#if her suddenly saying to us noy to share the same car is to go bg anythung
backspacingmyself · 8 months
06/02/2024, 23:15pm
Tomorrow is gonna be a whole new shit show
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psychokai1972 · 6 years
The Boss- Part 10
The Boss- Masterlist
Part 9
CEO!Sebastian Stan x CEO!Reader
Word Count: 2701
Warnings:  Romanian, fluff, angst
Summary: Y/N and Sebastian are co-CEOs of a successful company. Their relationship is not the best. It’s more a competition than anything. But eventually they’ll have to learn to cope with each other.
A/N: God, already part 10...can’t believe it and honestly don’t know how much more this will keep going on.
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Sebastian took the object in his hands, inspecting the thing as if it was the weirdest gadget he had ever laid eyes on. He knew about them, but never actually had he seen one in real life or been close to one.  Sebastian took the breast shield, positioning it on his pectoral above his shirt; on his free hand was the motor, buttoning it to make it work he realized that it would not start functioning until he put some batteries in it.
“Sebastian!What are you doing? Put that down.” Her demand came in the form of a powerful whisper, her eyes moving around them to make sure no one on the store was paying attention to them. 
Sebastian immediately left the breast pump model on it’s shelve, feeling as if a little kid  that got caught by his mom doing something he was not supposed to.
“Are we going to get one of those?” He asked gripping the shopping cart’s handle and giving one last glance at the milk sucking object.
Y/N rolled her eyes, grabbing one of the breast pumps and throwing it gently inside the metallic cart. “Yes, we are getting one of these and I hope you don’t start toying with it at  home.” She warned, walking ahead of him. 
Sebastian followed behind her, pushing the cart and waiting for her to make the next stop. The romanian’s blue eyes rested on her figure, his  gaze noticing her curves standing out in those tight black jeans. He bit his lower lip at the thought of the round ass that was under them, desiring to squeeze that soft flesh between the rough palms of his hands.
“Come here.” Y/N said to him. Sebastian’s mind left his horny side to concentrate on the moment. Leaving the cart, he moved beside her his eyes resting on the same spot hers were. They where surrounded by numerous cribs. “We need two.” 
“Two?Why two?” He asked utterly confused by her words. Y/N turned to him, his body already facing her waiting for an answer.
“We need a smaller one for the first months to keep the baby in my room, and a bigger one for when  James is big enough to be in the nursery.” Sebastian nodded, her words actually making sense. 
“ But James can stay in my room for the first months.” But as every time, his nature provoked him to argue with her.  His hands went into his front pockets, shrugging his shoulders.
“Oh sorry, I didn't know that you could suddenly breast feed.” She sighed, resting a hand on his shoulder and looking up at him with mocking eyes.
“I can’t, but that’s what the breast pump is for, right?” Sebastian moved closer to her, mimicking her movements he rested his own hand on her shoulder. He had a good argument, but she was not going to give up on it.
“Yeah, and while we are at it, why don’t we have a shared custody, dropping James every week in each others room.” Her tone was bitter, eyes moving to his touch taking the hand off her.
“Okay, I have a solution to keep all of us happy.” Sebastian’s hands clasped together, his index fingers digging into his chin slightly. “I move to your room, that way we can both be with James at night and he does not have to be with the absence of a parent.” He delivered his idea like if it was the best suggestion he had ever had.
“Unbelievable.” The woman said under her breath. “How did your mind even thought that it would make me happy?.” She asked him, not really waiting for an answer just as a method to show him that she was not convinced with his proposition nor will she accept it.
Her legs made their way to one of the cribs, it was gray with white bars. The hudson crib could be transformed into a toddler bed once the baby was no longer in need of bars for protection. She smiled, her palms slipping the smooth surface of the edge. Y/N decided she wanted that one, being perfect for when James was not only a baby but a toddler too; and that way she could also save up some money. Because, having big amounts of money didn't mean having the need to spend it all. That point of viewing the way of handling her financial receives was something she had from her childhood. It was true, she did have a more than good financial position, but her nature was humble; preferring spending her money on actual useful things that in a new car every time she got tired of her old one, even though it still works perfectly. Y/N at first did not understand those people that had ten cars and kept going on buying them; but then, with the passing years working with that kind of people she understood: they liked showing to the world the power money had given them, in a way screaming that they were more than an ordinary civilian.
