#if i forgot someone from the old clue crew that im friends with from the bottom of my heart my bad & plz know its because i have like
ziracona · 4 years
Hey there! I see your responses and I’m afraid I’ll give my identity away if I respond with my own opinions!! So I’ll keep mine to myself until it’s time to reveal! So next question - how long have you been on tumblr? What are your favorite blogs you follow?! - Abby
Haha, well, I promise I am not looking at anyone’s answers to try to snoop and compare notes (except the person I am a June anon for of course)—I am not trying to find out who you are before the 1st, so if you want to, feel free to answer and completely echo yourself—I’ll proooobably have no idea unless we somehow drew each other, haha!
Uhm oof I’ve been on here for a while. I think I joined back in 2012? Yowza that’s 8 years yikes. Uh I don’t know if I have favorite blogs I follow? I have quite a few mutuals, but I don’t want to annoy them with notifications by listing them all off. TuT @blackveilsociety @its-locked-nancy @iwantakokokringle @trademarknickersoncharm and @naancypants are all ND blogs I’ve been buddies with since way back in the day (we all old ND clue crew lol—they also all were in the Whodunnitmafia game I ran that was a tide of pure chaos but I have strong nostalgia for despite that). There’s also quite a few blogs I met bc of writing I did for DbD —some that do art and are really nice, and some who are super cool people I have enjoyed talking to a lot—there’s like ten of them so I’m not gonna list them all so they get notifications on my Nancy Drew fandom ask bc I don’t want to bother them but they’re awesome (and if any of y’all I know from ILM read/see this post & we chat ever or are mutuals know that this is abt you). Also got a few mutuals I met in other fandoms or in ways I don’t even remember anymore who are super cool. A couple I don’t even know how the heck we met bc we have almost no overlap in fandom but I follow anyway because I really enjoy seeing them talk about games/shows I have no knowledge of bc they like it so much lol. I guess my favorite blogs I follow are any blogs I follow where I have some degree of personal relationship w the blogger? Which is about half of them. : ) Oh! And my sis @theinkgirl —she’s awesome.
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junosartsthetic · 4 years
I Know you like Polnareff alot so I'll request one .. can I get a Polnareff oneshot where the reader is part of the crew and knows french so she flirts with Pol. And no one else has a clue what's going on?
I used google translate for the French so R.I.P. to the accuracy. I’ll put what I was trying to say in brackets, however, and if anyone who actually speaks French wants to correct me they are more than welcome. Also this uhh... this is one of the longest things I’ve written in a while. Did someone say comfort character?
As soon as the frenchman spotted you getting off the bus, he flashed you a wide smile. It’d been a while since he’d last seen you, but he’d recognize your features anywhere.
The other crusaders looked on, waiting to see who the special person Pol called in to help was. All he said was that you were an old friend.
Your boots moved against the concrete elegantly as you tucked a stray hair out of your face. The light blouse and sleek pants you wore complimented your figure nicely.
You waved, blowing Pol a kiss when you spotted him. “Bonjour,” you said, the French rolling off your tongue as though it was your first language.
Polnareff opened his arms for a hug but you just clicked your tongue. “Oh, no. I’m still mad at you, Jean. Now, why did you make me come all the way out here? Where even is here? What country is this?” you shook your head. “God, it’s been such a long trip.”
You noticed Pol’s companions and shook hands with each, introducing yourself as you did so.
“So, you’re the old friend Polnareff has been mentioning,” the man who introduced himself as Avdol prompted.
You nodded. “Something like that. But I still don’t know why I’m here.” Joseph piped up. “We’re trying to defeat an enemy that goes way back. Polnareff said you could assist us.”
You glared at the silver-haired man who was currently distracting himself with his nails. “Oh, he just assumed I would, huh?” you huffed. “Well, I’m already here so I might as well.”
That was the start of your inclusion as part of the crusaders. As time went on, you got to know the others more, befriending them as best as you could. You still gave Jean the cold shoulder, however. The others weren’t sure why, but Jean knew what he did wrong. That’s for damn sure.
