#if he's a serial killer why is he so little meow meow coded
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baltharino · 10 months ago
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DEXTER | 1x07 "Circle of Friends"
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i-am-literally-deranged · 3 years ago
Actually you know what I WILL criticize you on the hottest dating sim character.
Shuu Iwamine is objectively more attractive than Yuuya, and here is a neat bulleted list of why I think so:
He evil. Everyone likes someone evil and a little bit irreparably damaged.
Long hair,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, tied up in a cute little bow
Those EYES. We've all seen the "Unique!! White blue-eyed boy!" but I've seen people drool over those deep purple eyes
Tired all the time. Relatable
Constantly drawn covered in blood. People go crazy over that
He berates the player but occasionally gives them validation, which is enough to make most people coming back for more (as ill-advised as that may be)
Oh I love a good debate!!!! :D
• I actually think that irreparably damaged but still NOT evil is the hottest variety of character! It's easy to be traumatized and evil, but it takes some real SUBSTANCE to be more than that. Yuuya has some real dimension to him! He's incredibly selfless! He murdered a baby. He's incredibly loyal! He mutilated one of his best friends' body and covered up her murder. He's such a truly good person! How many students died while he was on the job? But Shuu is just plain evil. Sure there is dimension to him, but I don't find it COMPELLING. I can't get into Shuu's head and see myself making the same decisions he did. I can't justify or rationalize any of the things he did. That's a lot less hot to me than someone like Hitori or Yuuya who come in all these lovely shades of gray. Their bad deeds are so UNDERSTANDABLE, so genuine. They're more understandable, more sympathetic, and so it's easy to feel closer to them. I can't imagine feeling close to Shuu. The things he does are too evil, and don't make as much sense. When Yuuya does something awful it makes SENSE. It feels like an almost inevitable tragedy, there's no other way it could have gone, there was no right answer and he took the best way out he knew how. THAT'S SOME HOT TRAGEDY RIGHT THERE, REAL SHAKESPEAREAN SHIT!! THE GOOD STUFF!! When Shuu commits atrocities it's like. Ah, it's Tuesday. He just does it because it's What He Does. He's evil, and a terrible decision maker, and that's why he does what he does. And honestly, as much as I love the shades of gray, and the appeal of villainous characters is undeniable, I'm a real sucker for the good guys. I've never been one to fall into the tumblr sexyman trend of loving the villains. I love heroes and anti-heros! Good people in bad situations, just doing their best in a world without any right answers. Nothing makes me UwU💕 more than that.
• okay you got me there. Shuu's hair is fantastic. I love it. And his bow is amazing you're so right. ALTHOUGH credit where credit is due, Yuuya's little hair clips! They're so cute.
• Okay but HAVE YOU SEEN YUUYA'S SMILE??? It's so charming!!!!!! You can just FEEL the warmth in it. It's playful, it's easygoing, it's charming, it's mysterious. And as we all know!!! Mystery IS the most powerful of aphrodisiacs after all! Shuu has those purple eyes, but his smile says serial killer, and it's not lying. Yuuya's smile strikes my heart still! Also, Shuu's purple colour scheme is physically part of him, he didn't make that cool style decision himself. But Yuuya having all orange matching accessories?? That's so cute!! He planned that, made a conscious decision to colour code himself in orange. It makes me think that maybe it's his favourite colour. Shuu was handed the purple aesthetic life, but Yuuya chose and intentionally curated an orange aesthetic for himself, and I think that's wonderful.
• Okay but have you considered that Yuuya is also frequently covered in blood, and it's almost always his own blood? Being drenched in your own blood is SO much better than being drenched in somebody else's. It's more sanitary, and it gives poor little meow meow points. Yuuya covered in his own blood is infinitely hotter than Shuu covered in anonymous blood from somewhere unknown. What can you do with a Shuu covered in blood? Where do you GO from there? But a Yuuya covered in blood, that's the start of a hurt/comfort fanfic in the making! You can like, take him home and patch him up. There's places to go with that, there's a plotline in the making. Ergo, Yuuya's blood is hotter than Shuu's.
