#if anyone has ACTUAL mlm comics to recommend
squidink-pasketti · 4 months
I need to talk about the obsessive use of the word "yaoi" because my god if I see one more person make a yaoi joke today I will lose my goddamn mind
news flash!! yaoi is fetish content. made by non-MLMs and for non-MLMs. it's fucking weird.
if you're a non-MLM who enjoys it, do what you want, I have no power over how you spend your time, but it is often harmful to see gay men as a turn-on
this is a list of what yaoi ISN'T
- any content made by and/or for MLMs
- MLM ship content
- any and all gay sex
and this is a list of what yaoi IS
- fetish content for people who are not gay men but find gay sex attractive
I, as an MLM, think that it's really fucking weird to fetishize relationships (specifically sex in this case) because of the genders of the people involved. and people often talk about how it's harmful to fetishize lesbians, but I've never heard anyone say it's harmful to fetishize MLMs. why is it okay for you to fetishize gay sex while you preach about leaving lesbians alone? if you're going to say it's not okay to fetishize one, then you have to say it's not okay to fetishize the other, either
and the word "yaoi" is thrown around so loosely that people don't even know it's fetish content. I see one piece of ship art or writing, SFW or otherwise, and there's bound to be at least one person in the comments calling it yaoi when it is very much not yaoi. AND the amount of literal children calling themselves fujoshis is so gross. what the fuck are you doing looking at MLM fetish porn. you're twelve.
just. stop calling stuff yaoi when it isn't. and stop pretending like enjoying MLM fetish content isn't weird. thanks
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werewolfaday · 2 months
Any good werewolf content? Like books or movies. I really love werewolves and I rarely see content of them online
oh gosh uh see i'm like in the same boat as you. it's very hard to find quality werewolf media that's not alpha male type smut or bad horror movies (though some of those are fun) or . teen wolf, which i have only watched a couple episodes of and cannot in good faith recommend
an american werewolf in london, ginger snaps, and dog soldiers are really good movies with very fun practical effects. one of my professors actually worked on the werewolves for dog soldiers! the howling is not a good movie but i kind of love it i can't lie. OH and you should watch the wolf man even though i don't love that movie; it's just really important to understand where the modern understanding of werewolves comes from! (edit: SOMEONE IN THE TAGS also mentioned van helsing and that movie sucks in such A Way but the werewolf designs ROCK!!!! all of the monster designs do. i have had a very specific vision of it where i make the main character a butch. maybe someday i'll draw that)
i have heard good things about the marvel miniseries werewolf by night but i haven't watched it. and if you do watch it pirate it bc fuck disney + marvel.
wolfwalkers is a really well-made and sweet animated movie i would solidly recommend to anyone. beautiful art style, great message, and a really fun interpretation of werewolves.
dungeon meshi has some fun lycanthrope stuff in some of the chapters!!
there's a comic i really love called "After Dark" (on Webtoon) and I have to admit I only have the time to see the creator's posts on instagram, which are snippets of the story. but I adore the art style and characters a lot. you can follow them on twitter here!
Night Class is another (mlm/werewolf) comic and I'll link its twitter here. Really dig the art style too!!
uhh but lemme recommend some of my favorite werewolf creators on tumblr too! because truly we are lacking in good lycan media and i would recommend more indie stuff to fill that niche in more interesting ways:
lastly i'm gonna link a pdf of my favorite medieval poem, Bisclavret!! it's about a king and his werewolf.
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ohcorny · 4 years
Oh... :( I see. Can I ask why no wlw? I get that women just aren’t a priority to some people, and so they’ll just do mlm, but you also write hetero stuff which has women...? do you have any recommendations of people who write and illustrate nsfw stories like you do but who write about women?
ok i had to think about this ask for a while, and maybe it isn’t your intent, but i get asked about this every time i release a new story that isn’t wlw, and the way you’ve worded this rubs me the wrong way.
the implication that “women aren’t a priority because you prefer writing about men” really sucks. i don’t write about men because i don’t care about women. i write about men because i’m a man who likes men. i don’t write about lesbians because i’m not one, and don’t have the drive to create that content. and that’s fine! that’s completely fine and not something i should have to explain or justify, nor is it something that means i don’t like women. i’m bi and like men and women as a man, so thats what i write. 
anyway i don’t know anyone that writes illustrated short stories like i do, but if you’re looking for good lesbian erotic comics content i recommend getting a subscription to slipshine or filthyfigments. they’ve got actual wlw doing really great work on there
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ygopridezine · 3 years
How will you handle situations of people fetishizing queer male ships (like bakura/marik) if it comes up??
