#if anyone has any more hcs feel free to share. as well as any canon-adjacent observations!
animucrystal · 4 months
do people really look at arthur and just go “yeah hes allistic” like that is the most autistic man ive ever seen (half joking). arthur is so driven and steadfast in his ideals so when something shakes him it shakes him Hard. its hard for him to regulate emotions well (trauma + autism). he trusts easily, which is funny because he says he doesnt when he so clearly does. hes “dense” at times and doesnt pick up on a lot of subtleties, and when he does he finds it hard to express what he wants to say (again this is both a trauma thing and an autism thing). he fidgets, especially with his mothers ring. theres alot more i could name but thats all i could think of right now
some hcs: he likes routine and this is mostly the reason why he gets annoyed at merlin whenever he unknowingly derails it, i got this one from a fic actually but i think one of his special interests is just like cataloguing and organizing things and when he was younger he liked doing that with bugs and as he grew older he had to focus his attention to more “practical” things (because of uthers insistence) so he does this with weapons as well as like utilizes this skill in directions as well, this guy hates so many textures i feel and all day everyday hes seconds away from a meltdown (which manifests into snappy anger) but he grits through it because he cares more about duty than his “weird brain problem”
i think itd be funny (and sad) to imagine arthur thinking he was probably cursed as a child, then a magic a reveal happens, then after all of that arthur asks merlin if he Is cursed and merlin is like “i think youre just. Like That. but thats okay im also kind of Like That” and arthur realizes that his manservant truly was just a little weirdo and that wasnt just his magic talking and maybe HES also a little weirdo. solidarity
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If you were to describe living arrangements of radiohuskerdustcloud in the host club au, what would it be? Do they share rooms or live separately? Do they share apartament but not the rooms? How would weekend/free day play out in their living space, who frequently cooks and do they have chore rotation, do each or any of them have hobbies to nerd about?
Im sorry this ended up being a little rambly/off topic but i got excited skfmekfk
So this au is canon-adjacent! Charlie is still around and trying to help people but hasn't gotten the idea for the hotel yet! Shes good friends with Angel though (played a big part in getting him away from the Vees and Val)
Husk runs a series of Casinos (most of which have hotels in them, as is the norm) and our main foursome live at the main Casino.
Radiohuskerdust technically share a bedroom! One bed that they share— although im putting here my HC that Alastor rarely ever sleeps and isn't the cuddly type so. Where does he go at night? Who the fuck knows lol but once in a while he sleeps there with Angel and Husk.
They have personal spaces as well, though!
They all have "Offices' in their different areas that they run.
Alastors office is just his radio tower, and he very very rarely lets *anyone* inside. (Husk is actually the only one who has gone in. At least the only one to come back out alive lol)
Angel's "office" is really just his dressing room. He runs the clubs for the casinos! And often does shows himself. He didnt fully stop doing porn after leaving the vees (That'll come up in the au actually lmfao) its more so he ONLY does it when he feels like it. He also still does stripping/dancing/escorting. Its just all on his own terms now (i stand firm that Angel genuinely likes sex work! He just has a horrible boss in canon)
Angel also handles the more. Under the table affairs at the Casinos. Look he was in the Mafia when he was alive, the group is putting that skillset to use!
Husks office is probably the most "office" one lol its in the main casino and he handles all the more business-y matters for his franchise there. Hes still a master at mixology! And sometimes slips in as the Bartender at Angels club when he wants away from real work. Plus he gets a nice view of Angels shows lol
Cloud has his own bedroom. Radiohuskerdust use the casinos top floor as their living space, and Cloud is the only employee whos room is on that floor. (Never beating the "sugar-baby" allegations my dude)
Niffty is still here in this au! She is also still the maid lol and does most of the cleaning. She enjoys it (she and Cloud absolutely HATE each other tho and are at war on the daily)
Alastor and Angel both enjoy cooking and do most if not all the cooking when they're in down time (although the guys are still overlords. They definitely have chefs and other staff who handle most of that stuff for the basic daily needs)
Cloud is. A little feral honestly??? Kwkdksk like Alastor immediately was interested in him due to him being shockingly strong for a freshly fallen sinner– he can fight and do it well. Cloud is their glorified errand boy and eventually "errands" includes taking people out.
Free time is really spent however they want! I wouldn't say "weekends" just bc that tends to be when casinos are most active- but they all have break days!
Alastor is. Himself. So his schedule is really his own to do whatever he wants with. Husk takes days off from the casino when he wants to, but prefers to be hands on most of the time.
Angel will straight up hang out in his own club for fun lol and has dragged Cloud with him more than once
Cloud is actually a really good dancer! A fact that will come up eventually in the au lol
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