The others found out, eventually, though; over a dinner, in fact.
You sat next to Avdol, chatting about nothing in particular. Pol directly across from you, simply pouting.
Joseph looked between the two of you. “So, uhh, what’s your past together, really? I know you said not to bring it up but if we’re to defeat Dio together we should get along. All of us. And that means fixing whatever shit Polnareff did to make you mad at him.”
“Moi? Why do you assume it was ME that did something?” Polnareff spoke up, crossing his arms.
“Because it was you,” was your reply as you took a sip of your beverage.
His face flushed. “That was a long time ago.”
You glared at him. “But you never apologized.”
“Es-tu sérieux? Qu'ai-je fait de mal? [Are you serious? What did I do wrong?]”
“Tu veux vraiment y aller? Tu n'as même jamais dit au revoir! J'avais dix-huit ans à l'époque! Vous êtes parti sans un mot et je ne savais pas où vous étiez et vous m'appelez soudainement de nulle part et vous attendez à ce que je voyage des centaines de kilomètres pour vous aider? [Do you really wanna go there? You never even said goodbye! I was eighteen at the time! You left without a word and I didn't know where you were and then you suddenly call me up out of nowhere and expect me to travel hundreds of kilometers to help you?]”
“J'avais dix-huit ans aussi, au cas où tu aurais oublié! J'étais un enfant stupide! Tu étais mon ... tu sais ce que tu étais pour moi! Je ne voulais pas tout gâcher! [I was eighteen too, in case you forgot! I was a stupid kid! You were my... you know what you were to me! I didn't want to mess it up!]”
You scoffed. “Gâcher? Et vous pensiez que me quitter après que nous ayons dormi ensemble pour la première fois n'était PAS une erreur? [Mess it up? And you thought leaving me after we slept together for the first time was NOT messing it up?]”
The others were simply looking back and forth in confusion. Obviously, you two had a rough past. Joseph cleared his throat awkwardly. Maybe he shouldn’t have brought it up…
Pol glanced down at his plate. “Je ... je suppose que c'était mal de moi. Je suis désolé. Je ... t'aime toujours, tu sais? Je n'ai jamais arrêté. [I ... I guess it was wrong of me. I am sorry. I... still love you, you know? I never stopped.]”
You began to cry.
Avdol put a comforting hand on your shoulder, though he didn’t know what to say.
“God damnit,” you muttered. “I still love you too, moron.”
There was silence. Though they understood only that, the other crusaders knew what went down between the two of you.
After that, everyone went to their rooms. Nothing else was spoken other than unmeaningful ‘good night’s and ‘see you tomorrow’s.
In the morning, you woke up with a newfound purpose in life. You knew how he felt, and he knew how you felt, but you were determined to grind his gears in revenge, anyway. He broke your heart so he deserved it. How to do it, however? You had a plan.
“Good morning, everyone,” you said as you walked into the breakfast area, your black silk robe still tied neatly against you. “I hope you all slept well. I have a feeling today is going to be a great day!”
“Uhh, yeah,” Kakyoin muttered, raising a brow. “You okay? You were… crying last night.”
You ruffled his hair. “Oh, don’t even worry about it, I’m great! More than great, actually.”
With that, you mozied off to grab a plate and start piling on breakfast items to eat. Luckily, the man you were looking for was right in front of you.
“Bonjour,” you said, tone light.
Pol shot you a look, but didn’t question your cheery attitude. “Salut.”
“Tu as l'air différent ce matin. Plus beau. Avez-vous fait quelque chose avec vos cheveux? Ou changer de tenue? [You look different this morning. More handsome. Did you do something with your hair? Or change your outfit?]”
“Non? Qu'est-ce que tu fais? [No? What are you up to?]”
You shrugged. “Je te donne juste un compliment. [Just giving you a compliment.]”
He finished stacking up his food and started to head back to the table, you following behind him.