Hi Anon, I'd like to first mention that this is a very nuanced issue, and we're going to treat it as such, so to save people's dash, this will be answered under the cut :)
I'm not exactly sure why you chose Bakura/Marik as an example, IE: I'm not sure if that ship specifically is relevant to the question or if it's just an example, so because I don't know, I'm going to address it as the former, just in case
I myself am queer, and I have a long history of knowing plenty of other queer people in this fandom who ship Bakura and Marik- I ship it myself, under certain circumstances, so we aren't going to be excluding any ships on the basis that they're more prone to fetishizing than others- that's a huge matter of perspective that relies on many layers, including things like age and amount of time in the fandom (as what ships are fetishized the most does shift depending on the era, when YGO was first going Marik/Yami Marik was one of the most fetishized, for example), what specific part of it you're in (there's a pretty huge difference in where you come from as a fan- a dub fan or a sub? Manga, yes or no? Are you a creator or consumer? Etc etc), how much of canon you consumed- and how much of fanon as well, how you charectorize the individual charectors, your own identity, among other things, (including what version of Marik and Bakura you're shipping) and there's really no way of slamming a hammer down and saying "This ship is fetishized, the end", furthermore, even if there's a ship that's more fetishized than others, that doesn't mean it's only fetishized- in fact I'd argue that there are exceedingly rare ships in this fandom that don't have their true shippers, because YGO has an insanely diverse fanbase and one that has a huge portion of queer fans, so it's really not our place to police ships on the basis of fetishizing, based on ship alone
TLDR: We aren't going to ban any ships just because there's a history of fetishization, as that steps on the rights of queer shippers to ship what they want and express that in a space that encourages queer expression- that's the entire reason the zine exists
With that out of the way, the mod team will be made up predominately- if not entirely- of queer fans, judging by our current apps, and as a huge portion of the YGO fanbase is queer, I imagine a large number of our contributors will be as well, so there will be plenty of eyes on the project to determine if things are rolling along in a pleasant way or not, and if someone is being made uncomfortable- that includes mods, who will be specifically looking closer at content to determine if it's appropriate for the zine- we'll make sure that the content is either changed suitably or, in a worst case scenario, removed entirely, and if there's a specific person in the zine making people uncomfortable, they'll be disciplined and/or removed from the project accordingly
With this said though, it's also important to note one very enormous thing about this conversation:
Fetishization can and DOES mean different things to different people
That isn't just between queer fans and cis/het fans either- that's the case across the board
For example, some people feel that Atem wearing anything that isn't stereotypically masculine, and also coloring him as an MLM is automatically fetishizing, but there are alot of non-binary, fluid, genderqueer, gender-non-conforming (etc) people out there who would heavily disagree
There are some who think that Puzzleshipping is fetishizing because Atem and Yugi look nearly identical, but there are plenty of queer people who are very attached to Puzzleshipping because it resonates with them on a personal level or they adore the chemistry between Atem and Yugi or they just like it- wich is a perfectly valid thing too, you don't have to have an essay about why you like something to like it, queer or not
And then there's the overall question of what someone considers a "fetish" about any particular relationship or kind of relationship
Queer trauma (especially for trans women) is HUGELY fetishized by cis-hets, arguably more than your traditional fanservicey, "sexifying" type of fetish, that doesn't mean, however, that angst isn't allowed
Then there's cheesecake, what counts as cheesecake? When does something cross the line between "a human being who isn't a nun" and "someone being objectified or exploited or fetishized"? Context is obviously an enormous part of that, I actually HIGHLY recommend Casually Comics' discussion on fetishization and over-sexualizing
And then there's the question of queer content on it's own, the "kink at pride" discussion on a much smaller scale, queerness as an overall theme should never have all sexuality stripped from it, that.... kind of defeats the entire concept of alot of identities, but where does it stop being "expressing my identity" and start being "Fetishizing" or "overly sexual"? Depending on who you ask, something as simple as a same sex kiss is "fetishizing"- for more on that, I highly recommend Jessi Gender's kink-at-pride discussion (cw for, well, obviously, discussion of sex and kink, and non-explicit visual references)
So for all of these reasons and more (because this is the microscopic version of this discussion) there's not a flat answer I can give of "Oh anyone who fetishizes will be kicked" because the definition of fetishizing is going to change from person to person, and I'm not going to police one person's experience over the chance that someone somewhere might find it offensive, because.... queerness has always been offensive to some people somewhere, even, at times, to other queer people
Ofcourse it's a different story if someone involved in the project raises concerns, and like I said, the mods will be looking at the content closely to ensure everything stays as it should be, if we determine something IS fetishizing then action will be taken against it :)
~Mod Asagi
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elkian · 7 years
I think I figured out why McHanzo is so popular a ship: process of elimination.
