#if anything it fixes the plot hole of how the Jedi knew about the rule of two if the Sith were thought to be extinct
Ik some people see a plot hole in all the Jedi accepting Vernestra’s coverup since Sol was at the Temple teaching younglings when Indara was killed, but honestly, I don’t get it. If anything I see it as a reflection of how respected and influential Vernestra is. Idk much about her as I haven’t read the comics, but they way the other Jedi treat her have me the impression that she’s one of the most respected Jedi short of the High Council. It seems to me that even if a Jedi was able to get solid proof of Sol’s innocence (which would probably be very difficult as Vernestra would have sealed away the evidence and official records and confronted anyone who tried to reopen the case) they would have to be both extremely courageous to openly challenge Vernestra and have incredible conviction to knowingly cast the Order in a bad light especially since their relationship with the Senate is becoming strained.
That being said, Vernestra still knows there’s a threat to the Jedi (her former Padawan) and there’s a major loose end (Mae) which she is going to need to take care of without drawing suspicion. Hence she gets Yoda involved since she knows she’s not powerful enough to do it alone, which makes it even more unlikely that someone would challenge her cover story. But it also presents a huge risk since if Yoda doubts her, he 100% could and would reopen the case and bring her reputation crashing down. I think that this would have been the plot of season 2: can Vernestra maintain the coverup while also taking care of Qimir, Osha and Mae with Yoda carefully watching her every move?
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arielsojourner · 7 years
Vader Strikes Back - Part the Fourth
Not beta read/really rough/not really proof read/plot holes and OUT of order.  Also spoilers for the original first story in AO3 Back From the Future: Episode VI The Clone Wars.  Check the tag #vader strikes back on my page for the other parts to this mess/fic outline. Again I value feedback and ideas if you have any. 
Fives wanted to move. His back itched. The view of the medical quarters ceiling  grew boring after about 20 minutes when he was finally allowed to lie face up after days on his belly. Quick was weaning him off the good drugs but he couldn’t just sleep the day away. At this angle he couldn’t do anything. He wanted to get out of bed and do something.
But he was lucky that his spine was still intact, he was lucky to be alive.
(A year ago, perhaps two, an injury like this would have meant decommissioning. Now resources were used to keep him alive, heal him. He was very lucky. He knew that.)
Others hadn’t been so lucky.
Fives closed his eyes and clenched his fists. The casualties reports of clones fighting clones was sickening, there were Jedi dead in the field at the hands of their own troopers. And to top it all off, his teacher was dead. So many dead and he was stuck in this prone position for at least another week before he’d be allowed to start physical therapy. And even when he was back on his feet, who would teach him and his brothers now?
Yes, the Sith Master had been defeated. Yes, the damn chip was out of his head. Yes, he had the Force and medical treatment and the war was over and he should be grateful. He should be happy that he was alive but all he was was frustrated and pissed off and worried.
If only he could get up and do something productive!  If only he could be of some use!
“What do you think you’re doing?” Quick barked.
Fives turned his head to see which patient had earned his ire this time. (He didn’t dare raise his head under threat of being strapped down for the duration of his convalescence.) He needn’t have actually looked. He could guess who it was.
“I’m better, I don’t need to be here!” Hardcase argued even as he hopped back over to his bed, thwarted in his most recent escape attempt.
Quick shoved him down and checked the bacta patch over his leg. “You nearly bled to death, you moron. We’ve had to ration the bacta with all the injuries. It isn’t healed yet. You put pressure on it now the wound could reopen and you could die!”
“Aw, c’mon. It wasn’t as bad as all that,” he protested trying to bat the medic’s hands away.
“This is the third time today. And you didn’t even bother to steal a hoverchair this time! Do I need to strap you down? Because I will!”
“Look, Quick, I’ve got stuff to do I can’t do in here,” Hardcase wheedled. “It’s been weeks.”
“And just what can’t wait until you’re not at risk of losing your leg or your life, trooper?” The medic demanded, hands on his hips.
“Have you been watching the holonet? Have you heard what they’re saying about Luke and Vader? We need to be doing something to help!”
“What?! What’ve they been saying?” Fives interrupted, raising his voice to be heard. “Hardcase?” he asked worriedly.
