#idol esekai
ajones-art · 4 months
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mrmcwigglyman · 6 months
as my only idol corp knowing friend i’m coming to u with a question that got brought up in the idolES server. does idol really do themes around their generations?
like. idk if i’m just missing something here but esekai and endless don’t have. themes, do they? i mean, they have lore, with the whole… e-sekai thing, but they’re not like. all a specific thing. there is no correlation between a prince, a leprechaun, a dog, an eel, and a ghost. is there???
The themes are loosely based off of different media. E-sekai and Endless are more like "yeah I could see them each being a character in an isekai/slice of life anime", but the former Origin branch was the most cohesive, with each talent being themed after a specific video game genre. Katta's and Nikki's lore for Genesis are still connected as well.
So they have "themes" in the sense of "parallels in each of their individual lore or characters"
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ajones-art · 4 months
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ajones-art · 4 months
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ajones-art · 4 months
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