#if i forgot someone leme know i will. tell u who i love
chowtrolls · 3 years
favorite troll from other blogs?
INHALE......I am going to preface this with saying I have so so SO many favorites, and I can't possibly remember all of them right now, which doesn't mean i don't love them!! My brain is absolute soup i didnt even realize spring break is next week. If anyone feels left out or hurt pls feel free to dm me and i will go off in dms about how much i love ur trolls <3 <3 i do it to chase constantly ask them
ok now, an hour n a half & 32 people later....
corpse @/homicidalfantrolls Anguil, have u seen him? have u. u need to.
conan @.ask-them-bois Ishran <3 Ruthless my LOVE, Lucina my WIFEE im so predictable i see a dilf i spam the like.
sunne @.sunnetrolls WELL UNFORTUNATLEY I'VE FALLEN FOR ARVERI <3 ugh hes so mean. also radiix <3 <3 <3 <3
sam @.outsidertrolls synthe<3 iji<3 <3
shenk @.shenkotrolls AAA so manie....CAROKA<3<3 it seems cheating to like natsua bcos i designed her. but. natsua<3 also pendra<3<3<3
bo @.cherrytrolls my beloved, so so many, tho rn im thnking abt hysteria and davith<3
chase @.sasster Aelium <3 Papili Soleah <33333 MR PUNNAM<33333
froyo @.froyotrolls noelle <33333
roe @.roetrolls kat <3 Kiyana <33 DREVIN<333333 i wanna hold his fucin hand.
grem @.aviantrolls nobody. they all stink. >:P jkjk rin is my son ofc but Belere<3 hes so. tibbie.
allie @.just-more-trolls ofc i love seaell so so much...i also love wyllow and kanisa!!
lee @.leethetrashpage YRAXIEEEEE Vantis n Scoops <3<3<3 And Craeno<333
hunter @.whispertrolls KAMALAAA and siroco omg i love them. idiots. i have kam's meme for bruuno saved in my askbox rn bcos it keeps making me lose my marbles.
dan @.asks-n-trolls the cipher twins <3 desmie n sekiro n erodao n lamb n amadaeus<3
damien @.ask-the-troll-boys Magpie n Sicklefin n Vernon hes just some guy like hes literally juts some dude i love him
@.astrumocs julius <333 ive only known him for a lil bit but i absolutely ADORE seeing him AND HIS ANCESTOR!!
@.wueyahfantai Lulith n Peache <3 n Claire!!!
@.ase-trollplays Cacoph holds a very special place in my heart forever n always <3 < 3
@.lordtonic MR GHOSTS im in wuv. also presto. i read his name as pesto for a long time
@.metzer sentis ALWAYS i love him. and vanmai<3
@.whatthefantrolls Zippie and Bessba <333 i love them so much its unreqal
@.abyssaltrolls Cinoan <3 and Naemuu!!
@.memeurfever i will always love rutaci <33
@.goddesstrolls cipher...raz and darric as well!!! <3
@.chirp-trolls ivitir !!!!
@.indig0trolls jeonsu.....and telmon<3
@.lunchboxtrolls cherry<3 and dakota<3<3
@.cadavertrolls MURDER hijack<3 silver<3<3
@.voidrots DIONYS<3 and killet!!<3
@.stuckstucktrolls teagan <3 and lyssav<3
@.morgombie tetris my beloved<3
@.cloudbattrolls tuuya is one of my fave jades, even tho i dont like bugs?? they r just so funny....liddol worm
@.quiescent-trolls ive seen gordon around sm lately n i love....
