#if any of this is inaccurate to canon I apologize I’ve never played the games or watched the shows before
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guess-i-do-art · 4 months ago
You know those chocolate covered coffee beans? I feel like those would be Shadow’s favorite desert type thing.
Except he only eats the like 80% dark chocolate cacao ones. Otherwise they’re too sweet for his taste.
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northlight14 · 2 months ago
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Ahhh ok🥹
Apologies in advance for the infodump😅😂
So I’m not gonna get into all the OC’s I made for this au because we’d genuinely be here all day. But the main bitches for this au and a bit about them (please keep in mind that I have only finished the first two danganronpa games and I’ve only just gotten to the death in chapter 4 for v3. And I haven’t consumed any other danganronpa content. All that to say, some shit might change or be inaccurate to canon lore. If that’s the case…shh this is already a canon divergence, let me have my fun /lh
Anyway, main characters:
Emiko Naegi, she/her, ultimate entrepreneur. She’s the daughter of Byakuya and Makoto. Emiko is a very confident individual who inherited Byakuya’s business sense. Shes genuinely a very nice person though and likes just having fun, though she can be very blunt and a little spoiled which means she occasionally comes off as rude to people who don’t know her well
Junichi Gokuhara, he/him, ultimate card player. He’s the son of Celeste and Gonta (rare pairs my beloved). Junichi is Emiko’s boyfriend and a very polite man, having learned from his parents to be a proper gentleman (the dynamic with Emiko is very much “I can do it myself” X “I know but let me”). He was a sickly kid so couldn’t be in school a lot and as such, Celeste taught him how to play various card games which Junichi quickly had a knack for, even if he can never beat his mum lol. He’s someone who just wants to enjoy the game though and doesn’t take money during games as he feels money would ruin it. He isn’t perfect though, as he is extremely competitive. It’s a running joke for Emiko that Junichi is a complete sweetheart but when it comes to playing games, he becomes low key evil lmao (he’s also the only straight character I have in this au lmao. Idk man everyone else was too fruity. Junichi’s a 10/10 ally tho. He loves his trans/bi girlfriend)
Seiko Saihara (I didn’t know there was a canon danganronpa character named Seiko when I named him and now I’m too attached to the name lol), he/him, ultimate lie detector/deception expert. Son of Shuichi and Kokichi. Seiko is a childhood friend of Emiko’s, having met her in middle school and they’ve been like brother and sister since. Seiko is honesty just a mischievous lil shit with a love for gossip. He’s got a good heart though and is insanely loyal. Most right him off as an idiot but it’s far from true, Seiko actually being very intelligent and having learned to read body language in order to tell when people are lying, a skill that comes in handy when you have Kokichi as a parent. He acknowledges that his skills aren’t fool proof (Emiko’s autistic ass quickly teaching him that certain body language isn’t always an indication of deception) but the more he practices the better he gets. Seiko also has a pretty dirty sense of humour (without being a perv) and is a bisexual mess
Kimika Yumeno, she/her, ultimate con artist. Daughter of Tenko and Himiko. Kimika takes on the role of the antagonist in my generational despair au. She seems nice at first but ultimately she’s a very cunning person. She honestly just likes being able to control situations and the people around her and an inability to do so can cause a spiral. She naturally has good in her like the rest of the danganronpa antagonists but her cons are a way for her to have fun, even at the expense of others
The characters in the original post:
Kiyono Hinata is a reserve course student and as I stated previously, the child of Hajime and Nagito. They’re also the childhood friend of Emiko and Seiko, the 3 all having met in middle school and now just behaving like siblings. Kiyono unfortunately inherited their dads depression though and for the most part Kiyono can just seem bored or dead inside. They also got sick of Nagito always talking to them about “hope” and now it’s gotten to the point they just hate that word and the idea of it, thinking it’s stupid and naive because bad things are going to happen regardless of if you’re hopeful or not etc. They’re a true introvert, not really speaking to anyone outside of their friend group (Emiko, Seiko, and Junichi) and when they’re not at school or with friends, they’re probably in their room watching horror movies on their laptop. They’re insanely loyal, however, and would do anything for their friends and family
