#idk wtf this is but id like to imagine reader and IM are now buddies
cloudycrystalkpop · 3 years
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pairing: Leviathan! I.M x human! gender neutral reader
summery: drowned by an eldritch creature, you awaken confused, at the feet of an envious demon.
warnings: death and drowning, Christian mythology, occult themes, mild nudity, creature!Changkyun????
words: 753
notes: I've been playing a lot of Obey Me... don’t ask. should also probably read some Lovecraft if I wanna continue this story
drowning, that is now where you found yourself. suffocation was not an ideal way to die, but all the same, you didn't think it would be so... calming. the panic fell to the back of your mind, heart racing and lungs burning, in your focus however, was the creature in the water before you. 
you wondered if they would eat you. the shimmering rows of teeth could slice your flesh like razors. to spite death laying heavy on your tongue, you let your eyes wander over the creature. they were as beautiful as they were horrifying. 
serpentine, scales shimmered in the slanted rays of light. the spines of the creature glowed, bio luminescent in the murky water. they moved gracefully, easily the size of a large navel ship, every feature perfectly symmetrical. 
the taste of death was that of salt water, as it plunged into your lungs. 
wet. filth. the scent of dead rotting fish invaded your sense. you bolted upright, coughing and sputtering black putrid water. it tastes like a sewer, only serving to gag you further. 
“better out than in.” growled a deep masculine voice. 
your body shivered, suddenly aware of your own nakedness. your hair stuck to your skin, an overwhelming feeling of some kind of goo coating your flesh. 
raising your head you found a pair of boots in your line of sight. trailing up, torn and faded trousers, mold and rot practically sewn into the garment. above them, an equally distressed navel jacket, pins and badges also scraped and torn. a pair of arms crossed over the chest, and finally the man’s face. 
a feeling a shame came over you as his eyes trailed over your nude form, nothing but vague amusement in his eyes. he was beautiful, his hair dark as ink. it lay limply, faint curls weighed by dampth, framing his cheeks. 
“...who are you?” the words were choked from your abused throat. he quirked an eyebrow, eyes trailing over your body slowly. 
“... I am what I am.” he grinned. your breath hitched as rows of sharp teeth greeted you. a forked tongue peeked out to wet his lips as he chuckled darkly. 
“...God?” the man let out a rumbling laugh at your confusion. 
“oh little human, he won't help you down here.” his eyes twinkled with amusement. 
“are you Death then?” you asked again. he smiled, this one less twisted than the last. 
“one form of it to you.” he leaned down, placing his palm on your head. “it isn't often I find a human bold enough to drown in my lair.” you flinched, his skin cold to the touch. 
lair... a memory crawled back to the forefront of your mind. 
your arms tied, mouth gagged, thrown into a pit, a portal as the occult called it. you were scarified. thrown into the Lair of the Leviathan. 
“...Leviathan... the prince of hell... a sea serpent...” your eyes widened as it dawned on you you’d spoken out loud. 
“you are quicker than most humans. I'll give you that.” the hand on your head was gentle as it stroked your scalp. “those occultists who threw you down there to die, intended to offer you as a sacrifice to me.” he purred, now leaning down on one knee. 
“now tell me, little human, should I except?” tilting your chin up with one finger. 
“...no sir. they simply intend to use you as a stepping stone... to grant power from your brothers.” you spoke, pleased with the confidence in your voice. 
“of course they do.” the creature before you growled in anger. the air around him became cold, causing you to shiver once more. “greedy, stupid humans. they lust for power. I am never seen as anything but an after thought. the lot of you to seduced by my brothers and their stupid parlor tricks.” 
the venom of jealousy dripped from his words. 
“you understand you will gain nothing from this. your life is already forfeit at my claws.” his attention fell back to you once again. now gripping your chin, nails sharp against your skin. 
“yes sir. that is why I have no reason to lie to you.” your voice was soft as you finally raised your eyes to meet his. pools of purple and green greeted you, swirling like whirlpools. 
“...well done little human.” he stood, now pulling you to your feet as well. “you are an unappetizing sacrifice, however,” he circled you, movements fluid and graceful. “...you will make an amusing little pet. come with me.” 
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