• I am immune to this effect on account of not being into degradation. Also, if Shuu's subtle praise is worth coming back for, what about Yuuya's flirtations? They're genuine compliments AND kind of a funny joke at the same time. That's the best of both worlds. You can joke with him about it, AND feel good about all the nice things he said about you. They're fun and cute, and some of the nice things he says are pretty genuinely sweet.
Some further points,
•With Yuuya you can get into these action packed near death experiences. Nothing more attractive than that, a "You and me against the world" partnership in a world that wants you dead. That's the best kind of bonding experience there is, and so logically, doing super spy stuff with Yuuya makes for an objectively fantastic date. Bonding through danger! A partnership where you trust eachother with your lives, literally! You can't get that kind of thing with Shuu, because Shuu IS the danger.
•ALSO Yuuya would Treat Me Right, and I know this with absolute confidence. Shuu is limited in his potential hotness by the fact that you can never really get close to him without getting murdered. But Yuuya? Yuuya cares. Yuuya would literally die for you. Yuuya is loyal, and kind, and just a damn good guy all around. He cares so much! He's such a good friend. Just look at the way he interacts with Sakuya. Or better, how he interacts with Ryouta, who he has no real connection with or obligation to, but still treats with so much kindness even though Ryouta is so hard on him. You gotta appreciate how much Would Treat Me Right energy Yuuya brings to the table
• I have terminal I Can Fix Him disease, and Yuuya's abysmally low self esteem makes me foam at the mouth. Every time something horrible happens to him I go absolutely feral, and bad things happen to Yuuya a lot. The more a character suffers the hotter they are. This is an objective fact.
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gffa · 7 years ago
I’M STILL STUCK IN STAR WARS HELL COME JOIN ME IT’S A LOT OF FUN AND DEFINITELY NOT HEARTBREAKING. HONEST, I PROMISE. STAR WARS FIC RECS: ✦ Equinox by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, 48.2k wip    During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin crash on a remote planet and take shelter in the ruins of a grand estate only to find they are not alone. ✦ And There Shall I Find by ambiguously, anakin & leia, 5.6k    After her shuttle crashes on a desolate world, Leia has only one person to keep her company. ✦ Certain Point by esama, obi-wan & anakin/padme & dooku & cast, time travel, 15k wip    In which Ben Kenobi travels back in time to a turning point in history. ✦ untitled by swhurtcomfort, obi-wan & anakin & cast, sickfic, h/c, ~1k    Anakin wakes up to a world that’s still spinning. ✦ untitled by swhurtcomfort, obi-wan & anakin & kix & cody, sickfic, ~1k    Just wanted to write something schmoopy and cute for @finish-the-clone-wars ‘s Writing Wednesday prompt: Virus ✦ Negotiation by Glare, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & bail & cast, NSFW, dark!obi-wan, modern au, serial killer au, dark themes, 86.7k    Over a year ago, Coruscant Police Detective Anakin Skywalker vanished without a trace while hunting the prolific serial killer known within the media as “The Negotiator”. Now, Skywalker has been found and rescued from captivity in a cabin deep within the Naboo wilderness, the only known survivor of an encounter with The Negotiator. The only question on anyone’s mind is: What happened during his time away? ✦ untitled by subskywalker, obi-wan/anakin NSFW, modern au, ~1k    Anakin could only hold onto the counter in the restroom and try to keep quiet as Ben gripped his hips hard enough to leave bruises and fuck into him. ✦ Pursuit by Icse, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, modern au, 8.5k wip    Anakin Skywalker is a Grand Prix jumper transitioning into the Eventing world. While his scores are good during the cross-country and show jumping phases of Eventing, his dressage scores are abysmal. His sponsor sets him up as a working student for two-time Dressage Gold Medalist Ben Kenobi to help him pursue his dream of competing in the Olympics. ✦ untitled by darthcuddles, obi-wan/anakin, modern au, ~1k    Anakin rushes through the hall of the local vet, a black and white kitten in his jacket, and the blood of the little creature streaming down his chest. The nails are dug deeply into his skin, but he ignores his own pain for the little meows coming from the kitten. ✦ untitled by frost-and-stars, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, ~1k    gffa asked: SEXY MEME #15 - Make sure you leave a mark., Obikin. Anakin likes feeling the marks Obi-Wan leaves on him (biting? finger-shaped bruises on his hips? rope marks