#if Peter fought vulture Tony would give him a gun and tell him to be back by 9
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Can you imagine if Ironman 1 FREAKY Stark met Peter instead of less freaky more "responsible" tony in civil war?? 😭 oh my GOD that kid would be DEAD AS HELL
Tony eating a donut: "sorry- who are you again?"
Peter: "I'm your intern.. I have been for like a month-"
Tony nodding and not listening at all: "yeah yeah whatever- listen I have a job for you."
Peter fully believing it's superhero related: "seriously? What is it-?"
Tony: "pepper banned me from the fridge.. In there you will find a large half full bottle of the best whisky I have ever drank. I need you to use your sticky gross kid fingers and grab it for me kay?"
Peter: "okay.. what if I get caught??"
Tony: "don't. Just hurry up kid."
Tony walking into the room: "pepper says we have to bond I'm taking you to a party"
Peter: "cool!! What kind of party?"
Tony: "the kind where you wait outside and let me gamble like a normal adult, if someone offers you cocaine just don't take it, I don't wanna deal with that"
Peter: "can we get food on the way..?"
Tony: "see this is why I like you kid"
Pepper: "Tony I fired Peter. Your a horrible influence and an even worse caretaker!"
Tony: "so you hate me"
Pepper: "no?? You just can't take children to parties!"
Tony: "But he's my emotional support child??? Do you really want me to kill myse-"
Pepper: "Tony! That is not funny!"
Tony: "it is a little bit, what was his name again?"
#shitpost#if Peter fought vulture Tony would give him a gun and tell him to be back by 9#he totally got like a Grammy of something and gave it to Peter because he literally does not care#Peter sold that shit on eBay immediately#Tony is like that one dad who swears he doesn't want a cat and then when he gets one he becomes a girldad#Except its him not liking kids and then getting Peter and turning into a PTA mom#He pulls up to his school randomly to kidnap him to go grab burgers or something#mcu#peter parker#spider man#headcanon#tony stark#ironman#irondad and spiderson#this is stupid#but so are they
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No. 25
Fandom: Avengers
Whumpees: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton
Title: The One Where Tony, Steve, and Clint are Tortured
By: PenPatronus // PenPatronusAooO
It was a lovely dinner. Tony had it catered by the best restaurant in the city and hired waiters and waitresses to serve everyone. He invited the whole gang to the Tower: Steve, Bruce, Clint, Vision, Wanda, Natasha, Peter, Scott, Sam, Rhodey, Bucky, and Doctor Strange. Tony took a moment to look at everyone seated around the table and admire each of them. He was grateful for them. He’d never had so many friends in his life – friends who knew his sins and accepted him anyway. Friends he was proud to have at his table. Friends he was grateful to for coming to his table. For Thanksgiving he’d have to get a table twice the size so that everyone could bring their significant others and their kids.
“Mr. Stark?” Peter caught Tony staring. “Mr. Stark, are you ok?”
Tony grinned. He put his hand on Peter’s shoulder and squeezed it. “Never better,” he said, and he was surprised to find that he meant that. What was better than a great dinner with your best friends?
“Mr. Stark, I was thinking… Every organization has a hierarchy, right? I’m probably at the bottom of this one—”
“The very bottom, kid,” Stark confirmed with a smile.
“Well, what can I do about that? I mean, what’s a guy gotta do around here to get promoted to, uh, sergeant or something?”
“Well first,” Tony held up his empty glass, “you can get me more wine.”
The blue-skinned, black-haired man who appeared in a spiral of red sparkles in front of the bar had sigils in his face that Tony recognized as Norse. His eyes were red, and he held a knife that was stained red. Steve and Clint instantly moved to Tony’s side at the head of the table as the being approached. Everyone else spread out behind them – if they had to use their weapons and powers on the intruder, they didn’t want to hit each other.
“Where’s my brother?” the man asked with a baritone voice. “Where is Loki?”
Everyone looked at Steve and Tony.
“I traced his steps across the universe to this very room. Where is he?”
It was Tony who took a step forward. “You know, you could introduce yourself. It’s just nice manners when you break into someone’s home. We’re the Avengers. It’s nice to meet you. And you are…?”
