#if he ends up losing his job. idk what we'll do.
mothbeasts · 2 years
the state of the tech industry is very scary right now .
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strawberrynightmere · 3 months
Bad Cats!!! [Part 3]
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Warning ⚠️: yandere tendencies, mention of (temporary?) re-homing, mention of financial struggling (idk how to exactly put it), an attempt at writing a professional sounding email.
A/n: Sorry, this took a while, I had things to do. This is a bit longer than what I expected.
It finally happened. Your boss' incompetence has set back the whole company. You knew it would happen eventually, but you thought that by then, you'd be working somewhere else. There's still no reply from the places you applied to and the bills! What are you going to do now? The obvious thing is to cut your food supply short, but that's still not enough.
And how are you going to take care of Andrew and Ashley? You can't just toss them outside. That's inhumane! You've grown attached to those two and they have also grown attached to you. Besides, they've been living here with you for some time, and you're afraid they won't be able to adjust to the streets again.
All of this has been brought up in your conversation with Julia. Unlike Nina, Julia knew how to offer helping you.
"What if I take them in until you get back to your feet."
"You would do that? Even take in Ashley?"
"Yeah! You said they got tamer over the time, besides when introduced to new people. I can deal with that for the time being."
You wanted to cry in releaf. Like a boulder just fell off of your shoulders. You make the arrangement with Julia and end the call.
Andrew was right at the doorway looking at you with what you can pinpoint was concern.
You crouch down to his level and pat his head. "Everything is alright."
You were waiting for Julia in the park, where you said you two would meet. Andrew and Ashley were in their cat carriers wondering why they were here and what was happening.
You hear footsteps running in your direction. It was Julia!
"Sorry I'm late. Traffic." She said out of breath.
You take her to the bench you were sitting on to rest a bit. While she was resting, you, for some reason unknown to anyone, spoke to Andrew and Ashley.
"Listen, you two will be staying with Julia, temporarily, please be good to her. I'll come back for you as soon as possible." Then you turn to and tell her what she needed to know about the two.
Meanwhile, Andrew and Ashley were confused, to say the least.
The time the cat siblings spent with your friend was unpleasant. Ashley hated everything about this situation. She hated the place they were living in. She hated Julia. She hated how she treated them as babies. She hated that Andrew was unresponsive the whole stay.
"Are you still going to stay quiet?"
At this point, she'll die of boredom and frustration.
Speaking of which.
Ashley slaps her brother with her little back paw.
"Are you gonna talk now?"
"She left us."
"She. Left. Us." Andrew repeated, emphasizing each word.
"Well, watcha gonna do about it?"
"Something I should've done before."
That surprised her. It took only a moment for her to realise what he meant.
"Oh. Oh! My god, really? Are you actually gonna do it? You are gonna listen to me. This. This moment is so much bigger than me! I'd like to thank myself for holding up for so long. My parents... can continue to rot in Hell where they belong."
Andrew just rolled his eyes at his sister's dramatic speech, like she was gonna get some kind of reward.
"But anyways. This episode is titled 'Andy and Leyley and the-"
"You're not going."
"You'll stay here and distract the human. She still can't tell the difference between us."
Ashley sinks down to the floor.
"And Leyley is stuck with the crumiest job possible."
"Daww, don't worry, Leyley. We'll pick you up very soon." Andrew assured in a teasing tone.
"Ha ha ha! Fucking asshole."
One rejection letter after another. You were losing hope. You're gonna end up homeless at this point.
Slumping your head on the table.
An email from your current job. It's probably gonna beo something like half of the company being let go. Whatever. You click on the email.
Respected workers of [COMPANY],
It has come to us with a heavy heart to announce that [REDACTED] from [DEPARTMENT NAME] has been forced to let go.
As you are all aware of the current setback in this company. We are glad to announce that this is just a small hiccup, and in soon time, the company as a whole will soon be able to function like before, and you'll be able to receive your full payments.
For any questions you have, please email us.
With full regards
P. S. As for the new manager of [DEPARTMENT NAME], the position will be vacant until further notice.
This has to be a dream. You rub your eyes to confirm. Yep. It's real. So many questions were forming. Was any of this possible? What was this feeling right now?
Who cares! You won't have to worry about this anymore. You won't have to worry about finding a home for Andrew and Ashley or the possibility to send them to a pound. You won't have to worry about starving or being homeless.
And the best part? That sucker of your boss finally got fired.
Wait. Andrew and Ashley. You'll have to see until next month if you'll be able to take them back. Right. It's late. You'll tell Julie about the good news in the morning.
What the...
Black fur, green eyes. Either you're hallucinating from the lack of sleep and the lack of nutrition, or that really was Andrew sitting at the doorway.
You carefully get close to the cat and stretch your hand out to him. And then you feel his little head rubbing against your palm.
"What are you doing here?" You ask in a voice that was right above a whisper. "I can't take you back just yet. I need to call Julie."
Picking up your phone from the table, you dile Julie and wait for her to pick up, but there is no answer.
"Gess, I'll return you back there tomorrow."
As you say that, two arms trap you at the table where you were sitting. Turning around, you see the same man from your dreams. Black hair and green eyes. It suddenly dawned on you.
"You're not taking me anywhere."
A/n: There were a lot of possible plots I was working on, and honestly, this one was the only one that was working out for me. Hope you enjoyed it.
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poppyplate · 2 months
minor season 5 spoilers for lmk!!!
(some sketches + my thoughts on the new season :0)
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this season was so good!! i'm gonna put my long rant about my thoughts below, just cause i have a lot of things i wanna talk about :3
animation: ik the animation change was jarring for some people and i did almost cry about flying bark leaving the show when the news first dropped, but i honestly think wildbrain did a great job and the animation is still super cute and fun. it's definitely different and you can tell, but they still do all the silly animation things that flying bark did and this season honestly had some of my favourite humor (visual and otherwise).
i'll definitely miss the old animation, fully hand drawn 2D animation is becoming harder to come by in cartoons now so it's sad to see this show lose one of the most exciting aspects of it, but i'm looking forward to seeing how wildbrain does in the following season(s?). i'm honestly just glad we're getting more monkie kid content.
plot: i did enjoy the plot they set up. this season did feel different pacing wise? if that makes sense. not that it's necessarily bad i just noticed it felt a bit different. i'm really excited to see more about this whole chaos thing.
ik li jing wasn't necessarily a villain, but he was an antagonist for a bit so i'm adding my two cents about him and nezha. i didn't love what they did with their story arc, but ik there's only so much that can be done in a 10 episode season where each episode is only 10 minutes long. i think their arc would've just benefited from more time :(
villain(s): i think the nine headed demon is such an interesting character (even though he did confuse me a bit) so i hope we get to see more of him. probably my favourite big bad so far personality-wise.
main characters: i'm glad sun wukong had more screentime this season!! he always either isn't around or gets trapped, so it's nice that he was present again.
i definitely felt this season focused a lot more on the monkie trio, which was bound to happen, but i like them so i was fine with it. idk how much of a redemption arc macaque is trying to have, but i kind of hope it's not a standard redemption arc. not that i didn't enjoy macaque's character this or any other season, i do like him most of the time. i just personally hope they keep him as more of a neutral figure even if he does stick around with the group.
i don't have much to say on mk that hasn't already been said. i love the guy and i hope he gets to be happy again soon T^T
side characters? ig: i thought mei and red son's episode was cute. i love dragonfruit interactions a lot, but i do hope red son gets some more screentime next season cause i miss him </3
i am happy sandy got some more screentime though, his episode with mk was cute. also tang was so real this season, he's just like me fr (i hate manual labor).
other notes and whatnot: this season felt shorter somehow, even though it wasn't and i'm not sure if we'll be getting a special like we always do or if they're just going to move on to the next season. either way, i'm excited to see where it goes from here.
although i wasn't in love with the ending of this season, it just felt a tad rushed and i definitely think we would've benefited from a few special episodes again.
i'd give this season a solid 8/10. i would love to go through all the episodes and share my thoughts on them, but i'm just gonna share my ranking of the episodes.
(i feel pretty even with 1-2 and 3-5)
1. collar the king
2. temple of the goddess
3. the cage
4. sacrifice
5. strings that bind
6. into the pagoda
7. claim to flame
8. harbinger
9. the storm within
10. festival fugitives
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piracytheorist · 1 year
Thoughts on episode 2x01!
I'm so making a crack recap out of this. Idk if it's going to be this week, but I may have to skip all the other episodes up to this point XD
Ok for those of you who don't know, the bullet-in-butt date (which I can finally mention openly as it's not manga spoiler anymore!) was the only manga chapter that hadn't been adapted that I read from very early on, way before I decided to stay anime-only so I knew everything about it. So I expected the beginning. I actually like that we don't see Yor do her slaughter at that place. She's like a ghost, or a legend, as the short-lived survivor calls her.
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Look at her! So cute, covered in the blood of her victims 😌
I do have to say, I was surprised by the amount of blood they showed. I think they actually put the violence up a notch in comparison to the previous season, bringing it much closer to the manga levels of violence.
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It's also a bold choice to like, actually open the season with this. It's serious business and I appreciate that. I'm not too big on violence but I also don't like it when it's "purified" or whatever. We're watching a show where two of the main characters kill people left and right. Blood is a prerequisite at this point.