from where they pressed into his skin?), always urging for more, because he wants to see them the next day and be reminded! ✦ untitled by mthingthepoint, obi-wan/anakin/padme, dragon!anakin, ~1k    puelhathnofury asked: YOU OWE ME THE PREQUELS DRAGON OT3 ✦ Sky Walkers by esama, anakin & rex & hevy & fives & echo, 3.8k    In which some clones rescue a Jedi in the deserts of Tatooine (aka, Jedi as a species of living spaceships because, y'know, why not? ✦ Identity by madame_alexandra, 353.9k    A distress signal reaches Coruscant after the Empire’s demise, claiming to be the beacon of Bail Organa. what would the reappearance of Leia’s adoptive father mean for her life in a post ROTJ context. What would he think of Han Solo, and what could he tell her about the dark shadow of her heritage? H/L; significantly AU, I suppose. ✦ Disappointment by Icse, obi-wan/anakin, au, a/b/o, 1.6k    All Anakin wants is a child. As an omega and the Prince Consort with access to the best doctors in the Galaxy, it shouldn’t be this hard to get pregnant. He can’t help but feel like a disappointment at yet another failure. full details + recs under the cut
✦ Equinox by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, 48.2k wip    During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin crash on a remote planet and take shelter in the ruins of a grand estate only to find they are not alone.    Chapter 9: This is an update rec and will focus on this chapter, rather than the fic as a whole, and will contain SPOILERS by this point. So, this is a chapter where Some Shit Happens, maybe not explosively yet, but certainly and important and massively looming for what it’s going to mean–and it’s all done in such a way that it’s clear that this is exactly where it was going since the beginning. One of my favorite things about lilyconrad’s writing is that I feel this sense often from her stories, that I have a few guesses, I can maybe tell a bit of the framework, but I can never guess exactly, I’m always surprised by something, and yet I look back, even having analyzed everything with ridiculous zeal, and it was obvious that she’d laid the groundwork for it. I figured the Sith versions weren’t gone, they’d pop up in some manner, but I didn’t quite expect them to become real like this–or whatever it’s going to mean! I could guess that it was Isten who walked out to meet Obi-Wan in the rain to give him a cloak, but the scene between Veris and Anakin still surprised the hell out of me. And, god, that is so satisfying, to be able to have some guess about the shape of things, but the details surprise me, some stuff still hits me out of nowhere while being a perfect fit, like, okay, sure, this fic is tailored to exactly what appeals to me! But it’s honestly one of the author’s best for me, especially in terms of sheer storytelling structure.    I love that I’m still analying things–was it the sex that made them real?? because I noticed that the positions used by Obi-Wan and Anakin were verysimilar to the first time Anakin saw Isten and Veris in the gardens, which thenmade the line of how Veris couldn’t do anything unless Obi-Wan had done it first stand out in new relief. Obviously, the Sith were always about reflections of pieces of them, not the whole of them, but the darker and bent versions of some part of them, so Obi-Wan watching Veris fucking Isten, the way his thoughts turned to his own past experiences and some young noble from a past encounter riding him the way Isten rode Veris, the intimacy of Isten’s glove being off, all that takes on new meaning and makes me wonder about the future, if that’s what’s next for them or if their paths are diverging now that the Sith are real! And is all of this what the Shadow was in the house or is there still something more? Is it the Force in a Nexus here or something more self-aware? Either one offers such intriguing possibilities!!    One of the other details that jumped out at me as being perfect, is how precious the Jedi are to them, which appeals so much to me, yessss, because it fits with the themes so much better, that these aren’t canon Sith, these are something else, these are reflections of the Jedi given life, so they come from the Jedi, of course they’d be precious, of course they love each other and so the Sith would love them as well, Anakin is still Anakin to Veris and Obi-Wan is still Obi-Wan to Isten, after all. And their mirrored selves may be somewhat loathesome for the parts they hate about themselves, but they are still precious because they are themselves. It makes the knowing each other all the more delicious, that Veris’ final line of how he’s not going to hurt Anakin, but he thinks Anakin might like it if he did all the more tension-laden and satisfying, because it’s not about disinterest or anything, but a different kind of danger, the kind that lures me right into the story and various dynamics all over again.    