#if fanfictions makes you angry to the point you can't control your feelings then please stop reading fanfiction and go talk to someone
A reminder that fanfiction is free content that authors are giving you for FREE.
You can dislike it if you want, but don't go asking authors to rewrite their entire stories because their story is not the story you want. If you want to write a headcanon so bad it hurts for you to read it... Then write your own fanfiction but don't come crying because other authors see things another way.
This is not your story.
The story was not written for you especially.
This is an interpretation of a story that you have and might or might not be the one of the author.
You don't get to choose how the author write, that's just rude and it can have a bad impact on some authors who don't ask for your opinion in the first place.
A reminder as well that all fanfiction, even those closer to the canon story, are not canon. They all contain headcanons, they're all reimaginations, and so they're all part of the fanon. All of them. They are all interpretations that may or may not be correct, but can't be validated anyway because it's a headcanon. It's what headcanons do.
No "canon version" of a fanfiction is canon.
There's not one way to write a story, there's not one way to interpret things, especially in a game as vast and rich as Undertale.
Thanks :)
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Congrats on 20k!! 'Finger lickin' good'--Can I get Steve Harrington, smitten and taking an equally smitten reader home from a party? Could it even get a little spicy 👀?
join my 20K celebration!
'it's finger lickin' good.' - send me a request for a baby blurb! give me a character, and a plotline, and i'll write you a little fanfiction :)
baby i'm sorry i had a vision for this and then it veered completely off course! it's still the same general plotline but it's a lot more giggly than it is sexy and i'm sorry about that </3 i hope you still enjoy!
You nearly giggle yourselves off of the steps of the porch, landing hard on your feet so that your ankles ache for a second. Steve sways into you, his arm around your shoulders as he drops his empty cup on the lawn.
"Steve! Litterbug," You accuse, and he snorts like it's the funniest thing in the world.
"This is Andy's house," He explains, like that makes it okay to throw trash on the ground, "He deserves it."
"Is that your car?" You point at the first one you see, and he shakes his head.
"No, mine's red."
"That one?" You point at the next red one down the street, but he reacts the same.
"No, I'm in a beamer."
"Is that... that one?" You point across the street, at a brown car that's parked in a house's driveway. Steve isn't sure why you think it's his, it's not a BMW and it's not red, but it strikes his funny bone again, and he laughs higher-pitched than normal.
"No," He pinches your side, and you shriek, nearly collapsing into his hold. He catches you, and it's all the more funny now, meaning you're stumbling down the sidewalk trying not to tip into the street.
"I'm down there," He points behind you two, then seems to realize, "Wait- we're- we're going the wrong way."
You have to sit down to stop yourself from falling over with laughter. Everything is funnier after four full cups of jungle juice, and you clutch at Steve's ankle as you feel a tear escape your eye.
"Shut up!' He urges, swatting gently at your head, "Don't- don't laugh! You didn't know either."
"I want- I want you to carry me, Stevie~," You croon, giggling up at him with tear-lined eyes from how hard you've been struck by the situation, "Please? I might fall down."
"What-? I'm drunk," He grumbles, like you don't know it, "Okay, just don't- don't fall, okay?"
"Okay." You nod, letting him wrestle you into his grip. It's hard not being in complete control of all of your limbs, but you manage to get your uncoordinated arms wrapped around his neck, and your legs around his waist.
Steve starts back down the road towards his car, but evidently you'd strayed too far down the street for the neighbor's dog's liking, and he manages to slip through a gap in the fence to head for Steve.
At first, you think he might be territorial and angry. You yelp, tightening your grip around Steve and trying to hoist yourself up his torso. But Steve scrambles to balance the both of you while also darting away from the animal, and it means his hands land directly on your ass. You don't admonish him, because you really don't care, and the dog is still trotting your way.
Upon a second glance, he's relaxed, merely curious as to why there's so many people in the house next door. You decide you want to pet him, though, and you lean over Steve's shoulder to do so. It means that your ass is in his face, and the skirt you'd elected to wear is giving him quite the show.
"Puppy!" You coo, reaching eagerly for the dog that leans into your hands with several giddy wags of its tail. Steve's having the hardest time keeping the two of you steady while also being considerate enough not to ogle the thin strip of fabric just barely covering your butt beneath your skirt, and he's sure you can feel how flushed his cheeks are from how one presses into the left side of your ass.
"Steve," You laugh, as the dog licks the palm of your hand, "He's friendly! Pet him with me, please?"
"Honey, I can't," Steve grits his teeth as you lean further towards the animal, nearly pitching yourself off of his shoulder, "Can you- can you stand up?"
"No, I'm okay!" You report happily, like he was asking for your comfort's sake, "Keep going, Stevie! Let's see if we can lure him into the car."
"He's not yours, is he?" Steve muses, trekking down the street with more difficulty than he'd like to admit. A pair of guys pass the two of you, and he nearly drops you in trying to smooth your skirt down to a reasonable length so that they can't stare.
"He will be once we get him in the car, c'mon, puppy!" You kiss at the animal, speaking to Steve in your normal voice afterwards, "Finders keepers, Stevie. Oh, but you have to keep him at your house. My parents don't like dogs."
"Oh, really?" He's panting slightly as he sets you down with your back against the window of his car, and he finally gets a good look at the yellow lab you're lured away from his home. He looks happy to be there, eagerly accepting a pat on the head from Steve.
"Yeah. And- um, do you know how to get to my house? I forgot."
"No," He breathes, "You'll remember tomorrow. You said you'd come to mine, remember?"
"Oh, yeah!" You brighten, "But I don't know the way to your house, either."
"I do," He laughs, scratching the dog behind the ears when it noses at his fingers. But he sends him off with a pat to the side, "'Kay, g'home, dog. Let's go, okay?"
"But- my puppy!" You watch aghast as the dog follows orders, tucking his head down towards the ground and trotting back home, "Steve, you're mean."
"It's not- no I'm not!" He urges, "That's not your dog!"
"I wanted him to be," You lament, "Can we stop by the animal shelter on the way home? I wanna get a dog."
"You said-" Steve can't quite remember what you said, actually, he just knows there's a reason why that won't work, "Uh- sure. Yeah, but they're- I think they're closed."
"Tomorrow?" You ask hopefully, and he nods, completely on board with whatever will make the slight pout to your lips disappear.
"Yeah, tomorrow," He unlocks his door, popping the lock on your own side up just after, "Just hop in, we'll do whatever you want, babe."
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