#if I can get one more this ship now rivals Caitlin and Grimsley as a ship
crystalelemental · 2 years
Saw a post about “Don’t ship Caitlin and Cynthia because age gap,” and now I am filled with the desire to write like three fanfics about how they’re dating and/or married.
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court-of-pokemuses · 5 years
Every Lucy ship rated!
I’ve done this over on my main account @/pkmnsdarkqueen, and I think it’s kinda fun. It’s every ship on the muse from this page rated by my personal opinions. For this account I’ve been slowly working on it since January, and since this is a multimuse it took this long. I hope ya’ll enjoy!
Disclaimers directly below and the list under the cut!
strike through=my side commentary, trying to be funny italicized=if asked I’d be down to rp it mostly just to see how/it it’d work bold=ship name and who in it to help you find a certain ship highlights=they are grouped up, again in case you want to find that one ship
Took out category of Lucy and a protagonist/rival/or companion since they’re all children so it’s a hard no. A few other younger characters fit in the other categories though they’ve been judged no as well for the most part. Some shipped but ONLY in the context of the character being grown up. 
Took out category of Lucy with pokemon because pokephelia. In multiship some of them have a pokemon and these have been dubbed as being one of the human’s part pokemon.
ships on ‘never ending romance’ website. Before asked yes mun has other ships she likes that aren’t listed, but Im only focusing on those listed.
Lucy with a villain 
Top rated ships: Requiax, Tapian, and NoLuck shipping
Bottom rated ships: Seviper, Shamshir, and IronGiant  shipping
BlackadderShipping - Giovanni & Lucy 5/10 Why does Giovanni always get the best ship names? Anyways 50/50 on this ship cause hey evil Lucy sounds like fun but I can’t think of what would turn her, and I don’t feel like she’d have any sway in turning him good though. 
DeadlyShipping - Jupiter & Lucy 2/10 So far the only type Jupiter has is Looker and Cyrus. I don’t see what Lucy and her would have in common.
DiamondbackShipping - Saturn & Lucy 2/10 Another cool name! Eh both seem kinda too stiff and I can’t see anything they might have in common. 
DioxideShipping - Lucy & Mars 6/10 Ok but perky Mars and chill Lucy could be kinda cute. I see it alot better than anyone else in Galactic which is what Lucy is oddly shipped with alot. 
IronGiantShipping - Chakra (Carr) & Lucy 1/10 Honestly I think they’re just shipped cause he has a steelix, also he looks like a child. 
LamiaShipping - Ariana & Lucy 5/10 This has the same vibe as Giovanni and Lucy really but gay. 
NoLuckShipping - Zero & Lucy 7/10 Ok this could be kinda cute if like they met as kids and Lucy talks about this cool shadow snake dragon she always wanted to see and he and her team up to find and capture it. Just saying.
PandemicShipping - Celosia & Lucy 2/10 Tbh I barely know the personalities of any of the flare admins cause we barely saw them in game. She’s one of the many ‘girls to evil boss who’s loyal’ and that’s their personality. 
PoisonousShipping - Courtney (Magma) & Lucy 6/10 Ok two quiet kinda spooky gals in love sounds cute although Courtney would have to look away from Maxie for 2 seconds. 
RequiaxShipping - Archie & Lucy 9/10 Bombastic lad with quiet kinda spooky gal. Yeah that sounds cute kinda April and Andy from parks and rec vibe except Andy is the one who committed crime. 
SeviperShipping - Jessie & Lucy 1/10 The name says it all, they are shipped cause they have severs. Friends heck yes, they have cool hair too and could share beauty tips. Honestly I want whole some friendship more 10/10 on that. 
ShamshirShipping - Lawrence III & Lucy 1/10 Super random here not gonna lie, and I don’t really see it. If anything I feel like she’d just be a side arm to this guy. 
SmugSnakeShipping - Proton & Lucy 4/10 Ok the name kinda helps just watching these two try to out snark each other. Could be cute but not too sold. 
SnakeEaterShipping - Hunter J & Lucy 2/10 THE NAME IS COOL! No way do I see it actually happening but they’d be a cool aesthetic if Lucy was evil. She’s snakes, J is stone, they’d basically be medusa.
