lovesong-the-way · 1 year
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momoi airi pridecons
💕 『 tsundere girl airi! 』
like or reblog if u save <3
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sillyidol · 2 years
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a gender related 2 love && idols . 〜 🤍
coined && flag by me 。
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archival-arrival · 1 year
Idol + Vocaloid gender list
compiled list of idol related genders + some vocaloid for @w-onderhoy
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CatIdol, CupidIdolGender
DigiVIdol, DigIdolic, DreamIdol/DreamIdolic
FrulumIdolic+InvulumIdolic, FurDolian/FurryDol/IdolRry
IdolConcic, IdolVirtual+IdolDigital, IdolCute, IdolGender, IdolMiracle, IdolAdove, IdoJelLita, IdoLovic, IdolNeu, IdolSquidGender, IdolGender, IdolCthulhuFiguric, IndulgingIdolic, IdolRoboGender, IdoGramian, IdolGirlAnimeic
NewSplatIdol, NurSquIdolic
OceaIdolCutic, Otoric
VaiBeIdolic, VocaloidVoiceic, VocaloidGender, VocaNostic/NostaLoidic, VocaTrauCopic, VocaloidGender
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if theres any idol genders or non-specific vocaloid genders you know of that i could list, including identities and other labels i can add to the "nongender" section, please let me know!
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the-hem · 11 months
What is a Ram in a Thicket?
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After Adam and Eve sin, God promises a consequence no more free food:
From Bereshit:
17 To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’
“Cursed is the ground because of you;     through painful toil you will eat food from it     all the days of your life. 18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you,     and you will eat the plants of the field. 19 By the sweat of your brow     you will eat your food until you return to the ground,     since from it you were taken; for dust you are     and to dust you will return.”
20 Adam[c] named his wife Eve,[d] because she would become the mother of all the living.
Eve gets pregnant and has to take of someone besides herself and her husband. All of her delusions are now gone, but through the dust, another human being will emerge, and if she takes motherhood seriously, things will be all right.
The Gematria for this section are:
v. 17: the Number is 11050, יא אֶפֶסן‎, יא אֶפֶסן‎ "follow God to what is next."
v. 18-19: the Number is 1468-2, ידו‎חב "will report idolov." The Hebrew word for report is shemuah. "do not listen to the armpit, follow the brotherhood of knowledge instead."
v. 20: the Number is 4919, דטאט, dtat = complete knowledge.
Torah plus the educated traditions lead the child safely into and out of the parent's arms. Locker rooms, the TV, the arm and leg pits, these surely lead to family planning insecurities.
This is next mention of the thicket [other than the one that traps the ram sacrificed by Abraham and Isaac] is mentioned in Massei:
31 Now a wind went out from the Lord and drove quail "complaints" in from the sea. It scattered them up to two cubits[c] deep all around the camp, as far as a day’s walk in any direction. 
32 All that day and night and all the next day the people went out and gathered quail. No one gathered less than ten homers.[d] Then they spread them out all around the camp. 
33 But while the meat was still between their teeth and before it could be consumed, the anger of the Lord burned against the people, and he struck them with a severe plague. 
34 Therefore the place was named Kibroth Hattaavah,[e] because there they buried the people who had craved other food.
35 From Kibroth Hattaavah “graves of those who lusted” the people traveled to Hazeroth “thicket wall”  and stayed there.
Quail represent people who complain. Like children. Like Goldilocks. They lust and want and desire and nothing quite satisfies them. During the Exodus, God punishes quail boys by starving them, then feeding them, then trapping them in between Himself and the cold hard world. With new complaints about the job He is doing guiding them to the Promised Land, a life and homestead of their own trapped between their teeth, God traps them inside a thicket.
v. 31: Two cubits are Gematria for an "echo" the results from an attempt to apply what one has learned in the Torah. We are all born with a brain and soul, AKA the first two of a total of a thousand we are supposed to fill:
A thousand cubits is the walking distance between one man and another, it is his personal space. The Principals of Leadership stated above must be half as distant on the inside of us as they are on the outside, meaning they must be very strong inside ourselves and strong on the outside.
As for a wind blowing quail in from the sea for one day, the Number is 11473, יאדזג‎‎, yadzag, "the hand of God purifies." The Yad or Yod refers to the burning finger of God which inscribed the Decrees on the Sapphire Plates on the Mountain that eventually became the Torah.
The words of the Torah are the food the mind needs when it is in a desert and is feeling desprate. A cold wind filled with discomfiting complaints will not satisfy the soul's appetite for peace or resolution, something the Israelites were supposed to have learned after the departure from Egypt when they reached the Red Sea.
v. 32: Ten Homers has a value of 408, דאֶפֶסח‎, dafesah, "Understanding of the brotherhood of festivals." The Number is 7359, טזגה‎, tezga, "gathered forbidden fruits."