But not her, she never would be like that.
“This one.” She said loud enough for Sebastian to hear, letting their previous conversation to get lost. But Sebastian already had an answer for her previous question and did not want to leave the subject behind.
“I thought  that among all the people you could have ended up having a baby with and fake engaged to,  you were happy  it is me.” He whispered into her ear, with a smirk forming at the end of the reveal.
Sebastian’s words got caught up in her brain, reliving the moment she had decided to let that confession slip out of her mouth to his sleeping figure and now regretting it. Y/N was unable to make words come out of her mouth, her heart racing inside of her as a warning. Mind wondering why didn't he say anything until that moment, it had been three weeks since she thought her secret was safe with the dark of the night.
“Spune-mi draga mea, de ce esti fericită că sunt eu? (tell me darling, why are you happy that it’s me?).” He kept his closeness to her frame, harsh but gentle hands rubbing her sides, not caring about the people around them; for the public it would just look like a couple in love enjoying each others company.
Leaving that surprise which had took over her body, she regained her composure, slowly turning to face her -fake- fiancé. Y/N moved her arms to his shoulders, resting them there and playing with the hair on the back of his head. Giving people the impression that maybe the couple was talking about the different cribs, which one would look better on the baby’s nursery. She took advantage of it, her words coming out of her lips in his own native language, making sure no one would know what they were actually talking about.
“ Pentru că noi avem o istorie împreună, pentru că te cunosc și stiu cum esti. (Because we have a history together, because I know you and know how you are.)” Her words and external expression were steady, but her insides were shaking with rage and fear. She feared that he would take advantage of it, so she needed to make it seem as if it was nothing. “ Don’t take yourself over the moon, It is just because you are the only person that I actually know deep down to the bones, dragă.” 
A wining smile formed on her lips when she saw Sebastian swallowing dry and moving his eyes away from her with an annoyed and somehow hurt smirk; although, despite her words, he didn't believe her fully. He believed that she was glad it was him because of their past together,because she knew him all to well; but just as she knew him, he knew her. Because of that, he could read through her, seeing there was something more than what her surface and statements let out to the world.
Choosing to leave the matter alone, he followed her lead.
As a last action, she rested a kiss on his cheek and pulled away from him. “This crib, what do you think about it?” She acted like nothing was wrong. 
Sebastian cleared his throat, moved to the crib and stood with his head high. “It looks good.” He said resting his hand on the wooden material and smiling at her. 
With the cart full of baby clothes, a breast pump, diapers, pacifiers, baby bottles and many other things they both found relevant for the baby; the CEOs waited outside the store for a worker of the shop to come out with their crib and baby carriage. They had reached an agreement of buying just one crib and putting James’ nursery between their rooms, that way none of them would get to spend more or less time with the baby at night.
Sebastian took one of the little pairs of baby shoes, putting them on two of his fingers and staring to play around with them.
“ But look how cute these are.” His voice was full with amazement; moving his fingers in front of her as if they were puppets. 
She rolled her eyes for what felt as the millionth time in the last hours, Sebastian had been toying with almost every baby stuff he found cute or amusing in the store.
“Are you training my patience for when the baby arrives,Seb?” She asked rhetorically shaking her head, but the corners of her mouth betrayed her moving up and forming a small smile that she quickly tried hiding. “Wait, hold the shoes next to your face and smile.” Y/N said taking her phone out of her purse and opening the camera.
Sebastian did as told, pulling out the best smile he could. “ How sweet, you want memories of us shopping for the baby!” He said throwing the shoes in the cart and moving to her, gripping her cheeks as if she was an infant. 
“No.” She said grabbing his hands and moving them from her face. “I want a picture to put it on instagram, that’s what people do right? Share their lives on the internet; we need to seem as a real couple on every area.” The CEO caressed the spot where his fingers had previously been, feeling them still hot from his gripping.
Sebastian crossed his arms on his chest resting his body on his car behind him, he saw two employees coming out of the shop’s warehouse with their now belongings. The romanian gave Y/N the car keys, she opened the car’s trunk seeing Sebastian approach the workers and helping them get the crib and baby carriage on the car. They said their thank yous to the workers and left the place.