TaipanShipping - Tabitha & Lucy 7/10 I ship this more than with Courtney just watching Tabitha scramble over trying to be impressive and Lucy staying pretty quiet until at the end going,”heh...you’re cute flustered.” and walking away. 
Lucy w/ Gym leader
Top rated ships: The many forms of Lucy and Brock, WinterInTheBellyOfASnake & Dominatrix shipping.
Bottom rated ships: Cobra, Parable, and SexAppeal shipping 
BlushShipping/LuckShipping/SquintShipping - Brock & Lucy 10000/10 Hello yes this is my OTP for Lucy, and this has yet to change in the many years I’ve known about this ship. Also guys there are THREE names for ONE ship. I don’t think I’m the only one sold on 2 dorks who can’t communicate well.
CobraShipping - Janine & Lucy 0/10 I know Hoenn takes place later in the games timelines but I still feel like the age gap would be too wide .
ConcertinaShipping - Juan & Lucy 1/10 Eh it has the vibe of Wallace and Lucy with no heart for me.
DominatrixShipping - Clair & Lucy 9/10 Bruh the name, really? Besides the name I do like it. I think it’s cute having a really strong dragon girly meet quiet snake girl. I like opposites which these 2 are. 
EminenceShipping - Fantina & Lucy 4/10 Eh the overly showyness about Fantina I can’t really see vibing with Lucy but maybe could work if they meet in a more heart to heart setting. 
FiresnakeShipping - Flannery & Lucy 6/10 Could work if they meet when Lucy is new to the battle area cause she’s nervous about doing good at the pike like Flannery is nervous about being a gym leader.
FlorentineShipping - Elesa & Lucy 5/10 Again Elsa is kinda flashy, but a bit more down to earth. I could see them vibing at friends if nothing else.
GardenofEdenShipping - Gardenia & Lucy 7/10 Hehe 2 down to earth noodles? I think ya.
IroningShipping - Jasmine & Lucy 2/10 Jasmine is one of those that gets shipped with everyone cause she’s so sweet, and we all love her. Also she has a steel like Lucy so boom shipped, right? Naw I think they’re cute but I think they’re both too quest for each other. 
KusanagiShipping - Erika & Lucy 2/10 Erika is sweet and yes down to earth like Gardenia, but I mean she’s so floaty I don’t see her and Lucy able to click it off. 
LuckyRollerbladesShipping - Korrina & Lucy 8/10 Now this I think is kinda cute. I mean Lucy is chill and Korinna is all for the rush of things. I feel like they’d be a good counter  for each other.
MedusoidShipping - Cilan & Lucy 2/10 Cilan also get shipped around, and tbh I don’t see why him and Lucy would have anything in common or click. 
MonoxideShipping - Lucy & Winona 3/10 Again she’s got that floaty vibe like Erika and I just don’t see Lucy hitting it off with someone who’s got that kinda vibe. She’s pretty spicy and chill so they’d just chill together not much would happen int he way of romance. 
ParableShipping - Lucy & Roxanne 0/10 Roxanne is another one of those that I can’t tell if she’s a kid or an adult and I feel weird about shipping her.
PsiLuckShipping - Lucy & Sabrina 2/10 Sabrina is a character who I think is super cool, and shipping with her is hard cause honestly it never feels like her character would want to be with anyone. I also don’t know what these two would connect on.
RosalinaShipping - Lucy & Olympia 6/10 Olympia is a cool character and I love her and I feel like her and Lucy would have a cool vibe together. Idk what they’d connect on but they have potential to click. 
SeaSerpentShipping - Brawly & Lucy 8/10 Yeah I really like this, and the name did help sell it. Just punchy boi and smooth girl, watch em flirt.
SexAppealShipping - Lucy & Whitney -10/10 The name is the worst and I hate it, and I think Whitney is a child. Just cause of the grossness of the name I'm beyond not into it. 
ShySerpentineShipping - Morty & Lucy 7/10 Alright I wasn't into chill person with Lucy but Morty has his times and this could be kinda cute., 
SnakebiteShipping - Lucy & Roxie 0/10 Roxie is a child, I’m upset the name is so cool. Roxie adult though with Lucy would be cute af. 
