#idont know ims ot ired
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melissa-titanium · 1 year ago
the amount of fear i recieve upon getting into something new is like. unreal. "will i forget about this in a week and annoy everyone i know because i Suddenly stop liking it" OR "will i be so into it i never shut up about it and thats also annoying to everyone i know" HUAAGH...! i love being Not normal about interests but THIS . I DIDNT ASK FOR *THIS*!!!!!!!!!
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azlovesem · 3 months ago
Youre no at sll cspsble eoman be nicer to the guy maybe he ll show you. I know no wonan can. Hey lets face it the best books still were written by men. But the first was written by a woman. Ive read kens books and wonans. The men in my genre have a clear edge over women. The literary genre. If you read only women youre fucked im sorry. You havent read the best then. But the idea to out a nocel together camd from a Japsnese woman? Wrong again. Jesus. It cane drom Jesus and he was 100 percent man. I can show you betterceriting than any woman who ever lived. If you cant admit that you wont learn shit from me. Maybe wed jist be good livers together. Yiu need a man not a big ir a woman. They coukd never ever not in 1 nmbiion years give younehet i could in s few months. Poe there goes your queen shes dead. Do you wsnt yhe nicecqueen you have gor your nations future? Or fo you wsnt a single sad Kingvwho lost both best wonen in his life? Ill have her or ill have your queen in the afterlife. I dont like being mean yo her but im certsin she kind of likes ne anyway. Im cery psrticular and do us she. I like particular eomen they know what they want. Ok its settled idont wanna hear an argument out of sny of you. It is what it is ot is the truth get used to it and accept it. And i acceot youre unconditional surrender.
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