“Helblindi, son of Laufey and Farbauti.”
“Well I’m Tony, son of Howard and Maria, and I don’t remember inviting you to this dinner. So how about you throw some of that red confetti and zip on out of here.”
“Until recently I didn’t know I had a brother. Now I can sense him – him and that Asgardian Thor.” Helblindi raised his knife. “Where are they?”
“They’re not here,” said Steve. “It’s been years since Loki was here. You won’t find them, not on this planet.”
“They didn’t exactly leave a forwarding address,” Clint chimed in.
“Then summon them,” the frost being insisted.
“We don’t know how to do that,” said Natasha from Clint’s right. She wasn’t lying. “We don’t know anything.”
Helblindi pointed his knife at Nat. “Find Loki or Thor for me, or I’ll kill you.”
Wanda summoned red magic around her hands. Strange encircled his wrists with golden cuffs. Rhodey, Natasha, Sam, and Clint took out the guns they had in their pockets. Peter and Scott bent at their knees, ready to pounce. Vision floated into the air and raised his palms.
Helblindi held his red knife high. “I’ll return here in 72 of your hours. If you don’t have Thor or Loki, then these three men die.” Suddenly, he dropped the knife to the floor, and red light exploded across the room, knocking everyone over. Helblindi marched forward and pulled Clint to his feet by his throat. He did the same thing to Tony, holding the two of them above his head like trophies. Steve, disoriented, dove into tackle him, and that was when all four of them disappeared in a shower of red sparks.
“Mr. Stark!” Peter cried.
“Clint!” Nat gasped.
Sam ran to where Steve had been standing. “What happened? Where did he take them?”
“It this creature is able to cross the universe, then he could be anywhere,” Strange pointed out.
Nat turned to face the group. “Does anyone know where Thor is or how to contact him? Because, seriously, I don’t.”
Nobody raised their hands.
Steve woke up in a cell the size of a queen-sized bed. He hung from the center of it by cuffs and chains that had all but cut off the circulation in his hands. He stood on shaky feet, fought past the dizziness, and looked around. Clint and Tony were also in bed-sized cages – Clint on Steve’s left and Tony on Steve’s right. Both men were unmoving. Across the room, a SHIELD symbol hung on the wall. Old, abandoned equipment sat everywhere – computers and carts of metal supplies and piles of unopened rations. An abandoned SHIELD base – but where? Steve wrestled with his cuffs and got nowhere.
Helblindi was sitting on an empty crate, watching Cap come to. He flipped his red knife over and over in his hand. “Where is Loki?” he asked, frustration apparent. “Where is Thor?”
Steve looked at his teammates. “Are my friends alive?”
Helblindi stood up, still twirling his knife. “At the moment. Would you like to keep them that way?”
Steve snorted. “What do you even want with Loki? Why are you looking for that monster?”
The red knife was aimed at Steve’s throat. “Watch your mouth, mortal. That’s my brother you’re talking about. Don’t you have any brothers?”
Steve almost said “no,” but then he thought of Bucky, of Sam and Tony and Bruce and Clint, and he said, “Yes.”
“And you wouldn’t go searching across the universe for them?”
“I wouldn’t kidnap and threaten to kill people to find them.”
Helblindi smiled and shrugged in a very Loki-like manner. “To each their own.”
Steve rolled his eyes. “How about this: the next time Thor stops by, we’ll tell him you’re looking for him and let him know what planet you’re on… As long as it’s not ours.”
“I appreciate your attempt at compromise. And I might even consider it if I didn’t believe that you’re lying to me.”
“We’re not lying. We really, truly do not know where Thor and Loki are. And holding my teammates and me here isn’t going to change that.”
“Desperate people do desperate things,” said Helblindi. “Your teammates back at your base, knowing your lives are at stake, will suddenly find themselves thinking outside the box. They’ll figure out how to summon Thor or Loki and if they don’t, they’ll die, too.”
It was absurdly early in the morning when Jane Foster’s phone rang. Her phone only ever rang that early because of emergencies, so Jane answered it instantly. “Hello?”
“Dr. Foster? This is Natasha Romanoff.”