Daiya Ishimaru (yes he was named after Mondo’s brother), fellow reserve course student and son of Ishimondo, is a non identical twin. His twin sister is named Katana and she’s the ultimate bodyguard and a top student. On the flip side, Daiya struggles in school and doesn’t have an ultimate. Being the only non ultimate in his family means Daiya is pretty fucking insecure and he and his sister have a lot of “friendly competitions” that mean a bit more to Daiya than they do Katana. Unlike Kiyono who’s more obviously depressed, Daiya hides it more and generally seems like a happy guy. He’s a big gamer nerd and also loves manga and such. He’s a little socially awkward though despite being an extrovert (tis the autism)
Kiyono X Daiya is very much a black cat X golden retriever couple but make them both depressed. They’re able to understand each other in that way and help each other out. Additionally, Daiya is an insomniac while Kiyono sleeps way too much. They just got that balance lol. And to top it off, in the generational despair au, Kiyono and Daiya aren’t in the actual killing game because they’re reserve course meaning the two of them are on the outside going though the same shit and working together to end the killing game and save their friends and family. And I mean, what’s more romantic than surviving the end of the world together?
I am hopefully gonna be writing my generational despair au. I’m still in the very rough draft stages tho and just chipping away at it as a mini project. It’s a lot of fun tho and I may share more stuff on it at some point🤷
Danganronpa next gen OC’s✨
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I have a next gen au for danganronpa. Essentially if the killing game never happened and the danganronpa cast went on to get married and have kids and shit. Also have a separate au as part of that that I’m currently working on which is my “generational despair” au aka if these next gen OC’s were put in the killing game instead
Anyway, introducing Daiya Ishimaru (he/him), son of Taka and Mondo. And Kiyono Hinata (they/them), child of Nagito and Hajime. These two are both in the reserve course and are my favourite ship in this au out of my OC’s
Drawing template below (not mine!!)
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stinkrascal · 4 years ago
hey just wanted to let you know that alistair is canonically biracial ! his mom is described as having dark skin in one of the novels, but bioware white-washed the hell out of her when she appeared in inquisition, & did alistair dirty too (he looks way tanner in origins). bioware unfortunately has a trend of whitewashing their poc novel characters, like briala for example. the pasty blonde alistair we see in inquisition is inaccurate lmao
i’m sorry about that! :-( i’ve only played the game series, i’ve not consumed any separate dragon age material, so i honestly didn’t know. fiona looks super white in inquisition, and alistair looks white in origins and inquisition, so i assumed he was white and made him as such. my dragon age sims are always based off the characters i see in the video games, as, again, i’ve never consumed any separate dragon age media aside from the games. so i apologize for not making him accurately! again, i honestly had no idea :\
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kurow · 7 years ago
Rupert, Todd, and Pauleen? (For the character ask meme)
What I like about him: Despite his sorta mature exterior, he’s really just a goofy kid that likes dinosaurs.What I dislike about him: I never liked his stuck-up attitude, though I understand where it was coming from.Favorite moment: The canon scene to the end of the game where he WON’T LET DINA/DINO GO ALONE DESPITE HIM BEING A SKULL. LIKE THAT’S TRUE FRIENDSHIP.Least favourite moment: Mostly because it made me sad, but (and it’s been a while since I’ve played FF:C so this might be slightly inaccurate) the scene where his dad comes by and yells at him for making friends or whatever and he just storms off because of it like the poor thing he didn’t deserve that.A situation with this character that I want to see explored more: I want more happy Patrol Team moments with this boy. LET HIM BE A HAPPY KID.An interesting AU for this character: I’ve been thinking up a monster AU and that’s all I’ve got on my mind (and he’s a centaur).A crossover: Really silly but could you imagine Rupert as mayor of an Animal Crossing village? Except every villager is a Vivosaur.OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship): I’ve always been partial to platonic/romantic RupertXDina and/or RupertXDino. They’re just a great duo.Other ships?: Not sure that I have any honestly.BROTP: Rupert and Pauleen (both sorta reserved, both have some self-esteem issues that need addressing)NOTP: RupertXTodd because... they just don’t balance each other well and I REALLY don’t think they’d get along.An assortment of headcanons!: Rupert’s Mapo/Mapo King was actually his first Vivosaur from childhood and they’ve been partners forever. Also, he’s an introvert and while he doesn’t mind the spotlight he gets from being the heir to mega company, it drains him a lot and he finds himself having to recharge frequently by being alone.