As soon as you sat down, you began conversing once more. Running a hand lightly through his styled hair, you asked, “Êtes-vous sûr de n'avoir rien changé? [Are you sure you didn't change anything?]”
Jotaro let out a sigh, tilting his hat down. “Good grief. Here we go again.”
Pol shooed your hand away. “Oui. Maintenant mange. [Yes. Now eat.]”
This was the regular all day. Any chance you got, you’d pay him a compliment in French. The poor frenchman didn’t know what you were up to, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to find out.
After dinner, when the ones who were old enough to drink went down to the bar, was when things really started heating up.
Avdol and Joseph sat beside you as you sat beside Pol. They were busy chatting when they noticed you start a conversation. Despite not understanding, they decided to listen in.
“Belle nuit, non? [Beautiful night, no?]” you said, leaning your head against his shoulder as you stirred your glass. 
You were right. It was beautiful.
“Oui [yes],” he agreed.
“Pas aussi beau que toi [not as beautiful as you],” you quipped, nudging him with your elbow.
He let out a sigh. He would love nothing more than to take the compliment as it was, but he knew not to. He felt stupid not knowing what you were up to, but he had a feeling it had to do with him falling for your scheme of compliments. His expression remained neutral, though you spotted color appearing on his cheeks. You smirked.
“Cette nuit n'était pas si mauvaise, non? C'est pour ça que tu es parti? Parce que je n'étais pas assez bon? Parce que je serais prêt à réessayer. Donnez-moi une autre chance et je jure que vous ne voudrez plus jamais quitter le lit. [That night wasn't so bad, was it? Is that why you left? Because I wasn't good enough? Because I'd be willing to try again. Give me another chance and I swear you'll never want to leave the bed.]” Your feet nudged his legs as you spoke.
You felt his shoulder tense underneath you.
“Ce n'est pas ça et tu le sais. [That's not it and you know it.]”
You began to trace the top of his hand with your nails, drawing little shapes. You noticed the hair on his arms stand up.
“Je ne te crois pas~~~~ [I don't believe you~~~~]”
Joseph leaned over to whisper to Avdol. “I think she might be flirting with ‘im.”
“Why would she do that if he broke her heart?”
Joseph shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve never understood a woman’s true motives a day in my life, that’s why I was asking you what you think.”
“I’m a fortune teller, Mr, Joestar, not a mind-reader.”
Dismissing Avdol, Joseph tuned back into what was happening on the other side of him.
You now had one arm wrapped around his bicep, the other trailing a nail from his hand up to his shoulder and towards his neck.
“Rejoignez-moi dans ma chambre et convainquez-moi, n'est-ce pas? [Join me in my room and convince me there, won't you?]”
Polnareff gently grabbed your hand, stopping you from caressing his face. “Pourquoi fais-tu ça? Je sais que tu gardes toujours rancune. [Why are you doing this? I know you still hold a grudge.]”
You let out a weary sigh. “Oh chéri. S'il vous plaît. Arrêtons-nous avec les présentations et le bavardage. [Oh, love. Please. Let's just stop with the introductions and chit-chat.]”
With that, you stood up, moving to grasp his wrists and lead him away from the bar.
Joseph turned to Avdol but the Egyptian shook his head. “We’re not following them. Well, I’m not. I’ll be in the room. You’re welcome to do whatever, Mr. Joestar, but I’ll have no part.”
Avdol got up, moving towards the stairs.
Joseph scoffed. “Well, fine.” He ran after Avdol. “Wait for me!”
You let out a sigh of relief. You brought Pol out into the empty patio, and there was no sign of the other two following you. You breathed out, breath visible in the cool air.
“I think we’re alone now,” you said. “Finally.”
Polnareff turned to you, expression one that was commonly found on him present. Confusion. “What are you trying to accomplish? Just tell me.”
You said nothing, your hands tracing up both of his arms before resting against his cheeks. You used your thumb to caress his face. Fluttering your eyelashes, you gave him a look he recognized from way back in that hotel in France. You leaned up, getting on your tippy toes.
