#idk why but just the idea of hanma being hanma and totally normal kills me XD
amaya-writes · 2 years
since you asked for it... how about some headcanons of mikey, sendou, hanma and draken of when the reader brings them a bento box with their lunch? but not any lunch- those cute ones with animals, happy faces, flowers, etc.
Notes: this req is like sooooo cute omg- uh anyways idk Sendou very well so I didn't write for him
Warnings: n/a just fluff lol
Characters involved: Mikey, Hanma, Draken
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
Manjiro Sano (Mikey)
Mikey thinks your bento is the most adorable thing ever.
Or at least, he would have thought that had he not been having lunch with the rest of the Toman leaders that day.
"Not a word."
He might have tried to sound intimidating as Mikey picked at the octopus-shaped sausages you had made for him, but there was no mistaking the pink flush dusting his cheeks.
The others chose to keep the teasing to a minimum because they think of you like a sibling, but they do think it's absolutely adorable that you pack him bentos like that.
Mikey will probably pretend to be annoyed the next time he sees you, but with the way he clings to you and whines about it, it's clear that he was just flustered by how cute the bento was.
This kind of backfires for you though because now he always wants his rice shaped like little rabbits and his sausages like octopus.
Even throws a fuss if you so as consider giving him a normal bento after then.
Hanma Shuji
Is lowkey confused at first.
He still thinks it's super cute but he just can't really understand why you would think it was a good idea to give him one of those cute bentos.
Unlike Mikey he isn't actually embarrassed by it or anything. He thinks it's adorable and even shows it off to the others.
If anyone dares to try and make fun of him he just tells them they're jealous their partner doesn't do the same for them. This is usually followed by a threat to beat them up.
Overall, he's pretty neutral about it.
But expect to be teased A LOT when he meets up with you after that.
Hanma will literally not stop going on about how he thinks it's so adorable that you put in so much effort for his bento.
"You probably just wanted me to praise you for being good at it didn't you?" He only stops when you pretend to be offended and say you won't make him bentos again. It's only then that Hanma tugs you to him by your waist and genuinely thanks you for the food.
You're a little struck by how sincere he is in that moment, especially when he mentions he's not used to other people taking care of him like this.
But your cute little moment quickly turns back into another teasing fest as he pesters you about what you want to make for him next and calls you his cute little housewife/husband.
Ken Ryuguji (Draken)
Pretends to be indifferent, is dying inside.
He thinks it's absolutely adorable that you would bother doing something like this for him, especially since he never really got bentos as a kid.
But he also has a mean and scary reputation to uphold which is why he can't help but turn a little red when seated with the rest of Toman eating Tamagoyaki with little faces on them.
Baji and Mitsuya are the only ones who dare to tease him while Mikey casually steals a bit of his bento just because it looks cute.
He even complains about how Draken got such a cute bento and says he'll ask you to cook him cute things too.
Ken doesn't even realise he's lowkey glaring at the thought of you doing something so sweet for someone else until the rest of the boys start laughing.
When he meets up with you later he doesn't really say anything and just casually thanks you for the bento.
Or he would have done that had Mikey not been with him.
The shorter blond took great pleasure, droning on and on about how Draken was totally blushing while eating the bento and threatened to kill him when he said he wanted you to make him one.
You know Mikey well enough to be able to tell he's just joking around but that doesn't stop Draken from casually trying to trip him.
Once Mikey leaves the two of you alone (after a lot of complaining and teasing) Ken takes a moment to genuinely thank you for the bento.
He's also pretty intrigued about how you made it and asks you about the stencils you used etc.
Ken even considers making you a cute bento in return someday, after all, he's a decent cook since he always had to cook for himself and he'd love to return your kind gesture.
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yuichi-ro · 3 years
ik ur running the dark content event atm (good job; its amazing!) but the latest chapter leaks fucked my disgusting lil mikey simp brain up and i cope with it by writing (hanma) fluff. sorry not sorry XD
also how did u know i was literally thinking about Noritoshi and Getou when writing my ask for the special, get out of my head i swear there is nothing interesting in there
hanma wakes up one day; but its not his room, nor the warehouse he sometimes sleeps in. its a real bed, not just a smelly old mattress on the floor. when he looks at his hands, they are wrinkly, when he stretches, his joints hurt and crack in ways he had never known and when he looks in the mirror he can see grey hairs peeking through.
hanma is thoroughly confused. he recognises himself, its still him but he definitely isn’t 16 anymore. did he get hit so hard on the head that he cannot remember anything anymore? was he in a coma for 30 years, what is happening?
he looks around a bit; it’s definitely a bedroom. ordinary and quaint but more than he has ever known. everything looks new and shiny.
is this supposed to be his future or something? he must have hooked up with someone and stayed over at their place, how else is he supposed to explain it? still a bit dazed, he leaves the bedroom and heads downstairs, cursing a little at his aching joints; if this is what it means to be an adult he’d rather die young, he tiredly muses.
when he enters the kitchen, he freezes. there is a nice smell of eggs and pancakes wafting through the house and the cause of it is a young lanky boy with hair unmistakably his. his figure makes him look older than he actually is, he is maybe 12, maybe 13 but probably not much older.
