#idk y'all are welcome to send me asks about this
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Either he made his throne in the image of the Triceritons to mock them, OOORR it's an actual Triceriton skull. If the latter, the rise boys are ffffffucked when the Triceritons show up
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noowayybroo · 6 months
Snowed In - Yeti!M!Leon x GN!Reader (NSFW)
Merry LATE Chrimmy guys!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!!! (yeah... that went well) guys the fic is very long so I MARKED THE SMUT IN BLUE JUST SCROLL FOR IT
I was brainrotting with my best friend EVER and I came up with a terrible terrible thing (You're welcome) so hear me out, you're camping out in the snow, looking for, idk, self torture, and suddenly you catch the eye of a certain Yeti...
Long story short, he rescues you... eventually, and warms you up inside! I wanted to make this GN because although I am an F who LOVES F fics, I thought it'd be nice for y'all not Fs out there! I'll try keep it short so there's more chance of me finishing it! EDIT: IT's VERY LONG, JUST LIKE HIM!!!
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guys I tried to edit this like 2000 times and every fucking time tumblr deleted my edit I am going insane but I pulled through for YOU! (eventually)
Honestly guys i'm not happy with this one it by far isn't my best work so read at your own peril. What I really want is for people to love the idea, not the fic, you know?? xx Pls do something with it if you like it! <3
Characters: GN!Reader, Yeti! Monster!Leon Kennedy
Warnings: NSFW, mentions of penetration, kissing, licking, cuddling etc, cumming iinside toooo, Reader is GN for inclusivity, and I've described the sex as P-in-Hole lol. He fucks you and you imagine where ig. !! Leon is kinda monstrous and not too human, and also in the start he kinda wrecks ur camp and scares the shit outta u so if it'll trigger pls dont read. Leon isn't monstrous he;s just big, furry and a bit primal. Kinda switchy / sub leon so at the start he lets you push him around n then he rails u v hard sooo uhhgjjj and also u have no condom dont be so naughty!!! NOT PROOF READ THERE WILL BE ISSUES OK BUT i CANNAE BE ASKED SORRY
Stay safe n happy this Winter!
"Just picture it! The fresh air! All that snow!" A naive relative tells you, patting you firmly on the shoulder. You stare down blankly at the brochure in your hands, all about a family getaway to a ski resort in some snowy, far off mountains. You didn't doubt them when they told you it'd be a good family exercise, but all you wanted to bond with was your warm bed and all the other things you had to do.
Only a week later, there you were. The sigh you let out dispersed into a cloud of white vapour before your eyes, leaving you to gaze upon your surroundings. Before you sat the exact sight from the brochure you held only a week ago, and it was beautiful. Crisp snow crunched beneath each trudging step, snow-tipped pines line each iced hill and valley as far as your eye could see. No longer mere inky blotches on thick paper - the wind howled past, whistling through each tree, and sending shivers up your over-clothed spine.
You learn the hard way that you won't even have a warm cabin and hearth to laze by during your chilly nights as you follow your family to pick up the camping gear they would be renting. You supposed it'd save money, but at what cost? Pneumonia?
And as you're all setting up camp, you can't help recall being at home wrapped up in your warm covers and revelling in the endless wonders of your Tumblr "for you" page. You also can't help feeling as though you're being... watched, and not by fellow campers in their tents.
"There's nothing out here but adorable rodents and birds!" your guide would exclaim for the fourth time now, in a screech which rivalled that of any of the feathered friends he'd referred to. He means to reassure you, and whilst you'd love to trust what he says with his years of experience in mind, you can't help but doubt him.
Eventually, night falls, and after a good few hours around a make-shift campfire sipping hot drinks of your choice, you and your family finally resign to bed. It's freezing, and despite your warmest sleeping-bag and thickest pyjamas, your teeth chatter and your body shakes. But you're convinced to fall asleep. The sooner you do, the sooner the cold fades away. So, eventually, amidst the wind battering your tent, and night-time ambience, you drift off.
You wake with a start, surprisingly warm, but quickly realise you're alone. Oh no. That's terrifying. After trying (and failing) for a good while to get signal (ever the priority (maybe this is too self-insert)), you crawl out of your tent. The sun hangs high in the sky. You were out for a while. Your sigh of relief must be audible once you find a scrawled note pinned to the makeshift seating surrounding your lit campfire.
"Good morning Sleepyhead!" It reads, and you can tell by the writing exactly who wrote it.
"We didn't want to wake you up so we've gone to get some food! Be back soon! xxx"
Well, at least you knew they couldn't be far away. You're not at all ready for the cold winds that begin to gnaw at your skin again so, groggily, you crawl back into your tent. You stretch, get back into your cocoon, and try once more to get signal.
He'd been watching you for a while now. He watched all the humans at the ski resort as they went about their festive holidays, completely unaware of his presence and he wouldn't have it any other way. Once like you, Leon was just like any other man, or government agent. That was until he encountered a strange virus on one of his missions. Years ago now, the virus caused him to significantly grow in size. He became taller and slightly buffer, and began to grow white fur on most of his body. His hair also became white.
Amused, Leon referred to it as the Y-virus (Y for Yeti) to anyone who'd listen, but, afraid of any negative side effects and any testing, hid away in some distant mountains. If you'd see his face, anyone who knew him might recognise him, and he dared not admit it to anyone, but he enjoyed being free, living off of wild animals and things. That, and, any snacks he could pilfer from unattended camps. He enjoyed his tranquil life, but grew to hate the years of loneliness he'd subjected himself to. As time went on, however, Leon slowly forgot what it was like to interact with other humans. And then, he forgot how to speak well too.
He watched as humans had their holidays, and spent time with friends and family. He was content in the knowledge that you were all happy, and, once the people cleared off, he'd investigate the area to see how far humans were developing, and whether he was still in the papers.
He'd been watching your camp too, and he was certain you'd all left. This was his chance to investigate.
You've been laying on your makeshift bed for a few minutes now when suddenly, you make out the soft sound of trudging through snow towards your tent. The footsteps are slow, but you chalk that up to any exhaustion a human would experience after facing the monster of a hill your tent was precariously placed upon. At first, you think it could be family, until you realise there's only one set of steps. It was probably someone on their way to wherever they were going. Nothing concerning you.
The sound approaches though, each footfall sounding loud, heavy and far apart. You'd think they were just walking slowly, if not for the speed at which the volume of each step increases. Before you know it, a large shadow almost eclipses your tent. A male figure. A tall one at that, and he seems to be about to walk straight through your camp.
Bit unnecessary...
Except he doesn't. The man just stops outside your tent. He looks around a bit. Maybe he needs some help, you think. Groaning quietly, you crawl out of bed, and peep through the unzipped door of your tent-
Tall. Really, really tall. At least 6ft. And you're staring right at his ass. And he doesn't... have clothes on.
Before you stands, quite proudly, something you can only describe as a yeti. He's covered from head to toe in thick, soft white fur. He's broad, muscular, and his waist forms a sharp V as it reaches his hips. Even through his glossy, well kept coat, the definition of each muscle and delicious shoulder blade catches your eye. You're terrified, hoping it's just some sort of elaborate cosplay to scare people. There's definitely space for someone to be hiding inside that... realistic suit. Ducking into your tent, you continue to observe with only one eye peeking from the tent, hoping you won't be noticed.
The man begins to look around, two catlike ears upon his head are perked as he scans his surroundings and eventually, he looks in your direction. He's far too tall to even register you while his eyes are at their level, but oh boy do you register him. You drink in his form, and, as he turns, his face. He's chiselled, certainly a sight for the sorest of eyes. His face is simply the cutest, softest almost feline looking one, and his jaw juts out as he analyses his surroundings thoughtfully.
You know how Leon looks, so I don't need to go into detail about the way his piercing blue eyes reflect the sun, shining through his silver fringe. I don't need to describe to you how his fluffy bangs sway dramatically as he looks around, or how he playfully blows a soft puff of breath upwards to clear some stray hair from his eyes.
Fortunately for you, I also don't need to tell you that he doesn't see you. He seems almost in a trance, stepping around carefully, analysing the tents and each miscellaneous object littered around. It seems as though he's checking up on things- the quality of them, the materials they're made of. He seems curious.
And then you see it, a small burst of flame at his right ankle. He's stepped too close to the fire pit. The yeti lets out a startled grunt, jumping into the air like a petrified cat. His hair bristles and stands on end as he tries to stand one legged in the snow, trying to bury his leg to put it out.
Then he loses his balance, the gargantuan man stumbling forward before suffering an untimely meeting with the guy line of a nearby tent. He yelps, trips, and with a loud thud and a few pings, lands face first in the snow right outside your tent. His collision with the strings holding up your tent sends them pinging out of the soft snow, and suddenly, your tent collapses around you, trapping you in.
Even in weak flails, he'd managed to tear his claws through another tent. You were terrified. What if he saw you?
In his clumsy efforts, the man had thrown quite a large amount of snow into your tent, and you gradually become colder, damper and more panicked as the freezing wet fabric of the tent pins you down. Scared to move, you only shiver as you completely hide inside now, not wanting the abomination outside to find you. You'd seen enough now to be certain that wasn't a costume. He was too... real.
You hear frantic fumbling and crunches of snow as the man outside extinguishes the last of his afflictions. His breaths are heavy, and gradually slow to a calming rate. And, after a while of sitting there still, perhaps shocked, he works up the courage to gaze around at the tents he's toppled. When his eyes at last land on your entirely ruined one, his heart sinks straight to his gut. His shoulder slump and he just stares in your direction, guilty being an understatement. Maybe if he just stares at the tent for a little longer, everything will undo itself, he seems to think, ogling your direction as his mouth hangs open.
Instead, it draws his attention to your shivering form beneath the soaked fabric. He swallows thickly, eyes widening and pupils narrowing.
"Fuck..." he groans meekly, muscles tensing in anticipation before stumbling to his feet. He kicks snow as he makes a series of small, unsure steps towards the tent. Then, in a flurry of inevitable motion, he crouches and throws what's left of your tent off of you. And just like that, with a yelp, your prison of a disguise is torn from you, exposing your skin to the cool, dry air. You shiver, duck away and curl further into a ball. Some small part of you prays for this to be just a nightmare, but the rest of you knows it's very real.
As soon as you hit hit his eyes, Leon falters. He leans back in surprise and his brows furrow in pity and regret. He could tear you apart so easily, and he'd just proved it. Sniffing the air a little, eventually he moves in, reaching out to you with large, clawed hands. He's almost pouting at you, eyes narrowed in concentration as he moves in. All you can do is hold your breath. You ball yourself up tighter. You have no idea how you'll survive this - you're past the point of playing dead. All you can do is stare up at him, silently pleading for mercy.
