#if a woman is smart and cunning enough she can persuade a man to change his mind about something
aleksanderscult · 9 months
It's stupid how much power Alina would have had over him if she knew how to manipulate her touch. But alas she was busy being slut shamed left and right because of her impure thoughtsTM.
She was slut-shamed so much, anon, it's crazy. These books feel like they judge you like they are the Bible or something. Screaming: "Be pure in your thoughts and actions!!"
About the influence she could have on Aleksander, I have thought about this a lot myself. And I'm divided between:
- Yes, she could have a certain amount of influence on him. Because we've seen him lowering his guard for her in certain scenes (chapel scene where he bent to kiss her and got close to her, throne room where Alina reached to touch his cheek and he closed his eyes and, of course, the name reveal scene). If Alina allowed herself to use her charm and touch on him Aleksander would react to it like the boy he used to be. When he used to be innocent and not that much cruel. If she knew how to play her cards right, how to use her influence on him, Aleksander would concede for her in a way. And Alina would be able to to bring to the surface the not-damaged boy he used to be.
You know, that reminds me the tale of Hades and Persephone. While Hades was a terrifying figure in Greek mythology, he was absolutely faithful and respectful to his wife throughout their marriage. And they say Persephone was the only one that could calm his dark moods.
So I imagine something like that with Alina and the Darkling.
- Another side that I think of is that Aleksander wouldn't buy it. He wouldn't buy into her efforts of seduction because he's no fool. He's a highly intelligent person that can see through people's bullshit. So when Alina would try to coax him gently, he would be like "BAHAHAHAHA YEAH that's not gonna work, honey".
Now if we have to reach to a conclusion, I would say that his reaction would be a combination of these two. Depending on when Alina tries to entice him ('cause timing is everything) and in what circumstances. For example, if he wants to do something really important for him and Alina wants to change his mind, Aleksander wouldn't buy into her efforts. But if it's something less important and with Alina's decent effort and good timing, then he would concede.
It's all about the thing they fight about, you know? And how much experience and tact Alina would have.
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