(this isn’t in for or against it as a ship just an explanation)
I think it goes like this: A fan wants gay (mlm here) ships in Overwatch. At first, a seemingly simple task, right?
But then you start looking at the cast (this is probably entirely unconscious btw, I’m not saying ppl did this on purpose or w/e) and start weeding out ‘undesirables’.
I recommend ctrl+F-ing “tl;dr” if you’re not interested in this breakdown.
Winston - literally an animal. Most ppl are going to feel super weird/self-conscious shipping a literal gorilla with a literal human. He’s out.
Torbjorn - conventionally unattractive, and older than most ships go for (plus ppl hate him for the turrets). He’s out. (And let’s be honest, before the family reveal his exclusion would have been and often still is almost entirely based in unconscious ableism)
Bastion - robots are popular with a lot of people, but not everyone. Also has no speech and thus very few known personality traits, and isn’t as aesthetically human-like as most popular robots for ships. They’re out.
Bastion also brings up a new criteria that hasn’t been totally explicit so far: people want to write porn, read porn, draw porn, consume porn. Bastion’s build is bipedal but not anthropomorphic, so they’re hard to work with - and much harder to extend suspension of disbelief on with adding a robodick, because that’s like every tank having a dildo installed during production.
Reinhardt - here’s where things start to get a little interesting. Reinhardt is the same age group as Torbjorn, but much more conventionally attractive and not explicitly disabled. Reinhardt has definitely shown up in ships (I see a lot of Reincio, actually).
Genji - Genji is in an interesting spot, because he is/was conventionally attractive, his cyborg body is very aesthetically appealing, but like Bastion, Where’s The Dick(TM)? So Genji gets shipped a lot but sometimes in odd ways.
Zenyatta - while aesthetically pleasing, has no lore and few enough interactions that it’s hard to pin down a personality on him - and ‘calm and kind’ male characters don’t usually get shipped unless they’re main characters. I’ve seen very little shipping of Zenyatta beyond him and Genji (and that’s usually fluffy stuff). Also, again, Where’s The Dick(TM)?
Lucio - high conventional attractiveness and in an age group shippers like, but Lucio is in a tough spot because the nearest people in age to him are: 7 years younger and a teenager, 6 years younger and a robot, 2 years older but his sworn enemy, and Junkrat. So unless someone is comfortable shipping him across a somewhat substantial age gap, his only mlm option is Junkrat.
Doomfist - at a bit of a disadvantage due to his recent release etc. He’s in the middle-aged bracket, mostly shipped with Reaper.... although I’ve seen a lot of ppl ship him with Lucio which I’m.... not going to get into.
(Many times, it seems like people latch onto a specific character or two and then seek ships out for them - and the above characters aren’t as conducive to shipping as the below ones, for the reasons mentioned.)
Soldier 76 - younger than Reinhardt, currently somewhat conventionally attractive, previously moreso in a somewhat bland way. Almost always seen shipped with Reaper.
Reaper - same as Soldier 76 (I would argue that he was more attractive, but racism also plays a part here), people also like the play of good vs evil (although again, the actual morality here is questionable). 
Common ship: Reaper76
Junkrat - kind of a weird one. Gets some apologism but mostly people who love his trash nature as-is. I’ve seen him in more ships than anyone else, but that may be due to who I follow.
