#idk why i expect my readers to have reading comprehension skills
envy-of-the-apple 2 months
as much as I like the idea of a older!reader with gojo, I can't shake off the connotation of grooming (esp if it's a 16-18 gojo with like a 30 year old woman).
Oh my godddd fuck off I鈥檝e literally never made an age gap fic where Gojo is younger than 21.
why do I feel like you would not complain if I made a fic where 28 year old Gojo went after a third year student MC???? cuz these fics are made all the time and i dont see anyone complaining about grooming for those fics. fun fact all student teacher relationships are grooming, regardless of the student is 18 or not!
I have always stressed that in ALL of my age gap fics that first: its unrequited love. Second: the gojo/geto/whoever is at least 21. this is NOT grooming. If anything, it's the opposite of grooming cuz the MC is constantly getting manipulated/harassed by these shitheads. i have never written a fic where the MC responds to any of younger gojo's actions ya that would be weird (at most, Gojo misinterprets the action or the MC is threatened into playing along)
the reason why I love older woman/younger men is because I cannot project onto these MCs. I can't relate to being married or having kids or being 30, and it makes me feel more comfortable when I write these fics. I will never write a fic where the MC is 21 and Gojo is 19 cuz that's my age and it makes me feel icky. But 22-year old Gojo and 34-year old MC??? I cant project onto that. that's what makes the trope so good. I cant even bring myself to write a 21-year old MC dating 28-year old Gojo because the likelihood of me/people I know getting manipulated by a 28 year old irl is very very high (for the record THATS grooming)
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mrs-monaghan 1 year
It doesn't mean JK doesn't trust Jimin
Proceeds to write an essay which only means JK doesn't trust Jimin with RM at all. Oh and should I remind you RM and Jimin and living in same apartment complex???? While JK is living in whole another place ???
Tbh IF jkk are a couple I can die on a hill to prove Jimin will never be unfaithful to JK but things you all write these days are just not it. For any reader it strikes as JK is too insecure about Minimoni's relationship. All while it's obvious RM is someone Jimin respects deeply and RM is always ready to help Jimin with anything. Their bond is strong because both are very mature people who mutually respect each other.
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People like you who lack reading comprehension skills really do my head in. If you don't understand something come and ask me. I am MORE than happy to explain and clarify.
First of all, anyone with eyes can tell JK has never truly settled in Brunnen. People make jokes about him living like a frat boy because of how empty the place looks. It's coz that's not his home. His home is where Jimin is. Them fighting on that run episode was not for naught. First the lamp
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then the couch and TV
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That seemed way too natural. Like they've done that many times before. Jimin knew they would have different opinions coz its happened b4. And JK has great taste btw. Him and Jhope are the neatest members so I expect his actual home looks very stylish and very well furnished. Nine-one is their shared home so Minimoni being neighbours is irrelevant.
When exactly did I say Jimin has ever been or would ever be unfaithful to JK??? I see its come for Shaz day, today. I have said over a million times Jikook have been with each other and only each other since day one. I have also said many times all members not just Minimoni love and respect each other. But I guess u didn't see those posts, huh? How convinient.
My post was about one particular topic and that topic was the only one that I addressed. It had nothing to do with how Minimoni are outside of Jikook.
You saying that post was about how JK doesn't trust Jimin is fucking bull. JK being possessive and territorial over Jimin has nothing to do with trust. I've said it before, but if Jikook were not hiding, if they were public, JK wouldn't act the way that he does. He wouldn't need to claim Jimin.
things you write these days are just not it.
Nigga no one is forcing you to be here. Unfollow or block, you don't gotta see my shit! You're coming off like you don't believe that JK gets bothered or annoyed which is just lies Jikookers tell themselves for what reason, idk.
This man used the wrong fucking entrance just so he would be the one sitting next to Jimin and not Suga. Riddle me why he would do that? Please.
I'm guessing you also ignore the tongue in cheek thing he used to do when bothered or annoyed? Well then explain to me why he does it here when he hears that Jimin, V and Jin went hiking together.
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Last but not least this anti Minimoni moment where JK touches RM but when Jimin reaches for him JK prevents that from happening. It's very subtle and easy to miss but it's been kindly zoomed in for us here with dramatic music to boot
(Watch V watching JK's hands and see for yourself that that really happened. V sees everything) Here is the original thanks to @chim-chim1310 as always 馃槝馃槝 It makes sense that JK did that since everyone was just praising RM in that moment. 馃き馃き
But my point is this is just a JK thing that has nothing to do with him not trusting Jimin. From what I've gathered its actually normal in SK for men to be this territorial about their other halves.
I know it's taboo among Jikookers to talk about this side of Jikook. But just because I came along and I ain't afraid to bring up this sensitive topic doesn't mean u can come for me and call me a liar. You don't like me, block me. You wanna stick around then bloody get used to it.
Normalise discussing Jimin and JK being bothered by certain things when it comes to eo.
Oh! And should I remind you RM and Jimin and living in the same apartment complex????
With 4 question marks. Bitch please! As if we don't all know about this account that sells beds and only follows Jikook.