“No holonet in here; my patients must all rest,” Quick insisted firmly.
“They’re saying that Vader’s trying to take over the galaxy or something, that Palpatine was his master. They’re saying Luke was helping,” Hardcase said hotly. “It’s total kriffing banthashit and someone needs to set the record straight. They were heroes! We were all heroes!”
“Who’s saying it?” Fives asked urgently, forgetting himself for a moment and trying to sit up only for all the monitors around him to start beeping warningly. “Why would they–?” he began, in turns furious and horrified.
“Lay down, trooper!” Quick yelled rushing over to his bed.
“There’s some new report out,” Mixer said from the other side of the ward. “Uni told me about it when he stopped by.  They say the Order’s going to hunt down Vader for going after Palpatine and his allies. They say that Luke wasn’t even a Jedi Knight.”
“Banthashit,” Hardcase snarls. “What’d I tell you, total kriffing banthashit! We need to do something. Fives, Fives we need to–!”
“And what exactly are you going to do about it, may I ask?” Quick asked. “Don’t you think Captain Rex already knows?”
“Luke was our teacher. He was our Commander,” Fives said. “He and Vader came and killed Krell. They got the chips out of our heads and healed us. They gave us all our freedom and ended the war. Hardcase is right. We’re troopers; even laid up there’s got to be something we can do to help.”
Mixer and the others who were awake voiced their loud agreement to Five’s words, some sitting up, others trying to stand. Quick turned around frantically, not sure where to go first to stop the full scale uprising of his patients.
“We could help with reports, or gather intel, or hells even go on the holonet and let everyone know the truth,” Fives continued, rallying the others, lifting his head slightly. “Where’s Echo, is he still on duty? Where’s Hack Squad? We need a holoscreen in here. We need to know what’s going on. We need to comm the 104th and the 212th. Where’s Vader? What–”
“All right! All right! I’ll get a holoscreen in here if and only if you all get back into your beds this second troopers, do you understand me?” Quick yelled, reaching the end of his rope. “Lie back down!”
Grumbling the men obeyed.
“Get a big one, we all need to be able to see and hear,” Hardcase insisted as he relaxed back down.  
“Don’t push your luck,” Quick retorted rushing over to check the clone’s blood pressure and tsking in dismay at what he saw.  “If you go to sleep now, I’ll see what I can do,” he added a bit softer.
“And let Chatterbox and Flare and the others to come by. We need to talk about what we’re going to do,” Fives called out.
Obi-Wan thought he had set the bottle down on the edge of the table, but it turns out he’d missed by quite a margin. He stared at the shattered glass and alcohol on the floor. It was such a waste of good liquor, he mourned. Luckily, the house had a fully stocked bar.
Grabbing his glass, Obi-Wan went to get another bottle, knocking over a chair and a decorative plant along the way.
“What is going on? Obi-Wan, are you hurt?” Padme entered the room in a rush. “I heard a noise and–“ She stopped in her tracks.
The Jedi Master turned slowly, bottle and glass now in hand. “Senator,” he said in greeting and then turned his attention to getting more drink into his glass.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“What does it look like I’m doing?”
“It looks like your getting drunk,” she answered, crossing her arms over her chest.
“No, Senator. I am getting black out drunk. I am getting so drunk I stop thinking for a few hours. So I stop seeing it, him, every time I blink.”
Her face grew wary. “You watched the vid.”
“I watched the vid,” he confirmed toasting her and then knocking back the entire glass. “What an excellent suggestion you had. I didn’t realize what a total and abject failure I was until I watched the vid. Thank you for that.” He wiped his mouth with his hand, nearly dropping the bottle. “I mean, there’s my Padawan all grown up in a life support suit slaying the Sith Master even after falling to the Dark side. And there’s baby Luke, all grown up and now quite dead after enduring the agony of Force lightning at the hands of the same Sith Master. The Sith Master incidentally who’s been ruling the Republic and controlling the Separatist, who was right under our nose, who nearly exterminated the entire Order using our own troops.”
