#if i didn't check the syllabus and figure out what it might be and write him a thousand word email where i quoted heidegger
wormheamer · 29 days
sorry professor but your teaching style and my mental illnesses are a match made in hell
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fractallogic · 2 years
okay. i think now the smoke has cleared up and it might be a good time to let my computer charge and my brain reset by taking a little pokewalk outside. then i'm going to make some dinner, during which i will take my computer downstairs so that i can more easily convince myself to code as many errors as humanly possible and also to edit my presentation tomorrow before lab meeting, because lord knows that's not going to happen if i have to drag myself all the way upstairs (but it might if my computer's right there, and it needs to).
then i assume we'll check in tomorrow about this fucking paper, which i don't want to touch at all anymore tonight (or tomorrow tbh, but oh well, because I think we need to submit it tomorrow and I have citation- and reviewer-response-page-number-checking duties), and idk, maybe i'll be a good sport and see if Other Postdoc wants to take the lab meeting spot i abruptly traded her for last week (and they apparently didn't even have lab meeting last week lol whoops)
then AFTER lab meeting i should buckle down and do a bunch for class prep because I have a meeting first thing wednesday with my TA and I'd like her to look over a finalized version of the syllabus and assignments and ideally some lesson plans for classes.
then on wednesday after the meeting i should do the review i said i would do, which shouldn't be too onerous because it's the second review for this paper. then i'll go back to the experiment.
thursday i really need to get a set of job documents together for an application due on oct 3. afterward i can do more interesting things during the writing meeting (finalizing the poster??).
friday I can let be a blissful day of whatever for the textbook, which will be so nice.
on the weekend I can plan some classes. and also relax. that would be a good idea. also talk to scone sometime.
monday i have to get up at the asscrack of dawn to meet my students at 9 AM on campus, across campus from where my office is, but after that i think it would be so nice to just like. plan out the quarter and figure out everything I need to do.
i can do it! everything is fine. i will do everything because it is fine. and guess what, the second half of today HAS been better. it will truly only go up from here (because from now until tomorrow morning is walk, dinner, errors, TV-watching, and bed).
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