SoldierOfFortuneShipping - Lt. Surge & Lucy 5/10 Could be cute, but I think it’d be cute in an au with Lucy being a local in the town he was fighting in as a soldier and she teaches him her culture and he teaches her about his home when not on duty.
TayuyaShipping - Volkner & Lucy 2/10 Both of them too quiet and edgy for romance to happen in my mind, or if they did it’d be unhealthy.
TyphlopidaeShipping - Roark & Lucy 4/10 Eh could be cute, but also while I like Lucy with bombastic boys idk if he’d be too bombastic for Lucy. But hey they could hit it off
ViralShipping - Falkner & Lucy 2/10 Love Falkner but he’s the bad that needs a bombastic person too.
WingedSerpentShipping - Lucy & Skyla 4/10 Same thing as Roark. Bombastic but maybe too bombastic, and she feels like she can’t talk. 
WinterInTheBellyOfASnakeShipping - Candice & Lucy 9/10 Ok but yes? I think Candice is a good balance between bombastic and chill, and they’d have a good time with each other.
Lucy w/ Elite
Top rated ships: Rattlesnake, and Boa shipping .
Bottom rated ships: Intoxication, and PikePrincess shipping. 
BoaShipping - Lucy & Phoebe 8/10 Catch Phoebe teaching Lucy how to hula and Lucy bashfully watching. It’s cute, and I think the perky ghost type person would go well with this quiet snake.
CaduceusShipping - Grimsley & Lucy 5/10 Eh could, but Grimsley is one of those who get shipped with everyone cause everyone thinks he’s cute. I’m 50/50 on this.
DarkLuckShipping - Karen & Lucy 7/10 Could work tbh just 2 edgy chicks falling for each other. 
GlareIceShipping - Lorelei & Lucy 5/10 Hm maybe? Idk why but this gives me the same vibe as Lucy with Arianna, but also can be them hating each other, kinda depends. 
IntoxicationShipping - Wikstrom & Lucy 0/10 Yeah I don’t see this one. Again Wikstrom is shipped around like crazy but in his case it’s like no one knows what to do with him, and I feel lie he got just chucked in here.
NagaViperShipping - Lucy & Malva 7/10 Ok maybe, just watch Malva getting all huffy and her girl Lucy calming the other down sweetly. 
PikePrincessShipping - Caitlin & Lucy 0/10 Caitlyn is a child when they were both at the battle area. Caitlyn as an adult is just so fricking chill, like she sleeps all eh time, and is possibly narcoleptic. Lucy feels ignored alot so if her partner fell asleep it’d feel awful for her..
RattlesnakeShipping - Sidney & Lucy 9/10 He was a skater boy, she said see you later boy, he wasn’t good enough for her. These two are just that song embodied in my mind. 
Lucy w/ Champion
Top rated ships: MiloticLove, and ThunderSnake shipping. 
Bottom rated ships: BondageSibling, and Orochi shipping.
BondageSiblingsShipping - Cynthia & Lucy 0/10 Wtf is that name. No seriously wtf. The name turns me off to the ship so much, but anyway ye I don’t see much shipping here personally. Another one of those, Cynthia get shipped with everyone.
MiloticLoveShipping - Wallace & Lucy 9/10 I really love this one alot tbh. Like imagine them competing in contests together with their mitotic, and just Wallace being fabulous and being that nerd that proudly shows off his shy wife. 
OrochiShipping - Lance & Lucy 1/10 Don’t really see or get this one. Sorry.
ThunderSnakeShipping - Steven & Lucy 9/10 I was talking with another mun about this and we think it’s cute as Frick especially if they knew each other as kids. 
Lucy w/ Frontier folks/Tycoon folks/Battle Maison
Top rated ships: Sensual, and PikeMaiden/YinYang shipping. 
Bottom rated ships: Yuwaku, Zwei, and Artecia shipping.
AnthuriumShipping - Brandon & Lucy 4/10 I guess maybe, but also he feels alot older than her.
DuelpikeShipping - Greta & Lucy 5/10 Ye ok these nerds being the dynamic girl and chill girl. Cute but not as unique as some. 