“Natasha—Oh! Yes, oh, yes. Miss Romanoff. Your, uh, reputation precedes you.”
“As does yours, Doctor.” Nat was talking at breakneck speed. “I’m sorry to disturb you, Dr. Foster—”
“Jane. I’m sorry to disturb you, Jane, but we need your help. Have you heard from Thor lately?”
The speed of Jane’s heartbeat doubled. “No – no, I’m afraid not… Not for a long time.”
“Did he leave any way to contact him? Some way to summon him if you needed him?”
“Like his phone number?” Jane half-laughed. “No, sorry, no.”
“Dammit.” Natasha sighed. “Jane, there’s something else. Has Thor ever been to your home?”
“Yeah…? Why? What’s going on?”
“Well, it turns out that Loki has a brother, and this brother of his is able to… sense, somehow, where Thor and Loki have been. This means that he might show up in your kitchen asking for Thor at any second. You have to get out of there.”
Jane’s blood froze. “I’ll start packing.”
“Ok. And while you’re packing – no longer than five minutes, Jane – while you’re packing, I need you to think up a list of anywhere else on earth Thor or Loki may have gone. We need to evac people from those places as soon as possible.”
“I’m on it.”
Clint recognized where they were immediately when he woke up. He reported to Steve, who was hanging in the cage on his right, “When Loki did his mind control on me and a bunch of SHIELD operatives and scientists, this was sort of our headquarters. We took over this base.”
Steve perked up a bit. “Where are we?”
“Near the Jersey border. This place used to be a small airport.”
Helblindi strutted over to Clint. “My brother can control minds? Fascinating.”
Clint spat so hard that he hit Helblindi’s boots. “Your brother is an asshole who tried taking over this planet. We kicked his ass.”
Helblindi’s eyes narrowed. “Did you, now…” He approached the bars to Clint’s cell and waved the knife at him. “Well, maybe I should get a little revenge for him…”
“Then you’ll want to take it out on me,” Tony suddenly said. Steve and Clint pivoted right and saw Stark on his feet, swaying, but holding his ground. “Since I’m the one who blew up his ship and destroyed his entire army.”
“Tony,” Steve cautioned.
Tony ignored him. “You know that Tower you snatched us from? That was where he surrendered – such a loser.”
Helblindi ignored Clint and went to Tony. He dragged the knife across the cell bars as he walked.
“Tony.” Steve’s chains rattled as he tried to get out of them.
Helblindi opened Tony’s cell and entered it, knife first. “What did you say about my brother?”
“Well,” Tony sneered, “he lost, so he’s a loser, so I called him a loser. Your brother is a loser.”
“I know you’re just saying these things to draw my attention away from your friend,” Helblindi said. He circled Tony like a hungry vulture. “It’s admirable, honestly. But you’ll still have to pay for those words.”
“No!” Steve and Clint cried when Helblindi raised the knife and swung it at Tony. He slashed the inventor across his cheekbone, leaving a deep, bleeding cut. Tony didn’t make a sound. Blood rolled down to his chin.
Helblindi grabbed Stark by the throat and glared at him with those red eyes. “What do you have to say now?”
Tony glared back. “Give me a category.”
Helblindi chuckled and let Tony go, sending him dropping backwards in his bonds. “Do you have a hobby, Tony?”
Tony got back up on his feet. “Several. You want to learn how to crochet?”
Helblindi sneered. The knife slashed again, this time from the corner of Tony’s mouth straight to his ear. “I have a hobby. It’s been a passion of mind. Family business, you might say. I wonder if my brother loves it as much as I do…”
“You weren’t kidding when you said you crocheted that winter cap for Lila?” Clint asked Tony.
“I wasn’t kidding,” Tony confirmed. “Well, I sort of did it. I designed a new type of knitting machine that—” Helblindi stopped Tony short when he whipped the knife for a third time, this time slicing Tony across the shoulder. “Ouch,” Tony growled, more annoyed than in pain.
“Stop it,” Steve ordered in his most “captain” of voices.