=While the guys in the class were able to comprehend what they were being told by the synagogue, they did what they wanted anyway.
v. 33: the Number is 9549, טהדט, tahdat, "to balance from the bottom up using data."
v. 34-35: the Number is 12429, בשבט, "In the tribe." The Hebrew word for tribe is shevet, "the beating rod" which has a much gentler explanation in prose than one might think:
"The name Shebat is obviously similar to the noun שבט (shebet), which describes either a beating or else a thing to beat with. Most commentators appear to assume that the month of Shebat derives its name from heavy rain storms, but perhaps it also reflects a period of processing and storing.
It may even reflect a period of relative quietness in the agrarian world, which may have stimulated periods of academic pursuits and training of children in the arts and literature."
So if a boy complains and gets too randy, read him poems. The meaning conveyed by the poetry is supposed to cure him of his bitching and instead teach him to join the Tribe and offer praise.
Though there are Twelve Tribes of Israel there is only one kind of Jew and this is the sort that traverses the trials and tempations of early life, being parented and then being a parent in order to finally emancipate and be self-sufficient. But first comes the Ram in the Thicket.
A ram, the emblem of a teenaged male boy, who does not listen, gets caught in a thicket wall created by Eve's sin- after she went into season, she too failed to listen and established the need for stricter standards around intercourse and young people. But even still, abstinence is not quite the moral of the story of the ram trapped in the thicket:
From Vayera:
13 Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram[t] caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son.
14 So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.”
15 The angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven a second time 16 and said, “I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son,
17 I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies,
18 and through your offspring[u] all nations on earth will be blessed,[v] because you have obeyed me.”
19 Then Abraham returned to his servants, and they set off together for Beersheba. And Abraham stayed in Beersheba.
-> Remember rams are male teen boys that have horns that cover their ears. 
A ram caught in a thicket is refers to the thicket God said Eve and all generations to follow her were destined to be caught in because she decided to open her flower to the world. 
A male teenboy that is caught in the sex trap of his mother can only be freed once his dad, who is way more willing to lead the way in discussions of intercourse explains a few things, and with all compassion and understanding, sets some standards and expectations. These include Beersheba, the all important commitment to the Seven Laws of Noah, which include refraining from sexual immorality.
From the sins of the mother to the raising of the child in a garden gone wild, to the rearing of bad, spoiled adolescents with the ability to get into much trouble, the story of the Ram in the Thicket explains there is indeed a way to raise children Torah style and emerge unscathed.
From the departure from Eden to the end of slavery of Egypt, if one remains committed to the study of the Torah, God promises all the instructional wisdom life requires will come with age and eventually as He promised Abraham, the lights will come on.
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pridewishes · 1 year
hii!! not a request, i just wanted to know if i would be able to send future requests with these flags? (https://www.tumblr.com/sillyidol/701864949396520960/oddthing-a-gender-related-2-being-odd-a?source=share), (https://www.tumblr.com/sillyidol/700792724746567680/idolovic-a-gender-related-2-love-idols?source=share), and (https://www.tumblr.com/sillyidol/700656182475587584/idolcute-a-gender-related-2-cuteness-idols?source=share) !! thank you so much, have a great day!!
Should be okay
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animeyesru · 2 years
Семёрка идолов: Вибрато
Сюжет уводит нас на 2 года назад от времени действия основных событий сериала «Семёрка идолов», раскрывая частичку истории создания коллектива «TRIGGER»....
#аниме #анимеонлайн #смотретьаниме #манга #онгоинг #anime
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hcbraziliansfans · 4 years
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Chegou minha credencial CCXP WORLDS, que será totalmente online este ano! Eu coleciono as credenciais desde a primeira, então eu não poderia ficar sem a deste ano. #ccxp #ccxpworlds #ccxp2020 #pop #geek #nerd #idolove https://www.instagram.com/p/CILjFephE_8/?igshid=1bqq6sx34rmqk
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tor359 · 3 years
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#ilovesatan #notsure #aboutwanting to #burninhell #imean #iknowimgoing #butnot #lovinit #idolove #cutepuppies too but #ihate #jesus #hecan #fuckoff #suckmydick #hailsatan #satan #thedevil #lucifer #666 (at Americana Estates of Casco)
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život vo veľkých očiach,
tichý plač po nociach.
príbehov, čo sa napočúval,
idolov, čo nasledoval. 
knihy, ktoré aj tretí raz prečítal,
chlapca, ktorého jeden krát miloval.
piesne, čo mu naspieval,
hodiny spánku, čo zanedbal. 