The tension of the story is so nicely done as well, that it’s wound together with the way these characters would behave–that Obi-Wan doesn’t register Isten as Isten instead of Anakin, because he’s in his own thoughts, because Isten behaves like Anakin would in that moment, even when I could tell the difference, because it made sense with what I knew that Obi-Wan didn’t, I wholly believed that Obi-Wan wouldn’t. Especially caught up in thoughts of his night with Anakin and, oh, I love that, yes, it’s perfect that he didn’t regret it for having done it, that it’s not like it’s against the Jedi Code (because that’s factually wrong ♥) but instead about exactly what it should be and why the Jedi would be concerned–not because sex or love are wrong (they’re not), but because it puts his priorities and focus out of balance. Because Obi-Wan recognizes the part of himself that is possessive about Anakin, that’s wild and ready to be taken off the hook Obi-Wan has it on, that he’s wary and afraid of his own fire, because he knows what it’s capable of. Because he loves Anakin so deeply (and so much that it blinded him in canon, that was the problem, not the love itself, and this reflection or extension of that is so good for me here!) that balance will be incredibly difficult to come by for them, that is what he’s concerned about. That it’s exactly as Obi-Wan would do–he meditates on it, doesn’t knee-jerk reject it, but instead analyzes it and lets it settle. YES AND MORE YES.    So, yes, I enjoyed this chapter a lot and had a ton to say about it and there were some delicious moments (Isten swinging a leg up over Veris to straddle him, now that they’re real and free, was especially nice, thank you) and so much that I’m still chewing on and so many lovely moments of character insight that absolutely nailed who these characters are, so that, yes, every word of this unecessarily long rec (that’s probably not even of use to people who aren’t already reading! orz) was actually indeed necessary. ♥ ✦ Equinox by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, sith!obi-wan, 48.2k wip    During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin crash on a remote planet and take shelter in the ruins of a grand estate only to find they are not alone.    Chapter 10: This is an update rec and will be focusing on this chapter, rather than the fic as a whole! Also, there will be SPOILERS by this point! Oh, man, this chapter was intense and I could hardly unwind from the sheer tension of reading it, the confrontation between the newly real Sith versions against the Jedi versions and something else! I didn’t so much as glance up from the screen the entire time I was reading because I couldn’t look away, that the Shadow crept into the room with them, wrapped itself around Obi-Wan and the fic found that line between having an impact and being too over the top, that instead it was in the sweet spot of moody and atmospheric and creepy and would be terrifying for the people experiencing. But, oh, what this fic does is makes the characters (and me, the reader!) uneasy about what’s happening here, that the Sith versions aren’t what we expect or precisely know what to do with, we don’t know their motivations, and little pieces that we get along the way aren’t necessarily wholly trustworthy, in a way that’s been built up from the beginning. All of the structure of the story is something I’ve been enjoying and legitimately delighted by/respecting as a story, even as it hits my id right on.    But, oh, yes, it definitely hits my id, too. Veris leaning over Anakin, who is paryalzed by seeing Obi-Wan’s face and just the way he reacts to someone that he loves being so commanding and lethal, the way Obi-Wan isn’t fully himself in the scene, that the darkness (whatever it is) creeps over him and into his mind and makes him so much more dangerous and not himself, but in a way that works with whatever is going on in this house, oh, I ate that up like it was the most delicious thing. Because it steals in through his protectiveness for Anakin, that the thought of Anakin being hurt is what allows it in, ohhhh, yes. And then!! AND THEN. The Sith versions finding the Jedi versions precious because… well, possibly because they’re who their beloved came from, who they themselves came from, because who knows, but they do and that is something I am so wholly here for. Veris’ reactions to Isten being in genuine danger, that the themes of his character and Obi-Wan’s are so interesting to play with here, that he provokes and cuts with just the right words, not realizing (even when he himself sprung from Obi-Wan) just want he’s unleashing. And yet this does not take away from the absolute core of who Obi-Wan Kenobi is, a Master Jedi and someone who loves, someone who is grounded in good, that they’re both parts of him, that Obi-Wan is a character about knowing that darkness in himself and not letting it control him, and Veris is not him and yet is a reflection of him in a way, and I love all of it.    