“The board has me on my nerves.” Y/N annoyingly said rubbing her temples and sinking her body more into the comfortable couch. “They always complain that we have to keep up with your father’s ideas and they are so old and have this way of thinking that keeps making us fall backwards. I hate them, can’t we just fire them?”
Sebastian from the other end of the long furniture turned his gaze from the TV to her. Y/N had one of the light gray pillows on her holding, pressing it against her chest and chin resting on it.
“No we can’t, because they are part of the reason we are where we are Y/N.” The mother of his child sighed at his words and playfully threw the pillow at him. He caught it in the air, preventing it from hitting him. “I find it enervating too. We should do something to make it clear that we are the ones that rule the company now, not my father.” 
It was hard for them to keep the board happy, they were so loyal to his father and the initial project he had for the company; but those days had passed and they still put up a fight every time Sebastian and Y/N came up with new suggestions because  the two CEOs were young and had  modern minded points of view.
She moved from her laying position and rested her body weight on her knees. “ Sebastian that is brilliant!” She said with excitement thinking of something to make the company’s name remind people of them and not of Mr. Stan. 
The bulb lighted up inside her brain. “We should create a charity, give a percentage of our incomes to people in need, help kids all over the world get an education and prevent people from starving.” Her eyes connected with his ocean like ones, interviewing her hands as if she was praying waiting for him to say yes.
Sebastian smiled at her, finding her idea appealing he nodded, agreeing with it. “ The charity would not just help people, it will help the company too.” The man said standing up from the couch. “We should also turn some aspect of the business environmentally friendly, it would bring to us new companies to work with and our benefits and names will go up.” It took him so much not to jump in the spot as a little kid from excitement.
She was about to say something when she felt a sudden pressure in her belly. Her eyebrows frowning in confusion and her gaze going down to the spot not realizing what was happening. Y/N saw a part of her belly outstanding from it’s round shape and felt the pushing. 
“Oh my god.” She gasped unbelievingly, tears rushing out of her eyes.
Sebastian’s gaze met her figure, alarmed by her words and tears run to her and rested his hands on her shoulders.
“Y/N, are you okay? It’s the baby okay?” He asked worried briefly looking down and her belly and then back again at her beautiful features. 
She just nodded, lifting her eyes from her body to meet with his and trying to make the words come out of her lips to calm him down. Sebastian was breathing heavily, concerned for her health and the baby's.
“It’s kicking...” She said faintly, her voice recovering from the sudden joyful surprise. “The baby, James’ kicking, Seb.” Y/N finally managed to say between warm tears.
Her words took some moments to reach Sebastian’s mind and comprehend them, small ‘whats’ coming out of his throat. Realization hit him when she lifted her shirt over her belly and took his hand in hers resting it on her naked growing bump. Sebastian felt it, the strong kick of his son through her skin.
“I-I think he liked our ideas.” Y/n said with happiness on her tone and giggles escaping her mouth. 
Sebastian’s eyes made their way continuously between the spot where both their hands rested and her eyes. He smiled resting a kiss on her cheek and lowered his head to her stomach caressing the smooth skin.
“Hey James, it’s your dad. We gave you a name since the last time I talked to you. I think I should talk to you more often, so you know me, what do you think, buddy?”  Sebastian waited to see if something would happen, and his expectations were fulfilled, James kicked again. They both smiled. Y/N looked down at him, realizing that she would never get used to seeing Sebastian talk to her belly, to the baby inside her. “ Listen, we bought you some clothes, they are the cutest.” She laughed at his words. “Talk to you later, bud.I love you.” He softly whispered into her skin, kissing the spot where their son had previously pushed.
“You dork.” Y/N smirked pulling her shirt back down. Sebastian sat beside her, arm  wrapping around her shoulders and pulling her body closer to his. She found herself resting her head on his shoulder letting his free hand rub her bump.
“It appears that we have the approval of our son, what else do we need to make our position clear?” It melted her hear every time she head him talking about James as their son. Every thing in the last  months was about them, not him and her separately, just them as one. She oddly found comfort in it.
“It’s damn time to make it ours.” She solemnly said hiding her face in the crook of his neck and letting his cologne drown her.
Part 11
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