His hands are warm where they touch you. They're large too - large enough to almost encompass each of your upper arms in their soft grip. He just stays there for a while, gently holding your arms as they shiver. His gaze is locked on them as he focuses, gently adjusting the force at which he holds you, rhythmically squeezing you a little, just to get a feel. His tongue darts out in his focus, and after a while, his eyes are back on yours.
You wondered when your family would be back. You wondered if they could even save you. And then it hit you. You wondered if they'd never be back.
Gently, Leon pries your arms away from your face where you'd shielded yourself so desperately. When I say gentle, well, to him it was. He barely had to exert any force to bend you to his will. You were like putty to him. He could easily overpower you, and he didn't dwell on whether it was down to sheer strength or your fear.
Emotionless eyes scan you up and down a few times, ultimately resting on your face once more as a slow hand wipes your clinging hair from your forehead. Then, he reaches out again. Large clawed hands find purchase under each of your arms. They slide in easily as you comply, not wishing to enrage him. He hoists you up with ease, save a small grunt. Next thing you know, he's standing and you're held at arm's distance from him like a cat. He peers up at you, smiling for the first time. He chuffs, hot breath landing on your face; he seems proud of his catch.
Terrified and uncomfortable, you continue to shake in his grip. All you can do is stare at him pleadingly, and even if you had the willpower, you doubted you could escape him. Your clothes are soaked through now, and if you had to thank him for anything, it would be for warming your arms and not killing you... yet. His blues stalk you through his silvery fringe, and after sniffing your air a few times, he sighs and pulls you in.
You're terrified. You can't look. You squeeze your eyes shut. What if he eats you?? You couldn't even begin to picture it, but after a few seconds of being pressed against his warm body, a gentle caress of your thigh coerces you to open your legs a little to allow him space between them. He grunts, wrapping your legs around his waist and carrying you more supportively now, like a child.
Buried in his chest, you can't see the small awkward smile he gives you, or the look of relief he sends your way as you seem to warm up to him (literally.) Through small rubs and caresses up your back and where he holds you by your thighs, he slowly rubs his warmth into you. Mind so frazzled by fear, all you can really do is let him hold you. You shiver occasionally, afraid of what he may do to you, but otherwise remain still. You don't want to get on his bad side.
After a while of peace, he gently places a finger below your chin, and guides your face up to meet his. He leans in, nuzzles your cheek a little with his nose, and takes a deep breath in. He lingers on you for a while - eyes closing in either bliss or contemplation, before walking once more. He scowls at the firepit as he passes it, beginning to carry you off in the direction he came in.
Where was he taking you? You go a little rigid, now realising you're being abducted. You panic, and it manifests in small squirms, trying to ball yourself up again and push away, levering yourself away from the yeti. You strain against him, and your small noises of fear and exertion perk his ears. He glances down at you tenderly, ceasing his stride to raise a gentle finger to your teary eyes. He swallows thickly and puffs out another deep breath, thinking for a while. He's not at all sure what to do, and doesn't want to risk failing to speak of his own accord, so instead just bounces you softly like a father cradling a child.
You feel warm and cared for, and become distracted wondering if he can actually understand you. However, your surrender was enough compliance for him to continue walking, and he carries on carting you off to goodness knows where. You wouldn't know this, but in truth, Leon was so confused. He hadn't come face to face with a human in years, nevermind one who was so brittle and terrified of him. Somehow, after all these years, he still imagined himself to be the hero, not the monster.
He hadn't intended to face you. He didn't mean to destroy your tent, or to plunge you into the freezing cold... What he'd meant to do was leave you there, before any of that could happen. He'd felt guilty. He wouldn't let his actions affect you and your sweet holiday so negatively. It was decided for him, he was sure he was helping you. He was going to fix things, and warm you up.
The cold and fear had left you weak. You sit in his arms, limp, knowing you couldn't get away even if you'd tried. The gentle rock of his body against yours as he powers through the snow soothes you. His warmth and strong scent clouds your judgement. Before very long, you find yourself snuggling into him somewhat as you watch your camp grow further and further away through tired eyes. He squeezes you gently as he feels you sink into him. One hand rubs up and down your back soothingly. It was ironic, as your captor, how much reassurance Leon was trying to give you.
"C-can you understand me?" You whisper eventually, raising your head to gaze up at the large man's jaw. His ears twitch a little and then he hums. He peers down at you, thoughtfully.
"Hm.. yeah." His voice is gravelly, rough and deep. It's quiet though, like he doesn't use it much.
"You can?!" Your eyes widen and you pull away a little. Leon was becoming quite nervous now. He feared this moment. He didn't want to talk to you at all. He knew he'd fuck up. In response to your question, Leon smiles sheepishly, revealing his sharp teeth. You get straight to the point. "Where are you taking me?"
He frowns and peers down at you. "My... home?"
"Why??" you feel hopeless again. He seemed human enough to appeal to, but then again, you had no idea what he wanted with you.
"...It's warm here" he eventually mumbles as you notice your surroundings suddenly getting a little darker as he carries you into a cave. You'd been so entranced staring up at him, that you hadn't taken in your surroundings for a while. As you do, you notice several random objects lying around. Some looked natural and from the forest like pinecones, sticks and berries. Others seemed very human. Smartphones, newspapers... clothes.
Oh no. You were going to die here.
At least none of the belongings seemed to belong to you or your family... yet. That was still terrifying though. Where was all this stuff from? Some of it was even torn... That's it, you're getting out of here. With a newfound vigour, you begin to claw at his shoulder and back, climbing out of his arms. For a second, it works, until he catches on and wraps his burly hands around your waist, yanking you back down to where he has a good hold on you. He ducks down to look you in the eyes, almost pleading. "Not gonna hurt you." His voice is a soft hum now, claws prodding you as he holds you still.
Somehow, he comes across as quite trustworthy. You couldn't be scared of him just because he's big, not when he's so clumsy and cute. And certainly not when he holds you and watches you as if you were the most precious, sweet individual he'd encountered. It was hard to ignore him, too, with his smooth voice and handsome face, and the careful way he leans over you as he carries you deeper into his cave to shelter you from droplets of condensation.
"Can you please let me go?" you plead.
"I'll take you" he hums, missing the way your eyes widen in shock and confusion. He jostles you up a little to make sure you stay wrapped around his waist and no lower, before eventually laying you down on some soft-makeshift bedding. You're so far into the cave that most of the light from outside is gone. Nobody would find you now, even if they saw the small gas lamp Leon lit beside you. He's about to lay down right beside you when he realises, perhaps, it's not the right thing to do.
Sheepishly, he motions to a spot on his own bed beside you. "Can I?" You have no idea what to say, so, you nod. You were in his home, if you could even call it that, you weren't gonna anger him. You felt as though you needed to make friends with him if you planned on getting out of this alive. And so, as the large man slowly got onto his knees before laying down on his side beside you, it struck you just how "Beauty and the beast" this situation really was. He groaned a little and his joints creaked somewhat as he slowly got down, propping his head up with one hand as he watches you.
Huge was an understatement, and whilst he did have monstrous features and strength, he seemed like the type to at least give you a kind death should he want to eat you-
No, stop. Why are you thinking like that?
You shiver, replacing his amused hum with another thick swallow. His wide eyes scan you.
"Still cold." his lips tug disapprovingly as he watches you lay there, and when you nod, he wraps a blanket around you that he got from goodness knows where. His voice echoed in the small cave, even if he seemed to be whispering now. Leon didn't like causing you fear, but he also didn't like ruining your shelter and warmth, and so, he sought to provide those for you.
You lay there, facing him. Slow and heavy breaths continue to rush over your face, fanning you as he invades your personal space. Yet for some reason, you can't bring yourself to move away. Turning your head momentarily, you eye your camp in the distance. Maybe if you could just get up and run now, you could escape him. Maybe he'd be kind and let you go. You shake again, the cave only rescuing you from the wind, not the biting cold his body provided you shelter from only moments earlier.
Suddenly, his burly arms are back on you. They wrap around you and pull you close, leaving you no space but to open your legs a little for him to get in between. He blankets you in a weighted embrace, head rested in your neck, pressed intimately close. "You're still shivering" He murmurs, silently noticing how your hairs stand on end at his proximity and gravelly tones. You feel his soft fur against your face, between your fingers. You can almost hear his heartbeat.
It's at this point, reluctantly, that you start to allow your attraction to him to manifest. The signs had all been there before as you admired his figure and strength, and basked in his voice. But now, you had no way of escape. You might as well just give in and enjoy the ride. So, you relax against him, wrapping your leg around him again, and letting him give you all of the closeness he can.
Leon knows this is wrong. He, at heart, is still very human, and knows that he should have abandoned you about 20 minutes ago after he destroyed your tent. Heck, he shouldn't have even gone to investigate. But he couldn't fight how good this felt. He couldn't fight the slow boner he was developing as you snuggled up to him so innocently, and he couldn't help wondering what a relationship with a human would be like, after all these years.
He also cant help the small shocked whimper he makes when you move down a little to snuggle up closer to him, and not-so-accidentally press quite firmly against his little issue. His hands seize your waist, threatening to move you, but when you tense in protest, he groans and goes limp, wrapping them around you again. He falls under the impression that if he keeps still, and if he keeps you still, you won't know what's really going on.
It was difficult to keep your morbid curiosity at bay, about fucking a literal Yeti. It was also difficult to not get too attached to the soothing warmth of his shimmery fur and hot skin. His slow breaths and small smile had you in a sleepy trance. You could fall asleep like this and rest. It would be the warmest night you'd get out here, and in all honesty, this was all starting to feel like a nice, cuddly dream.
Too much so.
"What do you want from me?" You lean back to look into his eyes which shoot open. He seems sleepy too. Your presence comforting him more than you could ever know. He stammers a little.
"W.. N- Nothing." he pleads, leaning in to press his forehead to yours. He thinks for a long while, articulating his words. "Just wanna... keep you warm, n safe." he sighs. You're digesting his response when his eyes shoot open in terror as he feels his cock kick against you once. He loosens his grip. This was terrible. He was being selfish. Maybe he should take you home now.
"Are you gonna let me go back?? I have a family out there, please." You whimper, giving him the eyes. He can't say no, he never wanted to hold you hostage. He just wanted to make sure you were ok and-
"Are you warm now?" he huffs, looking down at you to gauge your expression. In all honesty, you were warm, physically and emotionally. He was cute, too cute, and you could tell that he cared. For the first time since you'd met, you almost felt sure that he would actually let you go. And so, you wanted to test him. You pretend to think for a while.
"mmm, no." you smile up at him.
"No??" He seems shocked, running his hands over you to check, nuzzling his nose against your face. "You feel so... warm" he chokes out, eyeing you worriedly. He presses his finger tips to your forehead "you ill?" he grumbles "Where?" His huge hand works its way up and down your body, pressing everywhere he can whilst still being decent, checking for warmth. Then, when he identifies that your leg is a little cool, he wraps his around it.