Helblindi turned his attention away from Tony. The moment his back was turned, Tony leapt up and wrapped his knees around his neck. He squeezed with all his might, pulling the frost being’s body closer so that he could smack that black-haired head with his own. To Tony’s dismay – and Steve and Clint’s – the being just chuckled. Slowly, as if he enjoyed the tension, he reached up, wrapped a hand around Tony’s left ankle, and twisted. They all heard the cracking sound as the ankle broke. Tony yelped and let go. Helblindi pivoted and smacked Tony across the mouth, punched him in the stomach, and clobbered him across the chin. Stark spat blood.
“Stop!” Steve shouted. “He gets the point!”
Helblindi locked Tony’s cell and moved into Steve’s. “What’s your name?”
“Steve Rogers.”
“Steve Rogers. Strong name, for a Teran. You’re the leader. I could tell by your posture back at the Tower. And by the way everyone looked at you. I respect leaders.” Helblindi cocked his blue head to the side. “Do you have a hobby, Steve?”
“How about we skip to the part where you tell us what yours is?”
Helblindi laughed. “Very well. Should I tell you or show you?”
“Show—?” Steve was cut off when Helblindi sliced him down his arm from the inside of his elbow to his shoulder. He went right, then, and sliced a similar length down Cap’s ribs from his armpit down to his hipbone. Right when Helblindi went in to slice up Cap’s stomach was when Steve yanked down hard on the chains above him. The chains separated from the ceiling and fell straight down. Steve stepped backwards and they piled right down on Helblindi’s head, knocking him out. “CLINT!”
Barton was already on it. He flipped his body upside down, raising his feet to his hands. He found the lockpick in his shoe and got out of his cuffs in record time. After getting out of his cell, he raced into Steve’s and freed him, then the pair moved to Tony. “About damn time,” Stark muttered, annoyed. “LOOK OUT!”
The real Helblindi – not the faux version he’d cloned with his magic, as Loki liked to do – emerged from the shadows and kicked Steve in the back, sending both him and Barton into the cage with Tony. Then the frost being, having, unlike Loki, grown up being schooled on magic, used his to slam the three Avengers against the back wall of the cave and hold them there, surrounded by red sparkles. “Well, that was fun,” Helblindi said, smoothing back his black hair. He cracked his knuckles, walked into the cave, and kicked Barton in the stomach so hard that Clint nearly retched. He punched, then, giving Barton an instant black eye. Punch number two split open his lip. Punch number three busted his nose.
Helblindi stepped back then and massaged his hand. “We have 70 more hours of this fun,” he said, grinning. “You three better get used to it.” Then, with a flair of his fingers that released the Avengers from being held against the wall, Helblindi locked the cage door and disappeared down the hall.
Dr. Erik Selvig answered his cell phone without looking to see who was calling. “Yes?” It was Natasha. They chatted. Selvig had no clue where Thor was, or how to find him. “Try praying,” he recommended.
“Sir, we need to know every place that Loki and Thor may have been on this planet. It’s our only help to find them.”
“What about that SHIELD base Loki had Barton and I in right before the attack on New York? The base where we perfected the tech and planned the attack on the Helicarrier?”
Clint and Steve could only watch – and also try not to watch – as Helblindi surrounded Tony with red sparks and lifted his body up into the air. Lightning flashed beneath Stark’s clothes. Blood dripped from his fingernails. His limbs shook with pain.
Steve couldn’t stand it. “Me!” he shouted. “Take me!”
Helblindi grinned as Tony squirmed. “Are you begging?” he asked Cap. “Are you begging me?”
Steve didn’t hesitate. “Yes. Yes, I’m begging you to take me instead. I’m begging.”
Tony dropped to the floor of the cell. His eyes were open and twitching. His hands trembled and his legs stretched, retracted, then stretched again as he fought through cramps, bruises, and fire. Helblindi approached the cage. “You know what most people don’t understand about torture, Steve Rogers? It’s the psychological torture that’s most enjoyable. Watching leaders like you, men responsible for other men, look so helpless…” Helblindi rolled his eyes back and smiled wider. “Delicious.” Before Steve could comment, Helblindi pointed his knife at Clint. The unleashed magic lifted Barton from the cell floor just like Tony.
Clint screamed.