Roadhog - older, heavy, features unknown - yet he gets a lot of attention from people who have no interest in Torbjorn, Reinhardt, Soldier 76, or Reaper. I think it’s a combination of his build+personality.
However, Junkrat and Roadhog are a bit of a special case because despite Blizzard’s annoying reticence to actually label them a couple, they have as many paired sprays as every other pair put together, they live in the same house and are implied to sleep in the same bed, all of their official artwork, comics, etc. show them together, and it’s been officially claimed that their official song is a covert gay anthem.
Common/canon ship: Roadrat.
So now we’re down to our targets, McCree and Hanzo.
McCree is conventionally fairly attractive - although facial hair isn’t usually a go-to in these kinds of cases - and within a fairly acceptable age range. He’s got enough lore that a personality can be extrapolated.
McCree’s shipping options here that are 1) within his age range, 2) male, 3) human, 4) conventionally attractive, are pretty limited. He pretty much has Genji and Hanzo to work with.
Some people think Genji and McCree would have had a very brotherly relationship during their time in Blackwatch and aren’t comfortable shipping them, even before Genji’s criteria are taken into account.
So that leaves Hanzo, who’s only a year older, conventionally attractive, strong personality+character (no comment on how said personality is handled in fanworks), hits all the criteria up until this point.
So it’s not a matter of their (quite rare) canon interactions that have most people going for the ship, I think - it’s a matter of wanting to ship something for fun and fanworks and unconsciously paring out the pairings you wouldn’t like until this is left.
I kind of wonder if the popularity of Pharmercy and even moreso Widowtracer is due to similar unconscious thinking......
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So when I cancelled my ME:A preorder I went and bought The Technomancer 100% out of spite (I realize these are not equivalent games), and I’m 30-some hours in and... it’s kind of great and I really like it?
Like, this is a budget game-- it’s not going to blow anyone’s mind with its polish, and parts of it are straight up distractingly wonky-- but it’s surprisingly endearing, and reminds me of the kind of games I was a big fan of in the PS1/PS2 era-- quirky experimental titles (particularly weirder budget RPGs) that went the way of the dodo when development costs shot up during the PS3/360 era. I’m not certain I’m comfortable calling it a GOOD game, but it is an enjoyable game.
What I like about it:
The characters and their interactions-- you have a fairly small main cast, but they’re interesting and mostly manage to feel like they exist outside of you, the main character, despite the fact that they have a fairly small number of dialogue trees
The aesthetics-- the developer is French, and there’s definitely a Moebius sort of vibe. There’s not a huge number of areas, but the art design for each one is good. The city of Noctis is actually really nice looking.
Although the voice acting undercuts this sometimes, it is much funnier than you would expect a post-apocalyptic Mars action game called The Technomancer to be
Honestly, there’s just something about the really 90′s-comics-goofy-over-the-top-leather-dusters-and-belts tone of the whole game that is simultaneously really eye-rolly and appealing 
Andrew, who I am convinced is the canon love interest. Seriously, you (can only) play as a dude, and of the three romance choices, the mlm path is the one that makes the most plot and thematic sense. The achievement for romancing him is even called “Soulmate.” I have many thoughts on the topic of Andrew.
The story and lore is actually pretty interesting, although it is, as mentioned, very 90′s comics
It’s like $20 and between 30-60 hours of gameplay if you do all the quests
The dev is called Spiders, so I’ve had a bunch of conversations about “a game made by Spiders”
What might be off-putting if you decide to play it:
The translation and the voice acting... leave something to be desired. They’re not terrible, and you can tell the voice actors are doing their best with the script, but (a) you can definitely hear the French sentence structure underneath the English words, (b) sometimes sentences just... have... random ellipses...? In the .... middle of them... that make you feel like you’re missing information, (c) every once and a while you’ll get a line that just doesn’t make any sense. Personally, I headcanon Zachariah as just having no social skills, and that helps with his bland delivery.