Anyway! GRANDE upgrade on the animation, oh my god! It's all in the little movements and additional "swerves" of the characters' forms. I don't have the time to make a gif now showing that but it's obvious they took the money they made the previous year and put a lot of it on animation budget! Love it!
Aaaaaaaand new music! Most of the new stuff is quirky and funny, perfect for Anya and Franky's shenanigans :D Looking forward to see what new pieces we'll get with this season!
I had some frail hope they would have titled the episode "Date with a Bullet in the Butt". Can you imagine. We were robbed. Robbed!
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Ever since I read that chapter I went like, Yor says she treated the wound... does that mean she got the bullet out? Or is she actually walking with the bullet in her buttcheek all this time? I mean... it is called the "bullet-in-butt date" after all...
The way all of this could have been solved by Yor going like "I tripped down the stairs and fell on my butt and now it hurts to walk and sit". But then we wouldn't have this! It's the funny miscommunication that makes them, really <3
The way Anya worries about her! I felt a little sad for her because this is the first time she sees her mama so beaten down by a job, I think?
One of the ways you see the upgraded animation: the way Yor trembles as she straightens up after reassuring Anya, and then the dizzy walk to her room as she goes to rest. Awesome.
Yor just walks it off and Anya is like "Mama is actually immortal, wow" meanwhile Loid is losing his absolute shit
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Oh, I adore the different colouring on the memory scene. I also love how the gossip trio just falls on Yor the moment she slips out that oh no they don't do all the conventional couple things!!
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Dude is genuinely confused. BestTM SpyTM of WestalisTM, flabbergasted by a woman with social skills in the negatives.
It was eight in the morning. On a weekend. Yor was way too excited for the date she ran to get ready and they were out all day. My god. When am I gonna get my learning date with my emotionally constipated fake husbando
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Twilight has a smug grin on his face as Franky accepts the cheque as payment to do chores. I love that addition!
As I love this
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Franky grabbing Anya's hand and waving to them for her. They really knew how to handle an already funny chapter and use animation to add more humor to it!
Look at him, starting off so smug but then
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He's truly an intelligence agent, trying to work with the information he has on hand. Since he doesn't have the information that Yor is injured, his plans are doomed to fail.
The way Franky is down with everything crazy Anya proposes. I love that duo.
I also liked the way they allowed Bond to sit this episode out, since that manga chapter takes place before the Doggy Crisis arc and Bond is not yet part of the family. I do have some thoughts about the timing of this episode but I'll get to that later.
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And here we have the angst punch in the gut, as others talked about it, it's a point in Twilight's character to not see anything fun about the spy work that it's not even fun to play spy. Since one of the moments adding to that is an anime only scene (from the part where Anya makes secret codes) and the dialogue here is just slightly different from the same scene in the manga, it looks like it's a deliberate choice to make anime Loid more sensitive about this specific thing. Interesting!
I gotta say, it would be so easy to objectify Yor and her body with where her wound was. But even though they showed her in a pants-tight-enough-to-hurt-your-butt-wound situation, it was still pretty clear what the focus was. I really appreciate that.
Yor says no to the tight pants and Loid apologizes??? Why wasn't that in the translated version of the manga??
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Like here especially, with the face they gave him and the way Eguchi delivered that line it was pretty clear that Yor's reaction made Loid feel like he crossed a line with what he told her. What happened in the manga translation???
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VERY interesting picture choice for the movie poster! Ostania gots propaganda to do, after all!
I love how Anya fell asleep during the film while Franky cried his eyes out. Poor sap XD
And LMAO Anya seeing her parents leaving from the spa and trying to get Franky to move but he's too busy getting a massage! And then some added wackiness with Yor being so tense from her wound that she made a murder glare enough to scare a bear!
And Loid is still like DAFUQ AM I DOING WRONG
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I like though, that he is not blaming Yor at all. He doesn't consider her irrational or ungrateful for the date, he just sees it as him not having done enough research... and in actual reality, he doesn't have all the data needed, specifically the whole "bullet-in-butt" thing. I'm sure he would have planned differently had he known that XD
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Poor Franky XD at least he's finding ways to vent XD
The way they animated Yor's reluctance to sit was great, lol. I'm not sure it was clear she was "hover-sitting" but it was funny in any case.
I loved the tension when we saw the surviving Red Circus member! It was handled so well dropped right in the middle of a funny episode.
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This had no right being this funny. But also. Anya is imagining a "default" kind of guy because even though she's reading the guy's mind she doesn't know how he looks like, so she's just making up a face to play out her imagination. Great detail from the manga already.
Anya imagines Loid saying he'll abandon her if he finds out about Yor being an assassin. That's another angsty punch in the gut but also for another post probably XD
The timing here feels a little weird. This chapter was supposedly long ago, when the family was still getting used to living together. Franky sees Anya worried and goes like "Even though they're a fake family, she worries so much?" and seeing that in the anime, practically two episodes before this one he went like "Hey do you love your dad and mom" and she said she does... idk maybe in the adaptation process some things could be left out so that they can make more sense.
How did neither Yor nor Loid suspect something wrong with the suddenly very thick and muddy cocktail she was offered?
Once again, upgraded animation as Yor drinks the pufferfish poison! I love it! Hopefully it'll keep being that good for the rest of the season :D
I remember the tension I felt when I first read the manga in that moment. I was like oh no! And then I was Anya
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Gremlin Anya is back and I love it
Anya goes ahead and Home-Alones too close to the sun and fucking makes a bomb. That's a whole other level. You really don't want this girl turning evil, she'll take over the world XD
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She should have seen her entrance as Thorn Princess' ally! She was epic!
There was some violence censorship there, as the bad guy in the manga is shown a little burned and bleeding after the explosion, but in the anime he's just... ruffled or whatever.
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Idk they probably decided it would be too much to show that a child caused such violence XD
So does Loid go on thinking that Yor was in a super bad mood and then everything went away as soon as she downed a glass of cocktail? I also just realized she just went bottoms up on it, lol.
The episode was great and the date was funny and cute at the end. But.
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The date ends well and with fun! Then the monster wakes up again the next day.
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Loid's got a lot to learn. Who knew humans can be complicated!
Overall, a great introduction to the second season! I'm happy we got the bullet-in-butt date and I'm so excited to venture into new stuff that I know next to nothing about :D
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7thchevronlocked · 2 months
Fic Author Self Rec
Thank you so much @alexagirlie for the tag!!
When you get this, reply with your favourite 5 fics you've written, then pass it on to at least 5 other writers.
I'm not sure if I even have five fandom fics posted 😂 So we'll see how this goes! In no particular order..
1 All of our Book's Pages Dog Eared (Equestrian!Jace x Farrier!Cregan, House of the Dragon)
Inspired by a friend's incredible fic that got me into Jacegan as a ship, a british take on hotd horsefic. My longest multi-chapter for a fandom, I'm so proud of it. Farrier!Cregan takes a temp job at the Red Keep working for world famous dressage rider Rhaenyra Targaryen. Gets more than he bargained for in the form of her eldest son...
2 Shield that Guards the Realms of Men (Gen - for now. Harwin Lives, House of the Dragon)
This was wholly inspired by the hotd season 2 trailer seeing jace and cregan at the wall, and ended up making me expand a little personal drabble about Harwin being sent to the wall rather than dying at Harrenhal. When Jace visits the wall with Lord Cregan Stark to gain favour for his mother's war, there's a familiar face waiting for him in the Lord Commander. (Planning a Chapter 2 with some Jacegan but i've not managed to get around to it yet)
3 The Princess, The Queen and the Prince Consort (Canon Divergent!Harwin x Rhaenyra, House of the Dragon, Episode rewrite)
A rewrite of that scene in 1x06, where Harwin gets to punch Crispy. Rewritten based off of a roleplay over on @scripturient-roleplay. What if Harwin and Rhaenyra had been able to marry, and he survived into the dance?
4 To The Sea We Shall Return (Canon Divergent!Harwin x Rhaenyra, House of the Dragon, Episode rewrite)
Another episode rewrite, this time 1x07, the funeral on driftmark and Aemond losing an eye. We see things go down from Harwin's POV. I had a lot of fun with this one! Again, based off of a roleplay over on @scripturient-roleplay. Rhaewin living their best lives.
I don't have anything else published, but honourable mention to the Rhaewin F1!AU that I posted here just for fun that's since become over 100 pages of google docs rambling.
As for people to tag... Idk if I know 5 writers here 😂
@cordeliacordate @archaiccotton @heliophytes @rentekren
Apologies if I've double tagged anyone! I could only think of four but I only tagged four fics 😂 ofc participation is totally optional, and if you see this and wanna do it but I've not tagged you, go for it! Just tag me, I wanna see everyone's stuff!