That it’s tied up in the relationship between Obi-Wan and Anakin–the Shadow sneaks in through that love, that Veris shows something much more real when Isten is threatened and possibly hurt, that it’s tied up with Anakin’s healing (because Veris, born of darkness, probably can’t?) of Isten (or at least checking on him) because of that love between them. Everything is tied up in that love, that Obi-Wan loves Anakin and Anakin loves Obi-Wan. And it’s such a natural, organic progression–like, two chapters I was thinking Anakin was the one that the Shadow would sneak into, but then no! It’s Obi-Wan! And it made absolute sense to me! And I still am not sure what it wants, if it wants them all dead, wants them all sundered into darkness, if it wants Anakin’s power, if it wants Obi-Wan’s power, or what. I love that the moment of truce between Anakin and Veris was based on seeing Veris’ love for Isten, that of course that’s what makes him more of a person to Anakin. I love everything here and the mystery of what’s going on, just what is in that house, and where it’s all going and how things will end. It’s so good and this chapter still has me feeling wound up from how beautifully intense it was! ✦ And There Shall I Find by ambiguously, anakin & leia, 5.6k    After her shuttle crashes on a desolate world, Leia has only one person to keep her company.    Oh, this was a really lovely, bittersweet in just the right ways, kind of piece. It’s exactly what it says–Leia crashes on a remote world and hits her head so she can’t ignore the Force Ghost trailing around after her like she usually does. And it’s clear how much she hates him and how much anger is still in her, how much fire she still has in her, even as she has so much love still, that it breaks her heart that she was trying to meet Ben again, that he’s going to think she just didn’t show up, and all she has to get through it, is the ghost of the father that she never wanted, not her real father that she does. Anakin trying to respect her wishes and yet so dearly wanting more with her, the bits of humor and trying to help her, the bitterness of their situation mixed with the sweetness of it, is spot on to the characters, it really is just the right amounts of everything in all directions and was a very satisfying read! ✦ Certain Point by esama, obi-wan & anakin/padme & dooku & cast, time travel, 15k wip    In which Ben Kenobi travels back in time to a turning point in history.    Oh, I love time travel fic and dropping Obi-Wan back into the beginning of the Clone Wars has me hooked already! I do have a few caveats in that the fic kind of really kind of seems to misunderstand the Jedi and their ideals (at least as far as I’ve read!), as well as I’m not sure I buy that Obi-Wan Kenobi would express some of the things he has (though, a lot I’m attributing to Anakin and Dooku’s points of view, which absolutely does make sense!), as well as it’s trying to stitch old Jedi Apprentice events to The Clone Wars canon and it doesn’t quite work, as well as is wrong about some factual stuff like Obi-Wan says Sifo-Dyas created the clone arm by order of the Senate in the movie. But if you can roll with those things (and this is genuinely not a drubbing on the fic, merely that I want to encourage people past these things! and that I tend to notice things more the better the writing is, because a lesser fic wouldn’t stand out so nicely), the writing is engaging as all hell and I absolutely have feelings and I greatly enjoyed the scenes between Obi-Wan and Anakin, especially Anakin’s sense of growing quiet panic that Obi-Wan seems distant, feels like he’s not there anymore, and it really captures the sense of a young adult who is on the cusp of indepence and the terror that he feels, especially for someone like Anakin who is so very needy and emotionally dependent. I’m also greatly enjoying Dooku’s view of Obi-Wan and how he wants to turn Obi-Wan to the Dark Side but recognizes that he can’t and the way his character feels almost unsettled about it, like he’s seeing some things about himself that the canon Dooku never had the impetus to do.    