#idk why but i didn't think i'd be this outwardly upset until it happened
an-abyss-of-stars Β· 1 year
He Saw Her At Daybreak - Baby HeadCanon #2
Out here posting more Rhaemond baby headcanons instead of actually reworking my behemoth of a chapterrrrr 🀣🀣
So this one, is about the first three babies! 4yr old Vaella, strutting the castle with her two 2yr old baby brothers waddling along behind her. I imagine these three escape/run away from their nursemaids quite often πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ and I'd say it's 100% Vaella who initiates these escape plans!
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I'm not sure what starts it, whether some of the nursemaids pissed Vaella off or maybe she was just in the mood for chaos πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ but she hatches a plan, and she enlists her baby brothers to help her (by this point, baby Valaena would only be 1yrs old and Rhaena would most likely still be pregnant with baby Naerys, so the younger girls aren't helping with thisπŸ˜‚). Now, how a 4yr old and two 2yr olds manage to spike the maids tea, idk, but they do, and they create a mess of things when all their nursemaids become incredibly ill! (Like horribly sick, puking and nauseous, nothing too deadly...or maybe one or two do die πŸ€”)
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I imagine Vaella directing her brothers around like her own personal little troop πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ and Daemion, ever so happy to assist his big sister, is happily handing her things to make their nursemaids tea the worst concoction to ever be ingested.
When all is said and done, and both Rhaena and Aemond get word that somehow all of their nursemaids have fallen ill, they both know exactly WHO did it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Rhaena gets to the kids first, summoning them all to her and Aemond's chambers, lining them up in a row to see which baby will crack first. 🀣🀣 Like imagine a prisoners line-up, but it's three adorable babies instead 🀣🀣🀣 Vaella's standing tall, all smiles, totally proud of her work. Daemion is just giggling, having a good time, cause truthfully he really has no idea what he's actually helped to do. And poor little Aelyx, he's just fiddling his little fingers, twisting his little feet, like he feels really guilty even though he didn't do anything and he also has no idea what actually happened either πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ he just hates being put on the spot like this πŸ₯Ί and Rhaena knows it, so she calls him over to her almost immediately, because Aelyx is on the verge of tears and she knows he's the most innocent baby of the group anyways.
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Rhaena has started a minor lecture, she's not keen on her kids killing the staff because they think it's a fun past time. Then Aemond finally arrives (idk where he was or what he was doing, but let's say he was actually busy with important reforms or paperwork or something when he got the news that his nursemaids were suddenly ill) , he walks in, sees his kids lined up as they are, instantly knows Vaella is the one who orchestrated everything πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ he's honestly more proud than upset, like he finds this kind of amusing even if he doesn't outwardly show it at that moment. He knows Rhaena would admonish him as well if he did πŸ˜‚
I imagine, in this scenario, Aemond doesn't even interject, like he lets his wife lecture their kids about the sanctity of life (even if he doesn't really care about the lives of their staff). He's fine until the end of lecture, when Rhaena let's Daemion off with a warning but tells Vaella she must go and apologize to the maids. Aemond's all "wait, what??" and Rhaena simply smiles and nods, ushering him to go with their daughter to make sure she actually gives a genuine apology.
Vaella is 100% her father's daughter, she doesn't understand why she needs to apologize to the staff, and she absolutely groans her disappointment, but she can't disobey her mama. So she goes with her papa, takes his hand when he offers it, and they go down to the servants quarters where the maids are laid up in bed (the living ones) recovering. Vaella musters a rather lackluster apology, the kind that you can tell she was obviously made to do. But it doesn't really matter, Aemond is standing behind her, offering up the most menacing glare ever, like literally "you better accept this fucking apology that MY baby is giving you" kind of shit 🀣🀣🀣
So of course the terrified maids nod, happily accept the apology from the little Princess and Vaella just skips away afterwards like she didn't try to kill all those poor ladies just doing their job 🀣🀣
This is a long headcanon, but I've thought about this one in GREAT DETAIL 🀣
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frogfamiliar Β· 7 years
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