“Obi-Wan …”
“I’m not sure how much worse I can screw up, Sennan– Padme. As a Jedi, as a General, as a teacher, as a friend. I let that monster near my Padawan, let him do gods know what to him since he was a boy, only a boy. I am quite sure,” he continued staggering and nearly tripping on the fallen chair as he came closer to her. “No one has failed as greatly as I have in the history of the Order.” He waved his hand to cut her off when she opened her mouth to interrupt. “No, no really. Jedi have lost students before, yes. My own Master lost a student. Xanatos. Always trying to kill me. But to kriff up so badly that your Fallen Sith Lord student comes back in time to fix things, now that’s a new low, deserving of a place of honor in the Archives.”
Padme grabbed hold of the bottle and the glass and yanked them out of Obi-Wan’s hands. “Enough of this. I know you’re hurt and shocked, but–“
“I was going to talk to Anakin. I was going to talk to him but he’s in the nursery, sleeping on the floor. He did that sometimes in the beginning. He wasn’t used to the sleep couch. He was cold, so he’d make a nest in a corner of his room. I used to tell him off for hoarding blankets. I was such a bad Master.”  He stepped backward, reaching for the couch and finding it with one hand, flopped down on the cushions. “ I don’t want to lie to him anymore. I don’t want to tell him that the war is good, that the Order knows what its doing, that he’s doing good, and he needs to keep fighting and fighting and fighting. He’s very good a fighting and killing,” he said mournfully.
“Yes,” Padme agreed softly setting down the bottle and the glass. “Anakin’s very good at killing. All of the Jedi are.”
“You sound like Satine,” he says crossly. “Warriors can’t be peacekeepers. Soliders can only do one thing. If your only tool is a weapon, everyone looks like a target,” he parrots in a Mandalore accent.
“I can’t say I disagree. That was probably the plan all along. Sheev Palpatine was famous for such tactics when he was a Senator.”
“And he was in front of us the whole time. We saved his life a dozen times. He talked of democracy and we happily helped build his Sith Empire for him,” Obi-Wan spat. “He played the kindly old man while he dripped poison into my Padawan’s ear. I let him– I let him–“ He wiped one shaking hand over his face and breathed, trying to release his anger. “And he won. He won. Vader is proof of that. Force knows what they did … After. Killed everyone, I imagine.” He touched his throat, remembering the durasteel grip, the Forcestorm of hate and betrayal.
“Now that you know, what will you do?” Padme asked.
“Do you plan to tell the Jedi Order? Do you plan to lock Anakin up or kill him preemptively?”
“What? No! No, of course not! Anakin is not Vader!” he yelled defensively. “How can you say that?”
“Anakin was terrified to tell you of our marriage, of the babies. He believed you to be more loyal to the Order and the Council than him.” Obi-Wan sputtered at that but some part of him whispered that Anakin had every right to think that about him. “The war and constant fighting has taken a toll. He is suffering and in pain. Your Order teaches that those types of feelings aren’t allowed, that they lead to the Dark side, to somehow becoming evil like the flick of a switch. Knowing that in some other time and place he became Vader … I have a right to know what you plan to do to my husband.”
“Nothing! I plan to do nothing!” Obi-Wan tried to stand. “He’s my brother. I love him! I would never– I could never kill him! Never!”
Dark eyes watch him for a long moment.
“I promised him. I promised Anakin I would stay with him and help make things right. I meant it. Forget about the the Council and the war. I said I wanted to help and I will, Padme. Not because of the Code or the Order or-or some promise to my dying Master, but because I care for him and I don’t want to see him hurting, not anymore, not if I can help it. I’m going to help. I swear it.”
“And Vader?” Padme asked softly. “Will you help him too?”
“Vader?” Obi-Wan drew back in shock.
“He’s lost everyone and everything. His son … my son is dead. He will need our help.”
“I … he’s a Sith,” Obi-Wan tried to explain.
“And what, Sith can’t be redeemed? Sith can’t make new and better choices? Sith can’t save the galaxy and defeat evil? I don’t believe that,” she said sharply turning and looking away from him. “I don’t care what his name is now, he was once Anakin Skywalker. I can tell by what he’s done. There is good in him.”
“Padme, once a Jedi starts down the Dark path, their destiny is fixed and dominated by death and suffering.”
“He saved us all. He and Luke. And now, he’s alone.”