The plot of the story in the four chapters I’d read as of the writing of this rec carried me through, so even when I had some caveats and doubts about it, there was no way I was putting it down. The writing itself really is spectacular and so, so addictive and the author certainly knows how to write a story that I eat up with a spoon and makes me desperate to know what’s going to happen next! The plot itself is very solidly done and the time travel is very well done in that I am so, so here for knowing how this moment is what can be the changing moment! Definitely one of the fics I’m most excited about right now! ✦ untitled by swhurtcomfort, obi-wan & anakin & cast, sickfic, h/c, ~1k    Anakin wakes up to a world that’s still spinning.    This is the fic I read first from these authors (though, I believe I’ve enjoyed their work elsewhere, too! ♥) and it’s the one that immediately made me fall in love all over again, that it’s such a good Anakin voice, how grumpy and bratty he can be, but it’s in such an adorable and charming way for it, that it’s obviously layered over a deep and incredible love. The way Obi-Wan reverts to calling him “Padawan” when he’s sick, the way he gently touches Anakin who is so miserably sick, it’s so telling and spot on for the character, you can feel how much Obi-Wan loves him in a very Obi-Wan Kenobi sort of way. It’s a fic that hit at my id and all the things I wanted out of h/c sickfic, but is also genuinely well written and spot on. It’s short but it was the perfect length and so very satisfying! ✦ untitled by swhurtcomfort, obi-wan & anakin & kix & cody, sickfic, ~1k    Just wanted to write something schmoopy and cute for @finish-the-clone-wars ‘s Writing Wednesday prompt: Virus    This was another lovely fic from swhurtcomfort, this time with Obi-Wan under the weather and, of course, with that incredible tank nature of his he doesn’t go down easily, which frustrates the people around him, but there’s still a sense of things not being too silly about it or over the top, instead it feels much more grounded than that, and so I was even more in love! And, oh, when Anakin shows up, that Obi-Wan is more gentle with him, that there’s a different dynamic there, that also a bit that it’s that the Jedi are just kind of weird to outsiders, all of it is so very lovely. ✦ Negotiation by Glare, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & bail & cast, NSFW, dark!obi-wan, modern au, serial killer au, dark themes, 86.7k    Over a year ago, Coruscant Police Detective Anakin Skywalker vanished without a trace while hunting the prolific serial killer known within the media as “The Negotiator”. Now, Skywalker has been found and rescued from captivity in a cabin deep within the Naboo wilderness, the only known survivor of an encounter with The Negotiator. The only question on anyone’s mind is: What happened during his time away?    Final Chapters: I’ve written recs for this fic as it was in progress, but now that it’s finished I’m going to aim for one that’s a more general rec for the entire fic at once! This is a fic that you definitely need to roll with the concept with when you walk in the door, that this is not the Obi-Wan Kenobi of canon, but instead that he’s a negative image of the character we love, that everything good about Obi-Wan is dark and terrible in this version of Kenobi, that it’s a version of him that is similar on the surface, where they share the trappings (the politeness, the formality, the predatory abilities under the kind surface) but presents instead an Obi-Wan Kenobi who is as dark as the canon one is good. If you can roll with that, this is a fascinating look at obsession and stalking and Stockholm Syndrome and that the fic warmly embraces these things, that it finds a balance between not trying to justify any of this with appealing to what I’m here for in the relationship between these two characters. This is a fic that, yes, is about breaking down Anakin Skywalker until he goes along with whatever Obi-Wan wants, but it’s also a fic about something warm between them, something charismatic and hellishly engaging for me to read!    And that’s where this fic gets me! All the things that I might have been wary about before stepping into it, that it’s so different from the canon I know and love, that this is such a different take on these characters, that it’s about murder and serial killings, is balanced by how there’s something that makes me root for these characters to be together, for Anakin to stop struggling between his two worlds, for me to be able to just dive right into the beautiful trash fire that these characters’ lives are. That there’s a glimmer of something I recognize still there and that I hold onto, that’s what really won my heart with this fic. That and it’s just incredibly engaging, that it doesn’t drag things out just to drag them out, but instead the pacing really allowed for showing the long journey these characters took, from the beginning to where they ultimately ended up, to show the how of Anakin’s slow breaking apart, in a way that a 20k fic just couldn’t have done. It was the perfect length and ended exactly how I would have wanted things to end and hit so, so many of my buttons along the way.    