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yummycrummy · 5 months
p1 hcs becuz I am normal abt characters 
-his real name is Rick but he prefers to go by Dude (I like to think that p2's name is Rick too but we aren't talking abt him rn) 
-in his 20s (like...26 or 28???) he looks older to some people though, if he even goes out
-has severe generalised anxiety disorder, PTSD, hypochondria, schizophrenia, social anxiety, and OCD 
- has Anthropophobia, Ataxophobia, Catagelophobia, Claustrophobia, Daemonophobia, and probably way more
-started to take medication at some point but eventually stopped because he thought they wouldn't work and make him more paranoid 
-he owns guns (A LOT of them) probably like, 25. he keeps them perfectly clean and safe, stocked up on his wall or in his panic room. (we'll get to that part soon) he'd probably have a collection of other weapons too, like a bunch of knives and axes (he also keeps them very clean, obsessively) 
-owns a little radio so he can listen to MTV, music that he's into, like Nickelback, KMFDM, Judas Priest, Oingo Boingo and Black Sabbath. helps him relax when he feels like he's really losing it. (he also tries to listen in on the feds, like if they're spying on him. he's that paranoid.)
-cuddles with champ often. especially when hes in bed. he loves that puppy as much as life itself (he'd kill for him) 
-gets sunspots when hes out in the sun for awhile 🌤
-smokes pot frequently. his house probably reeks of it, and so does he lets be real
-smoking too much of the pot can fuck him up, yet he doesn't stop. he doesn't know what else to do, and he doesn't trust doctors.
-fidgets alot. holds onto his cross when hes scared or in need of comfort. bites his nails too.
-has acne scars
-sensitive to bright lights (why he wears sunglasses all the time)
-gets sick really often. all the time. almost died during a few probably
-has shit posture 🦐
-breaks things when hes overwhelmed or angry
-has a bunker/panic room in his basement. keeps way more weapons down there, including MRE's and dog food as well. he thinks about the world coming to an end and so that's basically why he built it. 
-hardly ever leaves his house. feels like the government is going to come for him, so whenever he sees a black vehicle outside, like a van, he freaks the hell out. If he was going to go out and get the mail that day you can forget it. 
-cant hold down a job for long. Idk how this man even has a house (government probably gives him money) that is until he eventually gets evicted (hope this makes sense enough im sleepy)
-can't drive even though he took his learners as a teen. he just can't. makes him more nervous and unable to focus on a lot of things at once, so he either walks or takes the bus. 
-kids would often call him a demon or pull his hair. they thought he was a freak since he never liked to be around any of the other kids, he was always off in some corner or inside at recess, so he was sadly the target of their taunts. 
-his parents weren't redheads like him (recessive genes) so when he was born his mother thought he was the spawn of the devil. she never wanted anything to do with him, as did his dad, so P1 desperately tried everything to get their attention/approval, but nothing ever worked. he eventually left home when he turned 17. 
k thats mostly it ty for reading if u did eee
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buckera · 4 months
bobby has to pull through, letting him die like this would be such an unsatisfying ending to his story :/ retirement too actually. he thinks his "job is done"? um no, his job as captain, dad and husband is far from done and I think his loved ones could prove they will always need him. I hope frank has some availabilities
well the thing is... Bobby rewrote his history and unlike Eddie, he didn't just imagine it.
he managed to "raise his kids" at the 118, impart wisdom, teach them until they were ready to be released into the wild. this time he saved his wife and he didn't lose his kids — and most importantly from a storytelling standpoint: the retirement storyline gave an opportunity for the character to say goodbye properly, while the dying would explain the continuous absence of such an important character.
so all in all, his story could be considerably well rounded and satisfyingly complete by the finale.
now, I'm not saying that Bobby is actually going to die; though I fully expect to close the season with that possibility. what I'm saying is that if Peter is leaving the show, this was the second best way to do it.
I mean, simple retirement would've worked just as well, since I doubt Peter would've said no to guest starring here and there after. but that's also one of the reasons I don't think we'll really be saying goodbye to Bobby just yet.
idk I keep going back and forth about the Peter of it all, because normally when an actor decides to leave a show, their contract is changing and that gets out pretty quickly and a lot of the times, they announce it before they'd film their last season (I say normally, I mean like half the time so yk) but I can totally see Peter deciding to leave and keep it under wraps for Tim to be able to keep up the suspense.
on the other hand though, I cannot see Oliver not hanging out with Peter every waking moment if he knew he was leaving, and there is no way he wouldn't know.
so yeah idk. I expect a death scare and many other painful endings but I'm about 60% sure right now that Bobby will end up being okay for season 8.
we might have to wait a couple of months to find that out though.
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look guys there's something weird as HELL going on with aziraphale. all three minisodes we saw gave us an insight on how his brain works and his beliefs and everything and how it leads to him making the choices he's made. right.
crowley said something weird has been going on before the attack and we know he has a sixth sense for these things but WHAT IS IT.
i think i REALLY REALLY THINK there's going to be flashbacks to season 2 scenes in s3 and we'll get context and ohhh moments. like.
1. at the mystic shop crowley puts his cap on a snake. maybe just a sneaky nod to how he was wearing a cap but maybe something more?
2. i think the way metatron says "how predictable" and when he says "are you going to take it" so deliberately. they're huge huge clues i think. i feel like the metabitch knows something i dont which pisses me off.
3. i dont understand why the job scene was shot a little different to other ones and also why crowley and aziraphale sounded so different from the scene chronologically before and after that we see in s1. except maybe the seaside bit the whole thing was. definitely odd. and its also mentioned again and again and again. biggest question i have and also one of the biggest foreshadowing in the show is the job quote from the matchbox. what is that WHY IS THAT.
will we realise parts of the job scene were fake or left out and see in s3 how the line was relevant.
4. WHAT does metatron want from aziraphale sooo badly that he went to the trouble of going through his entire earth file and carefully construct manipulation plans a through to z to convince aziraphale to come up.
unless he was unnerved that they together blocked gabriel from him and left him in the dark while actively trying not to do something powerful and he wants armageddon 2 so he can destroy earth because he's the bad guy. and he cant even feasibly start on that as long as aziraphale and crowley are together/friends/as long as, metaphorically, the bookshop is theirs.
(the bookshop wasn't 'theirs' by the time crowley left i think. they'd sort of mentally given up on that which is why at the end muriel could enter without permission i think. if the south downs thing ends up being canon then maybe the bookshop will be destroyed for real because otherwise at the end they would end up at the bookshop)
5. look one of the most terrible thing in the whole ep6 was aziraphale not paying any attention to crowley in the beginning of the confession. he's really really flustered and there's a heartwrenching theme of him staring out of the window. he's absolutely terrified of the metatron seeing them and half his mind is on him.
aaaaaghhhh losing my fucking mind. you could almost hear the quote about the straightforward love life when crowley looks at nina and maggie. that feels like a conclusion kind of? like a really happy ending just like beelzebub and gabriel had. they're both good and loved. which is why i dont feel like we'll be seeing them majorly again... maybe we will i hope we will but idk. there's.
season 2 was soft gentle romantic definitely but it was also a sherlock holmes level of mystery. except we're at the start of the story when holmes doesn't get all the facts to solve the mystery.
also random not plot related questions.
why does the sandwich woman blink so much in the seamstress scene and why does aziraphale blink so little during the last lift scene. these probably dont mean anything other than the womans mascara got in her eye or something
how does the bentley play classical music which doesnt change for aziraphale but doesn't do that for crowley? is it love i hope its love
why does aziraphale's face do something odd when he leaves crowley to talk to nina ep5? or am i reading too much into it? he was very forthcoming with the rest but with nina he was sort of quiet (?) and reserved and went away looking uncomfortable.
why did aziraphale want so badly to drive crowleys car? was it meaningful or connecting to him? i know a lot of people say the dont hesitate to ask me any questions about love scene was aziraphale giving crowley horny eyes but i thought he seemed itching and really eager to get the keys? why does he want them sooo desperately. i don't fully understand their relationship which makes me WANT TO. what happens to a person when they spend six thousand years with their only friend and companion being a hereditary enemy, watching every single thing they do?
also why was he willing to give away a book and bribe out a book for the meeting? seems overboard for someone who doesn't really seem to think about heaven checking on nina and maggie. i think tbh it had less to do with heaven's suspicions than aziraphale being the kind of person who would love an excuse to host a night of dancing and food and love (mood) and he even got to participate by dancing with the demon he loves instead of just watching! (though i suspect he really likes that as well). hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
guys the brain rot has set in someone tell me im not imagining things
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ivy-plays · 1 year
Ik I already did one request but I love ur posts sooooo can u pretty please do like blitzo and anyone u wanna add headcannons what there like during ✨spicy✨🥵🌶️time and if u don’t do nsfw that’s ok just some dating headcannons thank uuuuuuu
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Here’s a meme for your time
Of course dear! It won't be too explicit bc we'll. I'm not used to writing anything explicit but this is right in my skill set lol. And thank you for the meme! I now want dinosaur ravioli 😔
Plot: request
Raiting: 16+/m
Reader: gn bc y'all know why lol
Style: head cannon/ bullet points
Warnings: like. 1 cuss word I think but the whole second half is spicy head cannons so. Read at your own descrrssion I'm not your mama and can't tell you what to do
I'm just doing Blitzø in this one bc I haven't written anything like this before so I want to make sure it's well received before I write for everyone else lol.
Basic relationship stuff:
Very chaotic
And I mean VERY
You would naturally probably work for him either after or before y'all become a couple.thats up for you to decide.