You stare up at him. The answer is very simple. "Inside." you hum. He short circuits. Leon stares down at you, a faint blush just becoming visible beneath the fur of his cheeks. Inside? What did that mean? How was he meant to warm you up there???
Leon stares at you in shock. He swallows thickly, and you decide he's just not sure what you mean, so, you decide to be a little more genuine about it. "Look... I'm... I'm not even sure if this is real. But I've never seen anything like you before and I'm just curious." There's a stunned silence as he eyes you up and down, thinking to himself.
"If you don't want to- it's fine." He wanted to. Oh boy did he want to. He just wasn't sure if it'd be right. He never imagined this day would come. He never thought he'd be able to fuck someone ever again. Leon hums down at you.
"Really shouldn't." those words pop your balloon instantly. You pout at him, but you're willing to take his answer.
"Why not?"
"No condom..." he sighs "Unless you-"
You both lay there in silence for a while before he crumbles, head falling to reside in the crook of your neck once more. You can tell he's thinking about it- taking you in, soaking into you. He's not felt more content in years. Cuddling up to you, he croons before placing a chaste kiss to your throat.
...Maybe he does want it...
You cover his cheek with small kisses, and sneakily reposition yourself against his throbbing cock. He whines, bucks into you once, and buries his fanged mouth against your skin where he feverishly kisses, trying to hide his sounds. Leon couldn't even admit to himself, let alone you, how pent up he'd been, and now? He wouldn't at all be able to let this opportunity slide.
One of his hands roams your body, sliding down to grip your waist possessively, tugging you hard against him. Then he retreats, realising his mistake. You grab his hand and return it to where it was, earning a playful chuckle and another shy buck of his hips. He runs that hand up your body twice more, watching entranced by the way it glides over your hips and chest, before using it to cup your face. He makes you look up at him.
"You sure?" He's hesitant, a little shaky. You're both very aware that this could end terribly. He could crush you.
"Uhuh.." Just like that, your fate is sealed. He leans in, and pulls you close for a hungry kiss. Expected from a mythical creature, Leon was a walking antithesis: His physical size and strength made him dominant and scary, and yet each of his actions was soft, caring and calculated... and needy. He whines as your lips meet his searing ones. He was so cute, so pliable. You're sure he'd do anything you wanted at this point, and so, testing your luck, you gently grind against him.
He instantly reciprocates, moaning a little as he clutches you tightly. Leon's ears sit flat to his head as he ruts against you, eyes screwed shut, mouth willingly opening enough for you to use some tongue. You've been making out for what, 2 minutes? And the man is already panting, groaning, rock solid against you as he humps desperately. When you slow down on the tongue, he licks eagerly into your mouth too, and moves to pepper kisses and licks all over your cheeks and neck while you catch your breath.
He's so cute, practically begging for you with his mouth but no words come to his aid. Instead, all the gentle giant can do is stare down at you with pleading giant puppy eyes. You want to go further with him. Guiding his hand down towards your sex, you intrust him to ready you. And oh boy does he. He swallows thickly, eyes locking onto you as if you're some mission or target, and he begins to work on you, slowly at first. He groans, cock kicking against you as he licks his lips. Eyes closed tight, kissing you all over, he doesn't even notice you undressing your bottom half until he hears you shimmy the fabric down your legs.
But that's when you feel it too. His hard cock poking out from his coat, slowly drooling copious pearls of precum, smearing his fur. He ruts it against you, the force of his huge hips shoving you so hard that you wrap yourself around him again just to stay put. Suddenly, Leon picks up his pace on you just where it feels best, rubbing with more force and energy than before. Unbeknownst to you, he had a plan. You let out a moan, mouth open wide enough for him to suddenly jam two huge digits in there. It didn't hurt, he wouldn't hurt you, but for a second, you feared for your life.
Even half way in, his fingers had you gagging, choking and drooling. You got them nice and wet for him, and as thanks, they'd be going inside you. Replacing his fingers with his tongue again, he needily whimpers and whines into your mouth.
"Fuck, you're w.. g-great... You're great" he groans, toying with your entrance, eyes shut once more as he grinds into you. He's slow, he understands his fingers are huge, especially by the reaction he didn't mean to elicit from filling your mouth with them, and so, once he breaches you, one finger at a time, makes sure to go slowly. He tries a bit of everything, thrusting, curling them, scissoring you open, all gently until he thinks you can take more.
He fills you so perfectly, so deliciously with just his fingers alone, and he knows what to do even whilst kissing you all over, but you don't dwell on where he got the experience. Leon nibbles a little at your lobe, trapping it gently between his sharp fangs, and moves towards teasing other parts of your throat and shoulder in this way until you begin grinding against his fingers, chasing something more. You snapped out of it a little when you realised just how large his member was. Easily over 7, maybe 8 inches.
And now, he was lining it up with you, holding his breath as he lets it slip, teasing your entrance a few times. It was thick too. The whole thing was just pretty, and due to his strange skin colour, where it would be red and angry it was tinged with a soft purple.
The last thing you see before he stuffs you is his brows furrowed in concentration as he lines himself up. As soon as he slides in, you groan and buck from the stretch of just the first few inches. He shakes, he twitches a little, and he curls up to you, holding you oh-so-dearly. His hips buck shallowly a few times but ultimately he's patient, waiting for the go ahead until he can continue to slowly fill you up. A few shallow thrusts and he works his way deeper, then he gives you a minute or so before repeating.
As bottomed out as he can be, Leon begins a torturously slow pace. He watches closely for you reaction. He's wondering what you like, what you want from him. Eventually, he's groaning with each slow thrust, apparently more edging for him than you. He quickens his pace, leaning over you, propping himself up as he pounds into you a little roughly now. He barely pulls out, each slow roll against of his hips against your sex making you want to cry out.
It's having an affect on him too. Before long, Leon is groaning and growling with each thrust. He's on his knees, body forcing your legs up against your chest as he pile-drives into you. His head hangs by your ear, occasionally nipping and sucking at you, but for the most part, growling like a feral animal. He slows down a little before driving a series of hard, strong thrusts into you with merciless force. Snarling and snapping his jaws, each smack of his hips shifts your body across the bed until he has to grab your ankle to pull you back to him.
He knows you're close, but he wants this moment to last and he's sure you do too. His breath tickles your ear between breathless chuckles, his voice deep and sultry, "H..heh... you ever... ridden a yeti?" As soon as you shake your head no, he purrs. "You want to?"
You nod. He picks you up with ease, temporarily leaving you empty and collapses onto his back. He's quick to fill you to the brim once more as soon as he's comfortable. He groans and throws his head back as you slide down him. And then, lets you work your magic. He groans under you, arms folded behind his head to cushion himself. His eyes follow you, watching you almost predatorily as you bounce on him, and occasionally, his hips snap up to meet yours.
"Fuck, you know, you're so... gnnn... good at this" he whines, trying to force his eyes to stay open so he can watch you.
He bites his lip, bucking up to meet you as his hands reach out for you. They're huge. One feels your body, supporting you, the other holds your ass, guiding you up and down. He smirks, clearly about to make another comment, when you reach down caress his chest, digging your nails into his pecs as best you can. His head falls back and he lets out an almost roar. "Fucckkk" he hums, staring up at you.
You're close again, but you're getting tired. Luckily for you, he understands. Leon sits up, wrapping his huge arms around you. He snuggles into your neck, littering it with growls and kisses as his hips go wild, pistoning into you with a force somehow he hadn't used yet. You were amazed, for such a large man, how hard and fast he could rabbit into your hole. His breaths deep, laboured and lustful as he lost himself in you.
It wasn't long before you were cumming on his cock, gripping his fat length like a vice. He groans, plugging his mouth with your shoulder, but not biting hard. You know exactly what's coming as he adjusts his legs, thrusting hard, almost throwing you up into the air if it weren't for his arms pinning you down to him. His growls and groans shake your core, rutting up in a similar fashion a few times as he pumps you full of his seed. And then he collapses, falling back against his bed. He pants and blushes furiously.
A small grin litters his face, he looks like he's about to pass out as he lays there, eyes narrow and chest heaving. It takes him a while to come down, cock still throbbing and kicking inside you. With how tight you are around him, there's no chance you'll spill a drop before he pulls out.
"Mmmm, fuck" he hums contentedly, hips jostling you upwards a few more times as he carefully reaches up to hold your face. His hand dwarfs your head easily, and he smiles. He's hesitant as he strokes your face. He knows what he did was probably wrong, but it felt so good. It delights him when, as he gently pulls you towards him, you come readily, leaning down to meet his lips.
This kiss isn't hungry or greedy. It's needy and loving. It's an apology, and a thank you, all at once. And when you pull away, his eyes flutter open to gaze lovingly at you.
He sighs, realising his time is up. "Alright, Take you back now, as promised." You're not having it. Playfully, you roll your hips against his and sigh down at him. His cock is half soft inside you now, and still feels great. He stares up at you, confused, ears perked. "What's wrong? Why not?"
"I'm cold outside again..." you pout. He chuckles, leaning up to grab you in a tight hug before laying down once more, this time with you as his captive.
"Well then, allow me to warm you up again."
And that he did.
Eventually you returned to your camp. With Leon carrying you, that is. If he'd given you anything, it was a severe case of jelly-leg.
guys I just awnna have a little rant at u rn I'm sorry this fic is late and not christmas and Im sorry but I tried to write n edit this like 3 times and each time tumblr deleted my fucking edit im so fucking mad I had internet and I saved it as a draft the works but tumblr was a penis grrrr also, also, the times I edited it like and wrote some I had such good ideas for jokes and puns and things and good writing and now because iM fed up all my good ideas have left me so sorry that this fic is shitty bye thanks for existing ily.
the fic is so long im sorryy i hope you like him
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chiiyuuvv · 6 days
when &team has a crush on you
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friend!&team x fem!reader 1.6k words
▸ 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺?
Kei ♥︎
Y'all are so oblivious STOPPPP. It was love at first sight yet y’all are too blind to see that, so you start having “lovers quarrels” (as the members like to call it)
Play fights with kei >>> he purposely takes an embarrassing photo of you and it ends with you chasing him around the house with a member sending you a side eye 🥹
Probably refers to you as the “mom.” (poor fuma) He's like, “guys be on your best behavior, mom's coming today!” “So that means you're the dad??” “Taki!!!” 
Has some moments when he zones out with a lil smile on his face, but never tells you why. “Oh, what are you grinning about this time?” “A time where your breath smelled better 😊” “gasps kei!!”