Obi-Wan swallowed hard. It went against everything he had been taught and believed his whole life. But then again, what he believed and was taught said that time travel was impossible and that Sith were incapable of good. Vader had already disproven both points.
And he was alone. Anakin never made good choices when he was left all alone.
It made him dizzy just thinking about it. But then again, it may be the alcohol.
“I will do what I can,” he said finally.
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The Clone Wars         Duchess of Mandalore
                Season 2 Episode 14
You know      I want to believe     this is going to be an episode    focusing     on Duchess’s actual character        . . . .      But the track record     of writing female characters    (Never mind blam   ing trauma for their personality )
Doesn’t     leave     much       Good      Faith      Or     trust       . .          (especially how often their    Characterization gets to     Ret-conned.   to fit the     episode,)
(Padme turned into a nag,               Ahsoka      In     unchildlike     abomination       that goes with a plot needs    her       to)
From     Relat     iv-ely        Reas        On      Able     Leader         .  .   .       Turned        exquisite          and       Ex-      - cess         -ive         (Pe        tty)
Con      trast-      With      Semi-     Constant      Smart   “laziness”       avoidant      Obi-wan       And     “Do      It     Sky   wal   -ker-
 I don’t expect this to     stick
     (Al-ways     the female  characters,”
Any. Way
And war,  truth is the first casualty,
[It’s actually   accountability    but good try]
 Deluding them selves of the     goodness usually comes after the bad action
 Any way.
The     terribly designed ship
(I’m sorry but that thing doesn’t even look even slightly      aerodynamic) 
(The shark    ship at least had that)
[it was one apparent smoke bomb and she wasn’t allowed to        do anything to try and fix it,]
  But sure...    let’s go with that        .      Allies
[Never got a feel for that and    one dude was always    snarking at her,] No  shit 
everyone can see that
And     it was one dude
  [They haven’t     heard of this yet]
 [This plot-     isn’t very good]
Right     -      ok now they’re   im-portant-
 Sit and and wait 
 As Duchess makes her case that this is just one splinter group that she can handle
Some thing you wouldn’t think would     need a trial
[Only     becoming a problem when it affects other people]
        [suffering from the Luminara               problem, where if she doesn’t meet up to      high unreasonable standards.             In an unreasonable               amount of time                    (Little)                     Instantly lambasted by         her colleagues.                             With the     nar-rative showing no signs of painting this is wrong                                Or the fact of the   male characters can feck around     screw       everything       up,        And that   isn’t considered      serious
    [Narrative’s              a           Cheater. .)
        How long
These are   actual good evil minions    
(No this could actually be good with them becoming something like the clone troopers to the, Darkside
   Making up for a lack        of human faces in the ranks         up to this point,
   Establishing that while they may be the          instigator of tox,          Actions are about   ~now~          Less abhorrent than the     Empire’s            /       Coun-       cil-
‘the       Plot,’
 Completely irrelevant
   (And stupid)
Relying on everyone   being a complete       un-     accountable-       Idiot.
  Great plan you got there      Dooku,
 How’s Duchess’s explaining that’s-not-at-all-what-happened-and-we-don’t need a foot hold and all security,     going?
Like you think he’d be more mad   Considering what seems like the only plot,          Intercepting the        vehicle in transit,         Failed       horribly,
   Unless, the guys didn’t tell     him - And he still thinks they have      Duchess -which would make     sense...because of course they sent troops for the lost     foreign    leader
    (Would’ve been a     good episode for both        of them)
    (Not sure that would cause      a riot though-)
   (-Which would make sense if Obi-Wan was the last         one they saw around here-      Thinking, that a Jedi      captured their leader,
 But I’m getting ahead of myself      let’s focus on the       actual plot.    .
Whoa rows
To Coursant
I thought you just said to    . . .sit still and leave.
         What?                ...     