Like Loona, he wouldn't yell at you or blame you when something goes wrong on a job .
And speaking of when y'all are on jobs he always has an eye on you and tries to stay close to you,not because he doesn't think you would be able to defend yourself. He definitely knows you can.
(which may or may not turn him on . Anyway)
He just is protective of the things and people he loves due to being afraid to lose anyone else he cares about.
You have to sit through his hours long rants about horses and his..."research" ....
You become another parent to Loona. (Who she likes slightly more and y'all laugh at how pissed off Blitzø gets about it lol)
It would be Blitzø and you who went to go steal Stolaz grimware (or however tf you spell it idk man)
Blitzø was very hesitant when it came to the whole sleeping with Stolaz thing ,but you told him you didn't care bc you knew that he didn't have feelings for the owl. (Yet)
Stolaz would probably rope you into the deal as well bc mmmm plot
Being in a relationship with Blitzø will be chaotic and challenging at times. (Like when he starts to doubt himself and whether or not he's good enough for you. Good enough to be happy.) But. You're always there for each other and it all works out in the end.
(I also think in the end you two would bring Stolaz into your relationship after the both of y'all realized you had feelings for the owl and talked it over with each other before bringing the idea to Stolaz)
Now. ✨Le spicy bits ✨
I really do think Blitzø would have a massive authority kink and would want you to call him sir.
Mans likes to feel in control.
Now on the flip side of that. I do think Blitzø would be a switch but with a heavy preference on being on top.
Like. If you were to beg him enough he might let you top him or if he is tired enough.
But even then he still has some level of control over you and is telling you what to do .
That's just how it is. I don't make the rules lol
I also think (based off of lines said in sertin episodes as well as the pilot) that he would be into bondage and a masochism/saidism.
Definitely prefers to do the tying and not the one to be tied up. Again. He likes to have control.
And be prepared bc mans has a whole stash of shit like whips (of all different shoes and materials.) Gags, many different things to restrain you with. (Handcuffs,rope, sashes, his own hands)
He would also be a big damn tease. Like. I have a feeling Blitzø could get off just off the way you squirm and beg for him to stop messing around and fuck you already.
10/10 would blind fold you.
Throat fucking *cough cough clears throat* what was that??? I didn't hear anything.👀
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okay so... we do agree that the most sense for the first scene of season 3 is to show in some way the fall, right? we saw the before, we saw the after (as in eden), we now need to know why there was this schism in the first place
and so, my question is, since i've just finished rewatching the job episode - what do you think, in gomens' universe, is the point of that schism? why did the fall happen? why was there a Great War? who started the war, was the war just between the different angels? who actually cast the losing side away?
the whole bit with "an angel/demon who goes along with Heaven/Hell as far as he can" really made me think about this all. plus, i personally would find it very satisfying to finally find out at least a little bit of context of why this separation happened in the first place for the moment (i hope) when the whole system is finally broken down and dismantled
hey lovely!!!✨ i do think it will open with some reference to the fall (as you said, imo it makes the most narrative, poetic, and thematic sense!!!), but i also feel like a lot of the show's answers are going to be within the fall, so idk if we'll see all of it in the beginning cold open, or if some will be continued towards the end of the series?
as for the fall questions, wowzers, i'll do my best to answer what i potentially think could factor in here, although they may not answer your qs outright!!!✨ and probably link to some other specs/metas that ive had jumbling around!!!
i think aziraphale knew or suspected something about why it would be risky to question god; maybe not that the fall was already bandied about as a concept, but maybe that there were Things Afoot that made him think that going against her will and plan could be bad news
i think that god is ultimately a very neutral, very amoral party. i don't think she is good or bad, right or wrong, well-meaning or malicious; she just is. i even possibly think that the ineffable plan, if there is even such a thing like she says in s1, is that she has no plan at all. everything is up to everyone else. (don't really have a singular meta on this, but perhaps a bit of this and that)
metatron is the Big Bad. dunno why, necessarily (ie what are his motivations other than Power?), but i think when god goes AWOL somewhere between job (or maybe actually after golgotha?) and present day, he fills the void and acts like he is still the voice of god, that he is still receiving orders. (again, no singular meta on this, and ive kinda got it sprinkled across many posts tbh!!!)
so with those kind of things in mind, here are my possible thoughts (not committing to any singular one) on the fall and the schism you've mentioned.
the fall was not necessarily meant to be what it turned out to be. i think ultimately angels came to god asking questions, or questioning her and her Ineffability, or the plan, whatever.
god wanted all of her creation to have free will. if that free will was to break away from heaven and from her, and act in their own interest, under their own orders, by their own conscience, i don't think she ever had an issue with this. even if - in the presumed case of lucifer - the intention was to break away as a direct challenge to god, to have the same power as god, i similarly don't think she wanted to stop this. that is literally free will. so she does nothing to stop whatever happens when they choose to break away.
metatron however has other ideas; heaven is good, and is correct, and is right. anyone who even questions it, even if out of love and devotion to god, those who just want to understand, were forfeit. god has removed herself from the picture, not even there at the (literal? figurative?) trial, so metatron acts as judge, jury, and executioner. in some cases, i think there were angels who were pushed, not fallen.
we know there was a war, but i think it was out of the angels that remained 'on heaven's side' being told lies about their fellow angels - told that these defectors were actively working against god to jeopardise her creations and her plans. that heaven will fall if they are not cast out. conflict ensues - from their perspective - to protect the sanctity of heaven.
then, possibly, i think a memory wipe kinda thing did happen, but specifically on the events of the fall. i do also wonder if this is where the book of life comes into play, but not overly confident (on any of this, really)
and ultimately i think the whole concept of true free will might have been god's plan - if you can call Nothing a plan - all along? that she completely steps back, and let's heaven and humanity kinda work it out for themselves.
like, this is the kinda stuff that i hope they reveal later on s3; crowley falling with lucifer, and possibly meeting aziraphale again etc. would, imo, be great for the ep1 cold open, but the actual events of the fall i think needs to be the belter that comes out in maybe ep5 or 6. obviously i haven't gone into where i think crowley and aziraphale may slot within all of this, but most things can be found in my masterpost anyway, or indeed happy to summarise for anyone who wants it!!!✨
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grianthedecayingbird · 7 months
i think it’d be funny 2 send u more reqs but idk if im being annoying
but hEYY if im not. you cn read me like a book im not even gonna say anytbing 😭
ur not dw! u can send as many as u want!
anyways *clears throat*
Inanimate Insanity Wiki
in: A to Z, Transcripts, Season 3 transcripts
You Can't Do This Forever/Transcript
< You Can't Do This Forever
Duration 28:15
Current Time 0:05Advanced SettingsFullscreenPlayRewind 10 SecondsUp Next
Cabby: You know what? You're right. All of you. What we need is justice.
Springy: Is that so?
Balloon: C-Cabby!
Cabby: No, Balloon. After all the pain he’s put us through in this competition, he didn’t even have a reward for us at the end. It was all a scam for us to play his games. And without the unvitationals here, it would’ve gone on forever!
Springy glitches and coughs while the unvitationals cheer.
Cabby: I’ll stand aside, right now, and let you bring him to his��� execution.
Walkie Talkie Laughs.
Walkie Talkie: Sweeeeet! Good talk!
Dr. Fizz: Whoa, whoa! You didn’t say anything about murdering the guy!
Groscer: Yeah! How do you think that’s going to make us look?!
Balloon: -What is all of this?
Cabby: -There was no way this whole group agreed to hurt MePhone! Dr. Fizz would’ve fought back due to his oath to do no harm! And Groscer needs to keep up a pristine image. Zoetrope’s a nice bonus.
Unvitationals shout and argue
Cabby: I don’t know what to think about MePhone now…but… I’m not letting him die.
Balloon nods before turning to the unvitationals
Balloon: -Everyone PLEASE! For once, after everything you’ve been through, you can have your voices be heard. Really THINK about what you want.
Tyler: Wow. Well I kinda wanna melt him!
Unvitationals: Ooooo!
Unvitationals: Melt! Melt! Melt! Melt!
Groscer: No way! There’s other ways to deal with him than DEATH.
Springy: Majority-rules, per the rules. To the lava with yee!
Cabby: Sure. But what’s justice, without proper education?
That is what you want? Justice?
Springy: -I...suppose?
It’d be great to show my prized toy first-hand…
…that nothing goes more hand-in-hand than corporation and morality!
Springy: -Aw, now is that the violent language you want to influence this little-one with?
They’re no lifeless husk like the others, they’re so very special.
I’ve been programming them with all of your greatest hits!
Soon, you'll be one of many!
Bot: No!
Balloon: SOOO the open-forum discussion starts immediately, haha!
Everyone grab a folder from Cabby and take a seat, heh!
Cabby: -[Sigh] You doing okay there, Silver?
Silver: -Peachy. I only fell victim to my own ego and obliterated our chances of saving the game. How about you?
Cabby: -Been better. If I don’t want to be complicit in murder, I have to protect the guy who has no interest in concluding the season.
Balloon: Hey! We all change.
Silver: -That’s very poetic, Balloon, but in reality--
Balloon: -No! You get what I mean, right? After everything you’ve been through?
We ALL can.