This is very specific but back to the whole mom thing- imagine you're cooking dinner for your kids and husband when suddenly kei comes up and back hugs you. You get flustered (obviously) so kei uses that opportunity to tease you when his ears are burning red but shhh shhh, we don't talk about that
Fuma ♥︎
Doesn't think much of it at first. You're the pretty girl that tags along with their adventures, nothing less nothing more. Until it hits him: He smiles more in your presence. Then he's like oh.. oh.. OHHHH 
Since he's older, I think he would be the most sane around his crush. Sure his heart might skip a beat when you share a smile, but he's not panicking on the inside like the other members. He has this chill, peaceful persona when he's with you
Unintentionally showers you with gifts. He gets you a necklace because it has all your favorite colors/shapes/etc. and you're just like “fuma, another one?! You already got me a headband” and he's like “oh yeah hehe 😅😅 still take this gift tho ╰⁠(⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠´⁠꒳⁠`⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠⸝⁠)⁠╯”
Takes you on friendly dates when you first start talking. He likes you but he doesn't want to rush anything, so he uses that time to better understand you and vice versa
Takes candid photos of you during said dates. Loves seeing you in your natural state :)) you're like a sunflower to him, so bright and welcoming :( 
Nicholas ♥︎
Unconsciously plays with your hair during public gatherings
Not only with the hair thing, but would also find random excuses to touch you. Like grabbing your hand whilst walking through a crowd.. it isn't exactly necessary, but it is a pretty good excuse if I say so myself 🤷‍♀️
Also calls you cute no matter what you do!! You could be doing something random (like idk.. ordering food or smth) and all you hear in the background is nico’s iconic laugh followed by “kawaii” under his breath
This might be a bit of a stretch, but dare I say he has a nickname reserved just for you?? For example, sometimes he calls himself weno (which is stinking cute if you ask me) and last time I checked, no other person has called him that (besides his family most likely). Maybe that's a nickname only you can call him, as he might get weirded out/confused if the members call him that. (They would most likely tease him after discovering this very juicy information)
Probably the most in denial about his crush on you. Like no way, you're literally like a sister to him. Wdym his eyes sparkle whenever you talk? You're just delusional shush
Euijoo ♥︎
You're each other's comfort persons. Show one sign of discomfort, sadness, whatever, and he's already cheering you up (and vice versa!!)
You've probably known each other for the longest, so you hold a special place in his heart
Which is probably why he doesn't want to fall in love with you, because you're too valuable to lose. He's not going to risk your amazing friendship over his silly little feelings, if anything he's just gonna ignore it and go back to acting his usual euijoo self (note: don't do that)
Who knew that would be so hard :(( noticeably shy when you enter the room, his words stuck in his throat and his hands shaking while his eyes avoid yours at all cost. Why'd you have to look so pretty today? 
Gets so flustered when you compliment him. he's like “oh..” while looking away and biting back his smile, then you make eye contact and y'all just burst out laughing 🥹💔
Yuma ♥︎
Awkward.. he doesn't know how to act around you
He's super nonchalant at first, just yk.. tRyInG tO pLaY iT cOoL but stops because you aren't paying attention to him :((
Then he turns into his massive fluff ball but stops because 1) he doesn't normally act like that so it's weird.. 2) his liking towards you seems more obvious and 3) the members caught on after the second encounter and now they're teasing them (side note but I can definitely see the members (prob taki) using that as blackmail. Like oh, you won't do my chores?? I'll tell yn you like her >:))
So yuma opts to tease you. Turns into your #1 enemy that you just wanna strangle but you never do it because you'll go to jail he's kinda cute annoying you. Wait what??
But the cuteness is mutual since yuma loves seeing you flustered/angry. So it's a win win ig 🤷‍♀️ 🤷‍♀️ 
Jo ♥︎
Although he would be the quietest around his crush, I feel like he would have random bold moments around you
Like texting first when that's something you usually do, asking you out for lunch, touching you (consentfully); it's the random bold moments that not only shock you but himself
I think he would overthink his actions. Like when he gifted you some flowers, was he too obvious with his liking towards you? Did he not show enough interest in you? Still trying to figure out the line between too much and too little
I know I usually say “x members asks his hyungs for help” but I think Jo would avoid talking to someone about it 💀 doesn't want to get teased/that person accidentally spills the beans in front of you 
SOOOOO he keeps a journal that's just filled with you ;) writing about all his interactions with the love of his life you, random, super detailed drawings. It's his love diary :))
Harua ♥︎
If we're being completely honest you probably already had a crush on harua before he took interest in you. Or maybe that's just me……. Anyways
he'd be so CUTE around you with a side of shy (I'm writing this as I'm sobbing) probably goes out of his way to surprise you with flowers (or chocolates if you're on your period), or little treats and he's all like 😊😊 as he's giving them to you but in the inside he's HOLLERING
If you're a bestie of one of the members, suddenly harua’s pestering them on what you like, dislike, etc. because he needs to know all about you. He's like that SpongeBob meme “write that down write that down!!”
And he doesn't even deny that he has a crush on you 😭😭😭 the members like, “why do you want to know this?? Do you like her or smth?? /j” and harua's like, “yep! Now tell me more ✍️”
Taki ♥︎
I also think taki would be awkward around you, but he's painfully obvious 😭
He's the life of the party around his friends, just gets on the floor and starts doing the worm and then you walk in the room and he's like🧍‍♀️all of a sudden he's quieter than jo, which is strange because have you seen taki??
Do NOT touch the boy istg he will malfunction on the spot. He goes to calm to sweating to stuttering to he's avoiding your eyes to- he's a mess to say the very least
Gets so anxious when he's sitting next to you. Everything HAS to be perfect. No maki, you will not show her your weird trick. Stop leaning against the table nico. He'd send a (very scary) glance at the member and then they're like 😅😅 “anyways…”
Just a heads up, but you'd probably have to confess to the boy because he refuses. He'd talk to the members and he's all like “yeah I'm gonna talk to her, yeah I'm gonna rizz her up, i'm a rizz lord after all. 😎” and then you show up and he suddenly disappears. Where did he go??
Maki ♥︎
Compliments in German (an established trope in luneville) to tease you.. or because he feels shy to reveal his true feelings (winky winky)
Values his quiet time with you: meaningful talks, cuddling, holding each other's hands.. something that only couples do. So in the end, maki tends to overthink your actions. Why would you grab his hand out of the blue? Or change his name to “prince” or something of that nature? What are we?? <- something he asked himself a lot
Your name constantly leaves maki’s mouth no matter the conversation, which leaves the members feeling annoyed 😭 Like maki could be talking to kei about idk frogs and he's just like, “did you know yn-” “maki.” “..sorry.”
You guys most likely have a mutual favorite artist that you two rant about
Omg what if he confesses through your favorite song? Say your mutual fav artist releases a love song and one day maki sings it to you. He'd probably hold your hand and keep eye contact the entire time, then when the song is finished he'd kiss the said hand. WAIT AWW THATS SO CUTE
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︴bonus! trying to get out of my writers block bc i wanna write so bad T_T SPEAKING OF WHICH i'm not ready to get back into solo works as of yet, so i've been using headcanons to ease me back into the mood. SOOO my requests will be open for more &team headcanon ideas (only &t bc xikers has a bunch)!! i'll probably write how &t confesses btw :3
▸ taglist 📬 @rizzkisworld , @cherrycolaberry , @kehnarii , @wtfisgoingright
🎬 navi
@chiiyuuvv on tumblr . do not steal works/headers/line dividers
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rotten-pup · 4 months
18 + Only, minors will be blocked, you are not welcome here
☆About Me☆
You can call me Rot. I'm 21, he/they, transmasc and this is my horny blog! This will be my general horny content blog where I'll post/reblog the stuff I like however I will separate some of my interests and kinks onto other blogs. I am pre-t and pre-op. Generally just queer but I like people of any gender however I do lean more t4t
My asks are open for anything! Send me stuff!!
My dms are openish. At this time I'm not looking to sext and heavily flirt. I'm going through a lot and will be slow to respond most times. I really only have the brainpower to hold conversations about my special interests or if someone infodumps to me and I get to ask questions.
I'm comfortable with most masculine or feminine terms when referring to the parts of my body, I don't usually have a preference. I'll update this when I find something I don't like! I should probably add on that I'm a switch/vers in theory, mostly a sub/bottom in practice as I'm not confident enough to fully dom/top quite yet.
(rest of this post is a work in progress, bear with me please)
Without any further ado; list of content/kinks I like that you may find here(list incomplete):
Absolutely Yes: Petplay, Degradation, Praise (giving) Bondage, Impact play, Breeding, Somno, Edging, Overstim, Oviposition, Humiliation, Primal Play, Intox, Light CNC, Mommy kink??
Sometimes/Maybe: Choking (receiving), Praise (receiving)
Hard Limits: Scat, Death/Slob Feedism, Inflation, Raceplay, Feet
Kinks that will be mostly likely on a separate blog that I still like: Hypno, Knife play, Heavy CNC
Outside of all that, I'm going to list my sideblogs and tags down below and any other information I see fit so this intro isn't too long! (ps: if you know me from my previously deleted blog, feel free to say hi, I'd love to talk to y'all again, I was going through a really rough patch and honestly I'm so sorry I just disappeared)
My tags:
- rotposts: original content
- rotbarks: answering asks
- rotspeaks: non horny, rambles, or unrelated content
My sideblogs:
- @barkandbarkandbark : vent blog, rambles, literally anything just me talking to the digital void
Just a little more about me:
- @boymommy-brainrot : Mommy kink blog, a mostly gentle softer vibe, pics of me will also be on here
*Mommy is mostly a title, I like taking care of people and being gentle with them and just making them happy through acts of service. My kink is in no way an incest thing and as much I may use certain terms/words it is also not a ddlg thing either
Major theatre nerd, musicals, plays, plays with music, don't matter I love them all! I've acted in a few local shows, I've ran lights, I've staged managed, done a few other things. I'm really into dungeons and dragons and other ttrpgs and board games, and card games like magic the gathering. I love to draw and I love my silly little ocs I've made. If you upload your ocs or your fursona on your blog, there's a chance I might draw them, I like making art for others when I have the time.
Uhhhh, idk what else. I'm currently playing palword, this war of mine, overcooked 2, lethal company, escape the backrooms. However I do have many other games and if you ever wanted to play, just dm me, I'm down to find sometimes as long as we've talked a bit first and we vibe! I have major brainrot for Dead by Daylight right now so so badly
Oh yeah I fucking love robots I absolutely love robots and puppets I'm surprised I'm not like into fnaf more but man I just want to scream they're so cool.
I'll probably think of some other things to put here idk lol
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hydr0phius · 6 months
Welcome back to more crack summaries and notes. Today it's Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, and I am absolutely distraught after reading it.
Linked: Chaos Rising and Greater Good
Starting out strong with this one aren't we, Mr. Zahn?
Samakro: please let this be a normal fucking side trip-
The Springhawk: *appears*
Jixtus: Not this mf again. Give me a damn BREAK-
Thrawn, over comms: If there are any Watith here, we have your prisoners.
Generalius Nakirre: I'm going to answer him.