What I like about him: By mid-game, he shows that he’s willing to risk it all from his friends, even if it means sacrificing himself to a body-possessing lizard skull man.What I dislike about him: He is (was?) a huge coward and would get mad at his friends for even attempting to try and investigate anything suspicious. Not to mention he’s just... too blunt and insulting a lot of the time.Favorite moment: When he stands up to Terry, Stella, Kent, and the rest of the island just to let his friends escape ZongaZonga’s wrath.Least favorite moment: When Dina/Dino and him are rescued by skull Joe and Dina/Dino wants to go back and fight ZZ, but Todd screams at them for being foolish.A situation with this character that I want to see explored more: I want to see more post-game Todd when he’s realized that he can be brave and can face his fears.An interesting AU for this character: An AU where Todd and Rupert swap personalities liKE CAN YOU IMAGINE?A crossover: Fossil Fighters meets Jurassic Park. Todd would die.OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favorite ship): Platonic Dina/DinoXTodd!Other ships?: ToddXPauleen but like... post-game when they’ve sorta out all their differences and gotten closer.BROTP: HARDCORE DINA/DINOXTODD.NOTP: As stated above, ToddXRupert.An assortment of headcanons!: His cowardice mostly came from the Allo incident (ever since then he’s been wary of everything and anything and won’t take risks). Also, he doesn’t realize how blunt and mean he is to people; he’s just very oblivious to it and once his friends point it out to him, he’s usually pretty upset about it and apologizes. Oh, and him and Pauleen definitely like to cook family recipes together as a hobby (Todd likes to eat and Pauleen likes to teach him about traditional food/other stuff from her home back on Vivosaur Island).
What I like about them: MOST RELATABLE TO ME. Social anxiety sucks man.What I dislike about them: I don’t know... I really love her character I don’t think there was anything super terrible about her that I could pick out?Favorite moment: When her and Dina (in my game at least) hold hands it’s gay HelenLeast favorite moment: When she gets possessed by her mask. Like the poor things finally realizes she can do without it and then THAT happens.A situation with this character that I want to see explored more: I want to see her interact more with her family and friends back home, maybe see if she knew Hunter or Rosie or Duna back on Vivosaur Island. I need more backstory.An interesting AU for this character: Going to pick the monster AU again (because she’s a mermaid).A crossover: Going off of the mermaid thing, Pauleen as a Draconian princess or something in an Okami crossover.OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favorite ship): PauleenXDina aka RockStarShipping!Other ships?: Post-game PauleenXToddBROTP: Dina/DinoXPauleen AND PauleenXRupert.NOTP: I don’t exactly have one honestly.An assortment of headcanons!: She has complete heterochromia (one eye is green while the other is blue). She met/was friends with Hunter and the gang back on Vivosaur Island, but wasn’t around during most of the events of the original game because she was spending time with her grandfather. Also, going off of that, her parent(s) and grandfather both agreed that she would be the best option for the next Chieftain, so she’s next in line for that.
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thecrookedgavel · 5 years ago
The Black Box Readings - Ep 1 Transcript
Here’s the transcript for episode 1 of The Black Box Readings, the podcast where I read to you the backup of queer blogs that have gone down. 
