#idk why he looks like some shoujo ML in this
dreadark · 3 months
imagine you’re on a date with silverash you have a great time then you’re about to go home and he tells you
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elpercotreviews · 2 years
All Time Favorite Mangas Part 2 (completed only)
That’s right, I remembered I had a tumblr. We will now commence part two of my all time favorite mangas, and of course, like I said before, these are only the manga that are completed.
6. Gokusen
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If I had to pick something that was truly truly my all time favorite manga, it’d probably have to be Gokusen. It’s labelled as a josei, and I don’t know anyone who’s read it, despite its decent success. Gokusen also has an anime adaption as well as a live action adaption and I have not seen either, nor do I plan to lmaooo.
Basically Gokusen is about this woman who becomes a teacher at a really rebellious all boys school, while also trying to hide the fact that she is the daughter and heir to a prominent yakuza family. I would say the main focus of the manga is fighting and comedy. The manga is super funny with a ton of jokes and gags, and I’ve actually reread Gokusen multiple times.
And yes, I will address probably the biggest issue of this manga which is the age gap and difference in power between the female lead and her main love interest. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS I do appreciate how the manga tried to offset the issues by making the FL a ditzy idiot and the ML really mature, but that didn’t change the fact that she’s his teacher .... IDK They also technically don’t kiss until like this special epilogue chapter thingy a whole year after the manga ended. So yeah tbh idk how to feel about it. The manga itself suprisingly didn’t have too much of a focus on “romance” per se because the ML only confesses his feelings at the VERY end, like this within the last like twenty pages of the entire manga. And the FL sorta-ish kinda doesn’t reciprocate??? SORTA IDK. Basically she’s kinda just like flustered and shooketh by it and they almost kiss but get interrupted. So yeah Imma forgive this relationship on the ground that it doesn’t start at all until the ML is graduated, a legal adult, and she is no longer his teacher.
DESPITE ALL THAT, like I said, this is genuinely my favorite manga that I’ve reread time and time again. It’s not very long either, like under 100 chapters so technically if you’re a fast reader like me, it can be read in a single day. For context, I read the entirety of Naruto in about a week lol. If you like comedy, and yazuka manga then I highly recommend.
7. Hirunaka no Ryuusei aka Daytime Shooting Star aka one of the best completed shoujo mangas out there
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OKAY OKAY, this one’s a pretty mainstream favorite for those in the shoujo manga audience, BUT THERES A REASON FOR IT MMKAY. AND I HAVE A REASON FOR IT TOO. This manga holds a deep and special place in my heart for multiple reasons. AND BECAUSE I NEEDA GO IN DETAIL, THERE WILL BE SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS
Okay FIRST. THE STORY. OMG, okay I think what sets this manga apart is how mature and realistic feeling the story feels. The characters are all really relatable and feel ya know, REAL. And IDK the vibes of this manga are just not really able to be replicated. Cuz the mangaka’s work after this one, Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet ... SUCKED. And I’m saying this as a big fan of that mangaka (I’ve read all their short stories as well).
But on a more personal note, back when I was in high school, I had a boyfriend who was 19 while I was 16. He was half Japanese and I swore he looked like Shishio-sensei (those were rose tinted glasses, he was probably way uglier tbh, plus he was a total asshole). Reading this manga made me feel justified in the relationship, since the main character Suzume also had a weird situationship with an older guy. OH BOY I WISH YOUNGER ME HAD SOME MORE SENSE BUT THAT’S TOO LATE NOW ISN’T IT. And if you know how this manga ends, you already know she doesn’t even end up with her teacher, god bless. Back when I was younger and in that toxic relationship, I always wondered why did Suzume pick Mamura. I never understood it, because the teacher always felt like the main character. But when my relationship ended and I stayed single for a bit, it made me realize that was kinda the point of the manga. Suzume’s feelings for her teacher were supposed to be one-sided/unrequited sorta-ish. Because a relationship between a student and a teacher is obviously a big NO-NO. So of course, she ends up with Mamura, the guy friend who was nice and always there for her in a platonic way, and then eventually of course in a romantic way. The mangaka's short stories were also like that too where the main character moves on from an unrequited/inappropriate love to someone who is more age appropriate. And this is why the author’s OTHER manga fails BTW, because that whole message is THROWN AWAY and the FL ends up with a dude who’s double her age deadass in such a weird and unrealistic situation tbh. Yeah ... idk why they decided to completely switch up and fumble the bag like that. But ANYWAY, I have a lot of love and respect for this manga because it helped me really reanalyze and think about my own love life and relationships.