Jixtus: Do NOT
Generalius Nakirre: If you're not going to tell me, I'll just ask him.
Jixtus: nO-
(word for word)
Generalius Nakirre: The Kilji path will prove superior
Thrawn, flatly: No. It will not.
Generalius Nakirre: Again, you dismiss our wisdom without even hearing it.
Thrawn: In my experience, superior wisdom can stand on its own merits. It does not require a warship to force acceptance.
Generalius Nakirre: You also bring a warship to this place.
Thrawn: But I do not claim to offer superior wisdom. Nor do I intend to impose my wisdom upon others.
(Thrawn, I love you dearly).
Jixtus, quietly in the background for the last five minutes of the comm call with Nakirre and Thrawn: Oh my fucking gods, DISENGAGE. DO NOT LET HIM KNOW ANYTHING MORE ABOUT YOU-
Nakirre, internally during the comm call and Jixtus' warnings: WHY SHOULDN'T I FUCK HIM UP? HE'S ASKING FOR IT. IT WOULD BE SO EASY.
Thrawn: *blank stare on the bridge, facing Thalias*
Thalias: Look at him going into deep thought. *Turns back to Che'ri*
Thrawn, directly behind her now: So have you-
Thalias, jumping about a foot in the air: -STOP SNEAKING UP ON PEOPLE LIKE THAT!!!!
Thrawn: I wasn't????? Anyway, has Che'ri had anymore nightmares?
(He was sneaking but he doesn't know that lmao).
Lamiov: *sends Ba'kif a message about Thrawn*
Ba'kif: *Dropping absolutely everything and moving faster than his colleagues would if there was all out war because his Son is up to things*
^^^ All that was just in the prologue and I was nearly losing it lmao.
Thurfian: *makes a decision*
Thivik: *judgemental vibes*
Thrawn: *rattling off info about the paintings in the reception area of the Mitth crib on wherever it is that they were*
Thrass: How the fuck did you know all of that-
Lappincyk: Larawn. Has a nice ring to it.
Me thinking of that vine: Larawn James sjsjs
Lappincyk: Ok and what is Thrawn to you?
Thrass making a spur of the moment decision: He's my friend.
Thrawn, sitting down: :3
(That felt like a set up. Thooraki and Lamiov going "Thrawn needs someone who knows politics" and then shoving Thrass into his orbit).
Jixtus: I have information you'll want
Thistrian: let me consult with the Patriarch.
Thurfian: Tell them to feck off. We don't want anything to do with them.
Thistrian: o h
Ba'kif when he found out about the Magys: SORRY YOU WHAT- NO. WHAT POSSESSED YOU
Thrawn: :)
Samakro: I'll see this through. I'm in too deep.
Thivik what's on that datacard??? WHAT DID THRASS PUT TOGETHER-
All the Thrawn and Thrass interactions give me life.
Zistalmu: I got a divorce.
Thurfian: babe, please. :'(
Roscu: *blathering on & being all high and mighty while a fucking asteroid missile is lining her up*
Ziinda: Can you shut the fuck up?
Roscu: I- ok.
Thrawn: I'll see y'all later. Uingali and I are going on a trip for a bit.
Samakro: k, bye.
Samakro: Where are we???
Bridge crew: idk man??
Che'ri: I'm following him. He's in danger and we need to be there.
Samakro after a lot of talking with Thalias: Oh. ok.
Thrawn: Can you fire a charric?
Qilori: *nervous wreck* nO
Thrawn dragging him up out of his chair: You're about to learn.
Thrass, holding a chair & ready to use it: Yeah, that's right! Drop the knife!
The thief: *slowly puts the knife down, looking behind Thrass the whole time*
Thrawn standing menacingly behind Thrass ready to deck the thief like he did his accomplices: >:)
Thrass: Ok, Roscu, but if you did fire on us you'd be killing a Mitth Aristocra and his brother.
Thrawn: :0
Lappincyk: :D
Roscu: Damn, ok.
*after the Odo ceremony*
Thrawn: Are we actually brothers now?
Thrass: Yeah, if you want :3
Thrawn: :') ok
*cue secret sharing*
CEDF: *trying to keep the peace in the Ascendancy on Syndicure orders*
CDF and Family Fleets, with the indignant air of a 10 yr old Sephora girl: Oh my GODS, can you LEAVE? You have NO POWER here!!!!
CEDF: Ok, fuck you. *sorts out the fighting anyway then dips off to wherever they get sent to next*
Che'ri: I'm fine. I can cook my own food while you're gone, and Mid Captain Samakro can check in on me.
Samakro: *worried Dad being left with the kids for the first time noises*
Thalias: ok.
Che'ri: Niceeee
Samakro: *sweating bullets*
Thalias: You Borika?
Borika, fake accent on: You a cop?
Thalias: What-
Borika: *nice rancher lady*
Borika 0.5 seconds after Thalias mentions the Seekers program: *pulls a charric on Thalias once they're inside the house and drops the accent*
Thalias: Holy fu- HANg oN-
Fuck the Ascendancy too btw. The systems in place are shit. Those poor sky-walkers.
*Two families fighting*
Ar'alani having been sent to deal with it, angry admiral voice engaged: OI, STOP THAT
Ar'alani, fed up: Flicker all of them, then drag them away from each other
Wutroow: That's going to piss a lot of people off, Admiral.
Ar'alani: idgaf. They're being stupid and putting civilians in danger.
Wutroow: Then might I suggest dragging them back to different orbital levels? if they want at it again, they'll at least have to try.
Ar'alani: Excellent thinking. Let's do that.
Ja'fosk 20mins after they flickered everyone and are headed back to UAG: Ar'alani you need to stop hanging around with Thrawn so much.
Ar'alani: Ok but he's right.
Ar'alani: Y'all are just haters.
Ja'fosk: Just get back to UAG.
Ar'alani: Ok.
Ar'alani: *Firing on Dy'lothe's ship because he's ignoring her and possibly about to fuck up Thrawn's plan*
Dy'lothe: Acting on the Syndicure's orders-
Ar'alani: Oh, so illegal orders, then?
Dy'lothe: ...yeah
Ar'alani: ha.
Ba'kif: Here's Thrawn's latest plan. I'm giving you and anyone else you can convince permission to go and assist him.
Ar'alani on four hours of sleep: This is completely insane and could ruin our careers.
Ba'kif: So you'll do it, then?
Ar'alani: Of course!
Thalias: There's no bus to the spaceport-
Borika: I've got you, girlie. I'll drive you.
Samakro: Oh yes, you're Thrawn's big, strong protector.
Thalias: yes.
Samakro: :)
Samakro: So, here's Thrawn's plan.
Thalias: Fuckkkkk, that's insane.
Samakro: Yeah... anyway good luck with Thurfian. I'll wait here for you.
Che'ri: *possessed by the Magys*
Magys: You jest
Samakro: I do not >:)
Samakro: HELL NO-
Thalias: I pulled a charric on the Patriarch.
Samakro: WHAT-
Jixtus: And what question would that be?
Thrawn: The most critical one. Are you ready to surrender?
Everyone: oohhHhhoOhohoho, you've got some balls saying that, Senior Captain.
Can we appreciate how well Thrawn's plan went? They tore Jixtus UP.
Ja'fosk, pleased: How did Senior Captain Thrawn obtain such accurate information?
Samakro who was fully ready to admit that he fed Thalias false info because he thought she was a spy: o H, uH. Yeah he kinda just pulls things like that out of thin air, you know? I can't explain it.
Che'ri has now met both Kivu siblings AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I think she's going to figure it out if Thalias hasn't told her yet.
Everyone going into the chamber thinking Thrawn's going to get a promotion or something and then the Admiralty exiling him and stripping his honour chains sucker punched me in the gut. Thurfian's smugness did not help matters either. I could feel the anger from everyone in that scene.
Sorry the way the Aristocra had everyone lined up for serious consequences instead of the commendations etc they got in the end because Thrawn took all of the blame himself to keep them in positions where they'd be able to guide the Ascendancy's forces in his absence got to me oh my gods.
Ba'kif: We're telling you so that you don't kick up a fuss about the exile thing
Ar'alani: I would never!
(She would. She was going to)
Ba'kif: *explaining the Clone Wars*
Ar'alani: I'm not remembering all that. Happy for them, though. Or Sorry that happened.
(Not crack, just pain)
Ar'alani: Don't you dare leave before I say goodbye to you, Thrawn.
Thrawn: Of course not. That's not what friends do.
Timmy: *doesn't write their goodbye scene*
Me: *screaming*
Thrawn: It's only for six months. Perhaps a year.
Ar'alani: And then you come home?
Thrawn: Yes. It will be alright.
Me: It was not, in fact, alright. seventeen-ish years and then another nine missing out on Peridea is not 1, mate.
Ba'kif: it's a shame I'll never see you in admiral whites.
Thrawn: Nobody here is senseless enough to promote me to admiral lmao
Ba'kif: We have time for one final meal together, if you wish
Thrawn: If you don't mind, I'd like to eat alone. There's a bistro where Thrass and I used to meet. I'd like to spend my last evening on Csilla remembering him.
I'm not okay. Probably going to have new fics to write now. hhhhhhh. That was sad as hell at the end there.
Also these two trilogies just highlight how little Felony understands Thrawn, and I hope all of you understand after reading the books, how badly he massacred our boy in Ahsoka. It shouldn't be, "omg we got him in live action!" anymore. It should be, "who is that blue guy and why are we being given such shit quality shows and expected to like it when the characters that mean so much to us have been reduced to having less dimension than a cardboard cut out, and that a slug could move 1 kilometer at a faster pace than the supposed plot that's scarcely here?" Have some standards that aren't six feet under, please, everyone (this is not aimed at y'all who have seen this from the start <3).
Anyway! Onto the Imperial Era I go :D
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diazsdimples · 2 months
About Me!
Hi! Welcome to my blog! I recently hit 700 followers so figured I'd do a little about me/ what to expect here.
My name is James (he/him)
I'm 23 and an Aries (idk if y'all do astrology but like, there's that)
I'm from New Zealand, which is allegedly obvious in my writing
I'm married and talk about my husband occasionally here cause he's an idiot (affectionate)
I'm also a musician and play cello and piano/ also sing.
I'm a student midwife and will talk about this occasionally cause it's HECTIC and I love it.
My asks are ALWAYS open (send me HCs, fic requests, general thoughts and opinions) but I will call you out if you're being a dick in them.
I write fics and you can find my masterlist here!
I write primarily for Buddie but am writing a lot of Bucktommy/Buddietommy these days
I ship both Buddie and Bucktommy.
I take fic requests and prompts but these can sometimes take a hot second for me to complete
Current wips are: Frostpunk AU (Buddie), Single Dads AU (Buddie), Sauna Sex (Buddie), Sleepy Mornings (Buddie), two collabs (both Buddie), Muay Thai Sex (Bucktommy), Triplet Fic (Buddietommy) Ballet AU (Buddietommy), Dr's AU (Buddie)
I write a lot of smut and therefore my blog is R18. If you're under 18, please do not interact.