See Other Episodes
An: Hey, all! And welcome to The Black Box Readings, the new podcast where I read to you the backup of queer blogs that have gone down! I’m your host, An Capuano. So basically, it’s a show where I narrate through a deleted or deactivated blog over the course of a season, with a focus on queer artists. Though to be honest, there was a specific blog that inspired me to make this podcast, and unless this format is super popular, I may just do the one season. Anyway, although reading things in a dramatic fashion is definitely in my wheelhouse, non-fiction podcasts are not. So please bear with me while I go through some growing pains as I try and figure this thing out. 
Alright, so this season, we have the story of a digital artist who caught my attention with a really cool piece of Overwatch fanart. It’s about her journey through a life spent mostly online, disability, and navigating through the difficulties of realizing that you’re trans.
For those of you not in the know, I am a disabled trans woman myself, so it’s not a journey I’m altogether unfamiliar with. The biggest reason I’m doing this podcast is because stories like ours get drowned out in the media. I wanted to be able to tell her story so that queer people, young and old, can hear something that resonates with them. And I have a good feeling that this will do that for you.
The Tumblr in question, I won’t say the address. Just know that the title of the blog was: “Less Than Human”. Yeah, I know. Not a very cheery introduction. I sort of choose to think of it, kind of like reclaiming a slur. If she calls herself less than human, other people lose the power to hurt her with it. I’m telling you the blog title because it is important later.
Anyways, enough out of me, here’s the first post of the episode, which happens to be the first post of the blog itself. It’s titled:
Hey, my name is -”
Ok, so I guess I didn’t think this through. In the post, she uses her deadname, and I don’t feel comfortable reading it out to you all. If I have to choose between deadnaming a trans girl and being a little inaccurate, I’m choosing inaccuracy. I should say, actually, that I don’t consider myself a journalist or anything like that. Also, I get it would be bad of me to use her real name too. So we’ll just call her… Hmmm…. Ok, let’s go with Emmy.
Hey, my name is Emmy, and I’m 19 years old! Nice to meet you guys! I’ve decided to start posting on my tumblr instead of using it as a dash, lol! I’m a visual artist, though I mostly stick to digital art these days. I spend most of my time reading. My fandoms are Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Supernatural, Sonic the Hedgehog, Marvel, and of course, Shrek! Lmao. I think Cat Girls are cute, but I’m not a weeb”
*Laugh* I never read this post while she was active. Her sense of humor is really present in this post, she was always silly like this. Anyways, she follows up this post by posting a backlog of art that I figure she must have made and not shown to anyone. It’s all really good stuff. Some fandom, some original. It’s clear to me that she’s not posting her earlier, rougher work. I don’t remember too many details though, as this was a while ago, and I didn’t think to save her artwork when I was copying all her text posts into the google doc. I hope someone out there saved them before they were deleted, though.
I’m not going to bore you by reading every single one of her posts, or anything like that. Just the ones that stand out to me. Here’s one about Supernatural and how she might be falling out of love with it. 
“I don’t know guys, I’m finding it hard to watch supernatural these days. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still one of my favorite shows, it’s just totally not as good as the first 5 seasons. That and I WANT DEAN AND CASS TO BE TOGETHER! Is that so wrong? Look, Cass is an immortal being that just HAPPENED to take a male form. If he had a female form, you can bet that he and Dean would have banged already. I’ve read the tumblr posts too, the ones that talk about all the hints the writers give that Dean is gay. This is ABSOLUTELY queerbaiting, and even as a straight guy, I can see that. I have a lot of gay mutuals who have convinced me how ultimately cute Dean and Cass are, and I feel bad for them, because they’re not being treated fair. You think in its 12 seasons there would be something, but no, nothing. Pisses me off”
Here is where we start seeing a connection between Emmy and queer culture. Although she’s currently IDing as straight and male, you can tell she cares about queer representation. Now, I’m not saying that wanting good queer content makes you queer, of course not. Just that knowing that Emmy is queer, when you look back at her earlier posts, there’s some evidence there. She even talks about Castiel, a male character, having a female form, which I find interesting for obvious reasons.