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Jikook were rumoured to be seen walking into a furniture store only for this account to follow them not long after. Now they're only following Jimin but that's because Mr. Rebel deleted his IG. Jikook live together anon, so don't talk to me about Minimoni being neighbours. It means fuck all in relation to the topic at hand.
Next time fix your tone when you need clarification from me or keep your damn reservations to yourself.
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abri-chan 4 years
Sure the youtuber is Cosmonaut Variety Hour and the video is titled "Why I Don't Like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure". (I don't care if someone doesn't like Jojo, I mean everyone's taste is different; but when you've claimed to have read a series and then claim stuff about it that is straight up wrong, well it makes me question more than just your reading comprehension skills.)
I will check it out rn, and come back to edit my answer.
(will write more once I finish it cuz I need to sleep)
First this is from an account that mostly vlogs of why he doesn't like things, so idk what I expected.
I feel he is right with regards to part 3 being weak, I definitely found part 2 more interesting bc Joseph was cool and it was all about wits. I kinda agree with his arguments on Jotaro being cool when used sparingly, and how it used to be the case secondary characters got no backstory and thus the reader didn't have to care. I don't agree with the tropes he thinks JoJo characters belong to--he makes it too simplistic. Secco is not a crazy guy who wants to kill people (he really just does what Cioccolata says bc he's his dog), and even the crazies in JoJo are more different than they are similar: try comparing Dio to Melone to Kira. (He gave like 3 character buckets... so prepare to have your faves all in the coward or crazy categories)
But I'm seeing he starts equating part 3 to all JoJo parts, and actually going forward, starting with part 5 a lot of those issues were fixed. Part 5 starts having character development for non-main characters (I've always said part 3 was a waste of characters and should have gotten at least a VA take).
Another thing, and to his credit he mentions it's a subjective review, the guy seems to like more realistic/relatable anime/manga. He said he really liked Josuke and part 4, which is basically slice of life. You can't even disagree with him, bc JoJo is liked by those that want the over the top flashy characters and are in for the wacky aspect of it, narrative or logic be damned. So it's really, if that's what he dislikes, he won't like the core of JoJo. (Or be one of those fans that only like part 1 best bc they like that realistic and familiar setup it has, and hate Stone Ocean bc it's where it goes bizarre bizarre--and won't even touch part 8 I'm guessing)
People should not equate why he doesn't like jojo to why JoJo is bad... There are things that everyone loves and I find to have merit that I hate, but I guess people are reading him as he's reviewing JoJo, instead of ranting on it. Again the frame he's applying to JoJo is him wanting realistic characters or relatable situations, and that's not JoJo my dudes. An actual review would have to have some objective measures, the good, the bad at the very least, and usually more specific complaints than just "part 3 was bloated, and characters bland, and that's my issue with JoJos" the leap here when there's 5 more parts???
Collorary, comments trying to persuade him are attacking this from the wrong angle: it's not if jojo has merits or not, it's "I have a framework of what stories I find interesting, so the more jojo deviates from it, the less I will like it. It's a sum of errors from my baseline and that's big for JoJo." This would be someone trying to persuade me the Notebook is a good movie where my framework/baseline is SF/horror/weird-fiction/at the very least action?, it's not going to match well and I probably won't enjoy it. (I probably would enjoy Titanic more though than the Notebook though).
Okay he pulled a digibro on part 5, cuz he really hated it which it's funny bc it fixed the issues part 3 have... So the storyline I agree it is a mess, and then again JoJo doesn't have good storylines: it's either very basic plots or just a string of cool episodes put together (compare to Monster), except maybe part 7... But the cool part about JoJo is the flashy characters and bizarre fights---you know the*bizarre* as the title suggests... He just hates the bizarre in JoJo, and you can't argue with that. (As a part 5 fan I don't agree Giorno is the worst JoJo, Johnny is 馃憖) I have a lot of the arguments for Giorno, it felt the rest of characters had more stakes in the game... But storywise I feel it has some good aspects: while part 4 had a more cohesiveness overall plot, part5 is where side characters started getting development. I also don't think this guy gets it that Araki meant out-of-Japan JoJo parts to be exotic; it's the Rose of Versailles effect where people got enamoured with France bc it was foreign... So it is meant to be unrealistic... (Plot holes in VA are not specific to VA, all parts suffer from those...)
He didn't even read part 6 bc he was exhausted. Okay, so the verdict is, he has some fair points on JoJo, like the storyline and plot being a mess, and fights being cluttered in manga form (why I'm waiting for part 6 to do justice in animation to fights), and that for half of JoJo side characters got no develop. But the gist of the issue is that he doesn't like the thing for which JoJo fascinates people, that is the bizarre... And that's a taste thing, you either like it or you don't--you can't even be wrong here. I really love the creativity of powers and nonsense JoJo has, the local instead of the general plot if you will. (And that the characters eventually grew flashy to the point you can get their personality in a few episodes they show up, but I suppose that is minor.)
(okay done with the video... you can't force people to watch jojo if they don't like the weirdness of it. also is all his twich jojo bros? like tumblr fans mostly write xReader insert my dude. Honestly he likes neverland and I can't--i hated that anime)
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