Pro-palestine, pro-choice, pro-LGBT rights, anti-racism, etc. If you take issue with any of the stances, see yourself out :)
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dckweed · 2 years
girl where is the elijah smut you talked about i’m dying for it
it's right here baby:) sorry mamas been in a writers block bout and i was taking some time away to recover after surgery (i havent told my fiance bc he'll freak out but they took three biopsies of something while they were inside, completely unexpected but other than me swinging at my OR nurses when they took out my intubation tube, and the full body rash i got from the soap they use, that surgery went well) but im back bitches.
p.s. told y'all id post something today..
p.p.s yall don't understand how feral i am for elijah mikaelson 110% inspired by jack harlow saying 'sent her back to her boyfriend with my hand print on her ass cheek' and you're welcome for it
warnings: MINORS DO NOT READ. spanking kink, marking kink? idk if that's a thing or what it's called but it's in here. maybe choking kink? dominant elijah 100%. cheating reader.
"..let him see my hand print on your ass cheek.." elijah mikaelson x female!reader
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Now look, you were a good girl okay? You loved your boyfriend, you'd been together for years and you had never once thought about leaving the man, that is until you met Elijah Mikaelson. You were a friend of Rebekah's, unintentionally dragged into her ancient family drama but more than happy to help nonetheless and you had liked all of her brothers, despite their attitudes from time to time. But Elijah? Elijah was something different.
The attraction had been there immediately, the way he made your heart race, and your skin flush, you pretended not to notice the way he had smirked at you, as if he knew (which of course, he did) that your body was reacting to him in ways that it had never reacted to anyone before, let alone your boyfriend. What started off as a polite relationship had quickly turned into a flirtatious fling, both of you becoming braver and beaver with each other and what your actions were, knowing full well what the consequences could be. And eventually, it turned into a full on affair.
Elijah was insatiable in bed, something you found out very quickly and something you didn't even know you longed for. You didn't realize how unhappy you were in your sexlife at home until you had started fucking Elijah, and when he had started showering you with dates and expensive gifts? You slowly realized how unhappy you were in your romantic life as well. You could never bring yourself to break up with him though, he was a nice guy, sweet and caring, you'd been dating since the middle of college but something just felt so empty between the two of you, so you managed to balance your life between both men, difficult as it was.
Today, your boyfriend was dropping you off at the Mikaelson family compound, you weren't expecting to see Elijah today, thinking he was off searching for something for Klaus, so you thought nothing of it when you let him walk you to the gate and give you a long kiss before sending you on your way, smacking your bottom playfully as you stepped inside.
"I'll see you this afternoon, honey!" You called over your shoulder, giving him one last smile before he moved out of view. You sighed in relief, turning around to face the house, only to find Elijah a few feet away from you. You jump, hand to your chest. "Jesus, Elijah, why are you just standing there like that?" You ask, looking at him with a half cocked smirk. You were happy to see him, though judging by the annoyed look about his face, he didn't seem too pleased to see you. "I thought you were out of town still.."
"I finished my trip early, there was nothing to be found, no reason to stay longer." He says, hands going into his pockets. He was truly beginning to become annoyed by your boyfriend being in your life, especially when he thought he had been making his intentions with you quite clear. "How was your weekend?"
You shrug, rolling your eyes. "Dull. We went antiquing with his mother." You say, and though you loved antiques and his mother, he had brushed off the plans you had been trying to make to do something more interesting and you were intensely bored the entire weekend.
Elijah hums, not feeling the least bit bad for you, though he would have much rather spent his weekend with you. "Antiquing? Sounds dreadfully dull." He says, his lips pursed as he looked you over. You did look divine in your yellow and white dress, and judging by the way he could smell you, you weren't even wearing panties. The thought made him want to go feral, he wanted to take you up to his room and absolutely wreck you for doing such a thing, how dare you go without panties around his brothers? around your boyfriend even? especially when you weren't even expecting him to be home. He had more self control than that. He swallows thickly. "Well, I'm sure you and Rebekah have something planned for today, I'll catch up with you later, darling."
You pout as he walks away, you had expected him to at least kiss you or something, like he normally did, you wondered if something was on his mind, he seemed more brooding than usual. Sighing, you make your way to Rebekah, you find her in her room, a couple bottles of your favorite wine already waiting for you.
"Why the face?" She asks as soon as you walk in, she was on her feet in an instant, pulling you to the couch. "Talk, love, you don't ever look like that.."
You furrow your eyebrows at her words, what did you look like? She shoves a wineglass into your hand, filled to the brim with your favorite white Riesling. "Is Elijah..upset with me?" You ask, looking up at her, bringing the glass to your lips at the mere thought of it. Your best friend of course knew of the relationship between you and her brother, the entire family knew, and none of them had ever made you feel any less welcomed, infact, they seemed to embrace you more, Klaus had even given you the 'always and forever' speech over a family lunch, winking at you in a way that you knew he meant it.
Rebekah furrows her brow this time, looking at you like you're insane. Upset with you? Elijah all but worshipped the ground you walked on, she had never seen him get cross with you, though he had been expressing annoyance towards your relationship, particularly the one with the man you called your boyfriend. "Well, love, if he is can you hardly blame him?" She asks, not trying to sound heartless but also trying to help our her brother some. "Y/N you just made out with your boyfriend right in front of him, i didn't have to see it, i can smell it on you.."
You closed hour eyes, throwing yourself back onto the couch. God, how could you not have put two and two together? "I'm an idiot." You sigh, downing half the glass in one go.
Rebekah hums as if agreeing with you. "Y/N, why do you even stay with him? You're clearly in more of a relationship with my brother than you are with him." She knew her brother was in love with you, but she also knew that he was too honorable of a guy to not let you make your own decisions about this, even if he was directly involved in this situation. "Elijah is a patient man and he would wait forever for you, but at this point, i feel like you're stringing them both along, it's unfair to both of them."
You stay quiet. She was right. You were in more of a relationship with Elijah than the man that you actually went home to, most of the time you couldnt even stand to be around him, the two of you barely even held a conversation anymore. So why hadn't you done it?
Why were you being so stupid?
Why weren't you thinking with your pussy and your head?
"Fuck, I'm an asshole aren't I?" You say, looking over at her. You had made up your mind. You were going to break up with your boyfriend tonight, you needed to tell Elijah. "You're right, it is unfair. There's only one thing that I want and it's to be around your brother twenty-four seven, I've let this whole thing go on for too long."
You get to your feet, downing the rest of your wine glass. "I'm going to talk to him, I'll be back in a bit Bekah."
"Do try not to be loud, it's disturbing knowing what my brother does in the bedroom." She calls after you, watching you walk away with a happy smile on her face, happy that she managed to kick some sense into you.
You roll your eyes, headed down the large hallway to the door that you knew was his. It was closed and at first you weren't sure if he was even in there but you raise your fist anyway, knocking gently on the thick wood.
After a few moments the door opens just a crack, Elijah appearing in the open space. His hand shoots out before you can even speak his name and grabs onto the poofy bits of your dress, pulling you in to his room.
You squeak, but the sound is covered by his lips, the vampire taking you into a kiss immediately, his strong arms tensing as they pull you flush against his body, holding you in place as he moves his mouth against yours. You can't help but moan, the possessiveness of the kiss alone making you weak in your knees as you let yourself go slack against him.
Elijah hardens at the sound, at the feel of your body against his own, though he can't help but growl in annoyance as he breathes you in. You smell like him, your boyfriend, the one who makes your life dull but yet you continue to stay with him. He had plans to change that though, if you weren't going to break up with him, then Elijah was going to give him a reason to break up with you.
In a flash he has you sat atop an ornate chest of drawers, his face buried in your neck as he left hickies in his trail across your skin. Even though it was dangerous, he had never once let you leave him without at least one of his marks on you, his own personal way of marking his territory he assumed.
You moan, feeling his large hands slide up your thighs, your legs spreading apart as he steps between them. You feel his fingers squeeze your flesh, fingertips digging in to your skin as they near your bare pussy, already quivering excitement for him.
Your hands go to his hair, pulling as you lift his head up, a moment of clarity as you catch your already heaving breath. "Elijah, I - oh.." You close your eyes, sinking back against the wall behind you as his fingers finally find your cunt, two of them sinking deep into your hole, your walls clenching around the missing size, already wanting his cock to be buried in you instead.
"Hm?" He hums, eyebrows raising in what you suspect is amusement, or perhaps patronization. "What were you saying darling?" His other hand trails around to your backside, squeezing the flesh of your ass tightly, his fingerprints indenting on the skin.
You clear your throat, voice shakey as you try to speak, your brain fuzzy as to why you had left Rebekah's room in the first place. And then he starts to move his fingers, curling them just the slightest bit as he moves them in and out, knuckle deep in your wet, squelchy cunt. Your hips move up against his hand, wanting more as you suddenly remember that he had asked you a question. "Uhm, I..I wanted to talk to you about..oh fuck..erm..him.."
His hand stops, and you hear the growl in his throat as he pulls his fingers out of you, the digits glistening with your slick juices. He looks at you, eyes darkened and for a brief moment you're scared that he's angry, because he is angry. "What of him, hm?" He asks, head cocked and voice low. His hands goes to your hips, your slick now coating the outside of your dress as he lifts you off of the dresser and and sets you on the floor. "He is quite literally the bane of my existence, why must we speak of him now, hm, when im trying to ruin you, love?"
He's looking down you, menacing aura surrounding you and you look away nervously as you feel his hand slide from your hip to your neck, his strong palm wrapping around your throat as his long fingers clutch your face, drumming your cheek just slightly. "Answer me, darling." He says, moving your face harshly to look up at him.
You swallow again, eyes looking over his face. His features are hard, his eyes dilated and dark. You can see how tense his jaw is, feel the emotions radiating from him. His grip on your throat and face is tight, but not enough to hurt you, but you can feel him restraining himself.
"I..wanted to apologize about earlier..should have stopped him.." You say, your voice shakey as you stumble over the words that you had seen so clearly in your mind before you had come into his room. Elijah hums, head cocking as if telling you to continue as his fingers tighten their hold just ever so slightly with a gentle flex of his hand. "I..don't want to be with him anymore.. ive been letting it go on too long, when ive had feelings for only you this entire time.."
Elijah's face changes, and he drops his hand from your face, moving it to cup behind your neck as he looks into your eyes, angling your head upwards as if searching for any trace of a lie.
"I want it to be just us, Elijah. I hate splitting my time between you because when im with him, all I think about is you and what we could be doing, and when im with you all i think about is how sad i am to go home." You ramble, wanting to let your words press in.