I’m not kidding when I say there’s something incredibly charismatic about this story, that it appeals to the dark fic desires I have, while not trying to pretend to be something it’s not, yet still getting at that shipper heart of mine. It also has so many moments where I was just incredibly invested, where I wound up rooting for these characters (and I do think there’s a similarity to the NBC Hannibal in a really good way, it captured that same sense of heroes and villains and the connection between them even when they disagree morally) and was practically tied up into a pretzel by the end of the fic when I just so badly wanted them to somehow end up together. There’s also some really spectacularly satisfying sex, that chapter where there’s this moment of pause right before Obi-Wan finally pushes into him, that moment that is just full of everything that this means and lets the weight of it really sink in, that went along with the ridiculously hot porn, and that just made the whole thing better. All of this was a super satisfying fic and a hell of an experience that I’m glad I got to enjoy! ✦ untitled by subskywalker, obi-wan/anakin NSFW, modern au, ~1k    Anakin could only hold onto the counter in the restroom and try to keep quiet as Ben gripped his hips hard enough to leave bruises and fuck into him.    This ficlet came along at exactly the right time for what I needed to get me interested in reading Star Wars fic again, because it’s pwp and really only about the sex, it’s one of those that’s designed to appeal right to my id in that way that satisfies me, and, boy, did it do exactly that. Anakin getting fucked over a bathroom counter while Obi-Wan tells him to keep watching himself in the mirror, the slightly rough edge to the sex, the slight undercurrent of d/s to it, the satisfying and super hot sex, all of it just made my brain light up exactly as it was supposed to, god bless. ✦ Pursuit by Icse, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, modern au, 8.5k wip    Anakin Skywalker is a Grand Prix jumper transitioning into the Eventing world. While his scores are good during the cross-country and show jumping phases of Eventing, his dressage scores are abysmal. His sponsor sets him up as a working student for two-time Dressage Gold Medalist Ben Kenobi to help him pursue his dream of competing in the Olympics.    Speaking of fics that have sparked me back into wanting to read more! This is another one that hits me right in the id, where it’s this soft-hearted modern AU fic that is clearly a work of love from the author and designed to appeal to what I want out of it, it’s just warm and soft and kind, even when it’s kind of angsty. But a fluffy kind of angst, which is exactly what I wanted! It’s a fic that’s meant to be picked up when you want something like a fuzzy blanket to wrap around you, when you just want an AU where it’s about the author’s love of horses and riding, where Anakin is a bit of a brat, where there’s flirting and pining on both sides, where the pacing is reasonably lengthy (and will probably be 15k when all finished, I guess) without being drawn out, and it’s just sweet and fun. It’s one of those fics that runs full-tilt at all the soft things in Obikin fandom and gives them the biggest hug and has such charm to it, that there’s such care and affection here, that the horse riding stuff is genuinely fun to read about and, ugh, I just love this and it’s like sinking into a warm, comforting bath when I get a new chapter. ✦ untitled by darthcuddles, obi-wan/anakin, modern au, ~1k    Anakin rushes through the hall of the local vet, a black and white kitten in his jacket, and the blood of the little creature streaming down his chest. The nails are dug deeply into his skin, but he ignores his own pain for the little meows coming from the kitten.    This is another fic that I read at the right time to perk me back up, because I just want kind and soft things right now, I want cute stories where these two love each other or are just meeting and are wildly attracted to each other and there’s an instant connection and such charm to the way it’s written. It’s a story for when you want a warm, fluffy blanket, a bite-sized ficlet that’s just really cute! ✦ untitled by frost-and-stars, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, ~1k    gffa asked: SEXY MEME #15 - Make sure you leave a mark., Obikin. Anakin likes feeling the marks Obi-Wan leaves on him (biting? finger-shaped bruises on his hips? rope marks from where they pressed into his skin?), always urging for more, because he wants to see them the next day and be reminded!    