Oh so we’re focusing on another     cliché plot instead of the actual characters
  (*Note;           Cliché             As              in              a           badly        established           already       done plot              . . .           There’s        nothing          wrong           with          doing         repeat          plot           so           long                as         you          do        them         well
    What you bring     into it is the fun part           (Ideally)
They’re just         there
Also yeah you already know that there there you already know what they’re doing you still haven’t done anything about it
      [I was about to say where is the courier guy     but he’s dead]
     R.I.P shortly lived villain          Killed off for a shitty       written romance-
 -He deserved         better
 [i’ve seen that image multiple times        but I never realized the city was in the ball
     [also how is this the palace     where several important officials meet         And the nice forest is supposed to be this            mining hell hole
The environments-           They’re-
  So yeah we know it’s there, but like last time we’re not going to do anything about it
   [like I said Saltine did get back at some point and          everyone’s logic was just ok let’s go complain to the council        for no reason,]
           [I     dislike this logic)
           Just...?            Why
             Also yeah who’s in charge     while she’s away?
               I mean we’ve already got like a lot of      senators’ sus
    Things         Happen          Ing
    Also yeah palace   right back to the way it was,
    I guess it was a smoke       bomb. .
    You left     the Boomer in control?
     Also, so yeah I’m surprised he didn’t run out to be a     mastermind either
     Like, yeah        That        can happen
  But given the      “legacy and proud of everything      thing,”
     You’d think he’d be the main target
    [Makes a lot more sense than Random     Sen   ator       #4
   And he was the only one in that     hallway with Obi-Wan-
During their   argu-     ment-
Prime      Minister-      It      Makes      Sense          -
You found     the deathwatch     armies         -    isn’t   hard         -           It   was like five guys last time
Now just like them, you have allowed, the situation       to get worse
Good job     smart guys.
Really because they seem like the same group of nerds
  Deathwatch will never be strong enough
 Yeah, no shit  
 Guess you      shouldn’t do anything stupid
     [how long until something           stupid happens?]
       Beyond          the normal               . . .
Seriously how does this   plan make any sense?
Jedi- come here      - everyone-         Loses         their         shit  
  How?                - like      I know it be unpleasant to have some guys     stomp into              Your               House
         But there’s literally no need for     that..
    Considering         the situation            isn’t out of control
     And       Satine should be fully capable of handling the situation
       - And telling the Senate to feck off
       - And don’t tell me he’s doing this because she’s       passive because he’s been everything but passive in defending her passive beliefs,
   [Something        not really      elaborated          on]
  NOT BE        AN IDIOT!
    [I really don’t like this      plot        it makes no sense,”.     ]
  That        Got        Dark-
[but possibly make sense if this is how she   sees members of the republic,        As a dark   brooding force that will hurt everyone if     she’s not careful,
Significant deadly threat
They-     smoke bombed one building
[That’s   juvenile]
  [The situation is not out of control]
 In the narrative’s attempt to over blow this isn’t done     ,correctly
   You need to have         self     aware     ness.
Bumper cars
[Also you had to come to the      Senate to say that]
(This could’ve been an email)
  Or a photo       op/        State       -ment-
  Duchess why did you come here   you knew they were going to pull this shit
Like this helped     nothing
And the narrative,
What was a good     situation that was supposed to come out of this?
You stand before a council of people who decided to fight, saying I don’t fight
   [ and these are toxic people         mind you]
There was   no way this is going to end up good;
And I don’t.. know what the     narrative?
Also what is with the weird bumper car      rules?
Because it seems like anyone can come up at any time and ask   any question?
    [Like,      how is that not chaos?]
   Wo rking under           toxic assumed authority.       .
   ‘ I call to the stand        Obi-Wan (Kenobi)          and Anakin             Of the Jedi         order, to      provide testament,”
      That’s all    that had to be said..
        On top              of;
“My government will submit to peace keepers   actual peace keepers -      Un-armed-        For        Eval     -uation,’
   That would make sense
 And work off     Satine’s      Ad-       vers         Ion-         To Obi-Wan,    and the Jedi Council,
Yeah, she didn’t reject, she allowed the Jedi to do a full   investigation,
Also as     brutal as the scene is,    it is a good show of you     reap what you   sow       and enablers  turning on a enablers
 Even though Satine   should’ve known better than     to argue peace     with a war   council...
Obi-won      says   nothing         . . .
  Fuck        You          (Good)
     Bad         Ass
    Lots of politicians            speaking,
   Appro      priate-
   Ser-iously       touching         someone     without         their        consent?