“morning dad”
ah so it was a hook up. just a hook up a couple of years in the past.
his son, he now assumes, smiles at him; a smile he recognises all too well a smile that can only belong to-
and there you are, a basket of fresh laundry in your hand as you tease him for sleeping in for far too long.
you are older too, obviously, but god you are still the hottest thing hanma has ever laid his eyes upon. whatever this dream future shit is, he is sure he doesn’t want to ever wake up again.
that you would settle for someone like him? impossible, illogical, stupid even.
but also something he has never wanted more in his life.
the mundaneness should bore him, it really should but somehow it doesn’t. the domesticity is strangely alluring, god he must have really mellowed out- he will truly mellow out?
it still makes no sense to him, whatever it is, but he would be a fool to not enjoy it. and he does enjoy it; spends all of the day with his family- something he never thought he had, truly enjoying his time with you and the mini-him.
when he wakes up the next day, it is some couch again that he crashed on, the smell of fresh breakfast replaced with the smell of old cigarettes and cheap deodorant.
maybe it was just a fever dream but- just based on the slim, tiny chance that it truly was a glimpse into the future, hanma will do anything to make that his reality.
maybe he should just start with actually asking you out.
here hope u enjoy my soft word vomit; tl;dr shows cant fuck with my mental health during my exam phase thx and goodbye
the way I'm watching all Mikey simps self combust. My wife included. Is killing me 😂 Naota said to kill Mikey!! But no no one listen to the Aries it's not like we know what we're talking about!!! Smh the shit Aires gotta put up with in shows. I'll take the "Naota has been right since day one" to my god damn grave 😂 me sitting here with my albeit odd but almost well behaved Hanma husband in comparison to the fucked up gremlin that Mikey crawled out of the womb being
yer brain is nice. I like it in here. I'm never leaving >:D
Oh my god I don't know if you ever saw my short little post about timeskipper!Hanma. Where the person that sent him too and from (like Naoto) the future and present was the reader that he was dearly in love with. But you word vomit reminded me so much of that!! My brains a bit scrambled I woke up early and have been doing yardwork all day but-
timeskipper!Hanma still being in love with you after everything's gone down. Being with Kisaki was a little "safer" bc at least it was fun and he didn't get violently jerked to a bleak future if he touched him. Unlike with you. Every time he touches you its this god awful dreadful future that he doesn't want to think about. But doesn't want to do anything in the moment to make better. That's tomorrows problem. Never the problem he wants to deal with today. But after Kisaki's death. Being a fugitive. Living like shit and not in an exciting way. He's certain this is why his future was so bleak. He really dug his hole with this one. But lets face it he's too lazy to fix it now. All he can really do is maybe see you one more time before succumbing to the fate he's already seen. And that's when it happens. When the leap drives him back to the future. Waiting to be thrust into the shit scene he always knew when this happened. It's why he stopped coming around you. Stopped chancing having to see his shitty future of his. What he comes to through isn't the same though. He's certain he's leapt but this...this isn't what he use to see. The kid. You. The warm house. None of this is familiar. Not what he use to know was his fate. This seems like a cruel joke. Until the older version of you kisses him on the cheek and tells him to get ready for breakfast. Before he can even say anything. Hanma is ripped back to the past. Standing. Not alone this time. No. He's standing in front of you. With you looking at him in the most peculiar way but he has no idea why. Desperate to take the easy route and go back to that future. Hanma grabs your wrist. This would surprise you if this wasn't Hanma we were talking about. When he expects to be yanked from his conscious. The sinking feeling in his stomach happens. Desperate he even laces your fingers together. Trying and realizing you hand isn't doing anything. He's still here. He's still standing right in front of you.
"What are you doing?" "I should be asking you that Shuji, what are you doing?" "I uh- I was-" "You had asked me out." And Shuji freezes. Not even recalling that he had said that. Before it didn't matter what happened when he was 'gone' to say. But not he realizes he has no idea if you answered him or not. "And...you said....?" "I said yes Shuji. I'll always say yes."
It's then Hanma realizes why he can't go back. He has to make that future he saw a reality. He has to do it himself if he wants to wake up one day to the smell of pancakes, your kisses and his son.
asdfghjkl sorry I went off ignore me I don't love Hanma I swear
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