You might want to play on Easy. The combat is... eh. It’s kind of fun in a cheaty way on easy. It just feels needlessly cheap on harder difficulties. I���ve also had a number of occasions where I’ve pressed the button for one thing only to have another thing happen (or a menu randomly open or something), so pretty much every time I’ve died has been because I’ve like... blown myself up with three accidentally placed bombs in a row or something
The animation is bland and stiff most of the time, and clippy and awkward the rest of the time. I haven’t seen anything horrifying or totally game-breaking, but it does feel weird playing a game that looks like a modern title but moves like something from like 2006. So, while there is an equal romance scene for all three romanceable characters, there is also equal opportunity “my hand just clipped through your jacket and then your butt”
About halfway through chapter 2 you start to have to do a LOT of backtracking through an area called The Underworks, which REPOPULATES WITH ENEMIES EVERY TIME YOU GO THROUGH IT. It’s not “I want to stop playing” annoying, but it is definitely “if I see one more electric Mars mantis I’m going to bite the controller” annoying
There are a couple of quests that don’t give you the necessary information to proceed (including one where you have to steal something at night only, but no one ever mentions anything about night time or even sneaking. When you try to steal the thing during the day it says “You can’t steal from right under your companions’ noses,” and then when you come back at night... the exact same dude is staring at you still, but the game lets you steal.), but there’s generally information online for any questions you might have.
You can solve almost all problems in the game without killing anyone, but the world the game takes place in is a pretty terrible one, so there’s definite content warnings for everything from “discussed and strongly implied sexual violence” to “the true meaning of ‘prison reeducation camp’” to “mutants used as a generally sympathetic but occasionally iffy metaphor for the disabled” to “why is my character so hostile to the prostitutes.” If anyone is interested in playing but wants a heads up on anything that might make them uncomfortable, feel free to ask me.
The moral of the story is: I think I like Spiders (see what I mean about the dev name being a bonus?) and I’m cautiously looking forward to their next project? I really like that they’re neither a AAA nor a traditional “indie” developer; I feel like that middle-ground of games has been barren for a long time. I would definitely recommend The Technomancer to anyone who enjoyed lesser-loved RPGs back in the day (like... do you have fond memories of playing stuff like Guardian’s Crusade or Threads of Fate or, perhaps more thematically appropriate, Galerians? You are the kind of person with the patience for The Technomancer’s weirdness.), or anyone who is interested in a(n admittedly short, not super-well-translated-- but it’s the same for the straight ones!) gay romance that isn’t focused on gay issues (*cough*Andromeda*cough*), or... y’know, anyone who... loves weird French sci-fi aesthetics.  
Go Mance some Technos. It’ll make you feel good inside.
And then someone can talk to me about Andrew.
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dietpillswatchdog · 7 years
Modere Sustain
Protein shakes can serve a number of purposes for different types of dieters. For most, protein shakes are a workout aid, helping athletes to build muscle more easily and enjoy bursts of energy in the gym. Older customers sometimes try protein shakes as a means of protecting themselves against age-related muscle wastage, and dieters sometimes use them as a kind of appetite suppressant, filling them up in between meals for relatively few calories.
Below we take an in-depth look into Modere Sustain, to see whether this pea-based protein shake can act as an effective dietary aid.
Modere Sustain Pros
Product works precisely as advertised, especially when taken as part of the M3 Pledge
Side effects are near-impossible
Modere Sustain Cons
Product and the associated diet program are insanely expensive for what they are
Many customers comment negatively on the mixture’s texture
Money back guarantee is misleading and does not guarantee customers anything
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What You Need To Know About Modere Sustain
Modere Sustain is a pea protein supplement that is used as part of a diet program known as the M3 Pledge. The M3 Pledge works by inviting dieters to commit to taking three Modere products: Burn (a thermogenic fat burner), Sustain (a protein powder that acts as an appetite suppressant), and Sync (a fibre supplement that also acts as an appetite suppressant). In addition, customers must also commit to sticking to 3 additional pledges, which include things like cutting out sugary drinks, or walking 7500 steps daily, and attempt to stick to the famed Mediterranean Diet. Taken together, this program is supposed to help customers lose significant amounts of weight, and failure to stick to the terms of the pledge actually voids the company’s money back guarantee!
Sustain and the M3 Pledge are both sold by Modere, an American supplement manufacturer based in Utah. Modere not only sells products through their official website, but also through many independent distributors that have been recruited across the country. As with all Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) systems like these, most distributors are in reality other customers who have effectively been tricked into buying massive amounts of stock that will be hard to sell on.
Just to note, this product is sometimes referred to as Modere Sustain Spice Sensation. This version of the product is functionally identical apart from the different flavour.