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korea24info · 4 years
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k-universerp-blog · 5 years
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Meno celebrity: Lee JooYoung
Skupina: herečka
Meno: Lee JooYoung 
Vek: 29 skoro 30 
Príbeh: Joo vždy bola umelecky založené dievča z priemernej rodiny, ktorá sa snažila vyzerať, že je na vyššej nohe. Už od 3 rokov sa pohybovala v hereckom priemysle ako komparz alebo priamo herečka. Na všetky konkurzy s ňou chodil otec, vlastne sa o ňu staral hlavne otec, keďže matka bola pracujúca žena. Joo hrala v niekoľkých filmoch, drámach alebo videoklipoch, dokonca bola i v rôznych reklamách. Už odmalička zarabala viac ako jej matka a nepracujúci otec. Navsetovovala strednú školu Sopa, kde bola veľmi obľúbenou vďaka jej vzhľadu a talentu. A samozrejme, že popri škole stále pracovala. Od svojich rodičov sa odsťahovala hneď po maturite a už s nimi nie je v žiadnom kontakte, keďže sa dozvedela, že všetky peniaze ktoré mali ísť na jej vysokoškolské štúdium na ktoré si sama zarobila, jej matka prepila a otec prehral na automatoch. A tak joo namiesto vysokej ďalej pokračovala v hereckej kariére, svoju rodinu zamlčala a označila ju za mŕtvu, joo vždy bola ten typ, čo bol chladný voči ostatným ak ste sa nedostali cez jej povrch, a tak jej nerobilo problém niekoho nazvať mŕtvym, pre svoje miesto by urobila čokoľvek. Teda, skoro čokoľvek. Ako rástla, tak s ňou samozrejme rástlo aj jej telo a stala sa viac ženskou, dlhé čierne vlasy, útle boky a bledá pokožka. V 24, pri natáčaní jednej drámy jej režisér povedal, že môže mať hlavnú úlohu len pod podmienkou, že sa s ním vyspí. Samozrejme nesúhlasila, no ten režisér si nedal pokoj a stále za ňou chodil. Až jedného dňa pri natáčaní, toho mala dosť, hodila scenár na zem a odišla, v kostýme, poriadne nenamalovana a s jej kabelkou odišla s veľkým hlukom preč. A už sa nikdy nevrátila , zmenila si číslo, email , bydlisko…všetko. ostrihala svoje dlhé vlasy na úplne krátke, a keď už stála pred svojim novým skromným bytom, tak sa zaprisahala, že ona vytvorí spoločnosť pre idolov, hercov a modelov ktorý budú profesionálni, dokonalí a talentovaní ako ona. A ako povedala , tak sa aj stalo. Teraz, keď už má skoro 30 je CEO jednej z najväčších a najlepších spoločnosti Kórei. Síce trpí narcizmom/egoizmom a je až moc perfekcionista, ale dostalo ju to na vrchol. No stále má strach, že vyjdu na povrch informácie o jej rodine. 
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tmevents-blog1 · 6 years
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From the Kamaljit 60th Birthday at @ottimohouse Concept and Execution by @tmevents_ #tajmahalevents #sydneyweddinghire #entrance #reception #weddinginspo #weddingdecor #weddingstyle #weddinginspiration #weddingideas #wedding #weddingvenue #weddingdetails #weddingdecoration #weddingplanning #eventplanning #weddingreception #eventmanagement #partyplanning #weddingday #partyideas #sydneywedding #OH #ottimohouse #ottimohouseweddings #ottimohousedenhamcourt #OttimoHouseOffical #yourweddingyourway #IDoLove (at Ottimo House) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu-zIBjHbBE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1yah98qrlimh
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My #wcw goes to this hot little number because 1. It's not midnight here yet and 2. Legs for days, am I right? #idolovered #bonuspointsforthepose #causeIcan #benlawson @bennyvegas
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prispru · 4 years
Обновление идолов на
Обновление идолов на «капище идей» http://vybor-naroda.org/vn_exclusive/168982-obnovlenie-idolov-na-kapische-idej.html
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icanbeeverything97 · 5 years
Na dopustu bi človek pričakoval sprostitev, nič stresa, novo življenje in nov pogled na svet. Ali nekaj podobno naivnega. Fora je ta, da se ponavadi res tako počutim ko sem na morju. Kot da bi se spet rodila, lepa, čista, rjava, dišeča, sita, aktivna, močna, pripravljena na karkoli me čaka jeseni. Verjetno je, da moj selektiven spomin pozablja na slabe trenutke, na kreganja in željo po vrnitvi domov. Počutim se dolžno, da se imam odlično. Da doživim ultimativno "uživancijo". Realno čutim frustracijo, žalost, prihajajoče solze in rob živčnega izpada. Slabo se počutim. Po letih stradanja in raznih diet, telovadnih načrtov in strašljivo suhih idolov, sem končno dosegla težo, ki se mi je vedno zdela idealna zame. Dosegla sem jo pa zaradi kronične bolezni. Zanimivo, kaj ne? Lahko bi rekla, da je sama želja po tem, ubistvu potreba po hujšanju, vrsta kronične bolezni. Vse kaže na to, da nisem v redu. Da ta teža ni primerna zame. Mene pa najbolj skrbi to, da se bom spet zredila. Fuk. Hvaležna sem za to telo, nisem vedela kakšno razkošje je to, da imaš funkcionalen prebavni trakt. Kdo bi si mislil da bo to veliko spoznanje mojih zgodnjih 20ih.
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