#if I can brain more/drag laur into this y'all might get Cydan propaganda.
buraidragon · 2 years
Someone wanted more Cephalon Cy so you now get Cephalon Cy being a dad Notes. (And some of my idiot Tenno’s notes.)
Cy is. A good dad. Strict, yes, but willing to explain why if asked. That said, if it’s your birthday you’re getting spoiled rotten. Little Luna got frequent shoulder rides and got to command Cadogan around like a massive mount.
Glace.... gets fishing supplies and snake food seeing as fishing addict/they kept one of the false water cobra’s kids as they ended up Thyrst-red. (The noodle is named Thyrst. Well-taken care of snake, along with all of Glace’s Kubrows and Kavats. A good diet of Kuakas with supplemental Murkray fillets and vitamin powders.) Cy is also always open to comforting his kids if needed. Glace has nightmares? Get plopped on his lap and snuggled, nerd. @apprenticenerd‘s Jhia has wing cramps? If wanted, Cy will gladly gently apply massages. @mythandlaur‘s Kepler getting too overwhelmed? Cy will give her his coat to hide under until things stop being so much.
That said this idiot is also a chronic overworker. This is a habit that’s carried over from his days since Cadogan. Cy will work through at least five scheduled maintenance cycles and crash only once he starts lagging to a noticeable amount. ....Ordis has had to enter his office several times, use his override permissions, and drag him off to sleep. Seeing as my Cy’s Ordis is shorter than him, sometimes this giant is dragged off like a sack of potatoes slung over a shoulder.
Cy’s little bit of the weave looks like a tropical island, more often than not. Like the Dog-Days arena but smaller. Sometimes the simulated land mass is wrapped in a dome of glass and resting at the bottom of the Uranus waves, simulated wildlife swimming by above head. If resting, more often than not he prefers a hammock as he’s used one most of his life. (Saves more space as you can just unclip one side if extra storage is needed on a ship.)
Cy cares deeply for all his staff. When allowed public Drydock space, he made sure there were amenities that went above and beyond. All staff has medical insurance, a comprehensive time off policy, and several on-staff mental health professionals if needed. (Despite this the dumbass still doesn’t go to get his own mental health looked over.) There’s also at least two top of the line commercial coffee makers per drydock, one for regular coffee and one for cyborg/other modification friendly coffee. Despite the New Loka being the New Loka, they do make arguably the best coffee in the Origin system. Cy begrudgingly pays them for the good stuff, not because his staff doesn’t deserve it, but because it’s The New Loka.
The info that Ballas wanted to get from Luna? What was that last ship you sent out towards the edge of the solar system. The answer? A cache of history and culturally relevant artefacts from the Yvo clan and the others that fought with them until their end. Because as long as one is remembered, they are never forgotten.
The main members of the last Pirate Hoard were the Mercenaries of Yvo, the last few survivors of Ordan’s clan, Javi’s group of Europan Geneticists, the Neptunian Coders, and a few bits the Orokin dedicated servant class (apprenticenerd gave them the name of Tsei) who were super fed up and said ‘fuck it might as well die fighting for once.’
Of course, such a special project couldn’t go off unmanned. Problem is, a human-based Cephalon would go batty from the planned centuries in the Void Proxima region. So what did they do? Take a Cephalon they captured that’s broken, rip out the human ‘personality’ components and leave enough of the base coding that any mind smacked in there would be elevated to near-human levels of thinking.  And the very lucky Sir Reginald was put in. This massive ass snake somehow made it off of Lua on the last supply cache to the Yvo as part of an old treaty.
Cy and Ordis managed to recover the cache on an experimental science-based Railjack loadout run. Cy is fucking ecstatic to be reunited with his “Number one boop noodle!”
Nowadays Sir Reginald still has free-roam of Cy’s current office. The Snakephalon does not have a spectral meat space form, but is more than content to just noodle around the Datascape bits of Cy’s office. Feet her a rat and she will love you forever. (Note that Rats for the Snakephalon translate to bits of bad data. You got a bad hard drive sector? She’ll eat it right up and be a content noodle.)
One last Cy thing. Glace happens to be cursed with a lot of aquatic based void mutations (Yes, it’s a good idea, I’m using it.) and one of them is basically super-charged shark teeth. Sometimes they fall out, and new ones growing in itch sometimes. If it’s bad enough, Cy will lend Glace their Atlas Prime arm to gnaw on for a bit. Just casually disconnect it from the elbow-down and hand it over, as void-mimicing-warframe is oddly hell teeth resistant. Glace appreciates this but is also lightly embarrassed, which is why they always hide under his desk when gnawing on his arm. Cy doesn’t mind one bit.
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