[Mephone Flashback]: Today we'll figure out the perfect winner!
[Mephone Flashback]: Without losing anyone...
Cabby: -He said he intended to end it today. That felt real.
Balloon’s right. We can talk to MePhone when this is all said and done.
But for now, we need to protect his life. And do a better job convincing them than we did with the jury.
Balloon: -Heh, WAY better, haha.
Silver: -May the gift of language be with all of us.
Balloon: We will have an open discussion in which every member of the Unvitational Committee can speak their peace on MePhone.
This will be followed by a vote for...[sigh]
"Melt" or "No melt"
A melt vote entails: “MePhone burning violently in the volcano, but with his eyes on, so he can watch his own scary, horrifying, and stupid end.”
[Ahem] Let's get started...
Groscer: My program was respected in the art world for centuries, until MePhone came along and made a mockery of it on live television!
Cabby: That’s understandable.
Zoetrope: After MePhone’s black-and-white cookie destroyed my animation machine, I had to shop around your mediocre pilots for cash… I WAS DISGRACED!
Tyler: He burned down my island and gave me no royalties for my starring role in a fake home makeover show special!
Springy: I came all this way to have my contract ignored after I gave so many helpful ideas to save the show!
Balloon: You wanted to replace us with toy replicas!
Springy: And it’d save you so much anxiety, little thing. Isn’t that worth it?
Balloon: -[Sigh] ...yeah....
Cabby: NO!
Dr. Fizz: MePhone turned this “safe-place” of his into a minefield of trouble! And now I’m hearing there was a MURDER?
Blueberry: -It was awesome.
Zoetrope: Someone made a scathing video essay called “What RUINED Zoetrope?” It has a million views and counting!
[Barking sounds]
Cabby: -Quite the rich accent...
Groscer: Now everyone is submitting machine-made episodes!... Including Zoetrope!
Zoetrope: Including me!
Camera 2: He wouldn’t let us invade his privacy!
Silver:-[Sarcastically] I'm so sorry.
Cabby: I have my notes. Now let’s change some minds!
Silver Spoon: But did you know that the Green Goddess only lives today because MePhone has recovered her life, as well as the lives of all his contestants?
-Tyler: Oh dear, I’m SO SORRY I didn’t know!
Walkie Talkie: Hey! Bias-alert! So you’re going to just worship the guy cause he has powers?
Balloon: -Aw, someone’s not so scary once she’s got the attention she needs!
I understand how it feels to be alone in the world.
But as drawn as I was to playing like a villain when I first started...
I figured out I’m not gonna patch up my own holes by pointing out everyone else’s!
Cause believe me, [mimicks himself] I don’t sound great with a hole popped in me. Haha!
Cabby: -Okay, so that just leaves...
Groscer: He thinks he can cheat through life!
Zoetrope: He’ll kick anyone else to the curb!
Camera 1: He’s fame-obsessed!
Walkie Talkie: Disloyal!
Springy: Dismissive!
Tyler: Careless!
Dr. Fizz: Reckless!
Cabby: Let's take a quick recess!
Balloon: -[Whispering] Do you think we’re in a good enough spot to vote?
Silver Spoon: I think we still have Groscer and Zoetrope against melting.
However, Dr. Fizz didn’t seem too keen after the “fake murder” debate. So uptight.
Balloon: But we might’ve convinced Tyler and Sprinkles.
Boaty… still eludes me.
Cabby: Ugh, I was hoping I’d magically be able to come up with convincing points, but I… guess I’m still me. [Chuckle]
Silver Spoon: You’ve done well guiding the discussion. You should be proud. Best we can do now is hope.
Cabby: Wait. One more thing, while I have this platform.
Cabby: Springy. I know you’re feeling hurt, but--
Springy: [Mocking] But, oh no, deep down, MePhone’s a great guy and I’ve just been seeing it aaaall wrong because I’m alone!
because I’m a little lost toy, because I'm wearing some mask!
Well- NEWS FLASH [glitches]
I wish this was a mask! You think you can sucker ME into an emotional moment?!
Cabby: No, Springy. I can’t. Because you’re soulless.
You care for no one but yourself.
Bot worked so hard to find themself, after they were trapped to live someone else’s life.
And now you’re looking to do the same to this poor thing?
You could never help this show. All you ever do is destroy.
Springy: -I don't--[glitches]
[Laughing, desperate] You--you thought I was helpful!
I made you SMILE!
Balloon: Cabby!
Cabby: Sorry? You want a sorry?
Might as well, that’s all anyone ever wants from me! I’ve said sorry for having files that help keep things straight.
For trying at anything! And for being me.
But despite everything thrown my way, when I felt like everyone hated me, I still tried to listen to others and connect with them!
[Sniffles] I tried...
Test Tube: Cabby, I didn’t realize…
Cabby: So maybe I don’t need to apologize for everything I am.
Maybe, Springy, you were terrorizing my friend, so I saved them from you. And I won’t be apologizing for that.
Silver Spoon: OKAY. Let’s vote!
Walkie Talkie, Camera 1, and Camera 2: MELT! MELT! MELT! MELT! MELT–!
[MePhone vibrates in protest]
Groscer: Get excited, everyone! I am about to tally-up all ten Unvitational Committee Members’ votes.
And--with five votes "melt"...
and five votes..."not melt"...
we are tied!
Everyone: -Gasp.
Walkie Talkie: I guess that means we stick to the original plan, then! Yay!
Silver Spoon: OR! Maybe since we swayed so many, that should be enough for you melt-weirdos.
Camera 1: Weirdos?! I knew you didn’t care for our movement!
Boaty: [HORN]
Groscer: Oh, I am so sorry. How unprofessional of me...
There’s still one vote left.
This will determine the fate… of MePhone4.
The final vote is...
NOT MELT. MePhone is saved from execution!
[A few members of the Uninvitationals, and the Contestants cheer]
Groscer: -Hm...B-P?
Balloon: -Ballpoint?
Tyler: Well he was invited to the committee.
The Floor: Then there we have it! MePhone is saved!
[Cheering continues]
[Somber music]
Walkie Talkie: NO.
Walkie Talkie: MePhone has taken everything from us, and we’re just going to keep celebrating him?!
Walkie Talkie: Hah, they’ve done the hard work for us already. We never needed them for the rest.
Spring-toys, let’s bring him up!
The Floor: MePhone, no! Come back with him!
Springy! You know we can’t do this without him
Cabby: We need to hurry!
Silver Spoon: Hm, Sorry, handsome.
Cabby: Think you can stop them if you go full Inner-Flame?
Balloon: WHAT? It’d go haywire again!
Silver: -Well. Gold does look good on me. Got any thorns?
[Deflating sounds]
[Scary, triumphant music]
Springy: WALKIE!
Walkie Talkie: Oh, hey! You want the honors?
Springy: He deserves pain, but not like this.
He gives so much life to the show in a way that we… can’t.
[Glitching] And I feel this want to… help! Don’t you too?
Walkie Talkie: OF COURSE! That’s why I’m going to keep this season ALIVE.
I was built to. I thought you understood! You were thrown away when you were at the height of achieving your purpose!
Springy: My old one. But that’s business, baby. Let’s hop to the next thing!
Walkie Talkie: I DON’T QUIT! I don’t bow down.
Walkie Talkie: I still have MY purpose!
Walkie Talkie: H--wh--oh no--how are you in control of it?!
Walkie Talkie: SPRING TOYS! Stick to your purpose!
Walkie Talkie: NOT another step! Or he GETS IT!
Walkie Talkie: Uh--I mean it!
Springy: Aw, what’s wrong, Walkie? He just wants to play.
Walkie Talkie: You don’t need to do this!
MePhone: AHHH!
I know who sent her here!
Walkie Talkie: You SURE?
Walkie Talkie: I was programmed just for you, MePhone!
Walkie Talkie: You're my voice on the other side! That’s all this show is, isn’t it?
Whether it’s the ones you’ve built, or the ones you can recover. WE’RE ALL FOR YOU, MEPHONE FOUR-!
[Powers down]
MePhone: -For...me?
Silver: -Heh, can't bluff a bluffer!
[Calming music]
Spring-Bot: My...purpose.
Spring-bot: MY. PURPOSE.
MePhone: -Ahh! AUGH!
[Triumphant music]
Springy: You're finally free!
[Zip] [Thud]
[Unnerving music]
MePhone: No...powerless again.
We've lived this before!
Why? Why does everyone keep risking their lives for me?
All I do is screw up!
?: Haha!
?: Sure. You've made your mistakes.
MePhone4S: But we all realize sooner or later, with all that you've been gifted...
...there's no happy ending without you.
[Coding, rattling]
MePhone: NOT. AGAIN.
MePhone: -Augh...
Balloon and Cabby: MEPHONE!
Cabby: -Are you still powered down?
MePhone: No. It’s just I... put in a few days of work…
...over the course of a few seconds!
Y'know, computer stuff!
MePhone: [Sigh] Okay!
-What?! Since when could you?
MePhone: Computer-stuff. Since I have a gift, I might as well use it.
Spingy: I'm...back! I'm back to-- [glitches] NORMAL!
[Sigh] Springtastic...
You’re right. They can be whoever they want.
We're square.
