#if dragon groups were like fucking herd animals but the opposite with one female who breeds and a lot of males in her herd
rjalker · 1 year
It's really fucking stupid to me that the Raksura get violently murderous when they're in labor to the point they'll even try to murder their own family members because like, they still fucking need midwives. And this has been a feature rather than a bug since as long as anyone can remember.
Like, either they'd have a fucking system in place to knock the person giving birth out once they know for sure they're going into labor, or make them so loopy they're just chill the whole time with fantasy laughing gas or something, or...they'd evolve to not try to murder the midwife in the first place simply due to the fact that the people who are most violently homicidal and likely to *literally kill the midwife* would be the ones most likely to die from complications because the midwife who *could have saved their life and the lives of their children* is currently bleeding out on the other side of the room.
If you're trying to create a fantasy species of people and you're looking at animal behavior for inspiration, you...cannot just take traits of animals and transplant them 1:1 onto people and not think through how this trait would impact and evolve in the society these people live in.
Unless other members of the species are still actively trying to murder any newborn babies they can get their hands on, having the members of your species who give birth flying into homicidal rages when they're in labor is the exact opposite of evolutionarily fit. That is causing more people to die than it saves. The reason bears and crap don't let other members of their species near their babies is because the other members will fucking kill the cubs because it means less competition for /their/ offspring.
If your fantasy people are not literally still doing this, it is not realistic that they'd still fly into a homicidal rage when in labor unless complications with birth are like, completely unheard of and they never need any help or supervision at all, so there's never been any reason for midwives to exist and the mere idea of "helping" someone give birth is seen as absurd beyond belief.
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