ForelsketShipping - Lucy & Morgan 7/10 Kinda random that she’s the only one from x&y shipped but eh could work. They have the same suave even though Morgan does have a bit more flare and show.
PikeMaidenShipping/YinYangShipping - Anabel & Lucy 8/10 I think Anabel is a child during this time of the game so no there. Adult though I could see it. If the Faller thing is real why about Lucy trying to remind her who she was?
SensualShipping - Dahlia & Lucy 9/10 Oi these names. Anyway I see this though. Dahlia has a fun light vibe that would draw Lucy in and I can see them hitting it off really well. 
SinuousShipping - Tucker & Lucy 5/10 I keep going between no gosh, please no, and Ok but think about the two in shenanigans and Lucy blushing at the lavishing of attention. So like eh??/
TakeshiLadiesShipping - Lucy & Marley 6/10 Could be cute just both of them connecting on unique fashions and also having fun hunting for specific pokemon Lucy w/ snakes, and Marley with speedy bois. Maybe ye.
YuwakuShipping - Scott & Lucy 0/10 He’s alot older and it feels like there’s a weird power imbalance there with him being like an advanced boss to her. 
ZweiShipping - Thorton & Lucy 0/10 Ok look that is a child, so no. Even as adult I do not see it.
ArteciaShipping - Lucy & Mira 0/10 Another child ya’ll. Even as adult I don’t see it. 
Lucy w/ a minor ANIME/MOVIE npc:
Top rated ships: Piper, Pungi, Takeshi, and Valiant shipping
Bottom rated ships: Kirishima, Embody, Heartfilia, and Repeatable shipping.
ArrossireShipping - Lucy & Olesia 2/10 This character literally gets shipped around the most randomly put of anyone else I’ve seen, and I really don’t see why she’d vibe with Lucy all that much.
BlightedShipping - Lucy & Maya (Johto) 3/10 She doesn’t really have all that much of a personality, or at least we don’t get much of one but she’s ok.
DisturbiaShipping - Lucy & Zoey 6/10 Zoey has alot more fire and punch in her and I can see Lucy finding that fun. They could have some chemistry there. 
EmbodyShipping - Harley & Lucy 1/10 he like bullied May right? Yeah I don’t really see Lucy and someone like that getting along too well. 
HeartfiliaShipping - Layla (Unova) & Lucy 2/10 Another person who works with nursery kids. Now Lucy has alot of pet pokemon but I don’t see her wanting to be around a bunch of loud kids all the time which she kinda would be.
HedonismShipping - Lucy & Michelle 4/10 Eh she’s got that spunk and fight, and really cares about her pokemon. Maybe if she had more personality.
HohenzollernShipping - Angela & Lucy 5/10 Ok sneaky ninja and subtle snake. Could be kinda cute, although man again with Lucy and the teachers huh?
KirishimaShipping - Lucy & Sakura 0/10 Yeah I can’t tell how old she is ya’ll so I’mma say no. Also I don’t see them hitting it off.
PiperShipping - Nando & Lucy 8/10 I’m a sucker for bad play on words. Ya’ll he plays the harp, and she’s like a snake he could be the snake charmer? ;D But seriously I do think they’d be cute. Kinda like the shy girl and guitar kid hanging out.
PungiShipping - Lucy & Melody (movie) 8/10 This is just guitar kid and shy girl all over again except with the added drama of them both having the same ex which in this case would be Brock.
RepeatableShipping - Duplica & Lucy 2/10 Fun character but I feel like she’s a bit childish in comparison to Lucy
TakeshiShipping - Holly & Lucy 9/10 So this is just the exes getting together, Brock’s exes, but like Lucy like Brock from he start while Holly didn’t like him at all. Catch this being Holly has the bounce of Harley Quinn who’s still getting over Joker, and Lucy is the poison Ivy comforting her friend and letting her crash there. I ship it.
ValiantShipping - Jackie Walker & Lucy 7/10 A random movie call back but also like for some reason I just think it’d be super cute. I can’t give a good reason but I feel like they’d have a cool dynamic with each other.
