there is over a hundred people staying here. The stalker is not gonna come into a hotel full of people.
Edit 2:40 am: Ok now you guys got me worried. I'm sitting in my hotel room, all alone with no phone. No way to call an uber. No way to call the police. I'm starting to think one of the janitors got bribed to do this. I now not only have no way of driving away from here, but I have no way on contacting any family or anyone for that matter of getting me away from the hotel. I'm going to wait another 45 minutes and if they don't open the safe I am demanding they call an uber for me and I'm driving the hell out of here.
Edit 2:53 am: Someone just knocked on the door saying the safe is open. I told them alright and then they asked me to come get it. I asked him if he can slip it under the door but he said I need to go get it myself. I told him I would in a couple minutes and that he'd be waiting. I don't know what to do guys you're all fucking with my mind.
Edit 3:10 am: The man said that my phone is in the main lobby if I want it. I am on my laptop next to my window and I could have sworn out of the corner of my eye I saw a car flashing its high beams. I don't know if I should hold out till morning or get my phone and leave...
Edit 3:14 am: Guys I am not waiting until 3:24 for this guy to fucking come into my room and jump me. I am packing and getting the fuck out of here. I'll keep you guys posted on mobile when I get my phone back.
Edit 3:16 pm: Alright guys I'm staying a friends place for right now. Just to clarify when I said not a trace of DNA was found I meant that there was nothing that was found to trace this guy back. Like a glove or figure prints on the garage key pad. The police did not do a full investigation obviously. The guy still hasn't been found. My neighbors have told me no one has been back to the house and my parents are currently staying at my aunt's down south. I got my phone back and there was a missed call from some guy named Nick Sullivan. Whats strange his name was never put in my contacts. I have never met anybody named Nick Sullivan in my life and I don't know how it was in there. I tried calling back and it just went to voicemail. Creepy shit none the less. Maybe I'm just paranoid I don't know. I'll see if I can make another update tonight. Bye for now.
Edit 4:24 pm: I just posted an album on imgur of pictures I took yesterday when I went back to my house. See for yourselves.
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augmentedampharos · 7 years
Today’s list of awful events:
not falling asleep until 3 am this morning despite getting in bed at 10:30 pm last night, then waking up at 7 and going to work (so that made everything worse)
Why couldn’t I fall asleep? Think it’s because I was nervous and anxious about seeing Crush N (spoilers we only talked barely at stand up, literally no other interaction lmao thanks brain for keeping me up all night asshole)
Bullshit! At the Park N Ride. Van who thought the rules weren’t for him blocking the entrance (where four large signs say NOT to stop here) and causing cars to back up INTO THE INTERSECTION in front of the Park N Ride. Fuck that guy.
My work computer decided it was December 2016 and it took me an hour to unfuck everything
then most of the day was fine. Now the really fun thing, under the cut cause it’s gonna be long.
Tomorrow we are having lunch paid for by work. Today the guy organizing that sent out an e-mail asking us to choose what kind of pizza we want. I am horrendously lactose intolerant (before anyone suggests anything and gets murdered by me, the pills don’t work well for me I need to take a lot of them to eat any amount of pizza). 
I was like it’s not super surprising but I thought hey! Why not message him and see if he can choose more dietary restriction friendly options in the future. So I do very gently say like obviously not for tomorrow’s lunch, but it would be really cool if we could have better options in the future! Myself and several other people are severely lactose intolerant. Here’s a pizza place that does vegan pizzas, and even if you can’t accommodate us in the future thanks for letting us know this ahead of time so I can know to bring my own lunch tomorrow.
He responds back, almost word for word:
“I’m lactose intolerant too. Oh the things age does to your body (he’s probably 20 years older than me). I just bring some pills. I’m hoping to switch off who organizes food - can I put you down for next week?”
I was furious. And it took me a while to be able to clearly articulate why.
Really, what it is, is my point was not really acknowledged and I was dismissed. Rather than saying like, “oh, that’s a valid concern I never thought of” (which is what I expected) I got essentially “I’m lactose intolerant and I can deal with it, so why can’t you?” BAM. Dismissed. My point? Not acknowledged at all! HATE THAT HATE THAT HATE THAT.
Also hey fuck you for your weird age comment? (I literally broke my back 8 years ago and I’ve been struggling with knee pain for 8 years as well, lately I’m in pain constantly, and I’m younger than you and have lactose intolerance, so what was the point of that age comment asshat?)
ALSO lactose intolerance has a wide range of severities! Some people can drink milk and they fart a bit. Some people have any butter and have diarrhea for hours. I’m pretty sensitive to milks and cheese with a few exceptions. I’m also just really tired of people being like oh pills? YES I FUCKING KNOW ABOUT THE PILLS CHARLIE SHUT THE FUCK UP. THEY AREN’T MAGICAL TO MAKE EVERYTHING WORK LIKE DO YOU THINK I LIKE SUFFERING AND NOT GETTING TO EAT CHEESE AND HAVING TO BE A PAIN IN THE ASS ANYTIME FOOD IS INVOLVED YOU DUMB FUCKING ASSHAT? Christ.
I just feel like stressed about saying no to that too because I feel like I already got written off as an entitled millennial and I feel like it’s gonna be like him being smug like “ha see she asks for this but won’t even do it” but like KFHEWJKHKWF I didn’t demand it or anything I just! Thought it might be nice. To be able to eat free lunch ever. MY FUCKING MISTAKE. And not even just for me but like, there’s three of us in the office who can’t have dairy for intolerance reasons plus a gluten intolerant person and a vegan like. Consider. Being inclusive if you can? Like I don’t expect people to think of it off the bat which is why I myself brought it up. I wasn’t mad! And I wouldn’t have been mad if he’s forgotten to do it the next time either. Ugh. I mean, now I’m mad but not because of that, I guess.
Ugh I’m just. I’M DONE!!!!!!! KILL ME.
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