#if Yellow guy and Duck guy tried to cook together I'd be like
lulubeanie · 1 year
My stance on the 3 of them is that Duck guy can cook pretty well but gets impatient with how fast things are cooking and turns up the heat way too early so he always burns it at least a little. he has started many fires this way. he doesn’t like to use a recipe and likes to eyeball the ingredients, which is why I think he cannot bake at all
Red guy is a decent cook and ok baker, nothing too fancy but he's pretty good at both and rarely has any mishaps. I also think he can grill pretty well. he's not the best with seasoning things though
Yellow guy seems like the type to be pretty good at both as long as he has a recipe to work off and all the right ingredients. but I also think he's a little clumsy and will make a mess along the way. especially with baking, flour will be all over the place
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