       Dick       entitled         move.
   Spec.    Ifically.
   After        he      stood        by       and    watched      that     happened     -       Senate          -         Yeah cause you were there       and you did nothing
  Saltine calls Obi-Wan as a witness        (Both Obi-Wan and the others.        (Anakin) standing watch      over her       home planet
    They failed to respond         due to being in the middle of some thing
   Or just distracted
    This makes looks     Satine          Look     extremely        bad,           That           Jedi            are            not     Re-sponding           On         her home planet
     The vote gets passed
    Satine is more than     distressed
    When Obi-Wan     Coms her                  In
       They            argue,           Satine           Sni,pping.               A.                Bro-ken           Promise
        “You said            you’d be there              for me                (This                Time)]
    “You’re never there when I need you,”
   “You’re never there when it         matters          most,”
       With that,        the conversation ends
       Satine possibly getting ready to defend herself against the   republic
     Coming to invade   her home
        Im-bittered               Sweet
Didn’t help at all but    okay,
We’re friends
[To be fair        the romance was so forced,      that friendship is honestly best,]
Ah,         Lady,           You just got a friendship last   block,
  No need   to act       surprised.
  Nothing        More
    Good because there was no chemistry    between you      up to this point,
   State of mind  
  What state of mind?
 She’s       fine!
  Yeah she      over reacted to the dude
   But - got everything together when it         mattered-
 That was an         asinine statement
No   they wouldn’t be
That isn’t a   compliment.
That’s      Invalidation.
  Dick   Obi-Wan
  So much  
point in this!  
  I am so  
 I only - 
This is some  
Bomb ass tea
(I just realized       my phrasing           of words             I’m so-)          
     It’s good is the point
(Doesn’t it make up what happened in the   previous episodes,     
   But,           Makes                it           easier            to              forget                        . . .    
 Accoun-           tability                 -                 Is        the     word        you’re        looking         for        (The    character,       not       the     writer,”)        They’re          doing          good                   .    ... You   live with a child       groomer          (Are           One)
Does make sense.  Obi-won closest to the problem       (Groomed       specifically       in benefit of it)            Still sad      that they just gave up
     Even if he does   have a point   That Two generations    have essentially         grown up          Anakin        and   their time   as the present     is over
   Bit too late to have a     regrets
    (Only   when it   screws      you over..
  Not      the     future   generations)
    My     sympathy        is    officially       gone         (Not       the   storytelling’s      fault,             I         think       they           work      -ed       this   conversation      pretty         well            -          Just         the        facts          to        narcs          arguing              -             Still         made          me           think        about         what       exactly         what         was        wrong             -           That’s       good       (narc)Con   versation,
Any way,
  I love       this song
   Obi-Wan gets roasted for all his bad         behavior 2.0...
  It’s nice
This   Convo was good
      (It made me feel better about all the times the   writers used cheating tactics)
        *Not for                      giv-ed
just- better
[That expression-   was concerning]
That-      Was-
[You just spent the whole time getting yelled out      for his deeds, just continued on,    emotion     less]
The       “respectable”          kind       (Approp-riate       for an           adult)
  [Oh- no are they going to have the Obi-won rescue her and that proves that all her opinions are wrong?
 Not actually; she made some really good   points
  But in the       narrative   treating?
    (I don’t    want to see     that)
Okay,    whelp,
Coursant has the   worst security ever,
Damn      Frick
  Is a     bad day for her,
Some random dude   hijacked your car
Who are you going to     sue?
Queenie,     dude’s obviously an asshole
Also if there was no proof then why aren’t you charging her for vandalism terrorism, etc?
(See his logic is       bullshit,)
also this is a good example of   obstructive   bureaucrat          . . .
    Or avoidant
Because how do three people       nearly dying not constitute as proof?
   [Like if she       died.]
   Also, what’s the plan      if she did?