Lucy w/ a minor GAME npc:
CarboxylicShipping - Brigette & Lucy 5/10 I kinda see it though Bridgette doesn’t get much character so it’s hard to say. 
MysticPoisonShipping - Eusine & Lucy 0/10 Yeah ok no, just yeah no there is no way she’d put up with the suicune chasing. 
NagaShipping - Celio & Lucy 0/10 Why does this ship have such a cool name when this character has such little personality? Like really there isn’t much on this guy and I don’t see it. 
SyracuseShipping - Lisia & Lucy 0/10 I ship her and Wallace too much to see this, and it seems like Lisia is super young anyway for Lucy. 
Lucy w/ a professor
HerpetologyShipping - Professor Birch & Lucy 3/10 I, ehhhhh I keep going between no and then yes, and then no. Like he’s got spunk but not in the brave kinda way and not in a cute way. I just don’t see this working out long term I guess. 
Lucy w/ Pokemon Ranger/Orre Characters
ActivistShipping - Lavana & Lucy 3/10 She’s fiery and spunky sure but I feel like unlike Malva she’s just kinda 1 dimensional.
CyanideShipping - Lucy & Tiffany (Fiore) 1/10 She’s kinda a spoiled princess so I could see that not working but maybe her building up Lucy’s confidence? Idk maybe just as friends would work better. 
SerpentineHairShipping - Nascour & Lucy 2/10 They are literally shipped cause his hair looks snake like. Eh yeah I’m not super sold on it unless you did some adjusting. 
SoLuckyShipping - Lovrina & Lucy 0/10 Again she’s a child, and even as an adult from what I’ve seen it’s a no from me. 
Lucy and multiple people: (All are gonna be a no romantically, but focused as a friendship/squad dynamic)
Top rated ships: Adora, Caladruis, and LuckyStreak.
Bottom rated ships: Alot cause many characters seem thrown in randomly and mess up dynamic.
AcheronShipping - Courtney (Magma), Dawn, Erika, Lucy & Sabrina 0/10 A random hodgepodge of people to put together and I can not think of any defining thing to bride them together, and Acheron isn’t helping explain this. 
AdoraShipping - Anabel, Greta & Lucy 10/10 The ladies of the battle frontier? Heck yea they’d be a good gal pal group that I’m all for!
CaladruisShipping - Lucy, Phoebe & Winona 10/10 The 2 relaxed folks with one spunky flower girl. I could see them all having a good friendship really maybe each time they hang out one of them chooses what they do that day so they all explore new things. 
CorrosiveShipping - Courtney (Magma), Jasmine & Lucy 9/10 I like the name and the people in it, cool idea. It’d be a unique dynamic especially getting Jasmine in there some how but I could see them being a good trio. 
CyberAthensShipping - Erika, Lucy, Sabrina & Whitney 6/10 Kinda lost as to why Lucy is thrown in here. I can think of something for 3 of the members but the 4th one always doesn’t fit right, so kinda clunky. 
DuckDodgersShipping - Charon, Officer Johnson, Lucy, Mars, Golduck & Grumpig 0/10 Ok this is definitely a duck dodgers reference but I never saw the show nor understand. So eh??
FemmeDomShipping - Drew, Jessie, Jessiebelle, Lucy & Misty 0/10 Oi this is a sex thing, and overall I find it kinda clunky
FortunatoShipping - Brock, Holly & Lucy 4/10 ok but Holly and Lucy with the poison Ivy Harley Quinn dynamic is cute, and I think this would end badly. Some good drama tho.
FrontierShipping - Noland & Lucy / Emerald & Crystal 5/10 Ngl I’m kinda confused how this is set up. Like is it 2 separate ships but competing? Tbh I think Noland and Lucy is cute and idk them being battle rivals of Emerald and Crystal might be cool 
HeartbeatShipping - Courtney (Magma), Flannery, Lucy, Mars, Michelle, Sabrina & Tiffany (Fiore) 0/10 I’m trying to figure out the theme here and I can’t at all. I Donn’t know what to tell ya cause there’s alot of clashes here. 