MePhone: -AUGHHHHH!! I can’t do this forever! I can’t! AUGHHHHH!
Balloon: MePhone! MePhone. It’s okay, you don’t have to. It’s not like it’s too late to turn things around.
Cabby: We’re here for you.
Silver Spoon: That is… so long as you’re not going to ditch us for a shiny new season.
-What? We were all thinking it!
MePhone: -That season four file was mine. I got scared, and instead of fixing all my garbage I looked into a replacement for the replacement.
But that’s exactly what Cobs would do to us.
Thanks for trusting I’d figure it out.
This is our home. At least till the job is done.
Balloon: Soooo, there IS a prize, then?
mePhone: -Heh...
I'll work on it! I promise.
MePhone: …And, I wanted to apologize to you all.
This unanimous voting thing
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prynnehesters · 9 months
my sibling pisses me off and i really have to fight the urge to piss them off bcuz they're a lazy sack of shit who im praying my parents kick out. i feel like they want to be a mooch forever or as long as they can cuz they don't want to grow up and i realize that pissing them off isn't going to solve anything so i should just ignore them...they're not my problem.
some small things:
i legit cannot believe they are in their mid 20s and do not have a debit card, only a cash card and my parents control their savings account still. i got a debit card at 12. they said they qualify for a credit card but they haven't gotten one despite. but idk, debit card is hella important also. but also, my parents cut them off from credit cards bcuz they bought too much random ass junk so now they legit pay for everything with cash
i had to tell them literally everything about registering for healthcare after losing our parents healthcare and it was annoying bcuz i had an annoying process so they assumed they would have an annoying process and they didn't tbh. i made a mistake, and i got stuff in the end, but still
they thought our parents would disown me after i came out as trans and that stressed me tf out but they were fine w me getting top surgery and seem to be ok w me considering a hysto now
in general, i feel like ive covered/paid for them in so many more scenarios then the other way around
legit don't know how to do anything and don't do anything about it
i genuinely think if it keeps going like this, i will not have a relationship w them in a few years and i have to be ok with that. and im also still so so sooooo pissed that they are not moving away for 4 months. here's what i feel like is going to happen on this current pathway (3 scenarios):
they absolutely do nothing until june and go work at camp again and basically become that one guy who worked at camp until he was 40 (bad scenario) and that was legit his only job. he lived in his mom's basement until then. she ended up retiring and he moved out and now works at a fast food place. idk im kind of glad that i got out of camp lyfe TM when i did and im never going back now. that job is for ppl who are in high school, college, and ppl in their 20s-30s who need to have a quick reality detox before starting up their life again
they end up getting pestered enough by parents to get either a fast food or retail job but they end up not saving money this way bcuz my parents will charge them rent and they will have fights about this constantly
goodbye (permanent) (worst case scenario) (do w that what you will)
they will get their shit together, get a job that has them move out (be it random seasonal jobs or a decent paying 9 to 5) and we'll never hear from them again except holidays (best case scenario)
but anyways, they are not my business and if i have issues w this, i might just talk to my mom or therapist. we can exist in the same house but they are not my problem and i do not owe them anything
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tayandryley · 1 year
What they work as
Last thing, just wanted to talk job situation of the two since that was a big point to me when developing them
Tay used to work at a little cat café, not because he's a Werecat but it's a measure the pack that he's part of enforces. Shifting as a Were can be influenced by emotions, and while the story doesn't operate on "The customer is always right" because that's stupiid, working in a café still means learning to deal with people who think they are always right, and that around cute little floofs. So if you're about to lose it and turn into what is likely an 8 foot tall beast in front of a customer, you can just pet the cat walking across the counter
As said though, he "used to" work there. He's already got a lot of self-control so he searched for a job himself. He currently works in another restaurant as a waiter. But the restaurant has a bit more to it. It's a safe place for local criminal organizations to communicate. The restaurant itself doesn't do anything but they make sure the people of the town can communicate selfly and if someone pulls a gun, they will be stopped. As a Were Tay can basically recover from anything except Silver with relative ease so his main job is making sure casualties are low, and if the guests have seen what he turns into before, he also works as an intimidation strategy
Little funfact, his colleagues also got fed up with the post-TF nudity so they got him a tailored outfit that can grow with his body and also shrink back to human size. It does not shrink to actual cat size though so if he turns into that he will end up without clothes
I did also commission pawberri on The Platform Formerly Known As Twitter for a lovely drawing of Tay in his waiter outfit, I hope the embed works here
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While Ryley does play in a metal band and even does do concerts and even music videos where he has appeared in full Werewolf form (after they made fake CGI models so people wouldn't realize they were seeing an actual Werewolf) the band stuff is mostly for fun, it's perhaps more than a hobby but as it is now he can't sustain himself with it as a job.
Instead he is currently working in the previously mentioned Cat Café that Tay worked at before. The pack is rather rich since there are a lot of furries in the pack and we know how rich furries tend to be, I mean look, I already linked two commissions (I am actually kinda getting tight with my financial planning so don't expect an overload of Tay and Ryley drawings unless I suddenly start taking the pen into my own hand), so the Cat Café actually pays their employees generously.
He also does still have to gain control of his shifting. The fullness of the moon decides how easily someone might shift on accident, and there have been instances where during a half full moon, if Tay wanted to leave, Ryley went full wolf and threw a tantrum or stole socks
I currently do not have any other job for Ryley planned, maybe his band business could take off but also idk how I feel about him going on tours and leaving Tay behind. So, we'll see
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jungw8ns · 3 years
PAIRING: boyfriend!enha x gn!reader. GENRE: established relationship, fluff, crack. WARNINGS: profanity (not that much tho), mentions of death (?). WORD COUNT: 100 - 200 each member.
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the two of you were so pumped playing an escape room together for the first time that the other people in line had to calm you guys down (which was trully embarrassing to say the least 🤐🤐)
he was looking at the ranking board filled with pictures of players that had succeeded in the shortest amount of time and he just wanted nothing more than to see both your faces on there
but anyways, we all know how competitive heeseung gets 🕴️
oh boy let me tell you, this guy WAS SPEEDRUNNING IT but not the kind you were thinking
the second the timer had started he was literally SPRINTING AROUND THE ROOM LOOKING FOR CLUES YET COMPLETELY MISSING THEM 🏃‍♂️💨💨💨
while he was busy running around, you were picking up the little details in the room and in no time managed to open a few locks
"y/n look i found– oh 😐😑😐"
when you noticed him standing from afar staring at you with his arms crossed, you called him to solve this one puzzle you already did
*gasps* "oh no! babe i don't understand how to do this, please help me 😔😔🤥🙏🙏"
he had to bite his lower lip to stop himself from letting out that cocky grin but it got out eventually
"oh it's so easy sweetheart, just put this here and then voila! 😉"
when the two of you escaped you suprisingly got to take a polaroid with him home after ranking 2nd in the records
heeseung was the one who held onto it tho, placing it underneath his clear phonecase for safekeeping <3
"y/n stay behind me >:(("
"um, babe, you do realize that's just a door right?"
you knew you shouldn't have played horror games with him a few nights ago cause he looked like he was about to lose his mind 😔
you had to shove his ass aside and move on to the next mission cause the both of you knew that he was stalling 🏌️‍♀️
jay was being extra clingy the whole time you were playing, he'd either link arms with you or hold hands (he's literally so adorable) 💞💞
while you were roaming around the room trying to solve a puzzle, you saw this horse mask on a nearby table
and so you made sure jay was distracted and put on the mask
you could've NOT worn the dusty old thing but where was the fun in that?
"jay can you come here for a sec?"
you hid behind the wall beside the door frame waiting for him to come into your sight and attacked him
now, how about we guess what happens next?
a. he faints
b. he runs away
or c. he slaps you in the face and forces you to buy him food for the rest of the night
if you guessed c then YAY! YOU'RE CORRECT 🥳🎉🎉🎊
when he finally takes off the mask like those scenes in scooby doo he's never felt so betrayed in his life
he wouldn't stop side eyeing you until you guys finally pulled up on the mcdonalds drive thru
"hi, can i get two um– bts meals please? 😒😒 and two oreo mc flurries 🙄🙄 and also large fries 😐😐"
sane (1/3)
would be trailing behind you like a little puppy (i love him so much 😭😭😭)
he either has his arm linked with yours or held hands every five minutes
really focused on the puzzles he's doing but the second he hears you call out his name for help he's there beside you with the sweetest smile
but anyways, mans was POPPING OFF the entire time you were playing
he was solving problem after problem in no time (he wanted to impress you is why he activated his inner flash ⚡⚡) but he did let you play tho, the last thing he wanted to do was make you pissed at him for hogging all the games
def buried jake with compliments and forehead kisses right after ❤️__❤️
and so the two of you got out in like an hour and a few which you were very proud of
"you were so cool today babe, good job !!"