Next up is a post about something outside of her fandoms, a show called Monk. For those of you who don’t know it, it’s a show focused on a detective with OCD who uses his disability to solve crimes no one else can. As someone with OCD myself, I really enjoyed the show, but it’s not without its problems. Hmm, yeah, I’ll get to those after reading the post, I think
“I’ve been watching a new show lately! Well, a show that’s new to me at least. It’s called Monk! I’m 3 seasons in, and I laugh every episode. But it’s not without its serious moments too. It’s about Adrian Monk, a detective with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and it’s like a super power to him. He can do things no one else can. But he also can’t do things that everyone else takes for granted. Mood. He always says “It’s a gift… And a curse” when talking about it. Big mood. Anyway, I highly recommend it, because it’s a positive depiction of someone mentally ill! I’m so used to people who are “crazy” being mass murderers or some shit. Idk, it’s heartwarming.”
I noticed one of the hashtags of her post was, “Finally found a version with captions.” This is important for later and I’ll get to it by the end of the episode. Where the previous post was the first we saw of her queerness, this is the first we’ll see about her connection with mental illness. It’s unclear if she feels her inabilities are balanced off by her abilities, or if her “mood” was just about her being unable to do what others can. Since her “big mood” is regarding Adrian Monk’s favourite quote “It’s a gift and a curse”, I like to think she was being positive and was including her abilities in the “mood.”
While I do agree with Emmy that it’s a positive depiction of someone mentally ill, and that’s certainly better than having yet another bad guy is who’s only evil because he’s crazy, I’m worried that it’s too positive. It’s actually a really common trope where neurodivergent people in media are seen as “super human,” like Sheldon in the Big Bang Theory, or uhh, the main character from The Good Doctor, I forget his name. It makes it look like everyone with autism or OCD are geniuses, and that sort of skews how neurotypicals view people like us in a negative way. Like, I do view my OCD as a gift, I wouldn’t be able to write the way I do, or play video games the same way if I didn’t have it. But I’m not a superhuman by any means. But I’m expected to, in some sense, outperform everyone because of my OCD, because of this impossible standard set by the media. *Sigh* I’m sorry, I’m getting really off topic. I hope you don’t mind this little rant.
Back to Emmy, I find it a little upsetting that she feels herself cursed in some way. Knowing what I know about her, I like to think she was more gifted than cursed, but given the title of her blog, I doubt she would agree with me. We can glean from this post that she is disabled in some way or another. Maybe she herself has OCD? Or maybe she just relates her own, different disability to OCD? It’s hard to tell at this point, and I don’t want to spoil it, especially since it will come up again in a few posts. 
Next up, we have a post about not just queer characters, but lesbian characters. I’m sure you have heard of Overwatch by now, even if you haven’t played it. Well, the creative devs promised us that a handful of the cast was queer, and at least to me, it seemed like an empty promise. Hmm, I guess it seems a little bit like the queerbaiting conversation we had earlier. Interesting. You know what I mean, right? Like, why take the risk of pissing off the straight, cis part of your fanbase with queer characters when you can just say some characters are queer and attract a bigger queer fanbase that way? But then they did something that blew me out of the water. They made a comic where Tracer has a girlfriend. This next post from Emmy is about this reveal.
“Merry Christmas! And what a Christmas it’s been. Because I got something I’ve been asking for for a LONG time. Blizzard made Tracer gay! I’m not the only one who’s been asking for this, a huge chunk of the fandom has been saying that Tracer is only into other girls. It’s been my headcanon for so long, and now it doesn’t have to be, because it’s canon! Tracer and Emily are so cute together! And their kiss is so hot too! Yeah, lesbians are really hot in general. They’re every guy’s ultimate fantasy. Thanks, Jeff!”