Also Mamura is such a sweetie pie. I’m such a sucker for his character type now that I’m older. Obviously I used to be wayyyy more into Shishio-sensei’s type but I’ve matured and can see why Mamura was for the win bwahaha.
8. Ouroboros
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If you’re like one of the 10 people reading my tumblr, then you may or may not have expected this to be something I love. I’mma start keeping things short cuz TBH, I started this post like MONTHS ago, and it’s taken me this long to write soooo here we go.
Basically Ouroboros is about two orphans who have a beloved carer/teacher. When they’re young she gets murdered and it all gets like covered up and shit so they vow revenge on the person who murdered here and all the cops that covered it up. In present day, Ikuo is a detective and Tatsuya is a yakuza member. They work together behind the scenes to uncover the truth and get their revenge.
Ouroboros is one of my favorite completed manga in the seinen genre because it has kinda everything I like about the genre. It’s dark, it’s gritty, it doesn’t hold back its punches. The main female character and sorta love interest is actual INTERESTING and her life doesn’t evolve around the main guy. She has her own story and her own shit going on too.
The main two characters are also very interesting in their motivations and personalities because they are two very different people but share a common bond and goal in life. I really liked their relationship and how the interacted and worked together.
TBH the art style is kinda more on the ugly side, but it’s definitely tolerable and there are some scenes that looked pretty good.
Tokyo Ghoul AND Tokyo Ghoul Re (until the very end oof)
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My opinion for this is NOT a hot take, cuz multiple people seem to have this similar sentiment.  Since Tokyo Ghoul:re is a direct sequel I’m counting them as together mmkay. I loved Tokyo Ghoul and I loved Tokyo Ghoul:re. They were so good, all the characters, the worldbuilding, the lore, the abilities, etc. Ghouls were such an interesting and cool take on the like vampire/demon-esque category and no other manga I’ve seen has any sorta similar creature to ghouls. At least, not to this level of depth and development. I also absolutely adored the art style and thought it was soooo good. I also love Kaneki Ken and I’ve seen the anime (not the :re anime I heard that shit was kinda wack). BUT if you asked me what the FUCK happened in like the last 15/10 chapters of Tokyo Ghoul:re, I could not tell you to save my life.
SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS I gotta be honest, I genuinely don’t think I can properly recall wtf happened after that one ghoul/investigator guy died. Everything after that was a blur to me. I remember Touka getting pregnant, and Kaneki turning into some giant ugly ass tumor thing and THAT’S ABOUT IT.
I thought the set up for the sequel was SOOO good. The introduction of ghoul investigators, having Kaneki have this dual/forgotten personality. I thought Kaneki as Haise was really cute and sweet. So it just sucks that the moment that Haise is gone, you lose your “likable” protagonist. And now you just have this guy that’s all evil and dead inside. Like I know this is a common theme in stories, and in shounen manga, of living long enough to turn into the villain, but idk I feel like it didn’t work for Tokyo Ghoul, especially the weird tumor monster ending was so random feeling and wtf, and just URGH.
Such a good manga ruined by the ending and inability to close out and tie the story up. I feel like Kaneki’s story coulda ended in such a better way. Cuz this isn’t even dramatically sad or emotional in a good way that pulls your heart strings. I remember reading the last chapters and truly going like “girl what the fuck is going on.”
Blade of the Immortal
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I liked it. Pretty good. Just ... another issue of women being written off really weirdly, pushed to the side kinda issue. Not too bad but definitely noticeable where the main female character, despite how LONG this story is, never truly has any real character growth and awkwardly always remains needed to be saved and weak. Still good story and would recommend it for people looking for a kinda classic old-time samurai story.
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