"aww thank you angel 😊😊"
sane (2/3)
would be linking pinkies with you the whole time, only letting go whenever the both of you had to solve something that needed two or more people
there was this one game tho where he had to arm wrestle this literal hand lever to open the door to the last room (yea...don’t ask why, the staffs were pretty weird 😬😬) 
it made him enjoy the experience a bit more as it was only the two of you playing instead of getting accompanied by strangers
“oh this’ll be easy, y/n step aside, i’ll handle this 😏😏😏”
idk if you were supposed to think about how handsome he looked with his serious expression on and his veiny hands coming into frame or be worried for him because the lever was REAL HARD to pull that his veins looked like they were going to pop any second soon, you stepped in and helped him tho cause you were a good s/o <3
from a spectators point of view, the two of you looked like y’all were about shit your pants but the two of you eventually succeeded on beating it, immediately dragging him to the next room which had a sofa in it, laying down to catch your breaths
cliché moment ahead ⚠️⚠️
the two of you shared a few laughs before standing up on the empty space, held hands and started to jump in circles to celebrate your success 💃💃
yupp, y’all were never going back to that hellhole again
very stubborn at first, he wanted nothing to do with the game but then you held him at gunpoint by saying:
"please just this once or else i'll revoke your mint choco ice cream rights 🔫🔫🔫"
"it won't be that scary sunshine, besides, i'll be ready to 🤜💥 yk?? trust me babe i would never let anyone hurt you <33"
kinda pissed since you blackmailed him into the place and also bc he wanted to play bumper cars and dance mania but he yea he caved in pretty quick 😋😋
(y/n let him play his games in peace tf >:(((( )
once you guys got in tho he realized how normal it was and that it was not terrifying at all
he wouldn't stop back hugging you and you couldn't bring yourself to push him away to play the games so you just let him walk behind you with his arms on your shoulders 😩😩
(y'all were walking kinda funny but don't tell sunoo that 🤫🤫🤫)
yea the two of you ended up escaping with a whopping 2 hours and a few minutes
but it was the effort that counts so A+++++ for the both if you 😜👍👍👍
sane (3/3)
was the one who suggested going, he even searched on naver about really good escape room places to visit and was overall really looking forward it
he liked going to places and having fun with you so it wasn't a shock how his eyes were literally crescents and his dimples were so evident
yea he literally rushed the both of you to the place that you were the first in line 😵
while waiting for the staff to finish setting up he was playing with your connected hands like 🖐️✊🖐️✊ (so precious 💞💞)
"y/n why are you taking so long 😭😭 what if they close and we end up not solving a single lock, hurry up por favorrr 😩🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏"
when they finally lead you to the room he was kind of surprised that they had separated the two of you into different spaces (like the one with txt where they had the answers to the other member's puzzles yk???)
he was locked inside a telephone stand while you were handcuffed in the main room
dw the two of you reunited after a few minutes cause jungwon was rushing his lock to get to you 🤭
you both were progressing at an average pace and it made you guys a lot more closer (not that you guys weren't before but you get what i mean)
after you guys escaped the two of you went to eat curry and talked about the whole experience 😋✌️✌️✌️
this boy literally dragged you in the escape room with him
"ok masterchefs, in order to test your abilities we must go through series of puzzles and make it out alive, understood?"
he tried ignoring how confused you were and went on to try and get you guys to escape
HE'S LAUGHING AT YOU FOR WHATEVER REASON AND OBV YOU LAUGH ASWELL CAUSE WHO WOULDN'T??? his laugh is so contagious pls 🤖🤖 he was so close to d wording cause he couldn't breathe from laughing too much
yea.. you guys spent so much time laughing at each other for being so dumb at this that you ended up playing 'till closing time
spoiler alert: he fails on doing anything cause the second you made eye contact with him this child collapses 😍🤩
"haunted house next weekend???"
NOTE – god they were WAY funnier in my head but yeah.... i love them so much AND OMFG HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN HEESEUNG’S SELCAS LAST NIGHT???!?@??#?@?!?@ HE’S NOT REAL WTF ⁉️❓❓⁉️
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also, idk why BUT EVERY TIME I SAVE A DRAFT the paragraphs get scrambled?? £!?) 6=6) 🤣😂💔💔🤣🤣😂💔 it's so annoying but anyways, ilysm pls stay safe and have a great day <33
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stylesann · 3 years
Stark’s retirement plan
Steve Rogers x fem!reader
Summary: Steve looks for his happy ending.
Warnings: none?
A/N: idk what this is… I just felt excited about writing and apparently the only thing I’m able to do is twist Steve’s ending 145 times because I did not enjoy cannon version hihi, and welll this is the results tho it might be really bad i still wanted to post lol, bear in mind english is not my first language so there could have some mistakes anddd to finish, any comments are appreciated 💕 💕 -> written and posted 16/06/21 ->I do not own any marvel characters or anything really
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“You're a good man, Sam. This one's on me, though” Steve answered his friend and directed himself to Bucky. “Don't do anything stupid 'till I get back.”
“How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you” they both chuckle and hug. Bucky knows something is up with Steve, he knows him and he sees all the signs that something is making him nervous, unsettled. “Gonna miss you, Buddy.”
“It's gonna be okay, Buck” Steve assures his friend. Truth is, he is not sure it will. Steve’s been anxious, every since he saw her that day he couldn’t help but feel his heart ache. All he wanted was to go straight to her and hug her and never let go. He knows he has a decision to make, an important one in fact, but he can’t help but wonder the consequences that the deepest desires of his heart would cause in the timeline, and that itself makes him pray everything will work out as planned for once in his life. Steve goes over to the Quantum portal and activates the time-travel suit.
“How long is this gonna take?” Sam asks.
“For him? As long as he needs. For us? Five seconds… Ready, Cap? Alright. We'll meet you back here, okay?”
“I’ll see you in a minute” Steve tells his friends before he disappears on the platform.
“Steve, answer the coms! Are you seeing this??” Steve hears the voice screaming at his past version while you’re all fighting the Wakanda Battle. It’s you. God, he has missed you so much during the past 5 years. He almost cries knowing what is to happen in the near future to you. He can’t let it happen again.
Steve knows his past version is too far from where you where fighting many aliens all by yourself. He knows that what you where referring is a few alien ships arriving from the sky, and normally he would go directly to you but Thanos is about to show up in Wakanda and take all of his attention. Back then, he couldn’t have reached you on time to stop that alien from stabbing you seconds before half the universe is turned to dust. But now, damn him if he wouldn’t be there to take you out of the battle alive.
Steve knows he had to act quickly so that everyone would assume you just got dusted too. When people were to show up in 5 years and you didn’t… well he would worry about that later.
The soldier sees the aliens trapping you in the middle of them and they start to close the circle, leaving you with less and less space to defend yourself from their attacks. You were losing. He could see your movements slower and you were clearly tired. Your breath was heavy and you had injuries on your arms and torso. Steve decides now is a time as good as any to get you out of here. He steps out of his hiding place and runs to you.
With Steve there you both manage to get the aliens down. You seemed to be ready to thank him when the atmosphere changes. What was before a chaotic battle noise, now was silence. That was it, Thanos had snapped his fingers, and Steves time gap to act was getting smaller. He grabbed your hand and dragged you to where he was waiting before. The confusion was evident in your face but he didn’t have the luxury to explain it to you in the moment, so he just asks you to trust him and you both wait until it’s safe to leave without people seeing you or him.
Steve could hear the raindrops outside while he prepared a tea for you. He looked out of the kitchen window and spoted you sitting in a small couch that you both decided to put on the front porch of your house. You were wearing his big sweatshirt and had a blanket covering your legs, the perfect description of cozy if someone ever asks Steve.
The weather was chilly but Steve couldn’t feel any happier. He had you, he finally had you in his arms after spending so long without hearing your voice or feeling your touch. He spent 5 years missing your presence, your quirks and your habits. He felt so empty, like a man out of time again. He was out of time with you, except that now he wasn’t.
As soon as you both had been able to leave Wakanda without being caught, he told you what had happened. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t realised his face seemed more tired and older than hours ago, when you had last seen his past self. To you it was obvious when you looked at him, at his eyes that carried the weight of the world, that he was there for a reason. It was clear to you that you wouldn’t had made it out alive if he hadn’t interfered with the aliens and so you understood beforehand what he would tell you, but Steve still had to explain everything else, and he did.
The soldier cried a lot when he told you what life without you was like and it broke you heart to see such a strong man in such a fragile state. Steve then mentioned Stark’s plan of retirement, of moving out of town and starting a family maybe, and he said he wanted that with you, which you agreed.
And now you both lived in a simple house in front of a small lake, that had a lot of trees around which provided the most beautiful sight wether it is a sunny or a rainy day. The house was far away from the avengers compound, you both pretty much spend 5 years secluded without seeing your friends in order to not mess too much with the timeline. But there was one change that couldn’t be avoided and you as much as Steve knew that he would have to reveal in a couple of months, when the avengers were supposed to bring everyone back from the dust.
“How is my two favourite people in the world?” Steve chants from the door. He hands you the tea and hugs your side while you accommodate to his body.
“We’re good, the baby is sleeping I guess, he just stopped moving” you chuckle lightly as your hand goes to your belly to caress you 8 month bump. You feel Steve’s hand on your bump and you see him sporting the biggest grin.
“You sleeping there J?” He lowers his head and whispers to the baby, receiving no kicks back.
“Yeah, definitely sleeping. Probably tired from the party that he threw this morning on my belly. I swear I couldn’t sleep 3 hours straight” you yawn tiredly.