An: Ok, so before we continue, I think I need to apologize on Emmy’s behalf for the way she talks about lesbians. As a trans lesbian, I had a period where I talked about lesbains that way too. Before I came to terms with that identity, I mean. Since you believe you’re a straight guy, there’s no real explanation for why you’re so into lesbians other than them being a male fantasy. But it’s more than that. It’s part of like, seeing yourself as a girl that the idea of being with a girl that likes girls... that is so fundamentally appealing. 
Like, ok. *sigh* I remember this one time very clearly… I was with my girlfriend at the time and a friend of mine at a bubble tea shop. This was probably 9 or 10 years ago now? Jeez. Anyways, this couple of girls starts making out at the table next to us, and I had a full on sexual awakening. I remember that I couldn’t look away. Mostly because my ex wouldn’t let me forget it. I got teased by my friend and berated by my ex. Because I couldn’t explain what happened to her, let alone to myself, I eventually came up with a rather math-y explanation involving vectors of attraction *laugh*. Something like, if women are attractive to me, and men are not attractive to me, then adding their vectors together gives less attraction than two women’s vectors being added together. It was pretty stupid. I don’t talk to either of those two people anymore, by the way. 
Anyways, my point is that since this is before she’s realized she’s a lesbian herself, she’s under the false impression that she needs to sexualize lesbians in order to explain why she’s so attracted to the concept. So please don’t hold that against her. 
With that out of the way, we can move on to her next post. It’s a piece of art she made, and it’s pretty special to me. You see, this was the way I found her blog. One of the blogs I follow, who knows which at this point, must have reblogged it and it came across my dashboard. Again, I don’t have a copy of any of Emmy’s art, but I remember it pretty well. It’s a picture of Emily wearing Tracer’s outfit... Shit… Why did I give Emmy a name so close to Emily? Emily as in Tracer’s girlfriend. Maybe it’s because of my association with her and this drawing? Either way, it’s too late now, I’m not re-recording this whole episode. *Sigh* We’ll just stick with the blogger being named Emmy. Anyways! She’s sort of looking a bit out of place, like she doesn’t know how to feel about having a Chrono-accelerator attached to her chest. There’s a speech bubble in the frame pointing off screen that says, “You look marvellous, love!”, or something to that effect, but it’s obviously supposed to be Tracer saying it. It was a really cute drawing, and I was really fond of it, so I liked and followed. Feels like so long ago. 
Anyways, she did reblog the picture afterwards, saying:
“Thank you so much for all the notes! I really appreciate the support. Who knew that something so dumb would be liked by so many people? I really like Emily, and I hope she’s added as a Hero in Overwatch soon! I feel so happy! I’m going to go and do some more drawing, so keep an eye out for more posts!”
Not much going on in this post, but I decided to read it anyway because it contrasts so heavily with the next post. Not the next time she posted, but the next post I’m going to read. Actually, it’s the last post of this episode. 
So, I’m going to warn you, this is a side of Emmy we haven’t seen yet. The really negative side. *Sigh* I don’t know what set her off, maybe nothing did, but I think this post is very important to read to you, as it clears the air about her disabilities.
“I really appreciate all the love you’ve given my art, but I feel like I don’t deserve any of it. I’m so broken and worthless and I’ve only been pretending to be normal so that you’ll all like me. The truth is, I’m physically and mentally disabled, and life is just a never ending struggle. 
First off, I’m deaf. Very deaf. The quietest thing I can hear in either ear is a chainsaw. It means I can’t understand speech or anything I’d need to be social. I don’t know sign language at all, I was never taught. So I just… stay inside all day. I’ve been homeschooled by my Dad since I was young. He thinks something bad will happen to me if I go outside, because I couldn’t hear something like a car coming towards me. So I live my life online, for the most part. I feel so isolated, and like I can’t relate to anyone normal. 