Sam landed the Quinjet a hundred yards away from the target. The team had worked together so much that they no longer needed words. They just started running the minute they left the ship, pairing up, going up and left and right, ready to attack the compound from every angle. Vision, Wanda, Peter, Scott, Sam, Rhodey, Bucky, Bruce, and Strange waited for Natasha’s signal.
Helblindi my have knocked him out, Steve decided, because he certainly didn’t remember lying on his side to take a nap. But he woke up from a restless sleep in one corner of the cage. Tony was on his right and Barton was on his left, both lying on their backs. Both bleeding from a hundred different places. Both looking at Steve with lifeless eyes.
The noise that came out of Steve’s chest was part-sob, part roar. He crawled on his hands and knees over to Tony’s prone body and shook Stark by the shoulders. “Tony? Tony! Oh, God, no…” He crawled to Clint and shook him, too. Again, nothing. Barton was dead. Eyes dry, but still sobbing, Steve went back to Tony and put his hands on either side of his friend’s face. “Dammit, no, wake up, WAKE UP!”
Steve collapsed back on his butt and put his face in his hands. He’d failed his team. Clint and Tony were dead. He didn’t save them. Steve fell over to the right, directly onto Tony’s lifeless chest, and that’s where the tears poured.
“Cap,” someone whispered. Steve looked up. As soon as he did, the fake bodies beside him disappeared. Tony and Clint – though they looked like corpses – were perfectly alive and sitting side by side at the rear of the cage. “Cap, it’s not real. He��s making you see things,” Tony told him.
“Oh, God…” Steve gasped. He crawled over to his friends, put a knee between them and wrapped his left arm around Clint and his right around Tony. “Oh, thank God…” Barton and Stark hugged him back.
A cackle. Helblindi was watching from outside the cell. The son of a bitch was eating popcorn. “You three are adorable,” he mocked. “Honestly. I’ve tortured people to death before and you three are just the most fun I’ve ever had.”
Steve wiped his eyes dry. He stood, then turned to face the frost being. “Our team’s coming for us,” he told Helblindi. “And when they see the shape you’ve left us in, they’re going to be pissed.”
Helblindi approached the cage door and so did Cap. “I hope so,” the frost being said, “because it would be nice to have a fair fight.”
“Oh, there’s going to be a fight,” Steve assured him. “And that fight will end when I snap your neck.”
Helblindi raised his knife again. “We’ll see about that.”
All three of them – Tony, Clint, and Steve were lifted into the air by the red magic. Their bodies sizzled, cracked, and burned.
None of them could resist screaming.
It was then, right when Helblindi was enjoying his hobby the most, that two legs kicked in the door at the end of the hallway. Vision and Wanda entered and hit Helblindi with an absolute tidal wave of red and yellow energy. The frost being was knocked off guard. His magic broke and Steve, Clint, and Tony fell to the floor. None of them moved.
Strange came through the door on the opposite side of the hall. He hit Helblindi with blasts of golden light. Simultaneously, Sam and Rhodey aimed their guns down from the rafters and unloaded them into the frost being. On the floor, dropping in from the vents, Bucky and Natasha aimed and fired their weapons, too. And then fingers pried open the roof like a can of tuna and tossed it aside like a frisbee. Scott waited a second for the others to get clear, and then he slammed his foot down directly on Helblindi.
Peter and Bruce busted into the cage. “Oh, God,” Bruce exhaled when he saw the state that Steve, Clint, and Tony were in. “Are… Are they even alive?”
Peter rushed to Tony and knelt beside him. “M-Mr. Stark?” He touched his mentor’s shoulder, rolling him onto his back. “Mr. Stark, can you hear me? TONY?”
The place exploded in red sparks. Peter and Bruce ended up in a dogpile with Clint, Steve, and Tony. Scott was thrown up and out of the building. The others were knocked back against doors and walls. Only half of them got back up on their feet.
Helblindi wiped imaginary dirt off his shoulder. “Is that the best you’ve got?” he laughed from the middle of a tornado of sparks. He marched into the cage and pulled Tony out of it by his neck. Once he was sure that every eye in the room was on him, he held his red knife to Tony’s throat. Tony was conscious, but barely. He was only on his feet because the frost being held him there. Helblindi shouted, “Last chance! Where is Loki? Where is Thor?”