“One more month and he’ll be here with us, honey” you cuddle closer to him as you drink your tea. One more month and your baby James will be here. Just one more month and you both are gonna be the happiest ever.
“And returning in, five, four, three, two, one–“ Bruce activates the Quantum platform, but nothing happens.
“Where is he?” Sam asks nervously, wondering if something went wrong.
“I don't know. He blew right by his time stamp. He should be here.”
“Well, get him back.”
“I'm trying.”
“Get him the hell back!”
“I said, I'm trying!
“Sam...” Bucky calls, he’s looking at a man sitting in a log. They both walk closer to see Steve, a few years older, wearing normal clothes but caring a round bag with him.
Sams the first one to approach. “So did something go wrong, or did something go right? You look older, no offence”
“Well, after I put the stones back, I thought, maybe I'll try some of that life Tony was telling me to get.” Steve answers, he knew the past few months made an impact in his appearance, considering the baby wouldn’t let you or him sleep for too long. It’s almost laughable that the great Captain America was taken down by his baby son.
“And how'd that work out for you?”
“It is beautiful. And that’s why I can’t have this anymore” Steve hands the shield to Sam. “You’re the best man for the job, and I know you’ll make it proud… How does it feel?”
“Like it belongs to someone else.”
“It doesn’t.”
“You wanna tell me about her?” He asks seeing a wedding ring on his friends finger, and Steve smiles getting up to go back to you and your son.
“Eventually, but for now, I don't think I will.”
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inkandpen22 · 4 years
Cuppa Tea, Cuppa Tea
Request: The first request is that the reader kinda is yawning a bit, but "oh, it's fine, I'm just studying a bit harder" but they're either lying and doing a bunch of work deep into the night (maybe translating old books or something) or it's insomnia, or actually studying til 4:00am or something (lots of "ors" I'm so sorry) and of course spike finds out and is like "I'm supposed to be the nocturnal one??" And I had a brief thought of somehow the reader being tricked to drink sleepy time tea or something that will make them sleep as much as they need, but idk if that would be weird 🤔 but anyway, I hope that made sense ^^;
Pairing: Spike x gender neutral reader 
Warnings: swearing 
Word Count: 1.3k 
Summary: Y/N is at Spike’s studying for a chemistry exam when Spike starts to worry for them. 
A/N: sorry for the delay!!! This was so easy to write because honestly it’s relatable. Enjoy X
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The words on the page start to blend and nothing makes sense anymore. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to process the words I'm staring at here. I have to pass this chemistry exam. I'm not even a chem major, stupid general education classes. I hear Spike move about behind me while his Passions episode comes to an end. Being one of the token full-fledge humans in the Scooby Gang means I'm sometimes dropped off at Spike's for safekeeping. Lately, there's a water demon terrorizing Sunnydale, so I've been instructed to come straight here after classes. Yet, Spike insists on meeting me right after the lecture. He went about finding out my course schedule so he can be thereafter my last class. Since I finish when the sun is still out, he has to use the tunnels on campus. He's the definition of smothering.
"Y/N, you need to go to bed," he advises, appearing beside the crypt I'm set upon.
My notes and textbook are laid perfectly on the crypt to study.
"Five more minutes," I yawn.
The candlelight is starting to radiate enough heat to feel it. They've been going all afternoon and well into the evening. Its light is starting to burn my eyes.
"You said that twenty minutes ago," Spike sighs, kneeling next to me.
"Oh bet, I thought it was only ten," I check my watch for the time.
Spike huffs in annoyance and snatches my textbook away.
"Hey!" I reach for the pages, but he moves it away.
"I'm so supposed to be the nocturnal one! Not you!" He reminds me with a fuss.
"Ever heard of insomnia?" I sass.
"It's not healthy," he preaches, setting my textbook down.
"Nor is being undead. That's a little pot calling the kettle black," I shrug while I reopen my book to the proper page.
"The more tired you get the more annoying you are," he grumbles, tossing his head back dramatically with a sigh.
"Dope," I nod with narrowed eyes.
"I hate you," Spike growls.
"Love to hear it," I mutter subconsciously as I continue reading.
"Ugh, oh my g-"
Absentmindedly, I read the chapter on proper chemical mixing. I can't even read the periodic table, how am I supposed to remember all of this?  
I start to sing a familiar tune under my breath without much thought. "Oh say can you see by the dawn's-"
"Stop!" Suddenly, Spike's hand is covering my mouth. "Stop while you're ahead!"
"I was just getting started." My voice is muffled by his hand.
Spike slips his hand around and brings up the other to make me stare into his eyes.
"You're getting delusional!" He accuses.
"What's life without a little bad trip? Adds some spice," I dismiss carelessly.
"You're psychotic," he determines
"Says the serial killer," I shrug.
"You're! Losing! It!" He emphasizes.
"You! Eat! People!" I fire back mockingly.
"I need to so I can exist. You don't need to study to exist," he takes my textbook away again and strolls away.
"I need to so I can get a good job," I reason.
"Industrial America is overrated," he declares monotonously.
"You're also an old English man," I grumble.
"Yeah, so I know a few things," he smirks proudly.
"You never took school seriously?" I climb down from the crypt to fetch my book from him.
"Well... I went if that's what you mean. I had a rather expensive education," Spike describes vaguely.
I reach for my textbook and take it back civilly. "A White, upper-middle-class, during the Victorian Era, given a well-to-do private education? Well, color me shocked!"
"I can hardly stand you when you get in this mood. You need sleep," he rolls his eyes annoyedly.
"I hardly tolerate you every moment of every day. I need coffee," I correct.
"I will kill you," he threatens as per usual.
"Oh yes, bring me the sweet release," I grumble as I head back to my spot.
"You sicken me, you know that?" Spike questions sarcastically.
"Glad to hear it," I laugh humorlessly.
"Normally, people aren't so keen on being threatened," he reminds.
"Fair enough, granted I'm not 'normal,'" I form quotation marks with my fingers.
"Clearly," he mumbles.
"'Clearly,'" I mock his voice. "You even sound old!"
"I'm only one hundred and twenty-six!" He states, yet again, this week.
"Oh my goodness! You're right! My bad! You're practically a new spring chicken! Now get out there young one, and seize the day!" I tease.
"I'm going to make you a cup of tea," Spike declares, heading over to his make-shift kitchen. In reality, it's an electric kettle he plugs into an extension cord that's connected to somewhere outside.
"Coffee," I request, returning to my reading.
"Tea! You don't need any more coffee," he ridicules.
"You're depressing," I insult under my breath.
After a short time, Spike returns with a mug. I've managed to get through the last paragraph I've been struggling with.
"Here," he hands the white porcelain object to me.
The warmth of the mug contrasts the cold of my hands.
"What kind," I ask as I go to sip it.
"Green," he nods.
"Oo, so you are giving me caffeine," I wiggle my brows right as the liquid hits my lips.
"Only to shut you up," he sighs.
"Always the charmer," I wink.
After a moment of consideration and pondering, I can determine that this is good tea. Spike stands around waiting for my approval.
"This is nice, what brand is it?" I go in for another sip.
"An old one my mother used to use, been around for a while," he stammers.
"Lovely, thank you."
I compliment and he grumbles some response. ______________________ The sound of a distant lawnmower wakes me up in a jolt. I gasp for air, having been so deeply asleep that I hardly felt alive. I must've been more exhausted than I originally comprehended. My blurry vision adjusts to my surroundings and I'm tucked into a bed, but not my own. No, I know this bed. I've seen it before. The bright red sheets are hard to forget. Spike.
"What the-" I scream, "Spike!"
The bleach blonde vampy appears from behind a pillar across the room.
"Yes, Pet?" He says slyly, as though it's just any other morning.
"You asshole!" I curse at him as I hurry to get up.
"Feel refreshed?" He smirks.
"Did you drug me?" I come to the realization as I stand up that I don't remember falling asleep or getting into Spike's bed.
"Eh, somewhat," he explains vaguely. "I gave you camomile tea and maybe crushed up some melatonin in it."
My jaw drops, "you're insane!"
"Knocked you out like a bloody babe," he snickers, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.
"What time is it?!" I shake my wrist to my watch.
"Noon," Spike answers before I have the chance to check.
My eyes go wide as the harsh reality that I'm late to my class sinks in.
"Shit! Shit!" I rush to gather my things. "Fuck me! I have my test in thirty minutes!"
Spike strolls about casually around me, not giving two shits.
"You'll be fine," he assures calmly. "The sleep will help."
"It better!" I growl at the vamp.
"I'll pick you up after your class. We'll get coffee," he suggests with a smug expression.
"You don't drink coffee," I glare as I pack up my backpack.
"Damn straight, but you do. My treat," he offers.
"Oh, so kind!" I remark sarcastically as I struggle to slip my arms through my backpack and get my shoes on at the same time.
"Have fun!" He waves as I head to the door. "Good luck!"
"Fuck you!" I bid farewell as I slam the tomb door behind me.
"Coffee!" He shouts from inside as I stroll away. "Four o'clock! I'll pick you up!"
"Okay! Fine! Fine!" I yell in agreement, despite everything that just happened.
God, I hate to love him. 
Tags: @mx-pibbles​
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