Despite the logical side of his brain telling him he shouldn’t, he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in.
Your lips met, but before anything could happen, you pulled away suddenly. You were crying.
“I’m such an idiot,” you muttered. “Why did I think this was a good idea?” You backed away from his grasp. “I’m sorry.” Polnareff’s heart shattered. He hated seeing you in tears, especially since he didn’t know the reason. He assumed it was probably him. “What’s wrong?”
You bit your lip. “I was going to get revenge,” you said. “Do to you what you did to me. But I can’t. If… if I go up to your room and do what we did together when we were teens I could never convince myself to leave you. Because I’m still in love with you, and not just a little bit. A lot. So much that it hurts. And I don’t want you hurt, even though you hurt me. Because I’m stupid in love with you.”
For such a talkative man, he had nothing to say. 
You two just stood in silence, cold air freezing your skin as you rubbed your arms. You let out a shaky sigh, eyes closing. You felt like an idiot. A love-sick idiot.
Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you against a broad chest that smelled of French alcohol and cigarette smoke. You took in a breath.
“I should be the one apologizing, ma chérie,” he said, voice cracking with emotion. “You deserve the world and if I could go back I never would have left you in that room. I just-- you had such big plans. You were an exchange student from America who was studying things I couldn’t even pronounce. I was some dumb nobody scrounging and wallowing about with no real purpose.”
“You’re an idiot,” you mumbled, arms moving to wrap around his neck as you glanced up at him. “You’re such an idiot, Jean Pierre.”
“I know,” he said, giving you a small smile. His cheeks were pink. “I really do know.”
“But I’d like you to be MY idiot from now on, if that’s okay with you.”
He gave a chaste kiss to your forehead. “If you’re willing to take me back, even in this hell of a situation we’re in right now, then I’d love nothing more, ma chérie.”
Your response was in the form of a kiss. But this time, it wasn’t a short one.
What finally pulled you two apart was a familiar gruff voice from a few stories above. “I knew it! I knew it!”
You both looked up, shooting glares at the elderly Joestar. He gave you a quick smile before popping his head back inside his window.
You let out a giggle, Polnareff chuckling along.
“Oh my,” you sighed. “What have I gotten myself into?”
He grinned. “I have no idea, myself, ma chérie. But we’ll have a bizarre adventure finding out!”
That night, you two shared a bed, snuggled up against each other. There was nothing more than scattered kisses shared, but it was a pleasant night, nonetheless.
When morning came, however, and you were met with strong arms embracing you from behind as a familiar snore sounded in your ear, you felt better than you had in years. More specifically, since that night in France.
Letting out a hum, you turned to kiss his forehead. “God, I love you, you big French idiot,” you mumbled. And you meant it. 
Hope you enjoyed! <3
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Reunited at last (5/6)
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Part: 1, 2, 3, 4
After exploring the old ruins that was were streets. It was a long lost dream to find this place and here I was. I wasn’t suppose be there on the hill of the mountain, but I was. Rafe had yet another meeting with Nadine and her men and he didn’t want me their, with the excuse it was way to boring for me and I could use that time exploring the building. So that was what I did. I explored and figured it all out.
Walking trough history, thats how it felt. Everything was just like it had been left behind after what looked like a huge fight, some could call it a war. Bodies where spread over the clearing, canons, weapons and barricades could be found.  It was unclear who’s battle it was and what they where fighting for.
Making my way inside the bloodshed had continued, who ever the battle was between had made their way inside.  Big golden looking doors, three times bigger than that I was, kept me from entering, what I only believed to be, the treasure room. A lever on my left was my way in. I pulled it towards me and a heavy mechanism could be heard starting to work.
Only it was for a little while before it stopped, doors still closed. With a groan I walked over to the door and pushed it with all my wight. It took a lot of effort but I manged to open the doors by force. My believes where right, this room used to be a treasure or trophy room, only this one was empty.
It was hard to imagine what had taken place hundred years ago but I had my ideas. By the looks of the state this room was left in, Avery had already taking his treasure elsewhere. Along the walls almost life sized paintings hung portraying the pirates. Avery, Tew all the founders of Libertalia.