A flash of light outside. A roar of color suddenly descended into the room. Even Helblindi needed to shield his eyes. The light retreated into the shape of a person and there, hovering in the center of the base, was a very, very pissed off Carol Danvers. She pointed her fists at Helblindi. “Let him go.”
“What in Hel are you?” the frost being asked, shocked. He let go of Tony. Stark collapsed to his knees. Unable to find the strength to catch himself, Tony fell forward and landed facedown, spreadeagled. Helblindi kicked him aside on his approach to Captain Marvel. “You’re nothing I’ve ever seen before.”
“I’m the last thing you’re going to see,” she threatened, “if you don’t leave this planet right now, and never return again.”
“You’re a goddess,” Helblindi exhaled, in awe. He walked gradually forward as if approaching an altar in a church. “You should be worshipped.”
Carol landed on the floor and put her arms at her side. “Leave,” she ordered again. “Now.”
Helblindi spread his palms out and bowed. “A queen,” he decided. “I’ll call you a queen—!” Red sparks exploded from his hands.
Carol was ready. She reflected the magic right back at Helblindi. The frost being screamed and melted from his own magic.
It was over.
“Thanks Carol,” Nat said, breathless, as she rushed by to get to Clint. She practically fell on top of him, and he groaned in pain. “Sorry,” Nat said, flushed and frantic. Her fingers fluttered all over his body, but she found nowhere to touch him that wasn’t bleeding or bruised. “Barton, I’m so sorry… We tried to find you, we tried so hard.”
“It’s all right, Nat,” Clint said between swollen lips. “It’s all right.”
Bruce helped Steve sit up. “We gotta get you to a hospital,” Banner concluded.
Steve wiped his face. “Is T – Is Tony ok?”
Peter got to Stark first. “Sir?”
A disoriented Tony opened bruised eyelids. “Hey, kid.”
Peter’s hands shook. “Hey, Mr. Stark. Are you ok, Sir?”
Tony looked at him. He didn’t even try to move – or couldn’t. “You know I’m proud of you, right, Pete?”
Peter didn’t like the sound of that, and neither did any of the Avengers who were crowding around the pair. “Mr. Stark…”
Tony looked up at his teammates – at Steve and Bruce, Clint and Nat, Sam and Rhodey… “Thanks for coming to my table,” he whispered. And then Tony’s eyes rolled backwards into his skull and he went silent.
Tony woke up alone. He resented that. No one should wake up in a hospital alone.
A toilet flushed nearby. Steve exited the bathroom. “Oh,” Tony said. “There you are.”
“Here I am,” said Steve. “How’s that kidney feel?”
“What’s that?” Tony sat up in bed and poked his body all over. “Kidney?”
“Here.” Steve gently pulled up Tony’s shirt and revealed a bandage on his left side. “Some of our organs got a little fried. Clint has part of Sam’s liver and you have one of Parker’s kidneys.”
“The kid gave me an organ?” Tony bellowed. He turned to the door where he was sure, now, that his friends were waiting, out in the hallway. “PARKER!”
Peter entered with a guilty face. He was in a hospital gown, bandaged up in the same place as Tony. “Yes, Mr. Stark?”
“YOU…” Tony shook his fist at his young protégé. Then a forefinger pointed out from the fist. “You… Are promoted.”
Peter beamed.
The End
#Whumptober#Whumptober2020#Whumptober 2020#No.25#No. 25#Disorientation#Avengers#Fic#Avengers FanFiction#fanfiction#Fan Fiction#Spiderson#Irondad#Stony#Stony Friendship#whump#penpatronus#penpatronusaooo#tony stark#iron man#clint barton#hawkeye#steve rogers#captain america#angst#bromance#epic bromance#collapse#marvel#team feels
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Some Spider-Man and Tony Stark things I’ve seen discussed (Spoilers)
Spider-Man’s suit’s instant kill mode
1) Peter Parker removed his training wheels protocol, a function to keep the suit at a level. He’s young, 15, doing this gig for not too long. And yes Peter is a genius, but genius’ still have to learn and they make mistakes along the way. I felt like he didn’t even have much spider sense in Homecoming, maybe as a sign he’s not yet the spidey with all his cool tricks just yet.