What Are The Side Effects Of Modere Sustain?
Protein powders are unlikely to cause side effects in the vast majority of cases, unless customers make the unwise decision to overuse them. When overused, whey-based protein powders can cause bloating, increased bowel movements, fatigue, reduced appetite, and nausea.
How Much Does Modere Sustain Cost?
On the official Modere website, one box of Sustain (with 30 servings) costs $59.99. Prices from independent Modere distributors may vary considerably (although it’s hard to imagine that anyone could get away with selling it for a higher price than this!). Delivery charges still apply and may vary depending on your location on the country.
The majority of customers will likely end up purchasing all of the products offered as part of the M3 Pledge in one bundle. This bundle costs $149.99 on the official website and lasts for three months (costing customers a total of $450).
Our Verdict On Modere Sustain
Modere Sustain is such a simple product (pea protein with a bunch of vitamins and minerals thrown in), that it’s slightly easier to just talk about the M3 Pledge as a whole.
The M3 Pledge approach should work; it invites customers to take low-calorie hunger-staving shakes throughout the day, whilst pledging to avoid behaviours that obviously contribute to weight gain. When taking with the common-sense eating plan, we fully expect all customers that embrace the pledge properly to lose weight.
That being said, the Modere M3 Pledge has to rank as one of the biggest rip-offs we’ve ever seen. The actual materials that Modere supplies is basic in the extreme, making up just three basic products and a few advisory statements. Quite literally, the M3 Pledge requires that customers fork over $450 for a middling fat-burner, the most basic diet shakes possible and a tiny bit of sensible advice. It would be comical if it wasn’t so mean-spirited.
The entire program is theoretically covered by a money back guarantee, but customers are seemingly expected to prove that they have not lost weight whilst taking the products. This essentially means that customers are not protected by a money back guarantee at all, as this fact is extremely hard to prove conclusively unless customers think ahead of time.
For the record, reviewing Sustain on its own merits is practically impossible. It’s a pea protein shake that costs $60. You can buy the exact same thing for $10 from any normal supplier, so we recommend doing that rather than dealing with scam artists like Modere!
We would not recommend Modere Sustain to our readers.
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Modere Sustain Review
Modere Sustain is a protein shake that is primarily made up of vegan-friendly pea protein. Described as a “rich, creamy shake”, this protein-heavy mix is designed to act as an appetite suppressant that helps consumers feel fuller for longer. Like many of Modere’s products, Sustain is part of the company’s M3 Pledge; in this weight loss system, dieters pledge to use three Modere products alongside three lifestyle changes in order to lose weight.
Modere Sustain Facts
Manufactured by Modere Inc
Contains 30 packets weighing 25g each
Vegan-friendly protein powder supplement
Modere Sustain is manufactured by Modere, an American company based in Utah. Modere have a stylish and interesting presence on the Internet, with a logo that is more reminiscent of a fashion company than a diet supplement manufacturer. Their unique M3 pledge is extremely expensive however, and seems to rely far more on encouraging customers to undertake lifestyle changes than through providing high-quality products. The company can be contacted using the information found at the bottom of their official website.
How to Take Modere Sustain
The directions for use are as follows:
Mix one packet with 6-8oz of cold water or your favourite low calorie milk (we suggest unsweetened almond milk). Consume as your mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. Use in conjunction with a calorie responsible meal plan and exercise.
Modere Sustain Concerns:
Product is extremely expensive, especially when used as part of Modere’s M3 pledge
Ingredient quantities not listed
Money back guarantee presented is not a real guarantee
What Does Modere Sustain Claim To Do?
Modere Sustain is probably the most straightforward of all of the products on the M3 Pledge weight loss plan. Put simple, Sustain is a protein-rich drink that dieters are supposed to take as a snack. The idea is that the product will fill dieters up in a relatively un-calorific way, helping them to avoid eating fattier snacks and treats in between meals. It’s as simple as that really!
The full list of benefits mentioned on the product factsheet include:
Supports satiety
Curbs appetite
Formulated with over 20 vitamins and minerals
10 grams of plant derived protein
Contains all 9 essential amino acids
Zero Sugar, Gluten Free, Vegan
Does Modere Sustain Work?
