#if anyone has any insane rc thoughts send em becoz yeah i can vibe with this plotline
harriertail · 2 years
Damn Tigerstar the 2nd really living up to his name, huh? Also, Nightheart you're such a dick.
Im mixed on Tigerstars shit, i love ShadowClan being cunts again like yeah bitch run those bitches they ain’t got a clue what they’re doing. Obviously we don’t know what he plans on doing yet but he’s not going to choose a random RC cat to be the new leader, be nice and friendly and help them restore order (ala Firestar for SkyClan) and then go home.
I do hope he takes over and has Owlnose (or someone else, maybe one of the old refugees) as a second deputy, so he is leader of Shadow-RiverClan with Cloverfoot and the RC cat as his deputies. I like Owlnose so far and i kinda hope he has an arc of coming to accept his duty for his Clan and loved ones, toughens up and tries stand up to Tigerstar and be a voice for RiverClan, and ultimately dies saving them in some future battle; especially if he is not chosen as Tigerstar’s puppet leader. Splashtail could be interesting if he “volunteers” or something and its all part of his big scheme to be RC’s leader.
Leafstar is featured on the Shadow cover so I’m wondering if we are gonna get SkyClan-ThunderClan alliance, with Leafstar potentially leading as Bramblestar is mentally not there; maybe even Leafstar-Squirreflight with her secretly rallying the Clan, or him just not knowing/caring. Leafstar would recognise the importance of a Clan having its own identity, leader, and independence, so I can imagine her getting involved against a ShadowClan that had attacked her own Clan. This would also be great splitting up ShadowClan into factions- Tigerstar who wants to get involved in RiverClan’s business “for their own good” until StarClan sends them a sign as to who the new leader is; Berryheart who wants nothing to do with other Clan cats (including running another) and wants out (i’ve seen theories she started the battle but I’m unsure. It makes no sense for someone who is anti other Clans to want to run them, unless she just wanted to wipe them out, but she seems more anti SkyClan (plus Fringewhisker is SkyClan, and the Fringe-Spire romance and loyalties will def be tested by a Shadow-Sky war)); and maybe a third faction who wants the status quo (Sunbeam, humbly). I feel like they’ve gone for the Raging Storm versions of Tigerstar again, which is better for some drama and actual plot, and RiverClan being absorbed into ShadowClan could be interesting- maybe Tigerstar and Mothwing, who sheltered with him, have a falling out and he doesn’t trust her to train Frostpaw, so she is trained by Shadowsight- and we can explore their weird StarClan connections more. This would also let our three protagonists meet properly. So yeah, Tigerstars a dick but we need a fucking antagonist somewhere in this series and I’m glad its a Clan cat (who you can argue is “correct” if u like occupation i guess) and not some generic fucking rogue. Im so over flamepaw lol
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