They were all marked with the word ‘’Thief’’ meaning the treasure was already gone by the time the citizens had fought their ways in. Looking around the room for further clues I found the last peace of the puzzle. It was so small most would have missed it, but not me.
A map was painted on the sealing, it was barely visible because most of the roof was missing. But it was there. It showed a small town named ‘’New Devon’’ inhabited by seven large mansions. One for each pirate of Avery’s crew.
Smiling to myself, proud of my findings, I found myself calling for Nate. ‘’Nate, I figur,-’’ I cut my self off mid sentence, realizing Nate wasn’t here. In that moment of happiness I longed for my best friend. I should have been here with them, with Nate and my father.
Gunshots pulled me back to reality. It sounded far away but not the less it caught my attention. In a haze I looked for a way out. It took me way more time then I had anticipated and by the time I found a way outside the sound of a gun fight had stopped.
Now standing on top of a watch tower I looked around in the hope to locate the source of the fight. But what I found was more disturbing. Shoreline men filled my few, weapons drawn. Panic filled my body and the only thing on my mind was that I needed to get the hell out of here.
Making my way down was difficult because the tower was about to collapse. Running as fast as my legs could carry me I made my way down. Just before the tower collapsed I jumped to the roof of a nearby building.
My body wasn’t used to these kinds of shenanigans any more, so the safest way was the ground. No more jumping buildings. More shots filled the air and sometimes I needed to duck to prevend myself from getting shot.
In the distance I saw Rafe running inside a gave with some of the Shoreline soldiers. I followed him and waited till I got close to make my presence known. I ran out to a small clearing leading to a ravine. ‘’Rafe!’’ I called out. All eyes where now on me and so were most of there guns. ‘’Rafe?’’ I called out again, this time with my hands in the air.
Looking around the group I saw Nate and Nadine who was held captive by someone I couldn't see its face of. The man holding Nadine shifted slightly in its place making it able for me to see his face. My eyes grew bigger from confusion. ‘’Sam?’’ My voice was shaking, my mind making over hours. ‘’I told you to stay away.’’ Rafe spatted at me. A low growl could be heard leaving Sams throat.
Snapping my attention to Rafe I spat back at him. ‘’Excuse me?’’ I was still being hold at gun point but I ignored them. With anger in his eyes Rafe took a step towards me. Trying to hold my ground I stayed put. Locking my eyes with his I looked for answers. ‘’You knew, didn’t you.’’ I asked bluntly not giving him time to talk. ‘’You knew, all this time he was alive?!’’ I felt a white rage burning in my stomach and my anger got the best of me.  
Waiting for him to confirm my theory I kept my eyes locked on his. ‘’Of course, who else did you thought broke him out for a second time.’’ Without thinking I swing my arm back and connected it with his jaw. Through the force of the impact Rafe stumbled back. By only one sign, one of the Shoreline soldiers grabbed me and put his gun to my temple.  
The safety of a gun being pulled back could be heard, coming from Sam, still holding Nadine. ‘’Let her go Sam, or she dies.’’ pointing at me Rafe kept his vision at Sam. ‘’No.’’ Sam said trough gridded teeth. ‘’Don’t make me ask again, sam.’’ A threatening hint was visible in his voice.
Nate who kept watching until now made a move no one expected. It all happened in a second. Nate moved towards his brother and unarmed him so Nadine could step free. ‘’Now let her go, Rafe.’’ Nate said trowing the gun away. ‘’I can’t quite do that yet, Nathen. I still need her.’’ Anger kept boiling up inside of me.
I lowered my head towards my chest before I yanked it back, making contact with the nose of my captor. He let me go to grab his now bloody now. Kicking the gun out of his hand sending it flying. ‘’I am done helping you, Rafe.’’ I spat my words out, filled with poison.  