Also, I have Bi-Polar Disorder. For those you don’t know of it, it basically means I have high highs and low lows. I’ve done a good job so far at hiding my lows from everyone and only showing my highs. Until now, I guess… I just feel so low today, and I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I just had to be real. Even if it’s an ugly side of me that I hate. My dad hates how moody I am too. He just doesn’t get that it’s not my fault. Even my highs are hard for him to handle sometimes. Anyway, please forgive me for lying so long”
So, I sense a bit of imposter syndrome here. She’s gotten some success and because she views herself as not even a normal person, she thinks she doesn’t deserve it. It’s a pretty common feeling amongst content creators and something you have to move past if you want to make stuff. It’s like, *sigh* like me, I’m not an expert voice actor, why are people listening to me? I have tricked them into thinking I’m worth listening to. If you’re feeling that way about a recent success, just know that it’s all bullshit and it’s normal to feel that way. I wish I had that knowledge at the time I originally read that post… Because then, I would have messaged her and let her know. But yeah, we have more to unpack here.
She talks about being deaf, and the level that she describes is a profound hearing loss, which is as bad as it gets. I have that level of hearing loss in my left ear, and it’s really hard to deal with. So, I kind of can’t imagine what it would be like to have it in both ears. 
Like, for me, I remember this one time where I was at my locker in high school, and someone must have been asking me a question a few times on my bad side. She wanted to know if I had any extra bus tickets, and by the time I finally caught on that she was talking to me, she said something like “Urg, I just want to punch you.” And it wasn’t a joke either, she was very frustrated with the way my hearing loss had affected her. It made me feel small, and like I was an inconvenience to those around me. Guess it didn’t help how I felt that I had a crush on her at the time… Ha… *Sigh* It was very isolating to grow up like that. I didn’t really belong there, but I didn’t exactly belong in the deaf community either, since I could hear fine out of one ear. So when Emmy describes how isolating it is to be deaf and not know sign language, I get it. I really feel that. When I saw this post, it really made me feel for her. This is probably the point in time where I made a mental note to support her art whenever I could. 
Lastly she talks about her mental illness, being bi-polar. I know a lot less about bi-polar disorder than I do hearing loss. Though I was in a production that never wrapped up about a bi-polar teen. Actually, I was the strict dad who couldn’t understand his child’s illness, which is a similar theme seen in Emmy’s post. I’ve actually been cast as a dad 3 or 4 times now? Yeah. *Laughs* Anyways, what I understand about it is that it can be seasonal. You might be manic for a season, and depressive for another. But yeah, it doesn’t always work that way. Usually medication can help balance you out, but in Emmy’s case, she wasn’t taking any meds at this point. I’ll say it here for clarity’s sake, but her having bi-polar disorder was a self-diagnosis, not a professional one. That’ll be covered in the next episode, though. 
So now the whole “Less than Human” thing makes a bit more sense, doesn’t it? Not because it’s true in any sense, but because it was true to her. Disability is something that people tend to see as different, or othering. There’s a lot of stigma there. We can sort of tell at this point that the way her Dad views her and treats her doesn’t help her feel any better about this either. 
That’s why she likes the depiction of mental illness in Monk so much, right? Because it’s a bit of a “More than Human” approach. It gives her some hope that maybe she can be seen positively one day too. As far as movies with Deaf characters goes there’s like 100, if I recall correctly. Which is honestly pitiful compared to the amount of movies, period. So it’s more than likely that she never got to see herself in media in that perspective before. 
Also, there’s the markings of a budding trans girl in there too, which may further intensify the feeling of not being human. For years and years *sigh*, there was practically zero positive representation of trans people in media. We’re taught that feeling like this makes us freaks, and that presenting differently than we’re supposed to makes us... something worse than that. It all comes together to form something bitter and isolating. Especially before you start owning those parts of you and finding a community of your own.
Thank you for listening to this episode of The Black Box Readings! I really ranted more than I thought I would. Hopefully you all liked the anecdotal stuff I added in, didn’t really plan on doing that. Follow me on Twitter at TheCrookedGavel to stay up to date on this and other queer podcasts. Feel free to contact me there as well. This is An Capuano, signing off!
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