HolyTayuyaShipping - Volkner, Lucy & Arceus 9/10 (with au idea) How did Lucy and Volkner lead to Arceus??? All I’m imaging is an au set way back in time and they’re like priests/priestesses of an Arceus temple and accidentally are the ones to summon him, and some shenanigans ensue. 
IIIBrainShipping - Brandon, Noland, Spenser (Frontier), Tucker, Anabel, Greta & Lucy 10/10 Heck ye battle frontier brains hanging out and having a good time. I’m here for it. 
LabelShipping - Courtney (Magma), Lucy & Sabrina 9/10 It’s all the quiet and kinda creepy characters, what mischief with they cause?
LollirotShipping - Courtney (Magma), Lucy, Michelle & Sabrina 3/10 Michelle breaks the dynamic they had. 
LuckPearlShipping - Ash, Brock, Dawn & Lucy 1/10 Ok but Lucy traveling together on Ash’s trip? Kinda weird, traveling with Brock heck yes. I kinda would of liked to see it but it’d be like a d&d group where 2 characters are shipped in game and can’t stop mentioning it every 2 minutes. 
LuckyStreakShipping - Grimsley, Dahlia & Lucy 10/10 They’d be gambling buddies, and Lucy would be the one person who would have to drag their drunk butts home. I’m down.
MiloticTriumvirateShipping - Wallace, Cynthia & Lucy 9/10 Ok see this is cute! just nerds enjoying milotics. I like it.
MorningStarShipping - Dawn, Lucy & Venus 0/10 I have no idea what kind of dynamic they’d have and can’t think of one that wouldn’t be awkward. 
NightwishShipping - Lucy, Michelle & Sabrina 3/10 Again idk what they’d have in common except maybe odd ball group as childhood friends?
NoobidolShipping - Flannery, Lucy & May 4/10 Based on the name I envision them all being major fangirls to some contest star. 
OeynhausenShipping - Grimsley, Caitlin, Dahlia & Lucy 2/10 Oeynhausen is a town that’s known for spas so maybe them going to spas?
PoisonedShipping - Courtney (Magma), Erika & Lucy 5/10 I could see them as assassins in some au. 
Queen'sAssassinShipping - Karuta, Lucy & Honedge 6/10 In some au with Karuta as her like body guard yea ok, honed seems super random tho.
ReciprocatedShipping - Brock, Autumn, Holly, Lucy, Narissa & Natalie 9/10 These are just all the girls that actually liked Brock back. Imagine a club where they just sit around and complain about how he flirts with everyone. Tbh I could see it kinda being a good gal pal group.
SakumbaShipping - Cynthia, Lucy & Michelle 0/10 Michelle is feeling thrown in everywhere at this point and I know that happens to Cynthia alot and I’m not seeing how they’d make a good trio. 
SoHotForYouShipping - Looker, Cheryl, Gardenia & Lucy 5/10 Is there an inside joke about all of these girls crushing on Looker or something? Idk I get Charlie’s Angels vibes. 
StyxShipping - Courtney (Magma), Erika, Lucy & Sabrina 7/10 See now Erika fits with the kinda quiet but a little creepy vibe these guys all have. I can see it. 
TooQueenShipping - Harley, Tucker & Lucy 9/10 The fashion folks have arrived! Now if Harley could just be a nice person.
ValhallaShipping - Courtney (Magma), Lucy, Mars, Michelle & Sabrina 0/10 I am lost as to this ship, and why it’s Valhalla.
VyckstaShipping - Courtney (Magma), Dawn, Lucy & Sabrina 0/10 Also lost on this one
XRatedDesiresShipping - Brock, Holly, Lizabeth, Lucy, Officer Jenny & Nurse Joy 0/10 .....We all know what this is about and this section isn’t about that.
Lucy’s pokemon w/ another person’s pokemon
MoldLuckShipping - Shuckle & Shuckle (Brock's & Lucy's) 10/10
SnakeLuckShipping - Steelix & Steelix (Brock's & Lucy's) 10/10
I’m a sucker for Brock and Lucy alright?
The Lucy Fleetfoot ship
LucyShipping - Lucy & Lucy Fleetfoot 0/10 So there’s this character named Lucy Fleetfoot, idk anything about her but yes they are shipped together. I think she’s a Protag tho so a child
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