"Y/N.." He sighs, barely audible. You see his shoulders relax, his entire body untensing as he leans in to kiss you, it's one of complete and utter passion, his tongue dancing with yours as your lips move together in messy harmony. You moan, your body melding against his as he pulls you closer in his arms, pressing you tightly to his hard frame.
Elijah has a hand in your hair before you know it, you gasp as he pulls on it, moving your head to the side as he goes back to your neck, sucking on your pulse point for a moment, just long enough to leave a dark mark, the groan that escapes your mouth at even his slightest touch is one of absolute filth and you hear the growl in the back of his throat.
He still wanted to wreck you, and after a moment, he pulls away from your neck, looking down at you with the most shit eating smirk you'd ever seen adorn his face, he had quite the idea of how to break the news to your now ex-boyfriend.
"Maybe I can help you tell him, darling, let him know just how much you've been mine all these months.." He says, he wanted to let this man know just how much of an absolute love drunk, cock whore you were for him and only him. He wanted to ruin this man's year for having the audacity to kiss you in the way he had this morning, in front of his home no less.
"And just what exactly are you proposing?" You ask, voice lofty as your brain isn't fully with you anymore, focused solely on the man in front of you, waiting for him to have his way with you.
His smirk turns into that of a sinister grin. "Darling, you've been quite the bad girl today, don't you think?" He asks, voice coyly toying with you. His hand is still in your hair and he uses it to his advantage, turning you around and pushing you forward towards his bed, your bed now, he uses his grip in your hair to bend you forward, your face going downward into the mattress, arms supporting you still. "Bad girls," Elijah says, his voice a deep sultry tone as he presses his clothed crotch against your bottom, you feel his hard cock as he kneads a handful of your ass in his hand. "get punished, don't they baby?"
You whimper at his words, the forceful grip of his hand gripping your ass giving you more arousal than you could have thought in that moment. Elijah had always been the one in control when you were in bed, but this side of him was new to you, and oh so fucking sexy..you feel the want, the need for him building up in the bottom of your stomach as he presses his cock against your ass.
He hums appreciatively as you push your ass back against him. "Be a good girl and take it for me, yeah?" He says, the hand that wasnt squeezing you pushing the bottom of your dress up, the material laying on your waist, your bare ass and pussy on full display for the vampire above you.
Without warning you feel a stinging on your ass cheek, the sound of skin smacking ringing through the large bedroom and most likely down the hallway. You gasp, feeling his hand squeeze your cheek almost affectionately as your body reacts in the most glorious way for him.
Elijah had never really been one to spank you, he had smacked your ass a few times when he was fucking you from behind, like most men do, and sometimes even playfully in passing but this? You could just feel the arousal coming off of him as he towards the action a few times, on both cheeks.
His hand came down firmly, his whole hand leaving red imprints the harder and longer he did it for. You moaned after a few, the feeling of it getting to you in ways that you didn't even know it could, you hear him make a noise in the back of his throat when he finally decides he's finished, using both hands to squeeze and rub your stinging ass cheeks.
"Good girl, darling..." He had gotten out, you felt one hand leave you and hear him struggling with his pants for a moment, of which he grows quickly annoyed with and with a grunt he uses his vampire strength toi pull on the button, sending it flying as he pushes his pants and boxes briefs down, letting his cock finally spring free. "Look at how beautiful, all laid out for me, pussy so wet it's like a river, my marks on your ass.." He sighs in pleasure as he pushes his cock into your already gushing pussy, the sight turning into a full blown moan as he feels you clench around him immediately, already over stimulated just from the spanking alone.
Your moan isn't even a moan, it falls into some kind of high pitched noise as he starts rolling his hips, not quite fucking you roughly but not doing it gently either. His hand his back on your ass, squeezing and smacking lightly, not wanting to let the red ebb away just yet.
"Good fucking girl taking my cock so well, already so spent for me and we've barely just started.." He drawls out in that accent, setting a faster pace than he had before as he lays over top of you, his lips near your ear, hands on either side of your head as he boxes you in to hold himself up. "Gonna go home after this and show that silly man what I did? Send you back to him all fucked out nice and proper?" You moan at the words, the mere idea of it making you clench even tighter around him, it must feel good too because his words falter for a few seconds.
One of his hands goes back to your hair as he supports himself on one arm, pulling on it just enough to lift your head up off of the mattress to press your ear to his lips, moans and mewls escaping your throat every second. "Gonna let him see my handprints on your ass cheek, sweetheart?" He drawls out again, hips snapping into you at a new pace, the new angle of him over top of you having you on edge damn near immediately. "Tell him all about how you're all mine and you have been for the last year? Tell him all about how I've been fucking you, and loving you better than he ever did? Hm?"
The words for straight to your pussy, and it happens so fast that you can even tell him that you're cuming, he knows though, he can feel you gush down his length, your juices coating his pants as they brush against you. "Yes," You moan out, leaning your head back farther into him. "god, yes..all yours Elijah...only you.." Your words are broken but he understands the meaning, his grunts becoming deeper and his thrusts faltering in your pussy as the promise behind them hits him at his core.
He sits up, his hand giving one last slap to your ass cheek, the sight of the red outline of his hand sending him completely over the edge and he cums in a matter of seconds, a feral, filthy noise escaping his generally polite mouth as he does, letting his hot, thick cum coat the inside of your still sopping wet pussy, his hands gently kneading your ass once more before he pulls out, lowering himself to his knees. Gently, as if they're made of glass, he kisses each of your ass cheeks as if they're about to break before spreading them wide enough for him to get a view of your pussy, using his tongue to catch his cum as it slowly drips out of your aching hole, still glistening as he pushes it all back in with his tongue. You gasp, pressing back against his face, over stimulated to the point that your body is too weak to even hold its self up.
When he's satisfied, he pulls away, turning your over and taking you into his arms. "I was serious darling," He says, smirk still riding his lips as he plants gentle kisses on your face. "I'm going to send you home like this, let the message sink in as you pack your bags, heading over just enough for him to see what's marking your ass like a badge of honor, rub it in his filthy face when I come to the door to pick you up.."
You sigh, your hand going to his face. "People underrate you as an evil person, you know?" You say, a chuckle escaping both of you. You know damn fucking well you'll do it though, you were too down bad for this man, so dick whipped that you would do whatever he asked.
"I know, darling." He kisses you, all tongue and teeth for a moment before he helps fix your dress, giving you a gentle snack on the ass as he does.
part two????
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lunicho · 2 months
Saw this on another blog and wanted to send it to you too ☺️
Pick any 5 moots and describe them using 3 words! <3
ooh this is so cute, i love when ppl ask me to talk abt my moots cuz i love bragging about them!! the hard part is picking 5 moots to do this with hmm
@adoresol - passionate, honest, and devoted. i have actually been good friends with her for a good like four years now i think omg so there's many words to describe her but i think these are the best ones for now. she feels deeply and is very genuine in her emotions which is something i admire about her. she's also extremely honest, i love this about her because if i ask her something she'll be straight up with me. she's also very devoted bc like why is she still my friend LMAOOO she's so loyal and just like!?!?!?!?!?!??! my pookie wookie bear fr, i've told her so much cheesy corny shit abt how i feel abt our friendship so i'll spare y'all
@kissohee - its so hard to describe her with just three words! but i would say chaotic, lovable, and genuine. i never feel stress when talking to her and we've grown comfortable with one another quite quickly. i think we just have had this connection from the beginning and she just made me so so comfortable. she's also so loveable like im gonna hold her hand fr she's so cute. and she's so genuine, i always feel that she means everything that she says and it makes me even more comfy with her. she's also just like me we're both so random and we both talk a lot so its the perfect pace for me. the convos are always so fast like idk if ppl would be able to keep up with us and how much we switch topics LMAO but yeah! i hope that we just get closer and closer in the future and that she's always happy <3 (also open-minded would be a rlly good one for her but only her and i know why and that's the way its gonna stay LMAO)
@sminiac - saiii!!! i never include her in my moots posts so i wanted to this time :3! i'm gonna say kind, inviting, and adorable. she's literally so so kind, everytime i send smth or interact with her she's like "my dearest bunny!" AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY SO SO HAPPY!! she's always so sweet to me and like idk smth abt her is just so adorable. plus her blog rn is so adorable i love the layout. i do still get anxious to send too much stuff and things like that but ur so so welcoming and inviting that ik im always welcome but im scared to be annoying LMAOGDJ. i hope we can yap more and more abt 8turn tgt and just chat some more!!
@bubblegyu00 - energetic, humorous, and chatty,, our convos are extremely fast paced and go on for the entire day. i'm always laughing at smth or we're always losing it over smth someone did (usually a zb1 member or nicho tbh). she's energetic and keeps up with my pace and i do the same with hers. she also makes me laugh which is why i said she's humorous. we're always going on and on abt the same 3 things yet we never get tired of it like its gonna eat every single time PLS. BUT YEAH she's super fun, her nonnie to friend storyline is very very iconic and i love that for her. can't wait to keep screaming about kyungmin over and over <33
@xhdream - we've started to talk in the dms now and dinna's such a sweet girlie :(. i would describe her as easy-going, charming, and friendly. dinna's sooo so cute and always so sweet to me and she has been since the beginning. talking to her has been so fun so far cuz she's very approachable and she engages in the conversation so so much. our time difference is very big so we have to catch each other at a specific time but it's worth it everytime. there's just something about her that's so fun and so kind and that's why i said she's charming. her and her blog just have this good and sweet energy that i really really enjoy <3
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blkkizzat · 3 days
Okayyy so we had otaku gojo, nerd geto, how about a virgin nanami fic x bimbo reader. You two are enemies ever since you interned at the same time. He can't stand the fact that he has to work with someone who exhibits none of the workplace qualities he prides himself on- ur always late and wearing those too short skirts with too tight shirts, absolutely no concept of personal space, and he swears he's seen you come out the bathroom the same time as some of the other male workers, especially that pesky gojo. What he hates the most? You do damn good work, almost better than his. AND THEN THEY FUCK SOMEHOW hdjsks i have so many ideas on how it can go about, stuck in an elevator, having to share a hotel room at a conference, idk idk i just know reader finds out he's a virgin and sinks her claws in hehe. OMG maybe she finds out somehow in private and she makes fun of him by humiliating him infront of everyone (plug!choso war flashbacks) and he snaps and brat tames her 🥵 IDK JUST VIRGIN NANAMI SUPREMACY
Also can i be an anon pleaseeeee (not me going from never interacting because i was afraid to be hated or bother you, to sending an ask now because the topic of virgins came up :3)
Can i be 🍒 anon? (Bc i wanna pop some cherriesssss 😈)
Omg yas! welcome 🍒 nonny! I'm so happy you decided to interact!