Oh, this may be short, a little over 250 words, but it was exactly what I needed at the time it was posted and it’s beautifully written, frost-and-stars has a lovely way with the imagery in this piece, and lovely characterization as well in just a few lines. That Anakin is so greedy here, wants all the more even when he’s already getting fucked, wants the bruises and bites so that he can feel them again later, can remember them and know they were given by Obi-Wan, wants to push himself back onto Obi-Wan all the harder, even as Obi-Wan is already taking him apart, oh, it’s just my favorite Anakin. The desperate, greedy one who loves so deeply and wants this so very, very much. Beautiful and super hot, bless. ✦ untitled by mthingthepoint, obi-wan/anakin/padme, dragon!anakin, ~1k    puelhathnofury asked: YOU OWE ME THE PREQUELS DRAGON OT3    Oh, I really enjoyed this! It’s short and of course I would have loved more, but as a snippet ficlet there’s such lovely imagery here, the way Obi-Wan and Padme balance this wild, powerful creature that is Anakin, that they help soothe over his rough spots, and you can see why they fall in love with this brilliant creature. It’s lovely for how they want him as well, and how much it caught my imagination and started spinning things out of it. A lovely read! ✦ Sky Walkers by esama, anakin & rex & hevy & fives & echo, 3.8k    In which some clones rescue a Jedi in the deserts of Tatooine (aka, Jedi as a species of living spaceships because, y'know, why not?    This is one of those fics that’s delightfully weird and knows it, just embraces that and has a fun, light-hearted time about it! It explains what you need to know, but doesn’t go any further than it needs to, so instead it’s just this fun, odd read that’s engaging, where Jedi are living spaceships and the clone squad comes across Anakin on Tatooine and it’s adorable and sad and weird and fun all at the same time! ✦ Identity by madame_alexandra, 353.9k    A distress signal reaches Coruscant after the Empire’s demise, claiming to be the beacon of Bail Organa. what would the reappearance of Leia’s adoptive father mean for her life in a post ROTJ context. What would he think of Han Solo, and what could he tell her about the dark shadow of her heritage? H/L; significantly AU, I suppose.    I picked this fic up because I was really curious to see what a fic that brought Bail Organa back would be like and I found a story that is very, very well-written, though it feels more Legends-based and it’s very, very much a Han/Leia story. I think, if you’re a fan of the pairing, this fic is going to be absolute catnip, you’ll roll around in it and have stuff to read for days and it will keep you totally enthralled! For those on the fence, the fic does prioritize that relationship above everything else and I found myself wishing that the other people in Leia’s life had some kind of narrative weight to them, because this is basically entirely about the Han/Leia relationship, how they are everything to each other, how they become each other’s whole world, how their time together is full of banter and love and everything else they’re trying to process after the war–but I couldn’t fault the fic for it, it’s tagged the right way and it’s obvious the fic is having a great time and embracing what it wants to embrace, and if this had been the ship of my heart, I’d have written a five paragraph long flailing screed about it and nothing could have stopped me! I recommend it because I think it will appeal to Han/Leia fans and I did enjoy the parts I read (though, it took about 50k for them to find Bail, this is a very slow burn of a fic, though, I wouldn’t say it drags! the whole point is the journey there) and it’s a nice fic to have in the fandom! ✦ Disappointment by Icse, obi-wan/anakin, au, a/b/o, 1.6k    All Anakin wants is a child. As an omega and the Prince Consort with access to the best doctors in the Galaxy, it shouldn’t be this hard to get pregnant. He can’t help but feel like a disappointment at yet another failure.    This is another fic that’s about embracing a trope and a thing that has personal meaning for the author, you can feel that coming through, but it was such a sweet and kind-hearted story, that it was about working through something and the crushing feelings that of course Anakin would feel, how he has these mood spirals when things don’t go well, and that can be cathartic to write and/or read for the audience. But that ultimately it was a hopeful story, that Anakin is going through these difficult feelings and it’s not like a hug can just magic them away or anything, but Obi-Wan is so in love with him and devoted to him that they’ll find a way to muddle through together. It was lovely and perfect exactly as it was, I’m so glad the author shared it with us.
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