2) Karen immediately said, on the lines of, “congratulations on completing your training.” Obviously, there was insight that Peter would be further trained by either Tony himself or Peter self training whatever, but training to help prepare himself for the full functionality of the suit.
3) Spider-Man doesn’t kill, whys he need this? He wants to be an Avenger, being an Avenger doesn’t mean you’re fighting people all the time. It’s safe to say all the Avengers have killed humans, even Captain America (come on, he super solider kicked him out like a 10 story window that kills people Steve, also he fought in WW2 (but thats war! yes, but it shows he has the capability to do it)) and thus they’ve killed aliens and “killed” robots. So giving an instant kill mode is understandable taking into account that 1- Peter wants to be an Avenger, 2- the Avengers dont just fight humans, 3-Tony knows what’s out there and what his type of people face. Think of The Walking Dead when Rick finally gave Carl a gun. He knew he had to because of the situation, it was a line of defense against the dangers they faced. Peter growing up and getting more powerful will only make him face greater dangers.
4) The suit listened. While he couldn’t grasp the suit entirely, Karen listened to Peter’s request. Instant kill was never activated, even for self defense.
You really just have to listen to the dialogue and think about the world for a second. This suit fits Peter one size, so you can think well, this is his suit for the long run and Tony made the suit where it can grow with Peter’s age and powers and skill capability. Not everything was for a 15 year old. Think of it as an iPad with parental controls on, you can use the iPad 6 year old child, but somethings are restricted until you’re older.
Taking the suit away
People had a lot to say with the line “If you’re nothing without this suit, then you shouldn’t have it.” Saying that well, Tony always fights with his suit what a hypocrite.
It wasn’t the best, we had a lot of issues with it, but it still happened, Iron Man 3.
Literally a movie about Tony without his suit. His suit was “taken away.” Tony doesn’t even have powers in general. Without a suit, Peter still has strength, his brain smarts, wall crawling, jumping fancy parkour, etc.
Besides, Peter was doing this in sweats before he even got the suit. So he was something before the suit, he just forgot. Maybe Tony noticed this, maybe Tony just wanted the suit so he can fix Peter’s tinkering. Peter was getting ahead of himself with the suit. Moving too fast. Perhaps he’d slow down without it, which we know he kinda did.
Them rocks and his painful cries
Yes, my heart broke when Peter got trapped under the rocks and was crying for help. Some said that he would’ve gotten out if he had his suit, i think it would’ve been the same situation kinda/actually. There was no tracker and I don’t know if Tony gets Peter distress alerts, so there wasn’t much the suit could’ve done. I mean it doesn’t heighten his strength right? I only saw the movie once so I don’t remember all the aspects of the suit. Maybe Karen could’ve helped him, but i feel the situation wouldve been similar sweats or suit.
Tony doesn’t listen
It’s hard to say what Tony did concerning the Vulture, we only know his only attempt at doing something was setting up the FBI on the ferry. Once again, only saw it once. But its safe to say that Tony is very up to date with what’s going on with Peter. And he listens. Im assuming Happy tells him everything, but he genuinely listens and knows, Peter’s not in band practice anymore. And he’s always available when Peter needs him (or when he thinks he needs him) even when he’s in another country. You can even say he was a bit overbearing. I didn’t quite understand why Peter was in a 5 borough lock-down and couldn’t leave NY. Peter had more attention on him then he realized i think, until he found the tracker and the fact that his lens recorder EVERYTHING. I mean the suit’s like a romper, he had to strip everything to pee. So a little over the top with the supervision in those cases assuming Tony can watch the recordings on his end.
I think that was mostly it. I feel that conclusions are drawn up too and that dialogue and the history of this marvel world isn’t taken into account. I don’t know if the writers ever intend for things to be looked at this deeply, I would hope so! But we all know Marvel is just...Marvel its hard to tell what the hell they intend and want. BUT I think conclusions and reasonable assumptions can be drawn from what we know about the world, the characters and how the story progresses.
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