A cynical laugh left his lips. ‘’I don’t think so princess. You and your not so dead boyfriend over there are going to lead me to Avery’s treasure.’’ With his pistol raised at Sam, he shot daggers at me. ‘’To bad I don’t know where it is.’’ I lied, shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly.
He wasn’t to happy with my answer. ‘’Then you better figure it out, fast, or els.’’ He threatened me. ‘’Please, I am sure we can figure something out, make a deal, find it together.’’ it was Nate he broke the silence. ‘’There is nothing to figure out. I only need one or two of you.’’ His gun shifted from Sam to Nate. ‘’No!’’ Sam and I yelled in unison. But it was to late, Rafe had pulled the trigger.
Sam jumped in front of Nate to take the bullet but it hit him in the shoulder. It was a trough and trough and it launched itself in Nate, who fell backwards to the edge, eventually falling over leaping to his faith.
The build up anger that i’ve been collecting inside bursted, I launched myself towards Rafe. One of the Shoreline men grabbed me but without luck. In a second I had disarmed him and held him under gunpoint with his own gun. ‘’Tell your men to stand down and no one gets hurt.’’ I threw a quick glance at Rafe. ‘’And who is going to hurt them, you?’’ wrong answer.
Pulling the safety back and pulled the trigger I shot the man in his back. Dead. ‘’Yes, me.’’ with an empty look in my eyes I looked at Rafe. Sam watched me from his position on the ground. An amused and proud look spread across his lips.
A vein on Rafe’s forehead was about to burst so much anger was he carrying. ‘’Maybe I only need one of you.’’ Rafe said coldly and pulled the trigger. The bulled embedded itself in my torso, falling to the ground immediately. Faintly in the distance I could hear Sam’s voice but I couldn’t figure out what he was saying.
One by one Rafe and his people left the cliff, dragging Sam with them. Leaving me to die. But one thing Rafe forgot, he doesn’t get rid of me that easily. What felt like hours I woke up.  My body felt stiff and everything hurts.
Weakly I made my way trough the cave to the shore. My last hope for survive was my dad. He owned this ridiculous old aircraft that could land on water.
Nearing the shore I saw the outlines of the aircraft, with the last strength I had in me I screamed for my dad. ‘’DAD!’’ limping closer to the water I tried again. ‘’Dad!’’ I hadn’t much strength in me left, but it was just enough for him to hear me.
For a second time I lost conscious. The next time I woke up I laid in the plain all patched up. ‘’Dad?’’ I asked silently, slightly in panic. ‘’I am here, doll.’’ I heard my father say over the sound of the plain. ‘’We are getting Nate and Elena at the north side of the island.’’ By hearing Nate’s name I shot up from my laying position. ‘’He is alive?!’’ I could barely believe it.
A tension filled the air followed by a deafening silence until I broke it. ‘’I know about Sam.’’ My dad looked at me quickly over his shoulder. ‘’Sweetheart, I am so,’’ he started but I stopped him. ‘’I understand Dad. You did it to protect me and because the whole thing with Rafe.’’
The flight was short, we landed near the shore and waited for Nate and Elena. Loud explosion could be heard in the distance. Getting closer and closer by the second. An armored car seemed to be chasing something or someone.
In horror I saw who the car was chasing, Nate. ‘’Dad, it’s Nate!’’ But my dad was already on the case and shot an RPG at the car, making it stuck on a wall. ‘’Trow me the RPG!’’ Nate yelled and my father did what he asked.
We helped Nate up de wall after the car was taken care of. Without giving him time to react I embraced him tightly. ‘’I thought you were dead.’’ I breathed in his chest, slightly crying. ‘’Me too.’’ He whispered back. 
After breaking apart I looked for Elena. ‘’Where is Elena?’’ and right after the words left my mouth she came running towards us. ‘’Hey.’’ She said before embracing each other. ‘’Hey.’’ he said back. ‘’How are you doing?’’ My father asked. ‘’Im doing good, some close calls but,’’ She stepped away from us to look at the ruins. ‘’He covered me.’’ And walking out of the ruins came Sam.
Part 6 
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