Modere Sustain is a pea protein drink (with added minerals and vitamins), which should help dieters to temporarily stave off hunger. At 90 calories per serving, it shouldn’t negatively impact diets too much, with most former customers seeming to be satisfied with their purchase. Sustain likely works as advertised, as long as it’s used as part of a sensible diet and exercise plan.
What Are The Ingredients of Modere Sustain?
The ingredients included in Modere Sustain are listed below. Readers should note that the ingredient quantities are not listed on the product or on the official website, which can make it difficult or impossible to estimate how effective the mix is overall.
Pea protein: Pea protein compares quite favourably to the more-common whey protein. Although it contains less BCAA’s, it contains a higher quantity of a protein called arginine, which is useful for building muscle. It does however have a notably poorer taste. Source
Dicalcium phosphate
Medium chain triglycerides
Natural flavors
Rice flour
Citric acid
Tara gum
Magnesium oxide
Silicon dioxide
Iron glycinate
Malic acid
Ascorbic acid
D-alpha tocopheryl succinate
Zinc oxide
Manganese gluconate
Calcium d-pantothenate
Retinyl acetate
Copper gluconate
Pyridoxine hydrochloride
Thiamin hydrochloride
Chromium niacinate
Selenium glycinate
Folic acid
Sodium molybdate
Potassium iodide
Aspartic acid
Does Modere Sustain Have Any Side Effects?
Protein powders should not come with any side effects when consumed as intended. Customers that use protein powders as a workout aid sometimes have a tendency to abuse them by taking multiple shakes a day, which can lead to increased bowel movements, thirst, bloating, cramps, nausea, reduced appetite, and fatigue. If consumed without engaging in sufficient levels of exercise, protein powders may also cause weight gain or lead to weaker bones.
Caution: Consult your doctor prior to use if you are nursing or pregnant, have a medical condition or when taking any medication. Do not use if inner seal is missing or damaged. Keep out of reach of children.
Are There Any Customer Reviews For Modere Sustain?
The only customer comments or reviews available online for Modere Sustain are found on the official Modere website. Here at Diet Pills Watchdog, we remain suspicious of reviews posted on official websites, as they are often edited to remove any and all negative comments. On the occasion however, a couple of negative comments have remained, with most customers still happy with their purchase. Sustain reportedly works well as a de-facto appetite suppressant, but has an overly chalky texture for some.
People complain about the texture. I love it!! I want one in the morning and one in the afternoon. It gives me energy and cravings stop. No sugar desires
Kept me full for hours. Highly recommend!
Everybody’s taste is different… but I love this stuff. It really helps to curb your appetite
Easy to mix in blender with a liquid and frozen fruit. A little chalky texture but tastes good!
I find it a bit gritty, but I mix it with almond milk and really shake it, which helps. I love the fact it WORKS! No hunger mid afternoon and no snacking.
The taste is awful and no matter what it mixed it with, it overpowered the mixer with its taste and grit
Does Modere Sustain Offer a Money-Back Guarantee?
On the Modere FAQ page they state that “Modere offers a 30-day 100% full refund guarantee to all Modere Customers.”
However, this does come with a huge disclaimer;
“*Money back guarantee if you do not lose weight. M3 requires lifestyle changes. Consult your physician prior to starting any new diet or exercise program. The typical person can expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week depending on a variety of factors including the amount of exercise and motivation to stick to a reduced- calorie diet.”
Having such a huge disclaimer means that the company do not really offer a money back guarantee. Customers who want a refund should contact the company directly before sending any products back, as they will need a shipping label.
Where Can I Buy Modere Sustain?
Modere Sustain can be purchased from any Modere independent distributer, or from the official Modere website. A single box containing 30 packets (weighing 25g each) costs $59.99 (with $10 off your first order). Delivery charges may apply.
Modere Burn is also available as a part of the M3 Pledge package. The Pledge package costs $149.99 per month, and each delivery provides a month’s supply of three Modere products: Burn, Sustain, and Sync.
How does Modere Sustain compare to Phentaslim?
Criteria Clinically Proven Ingredients Side Effect Free Positive Customer Reviews 24/7 Support Money-back Guarantee FREE SHIPPING Review Phentaslim Review
The post Modere Sustain appeared first on Diet Pills Watchdog.
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