#if anyone wants something explained just rb or comment and I’ll reply
locusfandomtime · 1 year
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I’m aware iceberg memes are somewhat out of fashion and I’m sure somebody has done this before but, I like Hermitcraft and theories are my favourite part of any fandom, so I decided to make one.
Still a WIP though! I am actively looking for suggestions and weird facts and theories to add! If you think something should be moved up/down, let me know too. Particularly looking for suggestions for the lower tiers and of things from seasons pre S6 (as that’s when I started watching)
As a note, I’m only including lore/theories directly from the HC universe. So meta stuff (e.g. Mumbo’s redstone started an irl fire) isn’t going in here, or fandom stuff (e.g. watcher!Grian). I decided the tiers based on 1) how well known the thing is (with things from more recent seasons/more popular hermits being higher up) and 2) how insane and weird and complex the topic is. The last tier is going to be for those real insane stretch theories, but currently I only have my own.
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tsukishumai · 3 years
pairing: tsukishima kei x f!reader wc: 1k+ genre: fluff
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“Stop being so grumpy, it’s lame.”
Tsukishima manages to tear his eyes away from the empty seat he had been staring at for the past hour only to glare at his best friend.
Yamaguchi was staring back at him with his arms crossed, a knowing smile seemingly plastered on his lips.
“I’m not being grumpy,” Tsukishima snaps, leaning back against his chair.
“He says grumpily,” Yamaguchi rolls his eyes, though Tsukishima hadn’t noticed. His attention had returned to the vacant space usually occupied by the biggest pain in his ass.
Yamagachi narrows his eyes at the middle blocker. “And here I thought I would get one day of peace… I thought you’d be glad that she’s out for the day?”
Tsukishima doesn’t reply. Instead, he kicks Yamaguchi’s desk, making the captain turn around just as the bell rang to signify the end of lunch.
He should be glad you were out for the day. He could finally walk into class without you nagging him to take off his headphones. He didn’t have to argue with you about who got the better score on which test the teacher had prepared for that day. He can eat his lunch without you bothering him to eat a more balanced meal. He could actually walk down the halls without hearing your incorrigible voice chattering about how he walked too slow and he was causing “traffic”.
He’ll finally get a day of peace — one day without hearing the teasing lilt of your voice when you say his glasses are out of style, one day without the punches you throw at his arm because he said something rude about your hair. He should be relieved.
But as his teacher drones on about exponential functions and derivatives, Tsukishima could only focus on an uninhabited spot from which you were sure to have stuck your tongue at him if you were there.
Tsukishima wasn’t sure when class had ended, but he filtered out of the room along with the rest of his classmates, wondering if anyone else was just as perturbed by the sudden silence of Karasuno High School as he was.
He trudges along the halls in a daze, half expecting to hear you scream for him to wait for you so you could walk to the lockers together. As he changes from his school shoes to his sneakers, he finds himself imagining the snide comment he knows you’d make about his long legs.
Tsukishima slams his locker door shut, and he nearly jumps when Yamaguchi suddenly appears from the other side.
“Yamaguchi, what the —“
The green-haired boy shoves a stack of papers against Tsukishima’s chest.
“Can you drop these off to y/n’s? She missed a lot of work today, and I don’t want her to fall behind.”
Tsukishima catches his jaw before it could drop in surprise. “I’m sorry, what?”
Yamaguchi rolls his eyes. “I know you’ve been distracted all day, but are you really that slow right now? Work. Drop off. To y/n—“
Tsukishima snatches the paperwork from Yamaguchi’s hands with a snarl. “I heard you the first time,” he mumbled, flipping through the stack of worksheets he’d also received earlier that day, “Why do I have to go?”
Yamagachi actually laughs. “Don’t act like you haven’t been worried about her all day.”
“I wasn’t,” Tsukishima hisses, but he rocks on his heels before asking, “What about practice?”
Yamaguchi sighs at his best friend. “I’ll explain to Coach Ukai. Can you just go? You’re stressing me out.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Four heavy knocks on your front door had woken you up from your nap, and irritation flooded through you as you wrapped a blanket around your shoulders. You considered perhaps ignoring your surprise guest, but a second set of knocks had told you that they weren’t going anywhere any time soon.
You let out an ungodly groan as you sat up from your position on the couch and slowly hobbled your way over to see just who required your attention so urgently.
You swing open your front door, and you were suddenly questioning whether this was all just one, elaborate fever dream.
“What the hell are you doing answering the door while you’re sick?” Tsukishima nags, scowling at you from across your threshold.
“Tsukishima?” Your voice was still thick with sleep, gravelly and hoarse from the coughing you had been doing all day. You ignore his initial comment, still attempting to process the fact that Tsukishima Kei was standing in front of you. “What… are you doing here?”
Tsukishima looked as if he had no idea himself. He hands you the stack of papers in his left hand. “Yamaguchi told me to drop off the work you missed today.”
You carefully take the work from his grasp, your eyes never leaving his face while he looks anywhere but you.
“Thanks… but what’s that?”
You quirk an eyebrow as you point at the plastic bag Tsukishima had been carrying in his right hand, and he glares at the items as if they had just spilled his darkest secrets. He slowly rubs the back of his neck as he sighed, abruptly shoving the bag into your hand.
“Have you even eaten anything today?”
A smile spreads across your lips as you examine the contents of the bag — medicine, forehead cooling pads, juice, and soup. You pull out the container of warm broth that was already lifting your spirits, and looked up at the blushing blonde boy that had delivered it to you.
“Are you sure this isn’t poisoned,” you joked, and Tsukishima swiftly turned around and started to walk away from your door.
“WAIT— Tsukki, wait!” You laughed, but the aches in your body had prevented you from chasing after him.
He slowly turned back around to face you.
You opened your door a little wider, waving your homework in the air and asked, “Can you come explain what I missed?”
Tsukishima softened at the way you practically pouted. He sighed again, slowly turning and making his way back to you.
“I knew you were too dumb to get it on your own,” he mumbled when he walked passed your front door.
You let out a snort, rolling your eyes as you shut the door behind you.
“Whatever, Tsukishima.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
a/n: prompt request for anon! <33 I know you said drabble but ily for requesting tsukki cause I’m in love with him (:
rbs v appreciated!
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