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dahliaunderthesky · 7 years
Diary #1
Hi notepad! I have come to the conclusion that writing all this shit when I am so goddamn behind on telling my diary shit would take too long and hurt my hand so I’m gonna type it. I do prefer a physical copy of a diary but this will have to do for now. Ok so its been a lot asss time since I filled you in. Leme tell youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. so I guess you have to hit space or this shit goes on forever but I like the way it looks on here so whatever. Its been a while since i’ve typed on this computer and these over grown nails are a pain in the ass with these keys. anyway, I bought myself nails a month and a half ago because I haven't in two years and wanted em. But now I don't have the money to keep up with them because of Christmas presents. I bought my dad $200 paint so that was a big dent in my fortune (ha). So I am in dept to myself because I need to keep a certain amount in my bank at all times but that shit is lower then it should be. Dick face McGee is a dick face like usual.Some lady at the drive thru asked for whip cream on her coffee and he walked up to me yelled "I HATE FAT BITCHES" and threw the fucking whip cream can at the wall. So me being pissed hes acting like a fucking pussy ass baby over nothing yell "I hate rude assholes!" He didn't say anything to that he just went and sat down to play his computer game. (Since I plan on posting this shit on tumblr I guess wow I’m so cool I’m gonna fill anyone reading in) So I work in fast food I’m a teen and its my first job. If u haven't gotten a job yet fast food is usually the first job u get but if u can avoid it I highly recommend it. I tried to but I didn't think the place I work at would be the much like a fast food place because of what it sells. Anyway I work with this asshole guy hes like 4 years older then me, asked me out I said no, hits on every girl he sees, is ugly as sin (inside and out), and has anger problems and is known to break shit at my work place. Why he is still hired is beyond me. Anyway After that I had enough working with him (I have to close with him and that means we only work alone together and hes a dick in front of every other worker so imagine how he is alone. Also hes a racist! And is proud. Makes me sick. SO I asked my boss to stop having me work with him and junk and he said it was cool but I realized the only reason he is still hired is because he is exactly like my boss (my boss isn't racist though). My boss also has anger problems wow! Here’s some things dick head McGee does around me that no one knows tho! He asks me to 1)close the store early. 2) leave for an hour to go work out or do something else. I’m more then happy to tell others this shit because I hate him and he should work for the money hes getting. I always say no to these questions btw. Oh hes also a dick to customers of course. Anyway my boss says yes to me not closing with him and I feel like i’m on thin ice because even if I am a good worker I can be easily replaced anytime for the slightest inconvenience. Oh yeah lets call this kid neck boy for now since I don’t wanna use names I guess. I call him this because he has a neck tattoo. Hes hot, nice, sweet to customers, everyone loves him but if only he wasn't a stoner. Smoke weed idgaf but he does it everyday and throws up everyday because of it. Its also Xanax and shit too. He has been calling out sick literally everyday every week and he isn't gonna be fired or talked to or anything bc my boss loves the kid. I’m a shy teen girl he doesn't give a shit about me lol. enough about work though, Nicole (my best friend) is in Washington filming a movie! She road in a limo and shit and is in a really nice cabin and everything and it looks so cool. I’m proud :,). She finally got the court (im gonna stop explaining shit from now on) papers. I didn't know it took this damn long for shit to go through with the court. I hope now you know who gets her shit man. Oh! I went to a toy donation drift event last weekend. It was super cool because only pros drove. I road with someone I haven't before and he asked if he was better then my sisters boyfriend and I was thinking "well iv’e ever feared for my life with him" It was a lot of fun though lol. I feel super safe with my sisters boyfriend driving (because hes a pro and knows what hes doing) so driving with someone who almost crashes and gets crashed into is interesting lol. Hes not bad at all he just spun out a little and we were in a like enclosed track where everyone goes at once so you can easily crash but I don't think anyone crashed into each other that event. Nicole and Matt tried setting me up with one of Matt's friends which I am all for man iv’e been single for 4 years. I still have standards of course lol. He was a nice guy but just not for me. Hes one year younger and likes drift but I thought he was a drifter, no he doesn't even have the car for that shit lol. Oh I forgot to mention my whole family and I drift. He kind of just sent shirtless pics of himself, talked about himself, never asked about me, etc. I gave him a second chance and talked to him in person at my work but it was still meh. I confirmed hes not my type with that. Also he comes to my work through the drive thru and expects a damn convo like dude I’m working right now my crab ass boss is behind me eyeballing every move I make and I have other customers now is not a good time. He even tweeted "when the employee ignores you." He said my works name so I know it was me. I’m not ignoring u I’m busy. also were not dating stop. Matt is also super (Nicole's boyfriend) bored since Nicole is gone for the movie. He asked me to hangout and we have never talked outside of Nicole. So Im like ehhhhh maybe not. I mean I want friends and I’m down to hangout but it would be so awkward. I asked nicole if it was cool first bc idk how relationships feel about boyfriends hanging out with girls anymore. My grandparents are coming this Friday which is cool but I have no idea what to get grandpa for Christmas and nana’s package is just not here. Idk where it is they said its delivered but nope. I learned sign language so that’s cool. Oh! fucking dick face McGee was walking past me and his arm was out when he was fast walking and it hit me in the stomach and really fucking hurt. He was like sorry haha. It was an accident but im still salty about it. Im getting my fourth tattoo on the 22nd. I hope it turns out well because its more detailed then the others. All my tattoos are where I cant see without a mirror so I was like wait 3? What are they lol. I have one on my ribs, back of my neck, and my back. The other day at work a guy came in ordered a donut and then told me how he worked for 26 years and that people are telling him hes unemployed and was like "CAN YOU BELIEVE IT 26 YEARS AND THEY SAY I’M UNEMPLOYED" like dude idk you if you don’t have a job right now, you are unemployed atm please go away. It was just out of nowhere. Not sure what else to update you on...Oh well bye bye for now! 12/13/17
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