   Like; Oh yeah deathwatch is such a threat that they killed     a senator
     Those     dudes      don’t care
They only pissed at her because she’s a pacifist coming into  a      Offensive summit
[she accidentally    drove her car.     [Yelling      at the     villain]
Not     what      she   said
This dude could give     Obi-Wan a run      for his gas lighting,
    Fuck         Off
     Oh yeah the council   of war mongers will really respect the       pa-   cifist
No bias     here
None   whatsoever
   Hey    at least this time he had the   common decency not to      grab her-
Oh yeah defender of the   gaslight-ing committee  she’ll definitely help
Worry     You
Don’t give into the gaslight-
Also guilt tripping
 “ i’m afraid on that account,”
 Valid     re-ac-     tions
“Victim   blaming”       (Toxic    blaming)
    Pretty sure     they’re all enablers      at this point
Leave the   ball of tox     known as Obi-Wan
Man has turned from a     garbage fire      to a         gas       fire,
  Yeah,       you should leave,
  Also,        That       Moment,
    You        are        one         of         them.
    You’re not   backing down
     👉       This       Not,
Don’t listen to     Obi-Wan      He     sucks
Also none of the guards are going to zap him for     touching their queen     unannounced?       - - - Friends
You’re not her   friends
You’ve been   nothing      but a dick
   Gas       lighting
   [like listen to that   ag-gressive tone,          How he’s holding     her
    [Still   good on the animators who did that scene,          Very good            work,]
Oh     Shit-
Obi-won     distracted         her?
Wait-      Huh
[this is some kangaroo Court      logic
   It’s        Good.]
  “Relying on the Republic is a mistake,”
      More           Acc-        Toxic      initiative         (Since there’s         no to         little         way         they         end             this)            Based               on       circumstance            only             (No            different          sources)
       Any-way                Um
           Right                      Just                Vibin’g
          Aight              Whelp,
           Am                 I?
Oh is that the           Senator             guy?
Death   watch?
Also-      okay
Al-     right.
  Wait        What?
      We know       two greens             And one   changeling            That should be in   custody- 
     Wait-           ?
      ? ? ?
    This was a pretty a’ight episode
     (Trust me I wish      I could give it higher praise)
   However the           unfortunate           clankiness of the introduction
           Keeps it stubbornly between a decent          and good
       With that            being            said;
           That does not        take away from the fact that is           a ____ whatever it is
    -it has good characterization         for Satine
   - it handles heavy morals like enabling, tox,       abuse and        pro-         blems      With        Assumed           Autho rity-     Includ        Ing       Police          Bru-       tality        And        Fram       -ing          Very        Well
   (With the   appro-       priate       dignity it deserves,
 [there’s a small bit of better done romance/      fond-ness, near the           End]
   *Villain was neat
   [More of sidious      and on the [Main] villains
     There           were             few         Moments            that            Made              Me              Go              Wtf            (Obi              Wan’s          Abuse                  Of               The              Word               “Saw                 You,”                  The               Insist              Ence                 That               Death               Watch                Was              In                  Tim                   i-                dating
            As                For                Fix                -ing;
Episode;  Instead of to defend,   Wise        Saltine is called                           To ident       ify a               Death                           Watch                         Member-                             Or                             Re                             New                              Her                              Neu-                             Trality                             Pledge                               In                              Person                             (Due to                              Change     ling    (Over       Lap)                           Attack
                         Episode                               Pro                               Gress                                  Es
Arc     Fixes;
          Obi- won delivers news, that he’s supposed             to escort              her             Pers               On                 Ally,                Saltine expects everything to go over    swimmingly after all she hasn’t done anything wrong,                 Quickly find out otherwise,                Loyalty over her              vs the government  
           Leads to a small                break               (Episode continues as   normally)
            (Death watch-                 if want)
     Fix        Arc       Continue;        (Note no offense to the author meant     I just started some thing and I should finish it as an     accountable      writer)
  Satine          Is        Forced          Into        Either      Defend        Ing        Or     Leaving         Anakin         To        Her         Irate        People,        Soon         After      Obi-won’s        In-       Cid       ent           Pri     med
Hope      Spot        Or      Depres.       Further.     Push          Ing           Ana     -kin’s       Dec-       Ision        To      Snap)     End
[Generally I thought this was a pretty       ____ episode, the animation and set design will really good/      On par and it seems to have made up.      (Corrected)        A majority of flaws      I had with previous       episodes              . . .        Moving               On...
0 notes