I absolutely love that idea of virgin!nanami. I wanted to do one with him but didn't really know what to do as the virgin/nerd!reader x satosugu story kinda took some elements from my orginal nanami idea.
but them being coworkers is absolutely rich with those dynamics you listed! ahhhh im obsessed with it. [sidenote: just wrote down like four paragraphs of notes/dialogue cause the ideas kept coming, omfg bless your beautiful brain]
Will totally be sure to link back to this post and credit ya when I do post it (you getting me more excited for this now then virgin!toji lol)
tysm again pookies welcome!
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p.s. i totally yelled out loud at "plug!choso war flashbacks" cause i didn't really realize until i got y'alls reactions hoe much i really put him through it LOL
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Pick the event for Neopronoun Pride 2023!
The poll all of you have been waiting for... or maybe not idk
I didn't get any suggestions, so I just came up with event ideas on my own. There's only four but deal with it.
I'm going to add a brief description of each event so y'all know I'm talking about lol
Pronoun pride: In the asks, share your favorite sets of pronouns and (optionally) tell us what they mean to you or how they give you pride!
Flags of neopronoun pride: In the asks, tell me what neopronoun flag you want me to make art of and provide a picture of the flag (so that if there's multiple flags for that set, I know which one to use)
Pronoun highlights: Based on your suggestions (in the asks), a different set of neopronouns will be highlighted each day and I will give a brief history and description of usage.
Pronoun checks: Temporarily, just for the month of June, I will reopen pronoun checks (since we still get so many asks about it even though we've stopped doing them-)
Please wait until further rules are posted to start sending asks, even if the poll ends! You're all welcome to send them early before June as that helps me a lot, but wait for further details.
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psychewritesbs · 4 months
Crazy how loads of people from this fandom lacks faith in Megumi yet you've got the strongest sorcerer of today and the strongest sorcerer in history simultaneously vouch for him.
Gojo confidently believing Megumi will push through and know the truth about his father.
Sukuna, who pushed Higuruma and recognized his talent yet still said he wasn't anything special, but for some reason he never exhibited that kind of attitude to Megumi despite screwing with him over and over. It begs the question, what it is that they see in him doesn't it? Yet people prefer to ask dumbly why Megumi is acting the way he does as if the reason hadn't been made clear since the beginning.
And can we talk about the blatant hypocrisy in this fandom? People are comparing him to Yuji as if what he's going through is any different than that of Yuji in Shibuya. Did they conveniently forget how Todo had to step in and talk no jutsu Yuji to pick himself up cause he was so down in the dumps?
There's also the rampant complaints about characters not reacting emotionally to deaths and yet we have a character right now, whose reacting emotionally to the death of a loved one yet they're chastising him for it? Which is it really?
Welcome to jjk-confessions Sunday, not on a Sunday as per usual.
I'm going to repackage your ask and frame it using the following formula:
Megumi = the shadow.
The shadow = the repository of repressed or rejected aspects of our personality.
TLDR; Megumi catches very interesting projections to say the least.
Like potential man isn't even a bad meme tbh, because he is potential man. That's Megumi. But like, it's the attitude towards the idea that he is having such a hard time reaching his potential (something that is VERY understandable given his backstory and how that affected his sense of self).
I swear every time I see something bad about Megumi (other than "I just don't like him", "he doesn't speak to me", or "I couldn't get invested because xyz was missing from the narrative--that is actually lacking"), there's always some sort of rejection of vulnerability at the core of it.
Which as I have said only like 350,068,023 million times already I've been keeping track, Megumi rejects his vulnerability.
So when I see a lot of the comments about Megumi, what I see is the complete rejection of one's humanity if I'm honest. Like, everyone in jjk is being shown to have some kind of very flawed perception of the world, and for some reason Megumi picks up projections around being a bitch for someone, being weak, pathetic... do I keep going?
And this is all so interesting to observe because he is such a beautiful character when you take the time to understand him. Gege cooked with Megumi.
Idk, I can't help but feel like it's interesting how Gege keeps breaking the 4th wall with jjk, and Megumi is one of the ways he's doing it. And idk about y'all, but I think he's very conscious of how he directs his energy towards the fandom.
idk how to explain well. Hopefully that makes some sort of sense lol.
Anyways. Thanks for sending a letter in anon. We remain strong.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Heya peeps! So, I gotta take an itty bitty break from writing. I think I might've pulled a muscle in my shoulder, lol. Don't worry, it isn't bad, just a bit annoying, and I have dealt with worse.
IN THE MEANTIME, however, I came up with a (hopefully) interesting idea. I can probably write short responses to stuff, so...
If any of y'all have Headcanons, be it Welcome Home, one of my own stories (I saw someone mentioning they had Headcanons for one of them! Hooray! That makes me happy!), or anything else mentioned in my writing for list, you can send them to my ask box and I'll try to respond to them. I might also have some extra fandoms in the tag of this post, because I like them, but don't know how to write for them rn. If you are also interested, because I know how much I love to talk about my original characters and such, you can send in info about OCs, too! I'll also try writing small little headcanon posts if I feel up to it.
Anyways, hope to be able to write stories, soon! Idk how long I'll be out for, lol, but I'll try to remember to let y'all know when I feel better. OwO
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theotherpacman · 3 months
hello I am pacman welcome to my blog
first of all, don't stop talking about the ongoing genocide in palestine. always remember to do your daily clicks
averagecygnet-blog is also me so if you see that url following you. that's my old/secondary blog and idk how to make it so you see this blog's url when I follow you
I am always down to chat if you wanna dm me or send me asks! about literally whatever. yes this applies to people who aren't my mutuals
I am a fanfic writer, here's the biggest fic I've done, both in terms of word count and readership (shindeku, on hiatus) and here's a quick one if you just wanna see what my writing's like (jonmartin, completed) and here's one I'm really quite proud of, which isn't too long either (merthur, completed)
ngāti kahungunu
if y'all have any music recommendations lmk
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mattatouile · 1 year
It's Pride Month so let me tell you about my journey with my sexuality, and what a supportive family can mean:
I grew up in the EXTREMELY RURAL Bible Belt/gulf coast of the United States. My parents sort of ...nominally took us to Baptist Church until I was about 8.
However, despite being homeschooled in the woods and briefly being church people, my parents were not bigots. When I was six, I asked my mom if Elton John was married to Kiki Dee because I saw their music video together and my mom sort of took a breath and said that some boys want to marry and kiss other boys instead of girls, and that's what gay meant. And Friends introduced me to lesbianism so like, I kind of got it early on. I shrugged and said okay. This was 1994.
I spent 25 years of my life thinking that my fascination/affection for breasts and desire to maybe make out with other girls was just what ALL girls were like. Why would you not want to kiss other girls????? Baffling. But my default was still heterosexuality. I am very femme presenting. I enjoy a lot of stereotypical hetero things. Had a crush on my karate sensei (he was BEAUTIFUL and GOOFY and KIND) and then I had like five years of emotional fluffing with a queer man which was a mess in retrospect.
And then. I moved out of Louisiana.
I met someone (a bad idea woman, but a woman) and had my first torrid and horrible relationship. But that's fine. She introduced my wife. She's the reason I came out to myself and my parents.
My mom was concerned. For reasons that weren't really my sexuality, but which I read that way for a while and it hurt but I knew it wasn't personal it was just a shock. She didn't argue or convince me, she just didn't send me a rainbow cake immediately. And she wanted to be the one to tell my father who was working overseas, and wanted to wait for him to be home to do it.
His response? "Yeah, that checks out." 😂😂🥹 After that she was chill as could be. Idk I guess she psyched herself out about my dad of all people.
He almost immediately bought rainbow Crocs to wear around at his job to support his gay daughter.
My siblings all responded with a shade of either "didn't you always say you wanted to make out with Scully?" Or "huh, I thought it would be [my younger sister]."
I choose the label of lesbian for myself right now, because it's easier than "wlw who sometimes I like the looks of a guy but would rather have a colonoscopy than a conversation with him."
Do I have some trauma from being told I was disgusting just for supporting queer rights in my hometown? Probably.
I guess the point of this is, it wasn't even easy for me to come out, and I KNEW my parents would be totally fine with it. I cannot imagine how long it would've taken me to get to that point without a supportive family and open household. Like I really might've just been the spinster aunt who was "too picky" instead of being happily married to my wife. She's the best. My family is the best. My stepkid's are queer as hell, and we've done everything in our power to make sure they know any identity will be respected and supported and our families have joined us in that.
It's not hard, y'all. And I'm so sorry for everyone who is not treated this way. I love you. My parents love you. My mother would give you the biggest hug and a delicious meal. My dad would do that thing where he rubs his big toes together and tries not to cry because it hurts him that people have to live without support and love. You would be welcome in our home and hopefully shown what family should be.
I hope every single queer person on this site finds family. Family isn't blood. Family is safety. Family is support. Family is knowing that you are cared for, no matter your identity, who you love, etc.
Happy Pride everyone. And if it's not a Happy Pride for you yet, I hope some day you get to know that joy.
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guarded-axiom · 4 months
heeelloo there! i decided to make a homestuck sideblog, idk why, im still gonna be posting on my main about homestuck, (i think i just wanted a blog with my chum handle) but here i am!
picrew for my icon (which is (at least supposed to be) a mage of mind :3)
favorite characters as of right now: aradia, vriska, terezi, dave, june/john, roxy, and sollux (honorary mention to the troll ancestors (different from the dancestors). all of them. especially the inner circle and mindfang but just. all of them <3)
i have not finished homestuck yet but i dont really mind spoilers all that much (dont go out of your way to spoil me though aha)
i might start posting in a typing quirk, depends on if anyone actually finds/follows this blog, but if i do, i replace s with 5 and i with ; (5o ;d talk l;ke th;5 (so id talk like this))
you are vv welcome and encouraged to send asks i love talking 2 people so much <333
my pronouns are he/it (but honestly im fine with anything other than she/they) and y'all can call me dave
have a karkalicious day/night <3
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dreadsuitsamus · 1 year
tagged by the always-lovely @carnal-lnstinct! thank you for the tag ❤️
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and i'll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
oh man, here we go haha these are listed in the order of when i lasted worked on them, and * indicates smut
itty bitty tank top | goku x reader | *
lost part 4 | vegeta x reader |
not meant to be | vegeta x reader |
lips of an angel | jiraiya x reader |
idk yet | kakashi x reader | (9k words in on it and still don't have a title lmao)
untitled document | itachi x reader | *
lost at some point idk yet | vegeta x reader |
location | goku x reader | *
prompt 39 & 53 | gohan x reader | *
untitled document | vegeta x reader |
hallmark vegeta | vegeta x reader | *
waiting for never | vegeta x reader | *
mask | kakashi x reader |
prom | gohan x reader |
can y'all tell i have a lot of ideas lmao and that i find titles difficult
anyone who wants to do this is more than welcome because i don't think i know enough people to tag in this that haven't already been tagged 😅
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